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SYNTHETIC WAXES Thermal Coefcient of Expansion
GUMS Warpage of Wax Patterns
RESINS Physical Characteristics
MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Physical Characteristics

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338 Craigs Restorative Dental Materials

FIGURE 14-1 Applications of waxes in dentistry. Inlay pattern, upper left; boxing of an impression, upper center; corrective
impression, upper right; baseplate, lower left; sticky wax, lower right; casting wax, left center; utility wax, center; and occlusal
registration, right center.

Few procedures in restorative dentistry can be WAXES, GUMS, FATS, AND RESINS
completed without the use of wax in one of its
many forms. Forming an inlay pattern, boxing an Dental waxes may be composed of natural and
impression before it is poured in dental stone, and synthetic waxes, gums, fats, fatty acids, oils, natural
making a baseplate for a removable denture each and synthetic resins, and pigments. The particular
requires a specially formulated wax. Some uses working characteristics of each wax are achieved by
for various dental waxes are shown in Fig. 14-1. blending the appropriate natural and synthetic waxes
These examples display how the tasks these waxes and resins and other additives, some of which are
perform, and therefore their properties, vary greatly. shown in Table 14-1.
Accuracy is a requisite for inlay or removable The chemical components of both natural and
denture patterns, shown in the upper left of Fig. synthetic waxes impart characteristic physical prop-
14-1, whereas for the boxing of an impression, erties to the wax, which are of primary interest
shown in the upper center, the ease and convenient because the specic physical properties of a wax or
manipulation of the wax are essential. Other applica- wax blend determine its usefulness for intended
tions, such as the denture forms shown in the lower applications. Natural waxes are distributed in nature,
left or the corrective impression wax shown in the whereas synthetic waxes are produced by combina-
upper right of Fig. 14-1, require equally varying tion of various chemicals in the laboratory or by
qualities in the waxes, as do the applications of chemical action on natural waxes. The additives may
wax for the border and palate of the metal tray or be natural materials and synthetic products.
for attaching a plaster splint to the model, as
shown in the lower right of the gure. Thus, the
specic use of the dental wax determines the
physical properties that are most desirable for a Historically, waxes have been classied according to
successful application. their origin: (1) mineral, (2) plant, (3) insect, and (4)

Copyright 2012, 2006, 2002, 1997, 1993, 1989, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1968, 1964, 1960 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc.
Chapter 14 Waxes 339

TABLE 14-1 Components of Dental Waxes
C28H57 C O C24H49
Natural Waxes Synthetic Waxes Additives
However, there are other esters composed of
Mineral Acrawax Stearic acid
Parafn Aerosol OT Glyceryl C20C29 acids and C20C30 alcohols.
Microcrystalline Castorwax tristearate This brief description of the composition of
Barnsdahl Flexo-wax C Oils natural waxes indicates that they are complex com-
Ozokerite Epolene N-10 Turpentine
Ceresin Albacer Colorants binations of organic compounds of reasonably high
Montan Aldo 33 Natural resins molecular weights. Also, the composition of these
Plant Durawax 1032 Rosin waxes varies, depending on the source and the time
Carnauba Copal
Ouricury Dammar of collection; therefore, dental manufacturers must
Candelilla Sandarac blend the particular batches of wax to obtain the
Japan wax Mastic properties desired for a particular application.
Cocoa butter Shellac
Insect Kauri Characteristics of various waxes used in dentistry
Beeswax Synthetic resins and described here are summarized in Table 14-2.
Animal Elvax Parafn waxes are obtained principally from the
Spermaceti Polyethylene
Polystyrene high boiling point fractions of petroleum. The melting
temperatures generally increase with increasing
molecular weights. The presence of oils in the wax,
however, lowers the melting temperature; parafn
waxes used in dentistry are rened waxes and have
animal; however, a better classication is based on less than 0.5% oil.
their chemical composition. The two principal groups Parafn waxes produced by current rening pro-
of organic compounds contained in waxes are hydro- cedures can crystallize in the form of plates, needles,
carbons and esters, although some waxes contain or malcrystals, but are usually of the plate type.
free alcohols and acids as well. Many hydrocarbon waxes undergo crystalline
The chief constituents of most mineral waxes are changes on cooling, and a transition from needles to
hydrocarbons ranging from 17 to more than 44 plates occurs about 5 to 8 C below their melting
carbon atoms, a fact that accounts for odd and even temperature. During solidication and cooling, there
numbers in the chain, as shown in the following is a volumetric contraction that varies from 11% to
formula: 15%. This contraction is not uniform throughout the
temperature range from the melting temperature to
CH3 (CH2) CH3 room temperature, because the wax is a mixture of
15 to 42 carbon atoms hydrocarbons and the wax passes through transition
points accompanied by changes in physical
The hydrocarbons in plant waxes are saturated
alkanes with from 19 to 31 carbon atoms present
Microcrystalline waxes are similar to parafn
in odd numbers. Therefore, dental waxes contain
waxes, except they are obtained from the heavier oil
molecules having a range of molecular weights that
fractions in the petroleum industry and, as a result,
affect the melting and ow properties of the waxes.
have higher melting points. These waxes crystallize
Plant and animal waxes contain considerable
in small plates and are tougher and more exible
concentrations of esters, and carnauba (a plant
than parafn waxes. They have an afnity for oil,
wax) contains 85% alkyl esters of various kinds. The
and their hardness and tackiness may be altered by
principal ester in beeswax is myricyl palmitate,
adding oil. Microcrystalline waxes have less volu-
O metric change during solidication than parafn
C15H31 C O C30H61 waxes.
Barnsdahl is a microcrystalline wax used to
which is the reaction product of myricyl alcohol and increase the melting range and hardness and reduce
palmitic acid. Plant and animal waxes also contain the ow of parafn waxes.
acids, alcohols, hydrocarbons, and resins; whereas Ozokerite is an earth wax found near petroleum
Montan wax (an earth wax) contains large amounts deposits in central Europe and the western United
of esters, the main compound being States. Ozokerite is similar to microcrystalline wax

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340 Craigs Restorative Dental Materials

TABLE 14 -2 Characteristics of Various Waxes Used in Dentistry

Melting Characteristics in Mixtures

Wax Type Range ( C) with Parafn Wax
Parafn Straight-chain hydrocarbon with 4071 No value
2630 carbon atoms
Microcrystalline Branched-chain hydrocarbon with 6091 Less volumetric change
4150 carbon atoms during solidication
Barnsdahl Microcrystalline wax 7074 Increases melting range
and hardness, reduces ow
Ozokerite Microcrystalline wax, straight-, 65 No value
branched-, and closed-chain
Ceresin Straight- and branched-chain No value Higher molecular weight,
parafns higher hardness,
increase melting range
Montan Long-chain esters with 4058 7292 Improves hardness and melting
carbon atoms, alcohols, acids, range
Carnauba Esters, alcohols, acids, hydrocarbons 8491 Increases melting range and
Ouricury Esters, alcohols, acids, hydrocarbons 7984 Increases melting range and
Candelilla Hydrocarbon with 2933 carbon 6875 Increases hardness
atoms, alcohols, acids, esters,
Japan wax Fatsglycerides of palmitic and 51 Improves tackiness and
stearic acids emulsifying ability
Cocoa butter Fatsglycerides of palmitic, stearic, No value Improves tackiness and
oleic, lauric acids emulsifying ability
Beeswax Estersmyricyl palmitate, 6370 Modies properties of parafn wax
hydrocarbons, organic acids

