Simple Present Tense

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Tense ini digunakan untuk :

1 .Menyatakan kegiatan rutin yang dilakukan dalam waktu/tempo yang sama/tetap.

Adverb of time (keterangan waktu) yang digunakan seperti:

Every morning/afternoon/night

Every day/week/month/year

Once a day

Twice a week

Five times a month

Ten times a day

Several times an hour

Many times a year

( + ) POSITIVE : SUBJECT + VERB 1(S/ES) + .........

Verb 1 digunakan oleh subject I,you,they,we dan jamak

Verb 1 s/es digunakan oleh subject he,she,it dan tunggal

Example :

He works hard everyday.

They work hard everyday.

Risma visits her grand mother twice a month.

Risma and Nanda visit their grand mother twice a month.


Do not - -- digunakan oleh subject I,You,They,We dan Jamak

Does not -- digunakan oleh subject He,She,It dan Tunggal

Example :

He does not work hard everyday

Theydo not work hard everyday

Risma does not visit her grand mother twice a month.

Risma and Nanda do not visit their grand mother twice a month.

( ? ) INTERROGATIVE : DO /DOES + S + INFINITIVE VERB + ............ ?

Do ...... digunakan oleh subject I,You,They,We dan Jamak

Does.. . digunakan oleh subject He,She,It dan Tunggal

Example :
Does he work hard everyday ?

Do they work hard everyday ?

Does Risma visit her grand mother twice a month ?.

Do Risma and Nanda visit their grand mother twice a week ?.

2. Menyatakan kebenaran umum

Example :

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

Cows eat grass

Boy loves girl.

Woman bears.

Man does not bear.

T a s k 1.

Change the sentences into Positive,Negative or Interrogative !

1. You do not understand the lesson well. ( + , ? )

2. Does his older brother drink beer every night ? ( + , - )

3. We practice playing guitars three times a week. ( - , ? )

4. The young man has two sisters. ( - , ? )

5. Her younger sister does not go abroad every year. ( + , ? )

Task 2

Translate the sentences into English !

1. Mereka menulis artkel-artikel satu kali sebulan.

2. Apakah orang-orang itu kenal / tahu orang tuamu ?

3. Wanita tua itu tidak mempunyai sesuatu untuk dimakan setiap pagi.

4. Gadis kecil itu menari dengan lucu setiap malam.

5. Apakah laki-laki kaya itu membeli mobil baru setiap tahun ?

6. Anak-anak suka permen.

7. Tugas siswa adalah belajar.

8. Laki-laki mempunyai kumis dan jenggot.

9. Burung terbang dan ikan berenang.

10.Lombok terasa pedas.

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