Parents - Circle Surrog.6

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10/3/2017 Parents | Circle Surrogacy


Everything we do at Circle Surrogacy begins and ends with family. Our staffs personal
experience with thegestationalsurrogacyandegg donationprocesses helps us create a very
special bond with intended parents who are looking to take the rst step towardparenthood.
Weve sought out IVF clinics, surrogates and egg donors, all of whom share our values and beliefs
in family.

Our surrogacy and egg donation programs are tailored to t your needs as an individual or
couple, LGBTQ+ or heterosexual, in the United States or from another country. We will be with
you throughout the surrogacy process, from the time you choose us as your agency to your trip
home with your child. Were passionate about the work we do and, more importantly, the future
we can create for you.

Begin Your Journey

To begin your parenting journey, ll out this form and we'll send you a customized package
of information about the programs best suited to your needs.

Step 1 - Tell us about yourself

* First name

* Last name

* Gender 1/6
10/3/2017 Parents | Circle Surrogacy

male female

* Date of birth

Parents must be a maximum of 65 years old

* Email


Creates an account to view detailed egg donor pro les

Partner rst name

(leave blank if single)

Partner last name

(leave blank if single)

Partner gender

male female

Partner date of birth

Parents must be a maximum of 65 years old

Partner email

(leave blank if single)

* Cell Phone

Country Code 2/6
10/3/2017 Parents | Circle Surrogacy

(if outside US)

Receive SMS from circle?

* Primary Language

* Sexual Orientation

LGBTQ+ Straight

* Country

Select Country

* State or Province

* City

Step 2 - Tell us what you're looking for

* Surrogate needed?

No. We do not require a surrogate. Yes. We/I require a surrogate

* Egg donor needed?

No, We will be using our own or a friend's eggs. Yes. We/I require an egg donor.

* Timing to Begin

We offer a free consultation to parents

* Referral 3/6
10/3/2017 Parents | Circle Surrogacy

How did you hear about Circle Surrogacy?


Let us know who referred you, or ask any initial questions about the process
By signing up to view our egg donors you hereby agree not to seek the identify of any donor
and/or contact any donor without our express written authorization and involvement.
Seeking the identity of any donor and/or contacting any donor without our express written
authorization and involvement is a violation of our program guidelines and may lead to
being barred from proceeding in our program and other penalties. Texting rates may apply
based on your cell phone plan.


Gestational Surrogacy

The Gestational Surrogacy program is designed for intended parents who have the ability to
provide all of the needed biology but require the assistance of a gestational surrogate. Circle
staff assists you in the selection of an IVF center if you are not already established with a medical
team. You are then matched with a gestational surrogate who meets your legal, psychological
and emotional needs.

Gestational Surrogacy using Your Own Egg Donor

Many times, intended parents (IPs) begin a gestational surrogacy process needing a surrogate
and an egg donor; however they have a family member or friend who is willing to be their egg
donor. In this situation, intended parents can begin their journey with Circle by connecting with
an IVF center and asking Circle to match them with a gestational surrogate who meets their
legal, psychological and emotional needs. Circle staff provides screening, coordination, and
contracts for your egg donor during the process.

Gestational Surrogacy with Egg Donation 4/6
10/3/2017 Parents | Circle Surrogacy

Intended parents often have the need for both a gestational surrogate and an egg donor. In the
Gestational Surrogacy with Egg Donation program, Circle Surrogacy staff coordinates a
surrogacy journey that allows you to work with the IVF clinic of your choice. If you are not
already connected with an IVF clinic, Circle staff can make recommendations and provide you
with personal introductions. Once established with an IVF clinic, Circle staff helps you to select
an egg donor from our network of egg donor agencies and clinics. Once you have selected an egg
donor, you are matched with a gestational surrogate whom meets your legal, psychological and
emotional needs.

Circle Egg Donation

For intended parents who do not require a gestational surrogate but need the assistance of an
egg donor, Circle Surrogacys access to over 1,000 egg donors can help you nd the egg donor
who meets your unique requirements. Speak to a member from Circles staff to discuss the
differences between known and anonymous egg donors; rst-time egg donors, egg donors with
proven fertility and proven egg donors. Understanding your options and making a selection can
be an overwhelming prospect. At Circle Surrogacy, we aim to make that choice easier for you.

Circle Concierge

The Concierge program expands our standard offerings for intended parents who seek
additional services, assistance, and guidance during their journey. It includes access to a single,
skilled and experienced point of contact who will serve as your Concierge on call during your
surrogacy arrangement. Youll nd a high level of exibility, support, and supervision is available
through this program. To learn more about this service, please contact Jen Rachman

Fixed Fee

All of our surrogacy and egg donation options aim to control costs. Circles Fixed Fee Program
takes this a step further, by guaranteeing surrogate and egg donor related fees, agency fees, and
legal costs in designated amounts. The program removes nancial uncertainty by allowing
intended parents to learn exactly what these costs will be from the beginning. Insurance fees and
IVF costs are not guaranteed; however, we will work with you to nd the best options to control
these third-party costs as well.

Unlimited IVF Plan

Circle Surrogacy has an exclusive arrangement with Paci c Fertility Center of Los Angeles (PFC-
LA) to offer Circles intended parents the only Unlimited IVF plan in existence that promises
continuing IVFs until you have a baby for the low price of $35,900. This is an all-inclusive
nancial package for all procedures involved in IVF, whether fresh or frozen cycle, all
medications, all standard screening tests, all lab fees done at PFC-LA, etc. The only limitations on
the program is that the donating woman must either be an egg donor or if the eggs are from the
Intended Mother, she must be under 30 years of age without relevant medical issues. The IVF 5/6
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Physician, Vicken Sahakian, MD, must approve all parties for the program (con rming sperm, egg
and uterine quality).




Circle Surrogacy, LLC 200 High Street, Suite 600 Boston, MA 02110 (617) 439-9900

Staff in London, New York City, Los Angeles, Dallas, Illinois, Texas, Florida, No. Carolina, Colorado,New Jersey, Indiana, Kansas,
Maine, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, the UK, and Sweden.

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