in that it is composed of straight- and branched-chain waxes to improve the hardness and melting range of
hydrocarbons, but it also contains some closed-chain parafn waxes.
hydrocarbons. It also has great afnity for oil, and in Carnauba and ouricury waxes are composed of
quantities of 5% to 15% greatly improves the physi- straight-chain esters, alcohols, acids, and hydrocar-
cal characteristics of parafns in the melting range bons. They are characterized by high hardness, brit-
of 54 C. tleness, and high melting temperatures. Both possess
Ceresin is a term used to describe waxes from the outstanding quality of increasing the melting
wax-bearing distillates from natural-mineral petro- range and hardness of parafn waxes; for example,
leum rening or lignite rening. Like microcrystal- adding 10% of carnauba wax to parafn wax with a
line waxes, they are straight- and branched-chain melting range of 20 C increases the melting range
parafns, but they have higher molecular weights to 46 C. Adding ouricury waxes produces a similar
and greater hardness than hydrocarbon waxes dis- effect, but they are less effective than carnauba
tilled from the crude products. These waxes also may wax.
be used to increase the melting range of parafn Candelilla waxes consist of 40% to 60% parafn
waxes. hydrocarbons containing 29 to 33 carbon atoms,
Montan waxes are obtained by extraction from accompanied by free alcohols, acids, esters, and lac-
various lignites, and although they are mineral tones. Like carnauba and ouricury wax, they harden
waxes, their composition and properties are similar parafn waxes but are not so effective for increasing
to those of the plant waxes. Montan waxes are hard, the melting range.
brittle, and lustrous; they blend well with other Japan wax and cocoa butter are not true waxes;
waxes, and therefore are often substituted for plant they are chiey fats. Japan wax contains the glycer-

Copyright 2012, 2006, 2002, 1997, 1993, 1989, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1968, 1964, 1960 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc.
Chapter 14 Waxes 341

ides of palmitic and stearic acids and higher- plasticizers and tend to toughen lms of wax. The
molecular-weight acids; cocoa butter is completely remaining synthetic waxes are prepared by reactions
fat and composed of glycerides of stearic, palmitic, with natural waxes or wax products, as with chlorine
oleic, lauric, and lower fatty acids. Japan wax is a in the preparation of halogenated waxes and hydro-
tough, malleable, and sticky material that melts at gen in the manufacture of hydrogenated waxes. The
about 51 C, whereas cocoa butter is a brittle sub- variability of various batches of synthetic wax is
stance at room temperatures. Japan wax may be similar to that of natural waxes.
mixed with parafn to improve tackiness and emul-
sifying ability, and cocoa butter is used to protect
against dehydration of soft tissues and to protect glass
ionomer products temporarily from moisture during Many waxes obtained from plants and animals
setting or from dehydrating after they are set. resemble in appearance a group of substances
Beeswax is the primary insect wax used in den- described as gums. Many plants produce a variety of
tistry. It is a complex mixture of esters plus saturated gums that are viscous, amorphous exudates that
and unsaturated hydrocarbons and high-molecular- harden on exposure to air. Most gums are com-
weight organic acids. It is a brittle material at room plicated substances. Many are mixtures containing
temperature but becomes plastic at body tempera- largely carbohydrates; when they are mixed with
ture. It is used to modify the properties of parafn water, they either dissolve or form sticky, viscous
waxes, and is the main component in sticky wax. liquids. Gum arabic and tragacanth are two natural
Animal waxes such as spermaceti wax, obtained gums that do not resemble waxes in either their
from the sperm whale, are not used extensively in properties or composition.
dentistry; like beeswax, they are mainly ester waxes.
Spermaceti wax has been used as a coating in the
manufacture of dental oss.
As a class of substances, waxes are harder and have
higher melting temperatures than fats, but in some
ways they resemble fat. Both are tasteless, odorless,
In recent years synthetic waxes and resins have and colorless in the pure form, and they usually feel
become available. Although the use of synthetic greasy. Chemically, fats are composed of esters of
waxes and resins is increasing, it is still limited in various fatty acids with glycerol and are known as
dental formulations, and the natural waxes continue glycerides, which distinguish them from waxes.
to be the primary components. Some examples of fats are glycerides of stearic acid
Synthetic waxes are complex organic compounds or tristearate, found in tallow, and the mixed glycer-
of varied chemical compositions. Although they ide of oleic, palmitic, and butyric acids, found in
differ chemically from natural waxes, they possess butter.
certain physical properties, such as melting tempera- Glyceryl tristearate, the chief ingredient of beef
ture or hardness, which are akin to those of the tallow, is a fat with a melting temperature of about
natural waxes. They may differ from natural waxes 43 C. It has a lustrous appearance and is a rm,
in certain characteristics because of their high degree slightly greasy solid that bears a resemblance to
of renement, in contrast with the contamination waxes. The fat may be used to increase the melting
that is common in natural waxes. range and hardness of compounded wax. Oils have
Synthetic waxes include (1) polyethylene waxes, a pronounced effect on the properties of waxes, as
(2) polyoxyethylene glycol waxes, (3) halogenated mentioned earlier in connection with the discussion
hydrocarbon waxes, (4) hydrogenated waxes, and (5) of parafn waxes. Hydrocarbon oils may be used to
wax esters from the reaction of fatty alcohols and soften mixtures of waxes, and small quantities of
acids. Polyethylene polymers having molecular silicone oils may be added to improve the ease of
weights from 2000 to 4000 are waxes melting at polishing with waxes.
100 to 105 C. These waxes possess properties
similar to high-molecular-weight parafn waxes
obtained from petroleum. Polyoxyethylene waxes
are polymers of ethylene glycols and have melting In some respects natural resins resemble waxes in
temperatures from 37 to 63 C. They have limited appearance and properties, although they form a dis-
compatibility with other waxes but do function as tinct classication of substances. Many species of

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342 Craigs Restorative Dental Materials

trees and other plants produce exudates of natural

resins, such as dammar, rosin, or sandarac. Natural 100% Paraffin
resins are relatively insoluble in water, but vary in
solubility in certain organic liquids. Generally, resins
are complex, amorphous mixtures of organic sub-
75% P
stances that are characterized by specic physical 25% C
behavior rather than by any denite chemical com-
position. Most natural resins are obtained from trees
and plants; shellac, however, is produced by insects.
Numerous natural resins are blended with waxes to
develop waxes for dental applications.

