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IBCI (Indian Best Coaching Institute)

Boiler Engineering
Exclusive numerical question bank: ( Let us know about any mistake)
Question -61 : Calculate quantity of heat available without economizer and fuel oil saving by
providing an economizer for a boiler. The performance data of the boiler are given as below.

Average quantity of steam generated 5 T/hr

Average flue gas temperature 315*C (without economizer)

Average steam generation/kg of fuel oil 14kg

Ambient temperature 40*C

Fuel oil supply quantity 314kg/hr

Flue gas quantity 17.4 kg/kg of fuel

Specific heat of fuel 0.23 kcal/kg*C

GCV of fuel oil 10000Kcal/kg

Rise in feed water temperature by providing economizer 26*C

Annual operation hours 8600hrs. MH BOE-2013

Solution :

Total flue gas quantity =17.4X314=5463.6 Kg/hr

Quantity of heat available without economizer =Total flue gas quantity X specific heat X T

Sensible heat gain after installation of economizer= Mass of steam flow X Rise in FW temperature
=5X1000X26=130000 Kcal/hr

Saving of fuel oil= Sensible heat gain after installation of economizer/GCV of fuel oil
=130000/10000=13 Kg/hr=13X8600 Kg/annum=111.8 tones/annum

Q. 62. Calculate the coal consumption in below mention boiler :

where S/H temp=440*C, Economizer temp=170*C,GCV of coal=4200Kcal/kg, Steam
generation=45TPH & steam pressure=58kg/cm2.

Suppose Boiler efficiency is 80%=0.80
Total enthalpy of steam=
Steam flow in kgX(Specific enthaply of superheated steam-specific enthalpy of Economizer inlet temp)
=45TPHX1000(3276.94Kj/kg/4.18-170) (Kindly note that for sensible heat 1*C=1 Kcal/Kg.)
=27628062.2 Kcals
Total equivalent heat input in the boiler
=34535077.75 Kcals
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IBCI is the Premier BOE Coaching Institution in Raipur (India),where dream convert into reality in very short
IBCI (Indian Best Coaching Institute)
Boiler Engineering
Exclusive numerical question bank: ( Let us know about any mistake)
Coal consumption=Total equivalent heat input in the boiler/GCV of coal

Question -63 : A sample of coal with C=0.78,H2=0.05,O2=0.02,N2=0.02 and ash = 0.05 is burnt in a
furnace with 50% excess air. The flue gas enter the chimney at 325*c and atmospheric
temperature is 15*c . Take the Cp for CO2 , SO2 and air = 1.008 KJ/Kg K. Assume that the heat
carried away per kg of moisture in flue gases is 2940 KJ. Calculate the quantity of heat carried
away by the flue gases in KJ/Kg k .

Solution :
Assume that sulphur is 1% in coal=0.01
Theoretical air required for combustion =
=[(11.6xC)+{34.8X(H2-O2/8)}+(4.35XS)] kg/kg of fuel
=[(11.6X0.78)+{34.8x(0.05-0.02/8)}+(4.35x0.01)] kg/kg of fuel
=[9.048+1.653+0.0435] kg/kg of fuel
=10.7445 kg/kg of fuel
Actual mass of air supplied/ kg of fuel (AAS) =
={1 + EA/100} x theoretical air
=16.11675 kg/kg of fuel
Mass of dry flue gas in kg/kg of fuel =
=1+ AAS
=17.11675 kg/kg of fuel
= Quantity of heat carried away by the flue gases in KJ/Kg k .
={mass of dry flue gasxCpx(flue gas temp at stack inlet-ambient temp)x100}/GCV of fuel
=17.11675kg/kg of fuelx1.008Kj/kg*Kx(598*K-288*K)x100/2940 Kj

Question -64 : A boiler drum of total weight 23500kg is supported by four ropes. Find the diameter
of ropes if allowable stress for role material is 800 Kg/cm2. MH BOE-2013

Solution :
Given that,
& Stress () =800 kg/cm2
Weight carried by an single rope is W(individual)= W/N=23500/4=5875kg.
Thus, diameter of 1 rope is given by,
Stress ()=Weight/Area=5875/(/4*d ) (Rope is considered to be circular)
800=5875/(3.14/4* d )
Diameter of an rope is found to be d=3.05cm

Question -65 :A safety valve is designed to blow off at a gauge pressure of 0.8N/mm2. The valve
is held by a close coiled helical spring of mean coil diameter 180mm and valve disc diameter is
80mm. Find the diameter of spring rod if shear stress of rod is 75N/mm2. AP BOE-2013

Solution :
=4019.2 Nmm
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IBCI is the Premier BOE Coaching Institution in Raipur (India),where dream convert into reality in very short
IBCI (Indian Best Coaching Institute)
Boiler Engineering
Exclusive numerical question bank: ( Let us know about any mistake)
Now according to shear stress consideration on closed coil Helical Spring
Shear stress=(16xWxR)/(xd )
75=(16x4019.2x90)/(3.14xd )
(d )=(16x4019.2)/(3.14x75)
Diameter of spring rod=30mm.

