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Thl' CIL\I1DL\~. Aside from the casop>--- \1,·. 11\:\11.1,\.

.\1 I', I fA~1 Ll:"' ...:\ I~), if I may add t hpI'p. ll~ I "aid bt~for~'. t !wt it was .\ ~1'11\' \' •• It']'IIS:l!
0111' hopp tllat till' AlIll'l'i('all Ziolli:-;! ('o\ll\('il. that I !It' ZIOlllst groups ''1'111.'( 'II \111.\1.\

whi('h lllake up I!lP .\nwri('an Zionist ('oullcil. would de\'E'lol~ their \11'. II.\"L1:\".
fund raisin!! ill tlw {'nilPd :--;tatps to be ahlt' to tak!> on' .. all of th('~..:,e Tltt' ('II \IIDI \
I'P la! iOIl~h illS,
TIll' ('II.\IlD'-\:\". Asidt' froll\ tIll' KIT :--;Uhwlltiolls alld til(' paYlllPTlts \II', Pilll'lI~ n'sid
for spe('ill.1 publi(' J'(,!atioIIS pn>jP('!s. did t!lP .Jp\\i~li :\g-l'lIcy-.\nWr1rall Tilt' ('II.\IID/.\
~l'('li()/L pro\'idp ol!I<'1' funds to thl' .\uH'ri('Hli ZlOllist ('OliIlCIl III the \Ir. H.\MUX.
tis('al y€\ar,rndillg .\l'll'c!l ;\1. l!)fil ~ The CU.\IHl\L\

.\11'. H.\\ILI:\", To tlw ])f'st of IlIV melllOry not in tlmt. vpar: to the Thl~ is to (,olltirr
bl-'st of my 11wUlory not in that year'. "'jth rp~aJ'(1 10 hi~
1. 'Vt' lin' prppn
1J1IIlnn'd lliJIPty·!'iP\
LETTER CO:--1( 'EH:\" I:--1G P,\ Y:\[F::\"T~ TO ,\ZC r tll' ('OllstltUPllt or
, $l14I.000 during tlli:
Tlll' fII,\IlCH.\:\". I :-ihow you a ('opy of a !('tler dated .TallllaI·Y :!;i. fI:1y 011 r sha rp pro r
1~)(i:!. a'ddn's;-;pd to I )r. Is,la(' .\foyal. t Ill' .J\'wi:;h ~\gPIl('.v-..:\Illl'ri(':Ul ot hpr ilwornp is ('f'[
I iOIlK Hp l1lo't-'un's
Section, llnd s~m'd L. A. Pilj('Il~. and H~k if a ('opy of tlti:, IdteI' ap-
$·t:").O(N) in tbls 'i\'llY
l)pars ill YOlII' Jill':;? :!. By F(>hnJHJ'~' 1
MI', J I.D[ LI:\. Yl's. ;1", from April 1. l'
(.\ (~opy of the I"'ltpl' n'frrrrd to follows:) till:tli7A' thll' hud:!t'
l'l'orgllnizlItion of t
Till-: E:u:('{'T!\'E OF THF .TnVI:41T A\.!'~[\;('Y,
(IFnI'!': of '1 JlE '!'HEAtSl'IU:H. ,ylto is Ha hhi
.1I'1'u,~(/1c1ll. ,!al/./II1/·Y 25, l!lf;Z. \fI', tr.\:\ILI~,
Dr. IHAAr :\[OY AI., TlIp C'} [:\ IH:\£.\:
'1'1" . ./ f '/I' i.~ h .. 1 fJl' 11 ('1/-:1 111 ('r i ('a n ::;cr t i I)n,
S"I' ) (Irk, X.1'. of the .T ewi::-;h .-\
!11':.\lt :\[llYAI.: Tili~ j,.; tll rOllnrll1 thl' arrallg'PlIlpnt tilnt I 1111\'1' arrlvl'li at with ,..
ZiOI1 ist (\l\IIl('il i
Hahhi .\Iill.f'r witil r('~nrd to his bulig-dlll'y ('lI1l1lllitJIIPl1tS up to alHl iIll'ludillg-~:" ~ 1r. I h ~I L I :--..
Mar('h :H, 19HZ': Thp CIIAIIDJ.\~
1. Wt> aI'£' prpparpa to- mak<.> availaule to him for thi~ J)t'riod 111(' sum of One .\1 r. I tun.I ~.
HIIlIlln'd :\"iJl(,ty-~e'\l~'1 Tlw\lsalld Fin.' IIlJlldrt...l l>ollars ($Wi,;:)()O.-). provlded
that thl' C'on~tltIlPnt organizations (If tlw Coundl will fulfill thf'ir obligat.ionH T h(' (' (J ,\T R "1.\:
of $HO,OOO.- (luring- this perio(!. l\Iy ullc!prtakiIlj{ to Huhhi MlIlf'r Ii' that we w1ll \Ir.IL\:ULl1'\.
pay our share pro rata to thp IHllO\lllts IH' I'PI'('[,pS from tlH'se or~aIlizatlolls. TIl{' CIL\IR,;\L\:
lIi~ olhpr iw'onJP is certain MVp for m()llil:'~ hl~ is to rnise from dinll('rs and :2;\ ID62. to lVlnrcJ
fprlPflitioIlk. IIp H~~llr('s rup they art> going all ont to try to udlie\'e tIl{' coll('("
tioll of $4:1,000.- in thi~ WilY,
Mr. HAMLIX . .
2. By F~hrunry l;, Iw will provld€' me with a Iillt'-oy·line Iludgf>t for six 1']10 CHAIRMA
month~ Ils frol\l April t. l!lit!. \Vt> wpulrl ttH'n bp nhlp on my arri"al in the anything- within'
~tl1tt'S to IInnli7.p tltis h\lllgl't. tnking info lI('('OUllt thE' pro~ress made in regard 1\1r. J-Ul\1LIN. :
to tlH' rpnrg-l1nlzatlon of thp Council.
Yours sln('prply, Tho CIIAIRl\1A1
L, A. PI:"CHA. i II ,go the counci I's 1
-'fr. lLI\l\fLIN. .
TIIP \Yould you idpI1tify nr. J~aa('. l\foyal?
Mr. fLDfLIX. Y ('oS. ITp i:-; t IH' rl'presentat ive of the .Termm,lem Treas- HJ-:(~UERT FOR COP~
urv. }'('sidpnt in N('w York.
~nlf' CHA1R.MA~. The J(,wish Agency Trea..~ury or what1
.Mr. H.\MLlN. Y('R Th(' Treasury of the .Jewish AgPTH'Y in .Teru- The CHAIRMAJ
Sal(llll who came h('re to represent them in some financial operations addressed to Dr.
on tlH'ir bt'half. a copy of this lett
The CHAIR~[AN. Is he a memher of the Exeeutive ? Mr. HAMLIN.
~lr. ILO\MI.JN. No.; a staff member.
The ('HAIRMAN . .A st·aff member?
'WrI'. HAMLIN. Yes, sir. .
The Cn,\lRMAN. Who is L. A. Pincus~
.\("Tl\ITIL:-' of .\(;),:;";'1':-; OF FORJ-:H;X pnr~CIPALS IX r.s.1333
'II'. I[\\III\'. 'II'. I.lIuj..; .\. I)jlll'U:-- i:-- III\' In';I:-IIl'l'1' (,I' t]Il' .rl·"j"ll
.\~'I'III'\·•• 1"1'11";11\'111,
''1'111'' ( 'II \ II: \1 \~'. ,J I' t'lha 1<'111 ~
\11'. II"II.I\;. Yl''';.
Till' ('II \11::\1 \~. I . . pp . . \111\ tl[l'.' \\l,'t'Pju:--t hl'l'l' tl·lll\lO(';ll'll.\ ~
.\11'. II \.\[I.I\'. 1)('. 'loy;11 i:-- 1)('. PiIII'IIS·l'l'Pl·I'~t.'llt:lti\I' 111\1'\\ YOl'k.
\II'. l)j 111'11" ['t'"idp:-- ill .JI'l'tl~:llp[]1.
Thp lIt' rt.':-iidt~~ ill .Jt'l'll~t1eIll ~
\11'. YP~.
Tht> CH.\IlOf.\X. TIlt' lett('r I"t'ads as follows:
Thl~ is 10 ('(lnfirm lilt> arrangl!lllpnl that I huvp Hrrlved ut whicb Hahbi :\-Iiller
",ith n'~llt'd to hi:" hlldgpUlry (·Olu.Ulitlllf>nt~ to LllHl indllding :\lureh 31, HH,t~:
1. \VI' :ll'(' 1'1'('1':11'('11 to Jllakf' ll\:lil:lI,J(· to him for lhb IX'riot! tile SIUll of onE;'
IllllJrlt'P(} Ilillpl~"~I'\'PIl tlwn~llnd t!vt> hundred uollnrs ($;A)i,:>OU) provided that
Iltl' ('ollstitUI'IlI org:lUi7.l11 iOBs of thp ('oundl wilt fultlll tbelr obligations of
$BO.OOO during this pPrlod. :\ly undertakulg' to Rnbhl l\Iill<>f is that we will
P;IY 0111' sharp pro rata to th£' amounts he reC'ptves from Ihese organizations. His
ot !lpr illl'nllll' i!4 ('prta ill AAVf> for monies be is to raise from dinners and fMPra·
t Inn fol. He lISl'll I"I'S nw t hpy arf' gol Dg 1I II nut. to I ry to achil'H' We col h"Ct iOIl of
;::-ti"),O()() In this way.
:!. lIy ,,'phrWlr.\' 1:-1. hp \\"ill pmvldl~ 1lI1' witb n line-hY-line oud~et for 1o(1x IIwnthi'>
;1-- from April 1. 1!l4i:.!. "'I' would th~l llf> able on my arrival in the 15tate:,.; to
till:ili7A' Ihis 11IItI::(·t. l:ddng lnto IIl't'UUllt thp progrpsl'I Illade ill regttro to the
I'('orgallizatioll nf tllP l'OUIICil.
,nlO i!3 Hahhi :\liJlt>r?
\11'. '1'111' ClJairm:w of tllP .\ Zionist Council.
Th(> CII.\ IIDf\:\. "Tpl't' the paylllt.'nts contelllplal('o hy t hI' Execllt in'
of th~ .re\\'i~h AgPl1cy, that would be ill.Te),1l~aIp1l1. to th(' .\mprican
J:iOlli~t COIII\('il ill tlli~ ]dll'1' actllally pai(l?
'fr, II.\~ILl:'\". 1 will han' to look up Illy l'('cords, sir.
'I'll(' CllAlIDI.\:\. YOll J,U\'\, no memory of it?
:\11'. II.\~fLlx. I han> no doubt that tli."y Wf'rE' paid.
TIJp ('rr.\IR'r.\X. ~Yprp tlwy paid hy IIH" Allwricnll ~N,tion?
.'\[ r. 11.\.liLl:'li. Y PS, si r; by tlw American 8e.ction.
TIll' C'IUIID£.\X. I t,.,kp it tlw~(' pnynwllts cover the period Ja.nuary
~;\ In62. to .March :H, 1~)():2, lsthat correct?
Mr. HA:~1LlX. Yes, sir.
1'11(\ CIL\IRl\L\X. TlwS(>l payments could, I tnf\:{' it, be npplie-d to
anything within the council's budget for the period?
.Mr. HAMLIN. I b{'g' your pardon, Mr. Chalnnnn.
1'lw CHAIRMAN. These payments could be appli('d to nnything with-
i 11 g the cou nci 1's budget for the p('riod ?
}fr. H.\l\fLIN. Yes, sir.



The CHAIRMAN. I show you a copy of a letter dated May 30, 1962,
a.ddressed to Dr. 1. Moyal and signed hy L. A. Pincus, .and ask you if
n copy of this letter appears in your files'~
l\{r. HAMLIN. Yes.

9-4-5:.!-t-1'3-pt. 9--~

(.\ ('opy of t hi' kt tpl' j:'::1~ follom·;:)

TilE 1':Xr-:'(TTlH: OF TIlE .JF\\'I~11 ,\',i."\")' : III : I IT: I I
( )1' 1"1('1,; IJ!" Til t,: Tal. \,., I I:I-.Il.
,!'TI/I/IIlnll, .1!(/)1 ,')Ii, 1:11;2
111', I \tl>i\I,
7'h,' .f,'u';sll 11/n,,'// \ II/t "P,'tlll ,";,','1 lilli, /11(',
\ I l', I
};' err r ork, .\', L ] ~ 11 ()I III

[Ii,: \I( :'IIIlY,\I : Tilt' 111;1 t t t'l' of t 11(' AlIll'ri":I1\ ZiOl1 j"l 1""lll<'i I \\ Ii \ ,', '"10' Ill' 1'0'1'
filial dt'..-i,-;Iol\ lJl'f"rt· 111(' EX('o'lll in' I\('xt \\"lld:IY \\'!I:I!t'n'r r h:11 d,"'I"j"l\ 11l:IY
!ft', :llld,tll,' dt'I:lil..; \\'ill Ill' \\(}I'I\l't! Illl1 Llll'I', \\111,\"0'11 )<il\dl,\ f,'t' 111\, 111''11111 IOf
.1tll\l· ;..::i\(' \11' Hid, ~l~"fl(H\ I Fiftt"'ll tlloll";:ll\oI 0I,ll1:1r" I \,\'r \\""'~ \\jlltllill rl'qllir '1'1](· ( ,
In~ nil,\' Ilplnll>l IlR ttl ttl!' ltf'l\l~ oi \'XllI'lIdiilll't', Tilt· 1I;:t'("";Io('::t, ::1 :IIlY 1'\"111,
I, \ r 11\' I,
will hi' hll"..d 01\ Ii I\llIlItllly lltldill'd "tatpIIII'lit til I',' J:h','lI [I' ,"'III Illd I Ito 'II ,111,·
II1lttl'd to IIR lwr(', 1 i'll' ,\ 1111'
Til,' rp('Ollll11t'IHIlltiol\ Ih:lt I." Iwing Ilwdl' to tilt' EXP"lltl"!', :llId \\ lIi1'll will .\ I t'. II
l'rnl>nhl,v 11(' 11 I't '1' 1'1 f'\l. [" :I" f"I](}\\"" ' Thl' ( ,
(1) $71~,OOO to hi' clllllrihll/l'd I,y \I.'" (lIl1H fri\1l1 til,' d"j':II'IIIII'lll" tllnt
\I'lIr~ ill :\Illprka lind lI11lf fr'llll llil' rl'''l'n','):
\\,'llld 1\1
I~) $:WO,OOO to Ill' rni~\'(\ II~' tllt' Zillll!,,1 ('ollllt'il it."I'lf: .\ 11', II
I:~l 'I'11(' tlltnt hlldl.:;p{ of tIll' Zilllli,,1 C"lllll'il j..; "" "1l1'lIlitll'o! l,y tll(' ('<'1111' 111Ii/(· I' t 11
,'il III 1111' 111111 1'1'0/11 \\'lIit-h tll,'y h:l\'" 10 ,'Ill ::,~,n,OOil '1'11(' :11-:1"(','11 \'il'I\' hl'- '['JII' ('
tW('l'n llS nIlIl til,' rI'prl'~'lItaliVl"'~ uf till' A III t'r kll 11 Zi,llli:-:1 (")1\IIt'11 j,.; tllnl
tlJil'l cut ('nnnot tnkp 1111\('(' nt thp eXp{'/lRf' of thl' Yllllth alld 1,:dw'i1ti"11 Ih'·
i(': III :--i,', ,t
partmentl'l. .\Ir.11
1'11,' (\pt:lil" of ho\\' \\'1' fln:lliz(' thl' 1l,'(,olJl1l:-4 of lllf' !In.''1 .... pnr :lnd f1l111l"t' I'll .... · Thl' ('
nl(,lll" will hi' \\'orl,ptl out dllril1~ till' UI\lllth Ilf .JIII\(' alld tllPII ]'111 ill \\"rUln;.; .\l.!.'(·I\l'\'
as nil nrrnng'I'IIl('T1I hf'lwl'l'n llS nnd tllf' .\1I11·ri"1I1l Z!onlHt ('OllIlCl) ,
Yours fllnee:rely,
'" "Ir. 'j J
L, A, I'Il'OllR, '1'111\ (',
TIlE' ('11,\111'[ \~. Till' iil':-;! p:lr:l~rHph, I /)('lil'\'f', of Ilu' 1('11"1" I"pads:
,r J'. 11
in effect (
Till' 1I1:1Itl'!' Ill' tIl(' .\lIlt'l'i,'all Ziolli"l 1't>lllwil will ""lilt' III' ("I' lill'll d",'i:-dllll :\11'. H,)
Ill'f\lrc' tllp 1''l:I',-11! i\' .. lIP"t :'If(}l1(\:I~', "'11:111'\',,1' Ihnt d .. ,-!,.;it\[! lll:l,\' Ill', :llld tilt'
d,'fni]"; will lit' \\'Ilr],,'d 1l1lt Intl't', will ,"'Il11 ldlldl~' for I lit' IIllllltli of .111l1t' :.::j\'" :\11' :"tood VOl
HiI'k $1;;,000 IH'r wl'pk witllolll r('qllirilll( :I11~' dt'lnil:-- I\~ to Ill,' il"I1l~ of ,'Xp('II' Till: (',
<lilllrt'~, Ttu' /lgTI'('lllpnl, III /lily 1'\'('111, will hI' hn~('tl Oil n 1ll()1l11t1~' llllClllt'd HUII(' 1\11'. H(l
llWllt to hp g-I\'PII to :rou nwl thf'1l Rllhllllttl'd 10 u~ hpn', .\1 r. 11.,
The ff'C'oJnJII/'nrlntlon that Is hf'ln~ mnd/' to the f'x('('lItlve, nnll whirl! wlll prob·
ahly be f\c{'('pted. Is as follows- \\'!ti'! 1\(·!' 1
of til(' ~r it
I ,,"on't l"t'nd nIl of it. .\fr. HI
You haso it. Tf\11 mp, ,,":\.'3 tllf\ !'('cOIllTlH'IH"lntion madp to tho Exocu- 11l01l t hI\'
tin\ ill ~\lhst:lll('(' npprO\'l'd? Zioll i~t'( 1
~Ir, J['\l\1LI~, Yes.sir~ it-,,"fls.
:\11". II,
Tho CIIAIR~rAN, That is, tho EXoclltin" IS th(' Exocutive In whpt hpr (
.TenlSllloIn ? (See fiT
MI". lL\1\rLIN. Thllt is right,sir. 'I'I\(, (',
The CHAIRMAN. In that last paragrnph-I won't ren,d those fig- (,I'i \'('({ ,'Ill
ures-it says: l\fr, H,I
Till' d('tnlls of how Wf' finalize fhl' n('('0I111tH or till' paRt yt'nr nlld fllllll'l' Jln:r· TIll' C,
mentR will hE' worked out dtJrln~ tlw month of .TulI(, nnd then Pllt ill \\'ritlll~ 11,<; 1\;fr. H,
8n arrangement between us and tlle American Zionist Council.
The CI
'VllS there such 11 written agreemenH vou or f
Mr. HA:r.IUN. I don't, know, sir. I will have to check it. Jerusalen
The CUAIRMAN. Can you check and see~ It says it will be worked Mr.HA
out, and I assume i.t will be. TI1I'(1[
:1\1r,I-IAl\lLIN. I will be glad to check it. Mr.HA
The CHAIRMAN. You WIll check t.hat. The Cl
(See appendix 2, p. 1420, item 10.) sumo thn
l\fl', IL
,\('11\1111'" III

\1;1 '\I~ 01' II\HI \l;, PrH,\IP'\L~ I:\" C,~, l:tt"l

Till' ('If \/1:'1,\'-, [)<I ,\(11111''['['''/1 1(1),;11(1\\, \f" j:IIII/\-(I'II', \I,I~ -;H,II
,I II : I r.,.: I I J ~l' I J I ( , II I \I!, I I I I'll '

l. \11'. Hill 1\ .... 1'11'-. 1\111111<111" ),111)\\

1%2, \11', II \'11.1,'\, [\lIIII)('gl:td tIl\1111\\ Ilu! 111) II \ I I II' { \ I I II 1'111 I \I ,
\ II' , J!, ( I ' I~ .... r I J , \ , .1 I I - I - (I
. I\ III 1\\ , \ II', ("1:1 I /'111 :lli. III \
I I Ill: 1\
- I,ll! 1111111' (1111"1' III' rIll' ,1,,\\ I-,i, \ ~"I"'\, I' I :,' I :, ,': ,1"11,
, 111' fool'
, , I) I III; 1,\'
111111 II "t"
1"'Cjllir TIll' ('II \11:'1 \', 11,1\1' Illllllrlll\ :1111;111'11-111"111' 1:1-,1- l'IIII:"tllj,1.III,<I
\' I'\'t'lll,
WI! -<liI,·
1)\ t]II' 11'll,I', 1'1'111 l'l\t 1<1 I Ill' .II'\lj-li \1111'1"':111 :--:,"'I:"l1l hy
1 (\I' \1111'11":111 /, "11,,/ (',11111",1 1 ' ,

it'll will \1", II \'" I" 1 tI'III', 1,1111\\. J \\ 1]1 il !'" [,),11,,1, Ii, II, II 11,-]'
T )II' ( I I '\ I I: 'I \ ,\, 'I II 1~ I', -, " I II" I J il,:": \\ 11;" I :I \ "h ,'- ..:: -;- I Ii 1,1 II II I, \\ • ii' I
1" t Ii lit
11'11111 flll-~
\11'111.\ 1>111)\\
.\11', 11\'11", \\'1,/1, Ill', ,\111\,11 \\11'11,] 1"11\\,: \' III'" ,,'I"

I' ('''1111' IIII,I",'r!II"I;I',"') 11'-II'I'('111111"II1"I!II' r"("I-,'II" r 111,1,'1'11-11, Iii

'kw hl'- T 111' ( 'I I \ I I; '1 \ ,\, I: 11 f 1 lit, \ \\ \'I'l' ,,' i I: I, I ; !!l' . I ,'\\' II \ ~" II , '-' \ 1J \' ' I'
i~t hill
1\':111 ~I" 'I I'l! 1 ~
t i "11 I It"
.\ I". ) I \' 1 I I ,\, I' :,11'" , II I II J I' ~
In' PllY' '1'111' ('" \11:\1 \'\ TI1I'\ \\,('1',' "'o\l1ll'TliJ":l!I,,1 :" )", '-11:1 It\ r i ", .1,,\\ 1--11
writJI!~ .\.!.!.I'III'\ .\ 1111'1'1<':111 ~"I'r I(lli. \\ ""1'1111'\ Jill!
,~ .\ II'. 'I I \ 'I 1.1 " T) I : I I i ~ I' i g 111 , '
l"OlTH, '1'111' ('II \11;'\1,\:\. YOIl dt\l\'! klll\\\'
\11', II \\11 I\', 1:111 tIlt' ",'.!.!.II!lllti(llJ'- fl\(, 111:111,'1' \\;1": 1"11111 "ll,',l 11\'.
1'(>1\ ds :
in l'tf(\('t I'olllrol]pd hv, )1', \to\,;11 0111\('11:,11' of \II', PIIII·II .... 1I1.)"!'ll,,:I]'·".l.
d",'bi"l1 \fr, ntW!'<.;TF1'\, :\11'. ('hllirr'llflll. 1:1111 l](lt --II '-111"" \1l'. lI:lI11hl 1111.1,,1"
:111(1 tilt'
:-;foo<! your qU('~1 inll. \\"'1'1' yllil r('fl'l'J'il1!~ to tltl ' IIIOllt hi,\' :lUdil )
L':i \'t' :\1 r
t' I'''I'('I!' TIll' ('11.\11"1 \ '-. ),'s,
\d :-ltntt·· \l 1', Hot 1\~'I'l-T\, Did ,\ I III 1111\1"I'~1 ;111<1 f IH' q 11t':--t iOll '
-' I 1', I I \ 'I I ,I '-. Y I' - , T I \I' "I 1: I I !' 1I1:l 11 :l ~ I\(,{l \\' I 1<' t II (\ r \\' (' ('I III 1d .~I' r 11 0,
ill proh- \\ 1\1't 11\'1' ! l't, I't·11111' .... ( ,)f tIll' 11'111'1' \\':h fllltill.'d: n:JlllPly, thl' ~1I11l11j:'.... ioll
of ,1)(\ :-'1:1l1·11}('llt~ .
.\ [1', Htll "';'ITl:", \"n: thl' 1l1l\llthh· :llldir..;, Thl' 1l'111'1" . . pl':I1,'- (If
Excell- IllOllt hI\" :l11d it..:, I>id \'011 !!l'l llIoll·t It h' :llId i f '- f.'olll t hI' ,\ I1l1'l l\':lll
Z i 0 II i s~,' ( 1 () 1" II' i 1'~ , ,
:\fr. II \J\ILl:", Kot I, hUI I :111\ n':I(h, to l'IH\ck fol' \ Oil if \011 \\ i.. . h
lVC In \\'1Il't1ll'1' our ofli('l' !!ot it, w!ll'tlll'1' Dr. ~'to\':tll'l'cl'i\'('d ;llch :111;lil~.
(Soo Itppendix. 2, p.1420, item 11.) ,
'J'lw ('''\IIl'' \:,\" \\'1'11. do \'011 kilO\\' wht'tlll\l' \'011 01' Ih'. \to\"nl l'(\-
se fig- (','i\'l\d :llldit~~ . ,
;\f r, If '" LI ~. J did I) () t J'('l 'l' i\" (> it: J d l' lin i f (' 1\" did II () f •
'flw ('lI,\IH!\I:\N. Do VOll kllow whpthp1' DI': ~fo\'l\l ]'("('(\i\"l'd it 1
1\fr, T-L\1\fLTN. I don't know rl~tlnlt(>l\' wlH~tJwl' lw rlid or not,
The CHAIRMAN, 'VeIl, did the Zionist Council pt this monev from
yOll or from tllO--directly from the ~rewish-trom the Agency in
.Jerusalem t
worked Mr. HAl\fI..IN. From t.he Americltn Sootjon ; from us.
'1'111' <'11.-\ ITDf..\:-';. It did g~t it from you ~
Mr. HAMLIN. Yes, sir; they did.
The CHAIRMAN. Then, if It got it fl'om yOll, I would nOl'llInll\" 11$-
surn~ t.hnt the n,udited stntements would ('orne to you, wouldn't. they ~
l\fr. lL\1\rT.DL "Tn would ,nSSllTlW so. but I have to <'11(>('1\ it. .
1'11:11'" 1'1:1,( 11'\1.:- 1"\ l·...;

'111,' \ "111: \1 I ' ) 1111 , I,,·, I, 111:11 fl I J • i 1\\ t I't • 'I I I

\11.111\111'\ )"',-11: 1.111 1

I :---1',' 11 1 11\'11' iI\ ", \ I ] I ~II. 111'111 II I

I.t·:" . .

