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Lube oil system

1.System component and function description

1.1 Lube oil tank

Install at the base of accessory compartment to storage lube oil .Maximum capacity of lube
oil tank is 1700 Gal.(6500 liter) . At the lube oil tank installed level switch 71QH-1 and
71QL-1 to alarm when lube oil tank level high or low to inform operator that lube oil in the
lube oil storage tank is abnormal level. The cause of lube oil tank level low may be by large
leak. When the levels switch
71QL-1 reach at low level Lube oil level low alarm will be occur at mark V display.
Operator should take care to see the level at level indicator at lube oil tank to verify lube oil
level and verify system piping have leak or not .It is the good practice to add the lube oil to
normal tank level(more than tank)

71QH-1(L71QH) level switch for lube oil level high

when the lube oil tank reach to High oil level the level switch will sent signal to mark V
to alarm 109 Lube oil level high . Operator should investigate the cause of alarm. The
cause of alarm may be come from leakage of cooling water to lube oil system.
See L71QH Seq _trb 1 68 L71QL Seq_trb 1 69

26QL-1(Lube oil tank temperature on off)

When the lube oil temperature detected by 26 QL-1 decrease to 60 oF ( 15.5 oC ) contact
of temperature switch must be close for connect heater circuit (23QT-1) and connect to lube
oil pump 88QA to run for circulation of oil through heater (23QT-1)to heat lube oil temp
increase until lube oil temp reach to 70 oF( 21 oC )contact 26QL-1 will open circuit of
heater and stop 88QA

26QN-1(Lube oil tank temp normal )In the cold weather temperature below 50 oF ( 10 oC)
that make lube oil temperature low (If 88QA not run and heater 23QT out of service alarm
111 lube oil tank temp low will be occur to verify this alarm operator should read lube oil
temperature indicator at lube oil tank . If this alarm still set mark V not permit to start
turbine (not ready to start ) Note In hot country this alarm may not occur that may be
temperature switch fault.

See L26QN Seq _trb1 93 L3STSCK page 32

Seq_trb1 72 L26QN_ALM page 27

1.2 Lube oil pump

On the lube oil tank installed 3 pumps

- Main lube oil pump driven by accessory gear
- Auxiliary lube oil pump driven by AC. Motor
- Emergency lube oil pump driven by DC. motor
Lube oil pump sequence
Normally 88QA will be the first priority to start lube oil system by command on cool
down or in sequence start up. In sequence of on cool down 88QA maintain pressure of
lube oil to bearing and give suction pressure to Hydraulic ratchet pump.
In sequence of start up 88QA will maintain the pressure of lube oil (88QA run) until
speed of turbine reach 96.4% (4930rpm)and verify lube oil header pressure normal (more
than 1.1 Bar within 2.5second)auxiliary lube oil pump will be stop and lube oil pressure
maintained by main lube oil pump (Drive by accessory gear)
During shut down cycle. If turbine have shutdown command after turbine speed
decrease to 94.8%(L14HS drop out 4848 rpm)88 QA will be run until cool down off
(turbine wheel space temp less than 65 oC and operator select cool down off ) . Incase
of turbine trip 88QA must be run when the signal L4 become to zero 0
Incase of 88QA Still running when turbine speed more than 4848 rpm.(14HS pick
up)and turbine not trip mark V will sent alarm 103 Auxiliary lube oil pump motor
running operator must solve this problem before select to synchronize because if this
problem not clear generator not permissive synchronize to system.
See L4QAZ Seq_trb1 67 page 26 , L3X Seq_trb2 54.3page 69
L52QA_ALM Seq_trb1 65 page 25

23QA (88QA motor space heater)

the purpose of this heater is to protect the motor winding from moisture .The
heater maintain winding warm when 88QA stop. After 88QA run this heater
will be cut by auxiliary contact of 88QA

