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3.1 Experimental

3.1.1 Materials used

Methyl acrylate and styrene were purchased from Merck India Ltd Solvents
like tetrahydrofuran (THF), 1. 4-dioxanc and toluene \vcrc procured from S.D Fmc
ChenL lnd1a Ltd. and benzoyl peroxtde (B/.P) from LOBA Chemtcals. Base nils wen:
(:ollected from lndtan Otl ( urporatwn Ltd Dhakuna. Kl)lkata

' 1.2 Purification of the materials

\llethyl acrvlatc (MAl was shaken two to threL times with 'i% sod tum
hvdrox tde !() elimmate hydroqumone mh1httor dned nvcr anhydrous C'aCl for 7 K h

and dtstdled Benzoyl peroxtde (BZP) wao, used as 1mtiator after recrystalizt1on tiPm
CHCh:VleOH mixture . THF, l 4-DIOxane and toluene were punfied by distillatiOn
.dkr hemg relluxed t()r : h m pn>;cnce pf '"thum

'I .3 Polymerization

!'he copolymenzauon was earned out m a tour necked round bottom tlask
equtpped with a stirrer. condenser, thermometer. an mlet for the introduction nf
nitrogen and a droppmg funnel tu add styrene drop wtse. In the tlask was placed
destred mass pf MA and tmtiator ( BZP) lrlllowed by the desired mass of styrene
added drop wtse tor 2 h m the presence ol thftcrent solvents (toluene, letrahydrofuran
and l, 4-dioxane). The reaction temperature was maintained at 353K tor 6 h At the
end of the reaction time, the reaction mixture was poured into methanol with stirring
to terminate the polymerization and precipitate the polymer. The polymer was further
purified by repeated precipitation of its hexane solution by methanol followed by
drying under vacuum at 313K. A homopolymer of MA was similarly prepared and
purified under the same conditions f()r use in reference experiments.

3.1.4 Spectroscopic Measurements

IR spectra were recorded on a Shimudzu FT-IR 8300 Spectrometer using 0.1

mm KBr cells and the spectra were recorded at room temperature within the wave
number range 400 to 4000 cm NMR spectra were recorded in Brucker Avanee 300
MHz FT-NMR Spectrophotometer using 5 mm BBO probe. CDCh was used as
solvent and TMS as reference materiaL

3.1.5 Viscometric measurements.

VJsl:<JmetnL proper11es were detennmed at 10~ K, ~ l J K and 323 K m toluene

solution, using an Ubbelohde OB viscometer t having viscometer constant values. K
0.00268 em see L -I cun em and volume of the bulb Is 3 em' and length of the
apdlm\ I i '. m 1 I xpenmental detemuna1Hli1 ;.v;Js carn~:d <llH ,,1unting !!l11l' Jll\\\

for ar leilsl seven drtferent concentratiOns of lhe sample mlutions The time tlow ()t
rlw c.;r\lutt(!n wa\ manuallv detennmed in usmg :1 chronometer ln n c.;ingk
nH.:asurerm:nt the iowest \'aiuc ,,t solution concentration was chosen for the
calculation. ! he \ Jscometcr vvas calibrated frequently with distilled water. The
v1scositv results were checked agamst v1scosJtV or km1wn solutions and un.:crtamt;.
was l(,und ltl be nearlv (I ]7 Precautions regarding prevention of evaporation of
-.olvem \Vert: takcn lil ali the cases. hn the vtscositv average molecular \VCight
detenmnation . the constants K - 0.00387 dl.g' and a= 0.725 [37, 38] were employed.

3.1.6 Evaluation of prepared polymer as pour point depressant in base oils

f'hc prepared additives were evaluated as pour pomt depressant usmg base olls
( B I and B2) collected from two diflerent sources ( S I and S2 ), through the pour point
test according to the ASTM--D-97 method using WIL-471 cloud and pour point test
apparatus model 3 (India). The eflect of additive concentration was investigated by
using different doping concentrations were 0.25%, 0.50%, 1%, 2%, 3% and 5 %
(w/w). The experimental data were noted by taking an average of three experimental
results under identical conditions.

3.1. 7 Evaluation of prepared polymer as viscosity index improvers in base oils

The various blends were prepared by using t\VU ditTercnt types uf base stocb
( B 1 and B2). Viscosity mdex of these oils were calculated by ASTM D 2270-X 1
method using viscosity index calculator. The kmematic viscosities of the polymer
doped base oils were determined at 40C and I 00C. Range of concentration of the
additives (in lube oils) used to study the effect of concentration on VI of the lube oil,

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