.\ I:,· ( " I I I; \ 1 , '\. \' II' ,\\ .' II II I '" I ',' c' r :I 1II II ,I. I iI'" . I II I I i ' I. I.c· ... s
l~lti:..'.:ld.ll'c',-,'.Ilcl \11" \:.111111" :---111'1"'1 tr"lll Ill. I \1".1 11,'11111" -Iii,
jt'I'( " . \ 11,1,':1111111 I,., 1111' .11'\\ I'll .\:":1'111" II, \1:(' iJI' IIITIIIl/ .\lll·li I.
I ~ 1\ i:.!, \ CI .\ I: II ,·1, :; I, I ~ Ii ':..' ," . I I "I I :I ' I, '" 1I I r :I , "I I.' I' r I I I ' II I\' II I I I I': I I I till II I I .• '"''

apIH':II" 11\.' 1\111 lil,':- I

.\11'.1\,\11.1,. Illd
f ii, '__ I
""I :l-k \\!I,'illt'l' tllh 1111'11\1\1':111,111111 \\;1' \11 Ill'
. II

'1'11" ( . I I 'I J\ \ I I "\. ') I " , 'I I' : .' , III 1 ( \ I':.!; I II I / :, 1 I rIll
1.1, . . . :---
.\11'. tI I'll 1:-". )"1'''':, :-11'.
( .\ "Ilp.' Ilf I lit' kll"l' l ' :1, ('lJllll\\"'::) ( I,

Till:: ,I I . \\ 1:-- I I ,\" I. ' " , .\ \, U;JI \ \ :-'1 I 11":'0, 1,\,

II/III I". I:"i-'
\1! \'''H\'\I'I \I

1'" 'Ii,.." 1,"Hlllit' :-'p"j ... ,.1'

Fr'.11I 111' I \I ""'Hl
Slll,jc"'! ,\ 11"'1111'111 1'.1' 1.11" .1 I'll I ~II .\h.'tI, ~ I" .\ I.t· 1'''1' l~" 1,,01 \ 1,r,1 I I'" ':..' I"
1 "c':I--'
'1111'1'11 :tl, l~lli:t
.\1 .1 Ilc,ld "1\ ,11111" :.."-'. 1: 11;:..'. ill \\ 111,'11 .\11' 1'lIlt'll~
1II""lill~ \Ir I',I'!-. f{:tld'i
\! I'
I·II~"I·. :llld I I'arl kip:llt'd, il \\ liS dt"'i,"'d 1'11'
1 'I'll<' :111", :111"11 I" I!I<' \1.1' .1/1\,"111111'1.:: I" $-;-I:..'.IIIHI ""llld ",. 1~ljd ;1- I"II",,~ "III! i I
1';"fillllll,'<1 1't'1I1 f"r "I'll"" '1("'\II,ic'<I 1,\' 111,' .\1'.('11& :'\:' I'lir" .\\"'1111" I til':11 1111' 11 t ~
Iil:llr,' I" II.' II:.:;rt'I'<! 1I1"'l1 I'.' [lid, 111111"111 :11101 1II\"\'lfl :' ......-'. (II H I ; III : I:":
!':sl illlll(.'~1 "'1'1'\ i,',' t'll'ly~t''' 11111111 1I':llr,' I" l,c' :Itljll"'I"d ill 11, .. "rd:III'I' • '; III I:
"i 111 11I'11l:11 ",'n'i'Ts l't'I,dl'r,'dl
('lIsh P:I.\'IIIl'111.~ \ !'~I'II
:to1""\11' \\·,','!-I.\ 1':1."11I1'llls dllrill:: .\II1·il I~I~::..'. "I' :'1 1,00(\ ":I,'h :11101 "llc' ";,11 III
IIIIIII"S\llll I 'll.l' 1111'11 I III' :j:IO.lkHI , ;1:. (Ilt( I \\'1
), 1··.. 111' \\'('c'kl~ J1il~·1I11'1I1 ... dllr!ll>:: :\III." 1!1l::..'. "f :' 11i.1101I ";1"" t; I. II(~ I
" I"iq' \\('I'ldy P:I.I'llIc'II('" t!lIrlll>:: .1\111" 1!\t;:..', "f ::;1.-,.OO\l c':II·I, -;- ~" (ion
d. TllIrf"t'1I 1\'\'I'kly p:\yllll'lll,.. t!llrilll: .1111.1', .\ll:'::II"t. :1I1c! :-"'JIl"llil"'r \11'
1!Ill:..'. "I' :;: 1:..'.(I(k\ ":1"11 Till
I' :-'1"1\'1'11 wl'\'ld~' pllyllll'lll'" lit' ~"'.IHI(l :lilt! f"11 \\.·\'~I.\· 1':1.\111"111 .... 1\1'
:;;-;-.IlOO POl'll dllrlll~ 1111' Iwrilld «kllI/II'1' I~fli:..'. III :\1:11" II I~H;'; I ~ I..... I II fl I

j' 1 ~. O(kl
\1 ...
') :\Ir. Hit'!,; Illftlrllll'd liS lhut IH' PITl'li \\ 111'1\ 1", \'stilllalc'd t1h' :lIl1tlllllls dill'
( 'Olllll
tn lltl' \'I\llth Oll\\'I'IlH'TlI:" f,lr I Itt' 1111l'~'~tllr:'o' ~'l'llr l~IHI II:..' II" "pillg ~~,1I.00n I~id\
Naill tl;nl till' 1I\lal 111111\11\11 Wlls :t,'I\\nlIy $1~O,O(lO. As WP hO\'6 alr~ad~' pntel thl' .\11'
$l)(),\tt)(), It \\'IIS agTI'("d lhal Ihl' rt'lllllllllllj{ ~lO,(l(lO sltllllJd Itt' lti\'idl'd t'lIllllll,\' TIlt
hf'twi'\'11 tilt' :\ZC l\lld /111\ .JI'\\'lsh Agl'll('Y. IIt'I1\'I'. (In'r lI!1d I\ho\'(' Ihl' 1I1110UIIl i~ I ('(1
of ~71'~.OO(l nlllwlI(t'd WI' shall, al Ill\' l't'C/\lps( cd' :\II'. II it'k , PII.I· Idlll lIlt, t'llrrht'r
RUlli of $:t.non. .\Ir
;~. J1~rI'1'(1 Ih/lt lilt' $Ioo.nno 1111111 lnkt'll h,l' 111(' .\1." frllill 111\111,
11 WIIS furlh.'r Till
should 11(' till' "pspo!lsihllif,\' of thl' .J.'\\'isll A~(,lIt',\', 1111 hl\II.:4.l1 1,'1" till l!t.'
{,('lIlIli .\ 11',
books IIf (Ilt' A ZC a~ (llI'i I' ul'hl.
Tlds nll'lIl1'" Ihat \\'(, Hhnll hll\'f' Itl pay IlIlt'n!st OH lIlt' nnl(' s.I~llt'cl h~' 1111' ,\Zt'
.\ I r.
And ~unrRntf'{\<l hy us. When tho ttme comes we shall. of course, bave to pay Till
th(' prlnclpnl.
\J "
I. ~(t\' \1.. t h:11 i
('.1'. :Ill'. A. L. 1'1 1\('11 S, :\11'. Y. (;lll'ol1i, ~Ir.l'. Hick.
tilt h,
:1\' :I iIi
1 1\:1 t ,
.\\IUllf'.\'" Z"':"J,..;r (\)(·.'o'('1L

J: 1/ , /,1' I. \ 111' 1 I I, 1.'1" > If, I I ,·It ,~1, I.' " .. : / 1/' " III ( ! I ,,' 1/ . / . ,I I , I, I I' "

'1'1 I: .Q I .< I'..:.OliO

I,· ...... It'lll ':'. 1100

';-':7, non
I \ I' I.
It·......... ....'·r \ it"t' t It:l r~t 'l.., t ;'. 11i()()
- I II ,
I'll I.
11111111 1," ...... 1'1"Til I,d
'\I'l'il l~~(,-': I II \·.,\,1,\ I'll.' 11I1'IIIS :11 ."- .~I~ I I HU I
\ 1: I .'. I!" i:': I \\ I'" \, II 1':1 ,I' 111 , 'Ilf '" ; I t ~ 1ll, I Inp ,",I 1100
11 III \ ,11111" 1~lli~. '.-, \\\'l'kl,\' JJII\lllI'llls :11 ,~\.-.,IUHI 7~" (Ino 1~.'-'. UOo

I.,· ......
.1111.\, .\11:;:11"'1, ;--;,'\11,'11,)0\'1' 1!1r.-.: 1:: ""I'!;I,I )1:1\'1111'111'" :11 ~I-',I~IO J " .t'" lIiOO .
1I"("l",1' \~";:..: .\1:11" II I!II;;: -':" \1 I " ' " I ,\ 1':1.\ IIIl 'II I" :II :::''',1 ~ 1(1 '_'11" 000
• '\. I I ... 1t., ... ,I 4 It I ~I 1',1 \ 1111'11 ( ...... III .J 1111"

I !I " ( I I \I I: \ I \ '\. • I I I ,1 ' I l \ I I' .! (I I, III I, 11'~'I' t I (. I \ lit 1 :'--1'" ..;•. I' I
I - ,\ II '"
\ II. I I \\ I I. I '\. \11 ". :--- Ill' I ... , ' I r" 1 II II' "Ill I t I ( • ; i<- I. . I 1 11 l'll II 1'1'
'I ,I' g ' I oj

I'ilt' l·IIIII;\I\,\. 'lid Ill. \\"\:111- IIII' 1"111",.'111,111\" "I Illn

l~ I'..:.. . I,'

\Ir·. f[ \'".1', <)f 11\ ,1"1'11';11('111; \t·~.:'-Ir.

1111' \:":1'11' \ (1'·:1 .... \111
III" ('11\11:\1 I ' . ~\IIII'11 I \\ III Ilh,':' 1IIIIlt'II"'tIJd,
'11,1, 111t'III";·:III,IIIIII.
11111 i, I 1'- Ill,' 11I'lIllll'l' III \\ 1'1, II 1111' .J fll 1.... 1, .\ :":1'1]l',\ II OJ II, I 111:11,1' I':I.\'-

Illt'II(:-- 111(:llillg' ~7L.'.lll;l) [n!' I Ill'IH,(·jod to (Ill' ('Ollll,·il. It :d:'otl cJ.I·:.:,.,:n!>eS

'-'. lit k I ,III :1~1'1'('llll'llt \\III'1't·I I \· :-'1 11 11.111111.:1 :-'JIIII.II(IIIIII:II'. l'lld'll 1,\ 111\' .\llll'l'i-
":11\ 11\1111"1 ('1111111·,1 \; 1II11d 111'1'111111' lilt' .. 1·1·"11(111 .... 11,1111\" III 1 Ill' ,1,,\\ I~h
\ ~ I ' I II ',\ • II'
1\ :I.... I, J l'1 1): 1,\ 11 It' 1\ f ,d' t It t' }l I' I 11\ . I Inti :I II d I':l ,\ III \• 11 tId' I II t I' rt 'S t
I{ 1

":lltIIIIIU,!'11 \('1'1 (III 111l' Ilook" ,d' tIll' .\1.(' :1:-' IlwII' d,·I,t."
,,;. (Ilill \\'11:11 11t'!'1·1·1I1.1.!.'.',· Id' till' "11111\"11', 11I,'IIIIIl' dlll'll\g- ,Ill' li . . ,·:I! \,'ar
i l. 1100 t'II,II"[ .\1:11',,11 :;1. 1~1i;:;. 1':1111\' 1'1'11I11 till' .',,\\):-,1, :\g-t'lll'y I
~l, O(~l
.\11'. II \\11 1'\. I tlllll't 1\11~1\\. "11. Th,-lI\i1k; \I'~,
('11\111'1.\:'>.. ('UIlld \nlll'~llll\ttlp It (
'1'1\1' ,
\11', 11.\ '\11.1:-;, (hl'l':--O 1;1' l'n'll I ~lIrl'ly. ~lr. ('!mJI'1l1lUl.
:"'. (I( U I '1'111 1 ( 't-•. \ 11:!\t \ N, (h'p!' HO IH'I'I'I'I\! ~
\II'. II ,UII.l :-;. (h('1' ~O {ll'rcPllt .
'I'll,' ('11.\lIDI.\:-;, \\'pl"(\ 1'1'IHII'IS subl\llftt'd 11\ till' .. \.Ill'r·i,·:l11 ZI(l(IISt.
~ d lie' ( 'ollllci I to t.IH\ .Ip,wi:..;]} .\gI'IlCY?
1: i..l'
(J tilt' 'I r. 11.\ "11.1:-;, I· h:I\·(' lip\('I: ~'I'1\ ~II\'h l't'porL". ~i r.
lin II ,\' Tilt' (·II.\IIDI,~:-;, YUII h:l\\'lll'\\'1' :-,t't'll 1'('pol'l:-, of tilt' :\1111'1'11':\11 Zinll-
, lOlIlIt i.. . , ( ·olllll·i I ~
,\ II', II \ '" 1.1 :-;. I /It' ,·:-;llll:\ Ih 11:\ \'t' Ill'\'P r SPPIl Sill' h n ' poris,
TIll' ('IIAlIDL\:\, "'I'll ,dlo ill !ht' ol'l!lI11izlltio11 \\'(l1l1d Sl't' 1111'111 ~
11 (II., \11', II \\111:-;, Pllssihly Dr. 'loYn!. .
\11'. B(ll·h;!'TFI:-;. ~Ir, ('htlirlll:lr'I.llll\\', '~a\' S\lllWI Ilill!! ~
Till' ('ll\lIDI.\:-;. )'('S. .. .
\I", Hill h,-.:ll:l'\. I 1):1\'1' ~'nl\l' tlll"Ollgh thi' lill·". :1l1d I ~':11l [I,ll yOIl
\1 .. III:I! if \\I'lud :'-1'1'11 lillll11l·illl l'\'IHlr!s (If Ih,' .\1\I\'ril':lJl Zillll:'! (·lllll\l·il
III 1111' :1~·('IlI'\' \\(. \\0111<1 h:l\" 111:111\, 1111'1\\ :\\:lilllhl,'. illSl :1'" WI' lI\:ldp
:1\:lil:dd;' lIlt: lill:II"l\'I:t1 :\l('IIIIlS :111d 11(1t)];:k~'I'pill~~ 11\(·11111 .... 111\1 '~I) fnrth
111:11 \1111 11:1\'(',
'1'1'\1,('11\111'1\,\. "n'!l(' it j-::l J:"'II)!III'I',t:II'dill!~. I \\:1 . 11tllI11illk-
;Ilg- elf ;111 :llldlll·t! l't'll\;rr I,,'n'. '111l",(1 :11'1' 1 11\' !'I"'1l11'1" (If '1,1 ,I :11'll\'i-
111':-, \\"t' ll:l.l111111\ ()I' 11'\'1111 1,:, 1!IIII"II,II:"'::, \11 1;'1111, I, I" \,0111,'/11 1 I:,
1",1". 'I'll\' \11'1'1'" :1/, /, "II ("]11 ,:~I :.:1\ 'I,:..: 1"1"'1'1" : ;,;1' I' :11 il"I'1
\\ 1\ t' : I \ I r, I l. 1II II • " ' i' \' ,I, r I" 't·, I ' I' l \ \ I,:, rill' \ d", I "11 II 1\': \ r\ r II<' Y I;')
IIIII~I'I' :':"'1 ,'. /"'1'""1-' \\'1 ,1 1 .I"II!.,·\ ,I," \\ ,/ 'I I!I" 1:1"111'\ \<>11 ~':I\'I' Ii [ lcd'
fhl'lll i II (' 1~, '
\ 11', I I \ \I I t ,\, \\ " I, 1'\ " . I '"' '.' I' t " I \\ I" \: l ' I" \ .:,' \', i', I:!, II."; I
,~ .
TIll' ('II \11\.\1 \,\, I>lI}l'( tllt'\ L:I\" -'1l11 I\TIITt'll n'Il\H'L":'~ \'Oltr t
\11',11\\11 ,,\, \1):111,'\ .1'>1,', . .\1r.
TIll' ('II \11;\1 \'\ \\·"ll.lltt,\, dl,l fllrJlll'rl\': .1:.11\'1 Ihn ~ 'I'll£'
\fr. II "IJ.I'-.'. \'01 ;lllrl!lL: III\' rillH'. , . (1'11
'1'1\,: ('11 \11\.\1 \'\', \\'h"11 .\11" II:lllll!I"!' \\:1' 11\1'1" tllt"\ dill: It \\:1- ,"

11'...;litit,d I hi"" llllll·11111;':.

\II', I I \ \ I I I '\, T II 11 I" I \ I",: II II 1 ,II i I I 1\:: ! 1 I \ " :'
Tit., (
"11 \I. " lj II
TIl E II,\." I\. LEI 1\1 t
t I T r t h,
1'1111 i nlll
Tlll'('II\II:\I\'\. 'j1,i1 "r,::ltf '1'111'\ \\'1' l'I'IiII,"f,I.II\lllt·'I!ill
,'x pl'ft.,
I Ill'" (':11'1" \1/1, ' .... \\ II It I li:,tI In 1111/1./, ' 1'111>1[,-
'(\']1 1Ill',. \\ filII I"; till' Ihlll, Lt'llllll J \\'lth"llt
'fr, 1['\111,\. II I' '\111"';1':11']11';1111, \\1111 :111 11tR,:" III \t'\\ Yor:" TIH' «
IlIld.:,'! 11
T'''111,1:I1I'd, 111111"\1', I Ill' 11:111(11::111';1111, "I' I,r:1I'1
Till' ('" \IIDf\7\·. I...; il :l (;O\'l'rllllll'llf 111-111111],," I 1. M aOl
, rr. II ,Utf'r I ' . \ 0, ..:. I r. I 'Ill r i'
:-; r IIlll
TIll' ('JI\IInf\". PI'i\:11I']Y ll\\Ilt'd J Illn~;l7.i ,
'fl'. H"I'I{~I·FI'. ,\n' "()II'looklll!! I'lillt' fill' :1[1 :111'\\','\ ' Hl'prl
T Iw ell" 1H :'I f \ ,\" \' (I, i rllI'lI ll, if, '1l11 "ll 1\ 0 I \;:1\ t , \\ - I'llhllt'n I
~fr. Htl{"I\";TFI'. I It:lPPI'I1 1o l~, l·nllll .... '·1 fol' lh,' lUllk I (:11l 11,]1 :-' [ i 1lI1
I . i :t i...,
itl,'a,.; III
, Tlw ('II \llnl\~, .\11 right. \rhHt i:o; it r
! '['I.
\fr. ntllJ\.~TFI'. In fnd, I n'!:I:-,It'T"'d lt~ .... r,wk..; \\lfh tht' :--\et'llrilll'c,
lind Fxc!lllllL,Y'(' ('ol1l111i..:.;-;inn. It i.. . ;l llnll~'l\ 1'1'1111;,:111:11 h:lllk, nWllt·d \)\. 'I'll"
.'t' r\' i<'i II
:-:Io,'klloldf'r;-; :111 ()\'PT' t hl" world, I t III s'
Thp ('JI \II::'I( \ " . Pri\'' twor l" J It, 'Il
\Jr. Pri\:I!!' lnd}\'i"\lt-\I~: \ (''':'.
Htll"I\.";TFI"'. It;-; VllllIl.!! :-,hal~';-; an' Israel.
"fllltro]ll,d 1),\ :1 St"lf-pt"I'TH'lllnting- Irll..;( \d~i('h \\n~ fnl'm,',} ~()llIf; .'){) Ill' 8. Chd,·
\;11 '·1':11' . . :l!!Il, \\111'11 it \\':l;-; kl)()\\'1\ H_" tht' .\lIl,!lo,Pnlp<-.tiTw Hnll'k, Lid,. ( 'TIl t I'
ch,,'r(('I'I'" ill LOlldoll. ' :-,,'t! i I
TIlt' ('H.\llL\fA'\', It..; Irw..1 \\;1:-; ]oc,:ltl'd III London I :--:'1 i 1111
( \11111'
~rr, Hot'I\.~TEI'-.', It \\a~ al nlll' lilll(' I(watf'd IJ1 London, It I"; 11.0" Ht'prl
locHIl'd in Tl'l .\\'j\'. :::;t1m\
Thp('II.\THM:.-\~, It !lHRtr\l:-;tPf's! ,~, Aend
~[r, HOl'K~TJ-:I", It has (rn;-;If'I':O;.
The ("11,\ m~.\ 'N. II ow mn n \' ~ $UPPI
~rr, H(){IK:'TF.l~. I do not n:T1lI'IllII('r Ilu' P:\;lct Illlllllll'r. I wOllld ~:lY, Cnltl'
sOllwwll('l't\ l>('t.\\,{'PI1 1;) H nd :21). :--:'t\llll
TIl(' CIJ.,\.m!lIA~. At'f\ fill\' nf (lll'lll IIH'lIlhpl:-; of til(' (iO\'C'rllllll'llt of ~f1ddl(>
lsrll~l? . :\[01111
Mr. nO(TK~n:IN. \"0, sir, StilUl
TIl(' CH.\lRM.\~. Thf'." ;Ifl' :11\ prl\';lll' (·it i,,('Il:-' ~ Guidf
MI'. HOUK:-;TF.I s, Hight. Pr('pc

, ),
\( 11\ 11 JI"":' (IF .\(;1.:\]:-- OF FOHI·:l<;:\ PHI"CIP.\L~ 1:\ L.s.l:13Q

I'; 1- r
Tl\l' (11\11:\[\,. 1 . . ]\1,\\ ,\flll:l ,·II!'.\ Ill' 11\ lllld:llf',1 Illl'llllll':lIHl1llll
tlt·d ",\lllt'ri,"111 I.lfllli .... t ('()ll!1('i], ('llrlllJlllt~'t' (III IllforJll:lllllll :tll,ll)ull-
I,,' 1:,.1.1 1 " ' -," \I I'II'!\ "11111111':-- tll:ll 1·'lllllllltll·'··.... phll:-; ft,r rhl' l~)(;~-();~
l'lldj!"!,ll'y ,\1':11', .tllt! :I'-.k if :1 (·op." of fhl-; lllt'II11lr:llldlllll :IPlw:lrs iII
\'our Ii 1(':-, ~
. .\11'.1[\\11.1,. Yl'.'-'. ";Ir. Tl,i . . :lppt'an'd in our till~~.
TllP ( II \I1::\[.\~. I \\'J11 tilr if for Ihf' rl'('ord,
(Tltl' dell \1I11Pnf rl'fprn'd to follow...::)
-- '-.,1 I

"'1\11. 11,1'1'1'111(\1111'" \'\" PI'HII, Hf'! \111''\",

Till' (', 'II, 111,1 r ,.,' , .1 rrl,· . . I III :1 flln) ,r pH rt "f 1t~ wI)rk t l1rllugh IiklJly "'1""'\:lllll'd
,'iI,,·"11I11111' .." .... ,,,jl'I,,,,,,1 "t' !'1'"f,·""i"IIHI..; III .... jll·,·il1,' IIrf'lI~ /If n"til It\ who YOIUI'-
I,','r 111"lr "'1'\ I, ", t" II,,· .\III,·ri'·:111 /.i"JII";' ('''lllll'il It i..; tlll' ""11IH'onJmlttl~
,lllIil'lllI'll \lL,,' 11:1 \ " I"','ll 11I .... I1'lllltl·III:II, f"r Ill<' 1I1"..;r l'lHt, ill lllt>ltilizinp(' tl1("",
11.1 r .·Xl"·fl.... t ...... 'nl \\illl 'li"111 ttl 1l.'I\, i111"rj,r,'1 1.. . 1':I'·j I" till' L:,'lll'r:11 ,\IlIf'rJcnn
1'111011, III :1"011'1"" Ih,' ,\/.(' ..;lllt'!', IIrri,·,., "II II Ililnil",r "f :il'tl\'lti,'''; ,)11 It~ O\\'!I
\\'lrh"Il! lWlI"rit "Crill'''''' \',oIUllt,Tr"
Tll(' ('''111111111'''' 1'!:II1" r" "I'{'rnl., ill II", f,oIl"~\'ill:::- nN'I1S dllring tilt" Hw:r.:!---{);:~
t'lldl.:'dllr~ .It'llI'

1. Ifavo:ino
,'lIlri\;lli"ll "f ,·01'1"1'''
:--:1111111I:lrl,'I, :11,<.1 \>1:1""11,"111 ,.f ,.,\111:1111,· :Irll, I....; ill til,' 1lIllj,'r 1·"n.... llTll,·f
!{'·!'1'illllll..': .,1,01 di~lril'II'i"!1 ,.t' 1':I\'l\r:,hll' lll:lt,'rinl..; w!li"h ll\'l'f'l1r III th,' nl .. ,\,(,
Itllhlklli 1.. 11 ....
I l'll ~t 111111111 (I'tt\ , f .1 rt 1,,1.·..; 111 t f:t".· :11111 "'pP"iH liz.-u j'lllrllu I,.
l,i:li,.."11 1\ ,11\ II flr"r" r.· . . 'dl·1l1 III l,r:11'l \ la II litl·fllr.\ U~I'Jlt in y,'rk for ",'I"
i,L":I" IllId 1,111' "I\I,'11t
'{' I . 1,'11' II (t. ,.' I,' 11/ "
'I'll.' 11"I':ll'IlllI'lll :11'1':111.::" .... f .. 1' lill\.;,.. lind Inr.-ni.·\\' ... on Hlllli,' and T\·. and
";"['\'i, I Ill.:: ,,( III11I 1','qllt·,..;h
II III ....", 11111\·:Jf.·... I "ll..d i T1l.:: 1','r";''1lnlitll'''' ill th~,' lIll·dia.
It ,'11""111'111.:,·..; llt·tW.,rl, ... :llId "{lIlil,n" t" ,'rl'Hf,' l'r"l<ralll~ n~n)IYllll-:' llrouud
:t n' Israel.
Ill' 8. ('/lI'i.~tt-an 1,'dl{]~()f18 O''()flPS
Id .• ('nlt i\ II "f kl'~' n'l ig-i"ns It'nllef:- and hrr(~Ups.
t I''ll
~I'ltin~ lll' ~I'[lIillar~ 1111 brud ('II' ChrbtillD (']prll:Y.
:--:tillllllalilll-:: 'If 1I<,~iri\'P nrri('h'~ ill the l'r()l,'~t.llnt nnd CalhollC' pn~~.
("'lIl1l"r;II'II"il "f hostl\(\ Illlllr'rlnl in thlll Jln'~.
Hl'l'rillts :tlld (\I~trihlltlon "f fn\'ornhlp Ulau'rillis frmll Ule cburch pros..'.
~tLlUIILatl"n (If ~ultalJlt' llrtkll'S ill the jourllnls 'If fhl' Jt'wlsb n-'II/rlous g-roups.

