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7 Examples 147

Here the line integrals along the gap and the main part of the torus follow as in Example 6.3, the
respective cross-sectional areas being s r 2 and 7rR2. Along each of the two tapered ends the radius
y of the cross section of the electromagnet at a distance x measured from the small end is given
by - as one can calculate with the method of congruent triangles (see Fig. 6.3) -

- y-r i.e. y = r + C ( R - r )
1 R-r' I

(verification: for x = 0 this is r and for z = 1 this is R), so that for each of the two pole pieces

- -

- 1

Altogether we have
H2fi07rr2 = h L 21 '

We see that for 1 + 0,r + R the result reduces to that of Example 6.3.

Example 6.5: The vector potential along a thin, circular wires

Calculate the vector potential along a current carrying wire of tiny cross section and circular shape.

Solution: We use Eq. (6.19). With ds = rd4, where r is the radius formed by the wire, we have


N I-P ln(Ar), (6.32)


where we used a not so familiar expansion from a Table of Formu1ae.T The divergence that we
encounter here (for A + 0) appears because we assumed that the wire has (effectively) vanishing
cross section ( r = r'). For small thickness 1/A the dominant contribution is proportional t o ln(Ar),

'See also E. Witten, Nucl. Phys. B249 (1985) 557.

S. Gradshteyn and I. M. Ryzhik, Table of Integrals, Series and Products (Academic, 1965),
formula 1.518(3), p. 46.

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