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J Autism Dev Disord (2011) 41:15231533

DOI 10.1007/s10803-011-1177-1


Atypical Brain Responses to Reward Cues in Autism as Revealed

by Event-Related Potentials
Gregor Kohls Judith Peltzer Martin Schulte-Ruther

Inge Kamp-Becker Helmut Remschmidt

Beate Herpertz-Dahlmann Kerstin Konrad

Published online: 3 February 2011

! Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011

Abstract Social motivation deficit theories suggest that Keywords Social reward ! Monetary reward !
children with autism do not properly anticipate and Motivation ! Autism spectrum disorders ! Event-related
appreciate the pleasure of social stimuli. In this study, we brain potentials ! P3 ! Go/no-go task
investigated event-related brain potentials evoked by cues
that triggered social versus monetary reward anticipation in
children with autism. Children with autism showed atten-
uated P3 activity in response to cues associated with a Introduction
timely reaction to obtain a reward, irrespective of reward
type. We attribute this atypical P3 activity in response to Recent models of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) have
reward cues as reflective of diminished motivated attention highlighted lower behavioural responsiveness to social
to reward signals, a possible contributor to reduced social incentives (e.g., facial expressions), which may partially
motivation in autism. Thus, our findings suggest a general explain the reduced social motivation of individuals with
reward processing deficit rather than a specific social ASD (Dawson et al. 2005; Schultz 2005). Children with
reward dysfunction in autism. ASD do not seek and appreciate the pleasure associated
with social stimuli that normally drives typically devel-
oping children (TDC) to orient to such stimuli. This lower
This study was supported by the German Research Foundation (IRTG
responsivity to social incentives most likely deprives
children with ASD of crucial social-emotional input, which
The authors Gregor Kohls and Judith Peltzer contributed equally to further disrupts the acquisition of later-emerging social and
this work. communication skills.
To date, little is known about reward function in ASDs.
G. Kohls ! J. Peltzer ! M. Schulte-Ruther ! K. Konrad
Child Neuropsychology Section, Department of Child and Behavioural treatment programmes have demonstrated that
Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, RWTH Aachen individuals with ASD particularly benefit from tangible
University, Aachen, Germany reinforcers, such as candy, tokens, and coins, to diminish
dysfunctional behaviour (Matson et al. 1996). In line with
G. Kohls (&)
Center for Autism Research, Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, these reports, Garretson et al. (1990) found that low-
3535 Market Street, 8th floor, Suite 860, Philadelphia, functioning autistic children performed significantly worse
PA 19104, USA under social reinforcement (verbal praise) versus tangible
e-mail: kohlsg@email.chop.edu reinforcement (pennies or pretzels) when compared to a
I. Kamp-Becker ! H. Remschmidt mental-age control group in a sustained attention task. In
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Phillips addition, Geurts et al. (2008) recently showed that perfor-
University, Marburg, Germany mance on an interference control task increased when
children thought they were competing with peers; however,
B. Herpertz-Dahlmann
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and this modulating effect of social motivation was reduced in
Psychotherapy, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany children with ASD. Moreover, Freitag (1970) reported that