~. .-1 ('(j d /""" (' (' i rrl c,~

8upport p1' th" ~\lll('rl"nll Ass(w[ntI0n for ~1I1!11\t' En:,t StlJ(li('s.
$upport of tht" IntN-Cnln:>rsHy C()lllmittN> Oil Isrn('1.
CIIltl\1111,1!J of 1,'nl!.'rs LIl tht' nCHI!Pllllc 1·1l1U~lIlllty.
~t.illllliut 1(l1l ,If" Isrll{'l Duy" 011 collt'lot't> CIUlJj1U:,('S,
l'~l()p(,nrtJ{l1l with ('ollegf\l' liud uuh'('rsith'H in spiting- lip 01' Sf'minars IlIl the
of \lld,II(' Ell:'!.
\lollitoflll~ lllltl,'olllllprllt'tLoll of UJat('rlnl in tlH' l;nmpIIs prp~'l.
~t.ilUlllntln~ of nrtklPR in aeademL(' jourllal~,
Gulonnee to student Zionists and other Jewish students on ,Arab-lsrat>1 Is.sue-s.
Countl'rnction of hostile faculty find Arah students,
Prl'pnrut.lou of mntt'rlnlg for elpllH'ntnry nnd high fwhoo! fnculty.
1~~ HI \("Tl\ ITII ..... (ll :\(r1 , I ..... (IF Illlil 1\" ,.I'Hl,('IP\1.:-' ),' L:-'.

CilltiYHti"ll I,f l"(lit"r,..

:-,rlllllil:llll'1l ,,( 1""111\" 1l,;II,'n,li li:\ ',\lltli":III'd \\1'1:.1" ,','!tll'i1II,I, ,", T
t ·"IIIIi.'r:I('II"II .. r 1,,,,111,, 111;11,'1':,11 1
I{. 'I 'r i 11 till":: ; 1 I, tI I! i ' r r i I iii I i, '11 ,'I' r:1 \ , ,r: I I' II' lJ I,ll 1'1'1; I Ii"
,I " \\
1: ' , ~ ,I. ."( :I 1111
\"I~I.III' (' ;" l"iI>lI""'I" III 1111' !,"'lill"II"I, "I' \\ ,,1"1,\\ 1,,1., I,,,,,!--- 1\, I
1'1'''111''' I.'" II" it-"', Ilf f:I\-nr:tfd,' hpl", . .
Ili,1 rlll\lIl"I, .. I I,<I"!--": (II pllltlit- ;ll1d l·,tlll'~" lihr:lrle".
- :< I" 1/ I, I IS
'i'It~, :'jwflkl'r:, Hllr"ll\l \\ ill ,'Plllilllll' to lllilizl' J,..rl1{'li", ,\1IH'rH'illl ('lJri"lillll~,
:llld .\IlIPriC':l1l Jp\\'S IIIl 1\('Hd"llli,', rl'li:..:i,l\lo.:, ,'j\'i,', :llld ,'Ili,'!' 1>1:111<11'111 .... :lr"lllld
1111" "llllln' r,,!' !k,o.:ili\'p !,rl":'lI'III:lli"Il"'; PIl 1o.:I'H('1

"I/ISI,1I II'II/' (''''}I/III,'I/I'','I,', 1",ltt ',Ii 1/.. //I/I",II , 1! '111'1 /'" ·/i I, "/,\, ',\1" "/1/11/1
flr'I,'(' II It 1/ fIn j" f/""',fl t //1'//1/ ,', II( r /1111 ..· JI1 '11/1"// )1/

:-:' ..... ,i:11 li:II"';"ll \\ illl '\,':":1''' ,'11//1111111111\

'I 1 1
/,( I J; f / .,. f/ Jill 1."1,"( II I ,.

1"11;11\<'" .. f ""H" Ilil 11l:11"rl;11 :111,] ";111,1:111<' ,'I, '<l1Iir .. l, l'i,11 ,-"1"- '11 i, ,!-
\I;I!, I','fll~""" :-'\1'\;111 l,r;II') '1111111"11 ,'I,
J·rl,~r;IJlll'lL!' fIll' '1.~'"1 1:11 Ill"' ;1-"1''11' 'II, 11 .\ . . \ ,,1:1 ILl I!/.Iii.l 1\.'

/' J I' , ,,/ /II.' / (J I" I'a ( I

:-'llh'ldl/.;III":1 r" 11,,1,\10111,111'1\1,,1' "1'11'1"11 II,"!.]' 1', I" I", j' 1:'"'.,01,, 11"'111 \\lli,
,II, ,'\ 1'1' 1'1' 'I"", III I- rill ,I
1111"1' 11111'·1' .... 11\ \"'IIIIIlIII,'\' ~1I1,I\ '1 "111'1,,1-1';11,1
III'~,II'I/" ,oIlll'l' '<lII'!', III \\111, I, 1,\iI'!I' "1'1111"11 11,,,).],,1'- \\\') 1,;11'1,1 il'.II,'
1'/'<1\ iol" '1111 il!oI" ;, I'r:III"':,'II;o'III, II, I, (';1' I I, 'r 11:111.] ) II"': 1 \ III, 1'/, ,I. .. I ' l l "1-

11 ".1111" I'JI (Ill'! II,· ()/I/d, ...· " " ' "

"111' 111"1111"1'111;': ,III.] ,','IIIII,'r;I' I i " " ,,( ,III ,j,II\ill'" ',II'j"'''1 "'ll );,"'" 1.\ Ill,'
\r.i1" .\111,'1'1' :11' 1-'I'I"I"i' "f till \1101.1/1' 1';1'1 :111.] ,111'1' fl,,,II!" :..:r"IIf>..:

I' If 1 ,,', //" 1/1'1'"''

\11 .... \\"rlll;.: rt .. JlII"I' f"r IlIf"rlll:tll"ll ;111" )'1' .. ,,11111;.:' ,IIII,i1,I,' :11,'r:IIIII',' 1'''1'
lilt, /11;111.\ r II, '" . . ;111,] .... (,f 1""111,"1 ... :11111111111,\ r"l'l'i \ ,'d,
TIll' ('11 \IIDT.\'\. Thi;-; 11l,li\'lll,'<! "';tlllli ' ()f rllt' ;It'II\ lilt" ,d' tilt' ,\1111'1
i,':11l ZiOlli:-;( ('oullri1.
1 :-;110\\ you t hi...; i:-; dUl'illg 111:ll :,:Illlt' (It'l'lod III \\ 111"11 \(111 h:t \'I' ill .... t
IP~tilit,d llit'." :-'llpplit'd :d)Ollt :-.() IH'I\'PIlI of tht>ir fllnd~~ 'Thr Agel\c."
i:-: :'lIpplyilll! ~(\ IH'J'('(,llt of thPi fllnd~'~
\11'. I h;lTL!:". Thl'rl' i:; YW d:l(t' Oil it. hilt \\(' \':11I :\";'11111,' tIl:",
Tilt' CIl,\IH:\I.\'\. Yp". It SHY~ thl'l't'. H:-' follows:
Purl n~ t Itp 1 ~)(l~-f':) hndgl'tSl ry ~('n r··-

11ll':lII tIlt' 1IIt'1II0. it:-'t'lf. ~lY:-:; that.

Yt'~" ()h:Ye;·.;.l'x('\I~(' Illt',
You wifl 1Ia\'(' to 1'\:\'11:-'(' 111t'. I \\ i II Ill' g(1I1i' aho\lt
,l !llillllti'~ to \'ott' Oil t1H' floor.
\fr. II.DILI'\. \1:1\' I :Hid O!lP :-:('Il(I'Il\'(' (0 I lin t I Til i:-- J:-' :1 df'S'Ti p-
tioll of (hf' puhlic il"!forlll:ltio!l :lcli\'itii< of tIll' ,'Olllll' iI. Thl'J'(' \\1'1'1'
(It Ill'l' :\I'~i \' i I it'~, of COli Y':-'l',
Tlw ('II \111:\1.\'.;. Th,':-,p :In' part.:lt Ipn~t. of t hpj I' :11'1 i \ 1111':'.
"'" "'ill \'PI'(':-''''; for n fp\\'lIlill\ltps,
("'11"1'(,11 pOll. :I short n\,'l':-;s \\;1;;; (:1 b\I1,)
\11111111:1'\1111,11'\1 1",_

"ill' ('lfl\;I,\[ ''\. Til" ,"111111111, t' \\ III, ,,1111' lo,"[.i'·I.

I ,f \' I \ \ \ ' I I I .I \ I I I',\' \ 11', I I I I 1I I: 11. I I f : I \ 1 I ' 1' . ii' ' t· I I I I ill' I I , I J I II' (I I r ill'
,1 1,\\ 1~ll .\:!I'II· \ .\111\'11,':111 :"1'0'111111. <l,III·,t .111111' ./" 1~1i·,~. III IllI'
I I I I 1 11 I II 1 I) f ~ I ... l : I "'. 1I. II, I ,\ : \ I, I\' r 1 I I II (. .\ II \I • I' I , ' ,I ) I !. I ( )I I I ~ { (' 1 1I1 I I \ . I 1. for
1\, II. ~ld)\('I.lIIIII~ 1',)1' \Lt,\ l:Ii',~, :111.1 ~ll\" "II ]lldl]I,' 1'1']:11111]1' Illld!!I·!.
[lid ,l~k i r \11l1 ~I:!ltl'd --11,,11:1 \ (ll!I']II'r ~
\[ 1'. If \~ll,I:\, 'I d it!. 'I r.
II ~.
'1']\1' ('11\111'\1 \,\, ,r" \\
111!1111 111:11 III till' t',·,'ot'd.
['{'.Ill' \ OIII,ll''!' t'pfl'lTPd to f,dln\\":-.:)

11 1 1I

.1 '


\ ('"I


TI~I' ('I
(I! IIlf'UI'
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I'XI.,.,ll! I ,'f
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-\lI,],··ri r, r
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"I' r Ill' \I "1'1
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1:,1' .\llH'ri
1,;11'\ jp<>. pt,

( '('Ililllilt"t'
1111' !lI(lrp
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.., .. "I' h.rrld
\..- ,- ~. ~'':' It
~ ~ ..'
,; <) ....
'til ~ .::~
;lIlt! ttw Zk
.. ' \, -- .. ~ ~ Tht'l'f' 11:
....... :Ji
( YPH r~ .
( 1 \ Til£'

'- ,
'llllllJit!t·s 111
;-;j:x such ('I

t r:l i II ('(] lIre

IIp('n ns(' of
fe'\\' nrp ('01
In flllwtioll

Our \Vor
take the w
teRm, inad·
1(,Sf; ('3 mel
we C'Owd d(
I. Manit
tors thf' dl
press, the
attacks on
and sent. e
1:11',,1;'1 "I ","I'I'I~II: I''',. ""- \;11' \<"1'1\1'111" "11'1' 1:llll I:' ,III
.\~HUII'\" ~II'I'III'

T) II' (' 1I \ I I: 'I \". " lIt i I ) I,d .. 1> I'll: I r 1 111"1 j[
I -) \! ) \Y Y (11\ :I ,'(l P,\' I\ f :\ l't' P(l rt
Ill' JIII',,!'III,III"I," '11 11 , l,y .\11':--, ,[lI-
1"/1]1111111:"':' 11'1111]'[ \\;1.- dl']i\(·!'t'd
dltll I':\,~ll'i!l. I,lulrlll;ll1 (If 11\1' ,II'parlllll'llt. l,d'orl' ,( 11II'('IIIl!-2' of the
"'I'tlll!"'(' ""1111111111'1,' of 11\1' .\IIII'!·I''''I' 1.111111-[ ("'111" ii" f ()1'1"I,\']' :;,1.
I~lt;~. :11111 I ,I-I, jf:1 ,(ll'Y Ilj 111'_ J't'!II'! I '!'l\I'I~'- \' ii" :ill'~~
\Ir', If \'11,1'\, rl·...,. ,·il': it ,Jill.
I ,\ I' () P,' I ) r I j I,' j'('I" I r [ 1,-: I"" r(I ! I I ) \\ -

I ~ I I >•

1/,1 I" 11.1, I:, ''':1 ,- '.' ",I,·, \1'- ,III'" I, ;:1''',1 Ill, ,',,11111,111' 1[1:\·
1 'I ~",.: l L:1.. •. \ I,· I, I I • t i l l \ \' i i i :..:. ,,1 t} II' 11 \ \"\ .1 \ • \ I :, J lj I : [I \ t I; l II' . \ ; . l rOl r i};'
/ I I II I ..... r \ . I '11: " " l I:. t ). II II 'I , .•• 1J, I ~ I, :~~ ,

\11' F;,"!, i' 1,,,,'1"1" '! III I' H'I"'I'I /.1 !"'!! t:! _: . 'I: i!':l' tilt' \1 ,,!.;, "I' tht'
/"'['111';'1'1'1. 1 , IIl,,/!-,· 'J!"r ("'·III·II'·I""I.:!, \I I, ,,,,,ti:,llil.:':: ,:"I ..~ rl'l' 1,:',,, ,-1:1',
(1 . . !I'·I! 'I'''·l~~'l .'·'l,'lr .... f'\l'r" "';1"'1,,1]1' ll\:·tll~l( \1 1 tl~' !!ll' _\J:l('['II';111 lill·.· . . . ; 1:11,. ;·:..:'t1t:t.\·
1""11,' Ii ill 1: 1::'1 :11 1 ' 11' 'olJ!~,r,':J1, ,,( \\"I(1t! \\' I" II ,\1 rlill 11111" 1111'['" 1\:1- 111.1'
11""'] I" i"r1'I'1\"" l', "1':lli"11 "n ""),:111', 1"'-:1, I,f Ill,' 'I'I'II-d()~)r
i" ,II,,' "f 1',11",1 II" 1" I'I'II'lI,' Ill!' 1','(lI''':''I''' fr''!!1 RI1 !l'r, :11:d 1 h,': 1" i 'llr~ul'
II'" li::lrr 1"'1' Ih" ,f"'1 !"ll ~l:lli' :11:d rllt' r".·,'~lI;ii,·!\ ,.;' 11;,' ;'i::lll ,·f lIlt, ,l,'wi,h
l,p"!'I.· til r,"'II!'''TiTlll,· [!1"lll"I'h'"" :1":1 111111"!\ ill P'~'f'''':I:;i'' :\1'1'" :!l,' "-',Il'ii."ll'
1111'\11 II! tIl" ~rlll', "11' Ilr:~:11 1/:II:r>'" lllld.'1' th,' 1::IIll" 1'1' Ill" \:::I'ri',I!, Zit'IIi'st
""1111 1 ',1 "'1,iillll"'] II ti,,' 1'111,1,. 1'1'1:111''11'- lil'It!, tll'l!'::I':: t,. 1'1"':". :1 f:I',,,r:lbh'
.lin':II.' ,,( "l,il:i,'!, (III' :Ilt· : "11 ~t:lt" :111l1 til D11 1 !"::i7" .lI'ld"ll :1' 1\ 1,"1' ,f"\lI""
-tll'I" ." (, r 1,1':11"
\! tli:ir (ITIl", rill' )ll'l',lr:I,.. ,'I:1 k,d:1 )'Iltl:.::,'! "f ~7:>1l1~\(1 '1',,,1;1\ :1:,' IIlIIL.l'r
:- :'17,-, I,-,Il \\'1111 :111 1l1,\i:':::IIIII:l r" "!lITY ,'11:1 "III1!J I !'rto,'ll"i\I', diu':-",' :1:1.1 ,,'II'loll'X
)'1"'.1""1" Idl'11 r\"!ll:tI',j" J,,'r"',I,: "I :lllt! fll1:d" lllll\l'\ .'1'. ,,)11' 1'"11:("1\ .,tll tll:11 Ilarl
"I' t1:,' II Ill''' ,,1' 111(' ,'ri~ill:11 ('''III,f'il lind n"" to'.'l·!' 1:11,1'11 ,11 ,,1' II) l!'t' Io\"::o'll ("'W'
lill! \f'I' \\'11 i. II 1\ :1' "I::lr;,:-,',l \\'I! II Iltl111 il':ll :1.'\ i"l', fl'rtlll'rl~ III t111' jll'II'illl'" IIf
I : , , ' . \ 11 II • r i, : I I \ Zit \ II i ,f (' ( 'I : II' i i ,\ II :1 l' l' r It: II 'lit " t 'I 1 h, ' II: I \ I I' I l: t ' ] " 01 i r ; I ': I I
j.;lrli,'<:, ('I, , :trt' ::,,\\ rl\l' 1'l,,"p"Il"ildlll,l' ,If !l'f' .\1I1I'ri'·:111' ("r:\I'! f'llhli .\fT:lir....
('II11llllirrl'I' \1 It'hl' t'11:ld" :11'1' lllll tll\ 1'\Pllljll Tl:u...:, ;.:n':1rpr t'l:ljlll:l"i ... j-.; !;,I\\ I'llt ')11
t)1I' Itlilrl' ,,111111,' ;II'I,r":l,'h, \\'lli"h, lllrll\l~ll l'""iti\'(' prl'''('lltnti,'11 (If I ... r:lt'l'"
:1'-<'\IIII\.lbllllll·nf';, :lilll", :11ld l'llq\(I~I' and h~' ("'lllltl'rnt!:I,'k (If till' IlJ:ln~' "IIl'1I1i.,,,
.,( br:ll'l linn HII' Zi"lii"t 1lII'\'I'IIH'llt 11('1p" r l l ' r(':lt,':1 f:ll'('fnhl,' ill1:q,,:t' "t' l"rH(')
:lndl/)" 7ipllist 1I111\'('!III'llt
Tlw!'p lw\'(' hl'l'll 1n'1I 11,'11' t!I'\I,jllIIJJj\'!II" :11 11;(' !l,'!':Il'tIlIf'Il! ill I lit, In"t t"'I'
< ,\ t'~l r,'"'.
(1) Tlil' 11I!I'n"ifi":lti"11 "f lI\lf \,\lhli,' l'\'ln(illll" \\,'rk within tlH' 1.... ;11 ( ' I \ l l l -
Illllllitil'S Hnd th,' stn'11~Ownin.L..: Ilf ttl(' lllllH'T1I1'lll fit grn"'!'ftlllr;.: I(',·t'!, :lntl (~I thp
""t:tllli"ltlllt'n! of ('nfll Il1 it tN's of Y/lIUllt('('fS all till' Xnlionnl ]£'\"(>1. ,,"\' !lOW 'han>
,,1\ ",u,'h ('1I1111l11ttl'l':-' lllnd£' lip of 1\l£'1l nlld \\'Ollil'n \\hOIHP hi~hly skillt'd aod
t r;linl'd pfofl'";;;iollnl,,, ill Owl r r('slwd In' t1pld;.: uml Whll \'o]untf'pr tlH'lr ser,i('('s
1Il'('nus\' pf 11 d(>l'p Int('n'st III Isrnf'1 1111<1 tl I'ouc(>rll fOf its w('lfarp. A1th(lu~b
ff'\\ nr... ('llmIlllttro Z!o!li:-:ts ill th(' tradltiol1ul s('tls(' of thl' wnnl, th('y nrf' happy
(0 fllllCtioll Tllldf'r t lip H('gis of 11 Zionist hody such us nurs,


Our work is IlIlp\('I11f'lltl>(i (lJl two levpls: fltnff nnd voluntN'r. Let me Orst
tnkl> the work of the shiff, W(' Rrf> fortunnt(' in havin~ n devotE'o. bi~bly skilled
tNllll. inaoequate In Ilumhen:; to tht> enormity of thE' proj<"Ct. but whi<:>b neverth~
less curries on without cease. {lnl1Ul'~illnably. if we ('ould afford a larger staff.
we conid do U more effective job.
I. Monitori'l1U and cOlm.teractio-n of printed matC1'ial,,,,-Tbe otike stair moni-
tors tbe dfitl.V pre.."l:-1. the Negro press, the Prot.E'."ltUllt find the Catholic- Cbureh
press. the 8cude.Dli<' press, magazines of aU kinds and books. Wben hostil{'
attueks on Israel or til(> 7..ionist movement npJX>sr anywbere, rnfit£>rial IR prepared
nnd ~nt. either dir('('t.!y to the editor or from the ottke as drnft material to 'our
, .
1>~ {-+ \./11\ II ::-... III

(!'jl i.ll....: .1: rJ. ....:1·1 Ii:, ..... ftlr"l;~}I'lllf ill" \'11111111.\ \\ 11 41 I: ~..:l'~ IJ 1\" ~".\ "1' I t
-' t· ....... 1. 1
tIll' I ': I l' r . I 1 r I : J' ; ,1,! II l 1 jl It I! j \ I 11 \ "11 'j'] : l' : l \ 1\ (lll t :: ...:' . I I' J 1, I \ .' -.:. II' 1 ~/: I 't'

