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(Introduction is for Striders based in

Forgotten Realms, but names of
places can easily be changed around
depending on the realm. I just needed
a setting to which I could spin a tale
of how they exist.)

The Striders are an ancient

organization of ninja warriors founded back
in the Year of the Black Unicorn. At the time
two great martial arts masters existed. One
to the east and another to the west. These
masters both met on a chance encounter in a
small village in the region of Chessenta. The
village was constantly the target of roving
bandits and marauders who always took what
they wanted, when they wanted. The masters
agreed to train the people in their ways of
fighting. However the marauders decided to
show up at that time. Although the masters
were able to easily send them running, they
now knew first hand what the people had to
deal with, and a new approach was taken,
one of stealth and deception.

When the marauders returned a

month later the people were more prepared
for their visitors. Although the martial arts
masters both disliked the ways of the ninja as
they were the ways of the assassin, they both
agreed that when used responsible to defend
and protect, the ways of the ninja could be
very beneficial. Together the two formed a
pact and set about creating a ninja order that
was devoid of the trappings of traditional
assassins and ninja. In the year 148 the order of Striders were created. This order was very similar to the
Harpers in their stances against evil, however the Striders were more subtle in their fight. The Striders often set
their sights on corrupt individuals and groups that harmed innocent people for gain.

The Striders would often target individuals that were corrupt political figures or persons that normally
the law could not get at do to lack of evidence, or power that the individual could wield, often in the form of
vast wealth. One night a powerful and very greedy Duke would go to bed all safe and secure in his home. In
the morning, bodies would lay strewn about as if a whirlwind had touched down. The duke, would be found
dead with a note confessing his crimes. Generally the individual would be found to have had only two wounds.
The first, a puncture wound to the heart. The second would be in form of their hands missing, a punishment
often reserved for thieves who were caught stealing.
It is unknown however as to what ever happened to the two masters of the east and west. One day the
two warriors simply vanished and were never heard from again. Ever since then the order has always had only
two great masters who would lead the Striders. One would have the title of the west master, and the other the
east master. For hundreds of year the Striders would remain a secret organization bent on bring their form of
justice to those who would think themselves untouchable. In the year of the Wandering Wyvern, during the time
of the re-founding of the Harpers, two new masters ascended and changed the order. During this time the
Striders split into two sects, one the Striders remained true to their teaching and were lead by West master
Hiramoto. However the other sect corrupted the teachings and called themselves the Night Striders, they were
lead by the East master Temigan.

While the West master believed that the Striders should continue as they had for hundreds of years, the
East master felt that the Striders were wasting their time, and that as true assassins and mercenaries they could
do far more for the cause that ever had in the past. The West master countered that he was only greedy and
ambitious and wanted to simply turn the order into another common assassins guild. Ever since then the order
has been split. Although it has always been an agreed upon law, that the masters of East and West never fight,
the two did so in the year of the Broken Blade. Those few present to see the battle say that it went on for
hours, with each master leaping and bounding all over the mountain battle field. One thing that all agree that
happened was that it was raining, an omen of sorts for the tragedy to take place. High atop the peak of the
mountain the West master almost fell his opponent, but refused to finish him. Instead in a fool hardy attempt to
redeem his once friend and companion he ordered him to disband his order and to go to the north and not
disturb any one else again for as long as he lived.

However the East master easily fooled his once friend and agreed to his terms, however in a single
moment when the West master lowered his guard, he struck just as lightning darted across the sky. He then
pulled his poisoned claws from his old friends gut and threw him off the mountains peak. Since that day, the
Striders have been working in secret. The Night Striders have formed alliances with the Night Masks, the Fire
Knives, the Zhentarim and the country of Thay. They work for the highest bidder and never ask any questions
not relevant to the job. Even other assassin guilds are starting to fear the Night Striders as they are quickly
gaining in power, primarily because of their recent pact with the country of Thay.

Not all hope has been lost though. The Striders has slowly begun to increase in numbers, as they
prepare to go to war with the Night Striders. With in the widely dispersed ranks of the Striders one individual
has been described by his pears and elders as possibly greatest of their kind to be born to date. They believe that
Strider Hiryu will be the one to defeat the dark master of the east as he is quit possibly Hiramoto reborn.

Adventures: Most Striders see adventures as chances of testing and improving on their skills and abilities.
Striders often will hire themselves out as guards or hero for hire. A Strider is often very cool and calm in any
encounter and usually moves with fluidity and grace. Even if not paid to do so, a Strider never passes an
opportunity to deal out justice to the corrupt and other wise untouchable. However sometimes circumstances
dont always allow the Strider do whats needed, like being under skilled and out numbered ten to one.