1524 J Autism Dev Disord (2011) 41:15231533

children with infantile autism spent less time-on-task in a consistent with the idea that only specific subcomponents
marble-dropping game than normal controls when socially of cognitive control behaviour, such as response initiation
reinforced by an adult experimenter. in the service of higher-ranking goals (e.g., rewards) but
The assumption of a lower responsivity specifically to not response inhibition, may be compromised in this clin-
social reward in autism, however, has been questioned by ical group (Hughes 1996; Rinehart et al. 2006).
findings that support a general reward processing deficit in Using a cued incentive go/no-go task and measuring
this patient group. For instance, Dawson has repeatedly event-related brain potentials (ERPs), Goldstein et al.
shown that children with ASD are impaired in stimulus- (2006) recently found that the amplitude of the P3 ERP
reward association learning, comprising both social and component, which was elicited by abstract cues that trig-
non-social rewards (Dawson et al. 1998, 2001). Interest- gered reward anticipation and signalled potential financial
ingly, measures of reward learning seem to predict the gain, was modulated by monetary magnitude in healthy
growth of social communication abilities in individuals adults, with the highest P3 amplitudes observed for largest
with ASD (Munson et al. 2008). potential rewards. The P3 response is a positive compo-
At the neural level, functional magnetic resonance nent, usually peaking between 300 and 600 ms after
imaging (fMRI) showed that adults with ASD display stimulus onset, with the largest amplitudes observed at
aberrant brain responses in the anterior cingulate cortex centro-parietal scalp sites. The sensitivity of the P3 com-
(ACC) during monetary reward achievement (Schmitz ponent to cued financial reward size, as demonstrated by
et al. 2008). Moreover, Scott-Van Zeeland et al. (2010) Goldstein et al., is consistent with studies that have focused
recently found diminished neural activation in the ventral on the effects of reward gain on the P3 component, sug-
striatum in response to both monetary and social rewards gesting that more motivating, salient stimuli elicit larger P3
(happy face plus verbal praise) in autistic children com- amplitudes in children and adults (Nieuwenhuis et al.
pared to a mental-age control group, with the most pro- 2005). More recently, beside stimulus evaluation and
nounced reduction in responses observed for social motivational salience, P3 activity has been linked to top-
rewards. Taken together, these results suggest that devel- down control processes that involve factors related to
opmental abnormalities in reward circuitry, including response preparation and the allocation of attentional and
frontostriatal and limbic areas, may form the neurobio- memory resources, including reward anticipation (Banas-
logical basis of abnormal reward functioning in autism. chewski and Brandeis 2007; Wu and Zhou 2009).
Reward processing can be broadly subdivided into Recently, Groen et al. (2008) investigated ERP respon-
reward anticipation and reward consumption, each of ses in a well-selected sample of children with ASD who
which is associated with some distinct and some overlap- performed a reinforcement-based learning task and found
ping anatomical correlates. Reward anticipation-related an atypical ERP response related to feedback anticipation
responses, for instance, occur primarily in the striatum, (prefeedback potentials) in the ASD group relative to
prefrontal cortex and ACC, whereas reward consumption is TDC. This atypical response was accompanied by an
mainly associated with brain responses in the orbitofrontal attenuated late posterior positivity in response to perfor-
cortex (Rademacher et al. 2010). mance outcome, mainly for negative feedback
A paradigm that is often applied to assess reward (500700 ms after feedback onset at electrode Pz).
anticipation (initiated by cue signals) followed by goal- According to the authors, this reduced late positivity may
directed behaviour (e.g., button press or inhibitory have resulted from compromised motivated attention to
response) and a potential rewarding outcome is the cued performance outcome. Groen and colleagues, however,
incentive go/no-go task. Previously, we used a go/no-go only used winning or losing points as reinforcement and
task with social (positive facial expressions) and monetary did not include other contingencies; thus, it remains
reward contingencies for successful motor inhibition and unclear to what extent decreased motivated attention (as
found that both reward types boosted no-go inhibitory reflected by reduced late positive components) may also be
accuracy in TDC (Kohls et al. 2009). No comparable data observed for other stimuli such as social reinforcers in
are available for children with ASD. With regard to basic individuals with ASD. Interestingly, consistent with
inhibitory functioning, studies in autism that have applied Groens findings, several neurophysiological studies in
more classical go/no-go paradigms without reward con- ASD have addressed reactivity to social-emotional stimuli
tingencies have shown inconsistent evidence for autism- and found atypical P3 responses to speech sounds and faces
related deficits in simple motor inhibition (for a review of in this patient group. These findings have been interpreted
inhibitory abilities that studies have consistently found to as a failure to allocate an appropriate amount of attention
be impaired in autism, see Hill (2004). However, Christ to such stimuli (Dawson et al. 1988; Gunji et al. 2009;
et al. (2007) recently reported an increased go trial error Kylliainen et al. 2006; see for review Jeste and Nelson
rate in ASD children performing a go/no-go task, 2009).

J Autism Dev Disord (2011) 41:15231533 1525

To our knowledge, no investigation has directly assessed Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of the subject
the impact of social versus monetary reward incentives on sample
children with ASD as revealed by ERPs. The present study Measure ASD (n = 16) TDC (n = 20) p values
was designed to do just that. Specifically, we aimed to M (SD) M (SD)
explore the differential effects of both incentive types on
Age (years) 14.9 (2.8) 14.2 (2.8) 0.44
the reward-sensitive P3 component, primarily using
Handedness (Edinburgh) 68.5 (25.2) 78.9 (17.6) 0.17
reward-predicting cues in relation to behavioural responses
IQ (WISC-III) 108.6 (16.0) 109.9 (12.8) 0.80
and social behaviour. The present study may therefore
ADOS-G social 8.15 (2.6) NA
provide insight into the degree to which disruptions in
ADOS-G communication 4.2 (1.6) NA
reward anticipation, as reflected by aberrant ERP activity,
ADOS-G stereotypy 1.1 (1.0) NA
may impact social motivation in individuals with ASD.
ADI-R social 15.5 (3.5) NA
Based on the literature reviewed above, we predicted
ADI-R communication 17.2 (3.5) NA
that compromised reactivity to reward incentives in indi-
ADI-R stereotypy 4.8 (1.4) NA
viduals with ASD would manifest as an abnormal P3
component in response to cues initiating reward anticipa- SCQ (total) 22.3 (6.8) 3.6 (2.0) \0.001
tion in a cued go/no-go task (Dawson et al. 2005; Goldstein SRS (total) 98.8 (30.1) 14.1 (9.4) \0.001
et al. 2006, 2008), with the most pronounced disruptions ASD autism spectrum disorders, TDC typically developing children,
observed under social reward conditions (Scott-Van Zee- WISC-III Wechsler intelligence scale for children, ADOS-G autism
diagnostic observation schedule-generic, ADI-R autism diagnostic
land et al. 2010). Additionally, based on prior findings
interview-revised, SCQ Social Communication Questionnaire, SRS
(Schmitz et al. 2008; Scott-Van Zeeland et al. 2010), we social responsiveness scale
hypothesised that P3 differences in response to reward
anticipation, compared to the non-reward condition, would
be related to clinical symptoms of social dysfunction as Additionally, all parents were asked to complete the Social
measured by the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule Communication Questionnaire (Rutter et al. 2003) and the
(ADOS-G; Lord et al. 2000). At the behavioural level, we Social Responsiveness Scale (Constantino and Gruber
expected to find slower reaction times and lower accuracy 2002). The included subjects with ASD had no history of
in children and adolescents with ASD compared to TDC, comorbid psychiatric disorders. However, three subjects
particularly when a social reward was at stake (Garretson showed at least six inattentive or hyperactive/impulsive
et al. 1990). symptoms as determined using a German parental report on
ADHD symptoms based on DSM IV criteria (FBB-HKS;
Dopfner and Lehmkuhl 1998) and were excluded from the
Methods final data analysis. At the time of testing, two of the ASD
subjects were taking atypical neuroleptic medications.
Subjects The TDC were recruited from local primary or grammar
schools and underwent an extensive psychiatric examina-
A total of 16 boys with ASD (diagnosed with Asperger tion conducted by an experienced child psychiatrist using a
syndrome (n = 15) or high-functioning autism (n = 1)) standardised, semi-structured interview to assess current
and 20 typically developing male controls were included in and past episodes of psychopathology according to DSM-
the final data analysis. Both groups ranged in age from 9 to IV criteria (K-SADS-PL; Kaufman et al. 1997). In addi-
18 years (M = 14.5 years, SD = 2.8 years), and all sub- tion, parents evaluated the behaviour of their children with
jects were right-handed as assessed by the Edinburgh regard to psychopathology using the Child Behaviour
Inventory (Oldfield 1971). Only subjects with a full-scale Checklist (CBCL 4-18; Achenbach 1991). Children with a
IQ C 80 (estimated based on a short version of the WISC- T-score above 63 on the Internalising, Externalising, and
III; Gleissner et al. 2003) were included. The groups did Total Problems scales of the CBCL were also excluded
not differ with respect to age, IQ, or handedness (Table 1). (n = 2). None of the TDC was taking medication. All
Children and adolescents with ASD were recruited from subjects had normal or corrected-to-normal vision.
the Departments of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and All subjects were compensated for their participation in
Psychotherapy in Aachen and Marburg. All subjects had the study after finishing the experimental procedure and
been diagnosed by experienced clinicians according to had the chance to win an additional ten Euros based on
ICD-10 and DSM-IV criteria. Diagnoses were confirmed their performance in the monetary reward condition as
using the ADOS-G (Lord et al. 2000) and the Autism implemented in the experiment (for details, see task
Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R; Lord et al. 1994) description). Prior to testing, informed consent was
conducted by trained examiners (I. K.-B., M. S.-R.). obtained from all subjects and their parents. The study was