(''''111,'11 ... , ... IiI. \ . ' ,II'" i' 111,,'d,:II,'!\ lilt' ,. "d 1,\ I lit' I: " I ,ill II 'I', "" .. '
Ilil I"'I'III'! t'f''''11 III,.' 1':lf: lOr Ill,' I llll"d :'; :11'· .... "d 111'1 d I r,' : 1\ I I', 'lilliit' !,: I" I
lllli,·..; ,'I' \'i,1 11111' FjI'ld Illh ,."
1:"":11'"'' ,I{' "'ll' III"llll"ri:l:C: ",'I·\·i,·" 11", r'·lll!III' ,i,oI, ,,1' !,[','!':II'II!e,:
.'\;'·II ... i,·,'
ri·"li,· .... I" h'''II\»: :c:", .... 1111 ""11'(;11111\
1111.'I'I:Ji 1111111" I'l"'I'II! \\l"'k. 1'11;' f'S-:lIIlIo!I'.
W.' \\('l',' ("r,·!'t! I" 1"\''''.·:lI''·!1 HIlt! l'I'l'I,nr!' ""lllllllllli";\lillll" ill n'!,I.\· III 111",,(, 1'\
11"'1111":" 1111111\";11 ;Irti,.j, .." Ilj>[lI':ll'ill~ ill tIll' ,".]\1111111:\ l'III\'I'r"ii,\' \ t)llllll"l'l\ ,
10'111'11111, ("''':IIIII,,']illlll 11I;I:C:IIZi,Jt'. :llld Editor ,ll\d 1'1l:l\i ... 1I1'1': ;lll tlln'l' \\,'1'1' .1·'
hallt!ll'd \Iith Ii i"j 1:1 '..}I alld il i" 111>['1'1\ tltl' l'pplil'" will ,,It,,rtl.\· appe:ll'. III all.\ \\
('a:,p thp puldi":ltillll" 111'1' all'rtl'1lt" till' fllc,t tltat \\'1' III'.' prt'p:ln'd t" 1I1I"\\'!'r ;111.\
ulI\\'arralltl'(l attRek" of this killt!. In an ll"erage mOlllh. ahout :!:; ll'ttt'rs til
I\('\\':,pap('rs awl magazines aI'l:' writwn or sent. eitht'r directly from tlw :\'fltilHllll
Otfll-P or througll our Fif'Id Offices or by our community contacts aftpr consult:t·
tioll with our -'ational Offi('f'.
I tIo not wflnt to gin' thp illlprp""ion that all cOl1llllunil'atill!l:-: WP ~timuIatl'
or "pnd to "dit"r" art' of Il Ilpl!;ati\"l~ lIi1tun>. "'IH'rf' ('ir('llIllq:lnl:ps warrflllt--- i '
and forlllnat~'ly 1I11lt'h lIf thl' I".S, \In',,,, b now gpnf'rall~' favilrahle to Israel lIll " \
Middif' Easl i"slIPs -;'ollllllpndatory 1I0t£'~ arl' :-:l'ltt off to l'dit()r~, .\n imporlant f:l
a~Iwd of 'our WIII:4\. an' thf' lllf'etillgs we bolll with pditors-- ··;1 lid tho~p held by III
('Ollllllunit.\' l('illipro-l \\'ith llwnl pditllr,,- ill ol'(!t'r. to hring t1Wlll up til <lnt£' OIl the J II
('ballging :\tiddle East s('('ne. Abo. fp;tlu,r£'s alid sJlPdaI materiab arE' pn'parp((
and S('nt to e-ditorf: aH,lIlnU the ('ountry.
Thf' Zionist lllovelll~t ill this ('Oui1!r.' f;II'I'1'I ('lIelnips of fl\\'l"SOllIt' proportil'lls
who operat£' with lan:i\ hudg-f'ts: thp .\rl1h ~!ates with thpir nUlllprous plllhas,..;ip~
and {'on~ulatps. Ih~b Illfonllatioll offi('p, the .\lIIP'ril'an Frip])(ls of thp :\litldlt'
I<~ast. anti tbl" .\nwriran COlllwil for .Jlldaislll. "'hill' we fol1o\\" Iheir al'ti"ilies
vpr.,' ('I 0:-;('1 y, it i,:; difficult to kl't>P trnl'!~ of all of ttl(' ad ion, proj('('ts. spe'f'ches,
and pn'ss\lr~ of thp"p hodips. Thi~ is wh." il i" \,pr.\' illljlorlalll Illat local Coun-
('ils bp slrpugthellPd throughollt Ihe ('olllllry ,,0 that \\'1' lllay h(' kppt informed
of anti-I~rapl n('ti,itips alld lwlp to l'utH'ate. Ihroug-h nil 1I1pdia of ('f)lllllllllli('H-
tioll~. llw positivt> rpIt' of hn1Pl nnd tIl(' Zi0ni:-:1 1ll0\,P]llPlIl, alld fnnll II ll('g-<lti,·(' \\ 1
poi n t of vip\\". 11(' a hlp to rpad to th(' a t t.a('k~ of t hp,,(' host i 1(' hod it's.
:\111('h of tll(' l111ti·lsra('1 vropag-nnda i:-: of a ':;lIhtlc Tlll'tun> alld not ll('('ps"arih
implp!lI('lltpo lI11d('r tIl(' imprilll;ltur of tIl(> nhO\'p-lIH'ntiorwo organization". Fo'r
(,xfimplt" Ill{' ~titldI(' East Institute ill \Yll~hingtoll, whil(' ap]l('uring- as Ull ob-
jf'(,ti\'t' ;11)(1 st'llo1arly org-nnization, hns l1etuall~' Ipnl ils(']l' to Ihp allti·hl':ll'l
CUIlSP. Its annual confpn'llt'p in '''fishing-tOll t\\"o ypl1rs :lg-o, attplltlpd hy 0111' Dr .
.Josf'ph ~ehp('htll1an \l'll~ uptinitcIy and ('It'arly pr('judieial to Israp['s ('ll~I', We ~ 11' I

ask('d Dr. ~('h("('htPllan to wrilf' all artielf' l!plliing- with th(' "ohjp<'tivily" of thp III
Mitltllp En",t Institlltf', whkh Ill' did, and IbNl arrangNl to h:n-p il pllhlislwd in :I tYI
wpll,known \lllhli('ntion devotPd 10 Iquf'['s ('Hllse, Rt>prinls Wf'rp llIad(" anrt dis· ('(II

trihntf'd Widely to Illtf'rf'stf'rl pf'rsons. It is 1l0Ie\Yorth~' that nt till" COllff'rPIH'p rf \~

of thf' :\1illrtlf' East frtf;fitnte th(' following Y'pa r Israf'l was tr('at('d with mort' fr{
TPSpt'{'t all(] Israel's ('ase g-i"f'n a fair('r hf'nring-.:e 'We ('all only assulIle in this
particular ('use thnt the t'xposurf' ,ve initiat('d had a lwnf'tkial eff('('t. t III
II, Till' 8f11'(lkn·.~ Rur('(1IJ.-Tlwrf' is a \,pr~' well organized ~pf'nk('rs Hurpl1n Ih:
whi('h, with nn ahsnrdly small staff, doe~ an amazing- joh. Lnst year, :2.2·10 to
f'ng:ag-ell1t'nti" wert' madt' through thp Spt'nkers Bureau,: this dof's not !11('an int
2,~40 SPPllKf'fS, bUI rathf'r 2,240 ('ng-ag-f'mt'nts. In ndditiof.t, to our own rostf'r of fllf
spf'akprs. Wf' Iltilizf' spf'nkprs f'1lg'l1g'pd hy ('omm£'r{'ial huretJ.~l!'1J (hooking th<'T!l in \'~I
,those ('jtil"~ to '"hkh thf'~' lUf' travf'ling- for their own hurpuus, or in a cit.' Ii f'
I:'n routp) as wf'll n." spf'ak('rs hasf'd in tht> lo('al communities, in o['(lpr to snH'
on trnnsportntion {'osts. "~('n w(' !l<f'nd sJ){'ukers out, ,we don't s('nd th(\m for Ill(
'A sing-If' apPf"nrnn('('. Onr srwnkt>rs averllg:f> from -t to 7 llPTlf>nrlllWI'S in n "inc-I!' I Pli
:ftny, In a typi('al rommllnity, n SlWakf'r Illfly tnlk 10 a RotJl'lr:v [')lIh, 11 World. "tf
Afff1ir~ Council. a ('hnT('h j!rouP. n hig-h school a!'\~mbly or ('ollegE- gronp, It til(
",'oman's ('luh. nT" 01' Radio flPPE-flrRn('l", fl hac'kgoTound ~ssion wit.h fl 1()('R I fOT
'E'rlitor or ('Olllm('ntntor, f'te'. (W(' hf'lif'vl" n spf'akpr should do p.r, work in fill
~~drlition to making puhlie' 8pJl('arnnres. and many of them are ('apahle of ooing-
,this tyPi' of job,) Sp<>akers oftf'n rf'main in a ronuDunity for ~vf'rnl da.'f".
Thf' lnr~~M pnrt of tlW!o1('> png:lllf'mpntR iR lwforf' non-J(>wi~h r!rOUP,q, nlthoul!h
at tinH's 11 reflnE-Rt from n .Tewi~h grol1p is RervkE'd at n nominal ff'f'. Wlwre
do WP l:!f't thp SPNII{f'l"s? Thp r('llrfH~f'ntllth'plo': of thf' T~rflPl (1on>nmlpnt. "ilo':it()r"
f!tom, T~rll(,1. Am('rklln IlH'n nnd ,,'onH'n-.Tl=>wR and Christifms-who hn\'f' hf'f;11
\('11\ 11 II~, III \1,:.'\1:-- (\1

,,, I'r:l"~ "II "r:!.·III/.,'d rllllr" "I' tl:rtlll:.:'1i j",r.'''I,:1l 1'1'11". 'f'I~ I;lH:. "'lj1li!,!,pd I.'"
1.1' :., ·.1 I " drl' 11'1'II,'d ]It'rl' I" ,llll'lld ~"rll(' illu'rrIHti,>!::rl ""r1f,'n'II"" :tlld wb"",e
1"·"~'·I.I" IJI I Iii", ""1I1dr,1' j" \I[iliz,·d I,y l!llr Hilrt'HU f"r Ilddl',·"' ....,·, 1",1,,1',' l,l1(·,;ti!j~s
d/'I';)II~,'d I'r \1", Hen' a~ailJ, I Ill' IU"aI ('IlIl1H'il" an' "",",plJlial f"r [Ill' "u ... ·,·"" tlf
: II' '.' I,r"~':tl',:-, I I 11111'1' '1II'rl' II ],·tl'l'r frlllil Il p\'lIf,· ... ""'r III a l'lJil"'r",il~' "f B'uI-
II " 1\ 111'1'" .\11' .\rg"I·, all !srH,'11 ("'/1"111. h tOt "'1"'111-; TIll' 1'1'''['''''''''''1' 1,'llrllPd
, .. :111''' 1:.:'1. rill' 1",,<1 Zj"lll,1 (·'!lIII.·jllt':11 \Ir. An:J'1 \I "llld I,.. ill Ill'.' "":lltlll'llir,l' :lTld
Ii,· IIII'rl,!'"r,', 1Ir1:I/ll!(''; ttl Ilal'" h:/I' 111'1"':11' al lli,' 1IIIII'I'rsi!1 I,,·f"r,· I, '111 (:II'lilty
\ ~rtld ;'llldl·llt~, "'l1li,, i" quite typic"l. I ' '
hi I I,', '" ""1:1, i;III' 'III -\\ •. It:I\I' .111 1',\",'\1.'111 HI',('ltr"!J 1~III'i':111 11~lllll. ill-
1" ~ , I . I ,. /fo! \ ' 1. I : . , ., I f 1''' 111 I III' p., I 111 "r I ll' \I " I' 'III: I ! . r i r I' t I", II .: lJ II·' I I) .. [ q II: Ii i r,\'.
1\ \\1' ,":"ll!tl;'; .''\1'1'\' 1'\"1'\ /.\.ljjl .... T "r~.IIIL:.• lil,,11 r, l h:l\f' ;1\~li4!!I]11 ~!l" kilid Ilf
1.1 I 1.11,·!·I.d \\(1[' I, I' .':,ll,·,j 1',,1' ;11 "1"1'\' 11,"111;111 i ' 111 ... 1\ "1' .11 .1.1.. , r • 1.;'11., '1,("f'!I,:I-
to , I' . ' . I ., ~j , ! ! iI I II . I i I'" I:, I ~ : ' r.. i .. 1I iI.- I I I II I [, d",),! I. I I r I' I ! ' : II I - !.'. ' !II " I , : ! I q ' . JI r .
ul :-- ','1' \! '1'\.-', 1:\". "1:1,· I lin ,'1' I' "I' II,,· ;,1 ' ..\. 11::01 ' .... , :'. III "II" "I Irs
:t- i"11 ,,'r" i'l II ',i-rlll\ ."I,III~ llr~l'lll )\' 1'." I':!' 1':11:,1\ 'II I' r '11' '1'1" II; ,.1'1 ', ... III I

"1',1,,1' I" 1",lr' Ili')1 1'1"'1'111',· 111'1111""\'1' I" tli,' :111", k IlLj,:", '11"'1, 1-1':1 .. 1 .\1 . .1 rIll' /
It' 1.\ :1'1 111"\"111"1,1 I), III, l'l,rlllllllllity Ill' .\1:11'1, ... 11111,"iI 1" 11, :11:'1 I'..... 1\, r,' .-],lp
1"":1'1 ':11' I:ll~"l. II 1."\ li"II"':' II If I ,I JI:'l(;~ ,. III 1t 11(1"' II :l.(, iT, \i • I ":r "\\11
'II , , I t ' ! I ' \ I' til4 \'" 1[1"il\\ 11\);111:\ t~i1!tlllf'r ' I f rd IJI'f' 'I/Il'r"," l"Clllllli~'d I I I 1'11\ I.[t rhp
Ilr (illlll,1 I II' oI'!li 111'1' ·'1' ':Ill:-II,' 1"',!IIlI,"; I""d,'! 'III' ];""':1' II ·1':1)' HI: :111
ly l l i l , 11<:,1,'1'1.11 " ":llli"I'I·'!. a",·-",·I .111 I I I '--lh,'01 1IIId 111:101" "'11<11 ("I' '11-rri!'11-
ill' I I" II \I Ilj'll n,',
'< I,'"

.'d I'll" 1:"""111. II Hllr":111 :11 .... ,\ :111:JI,\'z,', ["",1" :JIlt! :Irti,'!"" \1 lil. li <i,':ll \\1111 (,nrd
"I' Iii,· ,\Iid II,· J'::I:,t \\'111'11 th,' It".. )., j ... (,II,'r:\loI'I, it i"l't"t"'lllllll'llil,·,I. \\'!I"!A it
liS ,..; 111I.f';II·"rnloll'. ir j" allal~'zl'd Hilt! di:-;tllrti"lls·.~Il:(· pllillll>,l IIp II.... 1'l"'I'idilll: thp
('S (1I"III:r! "a(;1 n'1l!lirl'd .... " that oIllr l".':rl (")l1l1tdl" II ill hi' ],r"!,:il'I't1 f,' I'pal'l to
.!l' rll,' i111P:l1'! whil'11 rhi'''1' 10",,",
111111\,' "11 thp ('"nllllll1litip,..:. \YP :11 ..;" .;tilll1l1ate
es ). '''k 1'l'l".'lIt:lti"ll~ tIl lil'l'aril''', !">l!l ""llIIlIIlJ)it~, Hilll Illlil·'·l'"it.~· lihr:n:ips,
s, \\'IIt'11 a It.",\.;: Irl,1' ",\ .'::lri"'1 .. ( Lj"II'" ('hlrinp,J:' ,,~' ·.\Jl'hdi 111'1'1'111'" vrhil'h
11- :111:11,1;" l",r:ll'l a~,0 .\IlI,'~il·:111 ,JI'I\ .... ",ala~"I,I', Ill' hrill~ rll" I,,,"k r,) lh,' l!it"llti,,[)
'd "r "Ill' [ll\'a! ('''11l1I'il". !J' till' ,Ipwi~h ('llllllnllllif.' ('III1l1l'ib, IIIHI llthrr fril'lld'l
H- 11"'''11::1111111 I hI' "1I111lIry ....Jl"" illl: I hI' illll<'I'llr;l<·i.~ IIlld dist"rt illll.... ",'ry "ftea
\"l' \1" :11'1' :-;11+'1·1''' .... (111 III l'il:htil4; thl' diq"rll'd illl)'l'o.""",ioll which thl''''f' ""'l\;:" lIlilkf',
'I'll,' H'-"''':I'''']I HlIrl'illl Ill",,, ""l'l'i,~·.... :lIld 1I'lIrk", ,·In .... !·I~· l\'itlr 11111' 1· .. IlIntl'l'r ,'olll-
Iy 111:tll"'''. "'111' ill"'llllll'l'. tilt' ll1ft'r-1 lIil'l'r;;il~' ('llllll11ittl'l' !la" hp!'11 prelmring
or f,·,th,,,." lIl:III'l'illl ;1 ... :I ~lIitl,· III ","ci:tl ;;,'iI'IH'" Ip:relll'r" in till' jlllli"r :lll1l "I'nior
h- Illglt ",'h",>!" IlII tIlt· ~11",k'ct "f l"'I':II'l. Ir 1I'''lIld I", impo"",ihll' f"r tl1rsp husy
,,1 ;I"adpllli"i:lll" t" tI" tit" I'ain.-.:takirll.':: r('",pIlrdl 1'f'l(lIirl'd "-,, nr!' ~r~lt('flll that
r. tllt',I' 1IIII'l' "r~alliz,'d till' lIlntprial. lin' ,..:t'pkill~ thl' 1'1Ihlj",III'r IlIHl will ",.'pk
(. :11'''1'1'1' ,·!lallll .. ],. tltr"llLJ:h wlli,'11 til ~!'l It" n""l'ptanl'(' illt" thl' s.-\1",,1 ",y"tf'm~
It' tlrl"'ll:!ltllilt thl' ""11Ufr~·. ()lIT'THI'''I':rr,'h HlIn'lllI :11"" ",,'r\'jr'l'''' I'l'flI11'''t'' f,'r ;lll
a f.I·Ill''' ,,1' illf"rlllHti"ll ("'Inill":: frlllll "n':::lllizali"n" II/Ill illdi\'idllal:-; :11"\111111 the
,,- ""'11111',1'. \Yhilt· ;'Olll,' h·ql1ir,· ,'"ly rOlltill1 :Itr ..nlioll, "tllPI'" 'f':111 fllr 1'\'II'Il"iv!'
(',' r'·""':lI'l'!1. III :JlI H\,I'ra::1' mOllth, "'1' ",j'n'i,'1' 11/,,'1111 1~,-, rf'l(llf's,,", f"l' illf"rIlllllinn
n' 1'['''111 (,Ill'i",tiall'" lIlld .Il'w:--.
1\-. \'isifors tn [smd - Firml,l' ('()!l\'iIlN-tI t!lllt an pxpf'ril'!J('" ill brnf'1 gh'PR
1Ill' I'i",itlll' IIIl 1IIId,'r",t:llldiTll! :llld l1~lprpf'iatl(ln of thl'. prohlf'Ul!' [lilt! l'rogTf'SS of'
111 1 h:ll "Oll/Itn' for I\'hicll thrrf' ~ 1111 Sllh"titlltfl, 11 fotood pnrt of stnfT timp j" t! .. ,'otpd
Hl t" ",tiIll111:rtiTig yisits to Isrnpl (Ill thp part of pllhIic opinion IIwld .. r", pithpr fiR
11 int!i\'idllllls nr grnllps, In ~IlJIIP ('8"'(''', :-:uhsifly is ill\',l!y('d, 'YP h;tn' ~aint'd
or 1111111,\' tirlll and Instil)l':- frjplId" fill' Isr:wl thrOllgh this llSII{'e! ,)f 0111' pro~rnm.
in I'sjll'l'inlly ill tl1(' an'll of l'1prgy, f11'fHlpmi(' JI~'()pl(', ,and in thf' f'omlllllnicntinns
lil'l,J ,

\'. "/;"I'il1l [.~slle.~, ·j>rnjecfR,--Our Df'partnM'nt also hfts tht> re:-:pollsihilit'y for
'lip PI'P(llll':ltion nf m'l;'!IJol'nndn ann for informing the I()(,lll Zionist Council
If' IpHdprs ;twl ,Jpwisll community If'sdf'rshi'p as to ol1r r{'('ommt>IHlf'd position and
1£1. '{,I.Jl~P:-: for nd ion on is... . IH'S sl1('h fis tht>Arnh refl1gf't> prohlf'm, thf' Soblf'1I (,llSe.
n Ill" ,JordaB "'HIt'1' disputf', ete, Similarly. Wf' distrihutf' m3tf'rial H1Id alhi~ries
nl for sppcinl (){'N1;;ionR ~11('h aA thf' ('elphrntion of Israt'I's Annh'f'rsnry, thl' t('ntb
in a Ilil h'f'r",a ry of Weizmann's passing. etc.

h r. Till' ('OIllIll;8.Q;OIl Oil lllfer-Rdiy;o/is :tffairs which i'l rpslIomdhh' fill' ollr (,ft'ort
iJ1 l:ailliJ1g' frielld"" ill thp I'roh'stalll Hlld ('atholk rt'li~iollS 1'(IrlllJ11111itil'S 11l't'l'lltps
pI .
I ',I ~

