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The Role of Bagac in the Province of Bataan

Bagac aims that its desired role as the Prime Eco-tourism Destination and Ecoindustrial
Center of Bataan will contribute to the overall development of the province of which the
Municipality is an integral part. To achieve its role as the prime ecotourism destination of
the province, Bagac should attract more travelers or tourists to come in the Municipality
than all other municipalities/cities in the province. While it has to make its business
environment friendly and attractive to investors to achieve its role as one of the centers
of eco-industrial activities in Bataan.

1. As Prime Eco-tourism Destination

As the largest municipality of the Province of Bataan, Bagac has many places
of interest where tourists can visit in. It has vast natural parks and long
beautiful beaches. It is endowed with natural scenic spots like the Bataan
Natural Park, Salaman Bisay Falls, Quinawan Bat Cave, and Binukawan
Ambon-Ambon Water Falls that boost itself as the tourism hub of the
province. Numerous beach resorts located along its beautiful and healthy
coastline are being enjoyed by both local and foreign tourists particularly
during the months of March to June. Tourists can also experience Bagacs
marine life beauty through scuba diving and snorkeling activities in some of its
healthy coral reefs.

Aside from its natural beauty, one of the significant historical events in the country
happened in Bagac. The infamous Death March wherein thousands of Filipino and
American soldiers were forcibly transferred from Bataan to Tarlac by the Imperial
Japanese Army that caused around 10,000 lives had passed through the
Municipality of Bagac. Hence, historical landmarks like the Zero Kilometer Death
March Marker and the Filipino- Japanese Friendship Tower built by Risho-Koseki
of Japan are found in Barangay Bagumbayan.

These put Bagac in the map of Bataan as a tourism hub. Its Vision as the Prime
Eco-Tourism Destination of the province is deemed achieved when the
following indicators as identified by the stakeholders during the multi-sectoral
workshop are realized:

a. Able to specialize in different tourism class. Being a tourism

destination, the Municipality should not only focus in a particular
tourism class but instead develop a variety of tourism activities to
include cultural and historical. In this way, tourists would have several
options to choose from. For instance, aside from showcasing Bagacs
natural beauty, it may also promote its traditional and cultural shows
as another tourist attractions.

b. Increased in tourist visiting the Municipality by 20 percent annually.

A tourist destination is a place characterized by constant increase in the
number of tourists visiting in the area. It also demonstrates higher
tourist arrivals compared with other neighboring areas which offer the
same products and services. From the current average of 18,250
tourists visiting the Municipality annually, the Municipal Government
of Bagac is targeting to increase it by 20 percent every year. This implies
that the Municipality should exert extra efforts to attract more tourists
by offering them something that are uniquely Bagac.

c. Developed tourist sites. Based on the trends, people are not just visiting
a tourist destination because of the place itself. Some are visiting because
of the activities therein which enable them to interact and connect not just
with their fellow tourists but also with the nature. Most of the tourism
spots of Bagac now are underutilized. Developing
Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) 2014-2028
Municipality of Bagac

these tourist spots by creating more activities that would attract

people to visit these places should be the priority of Bagac.

d. Preserved tourist areas. A prime eco-tourism destination relies mainly

on its tourist areas/spots the absence of these spots means a waste
of time pursuing the Municipalitys role. Aspiring to be the prime
ecotourism destination of Bataan for the next 14 years and beyond,
Bagac should improve and protect its tourist spots through different
legal mechanisms. These mechanisms should lay down not only on how
to make these tourism areas/spots available and enjoyable to both the
tourists and local residents but also ensure their preservation and
protection for the next generation.

e. High standard tourist facilities. Tourism facilities and infrastructures

are vital components of a prime tourist destination. The government
should ensure that a tourism area/spot is accessible to all tourists who
are coming in the Municipality. These facilities are where tourists can
stay comfortably while enjoying the beauty of nature. The Municipality
shall facilitate the upgrade of existing facilities and encourage new ones
to conform to the international standard by ensuring that each of the
tourist destinations can provide all the amenities needed by the

f. Presence of a Tourism Master Plan. To be a successful tourist

destination, one should have everything planned. Hence, a Tourism
Master Plan which contains the Municipalitys vision on tourism, its
strategies on how to improve/develop tourism activities, how to attract
tourists to come in, and the Municipalitys programs, projects, and
activities to support the local government should be formulated. With the
Plan, the local government will facilitate the institutionalization of tourism
management in the Municipality by creating a Tourism Office which will be
in-charge of promoting tourism activities in Bagac.

g. Presence of campaigns for tourism. Some LGUs have their tourism

programs well-known to others by making tourism campaigns over the
media (print, radio, TV, ect.). Other LGUs especially those with limited
resources are taking advantage of social media. To promote the tourism of
the Municipality, it is an effective tool if the government will look into the
possibility of campaigning it in different media or strategies. A clear focus
on what kind of tourism the Municipality has to offer to the prospective
tourists should be determined.

A life sustaining and clean and green environment adaptive to climate

change is considered achieved when its natural resources both land and water
are preserved and protected from illegal activities as indicated by zero percent
occurrence of illegal logging, the number of cut trees is half the number of
planted trees, the forest cover is intact, and biodiversity reservation
sanctuaries are established (e.g. the Pawikan Reservation Sanctuary). Likewise,
this means that the Municipality recorded zero percent occurrence of illegal
fishing using dangerous methods (i.e. dynamite and poisoning), and the water
quality is at good level or within standard (zero percent occurrence of waste in
coastal areas).