Characteristics: When it comes to combat abilities Striders are very unique in how they fight, often leaping
about and constantly moving making themselves a difficult target to hit. In terms of shear fighting skills they are
an equal to any fighter, paladin or ranger. Although highly trained in the uses of several different weapons, the
Strider typically only wields the traditional weapon of the Striders, the cypher. Unlike other types of warriors,
striders are specialized in much more sneakier style of fighting, often striking quickly and disappearing leaving
their target disorientated and injured with out knowing how it happened.

Alignment: Although a Striders training is very strict and requires a great deal more discipline than most monk
orders, Striders are usually of lawful or neutral alignments, never chaotic, or true neutral. A Strider must be
either good, evil or lawful neutral.
Religion: Typically like the monks, Striders do not generally worship any deities. Most good Striders do have
the favor of some deities who honor their stance and actions and are generally good aligned, or neutral. Night
Striders on the other hand typically favor evil deities.

Background: Striders are selected from the poor children often found in the streets of large cities. These
homeless and often family less children are taken to a remote and secluded area that is a home for Striders to
live and train new students. Many of these places are amongst elves or dwarves how honor the remaining
Striders and provide a safe place for them to live and train. To this end many elves or dwarves who are willing,
are freely allowed to join the order. A great deal of the order is made up primarily of elves as the ways of the
Striders training are particularly well suited for an elves natural agility and dexterity.

Usually a Strider rarely travels with only their cypher often leaving their other weaponry in the company
of a fellow Strider or in one of the many safe houses that the Striders have. Generally in these safe houses a
Strider and any friends can find provisions, misc. gear and equipment of use as well as a small cache of weapons
including at least one cypher for the Strider if needed. These safe houses often have a caretaker who is also a
Strider. This person is usually elderly, elven or dwarven and sympathetic to the Striders.

Races: Most Striders are commonly found to be elves or half-elves. Humans make up a large percentage of the
organization, but elves make the majority. Other races are found amongst the order, half-orcs are the least seen
with Gnomes, Halflings, and Dwarves making up the minority. In the Night Striders Humans make up the
majority with Drow falling just about equal to them.

Other Classes: Like fighters, paladins, rangers and barbarians, Striders are excellent warriors, however Striders
pick up the slack where the others leave off. Striders prefer to make hit and run attacks rather than going toe to
toe with opponents. Speed, stealth and subterfuge are the names of the game, and the Striders are some of the
best. Even with out their weapons the Strider is still a capable warrior. However most Striders tend to keep to
them selves when working with a group, but are more than ready to jump into a fight to and help their
companions out.

Game Rule Info.

Striders have the following game statistics:
Abilities: Although physical strength is important a Strider relies more on their agility and speed than brute
strength. A Striders Dexterity is the more important attribute followed by their Strength and Intelligence.
Alignment: Any Lawful and Neutral, however anything chaotic, or true neutral is not allowed. The character
must be-either good, evil or Lawful Neutral.
Hit Dice: 1d8

Class Skills
Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis),
Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex).
Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int. modifier) x4.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int. Modifier.

Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Striders are highly trained in the use of several different weapons including
basic peasant weapons, and the following: long sword, clubs, daggers, short bow, quarterstaff, short sword,
sickle, kama, and shuriken. With the Cypher the Strider eventually gains the Exotic weapons Prof. (Cypher)
allowing them to wield the weapon with out penalties.
With armor, Striders are restricted to only light armors. Striders prefer light armors as they rarely hinder
their movements and actions, unlike much heavier armors that hold back the Strider. Strider characters can
never select any medium, & heavy armor or shield proficiencies, they are not allowed to the class. Striders are
only proficient in light armors.

Class C Strider: A class C Strider is the class that a Strider receives once their training is complete. This in
itself offers no bonuses except that the character may start advancing in level as a Strider. A class C Strider does
get 2 things though, they may select 1 additional feat, and they start with a cypher. Note though that all
prerequisites for the feat must be met first.

Evasion: Just like that of the Monk and Rogue classes. This is also a starting ability at level 2.

Exotic Weapon (Cypher): The Cypher is a Striders trademark weapon. The weapon has two hilts, one in the
normal place and another in the spot of the traditional hand guard. Take away the blade the hilt forms an L.
The weapon itself is the equivalent of a masterwork bastard sword, but is slightly different. The weapon is
capable of being used as both a slashing and a piercing weapon due to the unusualness of the hilt. Only Striders
can select this feat. The feat is gotten for free at level 2, but can be selected earlier, however a different feat can
not be selected in its place.

Quick Strike: A Strider can add their Strength modifier (if any) to their initiative allowing them to react faster
than the enemy usually can. Gained at level 1.

Deflect Arrows: At level 2 the Strider is able to use their cypher or bare hands to deflect arrows as if they had
the feat. With the Cypher however any ranged missile weapon, even improvised can be deflected.