ullder tlw ('hairIll:lllship fOf J Ir . .TlIdalJ :-';adidl. Or. :\"adich bn" bpPl1 successful ill \\' hie
hringin~ together all imporwnt group of rabbis. reprt>8f'ntillg all sbades of artie
religious opini(ln-( Jrthodox, ('onsprYlltiye and Hpf"rlll. Interest illl:dy ellongh. ellha
Pl'. :\':I<1i('h l!P\\' fwls it Tlf'f't'SS;try to n(](] morf> Orl hlHfox rnhhis "il1l'p th(' HpforJll III
alld C"n"erYatiye are prepo!lderant on thp L'ommittE't" :\lost of tbe I1lPlI1her man
rabbis ha\'e dose relatiom:hips with th('ir lJatioIlnl ['plkious institutions ns "flll He k
as \yith Christinll ('jf'r~'lIlpll :llld, tbl·rpforp. :1['(' in :, position to help 118 adynIlCP beha
our \York in wany communities \'\'hich "'P try to reach. The work of this ('0111, an 0:
mittt'p ('On(TrrlS it..:l'lf \\'ith mOllitllring till' ('hristi:ln ('}llll'l,h press, stimUlating who
nrtidps pre:wnting- 1"raE'1 lind ~ionist idpnlogy, IlnSwPring the hostile :ltt:l<'ks COll1I
"ery often found in til(' public-ntion" of thE' Protpstant and Catholic Church, flS respE
\yell ,1S ('UltiY,l t ing kp, religious leaders :lIld editors. to Is:
Sl'lIlinars for ('hristian Clt>rgy: Tbis has b~n nn extrpmely slwl'essful projf'('t. the 1
Thflrt> ha,e hN'n tpn fleminars during the P-:'lst year, hel.d in important ('ommu- maglJ
niti!'s throughout the l;nit.ed States. In Boston [deleted], 50 Catholic priests at- by tl
tendE'd. These Reminars are generally held under religious auspices•. In Boston, and]
for example. the seminar was held under the aegis of the Massachusetts Wl
Hoard of Hahbis which pro\'idpd the right kind of umbrella for the kind encO!
of dialog-ue which took place, conc(>rned with theological thought, Judaism tbey
and Israel, etc. Two excellent speakers [deleted], were the speakers and with
wt>rf' \'('ry well l'f'{'pive<L The CommiR~ion is encouraged by it.s experience retur
in this fil'ld and will ('ontinue tbt> work of thl' s£'minars: towards this l'nd it lessi.
has pro<!u('('(l a :\fnnunl for Rnhbis gi\'in~ thl' kTl(m'-how of efltahlishing thpsl' proCE
:;,.... llIillars. thp "fp!," I" ],p tHkl'll, thl' ~"OJ*' "f :-4uhje'd Illattf>r, npproaeh. E'te. This IV
i" a \,pry adi,!' ('oTl1mittpf' and 011(' that hfts hrreat possihilitiE'S for tbe future, this J
sill<'p onE' (',llllllOt tlDdl'rf'stim:ltp thp imp:l(>t of puhli(' opinion of d11lrehmen in this a pr(J
Cl lU II tr:--·. As h4
II. Inf('/"T'lii/'(,I'sifll rOtlllliiff('(' on Tgrud.-Thi!'l is It fnil']y npw f'ommittet" of cr,
just !lOW hf'!!inning to p'Xpnno. Thf' Tnl'tn!lprship of this f'ommittpp hn(} heE'll cont~
limitt>d prp\iously to the Xew York an'a. (AA statt>o aho\'P. it hgs workNl. durin,!..; the C
this pnst ~'pnr and It half to prOd11('p a Pni( (In Israpl for sO('ial studif's tf'fleh£'rs.) Th
Thl' ('OTl1l1litt~ has no,"- takpn the first !'ltf'PS towflros transforming- it:wlf into idea~
a :"ationa] COInmitt~. J,l'tters han' gone ont to uni\'E'rsity prof('ssors on ('am- more
pUSl's throu~hont the ('otmtry. At this point, (a letter ,"'eot out only n short take~
tillIP :t~o to il ,111:11] sp]PI'l list). :12 fI(·:td('mi('if1n~ hA,p a('('ppt('-o mpmhf'rship. TbE' man~
nflll1PS of thnsp \\'110 havE' :!('('\'ptl'rl ftrp hh:hly rp!'lfl('(·tpd ~odal find political more
s(·il'nti~tR. ('('ooomists. ph~'fd('ist~. hi~tnrians. pte. It is too pnrly to know how V.
f>ffp(·ti\,pl.' th{' ('ornmtttf'(> ('lln exploit thi!'! nt>w mpTtlhpr"hip, Thp]'(' i~ llpP(] of a ship
Xewsletter which will gi,t> information 00 academic lifp in 1srllel. prohlems instr
ftl(>in~ tIlt' Israpl lllli,pr"itips. A rl1h, I srap] prohlpTlls, I'te-. Th('rt> shol110 hl' 1'('- comll
port~ OIl thp work of ,isiting profp~~ors from !srflPl ftnct to IRTllpl. Th('re will he carri
:Ill llttf'mpt to Sf'{'urp onp or two flrti(']ps fl ypar in thl' Ipnoing a('aopmic puhlica, theti
tion~ in this rOllntry. All of this calls for g-rt>flt p!fort and, I am afraid. IHldi- Elth,
tioTlnl hlHlgpt, if it is to hp pffpcti,p. this,
Thr 11ltIT-T'n11'rr,<lif.ll 8t1ldll Tour of {,qrnel: A very sllc('ps:,fnl tour has jn"t were
bppIl (,oll1plptl'd, lllndp up of Ifl pllrti(';patl!:' who for Ow most part paid their So f:
own way. 1''''0 :\'1'grO pflrti('ip~lIIt-: wpr0 ~ponsor('o hy R'nai n'rith and thr Anti- Jewi
Df'famntinn !,l'llgUP. Although th(' tonr was l1D'dpr the af"g'js of the Intpr- help(
I'ni\'prsir:'o- ('ommittpp. ony nnp-thil'd pf tlw p:-trtiripnnts cal11p from th(' nnivprsi- Jewi
tips: t\yo,third:-4 rpprpsf>ntPfi ('hristinn c]prgy. of 11 1tenomiIHltions. Thf' group nnde
('11lI1(, fro!ll 1!1 8t:1tpS. Wf' ha\'(' ]parnpo II /.!.'Tpat dp:11 from this ('xppripncp, 'Yp help
nrp n()~' prppnriug for the nf'xt t011r on tIll' hflsis of achiE'vPlDpnts fiS well as tbe J
problpms pncouutprpd. WI' :11'(' hOp'f'ful thRt w(' efln S('C11rp morp aenoPlTJi(' nf\0p!p mail
this :'-'1':11' nud if \H' htl\·£, .'l sllftki('nt n11l1lhpr. WI' will diYioe tht> tonr into two befOl
s('(·tion' \"hpn it arri\'f'~ ill l>;rnel sin(>f' tl1f' intpr('st of thl' clergy nnd thp :J1':1I1prni(' VI
people do not always ('OiTWidp. This was a true s('minar-2R days spent in has]
lfo1rael--\\'ith a Ollf'-wpf'k s{'lIlinnr f;p()n~ort>d hy thp Hehr('w University, with deve'
an :Jttempt to }lr~l'lf'nt all phnses of T~['nl'l lif(' ill (}ppth. ';Phe tour memher~ vired
('ovprpo th(' whole country. met important pt>rson3gf'S. amI (,'nnw hack not only the 1
,,'ith t'nthnsillSlll hnt \"itb kno\\'lE'dg-e. These people have already proved helpful for j
to i'1S on th0ir rptllrn. A ~('minnr on Israel is heing' sponsorpo hy St. Loui!"! TTni- whic
v~rsitv {Oatholic) and Webster College. It was initiated by [deleted] in I~
who ~:is .~'h member of the tour and came back with a desire to spread to bl
knowledge., and understanding of Israel, its problems arid its achieve- and
J11f'nts. Otbf>r '!'leminnr~ art> bping plnnned. Many more could be set up if the only
hndgpt nl1ow('(1, 'VI' have vpry t>nthnsinstic roports from th(' comrnuniti('s from
fill ill which tbese tour wewhers cawe. They have appeared on platforms. bave written
es of f artieles. Tht'S are I'preadi11g reports of Israel and their experiences, which are
l:'Uballciug brae!'" image 011 the American scene. \
f onll I Ill. M(/!I([~II/( Committee-This is a very important Committee, chaired by a
'Ill h~r ) lllall who holds a kpy positiuu OIl tbe f'ditorial level in the magazine business.
, \H'll He kIlon-" \'Vl:'ryone in the trade. has important CDntacts and exploits them on
vn n('(' behalf of J STUl:'l. He lias just returned frolll his first "isit to I8rael where he had
('0 1lI- un opportunity to discuss tbe work of his Committee with tbe men in Israel
atinl!: wbo are concerned with good public relations for Israel in this country. The
t;\('ks Committpp itself is composed of 15 writers and editors who are eminent in their
b, [IS respectiH' l1elds. has built up a "Bank of hleas" for free lance writers who go
to Israel in :-eardl of artiC'lps and has provided the Israelis with a better idea of
.() j('ct. tbe kind of material wbich is acceptable to the American reading public and
mmn- mag-azinp editor::>. \Ve cannot pinpoint all that has already been accomplished
ts at- by thif; Committee excf>pt to say that it has been responsible for the writing
oston, and plaCf>lllent of articles Oil Israel in some of A.rnerica's leading magazines.
setta Writer:,; planning- a European visit are invited to sessions of tbe Committee and
kind encouraged or helped to go to Israel. There is a discussion of the kind of story
aiam they should look for. one which may likE'ly bring forth an article in a magazine
and with which the writer has contact. It also holds sessions with writers wbo have
rience returned from J:;.:rael. The important thing is that an ever-growing group of pro'
nd it fessional nTiters. editors. etc. are thinking ahout and talking about Israel. a
th~p process which will inevitably make an impact and help our work in the future.
This IV. TF-Harfin (·nmmittfe.-This Committee is composed of professionals in
ntnre, this field. primarily producers nnd writers. Its ehairman nntil this October was
n this a professional public relations woman who is unable to continue in that capacity.
As her successor. we have been fortunate in securing the services of the director
i tt('(" of creative projects of an important TV chain. We are hopeful that through his
hpeJ) contacts in the profession. we shall be able to expand the influence and work of
Inrin~ the Committee even beyond what we have accomplished in the past year.
hNS, ) The Committee arranges for talks and interviews on radio and TV; submits
fin to ideas for possible programs to stations and networks so as to give a better and
I (':1111- more sympathetic understanding of Israel to the viewing AmeriCAn public; and
short takes steps to counteract hostile propaganda in these media. In view of the
Tbp many millions of Americans wbo daily watch TV and radio, this is one of the
litienl more important media in which we must expand our work.
v how V. Oommittee on Oommunity Relations.-This Committee. under the chairman-
Ii of fl ship of Mr. Bernard Harkavy, has developed into a very interesting and useful
lhlems instrumentality. It concerns itself with the Negro community, a most complex
he r(L community where we have many problems. Because of the work which Israel
~11 he carries on in many new nations of Africa, however, there is a growing sympa-
Ihlirn- thetic response from tbe Negro community to Isrnel's role. Last year, Eliahu
nddi- Elth, then in charge of the Afro-Asian Institute for Labor Studies, came to
this country; we sponsored ~ reception for him, at the Israel Consulate to which
s just were invited the outstandi ,members of the Negro community in New York.
their So favorable was the impa f these men and women thnt we were told by the
• Anti- Jewish groups concerned"W h better inter-racial relationships that this effort
Intpr- helped them greatly in tlle1r own important work. Four staff people from those
ivpr:"i- Jewish ~roups have joi'tled our Committee which has already spread a better
gTOUp understanding of the impact that Israel has made on the African nations, theJ
Wp help which it is giving, and the bond of friendship which is growing up between
'ell as the Africans, for whom the Negroes feel a strong affinity, and Israel. Special
rwop!p mailings have gone to the Negro press; speakers and ,.films have been placed
o two before Negro groups, etc.
!lPlll i(' VI. Ptt,blic Relations Advi,'1ory Council.-This'is our newest Committee which
~nt in has had only its first meeting and, therefore, it is difficult to know how it will
with develop. One of the more Important public relations men in this city was in-
mhers vited by the Government of Israel to introduce a course on public relatioDS at
t only the University of Tel Aviv and to help the Government map out better procedures
elpful for its own public relations effort. Israel was delighted with the contribution
'I Hni- which this man made, and he, in turn, came back excited and deeply interested
letedl in Israel and everything for which it stood. We were asked to approach him
rpread to build up a committee of public relations men who could be called on when
hieve- and if problems arose which needed the technical know-how and assistance wb.ich
if the only such people could give. Mrs. Epstein approached him, found him most
l't>svonsi,e. He sent out a lettpr allll last '.... pel;: ];'i of tlH' outst:llldillg' puillic n" '1
lations men of tbis city sat around this tahle to consid('r hem' thl'Y ('ould ill' of :\
help in presenting a positiye Ilicture of Isr3('1 ill til(' t'.S. ( '01
The first meeting was inconclusi ve, inevitahly, 'Ve W('rP not llrl'll:l !"pd to t nt'k k 'I
specific problems. There was a varier! dp~rpe of I;:n()\\"led~(' and 11IHII'rstalldiu;..:·
of Israel among the men. but there was a real interf'st Oil t ht' p:lrt of n 11. .\ Zio
second meeting is being- called for which we will he much bpI IN prep..'ll'(·d. Wp .\
are hopeful that out of it will cOllie a g-roup to wholll WP t':IU turll and fro!ll () I' ;I
whoIU we l'an gpt the kind of advjcp that will pren'nt u-- frolll g-rtlpill~. 111iwlly '1
seeking- for the proper approach to our puhlic rplatiol1s problp!lI:'.
The RolC' Of tile Communities
One word about our effort to tran:,plant this work at tlH' ~ra:':'I'I)ot:, leyp!. -'
without which its final impact is lost. :\11'. Katzman will rp!lort at a latpr datI'
for tIll' Or~anization Ilf'pnrtment. bnt I W:11It here ollly to add a notf'. From tIll' .\
minutps of me-(>tillgs he-Id in suell eitie~ a~ Haltimol'(" I'hilntlplphia, Bnston. nnd "I
Dptroit. \\,p ~pt tht' stroll~ ff'l'liIl~ that some of that which is hein~ done in ~ew .\
York i:-; bdn~ tran,.:mitt~l anll rooted in the l·olllmllll.itie~. III Baltimore. for
in~tancp. ther€' will he a S('/llinar for Christian Cler~y llll(lpr the upg-b of :l
Johll~ Hopkin,.: Unin'rsity profes:,or. Our l'ffort to hring in 111l'1l and WOIrJ{'ll mg.
WhOSf~ e;eryil'es will hI' nvailal>le to Israel and to tllP Zionist 1Il00'elllPnt Cfin hp~t S"'ll~
he carriptl to a successful eone!usion throu~h thl' local Zionist ('(lundl:,. providpd 'I
tbey dra\\' il1to their work the best talents in their OWll commllllities. _\
However, we are only fit the be~inning of development in tbis field, both natioll-
ally antI locally. The prospeets for spreading a real nnderstanding of Israel bud
and of the Zionist movement among Jews and Christians in Illis country arp .:\
bright. I am con,ineed that it can 1If' donp. The mechanism is h€'rt'--whnt i:, T
needed is a willingn€'ss and enthusiasm of Jews and Zionists throll~hout the
country to mobilize their strengths, to func-tion as a unified group. and to seize .:\
the initiative in presenting tbe kind of picture of Israel and Our Zionist move- T
ment which we are trying to build. . t t'~t
One Illst word. From our experience with our volunteer Committees. we han' ('Plli
learned that we can attract into our fold men and women who have no present
Zionist affiliation, no definite understanding of what Zionism is-but who have pxn
an excited interest in Israel and a willingness to help. Out of their work on it 11
the Commttees comes a stronger sense of identification, not only with Israel but 1
with Jewish problems and with the Jewish community. Some of them arp ~\g(
beginning to understand tbe meaning of Jewish peoplehood. If we know how );
to exploit this willing-ness to become a more integral part of the Jewish people,
we can begin to meet our Zionist responsibility, which is an overwhelming one. of I
We must find the tasks, the approach, and the raison d'etre for Jews all oYer 1hi~
this country, who, through the channel of the American Zionist Council effort '1
and the wide program of activity it offers, wlll find their place in Jewish lifp
and will strengthen our American Jewish community for our own sake as .:\
American Jews, and for the cause of Israel. llUl
The C'I1.\llDI.\X. XO\Y, ]pt us see.
"Vas this report fn I'll ish pd tot he .J e\\" ish Agency-.\ lllP I'ic:ln Sect iOIl,
by the American Zionist Conncil ? .
~rr. lh:\1LIX. ~ir, this h:lno""I'iting on this mPlllol':lndllln indicatc:-, t lw
to me that it ,,'as sent to one of the members of anI' Execntin', who is A1
It mPlIlher of (lIIe of the governing hO(lnls of the ;<\meric:ln Zionisl
Coullcil. It llappf'lls 10 lw :l 1l1E'lIllw!' of 01W of the gO\'erning hoal'd~
of the .\nH'rican Zionist C'Ollllril.
The C'IUlR)[.\X. Hut 11(' is also a memlwr of tllP .Jewish .\genC'y? 1\
::\11'. I-Luuxl';. Yes. 1
The CI:L\IR::\L\X. Does this report aC(,llrately describf> the type of :\
activities of tht' AmeriC'an Zionist Council which "'ere heing financed ']
by the ,f ('wish Agency-.\meriean Section?
::\Ir. I-LnIl.lx. I ('ailnot answer that question honestly, :-;ir. T do ]wl T
know. . poi!
TllP CH.\m)rA~. 'Vho '\'ollld know ahont that? oyel
.:\fr. H.DfLIX, Sir? ill t
Ilk rl'- Till' ('II,\!I::\I \:\. "'Ill) \\Oll1d bl(I" a!J(llll t 11;11 (
I bl' (If \11'.11\:\11.1:'. I I'I't'c-lllll(' till' c-lallll\(,lldll'l':-> of 1111'\1:Il'rl";:ll Zi(Jlli~l
( 'oll!lcil.
) 1ad,]('
;I Illli ng-
'I' It I' ('II \IID!\:\'. YOII :In' !lot \'PI',' f:lIllilial' \\illl \\ hat Ill\' _\llwl'ic:llI
all. ,\ I.: iOIl i:,,1 ('Olllll' i I d(ll'~ ~ .
1. WI' .\ll'. llulJI:\', ) :1111 ill;1 L!"'Ill'ral \\a\. btl; 1 ;1111 lint ;111 otlin'l' 111l'I'('
I frolIl (lI' all 1·lllp[Oyl'l>. ~() I l':\llllll( '\'Olll'!J for ('lll'~l' act i\'il ip:".
111 iwll:v
Tlll' ('11;\11:31.\:\;. J)o V(lli :Ippro\'(' (If Illl' IJlldgl'l Illal Ii\('\ :->\ll)\llil 10
\' Oil ~

• If',"(,) ,
.\Jr. 11.\,\II.I:\'. ~(). "ir .
Till' ('lI \11:\\ \'\'. " ' j i l l dol'" ~
o III til\' ,\1", il.\\iLi:\. TIll' {I'l'a~'ll'l'l' did II; Illic- IIl·riod.
)II. a lid . j 'Ill' (' II \ II: \ I \ "'. \ r Ito i" I IlC t l'l':l ~ \11'(' r ~
11 ~ew
\11'. I h\ILI:\' . .\it'. LOlli" .\. ],ir\('u~.
rt'. for
:-; of :1 .\h'. B(WI\.~TEl:\', ""II'. C]Wil'lll:ll1. 1 thillk I Ill>!'!' \\;\:->;1 11li:->llIHll'I':->1:111d,
\ ' (J III (' 11 illg. YOli did 1101 1I1P<111 hilll pL>r~ol1;dl,'. )"1)11 nll'all " .. '(HI" ill Illl'
n I,Pst :-;{'II:-;r 0 f ( II U o!' L!';\ Il i z at j (j Il ~
TIll' CII.\lH\I\:\'. )'(':-;. II1\' .Jp\\·i~1t .\gl·IlI','.
atioll- .\fi'. BOl I\S'l'J:I:\'. 1)(' look it to Ill\':lll. dOl·...., 11\' 1)\'I'~oll;111,\ :11'1'1'(1\'(' I !1\'
ISl'fiel Iludge!.
ry arf> .\11'.11.\:\11.1:\. )'l's. I did.
bat i:-: Thp Cll,\llDl.\:\'. I>ot'~ the .\gPIl\'y appro\"(' tilt:, !Jlldg('1 ~
ut thp
o seizp .\fr. I h:\lLI!"': Yl'Sj sir.
move- 'I' hf' (' II ~\ lRlI.l A x. 'I'll i:-; \\':1 S a ppl'i od iII l!)f)~ in which. :I:' you ha \'l'
tp~litil'd be fort,. tllp ,\~!YIII'Y is l'olltl'illl1ling approximalply ~u pt'l'-
e han> ('1'1l1 of l'llf'il' lmdgr1, alld it would \IP quitl' natura] that you \\'()l\ld
o ba \'l' p.\.alllillP :llld :lj)jlrovp 01' lTil i('izl'. 01' \"hal you likp. the hud!.!pt. would
ork on it lIot ~
e1 but I d it! nol 111\';\11 ~Oll. IH'I':-;olla Ily. ill ('\'P1'y in:-;tall(,(,. hilt I 11leall till'
~lr. II.\::\II.I:\'. Y('s. thp organizalion, ('l'l'tai11]y. ~o\'" tilt, tr('llSUI'l'j'
of 11](' .Jp\\'islt .\g(>Il(',' \\,:1:-; n''111P~ll'd Ily IIll' p.\.pclllin' to IIl>gotiall'
I 11 is a 110(' a I i 011.
'I'll\' CII.\lIDL\X. "Tho did Itp 11Pgotialp "'itld
~rr. Ih.\ILl:\'. 'Yillt I{ahhi .\lillpr :llld ~lr. Hick. Illp In';j:Cll]'('1' of
Illl\ ('Olllll'il.
Thl' ClI.\iIDI.\:\'. That is rigltt.
d iOll, ~r 1'. I LUI L1:\. Yt's, si 1'.
TIH,> ('II,\IIDI.\X. Takt> tltt' ::'('('011(1 Ilal'agl'uph of that llH'IlIOI':lllduill,

Icat(':-, l!JpI'f'pol'l. I glH'<';S.:l<';yOII wOllld(,:tll il. I quote:

'110 i~ At thnt tillle the llppartmellt had a hudget of *7.•0.000
OlllSl "'] w t is "lllP dp}w rt ment 11 ?
al'd~ ~rI'. H.DILl.:\. Did \'on ask at what tillH.'~
The CHAllUIXN. ''\That does "the depul'tnwnt~'mean?
l\fr. HAMLIN. The department of information.
The CIL\IRl\IAN. Department of information?
e of :\11'. I-IAMLIN. Yes.
ncrd The CIIAIRMA'K (reading) :
Today the uudget is $175,450, with an obligation to carry Oil a ('omprl'}lPnsiYl'.
diverse and complex project which demands personnel mId funds, Howe\'l'r, sIll'
poilllpd out that purt of the work of the original council had now been ta}{Pll
on'r by the KellPn cOlDmittee whkh was charged with politkal action, forrnerl~'
ill the province of the Ampric'nn Zionist ('ound\, All apl))'ondl('''' to the Hill.
1J4-::it4- G3-pt, 9--10

to thp p,,Jiti<':ll partips, t't('" arp 110\\' 1I0t tax t'Xl'1l1pt. TillIs, grp:l!l'r 1'1ll111l:ISis \
i~ 1I0\y Pllt Oil till' lllOrp ~l1btlp :1ppro;J('h \\'hich, tbrnllgh po~iti\'t' presPlltatioll Illl '
of Israpl's ac-compli~hmPllts, aims amI purpose--:lncl b~' ('olllltl'ratt:H'k of the
lllUlIY PIlPlllil's of I sral'l atHI the ZiOIlist 1ll0ycnwl1t-helps to ('rpatp a fnyorablp
r ::::'1 ),

image of Israel anll tbe Zionist movement. pri

'Yas diI'C'et politk:ll action of the unsnbtle type at one tin1\' in tllP
prO\'ilH'1' of th0 .\nH'rican Zionist Council? 1Il1
~rr. H.nfLTx, I ha ve no persona I know INlge of this, Senator,
Thl' ('1I\I1D£.\:\. "'hat do yon me:lll bv the "'Kenen comnlittf'C'''?
I had 110t h0:1 I'd it l"efelTPd to rlS a committee lwfore. re
~rr. HY'I!.''.:, The "J\:P11Pll (,Ollllllitt('p" is tlIp .\meriC'a-Isral'l Public .J e
.\ 1l':1 i rs C()l1llllit tee. \\"a
The C'JI.\TIDL\X, T thought he was known as some kind of a 1\'P0I'tpI' shl
IIp to !lO\\", "'hat did he--
~fr. B(WI~~TT.IX. It '''as hrought alit, Senator, he was ill two eapac-
ities. He is the O"\"ner and publisher of a-what is it callt'd-"Near . /~('

East Report:' but. in addition, he is also t.he director oftlu' American- l'1J
ISJ':lpl Public .\fl'airs Committee.
TIll' CII.\IIDIAX. An(1 that is "'hat this is? is]
~fr. B()L'K~TEIN. Yes. .J (.
TIH' C'u.\ IlDr.\~. 'Ypll, we will just place t 11(' report III the rerord. AI


I sho', y01l a copy of fl Budget Digest of the Council of .Tewish
Federations and 'Velfl1re FW1ds, dated May 1961, concerning the
.\IllPl'i(':l11 Zionist. ('oUll(,il and a~k yon if this appears in your tilps~
~rr. l-hMLl~. Ye.". sir, this appeared in our files. .\
(Copy of the <lOCUIIIPllt l'('feITP<! 10 appeal's in full earlipI' OIl p. 123S, l!1
and reads in part as follows:) if
Tn order th:ll \YI'Il":ll'P Funds mkht ('oIl<lul'l tlH'ir lD61 ('alllpaig-n~ OIl thf' hn~i~
of in(,\l1~ion of thf' :lPPPlll of thp AZC, a nntirp \\":lS sl'nt to \Vplfnrp Fnnos hy
AZC 1':11'1 ...- in l!H;l illdil-:Ilin:,:- that tl1(' AZe \\"i:-;hl'(\ to l>eo ('on:-;idt'rPd a (\irt'et
IH>nf'fl('i:ll''y of "'('lfnn' FUIlds ill l!)Gl and lhat it \Youlll submit prog-ralll ami
hUd,go('tnr," infnrm:l\ion to til(' Council of ,JP\\'ish {-,p(ll'rations :lnd \Yf'lfnrl' FUlUls
:lnd :-;pl'('iti(' 1'1'«\11''';(:-; to l'11('h Fpdf'rntion Ilt a Inter outl'.
TIl(' inforlll:ltioll in this r('port is llru\\"n l:lr~E'ly frOID IInt:l sllhmittl'd hy .\Ze
ill 1l('('(ll'lI:llICl' ,,'jtIl this lloti('p.
Thp AZe 'HI"; f"nllPrl~' lillnnl'pd h~- thE' ,Tpwish A~f'n('y for Isrlll'l. hut this
fillancinl support W:IS to ('('liSP at l\lnrdl ::1. l!lt;l, ThC' SOlll'('f' of this ,Tpwisl)
c\g-I'I\(,~' support (If till' A7.C' was thp 1".1.-\ \\'hi('h is financ-ect hy \\r('lfnrC' Funds.
Thl' .:\ZC is :-;pl'l,ing din'd support from \\,plfart' Fnnds sinc(> the I'('()r~aniznti()n
of thf' Jp\\'hh Agency for Israel, Inc., in 1960 resulted in tbe separatiou of AZC
;1<'1 iYit ips frolll tIll' \Ia:-;ic' 11rO~rallJs of iIllmig-rnnt aid whif-h will ('ontiuup to he
IiWII1(,poi 1l~ thl' .Tl'wish .\~('ncy for 1sl'nC'1. This sf'pnrntion wns in linf> with tIl(' a~
prillC'iplp th:l t ch'<'isioll,"; and support of (\omestk al'tiyities sbouhl Iw ll1aoe hy vi
tilp .\llll'rkall .Tt·wish ('olllH1uuit.v rathpr thnn h~' an intf'l'nationnl ng-eney, w
Thl' hud:':-l'!:l ry Ip\'('1 of sl,4fl3,487 for 1!l61-62 is IIpproximl1fely tht' salllP ~('

t'xpellditure len'l as for 1960-61. the terminal year of Jewish Agency support. of
"'ith tht' transfer of financial responsihility Hnd progTam ndministratinn from A
thp Jewisb Agpuc;\-, thl' AZC plans to examine tbe transferred prog-rams to nNeI'- III
mine wlwthflr changes are fl'llSihle or desirahle liS well as tbe levN of operations
which \\ou]<1 hI' IH'Cl'ssitated hy realistic- financial prosppctR or f>xpNienec. ni
Thl' major hflallin~s in tllp AZC expendltlIrl:' ano ineome bndget for Wfil-62 nre \\'
indi('H tpd 11 t t l!f' end of tbis report. The amotmts ~on~bt from each sourc(' of
inc-ome. as rf'lnted to eaeh type of program, nre nlso indicnted,
1. The InfoT'motion and Pllblic nclation.'l Depar·tmcnt ($32..~.350) Is eoncerned
with Ilrojectiug a positive nnderstanding of Israel on the Amerlean scene. Its
prog-ram is also dp~igned tn eomhnt Arab propaganda wbiC'h results in (,I'entin~
anti-J('wif.:h feeling.
'lIIpll:l:-:i ~ III "rd"I' t" (':Irr.\ "liT llih 1<1',,;':I';IIIJ. Ill" .\Z(· 11li11Zl'" \:Il'i"ll:' (orllis ,d' IIJa~:-:
I'll In Ii 011 Ill\'dia '1':ltlill, 11'/t,\'j",j"lI, lillJl. pt'riudi"als I ~;.;~,:W(J). I I "1'I'r:lll':-; Ull t':>.:lt'lIsive
- of tilt' ~\ll'al.:l'rs· BUrt'au I $7:!,700) wlli('iI is availalJle mainly to nOIl·Jewish or 1l01l-
1 yora hlp
~,'('l ;ll'i:11I ~r("II''' ;t lid lJI'II\ ide'" "lid, g-roul''' wil U l"r:I\'] spt'uk"r" 1'1'0111 all II ppro-
prinll' !lI'(Jfe,.;:,;i(in Ill' with othl'r persons prominent in Israel.
> in thr 'I'llI' ('IL\IH,\I.\:\. On the soc.olJU pagr, you \"ill note then' thE' follow-
ing srIllence:
TIJ i." :-l'p'!ra t j(JII-
ittrr" ?
1'l'{'(,l'ring to ::;~parati()11 of the American Ziolli::;t Cou1lcil from tll$
Public .}pwish ;\grncy-
\";1" ill IiIif' with thl' prillt'iplf' thnl dt'('i",jtlll" ;llId support "f dlllll~;-;til' at'li"itie~
l'I"x)J'! rr "hOllld 1)(' llll! <1 .. t I)" I he ;\ IIlpril'l\l1 .J PW ish l'ODllll unit y ru thpr than by an illterna-
t ftllla I II ~1'11' '.\. ~

I r;) pac- Am I correct in assuming that since the .Jewish Agency--AnH'riean

"Near iOIl. l,(,~llIlll-d financing- thr American Zionist Council. the prin-
cnClln- I'i pit- I'l' t'1~ITl'd t () ]\l~I'1' 11;\;.; eit hpr heel! changed or ignored?
~h, 1I.\:\fJ 1:'\, ~ir. rhi:-; r{'port was publi~lt('d by the Coullcil of .Jew-
ish Federat ions and 1V('lfarE' Funds and it was t hrir opinion (hat the
.'('\\i~h _\!!l'llI'Y should llOI engagr in any su(,h a.cti\'iti('s on the
cord, American scene.
The .Jewish Agency, .Jerusalem. never made any agreements with
I he ,Council Federation in that regard.

