Irina Kulikova Out of Russia

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Irina Kulikova: Out of Russia

CLASSICAL GUITAR: What influence did

your mother being a musician have on you
as you were growing up?

IRINA KULIKOVA: My mother plays the

cello. I always went with her when she
played in her string quartet. I was in love
with the violin, but my mother loved the
guitar. At that time, the guitar was becom-
ing more popular in Russia. When I was five
my mother gave me a guitar and said: This
is a big violin. Give it a try. If you like it, you
can continue. If not, you change to the four-
stringed violin. I was impressed by the gui-
tarto hold it and touch the strings with
both hands. Anything you want to express
with it offers such a direct response. I
learned a lot from my mother. She taught
me many things about technique, phrasing,

Irina Kulikova
and the colors within music. She showed
me how to make an instrument sing. Of
course throughout my music education
there have been unforgettable teachers,
One of the top guitarists to emerge from Russia such as the late musicologist Alexander
talks about her career, staying in top shape as a player, and more Volgusnov and guitarists Victor Kozlov,
Marco Tamayo, and Carlo Marchione
by Guy Traviss But what you learn at the youngest age
becomes second nature. For this reason,
I dedicated my [first] Naxos disc to my
wonderful mother, Vinera Kulikova.
This article was originally the cover story for the Barrueco, Ricardo Galln, and David Rus-
September 2010 issue of Classical Guitar sell, among others. She has claimed first CG: Did having your mother as dedicatee
prizes in numerous competitions and influence your programming for that disc?
toured all over the world.
Irina Kulikova was born in Chelyabinsk, cap- Irina recorded her first solo CD in Mos- KULIKOVA: Definitely. I wanted to record
ital of South-Ural, Russia. Under the guid- cow in 2005, featuring works by Dionisio something that she would appreciate for a
ance of her mother, cellist Vinera Kulikova, Aguado, Johann Kaspar Mertz, Federico lifetime, something similar to her personal-
composer/guitarist Victor Kozlov, and Moreno Torroba, and Joaqun Rodrigo. itya lot of depth, complexity, and beauty.
musicologist Alexander Volgusnov, she September 2009 marked the release of her
started developing her musicianship from latest disc as a Naxos recording artist, Gui- CG: What did you gain by studying with a
an early age. When she was 17, Irina moved tar Recital, featuring pieces by Alexandre musicologist?
to Moscow to study at the Gnessins Acad- Tansman, Leo Brouwer, and Antonio Jos.
emy, graduating in 2005. Meanwhile, she [Since this article was published, Kulikova KULIKOVA: To love music in connection
had started at the Mozarteum University in has released two more CDs, the most recent with everything in the world: nature, paint-
Salzburg, Austria, completing her studies being Reminiscences of Russia, which was ings, architecture, literature, culture, and
there in 2008. Irina has studied with Marco favorably reviewed in the Summer 2015 so on. Alexander Volgusnov was a very
Tamayo, Carlo Marchione, Simone Fonta- issue of Classical Guitar.] Since 2007, Irina special man. With him I learned to appre-
nelli, Howard Penny, and Hans Bruderl, and has lived and taught in the Netherlands, ciate every detail of lifethe shape of
participated in master classes with Jos developing her international profile in a the clouds, the smell of spring, the taste
Mara Gallardo del Rey, Kshyhtoph Peleh, variety of instrumental formats including of Spanish tapas. Give it the right tonality
John Mills, Sergio Assad, Eliot Fisk, Manuel with Dutch flautist Felicia van den End. and find perfectly matching colors, and all