Endothermic T Exothermic
Natural resins such as dammar and kauri may be

T 1.0 C per division

mixed with waxes. They are compatible with most
100% Carnauba
natural waxes and produce harder products. Synthetic
resins, such as polyethylene and vinyl resins of
various types, may be added to parafn waxes to
improve their toughness, lm-forming characteris-
tics, and melting ranges.
Natural and synthetic resins may also be used in
organic solvents to produce lm-forming materials
that may be used as a cavity liner. Copal is a natural,
brittle resin that has a melting range well above
149 C, but when deposited as a lm from an organic
solvent, it serves as a liner for prepared cavities. 0 20 40 60 80 100
Polystyrene is a synthetic resin that may be used in Temperature ( C)
a similar manner.
FIGURE 14-2 Differential thermograms of parafn, car-
nauba, and a 75% parafn25% carnauba wax mixture.
The effect of the composition of parafn-
Useful and important properties of waxes include carnauba mixtures on the melting range is shown in
melting range, thermal expansion, mechanical prop- Fig. 14-3. The presence of 2.5% carnauba wax had
erties, ow, residual stress, and ductility. little effect on the melting range, but the range
increased rapidly as the concentration of carnauba
wax was increased to 10%. Although concentrations
of carnauba wax greater than 10% had no further
Because waxes may contain several types of mole- effect on the melting range, higher amounts are nec-
cules, each having a range of molecular weights, essary for certain applications to control the ow and
they have melting ranges rather than melting points. mechanical properties.
The melting ranges of a parafn wax, a carnauba
wax, and a mixture of these two waxes are illustrated
in Fig. 14-2. The curves are differential thermograms
obtained in the manner described in the Thermal Like other materials, waxes expand when subjected
Properties section of Chapter 3. The melting range to a rise in temperature and contract as the tempera-
for parafn wax is from 44 to 62 C, and for car- ture is decreased. This fundamental property may be
nauba wax, from 50 to 90 C. When a mixture of altered slightly when various waxes are blended
75% parafn and 25% carnauba wax was prepared, (Fig. 14-4), but the response to thermal changes
the parafn component melted at essentially the cannot be reduced to negligible values. The expan-
same temperatures, but the melting temperature of sion and contraction of dental waxes with changes
the carnauba wax was decreased slightly. Note that in temperature are pronounced, as is illustrated in
adding carnauba to parafn wax dramatically Table 14-3. In general, dental waxes and their com-
increased the melting range to 44 C, compared with ponents have the largest coefcient of thermal expan-
18 C for parafn alone. sion of any material used in restorative dentistry.

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Chapter 14 Waxes 343

90 Melting completion TABLE 14-3 Coefcient of Thermal Expansion

Temperature ( C)

80 of Mineral, Plant, Insect, and

Inlay Waxes
60 Temperature Coefcient
50 Wax Range ( C) 10-6/ C
40 Mineral
Melting onset
0 25 50 75 100% Parafn 20.027.8 307
27.834.0 1631
Carnauba wax
Litene 22.047.5 205
100 75 50 25 0% 47.552.0 590
Paraffin wax Barnsdahl 22.040.4 185
40.452.0 243
FIGURE 14-3 Melting ranges of mixtures of parafn and
carnauba wax. Ceresin 22.027.4 307
27.434.7 849
34.742.2 471
42.250.0 1434
1.5 Paraffin Montan 22.041.5 188
Carnauba 41.552.0 294
1.4 Beeswax (yellow)
Kerr Hard Wax (blue) Plant
Carnauba 22.052.0 156
Candelilla 22.040.2 182
1.1 40.252.0 365
1.0 Ouricury 22.043.0 186
43.052.0 307
% Expansion

Japan wax 22.038.6 304
0.8 38.645.0 755
0.7 Insect
0.6 Beeswax (yellow) 22.041.2 344
41.250.0 1048
Beeswax (bleached) 22.038.6 271
0.4 38.650.0 606
0.2 Kerr blue inlay wax 22.037.5 323
0.1 (hard) 37.545.0 629
45.050.0 328
18 22 26 30 34 38 42 46 50 54 Kerr blue inlay wax 22.032.7 263
Temperature ( C) (regular) 32.740.9 662
40.946.9 458
46.950.0 1084
FIGURE 14-4 Thermal expansion curves for four waxes.

The linear thermal expansion properties of waxes

may be explained on the basis of the strength of tions of esters. Because the secondary valence forces
secondary valence forces and the transition points. restrict the movement of the wax components, small
Mineral waxes generally have higher coefcients of coefcients of thermal expansion are observed
linear thermal expansion than plant waxes. Mineral until the melting range of the wax is approached.
waxes expand more because they have weak second- This phenomenon is illustrated by beeswax; yellow
ary valence forces, which are easily overcome by beeswax has much higher coefcients of linear
the energy absorbed during a rise in temperature. thermal expansion than bleached beeswax.
This permits more movement of the wax com- Many waxes exhibit at least two rates of expan-
ponents, thus allowing a greater amount of thermal sion between 22 and 52 C. These changes in rate
expansion. of expansion occur at transition points. At these
Plant waxes, on the other hand, have high second- points the internal structural parts become freer to
ary valence forces because of their high concentra- move. For example, during this transition hydrocar-

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344 Craigs Restorative Dental Materials

bon chains of a mineral wax become free to rotate; The proportional limits and the compressive
consequently, after a wax has been heated through a strengths of the waxes shown in Fig. 14-5 exhibit the
transition point, it is freer to expand. Because the same trends as their elastic moduli. The proportional
ingredient waxes are undergoing transitions that do limit of inlay casting wax experienced a decrease in
not coincide with one another, certain inlay waxes proportional limit of 4.8 to 0.2 MPa from 23 to
exhibit more than two changes in rate of 40 C. The compressive strength of inlay wax
expansion. decreased from 83 to 0.5 MPa over the same tem-
Some waxes have different rates of expansion in perature range, and the percent compression at
different temperature ranges, as seen by the change rupture varied from 2.7% to 4.3%. Hence the inlay
of shape of the curves for parafn, beeswax, and an wax would be considered a brittle material, although
inlay wax in Fig. 14-4. Because the coefcient of it possesses ow or viscous properties at stresses
thermal expansion of inlay wax is so great, tempera- below its proportional limit.
ture changes in wax patterns after the critical dimen-
sional relationships are nalized during fabrication
may be a major contributing factor in inaccuracy of
the nished restoration. The property of ow results from the slippage of
molecules over each other. A measure of ow in the
liquid state of wax would be synonymous with vis-
cosity. Below the melting point of the wax, however,
The elastic modulus, proportional limit, and com- a measure of the ow actually would be a measure
pressive strength of waxes are low compared with of the degree of permanent deformation of the mate-
those of other materials, and these properties depend rial at a given temperature. Flow is decidedly depen-
strongly on the temperature. The elastic moduli of dent on the temperature of the wax, the force bringing
various waxes between 23 and 40 C are shown in about the deformation, and the time the force is
Fig. 14-5, with carnauba wax having the highest applied, as shown in Fig. 14-6. Flow greatly increases
values and beeswax the lowest. For example, the as the melting point of the wax is approached.
elastic modulus of inlay wax, which simulates a Although a high percentage of ow at a given tem-
mixture of 75% parafn and 25% carnauba wax, perature may be required for a specic wax, it may
showed a sharp decrease in modulus from 760 to be extremely deleterious at a temperature a few
48 MPa between 23 and 40 C. degrees lower. This is especially true for direct inlay
wax (although the technique is no longer common).
This material must have a relatively high ow a few
2.0 degrees above mouth temperature so it is workable
but not uncomfortably warm when placed in the
mouth of the patient. At mouth temperature, an inlay
wax to be used for a direct pattern must have essen-
Modulus in compression (103 MPa)

tially no ow to minimize the possibility of distortion
of the pattern during removal from the tooth cavity.
The ow of various waxes at different tempera-
tures is shown in Fig. 14-6. Yellow beeswax does not
1.0 ow extensively until it reaches 38 C, and at 40 C
it ows about 7%. From these data it is easy to
Inlay understand why beeswax has been used as a major
ingredient in dental impression wax. Many mineral
Paraffin waxes have about a 10 C range between 1% and
70% ow, which indicates that these waxes soften
Soft casting
gradually over a broad temperature range. The
secondary valence forces in these waxes, which are
0 straight- or branched-chain hydrocarbons, are rather
20 25 30 35 40
weak and are gradually dissipated as the temperature
Temperature ( C)
is increased.
FIGURE 14-5 Elastic modulus of various waxes as a func- Montan wax, another mineral wax, requires a
tion of temperature. temperature of 71 C, or 8 C below its melting

