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Maxillary superimposition: A comparison of three

methods for cephalometric evaluation of growth and

treatment change
lb Leth Nielsen, DDS*
San Francisco, Cal$

Two anatomic methods are statistically compared with the implant method for superimposing serial
head films in 18 subjects with metallic implants. Findings showed that the best fit method-that is,
superimposition along the palatal plane registered at ANS-traditionally used by orthodontists,
significantly underestimates the eruption of the teeth by 30% to 50%. The structural method, which
is based on the use of stable structures in the maxilla, showed no significant differences in vertical
displacement of selected landmarks in comparison with the implant method. (AM J ORTHOD
DENTOFAC ORTHOP 1989;95:422-31.)

M axillary growth and dentoalveolar change

have traditionally been studied by superimposing serial
imposition on palatal plane registered at ANS, also
suggested a second method in which the films are su-
head films on best fit of palatal structures, weighted perimposed along the palatal plane but registered at the
in some manner. pterygomaxillary fissure. His rationale for the technique
Previous cephalometric studies have indicated an is that Superimpositioning on the pterygomaxillary fis-
apparent stability of the growth patterns of both the sure yields a more true picture of maxillary growth and
maxilla and mandible. These studies demonstrated a the positional changes of the maxillary dentition. A
parallel descent of the maxilla, in relation to the anterior modification of this technique has been used by Riedel
cranial base, in which the nasal floor appeared to remain in which the outlines of the infratemporal fossa and the
unchanged during growth. posterior portion of the hard palate are made to coin-
The technique most commonly used for evaluating cide. Luder used a technique in which superimposition
growth and treatment changes has been to superimpose is made on the anterior contour of the zygomatic process
serial head films along the palatal plane from ANS to registered at the most inferior point of the process at
PNS with the films registered at ANS (Fig. 1).*4-g key ridge. These various maxillary superimpositions
Broadbent found that when superimposition was made and registration techniques are illustrated in Fig. 1.
on the palatal plane at ANS, the anterior surface of the Studies of maxillary growth with metallic implants
maxilla and point A moved posteriorly. Brodie3 rec- by Bj6rk12-14and BjSrk and Skieller5-8 have demon-
ommended a technique originally introduced by Downs* strated that the maxilla undergoes extensive differential
to study the upper dental region in which the nasal floors remodeling during the growth period. This remodeling
are made to coincide with the films registered at the involves a resorptive lowering of the nasal floor that in
anterior surface of the maxilla. Downs* suggested this most instances is greater anteriorly than posteriorly. 16,17
modification to eliminate the problem of variation in These studies also showed that the zygomatic process
anterior nasal spine in the intervals between head films. of the maxilla does not undergo the same remodeling
The superior and inferior surfaces of the hard palate changes. In fact the anterior surface remains unchanged
have been recommended for maxillary superimposition during growth with the exception of the most inferior
to eliminate possible appositional growth at ANS during part at key ridge and the most superior part at the orbital
the period from one head film to the next in the same floor. This is in contrast to the opinion of Enlow, Ku-
patient.5 Moore,4 in addition to using best fit super- roda, and Lewis,lg who claimed that the anterior surface
of the maxilla undergoes resorptive remodeling during
growth. The differences between superimposition made
*Currently Associate Clinical Fmfessor, Department of Growth and Devel-
on the maxillary implants and best fit superimposition
opment, School of Dentistry, University of California; DDS from the Royal
Dental College of Aarbus, Denmark, and degree in orthodontics from the Royal along the palatal plane registered at ANS were dem-
Dental College of Copenhagen. onstrated by Isaacson, Worms, and Speidel in four of
Volume 95 Maxillary superimposition 423
Number 5

a. b. C

Fig. 1. Maxillary superimposition methods without implants. a, Superimposition along palatal plane
registered at ANS. (From Broadbent BH. Angle Orthod 1937;7:224.) b, Superimposition along palatal
plane registered at ANS (7). Superimposition along palatal plane registered at the pterygomaxillary
fissure (2). (From Moore AW. AM J ORTHOD1959;45:330.) c, Superimposition on the infratemporal
fossa and the posterior part of the palate. (From Riedel RA. Angle Orthod 1974;44:199.) d, Super-
imposition along palatal plane registered at ANS. (From Ricketts RM. Angle Orthod 1981;51 :121.) e,