88QE Emergency lube oil pump

DC. Motor drive lube oil pump. Function of 88QE is to pressurize lube oil system but
88QE use for the last priority when 88QA can not run
See L4QEZ Seq _aux 62 page 25 Seq_trb1 63 page 25

VPR1Hydraulic trip pressure regulator valve (setting 3.45 bar)

It use to regulate lube oil pressure before go to lube oil filter and lube oil cooler .After
Lube oil go to header it will be regulated by VPR2-1(setting 1.72bar) The reason for
VPR1 setting is to compensate pressure drop at piping and filter before go to header line.
VPR 2 Lube oil header pressure regulator
Regulate lube oil header after lube oil pass through lube oil filter to lube oil header line
to maintain pressure at lube oil header =1.72 bar

Lube oil cooler

After lube oil cool the equipment and return lube oil tank temperature will increase .Thus
system must have equipment to cool lube oil to proper temperature before go to
equipment to protect equipment from temperature high such as bearing temperature high.
Lube oil cooler use water from cooling water system for cooling lube oil . Temperature of
lube oil regulated by VTR-1(set 49 oC)

Lube oil filter

The function is to protect lube oil header from impurity and solid particle. Two filter
(5micron) installed before lube oil go to lube oil header to filtered impurity of oil or solid
particle which contaminate oil act like abrasive upon the oil circuit part and the lubricated
device .The filter should be change when the differential pressure gauge indicate a
differential pressure of 1.035 bar

-63QA-2 low lube oil pressure alarm (inc close 162 decrease open 121 psig) the
function of this pressure switch is to monitor lube oil header if speed of turbine more than
14HS pick up normally 88QA pump should be stopped but if this pressure switch detect
lube oil header pressure low than 0.8 bar and Alarm 107 will be Alarm lube oil Pressure
See L63QT_SENSR Seq_Trb1 80 page 28 L63QT Seq_trb1 79 page 28
L63QAL_ALM Seq_trb1 70 page 26 L63QALY Seq_trb1 66 page 26

-63QL low lube oil pressure emergency pump start (inc open 202 decrease close 61
psig) this function of pressure switch is to protect lube oil header pressure after turbine
trip that mean 88QA fail to maintain pressure to continuous run turbine (if main oil pump
fail also) to protect turbine shaft and bearing rub during coasting down

-63QT2A and 63QT2B low lube oil header pressure trip (inc close 90.5 decrease open
80.3 psi) This low pressure switch (63QT2A,2B) for tripping turbine incase of lube oil
header pressure low From Logic L63QT if we have 2 of 3 pressure switch 63QA-2 ,
L63QT2A,L63QT2B the turbine will be tripped by signal L63QT go to L63QTX and
alarm 106 LOW Lube oil pressure trip at Mark V that mean main lube oil pump and
auxiliary lube oil pump cannot maintain lube oil header pressure in the normal range
(more than 0.8 psi)
See L63QTSENSR Seq_trb1 80 page 28
L63QT Seq_trb1 79 page 28

-26QA-1 (lube oil header high temp alarm setting 165F (74C) ) in this case the cause
of problem may come from cooling water temp high or VTR1 cannot maintain lube oil
temp When lube oil header increase to 74C and the speed turbine more than 920 rpm
Alarm 112 Lube oil header temperature high will be show at Mark V operator must
take care to verify the problem and solve this problem before lube oil header increase to
79C that will make turbine trip
See L26QA Seq _Aux 13 L4FC1XX page 198
Seq_trb1 77 L26QT page 27
Seq_trb1 73 L26QA_ALM page 27

-26QT-1A, 26QT-1B (lube oil header temp high trip inc open 1753F or 801.6C) this
two temperature switch use to verify lube oil header temp after lube oil header temp high
Alarm (74C) if any one of two or both temperature switch (26QT-1A, 26QT-1B) detect
that lube oil header temperature over the setting it will trip the turbine and Alarm 113
Lube oil header temperature high trip
See Seq_trb1 78 L26QT_SENSR page 28
Seq_trb1 77 L26QT page 27