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Chapter 14 Waxes 345

Flow at 10 minutes


30 Carnauba
Beeswax (yellow)
% Flow

Kerr Hard Wax (blue)





30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
Temperature ( C)

FIGURE 14-6 Flow at 10 minutes for four waxes at various temperatures.

range, to ow 50%. However, this wax is similar to Flow versus Time

the plant waxes in that it is composed mainly of 80 Kerr Hard Wax (blue)
45.0 C
esters formed in nature by the union of higher alco-
hols with higher fatty acids. The plant waxes like- 70
wise require temperatures close to their melting 43.0 C
range to produce 50% ow. As a result of the pres- 60
ence of ester groups in these waxes, the secondary
valence forces are rather strong, and a high tempera- 50
ture is necessary to overcome these forces. Once the
% Flow

40 42.0 C
secondary valence forces are overcome, these waxes
ow rapidly. Below this point they often appear to
fracture in a manner similar to a brittle material. 30
Yellow beeswax, which is also primarily an ester
wax, ows extensively 24 C below its melting range 20
(61 to 63 C) and displays an 8 C temperature dif-
ference between 1% and 70% ow. This wax con- 10
tains a large number of impurities, which interfere 40.0 C
with the secondary valence forces. As beeswax goes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
through the bleaching process and some of these Time (min)
impurities are removed, the secondary valence forces
increase, and the temperature difference between FIGURE 14-7 Flow curves at various temperatures for
1% and 70% ow is only 4 C. Note that the ow Kerr hard (Type 2) wax.
of various batches of yellow beeswax shows that
signicant differences may exist between batches. tion to time is linear (Fig. 14-7). The total amount of
A similar observation is seen with parafn and ow after 10 minutes at this temperature is only 2%.
carnauba wax. At 42 C, the ow increases enough to cause an
A plot of percent ow versus time for a hard inlay increase in the rate of ow. At 43 and 45 C, the
wax shows that at 40 C the amount of ow in rela- rate of ow is very large at the beginning of the test,

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346 Craigs Restorative Dental Materials


Dental inlay wax

DTA curve 1.4

Endothermic TExothermic
A 1.2



% Dimensional change






1.49 102 0.4
25.0 102
12.5% Penetration 0.2 Molded in
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Temperature ( C) 25 30 35 40 45 50

FIGURE 14-8 Penetration thermograms for annealed, A, Temperature ( C)

and unannealed, U, inlay wax compared with a differential
thermal analysis (DTA) curve.
and the rate decreases rapidly as a result of the
FIGURE 14-9 Dimensional change on heating annealed
increase in diameter of the specimen. inlay wax patterns, and that of waxes formed under compres-
The ow of dental waxes is inuenced by the sion and tension.
presence of solid-solid and melting transformations
that occur in the component waxes. The transforma-
tion temperatures can be related to ow indirectly by annealed inlay wax is shown in Fig. 14-9, in which
studying the resistance of the wax to penetration as the same curve is obtained on heating or cooling.
a function of temperature. In Fig. 14-8, penetration When the wax specimen is prepared by holding the
thermograms are compared with a differential softened wax under compression during cooling, fol-
thermal analysis curve for an inlay casting wax for lowed by the determination of the thermal expan-
annealed, A, and unannealed, U, specimens tested at sion, the thermal expansion is greater than for the
two stress levels. At the lower stress level, the high- annealed specimen. The extent of the deviation from
melting point ester component of the wax inuenced the curve for the annealed wax is a function of the
penetration. However, at a high stress level the tem- magnitude of the residual internal stress and the time
perature of the solid-solid transformation associated and temperature of storage of the specimen before
with the hydrocarbon component of the wax deter- the thermal expansion curve is determined. Therefore,
mined the resistance to penetration. Annealing the a shaded area is shown rather than a specic curve.
wax in an oven at 50 C for 24 hours before testing When the wax specimen is cooled while being sub-
had the effect of increasing the resistance of the wax jected to tensile stress and the thermal expansion is
to penetration. determined, the curve for the wax specimen is lower
than that for the annealed specimen. If sufcient
residual stress is introduced, a thermal contraction
may result on heating; again a shaded area indicates
Regardless of the method used to prepare a wax the direction of the effect.
pattern, residual stress exists in the completed pattern.
The presence of residual stress can be demonstrated
by comparing the thermal expansion curves of
annealed wax with wax that has been cooled under Like ow, ductility increases as the temperature of a
compression or tension. The thermal expansion of an wax specimen is increased. In general, waxes with

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Chapter 14 Waxes 347

lower melting temperatures have a greater ductility

BOX 14-1 A Classication of Dental Waxes
at any given temperature than those with higher
melting temperatures. Pattern
The ductility of a blended wax is greatly inu-
enced by the distribution of the melting temperatures Casting
of the component waxes. A blended wax with com- Sheet
ponents that have wide melting ranges generally has Ready shapes
greater ductility than blended waxes that have a Wax-up
narrow range. Whenever a wide range of melting
temperatures is present, the softening point of the Processing
lowest component is approached rst. A further tem- Boxing
perature rise begins to liquefy this component and Utility
approach still closer to the softening points of the Sticky
higher softening point components. This tends to Impression
plasticize the entire wax mass, thereby enhancing Corrective
ductility. Occlusal registration
Generally, highly rened waxes are quite brittle.
With their lower melting point, microcrystalline
mineral waxes, which contain appreciable amounts
of occluded oil, are moderately soft and exhibit a Therefore, the use of wax has been limited to the
high degree of plasticity or ductility, even with their non-undercut edentulous portions of the mouth.
comparatively high melting temperatures. Recently, specially formulated addition silicone and
polyether impression materials have replaced wax as
an occlusal registration material.
A variety of natural waxes and resins have been used
in dentistry for specic and well-dened applica-
tions. In some instances, the most favorable qualities Gold inlays, crowns, and bridge units are formed by
can be obtained from a single wax, such as beeswax, a casting process that uses the lost-wax pattern tech-
but more often a blend of several waxes is necessary nique. A pattern of wax is rst constructed that dupli-
to develop the most desirable qualities. cates the shape and contour of the desired gold
A classication of dental waxes according to their casting. The carved wax pattern is then embedded in
use and application is given in Box 14-1. Pattern a gypsum-silica investment material to form a mold
waxes are used to form the general predetermined with a sprue leading from the outer surface of the
size and contour of an articial dental restoration, investment mold to the pattern, as described in
which is to be constructed of a more durable material Chapter 17. The wax is subsequently eliminated by
such as cast gold alloys, cobalt-chromium alloys, or heating, and the mold is further conditioned to
acrylic resin. All pattern waxes have two major qual- receive the molten gold by controlled heating in a
ities, thermal change in dimension and tendency to furnace.
warp or distort on standing, which create serious
problems in their use whether an inlay pattern,
crown, or complete denture is being constructed.
Processing waxes are used primarily as auxiliary The principal waxes used to formulate inlay waxes
aids in constructing a variety of restorations and are parafn, microcrystalline wax, ceresin, carnauba,
appliances, either clinically or in the laboratory. candelilla, and beeswax. For example, an inlay wax
Processing waxes perform numerous tasks that sim- may contain 60% parafn, 25% carnauba, 10%
plify many dental procedures in such operations as ceresin, and 5% beeswax. Therefore, hydrocarbon
denture construction or soldering. waxes constitute the major portion of this formula-
One of the oldest recorded uses of wax in den- tion. Some inlay waxes are described as hard, regular
tistry is for taking impressions within the mouth. (medium), or soft, which is a general indication of
Because a wax formulated for use as an impression their ow. The ow can be reduced by adding more
material exhibits high ow and ductility, it distorts carnauba wax or by selecting a higher-melting point
readily when withdrawn from undercut areas. parafn wax. An interesting example is that a hard