-- \-----
Superimposition on best fit of internal palatal structures. (From McNamara JA Jr. Angle Orthod
1981;51:294.) f, Superimposition on anterior border and tip of key ridge. (From Luder HU. Eur J Orthod

21 cases with metallic implants published by Bjiirk and
Skieller. I5 Their study showed great differences be-

tween the two methods with respect to the molar and
incisor movements.
Detailed studies of maxillary growth with quanti-
fication of the growth and remodeling changes have
0 = 6.6
shown that concomitant with the resorptive modeling
of the nasal floor, there is appositional growth at the
orbital floor. The ratio of apposition to resorption
is approximately 3:2 from age 4 to 20 years in
boys6,7 (Fig. 2).
On the basis of these findings, Bjijrk and Skieller18
suggested a structural method for evaluating maxil-
lary growth and treatment changes in patients without
the use of metallic implants. This technique requires
the head films to be superimposed on the anterior sur-
face of the zygomatic process of the maxilla with the Fig. 2. Mean maxillary growth changes in nine boys, aged 4 to
second head film oriented so that the resorptive low- 20 years. 0, Appositional growth at the orbital floor; R., re-
ering of the nasal floor is equal to the apposition at the sorptive lowering of the nasal floor. (From Bjork A, Skieller V.
orbital floor (Fig. 3). Trans Eur Orthod Sot 1977:54.)
424 Nielsen Am. J. Orthod. Dentofac. Orthop.
May 1989

NSLB ostat, demonstrating excessive amounts of double con-

I tours, were not included. The metallic implants had
I- -------------------- been placed in the maxilla by use of an open surgical
technique by Drs. R. Taylor and W. Ware. The head
NSLA films were included in the study only if at least 3 to 4
stable implants in the zygomatic process could be iden-
tified on each of the two films in a series. It should
further be noted that not all subjects had implants in-
serted bilaterally. The sample consisted of subjects that
underwent orthodontic treatment during the study pe-
riod and untreated subjects. Most of the subjects had
Class II malocclusion, some Class I. No subjects with
Class III malocclusion were included. Because of the
limited sample size, no efforts were made to divide the
sample by sex, nor to distinguish between treated and
untreated subjects.
The head films were traced independently and at
different times, and were superimposed by means of
three different techniques: (1) the implant method, (2)
Fig. 3. Structural superimposition on the anterior surface of
the tygomatic process of the maxilla. (From Bji)rk A, Skieller the best fit method, and (3) the structural method ac-
V. In: McNamara JA Jr, ed. Factors affecting the growth of the cording to Bjork and Skieller. Separate tracings were
midface. Monograph 6, Craniofacial Growth Series. Ann Arbor: made on mat acetate of each film for each method in
1976:68. Center for Human Growth and Development, Univer- accordance with the technique described by Baumrind,
sity of Michigan.) Miller, and Molthen.22.23 The tracings included the
registration points, fiducial points, structures, and
The first purpose of the present study is to compare landmarks necessary for each superimposition (see
(1) the traditional best fit method oriented along the Fig. 5).
palatal plane registered at anterior nasal spine (ANS), To eliminate possible bias, the tracings for the best
(2) the implant method, and (3) the structural method, fit and the structural superimposition did not include
an anatomic method in which the films are registered the implants. Double determinations were made for all
on the anterior surface of the zygomatic process of the three superimpositioning methods on separate occa-
maxilla. The second purpose of the study is to examine sions. To check possible observer bias for the structural
the validity and reliability of the structural superim- method, a second observer independently repeated the
position. superimposition twice on separate occasions. The sec-
ond observer performed the superimposition after brief
The material for this study consisted of pairs of head The best fit superimposition was made as the op-
films from 18 subjects, six boys and 12 girls. The mean timal fit of the hard palate with the nasal floors aligned
age of the 18 subjects when the initial head films were and registered at anterior nasal spine (ANS) and the
taken was 10 years with a standard deviation (SD) of region between ANS and point A.
-+0.37 years. The average time between the two films The implant superimposition was made after the
was 4 years with a standard deviation of ? 0.56 years. implants had been traced and the distance between them
The serial head films were obtained from a sample of bisected. In cases in which an implant had been deter-
35 subjects with metallic implants collected by Dr. mined to be unstable, it was excluded in the superim-
J. R. Matthews at the Department of Growth and De- position.
velopment, University of California, San Francisco.21 The structural superimposition was made by super-
Of a total of 35 subjects in the sample, the head films imposing the tracings-including both the left and right
of only 18 subjects could be used for this study. The zygomatic processes, the orbital floors, and the palatal
head films of the 18 subjects were selected on the basis floor-on the anterior surface of the zygomatic process
of the quality of the films only. Special emphasis was of the maxilla, keeping the apposition at the orbital
given to clear visibility of the zygomatic process of the floor quantitatively equal to the resorptive lowering of
maxilla and identification of the anterior nasal spine the nasal. floor.
and the orbital floors (Fig. 4). Head films of subjects For the purpose of the present study, the following
who had not been correctly positioned in the cephal- skeletal and dental landmarks were used:
Volume 95 Maxillary superimposition 425
Number 5

