Kaitlyn Derrick Udl Toolkit

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Kaitlyn Derricks 511 UDL Toolkit

UDL Toolkit1
I. Knowledge Networks : Provide multiple means of representation
Principle 1. Rationale and Usage Notes
Specific Resources
Provide options
(label and attach or link)
for perception
Customize the Gifted Students: Gifted Websites:
display of Principle 1. 2 1. The Described and Captioned Media Program
information 1. https://dcmp.org/media/560 website allows both the students and teachers to
Provide 4-butterflies-and-bees find relevant videos for their unit topics. This
alternatives for Principle 1.1 website gives students a different perception and
auditory 2. http://www.butterfly- display of information about the life cycle of a
information guide.co.uk/life/ butterfly. At this website, I found a specific video
Provide that talks about the life cycle of a butterfly and a
alternatives for Students with Mild Disabilities: bee. I would only have the students watch the first
visual Principle 1.1 segment of the video that is relevant to the life
information 1. http://aem.cast.org/navigati cycle of a butterfly. This video is advanced, as it is
ng/aem- geared for those who are in grades 3-6. This would
navigator.html#.VmMH2_ be a perfect video to show gifted students because
mDGko they would be able to understand and appreciate
Principle 1. 3 the material, as it maybe more challenging for
2. https://ltl.learningally.org/T those students who have disabilities.
Audiobooks/Learning-Ally- 2. Captains European Butterfly Guide is another
s-Audiobooks-and-the- challenging website for students who are gifted.
Learning-Through- This website provides a visual representation of the
Listening-LTL-Program/47/ life cycle of a butterfly along with advanced
reading for students who may need more of a
Students with Severe Disabilities: challenge with this unit.
Principle 1. 3
1. http://www.voki.com/ Students with Mild Disabilities Websites:
1. The AEM Navigation website is a website that
would be helpful for students who have a mild
disability, but could be used to accommodate other
students as well. This website allows teachers to
know what changes to the print students may need.
This questionnaire asks students whether they need
the teacher to change the font size (visual learners),
change the font to braille (students who are visually
impaired), and/ or change the text so it can be read
electronically (auditory and visual learners). This
website would help the teacher be able to see what
accommodations they would need to make for their
select students. The teachers would then need to
find that material for those students. For example,
we as a class are reading a story about the life cycle
of a butterfly. One of my students is visually
impaired and needs a copy of the text in braille. As
a teacher, it is my reasonability to provide that
student with a braille book so they can participate
in our lesson.