Jewish Fl \'E J\IE~lIlIL\~J)lTXi'

ng the
'I rs ~ TIlt' show VOll now five mp!11ol';\ndullls from the
("1 \IIDl.\:\',li
.\ I1H'ri(';lll Zion j::;t C'ollnci I (lal('d ~ ovember U" U)():2, J)c('pmher :?8,
). 1:?3R, 1!)(;~. ,J;tlll);lry ;3, We3, I<\'uruary 27. Ifl63, ~lJ\d )1arch 4.1!)()~: and a,sk
if t hl':-'ol' lIH'll\orandums appeareu in your files?
hE:' hn~i~
I .iu~t \\'i~h to insert them in t.h~ record, if you idpntify t1lPI11.
tJno~ hy ~I r. II"rLlx . Yes, they comp from our files,
a dirE:'<:'t (TIll' llll'lllOrallclullls referred to follow:)
alii and
.\~fERICAl\' ZIO?-i.IST ('on~cJ1.,
l' FtlIllls
New rorie, S.l'" l\'ovcmb<l1' 11" 19fj~.
h~- .\Z('
;0.;0. 31-K

:lut thi" To: Local Ziolli~t Count'il Chnirme11 ano Key Community Ipllders .
.J <" .... i ~ I) Frolll: :\lr~. ~10~t'~ 1'. Epsteiu. (,hairman, D{'lmrtment of Infor1ll8tioli and pnblic
Fllnd~. RI'lat iOJl~.
nizll tioll TUE ARAB REFUGEE ISSUE Jl\' TilE U.N.
of AZC
If' fo he In t\\"l) wpt'ln: tIle AralJ refugee issue will be before t.he United ="lltions. Once
"itll thp ~g':lill tbe dclel;:tlt's and tl}(~ public at large ,,,,ill
bu\'e to liRten to tbe Arnb~'
}flo<, hy \'itlll)'t'l'llti\"(' attacks on Israel. This year a new factor enters the scene. Yon
"'ill recall that a year ugu Dr. Joseph E. Johnson was appointed special reprp-
(' S:lllip :,;enta Ii \'t' of the Pulesline Conciliation Commission and charged with tbe task
;upport. of llIuldllg' an on-the-spot study of the prooIem in an effort to find a solution.
,n from Althoug'Il tlJeY ha \'e not been officially published, the results of this st.udy are
J ONpl'- 110'" kIlOWI\.
'I'a tions It is illlportant that you have the facts 011 hand and we are, t.herefore, plan-
Iling to spnd you soon Ii detail£'d fact sheet. In the interim, this memorandum
-62 nre will :"e!'\'£' to inform you of reCent developments. .
llrCl' of TIle core of Dr. Johnson's pr0P.,osals is his recommendation that a poll be
tnkf'n n llIong the refugees to determine whether they prefer rt'pa trill tion to
}C'ernN! ISrllel. resettlpment in the Arab countries or t'migration elsewhere. Althoug-h
Ie. Its Israel woulo have the rigbt to reject individunl Araos as s£'curity risks, th~ '1,
I'entin~' rl'jecteo .\rnlJs could appeal adverse decisions to an impartinl body operating
111lcJpr the auspice'S of the United
, Nations.
13 -')
t: ·\('1"\'1'1'11':-:'
.,_.. t • (l!' .\(;':\:T";' OF FOH:IC'\" PHI'\'CIP.\L';;;' IX CS,

\Yilll flit' 1'\"'1'li"lI "f ~.\Ti:l, tIlt, .\1':11, ,'1:111"" 11:1 t' I "r "IIi, :.,i! ri·i", If' ill, ,
1,]:111. TIIt,\, 1'.1\1' 1"'1 il,) l;lt,I'. !J,'I\t'U'I', ill I,\!,y",,'il':~ r!lt'ir "i·:,,,,·tj"ll I" i:,
fllr :ItTl'1'!:III('(' \\'I)lIld 1I11':1ll :ld,lIlIwl''1I~j I!.:' {"r:I,"'..: (''\i'I'':['I' :1 '·'Hltlili"11 1"
'" II i I ·11 l!l,' \ a 1'1' 1111: il! I' r : il oJ \' "PI" '" \'( l.
.\ltl",II;ll I"r:!t'l iJ:1~ III"t n'j('('(p,j ~hp ilrllllll";:I)'; "ft-kill'j\', it 11;1"; ill<!il':Itl',j II,
OPIHtsitioll to tiJ,' plali \\'hkh it clln~idpu~ ;;111 a \j,,]:lti"!1 "I' Ii" :..:,,\·,.. rpi~1I n:.::lif 'j"] :
I" d,',·itl" 11'1,,, 1":11,,'111,' lI'jfiJi,1 it ..: 11111'(1,,1''', ':.!I 11,,'1';,,11": '''1'''.1' I" I I , ",,111'11\ ['"1" ':11
,llld I:~I" '·'HIIi,]"·I., "\';,:,,1\ of tllp !"I':1l '1I11l1ill11 I" II't' :'I',,!,I'.'!'I 1I'!li,'!J i" :'11 "1,,1
10 ht'l]i:.:,'n'lw\' alld :t tnlt' tlp..;in: fill' 1'(':1 1 '1'.
\\'1' an' 11Oi"('flll tliat \ylWIl nllr r;nH'rJ11I1('llt j,.: 1':111,'11 11["'11 I" Illkp it";,,.:l;lll,]
on thl' rpfu~Pf' qllP;.:tjlln ill tliE' r'lIit~'d :,\;llioll~ C,'lIpral .\""pndoly, 11 WI]I :If' 'I'll,
proa('], tlll'~p dplihprnlinllf; in fnll a\\·;JrPIlt'~."; that thp prirll'ip:l1 i~""t' at ~t;il,., I'l'fug
i..; II"! tilt' ,\ralt rpfll:!"t' "ro!Jlf'Ill, till I .\rnlt 1)('lligl'J't'IH'P t'l\\'nrd 1"1';1(,1. TIll"; l' "UlII
h'lli:':"I't'lI"!' il:l..; hilt 11\:1' :Ii:n: rlil' p"'l"rlllillation Ilf bra!'!. Thl' rpfllL:'pl' prohlell1 I'll,.:~il
i~ 'l·lf i" 111I'!'!'h' ltf'il1:':: 1)..;I'd a"::1 nH':ln::; to thi~ ('IH1. (If tb
Til:l! i-, \I'll;' [ I I ] ' 11\',,1' 1"'111'11"'11 ,\',,:\1" .\1'::1, 1":ld.'r" 1:'1\" " ",j.,·.1 11,1)1" ;,,'1"1:'::'" ~ "nt l,u
!Ialn·d 1'.1)' \';':1"1. ;J1,d ,11:11 ;, ',1 !~.'. Iii".\' 1t;IY,· f\'fll'I'd I" til" .}" ;'11\ ""llltillll "Ili,'r ;111 t i - ~
tll:lll l"t'p:lfriatillll. TILl! j..; :Ii .... ·, \\11.\' ill 11t·,·il' ill,j'!('I' ',' "J ,II" !'1l1tii!nll'llt ,,1' W 110
j';lrllL:'r:q,1t II (,f t!lt' I~I! ... 1'.'\ I:.":":1']llli"n ,,·ili,·1t l'r'l\'id,', f"r 111,' nolllrn "f rll,' ilLllig
rt'fllL:'I"''', tll"\' ILlYI' "I1!1"j"t,'lllh' ;t\'"idt'd :111 1',,1'1'1"'11"1' 111 Ill" "II·,jif\·ill:':: ,,1I1':1'" lIui<1,
"1'I'f'1:'::1'(':": lI·i~hillc.'" III 1'1'(111'11 /" illl'ir l"lIllt· ..: ;11111 li\',' ill 1'1':1""" 1'1';1,'" i:..: 11"1 L111'il' <111<1 I
illt"Ilt. :'\lll,' .\11'. \::l . .;;;t'r'" ,.:l:II.'1l1l'1I1 : "If Ih,· .\ra])" 1"'1111'11 I" /:..;1':11'1. 1.... 1':1(,1 \\i]l ('0111(1
"l'a,(' I" p\j"t. TIlt· .I"IIII"oll prl,!,,''',I] fill' fr.·,· ,·il""·I' I" Ill" 1'1'(1)1.:'1'1''', ill ""I' h,J,.;sa
IIpillillll. 11111,.:1 Ill' \'j('\\"'t\ ill 1hi" li!.:lIt, [!lis ~
.\["n'II\·,'r, rh,' ,J()IlII";('" J,r"p",.:al "tTt'r..; 111\ plall ..; fill' rt's,'ltlt'l!II'I1I, In<!H'd, ill tlIat
P:1~t .\,pal'~ a/]l'J''',k''l'': I,,"king' 100YlHd fhp intf"<,!ratil'lI ,,1' til,' 1'1'1'11::1'(>" ill tlw AI':II, :ll1d I
,·'l'tllltl'jl'~ 11;[\'1' I'Pt'll rpjpl'l\'<! h~' .\rah !P1Hlers: thl' ~:.!OO Illillillll ;;1'1 n,.:i<!p hy tilt·
{'niH',l :'\alillll~ fill' 1",',.:('tf]PIIlPllt PIlf/H1Sf'!" in l!I,i:,! rl'lllnill(>t1 l;lrl:'pl~' Illltoll,.JII·tI.
It is si,gnificant (lInt Ihp Arah~ ',ho so piously ill\'ok,' pnr;l::rnph 11 of thl' 1~'1" t
n('~Ollltillll np,'pl" rpfprrp!l (0 till' ~prtilln whirh rnlls for llIP:1":\lrl'!" til f:lf'ilitall' Ihl'
"rl',.:pttlPlll(·nt flll!l ('('nIlOllli(' anti ~o<'ial I"phahilitntion of tlIP rt'fllg'pl's",
Th~ dehatE' will alf;o ff'ature thp Annual Rrport of Or, .John II. !l;I\'i:::, ('''IIIIJli,.:
siIlIlPr'(;PIIPrnl "f till' {':'\H.\\'A, Thi~ rp!)()r( is H'r~' distllrllillL:': it pln~':": din'dl,\'
into (h(' hHll!l~ Ilf tIl« .\rahs hy H,TPplin,g :I~ fact Ihp as":\llllpl illil tll:lt Ihp AI':lI.
~tat('s ('ann('t ah:::orh tllp n'fugpp,.:, Dr. ])avis fail,.: to ta1.;p illtn :\I'('111111t tlw rl'pnl"l
~lIhlLlittp!l to thp {'nitpd :'\atinns h~' thp lnl(' Dn'g' I1nllll1lnrsk.i"ld ill l!).in, ill whidl
hI' olltlinr!I :I pInn for tIl(' p('onomic rphahilitatilln nnd dp\'pI"I'!IIPllf tlf Ill(' .\lidtllp
East that. would pnnhlp Iht· Arah ('olllltrfp~ to :Ihs"rh tItp I'l'fllg'('P". Tllnt tIll'
proillplll is not p('onomic hut llUrl'ly politil'al is cIpal'ly illtilllat('(l il~' Ill'. J):l\i~
\\'lIPll hp "h,,('rYl's that lh(' IlPopl(' of tIll' !'E'g'ion wnnt \'c'on"II!i(' <!pY(']OpIlIPllt ""lid
nt :III 1\I·(·t'iprntptl ratl', hnt not in till' ('fmtpxt of rpfll~('l' t!P\Y10Pllll'llt", :\1 "fl.'-
on'r, in oppo,.:ing nIl "\\,(lrk~'t~ dp~i~llpd 10 ~prtl,' 1 !It' I'pfll·...::('(',.: .. flll I ht'
,grolllltl that Illfl~t of th('lll an' 11l1Plllpl",\'ahIl'. PI', Iln\'i,.:' ft')!I)rl f;ti!:..: to rpfl('(·t tlll'
I'flll~idprahi(' IlIl1l1hpr of ff'fngE'P~ who hn \'p h('('OIlII' ~('If-:..:nl'fto!'1ill~~ :11111 [Olllltl Pili'
I'lo:nllPnt in tllP .\rall ('ollntrie~,
Ttlt' ~p('IITit~· situation in th~ :\liddl~ Enfo;t ha~ WOTf;enf'd. HE'pntr!;ltion todn~'
rpprpspnf.o; lUI ~v~n grefit~r tbrE>ut to p~ll("r in tb~ area tllnt fit any tinw ~ill('(,
1!4,.... A 1II11T1lwr of factors contrihntp to thif; sitnfltion: Rpfng'f'fl~ hn\'p 111'('1\
pxtPll~i \'{'I~' 1Il0hiIi7.Nl and trn inpd in npighhoring Arnh (,oI1l1tri('~ fllr tlH' fight
nL:'niu~t h:rn('): ill Ow Ga7.n Strip alone tWtl hrigndf>s nre to hpftlUIHl.
Ttl(' ('nrrPllt ~trugglp in YPnJpn may also provp to havp a dir('ct hearing' on .\rnh-
T~nl('I tl'llsion. Shonld thp rl'hE'ls in Yemen. nctin'l.'" hn('!i:('(} hy pr.o-:'\:Is~('r
for('ps, triurllph oyer thORf> Yen!f>ni troops whieh nTf> f;upportNI h,\' Ramli Arahia.
:"llsspr might ~llf;ily ('onw into pm;f;('ssion of thp f;trntt;gic Ran(li oil rf'SOur('('~.
Thi~ ('ouffl s~r,(' to fortify him in his pn'parations for nn atturk ngainst IsrapJ.
All ollt~tRnding' (liff('rf'nc{'~ hE'twef'n Isr:1PI find thr Arnh States-the Arah
rf'fngp(' prohlf'Ol in<'iudpd-ar(' tIl(' ontgrowth of thp nhspnl'(' of II(>:1I'f>, Only
It.'" ~('<'lIring a ~oll1tioll of nil thf' prohlplll" which f'xi~t !lplw('pn t!lP t\yO pnrtif'f; ('an
an.'" OIW of Ihl' prohIplIls hf' ~olvprl.
!' hoe
of t
, .\\ i j\ JI i: -.. \)1\(,1:\1.-; II! IOBUI,:\ PHI:\ClP.\L:::' 1:\ CS, 13;j3
I, -
III I J .\ f
\\ /-1 '\;.-1
r"rl,', .\.} .. }), ('/
\, II.,
r!', I fl/;!.

1": I.,,..;J! l,i,oIll.-' ('uUIH'd ('!IuinlJUll ulI\l Key ('U)lJIIJutlity ].\'atler""

1,'r"~11 : ~I !'.-. ,\i"'l'" i'. I-:!,>lt'IIJ, Cl1ainll<llJ, /ll'jlill'[ 1IIl'III "t' llt("l'lll.illllli all.1 l'uhlit
TIlE .\I(.\U1{EH LEE I:ssn: 1:\ TIIE L'.:\.-:\u. ~

;1 " 'l'llp (;\'Ul'1';d .\::;sl'llllJly reCl'lltJy l'Olllplpted it:; :Inullal 111'lwtl' 011 tlw "\rali
Ik,' I'l'!"ugpl' qUl'Sl iUll. .\:,; usuul. the Arabs con:,;umed the time iu tile ~pel'ial Pulit icul
t 'uUlIIlittee. wlH're tlJe tldlUte took place, in waking attack" rather [lJau ill ili,,-
em "llSsing the issUl's ill\·uln-(!. Thb year they rcached a Ill'W IllW in tlw \'ieiousness
of their allti-Israel uud auU-Jewish tirade:,;, Particularly \·itriolh- were the
f't ...
IIut Il1Irst:; of .\hllll-<! ~llUkairy. of Saudi Arabia. who had hl~h praise for the
,lid i -;-;('Illit i(' Tat'w,lra lUo\'ellJl'nt in Argentina. and of Hussein Seuri, of Egypt.

1 ...... (·
I,j I"
who rl'fern'(j to Israel as "a :"azi sUIte," III protest the Argl'ntine delegate
illllig-Il<tntl~' dl'niet.l the Slguiticau('e of the Tueuuru organization; Don Haymon
I Illitlooro, of Chilf', rf'jf'cted the movenient as violating humanitarian principles.
allrl HpI'lll()(1 Lannuug. of Denmark. lashed out "in the name of decency" at tbe
ill ('OIIl[l;lrisoll of I,..:rapl with t.l.ll.' :"azb. Israel's Permanent Represput.atin\ Am-
I.: r,.; sa dol' ~l i('ha pi COllJuy. ga n' expn'ssion to the bi tter a uger of brael ag-ainst
Ihis shameful l'(jUatiOl-:' of Israel with :"azislIl, On the eontrary, he indi(·atet.l
ill tllat a do,..:l' link l'xists hptwE"en sOIllE" Arab rpprt>~elltatives and propagaudists.
<Illd IlPo-:"azi awl Ileo-!<'ascist ~roups,
Thn'e resolutions werp pr('sented to the Political Committee:
1. A "IIl'a('p rpsolutiou" eallillg upon Israel and the Arab States to uuder-
II' '
takp dired IH'.~otiations Oil all outstanding issups. with special referen(-e to
the .\ra1l refugee question. Wag sponsored by ~l African, Latin American
HIHl EurtJll('au Ilations, It was witbdrawn.only after Arseue A. Usber. of the
Ivor,\' ('past. l'xplailll'd. on bf'half of the 21 sponsors. that this action was
t 1,\'
h('in~ lakpu 1;(-('a1l"(' other dell'lplles f('lt thp resolution was untiOlt>l)'. He
ill<lit'atl'(l. ho\\'t'n'r. lliat Ihl' ?'punsors still adhere to the principle of dire<:t
11' t
pptl.t'e talk". .\lthoug-h the Cnited St.ates refuspd to l"upport thb resolutioll
011 IIIP I-{rounds that t.hp timing was not fllvorahle. C.S. Delt>~ate Carl T.
·Ro'"a II i1.(·k now ll'd~p<1 that it is H'ry diffieult for Israel to ('OOlllrom ise "i n
I hp fH('(' of eOlltillued threats against her existpllce." The attitude of the
Isr:lPl C':O\,(-I'lIIllPllt toward this resolution \\'a~ summed up oy :\11', Comay:
.. It [th(' brapl Go\'t'rnmE"nt] can cousider it,; attitude and policy on til{'
I'l'fll~(,(- qllt>,..:lion onl,\' with regard to the ~ituatioll as a wbole. and the sit-
hp .
lIation illf'lIHh·s the :-.:tate of relations between Israel and its Arah neighbors,"
2, A resolution requesting the appointment of a U.N, custodian over Arab
rI I -
property in Israel was sponsored by the three Moslem states of Afghanistn.n.
Mauritania, and Pakistan. Except for Arab support, it re<,eived no backin~.
Mr. Rowan called this proposal' a step "clearly designed to strike at the
"pry foundatioll of Israel's soverei~nty." This resolution too was withdrawn.
I'll ~. A resolution asking for a two-year extension of the United Nations
ht R<:>lief and Works Agency (UNRWA) m3ndate--due to expire in June 1963-
to .Tullp 1f16;,) "'as introduced by the United States. Originally the 'Cnitpd OJ
It- States. which bears 70% of the cost of the Agency's operations llnd prefers
an annual review. favored a one-year extension. This was the only reso-
a. lution to be passed by the Political Committee and to reach the General
.\ssrlllhly. where it was adoptpd hy II Yote of 100 to 0, with two ahstentions,
'I. In addition to extending UNRWA's mandate, this resolution expressed
gratitude to the Palestine Conciliation Commission "for its efforts to find n.
I,\" way to pro~ress on the Palpstine Arab refUge problem." Israel, failing to
secure a sf'parate Yote on this section, abstained in the final vote.
nl1rin~ the !"ession a hearing was given to the Annual Report of Dr. John H.
Dll vis. Commissioner-Gl'neral of UNRWA. Golda Meir, Israel's Foreign Min-
ister. told thl' Political Committee that Dr. Davis had exceeded his authority
when, in his rl'port, he opposed future economic and development projects in
Ih(' ~Iicldle Bast in connection \~·ith the refugees. He thus placed himself, she
indicated. in direct opposition to the late Dag Hammarskjold's 1950 report, which
strpssed the p('onomie development of the entire area as a key to the integration
of the refugl'es. It should also be noted that when Dr. Davis. states that the
] 3,~-t .-\CTlnTIE;;:' OF .\(;E:\TS OF FOREIG:\ PRI:\CIPALS 1:\ r.S.

";la~lI;lllt .\fal. {·'·"Il"II:j(·," :Ill! till' ~{'ll"f:l! '''lplllp!''...·:lloilit . .· IIf 11](' H·fll,""'·"; ;tr::w'..;
aeain,;t intf'gratiol1. hf' also pomps into dife<'t confti('t with thl' 1fl.'!I·CO .\nnunl
T' :\HW;\ Rf'P<lft. which tplls us thnt "hulldreds of thousand,; 0f rpfng-pf''; hn H'
p..;t:lhli..;lwd tlll'ln"pI"\'..; ill IIII' pxpalldill:! p('onlllnip..; "f Iht· .\r;ll, (·"1111Iri,·"," Tilt'
t'.S. (~o\'('fnmpnt rpfnspu to a,;<;ociate itself with some parts of na\'i< Hepoft. Til: I
'1'111' n;"j,..: ill 111(' {' \·.·is "YPf fIll' thf' pfPSf'nt. Hut fnr ISfnpl mnn:- efisf's nnc! From
monnting dangers rpma in <Ill the oiplomatic ann military fronts. Thf' Johnson ReI
1'1:111 "'illl il,; prllp",..('d l"!·ftll:pt· f(·f(·f\'IH!II[Jl \\'[1, 'lillil {t·d fl"lI!11 thp PC(' I:l'port
til tlw Gf'TlPrnl Assprnl1ly bf'ranse nf stron!! 0pposition on hoth ,..:ilIp,;. Thl'fe is
till' III
('Yn .... illdir;lti"n. 11o\\'Pyef, that Ill(' l'nitpd Statl's has Itot nhnno('IJ('(\ till' f''',..:('nc('
the pt
of the PlaIt and thnt it still intpn'ds til pres." for thp imp!f'mentatinn nf Para-
::!raph 11 of thf' If).J,,< Rl'Sn111tion ~'hlC'h caJis fnr thf' ff'pntrifltion of thost> .\rRh,..:
En vh I
who wish to "lin' ill p('are with their neighhors" in tbe Stntp nf TSl'fIPl. This
. \ t"
jc; !>h\'inll~l:- impo-=c;ih!f', fnr ('on('nrnitnnt \yitil (lpm:llld" fnr f0pntriniion of thp
rpfugepc;. Arah lpadpf<;. tht:' Arah prpss and Govprnmf'llt radio pN"li"tPfltly pr n - tinn. '
t liP t \
r-lnim the intf'nt to d0~tro:- Te;rael fino rptllrn the rpfl1g0Pe; til fin .\rrill l'nlpstinp.
()n F'pJ)J"\lflfY 11, 10r.~, Rndin Cairn announced:
"Th(' Ipn(1prs nf thp l'a!ef'tini:1n nation in Onzn reporten th:1t IlH' pllhlif'ntion \liddl
111' fIJI'
of the I Egyptian) {'on"titution rE'presents an aortitiona] stpp towuros the lih{'rn-
tinn (,f tlH'ir h'111101;1I1,1. p;lrtirlll:lrl:v nflPI' thp l":\H hAil stfP!l:..':tllf'I!"d Ihf'
Palpstinians' arnH'cl forcps flno hno thnronghly trfllDPo them." ('brigt
Only a fe\, da.'s ag" (DeC'emher 23) :'\assef declarell : I:.-rael
".\s soon ae; Wp havp comp!pteo pllrging Arah cOtmtrie~' of their rp[lrtionflTy \\'c!<'o
1i(-a tit
mlr-s we "hall. Gort willing, start on the ltberation of tbe plnnderi'll fntherland
(Tsr:lel L" ,;ubmi
:\fi1itnrily. thp U.S.:;:;.R. cOl1tinl1es to supply thl' DAR with heav...- wpnpons and 1ike! . . '
long-range'misc;j]ps. The preAPnC'e in Yernpn ouring the C'nITPnt rrisi!'! of 12.000 \-itati,
Egyptian troops pIns large S1.tpplles of tAnkA and aircraft testif...,. to a l1lassive t iOllal
~ {'\\' ~
On Israe!'s northern border Syrian troops are rnas~d. Syrian ,~ns aTl' trnilJPo.
and the frontier area j,,,, nnder full Syrian military control. Thf' 1!\-eQ of Ic;I'apli,..
are threatenNI dally. Ino('{'o, civilian ~ttIt'mE'nt~ han." comE' under S:-rinn :lrtil-
!ery fire, with Tt'l Kntzir only the !ateitt in a seri~ of episodt's. Israf'! has
hrought the mattf'r to the Chif'f of Stnff of the t;.~. Troc-e Supt'rvislon Org-anizn-
tion and to the Chnirman of tbf' Israe-I-Syrian Mixf'o ArmistiC'f' ('.ommi<lsion ano
has warnt'o that if these R~('ncles are unable to put a !'ltop to the- aggrt'ssiH' To: ,J
Rction, Tsrnel will he- forct'd to take !ITep!'! to prot€'('t itse-If. From
It is irnportnnt. therefore-. that in your approa('b to pnbllc opinion mo!(ll'fS and Date:
'civic !t'adf'rl'l you makE' them fully awnre of the following- fact!"l: Subje
1. Under no clrcumstanN'S can Israel takE' back the Arah rf'fugE'es. t'xc-ppt We
within the context of an ove-ran peace settlement. Under tht' present cir- ff'plje
cnmstanl'es, the rptum of thE' refugoeps, who are- C'ontinunlJv told h, their your I
I('aders that some day they will push the Il'lraelis into th(' !"lea' and are' organ- Iti
ized into military units to fight agninst ISTael, can only endanger tbe- ~('-('urit:v II FIe t
of the state. the re
2, U.N. funds must be UFlM to promote works and development projects We
which win make it pO!'lgible for the refugeE'S to build new li,es among their that:
own people in the Arab lands, as ,lewish refugees have done in Israel. ThE' !lot 9.1
benefits of a prospering Middle East can then be shared by native popula- W{'
tion and refugees, by Arab States and Israe-l alike. ' thE' fl'
3. In this connection. the "Works" part of the.UNRWA program mmrt bE' Kit
stressed as a means of preparing the refugees and the area for such integTa- II
4. As in all parts of the world, face-to-face talks between Israel and the
Arab States mnst be sought in order to solve aU outstanding issues. No

