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Present simple

1. She does not accept my decision

2. My mother never watches TV in her room.
3. Paul never does his homework
4. What do you say about the new law of migration?
5. Doesnt he play in Barcelona?
6. This bus leaves at night
7. Dont be jealous about Mark, he is just a friend.
8. People do not like this way to do the things
9. She is the prettiest woman in the world
10. The car is in the garage

Pasta simple

1. I traveled around your country last summer

2. Yesterday I met your husband at the cinema
3. He was the man who saved my life
4. Did you see his face?
5. We went by bus in that occasion
6. I bought this car in January
7. Suddenly, Tom appeared in my house and asked for his brother
8. I didnt think about that, sorry!
9. Did she go to the Paris in the August of 2017?
10. They didnt do it

Ejemplos de oraciones con adverbios de frecuencia (adverbs of frequency)

1. You always come to class late. (T siempre llegas a clase tarde)
2. I am never late for class. (Yo nunca llego tarde a clase)
3. She seldom talks with me. (Ella habla conmigo raramente)
4. They dont usually eat in the cafeteria. (Ellos no comen en la cafetera
5. She has always been a good friend. (Ella ha sido una buena amiga siempre)
6. We often go to Houston. (Nosotros vamos a Houston a menudo)
7. He has never spoken with her. (l nunca ha hablado con ella nunca)
8. I have never been in his house. (Yo nunca he estado en su casa)
9. She generally get up early. (Ella generalmente se levanta temprano)
10. This magazine is published weekly. (Esta revista es publicada

Oraciones present perfect

1. I have worked for my uncle. (Yo he trabajado para mi to)

2. She has finished her homework. (Ella ha terminado su tarea)
3. I have to go we have talked for more than two hours. (Yo me tengo que ir,
nosotros hemos hablado por ms de dos horas)
4. We have visited them once a week for the last year. (Nosotros los hemos
visitado una vez por semana durante el ltimo ao)
5. He has returned my car at last. (El ha regresado mi automvil al fin)
6. It has rained once a week for the last month. (Ha llovido una vez a la semana
durante el ltimo mes)
7. They have completed the project. (Ellos han completado el proyecto)
8. I have cooked something special for you. (Yo he cocinado algo especial para
9. I have worked in that firm for many years. (Yo he trabajado en esa empresa
por muchos aos)
10. We have loved each other for twenty years. (Nosotros nos hemos amado uno
al otro por veinte aos)

Ejemplos de oraciones reported speech (indirect speech) en ingls.

1. My uncle said that he was going to Florida. (Mi to dijo que l iba a Florida)
2. My cousin said that he was too tired. (Mi primo dijo que l estaba muy
3. He said that he liked it very much. (l dijo que le gust mucho)
4. He asked me where I was going. (l me pregunt a dnde iba)
5. My sister said that English is easy for her. (Mi hermana dijo que el ingls es
fcil para ella)
6. She said that she wanted to kiss you. (Ella dijo que quera besarte)
7. They asked me how I was yesterday. (Ellos me preguntaron cmo estaba
8. He asked her if she liked his new car. (l le pregunt a ella si le gustaba si
nuevo automvil)
9. She asked if I was going to eat in the cafeteria. (Ella me pregunt si iba a
comer en la cafetera)
10. She told me that she couldnt finish her homework. (Ella me dijo que ella no
podra terminar su tarea)

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