1526 J Autism Dev Disord (2011) 41:15231533

approved by the Ethics Committee of the RWTH Aachen on a response console as quickly and accurately as possible
University Hospital. upon seeing the target after the go cue and to refrain from
responding upon seeing the target after the no-go cue.
Experimental Procedure Feedback, either uninformative or informative (see below),
was presented for 1,500 ms immediately after target dis-
Cued Incentive Go/no-go Task appearance, followed by a fixed intertrial interval of
1,000 ms (with a fixation cross).
We used a modified version of an incentive go/no-go Depending on the reward condition, subjects were
paradigm previously introduced by Goldstein and col- rewarded for successful task performance (i.e., a fast and
leagues (see for more details Goldstein et al. 2006; Fig. 1). accurate button press in go trials and an inhibitory response
Altogether, 36 experimental blocks were presented in no-go trials). In the SR condition, positive facial expres-
pseudorandomly (counterbalanced across subjects), sions served as rewards, and neutral faces were shown after
including 3 different incentive conditions: non-reward errors (see Kohls et al. 2009). All facial stimuli were col-
(NR), social reward (SR), and monetary reward (MR). oured and equal in size and luminance. Altogether, 20 social
Blocks started with an individual block cue (for 2,950 ms) stimuli (10 happy and 10 neutral facial expressions, each
signalling the type of reward that could be obtained in the with 5 female and 5 male Caucasian faces) were included.
ongoing block for correct task performance. Correct task performance in the MR condition was
Each block consisted of five trials that were either go or rewarded with money, symbolised by different coloured
no-go trials. Each reward condition comprised the same wallets, each filled with a 50 Eurocent coin. Empty wallets
number of trials (60 trials per condition; 65% go tri- were shown after errors. Altogether, 20 monetary stimuli
als = 39, and 35% no-go trials = 21). At the onset of each (10 filled wallets and 10 empty wallets) were used. All
trial, an instruction cue was presented for 250 ms, indi- subjects won an additional ten Euros, irrespective of their
cating either a go trial (downward arrow) or a no-go trial performance, although they were told that better perfor-
(upward arrow). One second after the cue, the target mance would result in a larger amount of money paid after
stimulus (black square) was presented for 500 ms (also the experimental session.
response time window). The pre-target period served as an In the NR condition, meaningless feedback (represented
anticipation phase. During this phase, a fixation cross by mosaic pictures) was given for both successful and
remained in the centre of the screen. The subjects were failed task performance. Altogether, 20 meaningless
instructed to respond with the index finger of the right hand mosaic pictures were produced with Adobe PhotoDeluxe

Fig. 1 Illustration of the cued

incentive go/no-go task
including three different
incentive conditions: non-
reward, social reward, and
monetary reward