The purpose of this table is to help you organize your resources; you are not required to
present your toolkit as a table.
2. Learning Through Listening website would be
beneficial to those students who are auditory
learners. This website allows students to listen to
specific stories that are read throughout the unit. I
would have students listen to both fiction and non-
fiction stories about the life-cycle of a butterfly.
This allows the students to listen to the stories at
their own speed and comfort. This is a great
resource to help students who are ESL learners
because it allows them to listen to the story in their
native language. Also, this tool helps students who
are learning to read, or who are struggling to read
because they are able to follow along with their
Students with Severe Disabilities:
1. Voki is a great website for most students with
disabilities, but I feel students with severe
disabilities would benefit the most from this
website. This website is an interactive text-reader
website that provides options for visual
information. Allowing your students to use this
website you are providing your students with
choice. This website allows students to create their
own avatar. The students can change the sound and
looks of their avatar. I would use this in my lesson
anytime that we were reading information about the
life cycle of a butterfly. The teacher can help the
students copy over the assigned text and paste it
into the box. The students can then press play and
their avatar will start reading the passage for them.
These students can also use this website to answer
any questions the teacher may have for them. They
can simply type in their answer and press play so
the teacher can see what their answer is to the
Principle 2. Rationale and Usage Notes
Provide options Specific Resources
for language and (label and attach or link)
Define Gifted: Gifted Websites:
vocabulary and Principle 2. 4 1. The Childrens Butterfly Site is a good resource for
symbols 1. http://www.kidsbutterfly.or students who are gifted. This website illustrates key
Clarify syntax g/life-cycle concepts non-linguistically. This website provides
and structure Principle 2. 1 students with visuals on the different stages that a
Decode text and 2. http://www.visuwords.com/ butterfly goes through (egg, larva, chrysalis, and
mathematical butterfly). This website would challenge the gifted
notation Students with Mild Disabilities: students in my second grade classroom. This
Promote cross- Principle 2. 1 website has informational text that any second
linguistic 1. http://www.wordle.net/ grader would look at and freeze. My gifted students
understanding Principle 2.5 would be able to read the text and make
Illustrate key 2. http://www.watchknowlear connections between the given text and the pictures
concepts non- n.org/Video.aspx? that are provided. This website also offers different
linguistically VideoID=43547&CategoryI language selections so that ESL students could use
D=8052# this website as well.
2. Visuwords is a great website to use if you want to
Students with Severe Disabilities: learn about a specific vocabulary word. I felt this
Principle 2.5 website would be most appropriate for my gifted
1. http://www.watchknowlear students because of the vocabulary words that are
n.org/Video.aspx? associated with this unit. Students will use this
VideoID=29801&CategoryI website to learn different variations of the word
D=7550 that the students typed into the word box.
Principle 2.2 Visuwords tells the students how the variations
2. http://word.tips.net/T00180 connect to the main word. The different colored
9_Creating_an_Executive_ dashes inform the students if the variations are
Summary.html closely related, opposites, part of etc. Students will
type in: larva, butterfly, egg, chrysalis, caterpillar,
metamorphosis and see what comes up. Students
will write down what they see for each vocabulary
word and if any of them show up in their visuwords
concept map.

Students with Mild Disabilities Websites:

1. Wordle is a great resource for all students and even
teachers as well. For my unit on the life cycle of a
butterfly I wish to use their website for helping my
students with mild disabilities learn vocabulary
words. The teacher will model and example with
one of the passages read in class. The students will
then be directed to do the same thing with another
passage. Students will take one of their online
passages assigned to read and paste it in the wordle
box. Students will then submit and create a wordle.
All the key words that are associated with the
passage will show up. The ones that are used the
most will be in bold and large font. Students will
then use those words to help them recognize what
they might be learning about throughout the unit.
This is particularly good for students with mild
disabilities because it helps them understand what
vocabulary words might be the important words so
they can then go to the dictionary and look up the
definitions of those words. This helps them cut
back the time it would take them to have to read the
passage and find the key words on their own.
2. This website features a video that breaks down the
stages of the butterfly growth more than some
videos. This would help the students with mild
disabilities because it breaks the stages down more
and goes over the information a little slower. This
gives the students more time and more information
that might help them better remember the stages of
the life cycle of the butterfly. The video also tells
the stages of the butterfly growth from the point of
view of the caterpillar/butterfly. This different view
point will give the students with mild disabilities a
different type of story to relate to when trying to
learn the information.

Students with Severe Disabilities:

1. This website features a song that summarizes the
stages in the life cycle of the butterfly. This would
be beneficial to the more severely disabled because
the information is more simple and the song helps
the more auditory learners. The song may help the
more disabled children to easier remember the
stages of the life cycle.
Principle 3. Rationale and Usage Notes
Provide options Specific Resources
for (label and attach or link)
Provide or Gifted: Gifted Websites:
activate Principle 3. 1. This website allows the students to create and use
background 1. http://www.webspirationpro concept maps. This is a more complex activity that
knowledge .com/ would be best for the more advanced and gifted
Provide access students. This would allow them to explore the
to above-level Whole Class: content of the life cycle of a butterfly creatively
content for gifted Principle 3.1 through the use of a concept map. This would
students (at least 1. https://ellclassroom.file allow them to organize the information and learn it
two grade levels s.wordpress.com/2008/ in a deeper way.
above). 12/coordianate-graph-
Highlight explanation.pdf
critical features, Principle 3.1 Whole Class Websites:
big ideas, and 2. http://www.pbslearning 1. As for the website # 1 listed under the whole class
relationships media.org/resource/10a this would benefit all types of learners, along with
Highlight real- 98850-5d05-46f1-a5f0- the teacher. This activity is interactive and fun and
life applications fb5cb4cd2fcf/butterfly- gets everyone using their brain. By completing an
Guide life-cycle-fitness/ exercise similar to this one ( I would change up the
information four corner titles to something more creative; such
processing as egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, and butterfly. which
Support represent how much information students know on
memory and the topic Life Cycle of a Butterfly) all students are
transfer able to participate. This is an engaging way to gain
an understanding for what your students already
know, along with what they may not already know.
A simple activity like this one allows teachers to
know where they should start their unit and how
they can challenge all the learnings in their