- Lube oil temperature thermocouple

At lube oil header thermocouple has installed at the pipeline of lube oil header to detect
temperature and sent to Mark V Operator can know the temperature of lube oil header
temp by signal LTTH1 if this value (LTTH1) more than 74C Mark V will Alarm 222
bearing drain temperature high and if LTTH more than 80C turbine trip and Alarm No
407 Lube oil drain temperature high trip

- Lube oil bearing drain temp

LT-BT1D-1A, 1B Lube oil thermocouple #1 thrust drain
LT-B1D-1A, 1B Lube oil thermocouple#1 bearing drain
LT-B2D-1A, 1B Lube oil thermocouple #2 bearing drain
LT-RG1D Lube oil thermocouple red gear comb brg. drain
LT-G2D Lube oil thermocouple gen#2 brg. drain
These thermocouple are used to detect lube oil drain temperature at bearing drain to
show the value at Mark V and give alarm when bearing temperature more than 100C
(Alarm 222 bearing drain temperature high )
and trip turbine when bearing drain temperature more than 110C and Alarm 407 lube
oil drain temp high trip at Mark V Alarm
See Rung Display Page 218 L30LOA , 219 L30LOT

Lube oil mist eliminator

The purpose of oil mist eliminator is
to extract the oil mist flow from the GT. lube oil tank
to create and adjust depression in GT. oil tank (Approximately 0.8 kPa)
and mainly .to eliminate oil droplets from the discharge air

Starting up
The blower of this unit will be start up automatically by speedtronic when auxiliary lube oil
pump start or the speed of GT. reach 18% (14HM pick up ) of nominal speed provide that
no GT. fire has been detected . and the switch on LV. Distribution panel (Q29) set auto

Shutting down
The blower motor is shutting down automatically by Speedtronic mark V after GT.
speed fall below 15% (765 rpm.) of nominal speed & auxiliary pump stop. that mean in
the cycle of cool down time 88QV still running until operator select cool down off . This
commends go to stop 88QA and after 88QA stop 10 minute 88 QV will be stop.
See L4QVZ1A Seq_aux 9 page 197
L4QVZ Seq_AUX 70 page 215
L94X Seq_trb1 55.2 page 21

It is the most important for maintain 88 QV running when turbine running .If it is
interrupted by stopping 88QV. The turbine will be shutdown by signal L94AX
Automatic shutdown

Incase of starting up Turbine If operator forget to on breaker of 88QV (Q29) when speed
of turbine reach 18% of nominal speed (with delay time 3second) Mark V will be alarm
No.405 oil demister fan trouble .If the trouble doesnt exist When speed reach to 94.6
%( 4930rpm.)Turbine will be shut down by automatic shut down.
See L51QV_ALM Seq_AUX 69 page 215
L4QVZ Seq_AUX 70 page 215

Filter Coalescing diff pressure

The purpose of coalescing filter is reducing oil loss from vapor system. Pre-filter and
coalescing filter was installed at inlet of lube oil mist eliminator pump. Prefilter catch any
solid particle ,Whilst at the same time allowing large oil drop to form .The largest drops
are stop and are collected in the bottom of the inlet box. The oil then return to the GT. oil
tank via the oil buffer box.
The oil mist then pass through the filter element (demisting cartridge )which separate
the very fine oil drop still percent in the air.
If the coalescing filter diff pressure reach 12 kPa. Alarm No.404 Oil Demister filter
diff pressure high will be occurred

It is good practice for operator to take care this system by recording unit suction
pressure (normally should be 0.5-0.8 kpa) and coalescing filter diff pressure must not
over 12 kPa. By reading PDI 152 .If it is not in the recommended range should inform
authorized person.
See L63QV_ALM Seq_AUX 68 page 215

Start Up Lube oil system

System flow must be prepare
88 QA , 88QE breaker must be closed and put in auto
Lube oil cooler must be vented the air until assure no air in the cooler
Lube oil cooler must be vent the oil until assure that the oil full in the cooler by
observed oil vent sight glass. If the oil Full in the cooler ,close filling valve
Assure that cooling water valve must be opened match with the cooler that
selected to used.
Assure that lube oil filter filled with oil until full with oil
Verify all pressure gauge shut off valve are opened.