J Autism Dev Disord (2011) 41:15231533 1527

Home Edition 3.0 (Adobe Systems Incorporated) to instruction cues and targets during the anticipation of
resemble the social and monetary feedback pictures in reward versus non-reward. Separate single subject aver-
complexity, size, and luminance. ages were calculated for all correct go and no-go trials
To ensure that all subjects understood the task instruc- that were stimulus-locked to the instruction cues and
tions, the experimental procedure was preceded by 30 targets for the three reward conditions: NR, SR, and MR.
practice trials (10 trials in each reward condition), with the The data were segmented into epochs from 200 ms before
opportunity to repeat the practice trials if needed. to 500 ms after the cue and after target onset and baseline
Subjects were carefully instructed (and reminded if corrected to -200 ms. Prior to offline averaging, physi-
necessary via an intercom system) to maintain visual fix- ological artefacts were automatically identified by Brain-
ation on the monitor and sit still during the whole experi- Vision Analyzer as any extreme voltage exceeding
ment. Stimuli were displayed on a 17-inch monitor 180 lV, visually inspected and rejected. Children who
placed * 1 m in front of the subject. had less than 50% usable epochs (i.e., less than 19 go and
10 no-go epochs) in each condition or did not show a
Electrophysiological Recording reliable P3 response at electrode Pz (according to one-
sample t tests against zero) were excluded (ASD: n = 3,
Subjects were seated in a comfortable chair in an electrically TDC: n = 5). Given that our task design provided an
shielded, sound-attenuated, dimly lit booth. During task unequal amount of go and no-go trials, the number of
performance continuous EEG recordings were digitally included epochs differed between trial conditions but not
obtained from 64 Ag/AgCl electrodes using a high-imped- between reward conditions or groups (ASD: go
ance, 64-channel Net Amps 200 system (Electrical Geode- NR = 30.0 [mean] 5.8 [standard deviation], 2238
sics Inc., Eugene, OR, USA). The electrodes were mounted [minimummaximum]; go SR = 32.0 5.3, 2238; go
equidistant in a flexible cap and distributed evenly across the MR = 33.8 4.7, 2639; no-go NR = 18.7 1.8,
head surface (Easycap GmbH, Herrsching-Breitbrunn, 1521; no-go SR = 18.6 2.8, 1321; no-go
Germany). A vertical electro-oculogram (VEOG) was MR = 19.6 1.4, 1721; TDC: go NR = 33.4 4.7,
recorded from above and below the left eye, and a horizontal 2339; go SR = 34.9 3.1, 2839; go MR =
electro-oculogram (HEOG) was recorded from the outer 35.9 2.3, 3139; no-go NR = 19.2 2.6, 1321;
canthus of each eye. The ground electrode was positioned no-go SR = 19.6 1.8, 1421; no-go MR = 19.9 2.2,
below the left mastoid, and the nose tip was used as refer- 1121). To remove eye movements, the Gratton and
ence. An online band-pass filter was set at 0.170 Hz, and, Coles algorithm was applied; less than 5% of the epochs
data were offline low-pass filtered at 30 Hz. The sampling were corrected for eye movements, with no significant
rate of the electric signal was 250 Hz. Electrode impedances differences between groups or conditions.
were kept below 20 kX. The raw EEG data were stored on a We measured the P3 amplitude of single subject
hard disk and processed offline with BrainVision Analyzer averages for go and no-go trials stimulus-locked to the
1.05 software (Brain Products GmbH, Munchen, Germany). instruction cues and targets for the three reward condi-
tions as the most positive waveform peak in the period
Subjective Rating Questionnaire 250450 ms after event onset using the automatic peak
detection function in the BrainVision Analyzer software.
Following the experimental procedure, subjects were asked Within the chosen time window, the P3 response could
separately for the three reward conditions (a) how moti- be reliably determined in all subjects, particularly at
vating they found the condition, (b) how important it was posterior leads, with the highest amplitudes observed at
for them to perform well and succeed, and (c) how the Pz electrode. The time point at which the P3
rewarding they found the reward stimuli. Subjects indi- response reached its peak at Pz was selected as the P3
cated their answers by marking a 10-cm, horizontal visual- latency.
analogue scale. The right side of the scale showed a happy The ERP data were analysed within a 2 9 2 9 3 9 4
smiley face (indicating very much), while a sad smiley repeated-measures ANOVA model with group as the
face was shown at the left side (indicating not at all). between-subjects factor (TDC, ASD) and trial (go, no-go),
reward (NR, SR, MR), and electrode (AFz, Fz, Cz, Pz) as
Data Analysis the within-subjects repeated factors; this analysis was fol-
lowed by univariate ANOVAs. The alpha level was set at
Event-related Brain Potentials 0.05. The Greenhouse-Geisser correction for nonsphericity
was used when necessary and is indicated by epsilon (e).
Our analysis focused particularly on the P3 response as Effect sizes are shown for all analyses using partial eta
the ERP component of interest that is stimulus-locked to square (g2p).