This vision of Bagac for the state of its natural environment requires strong
commitment of all stakeholders of the Municipality to safeguard its
environment both for present and future generations.


The Municipality of Bagac has identified four major development goals that would
facilitate the achievement of its Vision Statement. Each goal has its corresponding
strategies to be pursued for it to be realized. These include the following:

1. Recognition of Bagac as the prime eco-tourism destination of Bataan. By

2028, the Municipality aims to be recognized not only by the province but also
by the country as the prime eco-tourism destination of Bataan.

To realize this objective, the following strategies can be used by the

Municipality as guide in the implementation of its programs, project, and

a. Improve existing tourism facilities and develop potential tourist sites.

Aside from ecological tourism, existing and potential tourist sites could
also be developed by promoting other tourism activities such as
historical tourism, cultural tourism, and agri-tourism, among others so
that it will not be focused in one particular tourism type. This will
enable the visitors to choose from a variety of options which would let
them enjoy their stay and inspire them to go back to the place. This
would also entail development or improvement of tourism support
infrastructures such as transportation routes and modes from and to
the tourist sites. Upgrading of tourist related facilities from basic into
high quality or international standard which would encourage visitors
to come is also vital for Bagac to be recognized as the prime ecotourism

b. Preserve tourist areas. To have sustainable tourism activities in the

Municipality, all its tourist areas should be preserved for the enjoyment of
the present as well as the future generation. The government plays an
important role on this matter as it is the only one with capacity to

Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) 2014-2028
Municipality of Bagac

lay down tangible policies on the preservation and protection of the


c. Intensive tourism campaign. To let the people around the world know
what Bagac can offer to them is the most effective approach for it to be
recognized as the prime eco-tourism destination of Bataan. Of todays
digital era, there are various media to choose from. The
Municipality may opt to use the print, TV, or radio if it has enough
resources, or it may take advantage of the internet through social
media and other medium if it has limited budget. However, the
challenge for the Municipality is to come-up with a concrete tourism
campaign action plan so that all activities to be done are coordinated
and well-planned and that the outcome will be remarkable.

2. Balanced and healthy natural environment. This objective was identified to

achieve its desired state of natural environment that is to have life-sustaining,
clean and green adaptive to climate change living environment. To attain this
goal, the following strategies are identified:

a. Maintain a greener environment. Bagac is predominantly forested.

However, as its population increases, the need to provide areas for
settlement also increases. Expanding its urban area will affect other
land uses specifically agricultural and forest. To maintain its green
environment and preserve it for future generation, deforested areas
should be planted with trees, illegal logging should be eliminated, and
cutting of trees for production should be reduced.

b. Promote environmental consciousness. Awareness towards

preservation of natural environment is important in promoting a
balanced and healthy environment. If the local populace of Bagac are
aware of the consequences of environmental degradation, their way of
life on how to treat the environment may be changed. As changing
behavior does not happen overnight, environmental awareness should
start at school it should be part of the school curriculum for basic

c. Formulate an Environmental Management Plan. This will include

comprehensive plans for land, water, air, solid waste and biodiversity.
For instance, a Coastal Resource Management Plan for marine water
resource preservation is an immediate need of the Municipality as its
long coastline is slowly degrading due to rampant illegal activities by
the residents living along the coast and river system.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) 2014-2028
Municipality of Bagac

d. Establish reservation sanctuaries for critically endangered species.

Bagac has rich biodiversity. It has been cited by the province as
sanctuary of many species especially Pawikan. Today, there are private
organizations, resort owners, individual families who have established
small scale Pawikan reservation sanctuaries which help the
government in preserving and protecting these species. However, a
tangible project from government to establish sanctuaries for these
species would be beneficial in attaining its goal to have a balance and
healthy environment.

e. Strict implementation of existing environmental plans and laws.

There are already local and national laws that protect the environment.
However, the Municipality has limited resources and manpower
capability to implement these laws in its local territory. The said plans
can further be implemented through the presence of barangay
volunteers and additional rangers that may help monitor activities that
affects the environment.

f. Promote disaster resiliency and climate change adaptability. Bagac as

a coastal and mountainous Municipality is vulnerable to both geological
and metrological hazards. To make it disaster resilient and adaptive to
climate change, DRRM and CCA should be mainstreamed to all its local
planning activities.

3. Sufficient and improved quality infrastructure facilities and utilities. To

realize its vision to have a well-managed built-environment, Bagac should
ensure that all basic infrastructures facilities and utilities needed by the
community are present and in good condition. This goal is identified to support
the Municipalitys vision of promoting Bagac as the prime eco-tourism
destination and competitive Municipality. To achieve this goal, the following
strategies are identified:

a. Provide safe and efficient routes and modes of transportation in and

through the Municipality while respecting the rural character.

b. Enhance mobility of people and goods and services within the

Municipality through road connectivity.

c. Provide, maintain, and improve existing socio-economic infrastructure

facilities such as health centers, community hospital, schools, police
station, etc.
Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) 2014-2028
Municipality of Bagac

d. Provide and improve access to basic utilities such as power, water, and

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