Copyright 2012, 2006, 2002, 1997, 1993, 1989, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1968, 1964, 1960 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc.
348 Craigs Restorative Dental Materials

inlay wax may contain a lower percentage of car- both below and above mouth temperature. The lower
nauba wax than a regular inlay wax, but the ow of ow of Type 2 wax and the greater ease of carving
the hard inlay wax is less than the regular wax the softer Type 1 waxes are desirable working char-
because of the selection of a higher-melting-point acteristics for the techniques associated with each.
parafn in the formulation of the hard wax. Resins The specication also requires the manufacturers
in small amounts, such as 1%, also affect the ow of to include instructions regarding the method of soft-
inlay waxes. Inlay waxes are usually produced in ening and the working temperature for the wax
deep blue, green, or purple rods or sticks about preparatory to forming a direct pattern. Both types
7.5 cm long and 0.64 cm in diameter. Some manu- should soften without becoming aky, and when
facturers supply the wax in the form of small pellets trimmed to a ne margin during the pattern-carving
or cones or in small, metal ointment jars or even in operation, they should not chip or ake. Thermal
bulk. expansion data for the Type 2 wax are no longer
required by the specication but are sometimes
provided by the manufacturer.
The accuracy and ultimate usefulness of the resulting
gold casting depend largely on the accuracy and ne
detail of the wax pattern. A wax that is able to func- When forming a wax pattern directly in the mouth,
tion well in the gold casting technique must possess the wax must be heated to a temperature at which it
certain physical properties. has sufcient ow under compression to reproduce
ANSI/ADA Specication No. 4 (ISO 15854) for the prepared cavity walls in great detail. The working
dental inlay casting wax has been formulated for temperature, suggested by the manufacturer, which
waxes used in direct and indirect waxing techniques. should be satisfactory for making direct wax pat-
A summary of ow requirements of this specication terns, must not be so high as to cause damage to the
is given in Table 14-4. Because the wax patterns are vital tooth structure or be uncomfortable to the
to be melted and vaporized from the investment patient. Insufcient ow of the wax caused by insuf-
mold, it is essential that no excessive residue remain cient heating results in the lack of cavity detail and
in the mold because of incomplete wax burnout. introduces excess stress within the pattern. An over-
Excess residue may result in the incomplete casting abundant amount of ow resulting from excessive
of inlay margins. The specication therefore limits heating makes compression of the wax difcult
the nonvolatile residue of these waxes to a maximum because of a lack of body in the material.
of 0.10% or within 20% of the manufacturers The values listed in Table 14-4 represent minimum
stated amount at an ignition temperature of 700 C. or maximum values of percent ow that occur at
Types 1 (soft) and 2 (hard) dental inlay casting various temperatures when Types 1 and 2 wax speci-
waxes are recognized by ANSI/ADA Specication mens are subjected to a 19.6 N load for 10 minutes.
No. 4. Type 1 wax is a soft wax used as an indirect The temperature that the Type 2 wax must attain to
technique wax. Type 2 wax is a harder wax pre- register cavity detail is usually somewhat above
scribed for forming direct patterns in the mouth, 45 C. As seen from these values, the ow of the
where lower ow values at 37 C tend to minimize hard wax is no more than 1% at body temperature.
any tendency for distortion of the pattern on its The ow of the Type 1 wax is about 9% at this
removal from the cavity preparation. Type 1 wax temperature. Low ow at this temperature tends to
shows greater ow than Type 2 wax at temperatures minimize distortion of a well-carved pattern as it is

TABLE 14 -4 Flow Requirements for Dental Inlay Casting Wax (Flow, in %)

Wax Temperature
40 C 45 C
30 C 37 C
Maximum Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
Type 1(soft) 1.0 50 70 90
Type 2 (hard) 1.0 20 70 90

DentistryCasting and baseplate waxes, ISO 15854:2003.

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Chapter 14 Waxes 349

withdrawn from an adequately tapered cavity in the Warpage of Wax Patterns

Inlay pattern wax has a high coefcient of expansion
and tends to warp or distort when allowed to stand
Thermal Coefcient of Expansion
unrestrained. The distortion is increased generally as
The curve in Fig. 14-10 shows that the rate of expan- the temperature and time of storage are increased.
sion of the Type I inlay wax is greatest from just This quality of wax patterns is related to the release
below mouth temperature to just above 45 C. of residual stress developed in the pattern during the
Knowing the amount of wax expansion or contrac- process of formation. This characteristic of stress
tion allows one to judge the compensation necessary release and warpage is present in all dental waxes,
to produce an accurate casting. Data sufcient to but is particularly troublesome in inlay patterns
show the thermal contraction of the wax from its because of the critical dimensional relations that
working temperature to room temperature may be must be maintained in inlay castings.
included in each package of inlay wax. Once the wax Because warpage of the pattern is related to the
pattern is carved, its removal from the tooth cavity temperature during pattern formation and storage,
and transfer to the laboratory bring about a reduction the rules related to the pattern temperature must be
in temperature and subsequent thermal contraction. understood. In general, the higher the temperature of
A decrease of 12 to 13 C in temperature, from the wax at the time the pattern was adapted and
mouth temperature to a room temperature of about shaped, the less is the tendency for distortion in the
24 C, causes a 0.4% linear contraction of the wax, prepared pattern. This is reasonable, because the
or about 0.04% change for each degree change in residual stress in the pattern causing the distortion
temperature. is associated with the forces necessary to shape the
wax originally. The incorporation of residual stress
can be minimized by softening a wax uniformly by
heating at 50 C for at least 15 minutes before use,
by using warmed carving instruments and a warmed

die, and by adding wax to the die in small




1.0 Because the release of internal stress and sub-


sequent warpage are associated with the storage


temperature, it follows that greater warpage results


at higher storage temperatures. Lower temperature

0.8 does not completely prevent distortion, but generally
the amount is reduced when the storage temperature
Expansion (%)

is kept to a minimum. If inlay wax patterns must be

allowed to stand uninvested for a time longer than
30 minutes, they should be kept in a refrigerator.
Although some distortion may take place at this
temperature, it will be less than at normal room tem-
0.4 perature. Such a practice of storage for long periods
is not recommended if freedom from warpage is
desired. The best way to minimize the warpage of
inlay wax patterns is to invest the pattern immedi-
0.2 ately after it is completely shaped. A refrigerated
wax pattern should be allowed to warm to room
temperature before it is invested. During spruing,
0 distortion can be reduced by use of a solid wax sprue
20 30 40 50 or a hollow metal sprue lled with sticky wax. If the
Temperature (C) pattern was stored, the margins should be readapted.
Temperature of formation, time and condition of
FIGURE 14-10 Percent expansion of inlay and casting
waxes from 20 to 50 C, showing the percent dimensional storage, and promptness of investing the pattern are
change from mouth temperature to average room major factors related to all techniques of pattern
temperature. formation.