Fig. 4. Radiograph showing the zygomatic process of the maxilla. a, The orbital floors; b, the nasal
floor; c, the posterior (lateral) implants.

AhS, The apex of the anterior nasal spine

AMY (Harvold), A point on the inferior surface of anterior
nasal spine where thickness of the bony process is 3 mm
PNS, The most posterior point on the hard palate at the
intersection of nasal floor and the pterygomaxillary fissure
Point A, The most posterior point on the anterior contour of
the maxilla
U6C, The mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first molar
U6A, The apex of the maxillary first molar
UIE, The incisal edge of the most prominent maxillary central
WA, The apex of the maxillary central incisor

A reference coordinate system was established rel-

ative to the initial head film with the occlusal plane as
defined by Downs used as the X axis and a perpendic-
ular to this plane through the mesial cusps of the first
molars as the Y axis.
Downs occlusal plane is defined as a line bisecting
the occlusion of the first molars and central incisors
(Fig. 6). 04 0
The displacement of each of the selected landmarks
Fig. 5. Cephalometric tracing of maxillary structures on the ref-
was then compared within this coordinate system for
erence film including landmarks, implants, registration points,
each method of superimposing by means of the Uni- and fiducial points (A, 8, C, and 13).
versity of California computer-aided head film analysis
developed by Baumrind and Miller.23
The initial positions of the landmarks with respect vidually designated registration points on the time point
to the coordinate system were first determined and dig- one film (the reference film) were carried forward to
itized. The tracings were then superimposed and indi- the tracing of the second head film and subsequently
426 Nielsen Am. .I. Orthod. Dentofac. Orthop.
May 1989


X Axir

Fig. 6. Initial position of the skeletal and dental landmarks and coordinate system based on Downs
occlusal plane.

Table I. Displacement of maxillary skeletal landmarks by superimposition (X = horizontal, Y = vertical)

PNS AN.7 (Harvold) ANS Point A

X Y X Y X Y x Y

Best fit -1.18 0.36 0.41 0.37 0.62 0.28 0.14 -0.41
al.23 kO.53 t 0.92 kO.66 k 1.09 20.70 k2.21 21.16
Implant -2.34 -0.70 -0.91 -1.56 -0.63 - 1.62 - 0.78 -2.33
? 1.23 k1.14 k 1.46 f 1.09 to.83 kO.83 k 1.29 k1.17
Structural - 1.81 -1.02 -0.34 -1.62 -0.12 - 1.72 -0.65 -2.43
2 1.12 kO.98 k1.31 k1.27 2 1.01 k1.09 21.25 k1.30

digitized together with the landmarks. This procedure RESULTS

was repeated for each of the three methods of super- The displacement of the selected landmarks in both
imposing. The changes in position of the skeletal and vertical and horizontal directions varied greatly with
dental landmarks were then established mathematically, the method used for superimposing the head films
and the means and standard deviations of the differences (Tables I and II).
between the two time points calculated by use of the The best fit superimposition showed the smallest
SAS statistical program (Tables I and II). displacement of both the skeletal and dental landmarks
Statistical comparisons were made of the differ- in the vertical direction during the 4-year period. With
ences in displacement of the landmarks among the three this technique the landmarks PNS, ANS, and ANS
different superimpositioning methods. The results are (Harvold) showed a slight upward displacement; point
given in Tables III and IV. A showed a slight downward displacement. When the
The initial and final landmark positions relative to implant superimposition was used, these bony land-
the coordinate system for all three superimpositions are marks were displaced in a downward direction; point
seen in Fig. 6. ANS was displaced on average twice as much (1.6 mm)
V&me 95 Maxillary superimposition 427
Number 5

