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Snapshot Pre - intermediate

1. Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous

1. I .......... ...... ( not/ know ) what to give my brother for his birthday.

2. They .............. (want ) to publish this book in July?

3. Hello,Pete, where ..................... ( you/ go )? I .............(hurry ) to school.

4. Where ............... ( Boris / be )? I ............. (look ) for him.

He ............(have ) dinner

5. Andrew ..........(get up ) very early as he .......(live ) far from school.

2. Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous

1. Mike and Ann ................ (wait ) for us when ........... ..(get ) to the station.

2. What ...................... (you/do ) when I ............ (ring ) you this morning?

3.She ..........,,,,,, (make ) a cake for her birthday when she ............... (cut ) her finger

4. Tim ................. (have ) a shower when we .............. (go out).

5. The film ................ (start) at eight and ............... (finish ) at ten.

3. Complete the sentences with the present perfect or past simple.

1. ......................... you ever (spend) your holiday in London?

Yes, I ............ (be ) there last year.

2. Look at the birdhouse. Mike .................... (make ) it himself.

He ............ (make ) it last Sunday.

3. I ............... (not/ see) my brother since Tuesday.

4. We .............. (live ) in this house for two years.

When ...............( you/ move ) here?

5. Peter and Lucy ......... (not / write )their school project yet.

I ........... (write ) it two days ago.

4. Complete the sentences with the past perfect or past simple.

1. By the time we .......... ( go ) home, we ........ (spend ) all our money.

2. I ............ (return) to the hotel only late at night as ...........(lose ) my way in the fog.

3.I only ............. (find ) my pen after I ......... (buy ) a new one.

4. My friends ................ (be ) glad to hear that I ............ (pass) all the exams successfully.

5. We ............... (already/ have ) lunch when Penny.............. (arrive ).

5.Complete the sentences with the present simple, present continuous,past

simple,past perfect or present perfect

1. Look at these children.They ........ (skate ) very well.

2. He .......... (learn ) English before he ........... (go) to the USA.

3. My brother .............. (train) at the stadium from 5 to 7

4. The sun .................. (not/rise ) yet,but the sky in the east is getting lighter.

5. My mother always.......( take ) a bus to work.

6. Complete the sentences with must not, don't have to, must, had to, can't

1. I .......... do the shopping today because I am very busy.

2. You ..............wait for us. We'll meet you at the station.

3. Remember: you ........... tell anyone about this.

4. We ............. wait here. Dad will be back soon.

5. She was not feeling very well,so we .............. call a doctor.

7.Complete the zero conditional sentences

1. If you ........... (mix ) red and white,you .......... (get ) pink.

2. If you......... ( heat ) water, it ......... (boil ).

3. My mum gets really angry if I ........... (not/tidy) my room.

4. When my dad ........ (get) home early,he ......... (help ) me with my homework.

5. If I don't have to go to school,I ............. (not/get up ) early.

8.Complete the first conditional sentences.

1. If she .......... (pass) her test,her father .......... (buy ) her a new computer.

2.If my best friend ......... (forget ) my birthday, I ......... (be ) upset.

3. If they .......... (be tired ) we ....... (not/go) to the park.

4. If you ....... (not/ leave ) now, you .......... (miss) your bus.

5. If he ........ ( see ) our message,he ........... (phone ) us.

9.Complete the second conditional sentences.

1. If I ............. (be ) rich,I .....(buy ) that house.

2. If people ........ (have) wings , they ........ (fly).

3.What ......... (you/ do ) if this ..........(happen ) to you?

4. I .......... ( not/ help ) him if I ...... (be) you.

5. If I .......... (go ) to Paris, I ...........( visit ) the Eiffel Tower.

10. Rewrite the sentences in the passive

1. A famous reporter interviewed her.

2. Milkmen delivered milk every morning.


3. The make these cars in Japan.


4. People speak English all over the world.


5. The police arrested the thief.


11.Complete the sentences with these words: delivered,independent,sank, reliable,

slapstick, spots, jealousy, cancer,commit, desperate.

1. She doesn't want to live at home. She wants to be ...........

2. I know it's only.............. , but i still laugh when I see somebody slip on a banana skin.

3. Ann doesn't like Kate because Kate's got blonde hair and blue eyes.................. is a
terrible thing.

4.You are a good friend most of the time but when it comes to a crisis you are not

5.The boat had a hole in it and it the bottom of the sea.

6. Bullies are more likely to........ crimes when they are older.

7.The chickens are ............... to escape.

8. You won't get ................ if you eat chocolate.

9.The eggs were ............. fresh from the farm today.

10. If you have freckels,you may get skin ..........

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