1528 J Autism Dev Disord (2011) 41:15231533

Behavioural Measures (motivation: p \ 0.001, g2p = 0.66; importance: p \ 0.001,

g2p = 0.34; and reward value: p \ 0.001, g2p = 0.70). As
The three scales of the subjective rating questionnaire were expected, planned pairwise comparisons for all three scales
analysed within a multivariate ANOVA, with incentive displayed the highest ratings for the MR condition and the
type as a within-subjects repeated factor (three levels: NR, lowest ratings for the NR condition, with the SR condition
SR, MR) and group (two levels: ASD, TDC) as the being intermediate (all p values B 0.05). Taken together,
between-subjects factor, followed by univariate ANOVAs. these data demonstrate that our experimental manipulation
Reaction times for hits (RT for hits in ms) on the go/no-go was equally successful in both groups.
task were analysed using a 3 9 2 (reward x group)
ANOVA, whereas task accuracy (in go trials: hit rate in %; Task Performance
in no-go trials: rejection rate in %) was analysed within a
2 9 3 9 2 (trial x reward x group) ANOVA model, fol- The analysis of RT for hits revealed a main effect of reward
lowed by planned contrasts. The alpha level was set at (F(2, 33) = 9.48, p = 0.001, g2p = 0.37) with fastest
0.05. In addition, effect sizes were calculated using partial reaction times observed for MR and the slowest reaction
eta square (g2p). times observed under NR conditions (all p values \ 0.05).
On the other hand, we did not find a main effect of group
Correlation Analysis (F(1, 34) = 0.93, ns, g2p = 0.03) or a significant group x
reward interaction effect (F(2, 33) = 0.06, ns,
Pearson product-moment correlations were computed to g2p = 0.004).
examine the relationship between electrical brain activity The analysis of performance accuracy revealed a sig-
and reward anticipation as revealed by the cue P3 ampli- nificant main effect of trial (F(1, 34) = 39.43, p \ 0.001,
tude and clinical symptoms in ASD as measured by the g2p = 0.54) with higher accuracy observed for no-go trials
ADOS-G. To this end, P3 differentials at the Pz electrode compared to go trials; an expected main effect of reward
were calculated for both social and monetary incentives in (F(2, 33) = 14.11, p \ 0.001, g2p = 0.46) with the best
response to both go and no-go cues following Goldsteins performance accuracy observed for MR and the worst
procedure (Goldstein et al. 2006): cue P3-reward minus cue accuracy observed under NR conditions (all p-val-
P3-non-reward. A greater positive cue P3 differential ues \ 0.008); a significant group effect (F(1, 34) = 4.30,
indicates stronger activity in response to cue signals under p = 0.046, g2p = 0.11) with ASD subjects performing less
reward versus non-reward conditions. accurately than controls; and a significant trial by reward
We also looked for associations between cue P3 mea- interaction effect (F(2, 33) = 9.59, p = 0.001, g2p = 0.37).
sures (amplitude and latency) and task performance Taken together, these data indicate that task perfor-
(accuracy and reaction time) and evaluated how P3 dif- mance (RT for hits and accuracy rates) in both groups
ferentials were related to behavioural adjustments through changed equally under conditions of reinforcement, irre-
reward (differences in RT or accuracy under reward com- spective of reinforcement type. Task performance and
pared to non-reward conditions) (Nieuwenhuis et al. 2005). motivation ratings for both groups are summarised in
Bonferroni corrections were applied to adjust the alpha Table 2.
level for multiple comparisons.
P3 Amplitude: Instruction Cues

Results The analysis of the P3 evoked by instruction cues revealed

a main effect of trial (F(1, 34) = 10.46, p = 0.003,
Subjective Ratings g2p = 0.24) with higher amplitudes for no-go trials than go
trials; an expected main effect of reward (F(2, 68) = 4.61,
The post-test questionnaire revealed a significant main p = 0.013, g2p = 0.12), which was mainly driven by SR
effect of reward on the subjective rating scales (F(6, (p = 0.018, g2p = 0.15) as opposed to MR (p = 0.42,
29) = 20.37, p \ 0.001, g2p = 0.81), but we did not find a g2p = 0.02); and a main effect of electrode (F(3,
main effect of group (F(3, 32) = 1.46, ns, g2p = 0.12) or a 102) = 111.72, e = 0.53, p \ 0.001, g2p = 0.77) with
significant group x reward interaction effect (F(6, increasing amplitudes for more posterior electrodes
29) = 2.15, ns, g2p = 0.31). These data suggest that the (Pz [ Cz [ Fz [ AFz; all p values \ 0.001). This analysis
rewards similarly affected the subjective experiences also revealed a significant trial x reward x group interaction
associated with task conditions in both TDC and ASD effect (F(2, 68) = 5.00, p = 0.009, g2p = 0.13), suggesting
groups. Follow-up univariate ANOVAs showed that sig- that reward had a differential impact on the cue P3
nificant reward effects were related to all three rating scales response in the ASD subjects compared to the TDC,

