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Ara Denise A.

Negado 07-26-2017


Mrs. Corazon S. Fajardo Ph.D.

I. Introduction

Last July 24, 2017, at 3 in the afternoon, the annual SONA of the current President of the
Republic of Philippines, Honorable Rodrigo Duterte, was aired trough TV and Radio Networks and
also in the Social Media. Every Filipino, even those at work tuned in for a glimpse of what the
president had to say about the current condition of the country under his administration. The
President used the English language for the formal parts of his speech, but he was very eager to use
Tagalog for a much-detailed explanation, and of course, he wouldnt be Digong without some cursing.

II and III. The Topic and Reflection

At the beginning of the SONA, he was more than eager to say his well-known belief, his strong
condemn to drugs was a known fact to us, victimizing seemingly with impunity the innocents and
the helpless he said. He was very clear to it that hes protecting the Filipinos, specially the youths,
from these evil personas, who were willing to do criminal acts, whether they were under the
influence of drugs or not. Extra-judicial killing cases were thrown at his administration, this might be
true, might be not, but the mere thought that these persons found dead, were really drug users or
pusher, who if were still alive can cause so much crimes and destruction to the Filipino citizens, then
be it! I am a strong believer, that for real change to happen, sacrifices should be made.

Then there was the rebellion in Mindanao and the Martial Law therein. The reason behind
these rebellious acts was never comprehensive to me. These Mauti Group were taking people for
hostage, beheading these innocent people and for what? For power? The Martial Law was declared
to mitigate, to lessen loss of more lives and infrastructures, the president thought of it as the fastest
way to put an end to this crisis. For me, that was easy to understand, but I cannot agree or disagree
with this decision, because I am not in the position to do so. I am not the one being kept hostage,
feeling the fear of the possibility that I will be the next one to be beheaded. Maybe the martial law
helped, maybe it did not, but since we wont know it, it was for the president to decide what solution
should be taken into action. Now, during the quest of saving around 300 hostages from the rebellious
group in Mindanao, again sacrifices are needed to be made, soldiers were killed, if not incapacitated
during the war, they were doing this in the line of duty, risking their lives for peace and democracy.
Those who are risking their lives in the battlefield for our country, I have your backs Digong said.
Programs for assistance were crafted for those soldiers and their family.
Then he had his eyes in the mining industry, you have to come up with a substitute, to restore
the virginity of their source, or I will tax you to death. The president was very clear to it that mining
activities are harmful to the environment and to those people who only rely on it, as a result rich
becomes richer, poor becomes poorer. The two options, to me was sensible, mining companies
should pay taxes accordingly and at the same time preserve the environment as well. But since they
were not able, or willing to do so, the government needs to take action.

I believe those three mentioned above were the highlight of the presidents speech. Aside
from those three he was able to mention the projects that the administration had done so far and
those projects that he intends to materialize in the future. He mentioned the golden age of
infrastructure in the Philippines and I am looking forward to it. He was also able to mention the
Death Penalty for heinous crimes, I am not against it, but I hope that they will fix how justice works
in the country first to avoid mistakes In killing an accused that is innocent.

IV. The Summary

The SONA I believe, was very informative. In my own opinion and as a mere student, I am not
looking for anything other than those matters that hed mentioned during his speech, there were
even some topics that I was not able to relate to or comprehend. I am not a pro nor an anti of his
administration and the decisions hed made during his term, but I do know that he was one of a kind.
He was a very sensible person, very practical, he was here for a change, and change he will get.

V. Reference
Http: // www. The summit express .com/2017/07/president-duterte-sona-1017.Transcript: dutertes @nd
state of the Ntion address.
Ara Denise A. Negado BSA-III
Subject: Social Responsibility & Good Governance 07-26-2017

Reaction Paper: President Dutertes State of the Nation Address

Last July 24, 2017, at 3 in the afternoon, the annual SONA of the current President of the
Republic of Philippines, Honorable Rodrigo Duterte, was aired trough TV and Radio Networks and
also in the Social Media. Every Filipino, even those at work tuned in for a glimpse of what the
president had to say about the current condition of the country under his administration. The
President used the English language for the formal parts of his speech, but he was very eager to use
Tagalog for a much-detailed explanation, and of course, he wouldnt be Digong without some cursing.

At the beginning of the SONA, he was more than eager to say his well-known belief, his strong
condemn to drugs was a known fact to us, victimizing seemingly with impunity the innocents and
the helpless he said. He was very clear to it that hes protecting the Filipinos, specially the youths,
from these evil personas, who were willing to do criminal acts, whether they were under the
influence of drugs or not. Extra-judicial killing cases were thrown at his administration, this might be
true, might be not, but the mere thought that these persons found dead, were really drug users or
pusher, who if were still alive can cause so much crimes and destruction to the Filipino citizens, then
be it! I am a strong believer, that for real change to happen, sacrifices should be made.

Then there was the rebellion in Mindanao and the Martial Law therein. The reason behind
these rebellious acts was never comprehensive to me. These Mauti Group were taking people for
hostage, beheading these innocent people and for what? For power? The Martial Law was declared
to mitigate, to lessen loss of more lives and infrastructures, the president thought of it as the fastest
way to put an end to this crisis. For me, that was easy to understand, but I cannot agree or disagree
with this decision, because I am not in the position to do so. I am not the one being kept hostage,
feeling the fear of the possibility that I will be the next one to be beheaded. Maybe the martial law
helped, maybe it did not, but since we wont know it, it was for the president to decide what solution
should be taken into action. Now, during the quest of saving around 300 hostages from the rebellious
group in Mindanao, again sacrifices are needed to be made, soldiers were killed, if not incapacitated
during the war, they were doing this in the line of duty, risking their lives for peace and democracy.
Those who are risking their lives in the battlefield for our country, I have your backs Digong said.
Programs for assistance were crafted for those soldiers and their family.

Then he had his eyes in the mining industry, you have to come up with a substitute, to restore
the virginity of their source, or I will tax you to death. The president was very clear to it that mining
activities are harmful to the environment and to those people who only rely on it, as a result rich
becomes richer, poor becomes poorer. The two options, to me was sensible, mining companies
should pay taxes accordingly and at the same time preserve the environment as well. But since they
were not able, or willing to do so, the government needs to take action.
I believe those three mentioned above were the highlight of the presidents speech. Aside
from those three he was able to mention the projects that the administration had done so far and
those projects that he intends to materialize in the future. He mentioned the golden age of
infrastructure in the Philippines and I am looking forward to it. He was also able to mention the
Death Penalty for heinous crimes, I am not against it, but I hope that they will fix how justice works
in the country first to avoid mistakes In killing an accused that is innocent.

The SONA I believe, was very informative. In my own opinion and as a mere student, I am not
looking for anything other than those matters that hed mentioned during his speech, there were
even some topics that I was not able to relate to or comprehend. I am not a pro nor an anti of his
administration and the decisions hed made during his term, but I do know that he was one of a kind.
He was a very sensible person, very practical, he was here for a change, and change he will get.

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