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NAME: ______________________________________ DATE: ____________________

INSTRUCTIONS. Read pp. 122-127 of your book (NONSTATE INSTITUTIONS) to answer the following items. This
exercise has four test types: Enumeration, Modified True or False, Fill in the Blanks and Matching Type items.
Answer them accordingly.
________1. The period wherein various organizations like the United Nations and The World Bank emerged to address
global and local humanitarian issues and crises was in the aftermath of World War I.
________2. The United Nations is an example of a nonstate institution.
3. The creation and state and nonstate institutions became more relevant in the advent of g___________ and 4.
5. Weber defines the state as a h____________ c____________ that claims the 6. m_____________ of the legitimate
use of physical 7. f________ within a given 8. t____________.
Webers definition of the state assumes the existence of these three institutions,
9. 10. 11.
_______12. Nonstate institutions could not affect the political and economic processes in a society.
I. Give five (5) nonstate institutions
13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

_____18. These are non-profit organizations that focus on social development a. Financial institutions
programs on the behalf of the people
_____19. These are advocacy groups that pursue issues across international b. Trade unions
_____20. Organizations that are concerned with labor welfare and rights c. Transnational advocacy
groups (TAGs)
_____21. Organizations that facilitate financial transactions d. Development agencies
_____22. Organizations that foster international cooperation among nations, and e. International
other non-state actors organizations
_____23 . Its two forms are international organizations and nongovernmental f. Nongovernmental
organizations organizations
24. _______________ banks are financial institutions that facilitate mergers (i.e. acquisition or combination of one
company of another, ex. Smart and PLDT) for businesses and governments.
25. _______________ companies aid individuals In terms of risk management (i.e in cases of deaths and accidents) and
wealth preservation (i.e trusts, college education plans etc).
26. _______________ help individuals invest funds or money with other investors to manage securities in the form of
shares (for corporations) and bonds (for governments).
27. _______________ are intermediaries or facilitators in the buying and selling of financial securities between buyers
and sellers.
28. _______________ banks are those that could provide services like deposits and loans, and could issue credit cards,
debit cards and checks.
29. (Commercial, investment) banks facilitate financial transactions between large-scale institutions like corporations and
30. The Asian Development Bank and the World Bank could be categorized as (commercial, development) banks in terms
of their purpose.
31. Trade unions have the primary role of promoting labor w___________ and good 32. i___________ relations.
II. Give three (3) major concerns of cooperatives and trade unions
33. 34. 35.
III. Give five (5) of the seven (7) roles of trade unions and their descriptions (in your own words, preferably).
____________41. Domestic issues are those issues or problems that extend across countries and borders.
____________42. Transnational advocacy groups are those that follow advocacies across countries and borders, and
want to change policies and practices internationally.
____________43. Examples of transnational advocacy groups that wishes to change political policies across countries
are Greenpeace and World Wildlife Fund.
____________44. Development agencies could be categorized into two kinds: international organizations as well as
nongovernment organizations.
____________45. There is no debate with regards to what defines development in countries.
____________46. Because NGOs are independent groups coming from the people participating in providing public
services like the government, most of them encourage monarchy as the best political system for their
46. The major goals of the United Nations as an international organization are to 46. achieve i____________
c__________ in terms of solving international problems of 47. e______________, 48.
s_____________ 49. c_____________ and a 50. h____________ character and in improving and
encouraging respect for 51. h___________ r______________ and for 52. f______________
f_________ for all without distinction to 53. r___________ 54 s______________ 55.l______________
and 56. r______________.
IV. Give four (4) international organizations aside from the United Nations
57. 58. 59. 60.
_____61. NGOs that represent voices of people from communities to the government a. Policy advocacy groups
_____62. NGOs that participate locally, nationally and internationally to advocate for b. Contractors
policies that serve the marginalized
_____63. NGOs that provide economic benefits and access to the needy c. Cooperatives
_____64. NGOs that serve in remote areas which are not usually reached by d. Service provider
government services intermediaries
_____65. NGOs that are consultant s to government agencies and international e. International
organizations for sponsored development projects organizations
f. Community
V. Give four (4) population groups that NGOs usually reserve the most help for
66. 67. 68. 69.

ESSAY. Create an NGO that will address an issue that you believe needs to be accounted for in Philippine
society. Give a brief overview of the social issue and why you picked it, the type of NGO you will create,
the funding sources and organizations you want to partner with, the population you will target, and the
problems you think your organization will have to face with regards to delivering the services.

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