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350 Craigs Restorative Dental Materials

CASTING WAX Physical Characteristics

The patterns for the metallic framework of remov- The casting sheets and ready-made shapes of certain
able partial dentures and other similar structures are types of casting waxes may possess a slight degree
fabricated from casting waxes. These waxes are of tackiness, which helps to maintain their position
available in the form of sheets, usually of 28- and on the cast and on each other during assembly of the
30-gauge (0.40 and 0.32 mm) thickness, ready-made pattern. This tackiness is not sufcient to prevent
shapes, and in bulk. As shown in Fig. 14-11, the changes in position from being made with relative
ready-made shapes are supplied as round, half-round, ease, and when the waxes are in nal position, they
and half-pear-shaped rods and wires of various are sealed to the investment cast with a hot spatula.
gauges in approximately 10-cm lengths. Although There is no ANSI/ADA specication for these
casting waxes serve the same basic purpose as inlay casting waxes, but a federal specication has been
waxes in the formation of patterns for metallic cast- formulated that includes values for softening tem-
ings, their physical properties differ slightly. Little is perature, amount of ow at various temperatures,
known of the exact composition of these sheet and general working qualities, and other characteristics.
shaped waxes, but they include ingredients similar A summary of the properties included in Federal
to those found in inlay waxes, with various com- Specication No. U-W-140 is given in Table 14-5.
binations and proportions of parafn, ceresin, In general, the characteristics most desired include
beeswax, resins, and other waxes being used. a certain degree of toughness and strength, with a
The casting wax sheets are used to establish true gauge dimension, combined with a minimum of
minimum thickness in certain areas of the partial dimensional change with change in temperature,
denture framework, such as the palatal and lingual and the ability to be vaporized completely from the
bar, and to produce the desired contour of the lingual investment mold.
bar. A partial denture framework in the process of Because the pattern for the removable partial
being waxed is shown in the left center of Fig. 14-1. denture framework is constructed on and sealed to
The physical nature and form in which the sheet an investment cast (from which it is not separated
casting wax is supplied result in its use for post subsequently) at room temperature, there is little
damming of complete maxillary denture impres- need for the casting wax to exhibit low ow at body
sions, checking high points of articulation, produc- temperature. The ow characteristics of the casting
ing wax bites of cusp tips for the articulation of stone wax, when measured similarly to the inlay wax,
casts, and many other uses. show a maximum of 10% ow at 35 C and a

FIGURE 14-11 Wax patterns for use in fabrication of metallic framework of removable partial dentures. Preformed bars and
mesh, top; clasps, center; retention forms, bottom.

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Chapter 14 Waxes 351

TABLE 14-5 Summary of Requirements of Federal Specications for Dental Casting Wax

Type of Wax Flow Breaking Point Working Properties

Casting wax 35 Cmaximum, 10% No fracture at Pliable and readily adaptable
Class A28-gauge, pink 38 Cminimum, 60% 23 C 1 at 40 to 45 C
Class B30-gauge, green Copies accurately surface
Class Cready-made against which it is pressed
shapes, blue Will not be brittle on cooling
Vaporizes at 500 C, leaving no
lm other than carbon

Adapted from Federal Specication No. U-W-140, March 1948, for casting wax.

minimum of 60% ow at 38 C. These characteris-

TABLE 14-6 Average Marginal Discrepancies
tics are signicantly different from the ow values
(mm) for Full-Crown and Inlay
for inlay waxes that comply with the requirements
Patterns Measured 1 Hour and
of ANSI/ADA Specication No. 4.
24 Hours after Forming
The requirement for ductility of the casting waxes
is high. The federal specication requires that the Pattern Material Full Crown Inlay
casting wax be bent double on itself without fracture
Inlay wax (Type II) 11 15
at a temperature of 23 C and that the waxes be
Light-cured resin A 10 8
pliable and readily adaptable at 40 to 45 C. Heating
Light-cured resin B 12 9
over a ame and the compression to adapt either the
Self-cured acrylic 15 7
ready-made shapes or the sheet casting wax easily
may alter their thickness and contour because of their Adapted from Iglesias A, Powers JM, Pierpont HP: J Prosthodont
relatively high ductility and ow. 5:201, 1996.
Because these materials are casting pattern waxes
for partial denture cast restorations, as is the inlay
wax, they too must vaporize at about 500 C with no
residue other than carbon. The mold cavity thus
produced will result in more desirable casting sur-
faces, because it will be free of foreign materials.
Pattern waxes are being replaced to some extent by
preformed plastic patterns.


Light-curing resins are available as low- and high-
viscosity pastes and as a liquid for the fabrication of
patterns for cast metal or ceramic inlays, crowns and
bridges, and precision attachments (Fig. 14-12). The
modeling pastes are based on diurethane dimethac- FIGURE 14-12 Sculpted anterior crowns made from light-
rylate oligomers with 40% to 55% polyurethane cured resin modeling material. (Courtesy Heraeus Kulzer,
GmbH, Wehrheim, Germany.)
dimethacrylate or poly(methyl methacrylate) llers.
The liquid consistency is mostly urethane dimethac-
rylate. These resins have a camphorquinone activa- Average marginal discrepancies of light-cured resin
tor. Self-cured acrylic plastics used as inlay patterns and self-cured acrylic patterns are similar to those of
are described in Chapter 21. wax for full-crown patterns but less than those of
Modeling resins are characterized by lower heat wax for inlay patterns (Table 14-6). Dimethacrylate
of polymerization and shrinkage than acrylics, higher resin patterns do not result in cracked investment
strength and resistance to ow than waxes, good from heating during burnout, which can occur with
dimensional stability, and burnout without residue. acrylic patterns.