If the system preparing finish ,When Mark V have command On Cool down or
Start (crank, fire ,auto) 88QA will be start automatically. Incase of auto start ,when
speed of turbine reach to 4930 rpm.(14HS pickup) and system control verify that lube
oil pressure normal 88QA will be stop Automatically but 88QV still running
See L4QAZ Seq_trb 1 67 page 26
L4QVZ1A Seq_AUX 9 page 197

Lube oil system shut down

During shut down cycle 88QA will be running when speed of turbine decrease to
4848rpm.(14HS drop out) . The pump will be running during on cool down period
Until wheel space temperature less than 65oC and operator command to mark V to stop
on cool down the turbine

Special requirement and precaution

*Lube oil level
Operator must take care level of lube oil tank .If alarm lube oil level low occur ,Lube
oil must add to lube oil tank to normal level
*If Alarm lube oil temperature high, operator must solved the problems before lube
oil temperature reach to 80 oC .
The cause of lube oil temperature may be come from
88FC 1-4 Not manual run
Lube oil cooler isolation valve of cooling water system not match with the selected
lube oil cooler
Bearing header temperature regulating valve malfunction
Air block in lube oil cooler or lube oil filter

Periodic test and check

*L63QA -2 should be test in proper set period to verify that auxiliary lube oil pump
can start when lube oil header pressure lower than setting (0.83bar)
* L63QL should be test in proper set period to verify that DC. Lube oil pump can start
when lube oil header pressure lower than setting (0.42bar)
*For normal operation operator should monitor Lube oil header pressure, lube oil
temperature at lease every 2hours
* Lube oil filter must be changed when lube oil filter diff pressure over 1.2 bar

Lube Oil System Test


1. From Logic L4QAZ when 88 QA start and stop

2.When GT. speed reach to 5100 rpm.If 88QA still running .and you want to
synchronize the generator .Can you synchronize the Generator to grid ? And tell me
what the reason ?

3.When 88QE start ?

4.If we have alarm 420 Over load emergency lube oil pump Tell me the cause of


5.If Mark V have alarm 108 Lube oil pressure switch trouble and gas turbine still
running .If this alarm not clear when lube oil header pressure = 10 psig. Tell me can
GT. running? And tell me the reason why?

6. When turbine go to 920 rpm. (14HM. Pickup) you see alarm lube oil header temp
high at mark V. How can solve this problem?

7. When Lube oil header temp at Mark V show 74 oC what alarm will be occur.
Follow the condition
7.1. When speed more than 14HM pick up this alarm will be occurred
7.2 When speed less than 14HM pick up this alarm will be occurred

8.If lube oil temperature = 60 oF Can GT. start ? ( Yes or No )

9.When 88 QV stop GT. will automatic shut down True or False ?.


10.Lube oil Mist eliminator suction pressure should be 0.5 - 0.8 Kpa. True or

11.When lube oil mist eliminator coalescing filter differential pressure more than 12
Alarm 405 Oil demister fan trouble will show at mark V True or False?

12. Ten minute after 88QA stop (and 14 HM drop out) Lube oil mist eliminator will be
stopped True or False?.

13. If bearing lube oil drains temperature more than 110 oC. GT. will be tripped True
or False?.

14.Main Lube oil pump drive by motor True or False ?.

15.If we have alarm Lube oil pressure switch trouble and some one need to test
pressure switch 63QA Lube oil pressure low ( Lube oil pressure low alarm ) can you
permit they to test ? Yes or No. and tell the reason why you make decision on this
choice ?

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