Question -66 : A hollow shaft is to transmit 300KW at 80RPM. If shear stress is not to exceed
60N/mm2 and internal diameter is 0.6 of the external diameter find the external and internal
diameter assuming the max. torque is 1.4 times the mean torque. AP BOE-2013

Solution :
Maximum shear stress ()= 60N/mm
Internal Diameter Di=0.6xExternal diameter
Max Torque Tmax =1.4 times mean torque
Power P= 2NT/60
T=(60xP)/(2N)=(60x300x10 )/(2x3.14x80)=35809.7Nm
Maximum torque transmitted by hollow shaft is given by equation
4 4
=(3.14/16)x60x{[Do -(0.6Do) ]/Do}
Do=169.2=appx. 170mm
External diameter=170mm & Internal diameter=102mm

Question -67 : A boiler is operating at 100bar and 535*C with steam flow rate is 105TPH, the
superheater temperature maintained by 2 stage attemperation. Attemperation feed water supplied
at 156*C and super heated steam temperature of second stage to be maintained at 490*C to
maintain the main steam temperature. The first stage attemperator inlet steam temperature is
515*C. Find the attemperation water flow in the first stage attemperation to maintain the outlet at
490*C[Inlet steam enthalpy, spray water enthalpy and outlet steam enthalpy are
3413.63KJ/KG,658.12KJ/KG and 3349.18KJ/Kg respectively]. AP BOE-2013

Solution :
Suppose S is the attemperation water flow in TPH.
Inlet steam enthalpy =3413.63KJ/Kg=816.27kcal/kg
Spray water enthalpy =658.12KJ/Kg =157.37kcal/kg
Outlet steam enthalpy =3349.18KJ/Kg=800.86kcal/kg
Inlet heat +Spray heat=Outlet heat
Or (F-S)X816.27+Sx157.37=(F)x800.86
Or (105000-S)x816.27+Sx157.37=105000x800.86
Or 85708350-816.27S+157.37S=84090300
Or 85708350-84090300=816.27S-157.37S
Or 1618050=658.9S
Or S=1618050/658.9=2455.68kg per hour
Or S= 2.45568TPH

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IBCI is the Premier BOE Coaching Institution in Raipur (India),where dream convert into reality in very short
IBCI (Indian Best Coaching Institute)
Boiler Engineering
Exclusive numerical question bank: ( Let us know about any mistake)
Question -68 :A boiler working on 100kg/cm2, 535*C. Steam flow is 95 TPH.The economizer inlet
water temperature is 210*C. Find the coal flow in Tonnes per hour when boiler efficiency is 87%
and fuel GCV is 3200 Kcal/kg[Steam enthalpy and water enthalpy are 3464.33KJ/Kg and
897.631Kj/Kg respectively]. AP BOE-2013

Solution :
Coal flow in tonnes per hour
=Mass of steam flowx(Enthalpy of steam-Enthalpy of water)/(Efficiency x GCV of coal)
=20943.3369 Kg per hour
=20.9433369 TPH

Question -69 : Calculate the weight of coal in tones which is stored in a conical shape in the yard
if the diameter at base and height are 100 mts and 75 mts respectively. Assume density of coal is
0.9kg/M3. AP BOE-2013

Solution :
Volume of conical shape:
V=base area perpendicular height/3
= xh/3
Weight of coal
=Volume of conical shape X density of coal
=176.625 tonnes.

Question -70 :In an APH, Gas inlet is 31kg/s with 3.5%oxygen in the outlet the oxygen content
increases to 4.2%. Find the leakage quantity of air and also find the increases in ID fan load %
due to the leakage. AP BOE-2013

Solution :
%Excess air=O2X100/(21-O2)
Excess air content at 3.5% O2=3.5x100/(21-3.5)=20%
Excess air content at 4.2% O2=4.2x100/(21-4.2)=25%
% Increment of excess air=25-20=5%
Leakage quantity=
% Increment of excess air X Gas inlet flow
Increase in ID fan loading%
=Leakage quantityx100/Gas inlet flow

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IBCI is the Premier BOE Coaching Institution in Raipur (India),where dream convert into reality in very short

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