longer then will the Arab leaders be able to use the Arab refugee question
as a weapon against Israel, but rather it will assume its rightful place (~
as only one part of the larger problem. which i~ the refusal of th(' Arah grad,
States to recognize Israel's existence. dress
Kindest re~ards. Qu
15. l'
II':':IJ(', :"\0, 1 I
han> .\\IU:IC\:\ ZIO',bT 1'f)l:.\'IL.
Thl' Yi /1" } urI: . .Y.} .. Jriil/(III'!1 ,~, l!/fj.J.
Irt. To: Lo('al L.iolli~t CUlll1l'il Ch(linlleu ami Key CUlltllllIllit.y Lt'adl'r~.
~ and
Frum : ':\lr~. ~l()s('s 1'. Epstein, Chairman, Department of Information and Publi\-
hnson ReI a tiolls.
prp i,.: The Aut('ri\':lIl Chrbtiall As"ol'iatioll for bnwl. au OI'!.:(I11izati"11 d\'di,'al.(,(j lo
'"pnre rh(' pl'Ollloti'dl of fri('IHblliV ;llId ull!lpr,.:talluiug 11\'t\\'l'ell AIIJeri(';lll Cl,:·i,.:tian,.: Hlld
1 be [wop]p ( I f br;l\'l. ha:-; n'\'l'llll~' tl('('n or~;llliz('d uudl'r Ih(' jlrp"idl'llI'.\· qf Ill'.
,\nth,.: Howaru \f. Le~ullrd. formerly a d('all at Bo"tqu {·uiq'l'"ity. aud 11,(' H"Y. 1\::11'1
]{:I('lJr, dil'!'('lor,
If thp ,\ ('IIIIl)lI('«o "tal('lIll-11I of priw'iplp,,: b ('ollUtiued iii tIll' tir"t i",ul' ( I f it., publi('a-

pro- tion. "Chri"ti:lllS allli IsraeL" lOU will note that the organiZ:Hion hn" ~l't it~('lf
>~tine. thp (\\'ill glial" (,1' illll'rprplin;.; "I"ra('['" \'it;!! rol(' ill t!ll' '\'(ll'ld 111' lo(ja.\' a" :1
df'IIl(JI'rHti(' [ort'p" and thp ndQll1('('llll,nt of till' cal!"t' of \'(':1('(' and \'I'plLtrp ill tbl'
ntinn \Iiddll' Ea"t. Tilt' "!ii",'r,, :111<1 tl1\' ;'\'atiOl1.1l Ad,l!,(II"\' ('1I11111lil!('('. ,till ill !'I'II('('"''
Ill' fllrJll;llillll, i" ('lIll1pri"el! of I1J('1l aud \\'Ollll'U of UIIl(' III \-ar!(>!},.: wall..:" II[ 1iff'.
1 thl' You \\'ill ri'alli]y I"('I'()~niZI' tbl' illl!'orlancp 111' :1 \\{'ll-infllrlllf'(1 anL! ndi,p
('hristian group to S('fW' as a hridge of under~tanding het"'f't>n .\mel'icans and
I "r:ll'li". \\'1' I,now Ihat tlll'r(' urt'wany Chrj"tiuu" ill yUill' ('O]lilllUllit,\' ,,110 '.\·oul<1
nnary \\-e!eoll,(' affil::ttion witb "\1<'11 au ()r~;lIlizatioli. .\" illdi":lll'd ill thl' ntl:1l'/wl! pnll-
rland lii·atioll. thp annual dup<; arl' a nominal ~~,OO, n'C' "·ould. thC'rf>foI't,. a"k you to
"ubmit lIlt' llamf'S and addresses of those in your community whom .'ou consider
S nnd Itl,('l;\' (·andidnt(',.; for .\C..\.1, "0 that t!ll' ~ationa! Oflil'e ('all ('xtl'lId tu thcln an ill-
2.000 \'itation tn join. \\'p ,,'oull! apprel'iat.e your indl1rling full tith'" and ",galliz:l-
""i,e tiounl affiliations \\'}WI'I'H'r pml"ible. Kindly addl'('s,: your ('O!lIl1llllliealioll to the
HI'\". Ka 1'1 Haphr. ,\lIl('ri('all CtJrbti:lIl '\""ol'iati"11 for brael. ;;1.-, I':1rk .\ H'n\l('.
~('\\' York ~:.!. ~,Y.
i Jl eli.
raf'1 i:-
arti I-
I has
niza- M E'IIORA:'iDl' M
~<:;i\e To: .lewish Lt'a<!('r"hip in ~ele-dl:'ll COIll1l11l11itip,.:.
From: Harry .-\. Steinberg.
sand Date: February 27, HX,3.
~ubject: Max Freedman Series from Cairo.
xeept \Ve pnl'los(' hprp\yith ~l1g~f'stptllllalPrial whi('h I'au lip u:-;e<! hy ~'on ill 11l'!'pariIJ,::Y
t f'i r- n'plief.1 to tbp :VlflX Fr('e<lnlHll article~. ill the ('vent thp;\" han' appe:Hetl ill one of
their ;\"our local papE'rs.
rg-an- It is not npcpssar.' to u" ... nIl of this matf'ria1 il1 .'our own lptters to thp editor.
urit.' lTse those portions which you feel will make the most impart on your editor anu
the readership of thE' paper.
jects Wp Tl"'que:-:t n1so that you do not use this matpI'iHl in the- suhlllittf'o form. but
the-ir thnt yon Tewritp it so that lette~ suhmittf>d in ntnons parts <If thp ('01 III try do
The 11 at appf'ur to be identical. -
pula- \YP would appre<>iatf> your evaluation of the- impact of tlH' Frpedmul1 sf'rif's in
the ('\'pnt your cOIllmunity newspaper carried it.
Kindest regards.


lace (Wben Mr. Freedman speaks of "they," he refers to tbe group of Egyptian
Arah graduate students, journalists and public officials Whom he was invited to ad-
dress during his visit to Oairo.)
Quote from Freedman Article: "They wondered whether the United States
would have remained so patient if another new country had extended its frontiers
beyond the limits contemplated in the founding resolution of the United Nations."
The facts: Israel abided by the United Nations decision, establishing the State
within the borders des.ignated by the UN Resolution of Nov. 29, 1947. On May
15. 1948, a few hours after the state was established, the armies of five Arab
States invaded Israel and set off a full-scale war which resulted in the extension
n-tOD .\("'1'!\ ITII.:-- OF .\(;;::\T:-' (~F FOrn:J(,:,\ pnr:\rIPAL~ 1:'\ t;.S.

of br:II'1',.. !",r!!l':'" '1'1111" it \\':1" .\r;11> dl'ti;IIl<'P IIf tit,· 1·lIitl·t! :'\:Itillll" \\'lJkh '1'11
"'ii," r"'''!",n"il,;o' f,or tIll' t!\'\I'!,I!,rlll'IIT :1Il<i ]I'>! all al'loitr;II',\' ;11'[ "(I 1""';11':'" 1'<ll't, re> I~l
.'1'l,,,tilll(lIl)· ;11 fhi" 11i"lori('al I".H'[ ('/Olli"" fr"llI .\r;111 Ip:H!Pr" ;llId [r(llll ollr "\VII hpClll
l".&'. del('g;I!(' til till' l'l,ill''\ :\;Iti"]t" ;;t that tillH', :11I10]1J: otlwr,,: \Yond
(1 •. \;~Z;illl I':1,,1l:1, tlJPll ::-:;"('rp(;Iry-(iplll'rnl of thl' .\r:lh l,l'aJ:ul', "tall'd Oil 111 tb
:\I:iy "-'. l~I-I,": "Thi" will hi' a war (If pxtl'rlllilJati(ln aIllllllllIllPlltou" llJa""n(Tl' lion ~
\\'hid, \\'ill lIP "1'"K"ll of likp till' :\IolI~nliall ma",,;l('rl''' alld thi' ('I'lI,,:ldl'''.'' ~i~1 til
(~I J;lInal IIll""pilli lit' thl' Arah lIii-:'i1l'[, COllllllitl"(' Inld Ih,· ex ~("('urilY ~tatl'
COUIl('il (Ill April If;. Ifl4S: "'yp did 1I0t dpny tllat tllP Arab" had lH>J:1In 011' alld \
fighting. \Yl' mId til(' wholp world that we werf> going to ngilt." All]
(3) ~enat()r Warren Allstin, FS, Dell'gatp. told tIw L', (Ill :\1:1:'0" 2H. H14,-'; dents
that ttlp Arab armil's had mnrched ·'to blot. out an existill/-r iIJ(l~I~I\(ieIlt gOY- g-iven
Prlllllpnt" in "Yiolatioll of the Cbarter." sions
F('h. ~i<. 1!/n:t hn:-; I)
all w
thn t j

REllrTTAL :\I.\TEHI.\L TO ~1'.\TE"IE:'\TS 'lADE BY 'lAx FREEll~fA:\ I:\" HIS RECE:'iT Fet

Quotp from Frppdmnn netic'li': "or all thp Arah countries, U.A.R. has con-
sist£>ntl,v shown the gn'atE'st restraint and moderation on tbe problem of relations
with Israel."
The fnct.s: Fpdayppn. Arab suicide troops based in Jordan Ilnd thp Gaza Strip,
were organizPd, trained and finallcro by Nasser for the single purpose of con- To: I
ducting murdprolls incursions into Israel. This fact was admitted by Nasser Frolll
himself. who o in a statpmt'llt broad<'3st by Oairo Rndio on :\Iay 29, 1956 said:
"I wns no stranger to the Fedayet'n. I knew them in Faluja during the war in
Pnlestine, Wbpn I del'idro-to raise a unit of Fedayet'n. til * * I knew at oncp tbat
the sons of that land who hav(' fnith in tbpir rlgbts to it would he wortby to We
h£>ar the name of Fedayeen." of hir
Xl1sser has played a lending role in the Arab boycott nnd bl<X'kade designed alerte
to strall/-rie Israel ec'onomi('ally, In this connection, in Yiolation of the ('on· histor
"tflntinoplp ('on,f>ntioll of lR8R o the Gem\r:ll Armistice Agre£>nlPnt si/-rnpll hy "Jude
Egypt in 1!M!) n nil thp ~(>('1Irity ('ouncil Rpsol ution of Rpptpmher W:i1, Egypt dedicl
has ('ontiIlnpd to d()~\' the Su\'z Canal to Israel ships nnd to all ships clIlling the I
at Isrnel ports. remur
Statempnts h~' Xnsser, Rndio Cairo and the official Egyptian press throughont ::\laJ
the ypars in<liratp th£> yiolpIl<'P of Egyptian hostility toward Israel. These in- celebr
ftnmatory statempnts range from Nasser's 19~4 pronouncement: "Israel is an reque;
nrtifi<'ial ~tate \yhiC'h mnst disappear" to suC'h recent dire tbreats as the fol- enable
lmvin/-r : better
"We are preparpcl to Rpill hlood and to triumpb. :I' • '" We are prepared to
dpstroy ISrfH'1 and thosf' who creatpd her." (Voice of tbe Arabs, Cairo, May RECO",]
fl. 1!160.)
"Our people'~ detf'rminatioll to liquidate the Israeli aggression against a part
of thp PaIpstinian hompland reprpSf'Ilts a determination to liquidate one of the I. (
most dangerous * '" * p!lela ves opposing the struggle of peoples." (From tbf> ohser'
Xntional Chartpr preRpntffi by President Nasser, May 21, 1962) uesin
"TIw Jihf'rfltion of Yemen is a step on the road leading to elimination of Zion- spons
ism," (Prpsirlpnt Xas!«'r's Port Raid speech, Decemher 2.1, IH(2) News
!"phruary 2~. In6:~. arran
(Whf'n ::\Ir. Freedman speaks of "they," he refers to the group of Egyptian can h
~raduate students, journalists, aud public officials whom he was invited to ad- II.
dress during his visit to Cairo.) in ad
From Freedman Article: "They believe that the purely national interests of inclu(
AIIIPricnn policy hove been subordinated to other pressures." An
The factR: This allegation is based on the false assumption that the United Zioni:
~Hutes mllst choose between Israel and the Arab States. In reality the United
nnd t
Rtates is interested in the development and peace of the entire Mirldle East. on from
olltstnnrling examplf' heing thp Johnston .Torrlan Ri"f'r Plnn of the If);lO's in whiC'h III
trr(> United ~tntes took thf' initiative. of lSI

TIlt' n'cllnl "f ('oUlparatin' aid to E~.VPl amI hrael heli~ d1Urge~ of partiality
til I.--ruel. t' ,~, t><:ouollli(' aid to t11t· Arah ~tatf'S was smaller at the outset mainly
lw('all~t' thl' AralJs did Ilot \yaut to aet'ept sueh aid, Israel accevted it and did
""IHlen, with it. III tht> past several yt'ars the situatioll bas drastieally ehanged,
III I IJ tlw lh>!'l',l year elluillj; June 19G:! LS, aid to Egypt amounted to $~30.20 mil-
rp lion as compare-d witb $S~,4[j million to Israel. During tbat same yt:>l'l.r L ,S, a~­
~i~'allcf:' 10 all til(' Arab ~Iat~ totaled ~-!(rj million, In addition, the enited
ty ~lalt'''; l'''ntrihllt('~ 70 pf:'n'f'llt of the fund" needed by the Lnited Xations Relief
Ill' alld '\'ork~ A~en('~' to maintain and educate the Arab refugees.
.\lIwricun illlere~t in Israt'l reaches back into our early history. Many presi-
dt'lIls of thp l'nitl'd States. starting with John Adams, our 8e(?(,md, president, have
IV- g-iven their endorsement to the Zionist idea, There bave heen numerous expres-
sions of ~UPlJOrt in Congress iu til(' form of resolutions and statements, luterest
lw:-; not been lilllited to political leadt'r~, but has heen shart>(l by Ameril'<ln:-; ill
all walks of lif!:', It would be doing all of them a grave injustice to suggest
that Amerkan inter~t in Israel is only in response to transitory pressures,
February 28, 1963.
.Vell.: }'ork, X, L, Murch ,L 1.91;.>,
:\ (), I - l.
To: !-0",11 ZiOllist Council CIJairmell ,llld Kl'Y CO!lllllllUity Leadl'rs,
er Frolll: Habbi Irving ~liller, Chairm<lll,
rl :
to 'Ye trust that by now you have hegun to :-£01. in motioll pll1ll~ for tlte o!18pnance
of IsruE't':-; 1;;th "\nniversan' (.\pril :W) to ,,'hidl thE' Am\~ri('alJ Ziollj"t Council
alerted you six weeks ago. This Annivprsarr rE'pr~ellts a milE'stolle in I:-;rael':-;
history. Thirty years after the rise of .:\azisll.l with its threat to make Eut'opl:'
"Judenrein", the State of Israel stands as a monument to the <Ietl:'nnillation amI
dedication of the Jewb:h Jlt>()ple. DE'spite the lllany prohlell1:-; whi('h \'ollfrol1t
the Israel of 1U63, its achien'ments in the past 1;, Y(lar~ hUH' beeu truly
tIt )Olany comIDunitiE'S already have informed us that the~' are now planning
n· ceIebratlOlls commensurate with the significance of this event, In response to
III rl:'quests, once again we recommend specific pro.i~ts and activities which will
1- enable community leaders to bring to tbe general and Jewish communities a
better understanding of Israel-:-its role, achievements, and goals.

I, Community-wide Meetings should serve as the focal point of thp AnuivE'rsary

ohservance. Although the Zionist Councils should spearbead this activity, it i~
tlesirable that as many organizations as possible--Christian and Jewish-co-
sponsor these celebrations. Youth group participation sbould also be encQUraged.
~ewspaper, radio, and TV coverage for these communitywiue meetings should be
A documentary script, A )!essage 1"1'0111 DiIliOlIU. prepared for la~t year's
Anniversary and brought u~to-date for this year's program, features the
exdting growth of a Jewish settlement in the .:\pge\'. It is suitahle for pres('nta-
tion by local groups affiliated with YMHA's, Jewish community centers, syna-
gogues, etc., and is adaptable for groups of various sizes. This dramatization
n can be secured from the American Zionist Council at a cost of $2. '
II. Special Youth Celebrations to bonor the AnniYersary shOUld be encouraged,
in addition to youth participation in the general festivities. Programs can
include songs, dances, etc. '
An Israel Day program on campus should be planned throug-h the Stu(lent
Zionist Organization, witb t.he cooperation of the Israel Student Organization
and the Hillel ji'oundation wberever possible. Assistance should be forthcoming
n from adult Zionist and Jewish organizations when required. '
h III. Proclamations for Israel Day or 'Yeek by Mayors and Gon~rnors in bonor
of Israel's 15th Anniversary should be attended by approprh,l.te eeremonies with
proper newspaper coverage. To insure ad\'ance publicity it is ad\'isnhIe that


the (>vent he hplll a few uays prior to the ('Omlllwlity\yide eeleuratiol1. (SallljJle b€
proclama Uon..;; are herewith f'nclosed.) in
IV. A Yom Hll'Atzmaut Sabbath should be observed in synagogues on April2f}- Is
27. The Commission on Inter-Religious Affairs of the American Zionist Council in
is preparing material for ~peeial prayers and sen-ices for the .\nnhersary. and w:
this will hf' ,.:ellt to the lo('nl Rabbinate. ni
\'. E~s.'lY Contests for I':tudents should be introduced in Sunday Scl1ools. Uebre\\- d(
Schools. and ,Jewish Day Schools on SOllle specific theme counp('fpd with Israel. th
.Appropria te prizes should be offered. Gl
VI. Local ::;peakers---Chri!'ltian and Jewish-should be made availahle during
the Anniversary period to churches, colleges and schools, civic and service clubs, ar
\Vorld Affairs Councils. women's clubs. ete. Is
"11. Loral Press covernge should be ('[)('ouraged in the form of roitorials. th
special artie-Ies on Israel and intf'rviews with available Israelis \)1' with Jews who er
ha ve been prominf'nt in the upbuilding of Israel.
"111. Radio and TV interviews with visiting or local personalities should bt' w]
encouraged. Requests for films suitable for organizational meetin~s and TV ml
stations whieh can he used during this period may be addN:'Ssed to the various ar
Israel Consulates, the United Israel Appeal ~'ilm Department (515 Park Avenue, fir
Xt'\\' York 22. X. Y.) or any of our regional officf's. an
IX. Libra ry PrE'S('nta tions are rN'ommended al'> a sl){'('i nl fea t ure of thf' Yom en
Ha'Atzmaut observance. The presentation of books on the Middle East, Israel gu
and Zionism to municipal and university libraries, through local Councils, an
infportallt AZC project throughout the yenr. is eSJ)t'('ially appropriate Oil this na
occasion. Tbe ~ational Officp is prepared to suggPSt suitable books for this leI
purpose. in
InaSUiU('h as the ohS{'T,anCf' of the Ijth Anniversary will hf' more meaningful -w
for Jews and for Christians if some of the significant patterns and trends that bo
have e,olw-<l ill 1:': 1':1 el during its first dec'ade and a half of Statehood are
stressed. \\,p en(')o,.;e suggestions for themes to be incorporated in to the various In
Annivf'rsary projects. The enclosed material can be used by speakers on Radio Pl:
and T'·. for press interviews and by those in your eommunity who are inter('ste>(} ar
in more background information. ap
Becam.;e of the increasing importanee of the newly emerging- Afro-Asian states.
and the significance of Israel's relations to these nations, we are sending you
two items which contain pert; If'nt facts on the !'ffibject: Excprpts from Ruth be
Gruber's Dook. Sci('nc(' and the- :-;('w Xations. and a reprint from an artir)€'
from New!'wN'k, A Surplus of Brains. For information on archaeology and the Wl
Bible, t0pk" whirh are particularly suitable for church and academic ra-oups. nnd
on Isra€'l u:" a sanctua ry for new immigTants, we rf>f€'r you to Ow hooWlet, Facts
About I~rael 1962, available from our ofBee at $0.25 per copy. For lfPnel's rol€'
as an international C'ultural C'f'nter. a suhjN't whif'h will find a spf'ciul rpsponse ce
among colle~l" and school gr-oups. women's clubs, eU'.. we enclose material from si1
Th(' Isra£>l Ye-ar Book 1962. which gives background information on musk and
art in Israel.
If any further information or assistance is required in conection with your
Alluivf'rsary preparations. please do not hesitate to be in touch with our Depart- ne
ment of Information. it
Kindest regards. wi
1M: ld iSl
Ene. \18

1. New Frontier in the Negev.-The challenge and conquest of Israel's south-

ern desert is dramatized by the opening of the Negev which comprises two-
thirds of Israel's territory. Settlement and the phenomenal cultivation of this
wasteland through remarkable feats of water engineering reveal the determina-
tion, initiative and courage of the people of Israel in restoring a once thriving ni
civilization and in making room for the immiJP"a·nts who are yet to rome. Con-
quest of the Negev holds the key to Israel's future, (The documentary script, W
A MESSAGE FROM DIMONA. available from the AZC, highlights this theme.) pI
2. BO'nd Between Israel and New AfrO-Asian States.-This is the~ming
and heart-warming account of a nation still in its early years of Statehood J~
reaching out to younger and more inexperienced nations, bringing to them the in

aI1Jplt> hent-·flt IIf it.., pxp(·riell('e. Israel's scienli"ls bave played a lpatling role ill llPlp-
in~ til IJI('pt thp lwpds of lhe> llndprden')apl'u an'as. In thp Summer of 1000
rt12f\- IsrllPl was ho;::t to tbl" fir"'l International ConferencE' on tbe Role of Science
uuncil in tlw .\d.ane{'IllPnt of Xc,,- Slates at the 'Weizmann Institute in Reho.oth, in
", and ,,-hich 120 delegates from 40 countries on five <'ontinents participated. Recog-
nition wns ref'pntl, IH'rorded Israel's lead in this field whpn Ahha Ehflll. Presi-
ebre\\" dt>nt (If t1w "eiz~Hllln Institute. was in.itect to ser,e as a ,icppresident of
srael. the r.:\'. Conference on Scientific Advances to Aid rnderde\eloped Areas in

Geneva in Fporuary. 1963.

luring 3. l8racl. Old-New Land, Jfagnet for Jew and Christian.-For Bihle students.
clubs, arr!Iaeolog"ist, social scientist, economist. tf>acher. student and plain tourist.
Israel has a magnetir attra('tion whirh dpri.f.'s both from its flss(}cintion with
riab, the t>arliest history' of ci.ilization and the fascinating developmpnts of thp mod-
s who ('rn Stale.
4. T1Ir Bib7e Live.s A.gain· in I.~rael.-Many are the Biblical sites in Israel
I whirh ba,e come to life. as centers of habitation and as historic shrines. Clergy-
men of all denominations make the trip to Israel to renew Biblical lllemo~

riaus and to ,iew the wonders of 20th Century progress. Archaf.'logkal expenrlitions
PIlue, are ine,itahly drawn to the Lll.nd of the Bible. Bihlical military routes and
ancient \\'ater rpsources have served as il1spirlltions for modern strategists and
Yom englnef.'r~. These are a few of the many wnys in which the Bible is usf.'d fiS a
Israel I guidebook in modern Israel.
Is, an 5. 1.r;rap7-Internatiorwl Cultural Center.-Israf.'l's recognition as an inter-
I this
national cultural center hilS bN'n arhieved in the face of the many grave proh-
r this lE'tns ,,·ith which it has had to ('ope. The International Book Fair, to bE' held
in Jerusalf.'m this April, will serve as a cultural meeting ground for East and
W'pst. It is appropriate that thp Peoplf.' Qf the Book should be host to tbp first
\. book fllir in the Middle East.
This Summf.'r. outstanding m'tlsidans and actorS'will participate in the Third
Intf'rna tional ~{usic and Drama Festival to take place in Israel. The Israel
Philharmonic o.rchestra, Inbal (Yemenite Dance Troupe) and the Rinat Choir
arf' local groups which have achieved widespread reputation through numerous
appearances abroad. An outstanding sculpture center has be-en developed in
Jerusalem which attracts art lovers from many countries. There are a num-
ber of fine institutions of higher learning where students from many countries
reeeive their education.
6. T.<lrflrl-Still the Sanctuary.-In the 15 years of its existence Israel has
~y('lrornpd to Its shores and'given nE>W life to o,'er one milliOll immigrant .}f>WR
in nE*'d of a horne, :\10re than half of those hav(> come from Arab rountrieR.
with most of the others immigrating from Europe. 'Ppon arrival they have
ceased to h(> Trfugees: ('very t'ffort is made to absorb them as quickly as po~­
sible into the lifp of the countr~. This cons~lhltes one of the most remarkable
:md laudable chapters in all of Jewish history.
ISl"af.'1 has thus. with the help of world Jewry. truly lived up- to the role en--
visionE'-d. for it by Rt>rzlian Zionism in off(>ring ~anctHary to the'diRpla('('d. nnd
new lift> wtih renewed hope to the dispossessf.'d. But thi~ task is not yet finished:
it is ~till~wing on and' will continue for some time to come, The next few vears
will see the arrival of hundreds of thousands of Jews who, for a variety of rea-
sons, will seek their future in Israel. and that" countTv,in fulfillment of Zion-
ism's historic mission, will strive' to absorh them .. It hecomes incumbent upon
lts. therefore, to give all-out support to tfl~:.~UJA and the Israel Bond Drive.
the two IDlljor instrumentalities which can help Israel tl1is goal.

r this
Inina- WIH'l'pa!': on April 29. 1963. the State of Israel will' observe the Fifteenth An-
~ving ni'(,l'san- of its f>~tah1ishrnent: and ,
COD- Whert>RS thi!'l !'<mall St.ate has proved itself to be a staunch ally of the free
ipt, worlel. with its institutions and way Qf life firmly grounded oq democratic
me.) prlnriples: and .
'Iling Wht>rf>3S the ('ountry bas opened wide its doors to the persecuted and displaced
hood Jews of many lands. giVing them the opportunity for new life and renewed ho])e' "
the in the Land. of their Forefathers; and
Whereas the State of Isra'el' has through perseverance, determination and
arsiuous effort strengthened and expanded its economic and social horizon; .and
\Yhpl't':lf-l tille' State has shared the benefits of its exVerience aud knowled~e
l)~' extendillg ('ollppr:ltion and fripJlds1Jil' to stules in ..h;ia alltl ..Uri('a whieh haw'
Ill'\\'ly elllerg-ed illto independence; awl
\UIt'I'l'as in liflt't'll ypar:-:l tIll:' ~ta!e of Israt'lllas created a Sl!irilUal alld cultural
cell!p,' ",hOSt! illllllelll'e already has oet:'11 felt in· otller countries of tIll' world; and
\\'lJl'reas a 1'011l1l101l blind of ntlul:'s, ideals aIld aims exist oetwet'll brael £lud
till:' l'uitl'd States,
:'\1I\\', chl'reforp. J \ <';U\TrllOr of tlte State of ~~-) (~layor of the Cit~' of
- - - ) do hereby proelaim the (week beginning Sunday, Avril 21:.\) (day of
~IlJllday, April :!!l) as hr;ll'l's I<'iftpenth Anniversary Week <Vay), and bid all
Ill~' felllJ,," ('il it:ells join in tbis lIistork celebration.