Irina Kulikova
this resolves in composing your own fugue. Europe alter the direction of your career? the subject was inspired by Ilsa Safarova,
This is how we worked with music. When a Russian pianist who works with musi-
we were analyzing operas, for example, we KULIKOVA: My first trips to Europe were cians who are struggling with physical or
connected them with different emotional like a fairytale. I met so many fantastic mental problems. She helped me when my
and political elements in life. I studied sev- people. From that point, you would expect arm was broken. After the long pause from
eral topics in his classes, but my dearest life is already guiding you on the right path. concert life, I was afraid of going back on
memories are of the private sessions at his But bureaucracyproblems with visas, stage. But thanks to her treatment, I found
home. We would spend the entire day lis- etc.and lack of financial support can cre- my way again. Through personal experi-
tening to music and getting all the books ate quite an obstacle. I imagine that many ence and meeting so many other musicians
down from his shelves, until my mother young musicians experience this. Things who at some time suffered from blocks on
called asking if her daughter had time for can become very difficult, but these situa- stage, I became very much involved with
dinner. tions often have a positive outcomethey this theme.
strengthen your passion to move forward.
CG: At 12, you left Russia for the first time. CG: How did Ilsa Safarova treat you?
What was it like traveling such a distance CG: I understand that things became worse
and coming to places where the physical before they got better... KULIKOVA: She gave a special kind of
geography is so different? massage and taught me to concentrate on
KULIKOVA: Yes. At 19 I broke my left arm, energy flows through the body. She helped
KULIKOVA: I had to take a two-day train leaving me unable to play for 18 months. me to be more conscious about the way I
journey from Chelyabinsk to Moscow, and This gave me time to thinka bit more practice and the way I live life in general.
then fight for a plane ticket with an agency. than I would have liked, but in that period The intensity with which we work on a
There were no electronic tickets and fewer my determination to continue with music piece, the books we read, music we listen
options for flights; how did people live in grew even stronger. At that time I was to, movies we see, people we meet, and all
those days? Everything was a big adven- studying at the Gnessins Academy in Mos- kinds of other daily rituals have a special
ture, especially for a 12-year-old girl. I cow. I obviously missed guitar lessons, but meaning to us: [All of this] settles some-
remember how strange it was experienc- I also missed lessons in piano and conduct- where in our subconscious.
ing the change in weather: I came from -30 ing. Fortunately, there were a lot of differ- On the night of the concert, the body
[Celsius] in Russia to +15 in Italy. This was ent modules you could take, such as theory remembers everything that has happened
also the first time I had seen the sea. That and historical studies. During this period I in the months before, only twenty times
was a very special emotion! Ive been in disappeared into a lot of literature, medical stronger. To be able to transmit music with
love with the sea from that moment. Now I books in particular. I developed an inter- all its meaning and full intensity, musicians
am just a ten-minute walk from the coast, in est in the relationship between music and need to be whole themselves. This is what
The Hague [Netherlands]. All these initial health: How to stay healthy as a musician, Safarova made me aware of. If your hands
experiences showed me a world I wanted and how music can serve as medicine. Five are trembling onstage, or if your memory is
to come back to forever. years later, I wrote my masters thesis on failing you, you have built up blocks some-
this topic at the Mozarteum: The Mystery where. You cant take these blocks away by
CG: How did your initial trips around of Sound and Wholeness of the Artist: A Mul- focusing on the night of the concert alone.
tidisciplinary Introduction You need to make changes in life generally.
Irina at 6 to a Better Stage Perfor- For example, be open to experiment with
mance. tai-chi or qigong. Get some good massages
or go to an acupuncturist. Learn to con-
CG: What sort of issues centrate on your breathing and movement.
does this paper focus Try different kinds of mental and physical
on? Does it look at the training. Create a special atmosphere while
physiology of playing an youre practicing at home. All these things
instrument as well as the help to create a sense of inner harmony
psychological aspects of that you bring to the stage.
CG: Do you feel that all this has had an
KULIKOVA: The paper overall effect on your playing?
is about dealing with
physical and mental KULIKOVA: Very much. The essence of
blocks, to be free and Safarovas treatment is the essence of her
open in our stage perfor- approach to music: Music is a means for
mances. My interest in a complete, whole unity of the body and