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352 Craigs Restorative Dental Materials

Gypsum and resin dies must be treated with a are to be constructed of plastics, also are made of
separator and have undercuts blocked out. The mod- baseplate wax. Although these are the primary func-
eling resin is applied in layers 3- to 5-mm thick, with tions of baseplate wax, it has also been widely used
each layer cured separately in a high-intensity, light- in many phases of dentistry to check the various
curing chamber for 90 seconds or by using a hand- articulating relations in the mouth and to transfer
held, light-curing unit for 20 to 40 seconds per area them to mechanical articulators.
of irradiation. The liquid material is used rst to
obtain close adaptation to the die and last to provide
a smooth surface. Complete elimination of modeling
resins occurs between 670 to 690 C and requires A few formulas are found in the literature for base-
about 45 minutes. plate wax. Baseplate waxes may contain 70% to 80%
parafn-based waxes or commercial ceresin, with
small quantities of other waxes, resins, and additives
to develop the specic qualities desired in the wax.
Baseplate wax derives its name from its use on the A typical composition might include 80% ceresin,
baseplate tray to establish the vertical dimension, 12% beeswax, 2.5% carnauba, 3% natural or syn-
plane of occlusion, and initial arch form in the tech- thetic resins, and 2.5% microcrystalline or synthetic
nique for the complete denture restoration. This wax waxes. Differential thermal analysis and penetration
also may be used to form all or a portion of the tray curves of a typical baseplate wax are shown in Fig.
itself. The normally pink color provides some esthetic 14-13 (left).
quality for the initial stage of construction of the
denture before processing. Baseplate wax is the
Physical Characteristics
material used to produce the desired contour of
the denture after teeth are set in position. As a result, Baseplate waxes are normally supplied in sheets 7.60
the contour wax establishes the pattern for the nal 15.00 0.13 cm in pink or red. The manufacturer
plastic denture. Patterns for orthodontic appliances usually formulates three types of wax to accommo-
and prostheses other than complete dentures, which date the varying climates in which they will be used,

Baseplate wax Sticky wax

DT ( C) or penetration (%)

DTA 0.5 C for DTA

TMA-2 12.5% for TMA

25 45 65 85 25 45 65 85
Temperature ( C)

FIGURE 14-13 Differential thermal analysis and penetration curves for dental baseplate and sticky waxes. The stresses for
TMA-1 and TMA-2 are 0.015 and 0.25 MPa, respectively. (Adapted from Powers JM, Craig RG: Thermomechanical analysis
of dental waxes in the penetration mode. In Porter RS, Johnson JF, editors: Analytical calorimetry, vol 3, New York, 1974,

Copyright 2012, 2006, 2002, 1997, 1993, 1989, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1968, 1964, 1960 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc.
Chapter 14 Waxes 353

because the ow of the wax is inuenced greatly by waxes should not leave any residue on porcelain or
the temperature. plastic teeth, and the coloring agents in the wax
The requirements for dental baseplate wax are should not separate or impregnate the plastic mold
listed in Table 14-7, which summarizes ANSI/ADA during processing.
Specication No. 24 (ISO 15854). Three types of There is residual stress within the baseplate wax
wax are included: Type 1 is a soft wax for building that holds and surrounds the teeth of a wax denture
contours and veneers, Type 2 is a hard wax to be pattern. This stress results from differential cooling,
used for patterns to be tried in the mouth in temperate pooling the wax with a hot spatula, and physically
climates, and Type 3 is an extra-hard wax for pat- manipulating the wax below its most desirable
terns to be tried in the mouth in tropical weather. The working temperature. Remember that both time and
ow values are listed for 23, 37, and 45 C when temperature affect the relief of these residual stresses;
they are applicable. The maximum ow allowed at the waxed and properly articulated denture should
any given temperature decreases rapidly from Type not be allowed to stand for long periods of time,
1 to Type 3. The ow requirements of Type 3 base- especially when subjected to elevated temperatures.
plate wax are comparable to those of the Type 2 Such treatment often results in distortion of the wax
(hard) inlay wax, with less ow allowed for the base- and movement of the teeth. The waxed denture
plate wax at 45 C. should be asked soon after completion to maintain
Because baseplate wax is used both to set denture the greatest accuracy of tooth relations.
teeth and to adapt around these teeth to develop
proper contour, the dimensional changes that may
take place because of variations in temperature are
important. Although the need for dimensional stabil- To form a plaster or stone cast from an impression
ity is not as critical as with the inlay wax, the main- of the edentulous arch, rst a wax box must be
tenance of good tooth relationship is important. formed around the impression, into which the freshly
Although no shrinkage value from a molten state to mixed plaster or stone is poured and vibrated. This
room temperature is required by the specication, boxing procedure is also necessary for some other
the linear thermal expansion from 26 to 40 C types of impressions. The boxing operation usually
should be less than 0.8%. consists of rst adapting a long, narrow stick or strip
A summary of practical requirements is also given of wax around the impression below its peripheral
in Table 14-7. Baseplate waxes should be easily height, followed by a wide strip of wax, producing
trimmed with a sharp instrument at 23 C and should a form around the entire impression, as seen in the
yield a smooth surface after gentle aming. These upper center of Fig. 14-1.

TABLE 14-7 Requirements for Dental Baseplate Wax

Flow (%)
Temperature ( C) Minimum Maximum Practical Requirements
Type 1Soft, building 23 1.0 Softened sheets shall cohere
contours and veneers 37 5.0 90.0 readily without becoming
45 aky or adhering to ngers
Type 2Hard, patterns 23 0.6 No irritation of oral tissues
in mouth, temperate 37 10.0 Trim easily with a sharp
weather 45 50.0 90.0 instrument at 23 C
Type 3Extra-hard, patterns 23 0.2 Smooth, glossy surface after
in mouth, hot weather 37 1.2 gentle aming
45 5.0 50.0 No residue on porcelain or
plastic teeth
Coloring shall not separate
or impregnate plaster during
No adhesion to other sheets of
wax or separating paper on

DentistryCasting and baseplate waxes, ISO 15854:2003.

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354 Craigs Restorative Dental Materials

TABLE 14 -8 Summary of Requirements of Federal Specications for Dental Boxing, Utility, and
Sticky Waxes

Type of Wax Flow Color Working Properties

Boxing Green or black Smooth, glossy surface on aming
Pliable at 21 C; retains shape at 35 C
Scals easily to plaster with hot spatula
Utility 37.5 Cminimum, 65% Orange or dark red Pliable at 21 to 24 C
maximum, 80% Tacky at 21 to 24 C; sufcient adhesion to build up
Sticky 30 Cmaximum, 5% Dark or vivid Sticky when melted
43 Cminimum, 90% Adheres closely
Not more than 0.2% residue on burnout
Not more than 0.5% shrinkage from 43 to 28 C

Adapted from Federal Specication No. A-A-51296, Dec 18, 1985, for boxing wax; Federal Specication A-A-51291, Dec 23, 1985, for utility
wax; Federal Specication A-A-53639, Sep 6, 1988, for sticky wax.