J Autism Dev Disord (2011) 41:15231533 1529

Table 2 Main performance variables of the cued go/no-go task and increasing amplitudes for more posterior electrodes
subjective motivation ratings by group and incentive condition (Pz [ Cz [ Fz [ AFz; all p-values \ 0.001); and a sig-
Measures ASD (n = 16) TDC (n = 20) p values nificant trial x electrode interaction effect (F(3,
M (SD) M (SD) 102) = 8.78, e = 0.59, p \ 0.001, g2p = 0.21) in which P3
amplitudes were higher for posterior (Pz and Cz) versus
RT for hits (in ms)
anterior (Fz and AFz) electrodes, particularly during go
Non-reward 266.1 (31.9) 257.5 (30.5) 0.42
trials. All other main or interaction effects were non-sig-
Social reward 261.4 (33.7) 251.7 (31.3) 0.38
nificant. Using age as covariate did not change results.
Monetary reward 254.9 (30.5) 244.4 (30.6) 0.31
Go hit rate (in %)
P3 Response Latencies at Pz
Non-reward 81.3 (13.8) 87.8 (10.9) 0.12
Social reward 87.2 (11.2) 92.7 (6.2) 0.07
With regard to instruction cues and targets, no significant
Monetary reward 88.3 (10.0) 94.4 (5.5) 0.03
P3 response latency differences were found as a function of
No-go rejection rate (in %)
reward or group. The latency for the no-go-cue P3
Non-reward 94.9 (5.4) 96.4 (7.4) 0.50 response, however, was significantly longer than that for
Social reward 95.2 (7.8) 97.9 (3.3) 0.18 the go-cue P3 response (F(1, 34) = 4.69, p = 0.037,
Monetary reward 99.1 (2.6) 99.5 (1.5) 0.55 g2p = 0.12). For the target P3 latencies, there was also a
Motivation rating (max. 100) significant main effect of trial (F(1, 34) = 29.91,
Non-reward 73.8 (18.6) 73.5 (24.3) 0.97 p \ 0.001, g2p = 0.47) with longer no-go-target latencies
Social reward 74.4 (19.3) 87.0 (11.3) 0.02 than go-target latencies. The same analyses with age as
Monetary reward 92.8 (11.3) 94.5 (7.6) 0.60 covariate, however, led to non-significant results.
ASD autism spectrum disorders, TDC typically developing children
P3-Behaviour Correlations

depending on trial type. Follow-up within-subject contrasts We found significant negative correlations between the
displayed that the three-way interaction effect was related ADOS-G Reciprocal Social Interaction subscale and the
to both SR (F(1, 34) = 6.58, p = 0.015, g2p = 0.16) and go-cue P3 differential for both SR and MR conditions (SR:
MR (F(1, 34) = 8.36, p = 0.007, g2p = 0.20). Paired r = -0.58, p = 0.02; MR: r = -0.68, p = 0.005), sug-
samples t tests focusing on the Pz electrode, which showed gesting that ASD subjects with stronger social deficits
the most pronounced P3 response to reward incentives in showed weaker modulation of the go-cue P3 when rewards
this and previous studies (e.g., Goldstein et al. 2006), were at stake, irrespective of incentive type. Other ADOS-
revealed that the go-cue P3 response was particularly larger G subscales did not correlate with P3 differentials.
under monetary reward anticipation conditions in the TDC Associations between P3 differentials and behavioural
group (MR [ SR [ NR; all significant p values \ 0.05; adjustments through reward (i.e., differences in RT or
noteworthy, the contrast SR [ NR does not survive cor- accuracy under reward compared to non-reward condi-
rection for multiple comparisons), whereas in the ASD tions), however, revealed no significant results in our
group the go-cue P3 response was significantly reduced sample. We also did not find any significant correlations
under social reward relative to non-reward and monetary between cue P3 measures (amplitude and latency) and task
reward conditions (SR \ MR = NR; all significant p-val- performance, suggesting that performance differences did
ues \ 0.003). The P3 response elicited by no-go cues did not contribute to the P3 findings.
not show significant enhancement or reduction under
reward conditions in any of the groups (NR = SR = MR; Additional Analyses
all p values [ 0.15) (Table 3; Fig. 2).
Using age as covariate did not change significant results Statistical analysis of ERP components preceding the P3
into non-significant results. response stimulus-locked to instruction cues and targets
(e.g., P2 within the interval of 100 and 200 ms after
P3 Amplitude: Targets stimulus onset and N2) revealed no significant effects of
reward or group on the amplitudes and latencies of these
The analysis of the P3 in response to targets revealed a components. ERPs evoked by performance outcome (e.g.,
significant main effect of trial (F(1, 34) = 9.90, p = 0.003, P3) did not show significant effects and are not reported
g2p = 0.23) with higher amplitudes for go versus no-go here.
trials; an expected main effect of electrode (F(3, We also repeated our ERP analysis based on an equated
102) = 41.99, e = 0.56, p \ 0.001, g2p = 0.55) with number of go and no-go epochs by randomly selecting go

1530 J Autism Dev Disord (2011) 41:15231533

Table 3 P3 amplitudes and latencies at electrode Pz as a function of group, incentive condition, and trial type
ERP measure ASD (n = 16) TDC (n = 20)
Non-reward Social reward Monetary reward Non-reward Social reward Monetary reward