Uncanny Dodge: At level 4 the Strider gains the extraordinary ability to react to danger before his senses
would normally allow them to do so. At 4th level and above the Strider retains their Dexterity bonus to Defense
(if any) regardless of being caught flat-footed or struck by a hidden attacker. (Still loses the bonus if
immobilized.) At level 8 the character can no longer be flanked.

Fast Movement: Striders are trained to be very quick on their feet, far more so than most other beings or
classes. At level 1 the Strider is at a +10 to their Speed. A Strider looses this ability should they were anything
heavier than light armor.

Acrobatics: Striders are uncanny acrobats often leaping and bounding about almost as if they could fly. A
favorite tactic of most Striders is to attack from the air as they leap up high and drop down with a much more
powerful blow than normal. A Strider gains a +5 class bonus to all their Balance, Climb, Jump, and Tumble
checks. This ability is gained at level 8. At level 16 the bonus increases to a +10.

Wall Spring: At level 11 a Strider has become skilled enough to be able to climb walls, simply by springing
from one wall to another. The action requires a both a jump and tumble check. The Jump check is used to
determine how far up the wall the Strider can get in each leap. The Tumble check is used to determine whether
or not the action is successful or not. For this a DC 15 must be beaten. A natural 1 if rolled is an automatic
failure even if the characters Tumble check modifier is 15 or higher. In order to use this ability two walls must
be close by to each other. The walls can be directly across from each other, or in an angular form, (L shaped).
However if it is L shaped the DC increases by 4. Also if the character some how has the Leap of the Clouds
special ability, the DC for all checks are reduced by 2. Walls directly apart from each other must be equal to the
characters height plus 2 feet. For every foot beyond this in length the DC for the check increases by 1.

As an example a 2 story building will often need only 3-4 jumps in order to get onto the roof. This
means that a character will have to make about 3-4 jump and tumble checks. If all the checks are made, then
the character makes it onto the roof. Should they fail even one check they can attempt to recover from a fall
and continue upward, or can attempt to slow their fall. To continue upward the character must make another
Jump and Tumble check, DC17 (plus any modifiers). If failed the character falls. If made then the character
only falls a couple of feet but is able to alter their fall in a way that allows them to spring off from a wall and
continue to climb. At anytime that the character falls they can attempt to slow their decent. This requires a
tumble check as usual for falling, however the character uses the walls to lightly spring back and forth to slow
their decent down, check DC is 10 plus 1 for every 2 feet up the character is. An average 2 story building is
16ft tall on average. So the DC for the check would be 18. If this check is failed the character takes normal fall
damage, if its made the character takes no damage and can avoid spikes in pit traps, (taking only half damage if
any.) Unlike a Monks slow fall ability, this one requires 2 walls, and has multiple uses. Should the character
have the slow fall ability then it may be used instead should the character fall.

Zen-No-Mind: At level 16 the Strider gains a degree of resistance against enchantment spells. Striders gain a
+2 resistance bonus to all enchantment spells and/or powers. A striders mind at this point is sharp and fortified,
very difficult to charm or corrupt with magic, or powers and abilities. This bonus does stack with the elven
racial bonus to resist enchantments, but it does not stack with the Monks Still Mind ability.

Class B Strider: At level 7 the Strider becomes a Class B Strider. With in the Striders, advancement and rank is
measured in classes. As a class B Strider the persons awareness of their surroundings and skill with the cypher
increases. The Strider gains a +1 dodge bonus to their AC, and a +1 to initiative when wielding the cypher.

Class A Strider: At level 14 the Strider has became a Class A Strider. These Striders are the best of the best.
As a class A Strider the person is far more aware of their surroundings than before, their awareness border-lining
on a supernatural awareness. As usually their skill with the cypher also increases. The stand out feature of the
Class A Striders is their ability to react much faster than other beings. The Strider gains an additional +1 dodge
bonus to their AC, another +1 to initiative when wielding their Cypher.

Strider Master: At level 20 the Strider is a Master Strider. The Master Strider is of course a step above the
Class A Striders and is often a sect leader, or holds some position of power within the Striders. The Master
Striders awareness is all but supernatural as they are extremely difficult to catch off-guard. Their skills with the
cypher are at their peak. As for their ability to quickly react to danger, that to is greater. The Strider gains an
additional +2 dodge bonus to their AC, a +1 to initiative when wielding their Cypher. (At max the Strider
should now have a +4 dodge bonus to their AC, +3 to initiative when wielding a cypher.)