Table II. Displacement of maxillary dental landmarks by superimposition (X = horizontal, Y = vertical)


x /
Best fit 3.02 - 3.40 0.92 -2.33 1.22 - 1.40 -0.08 -2.60
k2.21 t 1.68 t 1.89 f 1.60 2.90 t 2.30 22.35 k 1 Sl
Implant 1.31 -4.15 - 0.42 -3.80 - 0.46 -3.39 - 1.17 -4.36
52.28 k2.13 k2.11 t 1.87 L2.23 22.72 ~2.50 IC I .72
Structural 2.06 -4.99 0.22 -4.02 0.15 -3.39 -0.86 -4.48
k2.21 k2.01 k 1.89 2 1.88 22.14 i 2.64 22.50 2 1.66

Table Ill. Differences in skeletal landmark displacement among superimpositions (X = horizontal,

Y = vertical)
PNS Ah6 (Harvold) ANS Point A

X Y x Y X Y

Implant minus 1.09** 1.08*** 1.2.5*** 1.87*** I .23*** 1.88*** 1.15*** 2.24***
best fit t 1.29 20.96 If: 1.28 20.89 -cl.29 to.89 + 1.09 21.35
Implant minus 0.53** -0.33 0.56** -0.11 0..56** --0.17 0.41 -0.04
structural 20.77 kO.93 20.73 -to.74 20.74 i: 0.73 k-o.66 21.19

Structural mi- 0.63 1.39*** 0.75 1.99*** 0.74 2.00*** 0.79** 1.96***
nus best fit * 1.02 50.94 11.08 rt 1.16 a 1.08 i 1.16 i 1.13 1.09
Structural diff. 0.17 -0.74 0.34 0.87* 0.32 0.88** 0.22 0.77*
observer X- 20.87 k2.40 r0.41 iz 1.30 t 0.94 i 1.29 t 1.49 t 1.42

*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01: ***p < 0.001

as point PNS (0.7 mm). The horizontal displacement the results showed that in the vertical plane, the struc-
of point PNS was greater with the implant superim- tural method demonstrated greater displacement of the
position (2.3 mm) than with the best fit superimposition landmarks than the implant method. In the horizontal
(1.2 mm). plane, overall less displacement was observed with the
Point A was found to be displaced downward on structural method.
average 0.5 mm with the best fit superimposition; the Statistical analysis of the differences in displace-
downward displacement on average was 2.3 mm with ment of the landmarks was performed and the results
the implant superimposition. In the horizontal direction, are given in Tables III and IV The differences in both
the average displacement of point A was only 0.1 mm horizontal and vertical displacements of both the skel-
with the best fit method but considerable variations were etal and dental landmarks between the best fit and the
observed (SD -+ 2.2). The posterior displacement of implant superimposition were found to be highly sig-
point A with the implant method was on average nificant. Comparison of the structural method with the
0.8 mm. implant method showed no statistically significant dif-
In general the displacement of the dental landmarks ferences in the vertical displacement of the reference
was greater with the implant superimposition than with points, only in the horizontal displacement.
best fit (Table II). The vertical displacement of the The differences between the structural method and
incisal edge was only half as great as determined by best fit were highly significant in the vertical plane and
the best fit than by implant superimposition. more moderately significant in the horizontal plane
When the displacement of the landmarks was com- (Tables III and IV, and Fig. 7). The measurable dif-
pared between the implant and the structural methods, ferences were similar between the displacement of ANS
428 Nielsen Am. J. Orthod. Dentofac. Orthop.
May 1989

* Ref point at start

o (A) Best fit polate-sup
0 (Y) Implant -sup
. (M) Structural method-sup

Flg. 7. Initial and final positions of the cephalometric landmarks with the best fit, implant, and structural