2. The second website under whole class is a great

way to incorporate all learners in activating
previous knowledge learned throughout the Life
Cycle of a Butterfly. This allows all types of
learners with and without disabilities to become
actively engaged in reviewing the life cycle of a
butterfly. This will help students remember the
cycles because they can refer back to what exercise
represented each stage. This challenges gifted
students because they can be the students in charge
of running the exercises because they tend to learn
and memorize faster than other students. As for
students with severe disabilities the teacher could
hold up pictures of the different cycles the butterfly
goes through to help them recognize what the
teacher is talking about. The teacher could
accommodate different exercises for the students
who may not be able to complete the original
II. Strategic Networks - Provide multiple means for action and expression

Principle 4. Rationale and Usage Notes

Provide options Specific Resources
for physical (label and attach or link)
Provide varied Gifted: Gifted Websites:
ways to respond Principle 4. 1. This is a great website for the more gifted students.
Provide varied 1. http://www.sheppardsoftwa The game works by placing the correct stage of
ways to interact re.com/scienceforkids/life_ growth in the right order on the cycle. This works
with materials cycle/butterfly_game_9.17. best when the student can get them in the right
Integrate swf order. This would therefore work best for the gifted
assistive Principle 4.2 students who have a better understanding of the
technologies 2. http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/cu cycle.
stom/resources_ftp/client_ft 2. This website is an interactive cycle that allows the
p/ks1/science/hamshall/life students to click on the different cycles to learn
_cycles/images/lifecycleflas about each stage of growth. After learning about
h.swf the stages the students have to then place the stages
in the correct order. This is better for the gifted
Students with Mild Disabilities: students because there is the extra challenge of
Principle 4. 2 navigating the website and the quiz at the end.
1. http://www.turtlediary.com/ Students With Mild Disabilities Websites:
kids-videos/butterfly-life- 1. This link features a cartoon like video that teaches
cycle.html about the different stages of the butterfly life cycle.
This is better for the children with mild disabilities
Students with Severe Disabilities: because there is less navigation involved. The
Principle 4.1 children can watch the video and learn. This
1. http://www.cameramouse.o website lacks the extra challenge of the navigation
rg/ and quiz at the end.
Principle 4.1 Students With Severe Disabilities Websites:
2. http://www.leithauserresear 1. This resource allows the user to control the mouse
ch.com/nokeys.html on the screen without using their hands. This is
great for students with severe physical disabilities
that prevent them from using a mouse. This
software allows the physically disabled to use the
computer and use the same programs that their
peers use.
2. This resource allows the students to use the
keyboard on the screen using the mouse. This could
be used in combination with the camera mouse.
This would be very beneficial to the students who
are physically impaired. Using both the camera
mouse and the virtual keyboard would allow the
physically impaired students to use the same
programs as their non-disabled peers.