Irina Kulikova
souls movement over the tone and and the US. Some of these
the sound. To find the depth in a places I visited for perfor-
piece, and to be able to get com- mances at guitar festivals. But
pletely into the music while play- I also played a lot of concerts
ing it on stage, we need a broader at chamber music festivals and
approach in every aspect of life. I for special events involving
know that music education is for a embassies and royal families.
large part about discovering techni- These concerts are, of course,
cal aspects of our instrument and less prominent on the guitar
developing a broad knowledge of scene. I started entering com-
music. But it is also about the whole petitions again in 2005. By that
of our physical, emotional, intellec- time I had already been living
tual, intuitive, and spiritual devel- in Salzburg for two years.
opment. Thats why I work with my
students on more than technique CG: Your biography highlights
and musical interpretation alone. several of the competitions
I encourage them to open their you have participated in, and
imagination to any piece they play, you have had many successes
to find out what inspired the com- competing in them. What does
poser. But also to find their own the competition scene mean
way in a spiritual direction. Im sure to you?
this helps to become more whole as a per-
son; to open up more of our gifts and unite KULIKOVA: I wanted to study with Marco KULIKOVA: On the one hand, I find it dif-
them in beautiful music. Tamayo, as I had heard a lot about him. ficult to understand the idea of competi-
Through some contacts in Austria, I tion. How can we compare musicians like
CG: Has your Russian background influ- was invited to give concerts quite fre- we compare athletes? Everyone has his
enced this aspect of your musical aes- quently in the Salzburger Schloss Mira- own personality in music, his own unique
thetic? bel. This brought me right next door to characteristics. On the other hand, I under-
the Mozarteum University and it provided stand the value of the competition scene. It
KULIKOVA: For sure, yes. The depth of the means to pay for my study. After one offers great motivation to develop techni-
the literature, endless landscapes, beauti- of these concerts, before starting at the cal skills. And of course competitions are
ful bells of the Orthodox church, and the Mozarteum, I met a fantastic couple: Tony a means to meet people and develop a net-
dramatic history of the countrythey are and Irmgard Leswell. They live in Hof bei work of contacts; to find great friends who
part of my soul, so it is part of my life and Salzburg, in the mountains, half-an-hour share your passion for music.
music. Besides, Russia has a great tradition out of the city. I lived with them for quite
of music education. It is a tough school for some time. They grew to become my fam- CG: At this stage in your career, what direc-
young children, but what you learn as a ily, which was important for me living so tion do you imagine you will take? Would
child settles deep in you. far away from my parents. you like to become more involved in music
academia for instance?
CG: Still, you decided to move, to study in CG: After you had been living in Salzburg for
Salzburg... a couple of years, you started participating KULIKOVA: I have my dreams, and bit by bit
in competitions again. It seemed that until they come true. But I cannot discuss them
KULIKOVA: One of the reasons I moved to then you had moved away from the compe- nowit would break the magic. Generally
Europe is that in Russia the guitar is con- tition scene after a very promising start at speaking, I am fascinated by the influence
sidered mostly a folk instrument. At music around 12 years of age... music has on people, what it can bring to
schools, academies, and conservatoires, their lives. Ive been giving concerts since
it is in the department with the balalaika, KULIKOVA: Several of the people who I was eight years old, so when Im not per-
domra, bayan, and accordion. In Europe, heard me play when I was a child have forming, I start to miss the stage. Its won-
the guitar is grouped with string instru- asked me the same question. My focus sim- derful to perform as a soloist and guide the
ments, such as the cello. ply was not on competitions. After I turned audience through the evening. I also love to
12, I only entered a couple of competitions teach, to help students realize their dreams.
CG: What was it that attracted you to Salz- in Russia. Then I got dragged into a concert I strongly believe that we should follow our
burg as a place to study? life with a lot of traveling in Russia, Italy, deepest wishesthey will show us the right
Poland, England, Austria, Germany, Spain, direction at any point in life. CG

Irina Kulikova

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