Level Base Attack Fort Ref Will Special

Bonus Save Save Save
1 +1 +0 +2 +0 Class C Strider, Quick Strike, Fast
Movement (+10)
2 +2 +0 +3 +0 Exotic Weapon (Cypher), Evasion
3 +3 +1 +3 +1 Deflect Arrows
4 +4 +1 +4 +1 Uncanny Dodge (Dex Bonus to AC)
5 +5 +1 +4 +1
6 +6/+1 +2 +5 +2
7 +7/+2 +2 +5 +2 Class B Strider
8 +8/+3 +2 +6 +2 Acrobatics (+5), Uncanny Dodge (Can not
be flanked)
9 +9/+4 +3 +6 +3
10 +10/+5 +3 +7 +3
11 +11/+6/+1 +3 +7 +3 Wall Spring
12 +12/+7/+2 +4 +8 +4
13 +13/+8/+3 +4 +8 +4
14 +14/+9/+4 +4 +9 +4 Class A Strider
15 +15/+10/+5 +5 +9 +5
16 +16/+11/+6/+1 +5 +10 +5 Zen-No-Mind
17 +17/+12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +5 Acrobatics (+10)
18 +18/+13/+8/+3 +6 +11 +6
19 +19/+14/+9/+4 +6 +11 +6
20 +20/+15/+10/+5 +6 +12 +6 Master Strider

Exotic Weapon: Cypher

The cypher has been the traditional weapon of the Striders for hundreds of years. Each Strider typically
starts carrying this unique and expensive weapon with them at the end of their training, (a Strider starts with
only 1 of these). The weapon is uniquely shaped in that it has 2 hilts forming a sort of L shape. This allows
the weapon to be used not only as a slashing weapon, but as a piercing one as well. Although generally most
Striders only wield one of these, some Striders have been known to wield two at a time and others have had
special versions of them made that allow the weapons primary hilts to be connected turning the 2 weapons in to
1 double weapon.

For game purposes the cypher is considered to be a masterwork long sword as the blades length and its
primary hilt are the same as that of a long sword. The only difference is the secondary hilt in the place of the
hand guard. Striders who do not have the Exotic Weapons Prof. (cypher) are at a 4 to hit with the weapon.
The feat can be selected early at level 1, but at level 2 no feats can be selected in its place when normally gained
for free.

Cyphers do come in different sizes depending on the size of the wielder, and is still considered a
masterwork weapon, only its size class and basic sword type changes. However note that a Stryder must be
specific in their type of cypher when obtaining the exotic weapon prof. In other words The must specify if its
Short, Medium, or Large. 3 exotic weapon proficiencies feat selections must be used in order to be able to
wield all 3 sized weapons.

Cost: Generally not for Sale, but has an estimated value of about 320 gp for small, 340 gp for medium, 380 gp
for large.
Damage: 1d8 (1d6 for small short sword style, and 1d10 for large bastard sword style for large sized beings.)
Critical: 19-20/x2 Type: Slashing/Piercing Size: Medium Group: Exotic

Starting Gold: 3d6x10

Typical Starting Equipment: 1 Cypher, 1dagger, 10+ Shurikens, 1 Kama*, 1 Leather (Studded or not) armor.
* See below details regarding the kama.

Other weapons of the Strider.

Typically a Strider tends to travel light when it comes to weapons. Not all striders carry the cypher but
it is often the preferred weapon. One unique weapon that Striders often travel with is a uniquely crafted kama.
This sickle is slightly larger than other kamas. Its hilt has a hand guard, and the blade is also much thicker than
the usual kama. The weapon is designed specifically for climbing and hanging. The blade of the weapon is set
up on a fashion similar to that of a lock blade knife. When sheathed the weapons blade positioned straight like a
dagger. Once unsheathed, a flick of the wrist will bring the blade down into its intended position. Once in this
position the weapon can be used like a kama, or can be used to climb and hang from. The hilt has a trigger in it
that when depressed unlocks the blade, often done when sheathing the weapon or to let go of a spot when
hanging. The weapon adds a +2 modifier to climb checks, when used as such, or can be used to help stop a fall.
When wall springing the Strider will often use the weapon to stay in one place while on a wall, often
done to hide or to keep an eye on things from a less obvious position. To do so is a declared action, and
requires a spot check (DC 15) to locate an appropriate spot to use the kama (can be done as the character is
jumping). If a spot is found the Strider can hang from the spot for a number of minutes equal to their
Constitution, after which every minute a fortitude check (DC 20) must be made in order to remain on the wall.
If it is failed they loose their strength from the prolonged ordeal and they let go of the weapon, or the weapon
looses its grip. These kamas are treated as piercing weapons rather than slashing. They do 1d6 damage and
have a critical of x3. Lastly a character can attempt to punch the kama into the side of a structure, (rather than
hooking something), on a successful strength check (DC 20). This is often a bit more extreme, and difficult to
pull off.

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