The dental literature occasionally refers to carding and ow of utility waxes, as indicated by the sum-
wax for use in the boxing operation. Carding wax marized requirements of Federal Specication No.
was the original material on which porcelain teeth U-W-156 in Table 14-8, are the highest of any of the
were xed when received from the manufacturer. dental waxes. The utility wax should be pliable at a
The terms carding wax and boxing wax have been temperature of 21 to 24 C, which makes it work-
used interchangeably, although boxing wax is more able and easily adaptable at normal room tempera-
acceptable. ture. The ow of this wax should not be less than
The requirements of Federal Specication No. 65% or more than 80% at 37.5 C. Because building
U-W-138 for boxing wax, which are summarized in one layer on top of another is often desirable, the
Table 14-8, stipulate that this wax should be pliable specication requires a sufcient adhesiveness at 21
at 21 C and should retain its shape at 35 C. This to 24 C. Utility wax probably consists of beeswax,
broadly denes its lower temperature limit of ductil- petrolatum, and other soft waxes in varying
ity and ow. Because the impression may be made proportions.
from a viscoelastic material that is easily distorted,
a boxing wax that is readily adaptable to the impres-
sion at room temperature is desirable. This property
reduces the likelihood of distorting the impression, A suitable sticky wax for prosthetic dentistry is for-
from the standpoint of both the temperature and mulated from a mixture of waxes and resins or other
stress involved in the boxing procedures. In general, additives. Such a material is sticky when melted and
boxing wax should be slightly tacky and have suf- adheres closely to the surfaces on which it is applied.
cient strength and toughness for convenient However, at room temperature the wax is rm, free
manipulation. from tackiness, and brittle. Sticky wax should frac-
ture rather than ow if it is deformed during solder-
ing or repair procedures. Although this wax is used
to assemble metallic or resin pieces in a xed tem-
An easily workable, adhesive wax is often desired. porary position, it is primarily used on dental stones
For example, a standard perforated tray for use with and plasters. The lower right view of Fig. 14-1 shows
hydrocolloids may easily be brought to a more desir- an application of sticky wax to seal a plaster splint
able contour by such a wax, as shown in the center to a stone model in the process of forming ceramic
view of Fig. 14-1. This is done to prevent a sag and facings.
distortion of the impression material. A soft, pliable, According to Federal Specication No. U-W-
adhesive wax may be used on the lingual portion of 00149a (DSA-DM), sticky wax should have a dark
a bridge pontic to stabilize it while a labial plaster or vivid color so it is readily distinguishable from the
splint is poured. These and many other tasks are light-colored gypsum materials. The specication,
performed by the utility wax. summarized in Table 14-8, also limits the shrinkage
The utility wax is usually supplied in both stick of sticky wax to 0.5% at temperatures between 43
and sheet form in dark red or orange. The ductility and 28 C.

Copyright 2012, 2006, 2002, 1997, 1993, 1989, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1968, 1964, 1960 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc.
Chapter 14 Waxes 355

The literature contains several formulas for sticky

wax, representing both high and low resin content.

DT ( C) or penetration (%)
In addition to rosin and yellow beeswax, which are
the usual major constituents, coloring matter and 0.5 C
other natural resins such as gum dammar may be
present. Differential thermal analysis and penetra-
tion curves for a typical dental sticky wax are shown
in Fig. 14-13 (right). TMA-1


Corrective impression wax is used as a wax veneer 20 30 40 50 60 70
over an original impression to contact and register Temperature ( C)
the detail of the soft tissues. It is claimed that this
type of impression material records the mucous FIGURE 14-14 Differential thermal analysis and penetra-
membrane and underlying tissues in a functional tion curves for a dental corrective impression wax. The
stresses for TMA-1 and TMA-2 are 0.015 and 0.25 MPa,
state in which movable tissue is displaced to such a respectively. Observe that the solid-solid transition tempera-
degree that functional contact with the base of the ture occurs below 37 C.
denture is obtained. Corrective waxes are formulated
from hydrocarbon waxes such as parafn, ceresin,
and beeswax and may contain metal particles. There
are no ANSI/ADA or federal specications for waxes identied as occlusal registration waxes seem
corrective impression waxes. The ow of several to be formulated from beeswax or hydrocarbon
corrective waxes measured by penetration at 37 C waxes such as parafn or ceresin. Certain occlusal
is 100%. Differential thermal analysis and penetra- registration waxes contain aluminum or copper
tion curves for a typical corrective impression wax particles. There are no ANSI/ADA or federal speci-
are shown in Fig. 14-14. These waxes are subject to cations for occlusal registration waxes. The ow
distortion during removal from the mouth. of several occlusal registration waxes as measured
by penetration at 37 C ranges from 2.5% to
22%, indicating that these waxes are susceptible to
distortion on removal from the mouth. Occlusal reg-
Occlusal registration wax is used to accurately istration materials made from addition silicone elas-
articulate certain models of opposing quadrants. tomers are becoming more popular because of their
Occlusal registrations are often made from 28-gauge high elastic recovery and excellent dimensional
casting wax sheets or from hard baseplate wax, but stability.


PROBLEM 1 Solution b
The investing of a wax pattern was delayed for a Distortion of the wax pattern may have occurred
day, and the gold alloy casting that was produced during spruing or removal of the pattern from the
did not t. What probably caused this problem and die. A sprued pattern may be replaced on the die to
can it be corrected? evaluate and readapt the margins.

Solution a PROBLEM 2
Residual stresses are always present in wax pat- A wax pattern that had been refrigerated was
terns from manipulation, and they may be released invested, and the gold alloy casting that was pro-
during storage. To minimize distortion, invest the duced did not t. What probably caused this
wax pattern promptly. problem, and how can it be corrected?

Copyright 2012, 2006, 2002, 1997, 1993, 1989, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1968, 1964, 1960 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc.
356 Craigs Restorative Dental Materials

Solution articulation. This contraction can be minimized by

not working in any one area for too long and by not
Inlay waxes have high coefcients of thermal applying too much heat. The waxed denture should
expansion. Cooling and heating of a pattern can be asked soon after completion of the wax-up
result in a nonuniform dimensional change. A to minimize distortion caused by the release of
refrigerated wax pattern should be allowed to warm residual stresses in the wax.
to room temperature, and its margins should be
readapted before proceeding with investing.
PROBLEM 3 The impression wax forming a posterior palatal
The internal surface of a wax pattern prepared on seal to a maxillary denture impression pulled away
a metal-plated die showed a wrinkled appearance. from an elastomeric impression material in several
What caused this problem, and how can it be areas when the impression was removed from the
corrected? mouth. What caused this problem, and how can it
be corrected?
When molten wax is owed incrementally onto a Solution
cool metal die, the wax next to the die solidies Impression wax adheres poorly to polysulde and
rapidly. Solidication of adjacent wax occurs more silicone impression materials. The separation can
slowly and pulls the previously congealed wax be prevented by applying a very thin layer of sticky
away from the die, resulting in poor surface adapta- wax to the area of the impression material where
tion. A metal die should be warmed to about 32 C the impression wax is to be applied. The impression
under an electric light or on a heating pad during wax will adhere to the sticky wax.
waxing. An alternative solution is to use a soft wax
at the cervical margins. PROBLEM 6
The broken pieces of a denture were joined with
PROBLEM 4 baseplate wax, asked, and processed with heat-
A wax-up of a complete denture was completed and cured acrylic. However, the repaired denture did
stored overnight on an articulator. The next day the not t. What may have caused this problem, and
posterior teeth were no longer in contact. What how can it be corrected?
happened during the storage period, and how can
the problem be corrected? Solution
Baseplate wax will ow somewhat if subjected to
Solution stress. The denture pieces held together by wax
The esthetic portion of the wax-up is done after the may move relative to each other during the repair
teeth have been articulated. A hot spatula and an process. Pieces to be repaired should be joined with
alcohol torch are used for shaping the wax, causing sticky wax. It is brittle and will break rather than
it to expand. Subsequent contraction of the wax can distort, thus readily indicating that the pieces have
occur overnight, thereby moving the teeth out of moved.

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Copyright 2012, 2006, 2002, 1997, 1993, 1989, 1985, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1968, 1964, 1960 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc.

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