TableIV. Differences in dental landmark displacement among superimpositions (X = horizontal,

Y = vertical)

X Y x Y X Y X Y

Implant minus 1.53** 1.33*** 1.19*** 1.46*** 1.69*** 1.84*** 1.30*** 1.71***
best fit -Cl.35 20.82 k1.28 20.78 al.42 kO.86 f 1.30 eO.84
Implant minus 0.62** -0.29 0.56** -0.25 0.66** -0.20 0.58** -0.20
structural -co.19 eO.76 kO.74 eo.71 eO.87 20.71 kO.72 kO.68
Structural mi- 0.96** 1.59*** 0.70** 1.68*** 1.07** 1.99*** 0.77** 1.88***
nus best fit 21.33 kO.71 k-1.05 kO.77 51.53 21.11 21.12 i 0.98
Structural diff. 1.00 -0.22 0.32 -0.01 1.28 0.86* 0.52 0.52**
observer 22.09 + 1.33 kO.95 20.97 22.67 k1.28 k1.25 20.75

*p < 0.05; **p < 0.001; ***p < 0.0001.

and ANS (Harvold) for any of the superimpositioning DISCUSSION

methods (Table III). This study compares two anatomic methods for su-
To test the reliability of the structural method, a perimposing head films-the traditional so called best
statistical comparison was made of this superimposition fit method, in which the films are superimposed along
with two different observers. The results showed sig- the palatal plane registered at ANS, and the structural
nificant differences with respect to the displacement of method-with the implant method.12 It also examines
point ANS, point A, and the upper incisor in the vertical the validity and reliability of the structural method for
plane, but no statistically significant differences were studying maxillary growth and dentoalveolar devel-
found in the horizontal plane (Tables III and IV). opment .
Volume 95 Maxillary superimposition 429
Number 5


1.00 ANS
f 0.96 &


* _--.- ---- Initial * --------- lnltlal

Cl- Best Fit q - Best Fit

0---- Implant n ---- Structural

Fig. 8. Mean and standard deviations of differences in displace- Fig. 9. Mean and standard deviations of differences in displace-
ment of skeletal and dental landmarks between implant and ment of skeletal and dental landmarks between structural and
best fit superimpositions during a 4-year period (N = 18). best fit superimpositions during a 4-year period (N = 18).

The results show that the best fit method signif- The slight upward displacement of points ANS and
icantly underestimates the vertical displacement of both PNS determined with the best fit method may be
skeletal and dental landmarks as a result of bony mod- ascribed to the superimposition that emphasizes the pal-
eling of the maxilla (Fig. 8). For the dental landmarks atal structures. With the implant method, a horizontal
(U6C and U6A) representing the maxillary first molars, displacement of PNS was found to be 2.3 mm on av-
this difference was nearly 30% and for the maxillary erage during the 4-year period. This posterior displace-
incisors (UIE and UIA) as much as 50% of the eruption ment has been shown by Bjork and Skieller6,7 to rep-
of these teeth. These findings are in agreement with resent maxillary growth in length resulting from sutural
Bjork, and Bjiirk and Skieller,5-7 who reported a growth and appositional growth at the tuberosity.24 In
continuous downward modeling of the nasal floor with this study the best fit method appears to underestimate
the use of metallic implants. The results are also in this apposition by about 50%. However, this can be
agreement with the findings of Isaacson, Worms, and explained as a systematic problem since the best fit
Speidel ,20 who demonstrated considerable differences method does not allow for the resorptive lowering of
in eruption of the molars and incisors between a best the nasal floor and the resorption is greater anteriorly
fit superimposition and implant superimposition. than posteriorly. The resorptive modeling causes an
This study further showed that anterior nasal spine en masse rotational shift of the maxilla within the co-
(ANS), irrespective of how this point was defined, ordinate system, resulting in an average horizontal dif-
showed twice as much vertical displacement as the pos- ference in displacement of 1.2 mm for all reference
terior nasal spine (PNS) with both the implant method points between the best fit and the implant method
and the structural method (Fig. 9). This observation (Tables II and III).
is in agreement with previous studies indicating that No statistically significant differences were found
the resorptive modeling displacing the bony landmarks between the structural and the implant methods in the
ANS and PNS is greater anteriorly than posteriorly.6.7 vertical plane. The structural method tended to slightly
The extent of this modeling has been reported quan- overestimate the vertical resorptive lowering of the na-
titatively only in a limited number of untreated sal floor and the eruption of the teeth. This difference
subjects. 16,17 is possibly caused by less resorptive lowering of the
The effect of orthodontic treatment on modeling of nasal floor than apposition at the orbital floor as ob-
the nasal floor has not been examined in the present served by Bjiirk and Skieller.6,7 In the present study,
study. Since this sample contains both untreated and including 4 years of growth, the apposition and re-
treated subjects, the possibility of orthodontic treatment sorption were kept equal in the superimposition.
influencing the extent of this remodeling cannot be ruled In the horizontal direction, the structural method on
out. average showed a posterior displacement of all refer-
430 Nielsen Am. J. Orthod. Dentofac. Orthop.
May 1989