Go-cue P3 (amplitude in lV) 17.4 (8.5) 11.5 (9.5) 16.0 (8.4) 15.5 (5.2) 16.7 (5.1) 19.3 (6.3)
No-go-cue P3 (amplitude in lV) 16.9 (10.5) 16.2 (6.9) 19.2 (9.7) 17.8 (8.5) 17.8 (6.9) 17.5 (8.5)
Go-target P3 (amplitude in lV) 13.6 (8.7) 12.9 (9.3) 15.9 (8.1) 15.8 (6.4) 16.1 (7.5) 19.8 (10.6)
No-go-target P3 (amplitude in lV) 8.5 (7.4) 10.2 (8.0) 8.2 (10.5) 12.5 (7.7) 7.7 (7.4) 11.3 (6.1)
Go-cue P3 (latency in ms) 367.3 (36.3) 373.5 (34.3) 365.5 (33.4) 378.6 (43.3) 381.4 (43.7) 386.2 (44.4)
No-go-cue P3 (latency in ms) 378.3 (44.4) 385.0 (41.9) 392.8 (52.5) 373.8 (57.5) 391.2 (45.0) 401.6 (44.2)
Go-target P3 (latency in ms) 306.8 (41.2) 306.0 (49.3) 313.8 (48.1) 310.4 (37.6) 306.6 (35.3) 305.0 (39.9)
No-go-target P3 (latency in ms) 359.8 (74.8) 334.0 (61.8) 340.8 (58.2) 344.8 (63.4) 323.0 (54.5) 337.8 (62.9)
ASD autism spectrum disorders, TDC typically developing children

Fig. 2 Grand mean waveforms

shown separately for go and no-
go instruction cues evoked in
the two experimental groups (Pz
electrode cluster average). Solid
line non-reward, dashed line
social reward, dotted line
monetary reward. Grey bar in
the left top picture indicates
time window for statistical
analysis of P3 component

segments. The significant trial effect for cue latencies was (affirmative facial expressions) versus monetary incentives
non-significant within this analysis. All observed group on the P3 ERP component in children and adolescents with
differences for the P3 amplitudes, however, remained and without ASD.
significant. At the behavioural level, we found that both social and
monetary incentives enhanced task performance in all
subjects, with the highest improvement observed under
Discussion monetary reward conditions, confirming previous findings
(Kohls et al. 2009). Contrary to our prediction, however,
In the present study, we used a modified cued incentive go/ children with ASD showed a comparable performance
no-go task to investigate the differential impact of social benefit from social reward to typical controls. With regard

J Autism Dev Disord (2011) 41:15231533 1531

to ERP responses, we demonstrated that the P3 amplitude relevant for goal-directed behaviour, as reflected by
in response to cues triggering a phase of reward anticipa- stronger P3 activity in response to such stimuli. Thus, the
tion was differentially modulated in both groups. Only ERP data of this study suggest attenuated motivated
TDC showed increased P3 activity in response to incentive attention, particularly in response to cues that trigger active
cues that signalled a potential reward linked to a successful approach behaviour in individuals with ASD. This attenu-
overt action (button press in go trials) with higher amplitudes ated state may disrupt the capacity to modulate response
observed under monetary and social reward conditions ver- initiation in the service of higher-ranking goals (such as
sus non-reward (for adult data, see Goldstein et al. 2006). By rewards) (Rinehart et al. 2006).
contrast, ASD subjects exhibited no bigger P3 under reward Alternatively, but not mutual exclusively, one can also
relative to non-reward, with even diminished P3 activity in speculate that if children with ASD need to allocate more
response to incentive cues that initiate a phase of social executive resources than TDC to simply perform the task
reward anticipation. None of the groups showed significant for obtaining a reward, they may value potential rewards to
modulation of the P3 elicited by no-go reward cues and by a lesser degree than TDC (effort discounting) (Botvinick
targets, which is in agreement with Goldsteins findings in et al. 2009), which is most likely reflected in weaker P3
adults and deserves further investigation. activity to reward cues.
With regard to brain-behaviour relationships, we found However, it is also plausible that other intra-individual
that ASD subjects with stronger social deficits showed factors beyond clinical diagnosis, such as cognitive
weaker P3 activity in response to go cue signals that trig- resources or personality traits (e.g., reward seeking
gered social and monetary reward anticipation. behaviour), may have influenced our findings and, thus,
The unexpected finding that children with ASD showed need to be taken into consideration.
a comparable performance benefit from social reward Social motivation deficit theories of autism suggest
compared to controls is in contrast to earlier studies that specific diminished brain responses to social incentives,
reported reduced responsiveness to social incentives in this which may lead to reduced socially motivated behaviour in
patient group (Freitag 1970; Garretson et al. 1990). A close affected individuals (Dawson et al. 2005). Our cue P3
look at study designs, however, reveals that Freitag (1970) response data, however, indicate that reactivity to monetary
and Garretson et al. (1990) investigated lower-functioning incentives is also compromised, supporting previous
individuals, and both used verbal praise as reinforcement, reports of a general reward functioning deficit in this
which is different from current social reward manipula- patient group. Intriguingly, the atypical cue P3 activity in
tions. Visual stimuli such as facial incentives may represent response to both incentive types was inversely correlated
a type of reward that has a stronger reward learning history with the social deficits in our ASD subjects, consistent with
compared to other forms of social reinforcement in indi- earlier imaging findings (e.g., Schmitz et al. 2008; Scott-
viduals with ASD (and/or is typically targeted by thera- Van Zeeland et al. 2010).
peutic interventions in ASD) and, thus, is more beneficial Because neuropathological or neurochemical evidence
at the behavioural level. Systematic studies comparing the of autism-related LC-NE abnormalities has not been
impact of a variety of social incentives on task performance reported thus far, it seems unlikely that the aberrant
in larger, more diverse ASD samples are needed to shed motivational brain responses observed in the present study
light on this possibility. reflect dysfunction in the core LC-NE system (Lam et al.
As expected, the P3 results in the ASD subjects indicated 2006; Martchek et al. 2006). Compromised cue P3 activity,
an atypical motivation-related brain response to reward cues, however, may result from a deficit in the intervening
particularly when these reward cues were associated with reward circuitry, which normally boosts the processing of
goal-directed actions to obtain a reward. This result is con- motivational cues versus other neutral stimuli (e.g., Sch-
sistent with Groens findings of atypical prefeedback mitz et al. 2008; Scott-Van Zeeland et al. 2010). Further-
potentials and a reduced late positivity elicited by perfor- more, the finding of compromised P3 responses to reward
mance feedback in children with ASD relative to TDC dur- cues despite undisturbed behavioural reward responsive-
ing a probabilistic learning task (Groen et al. 2008). ness in the ASD group suggests that ERP recordings may
According to the locus coeruleus-norepinephrine (LC- be a more sensitive measure than our behavioural measures
NE) P3 theory (Nieuwenhuis et al. 2005), the P3 response used to uncover abnormal reward processes in patients with
reflects a short, phasic signal of the widely distributed and mental disorders (Banaschewski and Brandeis 2007).
synchronously active LC-NE system, which is probably However, future experiments are needed that apply
influenced by signals from the neural reward circuitry, more elaborate recording techniques, such as eye tracking
which evaluates the motivational significance of incoming measures, while collecting behavioural and ERP responses
stimuli. The LC-NE system promotes heightened attention to better control for potential artifacts such as disengage-
for eventsor cues that predict eventsthat are more ment from the experimental task.