Principle 5. Rationale and Usage Notes

Provide options Specific Resources
for expressive (label and attach or link)
skills and fluency
Allow choices Gifted: Gifted Websites:
of media for Principle 5. 3 1. Book builder is a great website that would
communication 1. http://bookbuilder.cast.org/ challenge the students in my class. This website
Provide allows students to change the size and font of text,
appropriate tools Whole Group: add pictures, and add voices along with other cool
for composition Principle 5.1 features that students could play around with. Book
and problem 1. http://www.toondoo.com/cr builder is a good way to have children create their
solving eateToon.do own interactive story on the topic of the unit the
Provide ways to Principle 5.1 teacher is teaching. This website would meet the
scaffold practice 2. https://scratch.mit.edu/ needs of my gifted students because they would be
and performance - An example: able to write an advanced story on the life cycle of
https://scratch.mit.edu/ a butterfly. Students would be able to create
projects/112670/ different pictures they would want to go with the
Principle 5.1 story. Students also had the chance to add voices to
3. http://edu.glogster.com/ their story. The voices could read different parts of
their story in different voices along with different
languages. Overall, this is a great interactive
website that allows students to become creative. It
allows students to have their stories about the life
cycle of a butterfly come to life in a way which the
student would be proud and happy of.

Whole Class Websites:

