Cause and Effect

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Cause and Effect : Smoking

One of the most dangerous habits known to man is smoking as this habit can kill
an average of 450,000 people every year . The cause and the effect of smoking
are not unknown facts. Most smokers Dont have real causes to smoke . why
they are many people still continue smoking? What causes smokers to make
them like it ? Are they know how big dancegoers to smoke ?

Cause of Smoking

There is not one specified reason for people to smoke. There are actually many
reasons which act as a cause of smoking, according to scientists. A few people
take it as a habit because they saw someone they admired like smoking and
thought it was a cool thing to do. Another reason for some people may smoke is
experimenting with friends. Here are a few most common causes of smoking
that what I believe:

1. Ignorance about all the risks and disadvantages of smoking cigarettes.

2. Felling you are proud when you smoke with your friend .

3. Growing up in an environment or house where people regularly smoke.

4. Feelings of fatigue and stress.

Effect of Smoking

The effects of smoking on human health are serious and in many cases. There are
approximately 4000 chemicals in cigarettes, hundreds of which are toxic. The
ingredients in cigarettes affect everything from the internal functioning of organs
to the efficiency of the body's immune system. The effects of cigarette smoking
are destructive and widespread.

To speak about smoking effect the are a lot here are a few most common of
them :

1. Responsible for 30% of pancreatic cancers.

2. Increases the risk of developing bladder cancer 5-fold.
3. Cause cancers of the mouth, tongue, larynx, and pharynx.
4. People who smoke have triple the risk of developing squamous cell skin cancer.
5. Stomach Cancer .
6. Cause direct damage to lung tissue and introduce irritants that can result in
airways spasms.
These are some causes and effect about smoking . I think every time we have
speak about that to try to make people take it out and still tell them about the
effect and how is big dencgoures for them self and other who dont smoke .
Smoking is one of the main issues that mankind today is confronted with in the
world. Smoking is known to have started as early as 1439 A.D. Rodrigo de Jerez was the
first ever smoker in Europe, and the development of cigars was originated by the Native
American people. In the twentieth century, cigars were advertised all over the world as
a harmless, anti-stress product with little or no side effects. Smoking was eventually
become widespread all over English-speaking continents and was even popular among
women. As technology became more advanced, the adverse effects of smoking on
human health have increased exponentially. Researchers officially declared smoking as a
harmful habit that in most of the cases is fatal.

There are many reasons why people resort to smoking; many of the choices are
based on the individuals decisions. Much of temptation to start smoking is based on the
advertising propaganda carried out by cigarette manufacturers. People at home see the
images of smoking people on their television screens, in newspapers, and magazines.
Children are influenced by their parents and may be mislead to the thinking that
smoking poses no danger. Statistics show that about nine out of ten tobacco users start
smoking before they are eighteen years old. Peer pressure is another main reason why
teenagers choose to do things they shouldnt do: befriending the wrong group of people
who might represent a negative example. Quite often it is the friends who persuade
each other to start smoking or purchase a pack of cigarettes only to try what smoking is
all about.

Smoking is often portrayed in todays society as a cool and hip thing to do.
Moreover, on many occasions, smoking can contribute to the status of a person. The
fact that it makes you look cool can tempt a person to light up and eventually harm his
or her health. Culture can also have a powerful impact on whether smoking is accepted
by society. For example, in Turkey it might not be as frowned upon as in Switzerland.
Some surveys point out that smoking is usually perceived as producing relaxing effect;
this can particularly appeal to businessmen and people who have stressful occupations.