ence points with an average of 0.5 mm. This systematic placed bilaterally in all subjects since this would have
shift can be explained by the superimposition on the reduced errors caused by differences in head positions
anterior surface of the zygomatic process with the ap- between films.
position and resorption being equal. The resulting The effects of orthodontic treatment on the remod-
greater vertical displacement of all reference points in eling changes and the effect of sex and growth rate have
combination with the inclination of the zygomatic pro- not been addressed in this study because of the limited
cess sloping distally and inferiorly will cause a system- sample size. Further studies are needed to answer these
atic en masse posterior shift of all reference points. questions. Also the differences in the change in incli-
Comparison of the reliability of the structural nation of the teeth among the three methods have not
method between observers showed no statistically sig- been examined in this study and need further investi-
nificant differences for most points. Differences were gation. However, the structural method has been applied
found only with respect to anterior nasal spine and the previously by Litt and Nielsen26z27in an analysis of
incisor reference points. These differences might be growth and treatment changes in patients with Class II,
explained by systematic differences between observers Division 2 malocclusion.
and difficulties in locating these points.5,25 In the horizontal plane, both anatomic methods and
The results of this study suggest that the structural the implant method showed similar changes with re-
method for superimposing head films is a valid and spect to the teeth and maxillary growth in lengths. The
reliable method for determining maxillary growth and use of the structural method, however, is greatly de-
treatment change. The best fit method, used by ortho- pendent on optimal quality of the head films and special
dontists for many years ,1-5*8will underestimate the erup- attention should be given to correct film contrast and
tion of the teeth from 30% at the molars to 50% at the density. The method is based on superimposing on bi-
incisors. The study further shows that superimposition lateral structures; the zygomatic processes of the max-
along the palatal plane, registered at the pterygomax- illa make it necessary to have minimal or at least the
illary fissure,4 will introduce considerable error in both same amount of double contour of these structures on
vertical and horizontal directions with respect to the all films in a series. For these reasons, only 18 of the
tooth movements because of maxillary increase in 35 cases in the implant sample could be used in this
length at PNS. 6.7~24 The method suggested by Riedel studv.
presents a similar problem and in addition is based on The orientation along the anterior surface of the
superimposing on the infra temporal fossa (e.g., the zygomatic process can present a special problem be-
posterior surface of the zygomatic process), which has cause of difficulties in accuracy of the superimposition
been shown to undergo appositional growth.6,7 where this structure is short. This can create a rotational
In a study of the effects of activator treatment on effect with the possibility for misinterpretation of the
eruption of the teeth, Luder used a method in which tooth movements.
superimposition was made on the anterior surface of If we assume that the implant method is the most
the zygomatic process registered inferiorly on the zy- accurate method for determining growth and treatment
gomatic process at key ridge. This method, since it changes, then the structural method suggested by
does not include the remodeling changes nor the fact Bjork and Skieller, seems to offer greater validity and
that key ridge is lowered by apposition,6.7 will simi- reliability, especially with respect to the eruption of the
larly underestimate the eruption of the teeth. No indi- teeth, than the commonly used best fit superimpo-
cations of resorptive modeling of the anterior surface sition along the palatal plane registered at ANS.
of the zygomatic process of the maxilla were found in
this study when the implant superimposition method REFERENCES
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