1. ToonDoo is a great resource for the classroom.
ToonDoo is a website that would meet the need of
any student inside the classroom. ToonDoo allows
students to express their understanding of a topic in
a form of a comic strip. The comic strips would
differ based on the ability of the student. Some
students may have more words then pictures, and
some might have more pictures then words that is
the great part about this website. This website
allows all students including students with mild
and severe disabilities to create a comic strip that
would represent their knowledge on the life cycle
of a butterfly. This website allows students to
become creative and express their ideas for the
topic life cycle of a butterfly in a comedic way.
This would be good for all students because it
allows each student to show their creative and
understanding for the life cycle of a butterfly. This
particular website would benefit my gifted students
because it would allow them be as abstract and
detailed as they would like. These students may
have a different perspective of this topic then
another classmate in their class. When the students
are down with their comic strips I can hang them
inside my classroom so the students can showcase
their work. The students can then go around and
look and discuss only kind thoughts about each
others comic strips.
2. The website called scratch was another good
website for all learners. Students who are gifted,
have mild disabilities, and those who have severe
disabilities can all benefit and learn from this
website. This website, much like ToonDoo and
Book builder, provides students with a sense of
choice of how they wish to communicate their
understanding of the topic. Students can create
interactive stories, artwork, animations, and games.
I would have students use this website to create a
representation of the stages the butterfly goes
through to complete a life cycle. This allows
students to either create a game based on their
knowledge, a story, or simply an art piece that they
can explain to the class. This website allows
students to change the color of the background,
text, etc. This would be good for gifted students
because they have a choice and can create
something more complex than a photograph. On
the other hand, this website is good for students
with severe disabilities because with minimal help,
they can create a picture that represents the
knowledge of the life cycle of a butterfly. The
teacher can work with those students and have
them explain what they want their classmates to
know about their picture. The teacher and student
can then create either slides to explain the picture
of use a communication device and have the
students chose a voice that they think is cool. This
is especially great for the non-verbal students.
3. Finally, I felt that Glogster would be a great
communication tool for my students to use.
Glogster is a website that allows students to create
an interactive poster on any topic they wish.
Glogster really allows students to become creative
with their assigned work. It allows them to choose
backgrounds, pictures, font, media (sounds), etc.
This is a fun way to have students represent their
knowledge for the topic Life Cycle of a Butterfly.
All students would be doing the same assignment,
but the teacher can scaffold the way the students
practice and perform this task. For example tiering
the lesson by level. Teachers would not be giving
students less or more work, but she may ask the
students to add more detail in their posters.
Students who are gifted would be more challenged
because they could embed media likes, sound, and
videos to share on their posters. This website is
also perfect for those with mild and severe
disabilities because it allows them to be as creative
as they can be, but allows them to create a poster
that shows their knowledge and understanding of
the life cycle of a butterfly through their own eyes.
Principle 6. Rationale and Usage Notes
Provide options
Specific Resources
to support
(label and attach or link)
Guide effective Gifted: Gifted and Students with Mild Disabilities:
goal setting Principle 6.2 1. Overall, I felt the website The Learning Toolbox
Support 1. http://coe.jmu.edu/learning was appropriate for gifted students and students
planning and toolbox/studentDirections. with mild disabilities. This website offers students
strategy html a way to get organized and it helps provide students
development with valuable strategies that support students with
Facilitate Principle 6.1 planning. This website asks students different
managing 2. https://www.lib.umn.edu/a questions about their organization skills. For
information and pps/ac/ example, it asks students if they use a planner. If
resources the students answered no, they can click on the link
Enhance Students with Mild Disabilities: and an electronic and paper copy of a planner will
capacity for Principle 6. 2 open up. Based on the students needs and interests,
monitoring 1. http://coe.jmu.edu/learning students can fill their planner out electronically, or
progress (e.g., by toolbox/studentDirections. print it and write down all the assignments they
teachers, peers, html have for the day. This could help students who are
mentors, and/or gifted because they can become more organized
student self- Students with Severe Disabilities: with their work. They can use this website to pick
monitoring) Principle 6.2 multiple areas in which they need help in. This will
1. A resource that can help help increase their planning and organizational
students with severe skills. As for students with mild disabilities this
disabilities is using a daily website is great for them because on the front page
goal checklist to help it breaks it down into how you use this website.
achieve the lessons This is the extra guidance that the students might
need in order to fully understand how this website
Whole Class: works. Students with mild disabilities would focus
Principle 6.3 on one area in which they need more assistance
1. http://worksheetplace.com/i with. They would then use that tool electronically
ndex.php? or on paper. This would help them with this unit
function=DisplaySheet&sh because they can write down what is for homework
eet=Goal-Worksheets- and when different parts of an assignment are due.
3&links=2&id=&link1=31 I felt that this was a little more challenging for
&link2=279 students with severe disabilities because there are a
couple of questions that ask you about the
organizational skills that students have. It also asks
the students to pick an area in which they need help
in. This may be confusing to students with severe
disabilities because there are no pictures or
voiceover boxes.
2. The Assignment Calculator is another great website
that will help all students become more organized
and goal oriented. This website breaks down into
different categories that allows students to choose
which type of assignment they have to complete.
This would be better for older students, in my case
students who are more gifted and have more
complex assignments. This could be
accommodated to meet the needs of my gifted
students because they can label the title of the
assignment even though it may not fall into one
specific category.
Resources for Students With Severe Disabilities:
1. Students can set daily/ weekly/ and monthly goals
they wish to achieve and accomplish for
themselves. These goals will be posted on the wall.
This is a good resource for students with severe
disabilities because it allows them to see what
goals they had for themselves and how they can
carry out their goals. For some students teachers
may have to have a reward system to keep students
on track and to keep them motivated.
Whole Class Websites:
1. This is a website that is full of worksheets that
will help students become organized. This website
has multiple worksheets that talk about students
goals for the unit, semester, year, etc. This website
is a great resource because it provides students with
choice of what chart works best for their goal
setting and organization skills. Gifted students
could us a more complex organizational chart,
where students with severe disabilities may only be
able to organize their schedule and assignments by
picture cards. We can then post the students goals
in our classroom so students can see them with
their posted timeframe. For my unit, I will have
students create a goal that goes along with the
assignments/ material and a timeline in which they
wish to complete the assignments and how they
plan to fulfill their goals.