The harmful effects of smoking usually manifest themselves in ones health

over a long-term period. A cigarette contains three harmful substances that can lead to
fatal illnesses. Nicotine is one of the most harmful chemicals in a cigarette. Nicotine is an
addictive substance that can lead to having just one puff of a cigarette into buying
numerous packets and smoking them all. Addiction can also result in absolutely
unnecessary expenses, but most importantly this habit is very hard to part with which
eventually leads to mostly irreversible damages to health. Most adults who start
smoking in their teen years never expected to become addicted. Tar is another
component in a cigarette which contributes to the harmful effects of smoking. It is a
brown, tacky chemical that is left behind on the end of the cigarette filter. It stains the
smokers teeth and fingers and it also coats everything with a brownish-yellow film. The
build-up of tar in lungs can eventually cause cancer; it is now the most common causes
of death among regular smokers. Moreover, cigarettes produce carbon monoxide which
is, when inhaled, reduces the oxygen intake by red blood cells. This leads to shortness of
breath, overall fatigue, and complications with heart and lungs. What makes smoking
frowned upon by society is that it not only affects the individual smokers health but
also other civilians around. Second hand smokers are also highly affected by the same
damaging effects produced by cigarettes.

The causes and effects of smoking are being discussed frequently among our
society, and more and more solutions to resolve this issue are being brought up
worldwide. Being in the media-age, propaganda and commercial advertising plays a big
part in the indoctrination of our generation. People see what they believe about
smoking and are led to thinking its a solution to problems like peer pressure, stress, and
feeling left out. However, the actual effects of smoking include a high risk of cancer,
addiction, and fatigue. Men, women and children are informed constantly of these
circumstances, but still today, smoking remains as a recurring topic on the list of the
main issues around the world.
Smoking cigarettes is harmful to health That is a warming sentence which shown on
pack of cigarettes. Therefore, the effects of smoking cigarettes on humans life are
serious. The main purpose of this essay is to discuss three main effects of smoking
cigarettes on humans life: smokers health, non- smokers living together smokers and
economy of family and country.

One considerable effect of smoking cigarettes is that it can make smokers health
get worse. Firstly, people who smoking cigarettes is easy to get diseases such as: cough
and lung cancer. Smokers are always coughing or clearing their throat. My father, uncle
and my friends who smoke all seem to have a perpetual cough. They take cough drops
and other medicines to counteract the cough but they do not succeed. Besides, the
greater danger is that it may deteriorate into something worse like lung cancer. Lung
cancer from smoking is caused by the tar in tobacco smoke. Smokers are ten times more
likely to die from lung cancer than non- smokers. Pregnant mothers who smoke may
give birth to smaller and less healthy children. Secondly, the number mortalities because
of diseases connected with smoking become increasing. According to report of worth
health organization, Vietnam is one of countries which have the highest smoker rate on
the world. Yearly, Vietnam has over 40.000 mortalities from diseases caused by smoking
cigarettes. To summary, smoking cigarettes has negatives effect on smokers health.

Smoking cigarettes not only affects smokers but also affects people living around
them. Actually, it also make non- smokers health get worse. When my father smokes
cigarettes, I feel choked on the smoke and cough. Therefore, people dont smoke but
living together smokers, they are threatened their health especially children. Adults get
lung cancer, asthma and other diseases; children get pneumonia. Besides that, non-
smokers feel annoyed about the appearance of smokers. Smokers usually have typical
signs such as yellow teeth, yellow fingers especially smelly clothes which make people
living around them very annoyed. When I sit near smokers, I cant bear bad smell from
their body and I must keep away them.

The last significant effect of smoking cigarettes is that it affects their familys
finance and the countrys economy. Smokers have to spend on a mount of money to buy
cigarettes. Each year, smokers have to pay over 5 million Dong to buy cigarettes, so it
make their familys finance become bad. It is unnecessary waste. Moreover, it also
affects s the countrys economy. Yearly, our country spends on a lot of money to reduce
environment pollution caused from smoking cigarettes.

In conclusion, smoking cigarettes has three main negative effects on humans life
that can be seen in smokers health, non- smokers living together smokers and economy
of family and country. I hope that if you are smoking, it is always better to stop. If you
dont smoke, then do not start. You will be glad you didnt.

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