1532 J Autism Dev Disord (2011) 41:15231533

The present study has some limitations that should to be activity to social and monetary cues was inversely corre-
considered. Our ASD sample consisted mainly of individ- lated with social deficits in our ASD subjects, supporting
uals with Asperger syndrome. Given the heterogeneity the idea that disruptions in reward anticipation may nega-
within the autism spectrum, it is likely that dysfunctions in tively impact social behaviour in children with ASD. Thus,
the reward system manifest in different ways across the our findings are more compatible with a general reward
spectrum (Dawson 2008). Our conclusions are thus limited processing deficit rather than a specific social reward
and require replication with larger samples that include dysfunction. We hypothesise that the reduced P3 activity in
children with low-functioning autism versus other clinical autism reflects an attenuated state of motivational attention
comparison groups (e.g., ADHD). allocation to incentive signals, probably mediated by
In addition, it would be particularly interesting to malfunctions in the neural circuitry for reward (Scott-Van
examine other reward-sensitive ERP components (e.g., Zeeland et al. 2010). Such an abnormality may severely
feedback-related negativity and error-related negativity) in impact socially motivated behaviour in that environmental
combination with more elaborate source localisation tech- incentives are not normally sought and approached.
niques, such as LORETA, to pinpoint the neural mecha- One can speculate that our findings are a consequence of
nisms and associated neural structures underlying altered two factors: autistic symptomatology and growing up with
reward functioning in autism. the disorder. It is plausible that a circular cause-effect
In our task design, uninformative mosaic pictures were mechanism takes place. Early neural reward hyporespon-
used for both correct and incorrect performance in the non- sivity to environmental signals may cause reduced reward-
reward condition, whereas informative response contin- seeking behaviour and reward learning, which in turn
gencies were provided in both reward conditions. Thus, it deprives from essential social and non-social reward sig-
is possible that the mere factor of having feedback about nals. This in turn may alter the reward circuitry and its
task performance in the reward conditions may have con- responsivity during development, and so forth.
tributed to the P3 enhancement under reward conditions. In contrast to the ERP data, at the behavioural level,
Most importantly, however, it is unlikely that this possible children with ASD showed a comparable performance
bias accounts for the differential impact of reward on brain benefit from reward as controls. This responsiveness is
responses: both social and monetary reinforcers served as consistent with current behavioural modification pro-
performance feedback but influenced the P3 component grammes that are effective in diminishing dysfunctional
differently (see also Goldstein et al. 2006). behaviour in individuals with ASD by applying reinforce-
Moreover, since we designed and applied a relatively ment (Matson et al. 1996). As demonstrated in the present
short paradigm with a limited number of go and no-go study and by Groen and colleagues (2009), however,
trials (and, hence, with a limited number of usable ERP reactivity at the brain level while seeking social or non-
epochs per condition), our finding of a differential effect of social rewards may be different in children with ASD
reward and group on the cue P3 response may be partly compared to normal controls.
influenced by a low signal-to-noise ratio. A larger number Thus, it will be important for future studies to use more
of trials is more likely to produce a better signal quality and potent incentives such as short social video clips, which are
may make reward-related differences in the data easier to more motivating than still photos (Blatter and Schultz
detect. Thus, our findings need further studies that better 2006) and may increase attention allocation to environ-
control for such potential limitation. mental incentives in ASD patients.
It has to be noted that we did not use interstimulus
interval (ISI) or intertrial interval (ITI) jitters in our para-
digm, which may have also influenced the signal quality in
the current study. Using an ISI or ITI jitter would likely References
improve the measurement of stimulus locked changes by
increasing the signal-to-noise ratio of ERP component Achenbach, T. M. (1991). Manual for the child behavior checklist/
averages. 418 and 1991 profile. Burlington, VT: University of Vermont,
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