III. Affective Networks Provide multiple means for engagement

Principle 7. Rationale and Usage Notes

Provide Specific Resources
options for (label and attach or link)
Increase Gifted: Gifted Students Websites:
individual Principle 7.1 1. Crayon is a good challenging website for younger
choice and 1. http://www.crayon.net/ gifted elementary students. This website offers
autonomy students choice that relates to their interest. Students
Enhance Students with Severe Disabilities: may be assigned a topic and guidelines, but they are
relevance, Principle 7.3 able to create and represent the information in any
value, and 1. http://www.spdbayarea.org/ way they wish to. This website is more challenging
authenticity SPD_tips_for_teachers.htm because students are asked to create a newspaper.
Reduce Students have to be more creative in how they are
threats and Whole Class: going to present their information. This is good for
distractions Principle 7.1 my gifted students because they can create a
newspaper with more advanced facts on the life
1. http://www.bookadventure.co cycle of a butterfly. A newspaper has many different
m/Book_finder/results.aspx? sections so this would keep the gifted students busy
SearchType=Search1&bookD while the teacher helps out other students.
+butterfly+ Students with Severe Disabilities:
Principle 7. 3 1. This website would be beneficial for all students,
2. https://englishwithjennifer. but for this unit I feel it would be most beneficial to
wordpress.com/2009/03/29/ students who have severe disabilities, especially
classroom-distractions-how- students with sensory integration disorders. This
much-can-we-avoid-them/ website isnt one that students would use
impartially, but a website that informs teachers how
to teach different types of students with disabilities
and how to eliminate distractions in the classroom.
This informs teachers of different strategies they can
use throughout their lesson to keep their students
engaged and limit their distractions. If as a teacher
you knew that your student is sensitive to light
touches, you can approach them front the front
where they can have a visual of you.
Whole Class Websites:
1. Book Adventure is an amazing website that provides
students with choice and authenticity. This website
is great for all students because it provides students
the opportunity to read at their own level without
other students knowing what level reading they are
at. This allows students that are gifted to read more
challenging stories on the life cycle of a butterfly.
They can read the stories at their own pace and
answer the questions that follow on the quiz. This
website is also great for students with mild and
severe disabilities because they can slow down the
pace of their reading so that they fully understand
and comprehend what they are reading.
2. This website is a good resource because it helps
teachers learn about ways to prevent students from
getting distracted. I personally know that noise is a
distraction for me. If my teacher took the time to
read this, they may have known that when I start to
act up or become upset it probably was because I
was distracted.
Principle 8. Rationale and Usage Notes
options for Specific Resources
sustaining (label and attach or link)
effort and
Heighten Whole Class: Whole Class Websites:
salience of Principle 8.1 1. Technology is a great website that allows teachers to
goals and 1. http://www.teach- create rubrics to assess students on their academic
objectives nology.com/web_tools/rubrics performances. There are multiple rubrics for all
(e.g., help /gen/ academic areas that teachers can use, or they can
students see Principle 8.2 even create their own rubric. This helps teachers
how they are 2. http://www.learnalberta.ca/con make goals and objectives meaningful to all
useful and tent/elsel/html/index.html#ID students. This allows teachers to create rubrics that
relevant to =Turbo&section=Create are equivalent to what the students are learning.
their lives, Principle 8.3 Gifted students will have rubrics that meet the
communities, 3. http://www.edutopia.org/peace requirements of their assignments. They will have
etc.). -helpers-video more detailed explanations of how they will be
Vary levels Principle 8.3 graded. Students that have severe and mild
of challenge 4. http://cosketch.com/ disabilities will have rubrics that meet their needs.
and support Students with severe disabilities may have
(e.g., provide pictographs that help them with understanding how
ways for they will be graded. That way all students can be
students included in the overall lesson, but be assessed in a
significantly different way.
above or below
grade level to 2. The second website that is listed under the whole
be effectively class is a useful website for every type of students.
included). This website talks about the different stages of
Foster writing and how students who may not know how to
collaboration write can create a plan that will help them with their
and writing skills. This website allows students to
communicatio choose the category in which they feel most
n (e.g., ways comfortable at. If gifted students feel really
for students to comfortable with writing they may be placed
work with underneath the ultra turbo section. Whereas,
peers and/or students who have severe disabilities may not have a
mentors, in- whole lot of experience with writing they can view
person and/or the section on turbo (the starting stages of writing).
online). This ties into my unit because the students are going
Increase to be writing about the different stages for the life
mastery- cycle of the butterfly.
feedback (e.g., 3. This video would be a great resource for all
formative students. This video shows students how creating a
assessment fostering collaboration and communication with
and/or peers can build a stronger community bond. This
peer/self- video shows students how they can work together
assessment at and create a peaceful environment. This video
times that shows students how they can work together, even if
allow for they have a conflict. Students can stop and assess
further the situation and work it out themselves so they can
development finish and get the job done. This video helps tie into
of the work; my unit because students will be working in pairs.
feedback from
community 4. This website is a great resource where students can
mentors). create sketches and drawings and share them with
their peers. This allows the students to collaborate
and communicate with each other. The students
could go on and draw their own version of the life
cycle of the butterfly and then share it with the
teacher and other peers. This allows the students to
be as creative as they want. The gifted students
could be extra creative and give their peers ideas on
how to improve their drawings. The students with
mild disabilities may learn better by visually looking
at what others have drawn. The students with severe
disabilities could share what they have created. This
may make them feel more involved and accepted by
their peers. This may also help students who cannot
talk communicate with their peers through the
Principle 9. Rationale and Usage Notes
Provide Specific Resources
options for (label and attach or link)
Guide Gifted: Gifted Students Websites:
personal goal- Principle 9.3 1. This website allows the student to create a learner
setting and http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/arti diary that the teacher can also see. This creates a
expectations cle/learner-diaries communication between the student and the teacher.
Scaffold This would work better for the gifted students. The
coping skills Students with Mild Disabilities: gifted students may be bored with the material on
and strategies Principle 9.3 the life cycle of the butterfly. The gifted students
Develop self- http://www.facesoflearning.net/ may want more in depth material but may not want
assessment and to ask in front of the class. The gifted students could
reflection Whole Class: then write in this online diary about their desire for
Principle 9.2 deeper material. Maybe the student wants to learn
1. http://www.edutopia.org/foru more about a specific stage of the life cycle of a
m-conflict-resolution-video butterfly that they like. The teacher could then read
Principle 9.2 the concerns of the student and provide that student
2. http://www.lessonplanet.com/s with the proper material to facilitate their higher
earch?keywords=coping learning.
%20strategies&rating=3&grad Students With Mild Disabilities Websites:
e_ids%5B%5D=248 1. This website features different stories about people
who struggled with learning. Students with mild
disabilities tend to have slight learning disabilities.
These students may have trouble learning science
related topics such as the life cycles of the butterfly.
These students may have a harder time remembering
the steps of the cycle. These students could then
read about people on this website who also may
have trouble with science. These students could
learn how others have overcome their struggle with
science. This would allow the students to access
themselves and maybe try the methods that other
people used to overcome their struggle with science.

Whole Class Websites:

1. This website is a place where students can
communicate their problems with each other. This
allows them to develop coping skills because they
learn to solve their own problems. This also allows
them to reflect on themselves by discovering how
others feel about them. Gifted students will be more
advanced than the other students. This may cause
the gifted students to look down on the less
advanced students or the less advanced students may
pick on the smart kids for being smart. This website
allows the students to try and solve their differences
on their own. The mildly disabled students may
experience bullying or be bullies. This websites
allows the students to tell their side of the story. This
may help the children understand each other to
decrease bullying. The severely disabled students
will most likely be the victims of bullying. This
website allows them to share their story. This will
help them be more accepted with their peers. Also
the peers may learn more about the disability.

2. This website is very useful for the teacher. This

website has many ideas for activities, lesson plans,
and worksheets that will help teach coping skills to
the students. The teacher may notice that a student is
struggling with a personal problem such as loss. The
teacher could then use this resource to get ideas on
how to help the student cope with loss. The gifted
students may feel anxious at times because maybe
the class is moving too slow for them and they want
to learn more. The teacher could then learn how to
help the student cope with anxiety using this tool.
Students with mild disabilities tend to have learning
disabilities. This website contains ways to help
students cope with learning disabilities such as
dyslexia. The students with severe disabilities will
have extra trouble with learning in the general
classroom. The students may feel depressed at times
because they are not like their non-disabled peers.
This website may help the teacher teach the children
coping skills to overcome their feelings

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