III the fifteen years since the tiny State of Israel was born, in May 1948, its
pro~n'"s hus hel:'Il pltt·llOmellal. The population jump frolU tiGO.OOO to ~.3 rnilliuu
is only t ht' statisl il'al·· ~ide of t he Iwartwarrnill~ story of more tlllln one millioll
hUlIIHIl b('ill~" to WIlOlll I hp ('ounl ry has meaut Iw yen of rt:>fuge aud heaeon of
Illlpe, Till' opt'uing- of vast areas of Israel's arid ~egev to Sl'tllerneut has helpe(l
to al>::lOrll tllese lIeWI'OnH'rs,
EUlin·ly Ilt"pl'Ulh'IlI at Jirst for its fooll allli olher IlPeds un imports, tbis 1'a:,:!
year brad psporlt'd :j;:n7 IIlilliou worth uf pruducts, This is Lhl:' result of
brad's alilazing agril'ultuwl allli illliustrial development.
III Ihl' lil'lll of social welfan', its network of agclleies, \vitll ('I';llll~-to-g.. a\"t'
(lI'IlLt'('( jllli. l'all "t'I'\'!' a" a !IloL!p[ for tllp IIllJst prllgressive 1l1'IIIO(T 'y. TIH'
(ropi,'al di"I'a"t'S \\hidl ritldlt, rill' an'a lla\'l' hel'lI prad ir'al 1,\' plilll'lall...'(l ill
l"r:ll·1. wll('!'l' gll\'I'l'lllllPllt :lud volulltary agl'lll'ips ('ooperale ('\ospl,\' t/i give the
('11111111',\" 0111' of till' \\'orld's lo\\"pst !Ilorlality I':lLps, E(lu('ulion ba,-- priority ill
bl':11'1. whi('11 is ulliqlH' ill till' .\lidlllp East. for its cOIllpulsory prillwr,\' 1'1lul'atiull,
~tlltl('llts frlllJl !IlallY ulltll'rdl'\'clulwl! arl'as joill' l::;raplis ill study at local insti-
1111 illll" of lli;:;II('r 1'(}II('utioll. Its progTpss ill scieulitie rpsearch. wbieh has been
"l'll"id('rahll', is g'I'lIl'rollsly shan>tI with 11('\\" Afro-.\siall states, TIll' illtl'l'Pi:it allll
-.1I1'porl ~i n'l\ by brill'lis to cultural activit ies is proport iOllat~ly far g-rflutl'r
'lia Il t ha t of lllallY ('OUllt rit'" wi til mudl larg-er populations.
Isr:l\'1 is IIII I wil hout its serious problplIls which threnten tbe "ery security
of till' Slatl'. But prog-rf'SS maLle in tb('se past fifteen rpars, thE> sig-hts anfl ,goals
sl't for t Iw fill urI' alld the ('ourag-e nnd ddl'rmillatjoll of its ppupll' hn VI" l'urned
fill' I his lit II" ,'otllil ry t.he highest. admirat iOll and tribute, On this J<'ifteenth
,\lllli\'('rsnry \\'(, t'Xll'lld to lsrapl our most ff'rvl'nt wisbE's for the peace, pros-
pPI'ity and ldl'ssill/{s it su fully de::-en'es.
Tlw ('IIAIR~IA~.Tlw p"rpost' ht'l'(, is to iwwrt tilf'lll as activities
1I1Hlpriakpn by the Council at a time when :l major proportion of its
funds \Hm\ c-olllillg froIll .Jp\\·i:-ih ~\gt'II('Y-l\Illeri('an Section?
~[r. I LnfJ,l~. Y PS, sir.

TIl('. ('II,\IIDf.\:\, I show you OIlP final llH'1l10rallc111111 and payment

order datpd I)P(,l'lllh('1' :27. l!)(i~. Thp payllH'nt 01'(1<'1' is to tilt' Amer-
ican Zionist COIllwil in flw :lmOllnt of ~l:~.(jO() from tlip AmE'ricUll
~('('t iou. Tilt'! HH'lllorillHllllll i~ from ])r. ( Jlov:ll to .'Ii~s VI/lnie
~l).pi:-:.1'1' \\' II h rl'~JH'(·t to Ow ~anH' payment. ' .
I )() I'opi p~ 0 f t IH'C:t' <!o('u In 011 t s :\ PIW~ll' ill YOllI' Ii Ips?
,rt'. 1T."'ux. y('~. "ir.
'I'llI' ('11,\11:.\1.\'0;. TIJ('Y will apIH':lI' ill tlt(' l'(·f'onl.
(TlIf' df)(,lIl1i('llt 1't' ft'!Tt'<! to foJlO\r~:)


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LETTER TO DR. XAln;::\I GOLD3[,\!\!\

The CH.\lR.MAX. I slImy you ~L copy of a }('( tel' dated February 5,

~ 'I 19():), adJre3sed to Dr. N~hllm Goldmann ,uHl signed Isadore Hamlin,
,tnd ask if you wrote and~i.1t this letter?
)11'. II:\:\ILIX. Yes, sir, I Wrote this letter.
(Copy of the letter is as f()llows :)
DR. :\'"AIIVM GOT.n~L\"'X. :,;;,il
lVorld .l('wish ConrlrC8S,
Geneva, Su:itzerlalld.
DEAR DR. GOLUl\IANl\" [Deleted.1
'Vllile I am writing, I thought I should a(hise you thaI 1101]1 tue C.I.A. aOf}
the .I.D.C. agreed to rellew the J.'r.A. allocatj,m tllrough (lle :\ew lurk U.J.A.
for the forthcoming- year. Secomlly, LiJl~ky 1ll'vept ed our C'('('o!Jfl offE'r of $5,000
a~ hi~ retainer.
You surely received tbe copy of ll);' letter to :\loshe Sharett ahollt the Council
situation. We haye taken over th~ departments and ;\'Oll ('<111 illlagille that w('
haYe quite <l llum!l(,1" of mat ter~ to straighten out. III the lll(,llntill1P, the Council
has so far found no solution to its remaining prohl\:'lll.
'With t)('~t regards.
Sincerely yours,
ISADORE HAMLIl\", Excrlltirc Director.
The CHAIRMAN. Would you identify Dr. Goldmann ~
Mr. HAMLIN. Dr. Nahum Goldmann is the president of our or-
ganization. sir. He is also the president of the World J e"\'ish Congress.
The CHAIRMAN. President of the American--
Mr. HAMLIN. He is the president of the World Zionist Organiza-
tion and, simultaneously, of the 'VorId Jewish Congress.
Mr. BOUKSTEIN. WhIch is an unrelated organization.
Mr. HAMLIN. Unrelated organization.
The CHAIRMAN. Well, let me go back. You say "onrs." You are
referring to the Jewish Agency-American Section ~
Mr. HAMLIN. No. I see the-e--
TheCUAIRMAN. You said "ours."
Mr. HAMLIN. I refer here to the Jewish Agency-Executive.
The CHAIRMAN. Oh. In Jerusalem?
Mr. HAMLIN. Jerusalem and New York, combined body.
The CHAIRMAN. He is president of that, and he is also president
of the World Jewish Congress?
Mr. HAMLIN. Yes, sir.
The CHAIRMAN. But he lives in Switzerland?
Mr.lIAMLIN. y~ sir.
The CHAIRMAN• .is that the head of the WorId Jewish Congress ~
Is that the seat? '
Mr. HAMTJN. Its headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland.
Mr. BOUKSTEIN. Mr. Chairman, I would like to correct the rec-
ord. Dr. Goldmann does not live in Switzerland. Dr. Goldmann
resides in the city of N ew York. Dr. Goldmann is the president of
the World Ziorust Organization, the highest ranking man in the
Zionist movement, but, quite independently of that, lie is the head
of an organization which is not part of the Zionist movement, known
as the World Jewish Congress. .
The CHAIRMAN. Is this letter, in effect, from you to your superior?
Mr. llAMLIN. Yes, sir;. it is. ' #
13G-l.\('TIYlTII':-':' OF .\(ij·:,\T:-; OF FOHU(;:--; PRIl\CIP.\LS IN U.S.

1IlE:\'TIFlC.\THI:\, (I(-' :\l(\SIIE SII,\HErr .\:\'1) ",'(II':\'CIL SITl ,\T(()' Th

Tho ('II.\lltM.\X. The last paragTaph re:uls: ::\fr
YOll "'lIn'l,\' l't'('l,jn'd till' cup,\' of Ill." Iplll'l" to :\losllI' Sharp!t ahout tl\(' t'ollIWi!
:>itllution, \V(' have taken on'r the dpIHlrtlllPnts and ~'ou ('all illlaginp that foul1l
we have quite a nUl1IlH'I' of maUers to straightI'll out. III till' Illl~llnlinlP. Ill" Mr
('pu\I('illlll:-; su far (uund JIll suilltion 10 its rellluining' prohleJll. qUf>st
,r0111<1 YOlL idelll i fy for the l'peonl,Moshe Sha.rpt t '( Thl
l\Ir. I-L\l\ILJN. :Mr. Moshc 8harett is t he chairman of the .J ('wish 2\fr
A¥'ency-Execu t ive. Till
rhe CHAIRMAN. In Jerusalem? IVfr
~Ir. HAMLIN. Yes. ThE
The CHAIRMAN. Chairman ~ to ta1
1\11'. I-IA~lLIN. Cha.irman of the worldwide body, actually, formally. not as
TIIP ('II.\IIDL\N. A1HI what is the "Couneil situation" referred to in ~lr,
this letter '? .. TIH
l\h·. llA:\[LIN. The "Coullcil situation" referred to in this letter is Mr.
that as <If ,Iallll:lry ~~. l~l(i;L till' ('ollll('il n·::-;olvpd. not to take allY of tlH'
IIIOt'l~ fllmb frolll tIll' .1 pw ish Agency-American S~'.t ion. The Counci I Zionif
then turned to the Jewish Agency-American Section, and asked us this ~v
to take over certain cultural departments that they have boon COll- Anwr
ducting up to that date. Th~
Tlw CIL\IIDL\~. Tlw "Coullcil" l'e.fplTCU to is the American Zioni~l 1\£1'.
Cowlcil? that a
,Mr. HAMLIN. Yes, sir. 'I'h\:
The CUAIlLUAN. Do you hayc a copy of your lettpr to ~Ir. Sharett ~ solve I
:\fI·. II DILl'. 1 do lIot have it with nlf'. Mr.
TIll' ('II,\lIDL\X. Could you supply lLCOpy of that )pttl'r ~ mone'
~rl'. II.DILI~. Y('~,sir.
(See appendix ~, p. 14;2(), item l~.) were {
~lr. HO!·!\.:--TEI' . .:\ir. Chairman, 1 ',"ould like to say that I would ThE
like to examine that letter to see if it is pertinent to the ilHlUil'y, alld if it Mr.
is I'PlllOt ply PPl't illPllt, it wi II he made. a.vailable. rase.
The ('II.\1JOL\~. 'Yell, if it concnrllS the activities of the Anwriclill l\{r.
Zionist COlll\cil, I do lIot know how it cou}<l fail to be IWl'tilll'l\t. COUI1Sl
:\f1'. Bot'I\:STEI ~. ~[aybe. Zionif
TIll' ('II.\IIDr.\N. "~hen you say "we have taken over the depa'rt- Mr,
IIH\!lh;' has t hat already be~n done? Mr.
~rl'. II.DILIX. Yes. would
'I'll<' ('II.\rR)['\X. Then, in effect, you have taken over the Zionist not dl
Council Department of Information and Public Helations~ made
~Ir. ILDILIN. No, sir; not that department. That department, Wl' Tht
did !lot t:lk~ oycr. follov
The CHAIRMAN. Why not ~ t i fled.
Mr. HAl\fLIN. The council asked us to take over the Department of is it ll<
Eoncation and Culture, the Department of Torah Education nnd Clll- l\fr
ture.. thp Youth Department, and th£' I-Ierzl Illstitutl'. TllPY did lIot
a:--k liS to take over the Department of Information. .
TIH' ('II.\TlDL\;'\i. An(l public relations?
;\r l". H.DI LI~. Pa rdol1 ? Thl
tion 1l


The CHAIRMAN. They did not ask you to take over Information and
Public Helations?

:\f r. HAl\fLIN. That is right, tlH'Y did not.

c'il The CUAlRl\L\N. Is that the remaining problem for which they have
wt found no sol ut ion '?
Ill' .Mr. HAMLIN. No. I believe what I was referring here to is the
quest ion of t hei r fund raising-.
The ('HAlR1\I.\N. For this purpose?
~lr. J LD£LlN. For their own pur'poses, that is right.
'I'll(> CHAIRMAN. ] n formation and public relat ions?
I\f r. HAMLIN. That is right..
The ClI.\IR:\L\~. "'ell, that is whnt-what would be your r£>Hson not
to take that m"er if you are going to take over the oth<>r( Is that
not as legitimate an artivity as~-
~lr. H.\i\ILIN. 'Vf>ll, it is, yes.
Tlw CIL\lRl\L\N.· 'Vhy did you not wish to take it over?
~Ir. I-L\l\fLIN. It is a legitimate activity, of course, but the leaders
of the American Zionist Counril, rt>prt>sentati,'e of all the Ameriran
Zionist organizations, felt that they would like to retain a Council for
this artivity. They felt thnt this was the logical activity for them as
AnwriC'an organizations to conduC't, and tlwy are very muC'h intE'r£>sted.
Thtl CHAIRl\L\:\". Even though they have no money for it?
i~t .Mr. BOPKSTEIN. I would like to remind Mr. Hamlin, Mr. Chairman.
t hat a movement of the hands is not recorded.
The CIL\IR!\IAl'O. Tell me why in .January of this year did they re-
solve not to take money from the .Tewish Agency?
1\ir. HAMLIN. In .Tanuary of this year, they resoh'ed not to take
money from the .J ewish Agency bee-a use a problem' of thei r register-
ability under tlH" Foreign Agent's Registration Art nrosf', and tlH'Y
were ndvised by tlH'ir attorneys to take this action, I bE'lieve.
It! The CII.\lRM.\ N. By which attoJ'lwy, t he present attorney ~
It :\11'. HAMLIN. No, sir, their attorney-not l\fr. Roukstein in this
l\fr. BOFlonr:IN. 1\11'. ChairmnJl. I would likpto state, I have been
counsel to so mllny g-roups, but I am not cmmse} to the American
Zionist Council.
The CHAIRMAN. Their attorneys advised them to no 10ng-er accept
payments from the American Section?
l\fr. HAMLIN. I so believe.
:L\Ir. BouKsn:IN. 'Vould yuu not think, l\fr. Chainnan, really, it
would be proper for their counsel to say why it decided-why it did
:-;t not decide to tnke money ~ 'Ve did not make t hnt decision. They
made the decision.
The CHAIRMAN. But I am quite sure you are a.ware of why. You
followed this very closely, I know, from what you have aJrelldy tes-
tified. You do not. have to testify to it, but it is quite obvious ,,,hy,
is it not? Is it not obvious to you, Mr. Hamlin?
Mr. HAMLIN. Yes, sir; it is, indeed.


The CHAIRMAN. Mr. Hamlin, you are acquainted with an organiza-

tion known as the Jewish Telegraphic Agency ~
94-524 Q-63-pt. 9--11
l\f I', H.DrLI:'Ii, I am, sir. . The CJ
Tilt> ('1I.\IIDf.\:'Ii. "'hat is thl:' relation of tllP .Jewish Teleg-raphic Mr. H.
.\gP\lcy to thp .\lHprican ~pdion sllh~qut'nt to ~\pI'il I, 196()~ The Cl
:\[1'. H.DILI:'Ii . • \prill, l~H;()~ Mr. H.
The ('II,\lIDI.\;';. That is tilt:' rt'organization period, believe.
:\11'. II.UILl;';. "~r made TIlOlH'y grants to the .Jewish Teleg-raphic The CI
.\gt·ncy. Mr. H,
The CII.\IIDL\:\". An> you st ill making money ~JTants? well-knm
:\Ir. H.DIU;';. ~o, we art> not. The CJ
The CII.\I\Dl.\;';. 'Yhen did vou discontinue ~ Americar
:\11'. II.DILI:\". TII(>y are lH; long-t>Y' 011 our budg-et for the current Mr. H,
tisca I vt>ar, 1!l(i;~ to 1~)(;-t. ber of a
Th~ ClI.\lIDU:\". 'Ylwll \\'asthisaction taken? Section.
:\[1'. II.DIU;';. This actioll \,"as takell in til(' fall, I believe. The CI
The CII,\IlDU;';. Last fall? graphic ..
:\[ r. II .Dr LI :\". Y ps. ". hen \\,p fra med 011 r budget. Mr. H.
The ('11.\ IlDU:\". "'hpll was the last paynwnt to the ,Jewish Tele- (See at
gra ph ic .\gency·? I
.:\fr. II.DILI:\". I bt>lie\'P the last payment made to the tJewish Tele- I
graphic .\g-ency-to be most accurate, I would have to check this--
was in Februan: 01' ~ln rc h.
The CII.\IIDf·\;';, Of this year?
:\f r. I LDIU ~. Of this ve:lr.
I The Cl
The Jew
.JTA share:
The Cn.\IlDL\:\". l!Hi;~~ Agency as:
financial a:
bility can I
1Vhat r
I show you :t lptter dated .:\lay ~7, 1960, addr-essed to 1\11'. Eleazar graphic J
Lipsky and signpd Isadol'l:' Hamlin and ask you if you wrote and Mr. Hi
~eJ1t thjsletter~
::\fr. H.DIU;';. Yps, sir: I did uTite this letter.
( shares of
The CF
(Copy of the let ter is as follows:) .Jewish 1
)IAY '27, WHO. I American
Mr. Hi
~'rH' }'nrk City, Y. L
the Jewis
DF:AR :\lr. LIPAKY: In pUfSnan('p of lht:' ('onvt>r!'ations ('ondudf'd b~' yourself
with Illt>mbt>rs of our Ext>('nti\·p. I alii happy to hp ahl{' to adyisE' you that thE' owns the ~
Jf'wish AgNU'y would wt>leome your U('(,f'ptaneE' of the !lost of Presidf'nt of thf' The ClJ
,Jpwish TE'IE'grallhi(' Agf'I1('y ill pllH'P of :\11'. Louis RoekN who has tendered his financial
rE'SigIl:l tion from tha t po!'!. as contem
We ex}W'<'t that you will use your best efforts to expand thf> Board of Dirf'Ctors
so that JTA may stand as an imlep.{'ndf>nt nf>wsgathf>ring agency whi<'h will I
Mr. HA
pvpntnully be ahle to ohtain its own financing. \Ve undprstand that you will The CJ
s€'('k thE' support of outstanding represf>ntati\"'f> eommunity leaders of all shades accountin
of opinion to pnsurp the support of tht> entirf' .Jewish eommunity.
The Jewish Ageney intends to divest itself, f>ventually, of the owner~hip of
I Agency f
.JTA shares and to eanef'l the outstanding indebtMDt>ss of the JTA to the .Jewish Mr.HA
Agpncy, as soon as may be }H'ueticable. The Jewish Agency will eontinue to r (See aI
rpnder financial assistance as heretofore until the above transfer of financial
responsibility can be made efff'Ctive.
Wilo'hing you sueeess in this important eommunal undertaking and thanking
you for assuming this high respom~ihility, I am.
Rin(,f'rE'ly yours, The CI:
ISADORE HAMLI:'1, tion state:
.4 dminiJJtrative Director. Mr.HA
The C,
Mr. Hi
The CHAIRMAN,. \Vho is Mr. Lipsky ~
lle Mr. HA::\ILIN. He is a New York attorney and writer.
The CUAIR::\L\N. Any connection with the Telegraphic Agency?
:Mr. HA)ILIN. Up to that point, he had no connection with them, I
lIe The CHAIRMAN. \VeIl, did he have any with your Agency?
.Mr. HAMLIN. \Yell, he is a well-known Zionist. Mr. Lipsky is a
well-known Zionist.
The CHAIRMAN. Does he have any official connection with the
American Section?
~lr. HAMLIN . No, sir; he has no official connection, but he is a mem-
ber of a Zionist group. No official connection with the American
The CUAIR:\IAN. Nor any official connection with the .Jewish Tele-
graphic Agency?
Mr. HA:\ILIN. That is right, sir.
~le- (See appendix 2, item 19, p. 1424.)
The CHAIRMAN. The next-to-the-Iast paragraph reads, as follows:
The Jewish Agency intends to divest itself eventually of the ownership of
.JTA shares and eallcel the outstanding indebtedness of the JTA to the Jewish
Agency as soon as may be practieal. The Jewish Agency will continue to render
financial assistance as heretofore until tbe above transfer of financial responsi-
bility can be made effective.
\Vhat proportion, if any, of the outstanding shares of "Je\yish Tele-
ar graphic Agency did the .Tewish Agency-American Section. own?
nd Mr. HAMLIN. Tlfe Jewish Agency-American Section owns all the
shares of theJTA.
The CHAIRMAN. What prQportion of the outstanding shares of the
.Tewish Telegraphic News Agency, Inc., did the Jewish Agency-
•• American Secti$>ll, own? ,
Mr. HAMLIN. The tTewish' Agency owns, if I may correct myself,
the Jewish Agency owns all the shares of the JTNA, which, in turn,
owns the JTA.
thp The CHAIRl\IAN. Did the tJewish Agency-American Section render
hil" financial assistance to the Telegraphic Agency after April 1, 1960,
as contemplated by your letter?
ors l\fr. HAMLIN. It did, sir.
ill The CHAIRMAN. Can you supply the committee with a detailed
l~ accounting of all payments made by your Agency to the Telegraphic
Agency from April 1, 1960, to the present day?
of Mr. IIAMLIN. I can, sir.
to (See appendix 2, p. 1421, item 13.),

.1 The CHAIRMAN. Did you report all these payments on your registra-
I tion statement filed with the Department of Justice?
Mr. HAMLIN. Yes, sir; we did.
The CHAIRMAN. Did you report them as payments to the JTA?
Mr. HAMLIN. Here we must refer to these documents again to be
most accurate.

~fr. BorKSTEIN. '''1Ult particular period. are you referring to, sir? The ('IIA
Tltt' CIL\IR:\L\X. April 1, 1!Hi(), to tilt' prest'nt. Mr. HAM
:\Jr. BOFKSTEI N. TlwJ are in H-mont h pt'riods. .~ (See app
.:\£1'. H.urux. ~ir, t'yen without rt'ft'rring ht're to tht'st' oocuments
for the dt'tails, I can tell you that for-up until about :\farch of 1961, .l\ilDIOE
t 11t' <let a i Is in our st att'nWll ts to the ,T ust iee Depa rtmE'nt did not ind iea tt'
tlw rE'eipif'nts, tIl(' names of the reeipie,nts. They were buncht>d to- TIle elL\
!!ethH llndt'l' "Crants and suhn:>ntions." ])oth dated
. ~l1hsE'qut'nt to that datt', \Y(' sllhmittt'd to thE' Justice Df'partment Iflanll from
df'tailed information naming all thosf' organizations which f{'('eived Dr. 1)0\' .To
fUllds from us. Incll1dpd from that datp on was, of COllI'S(l, tlw Jewish of t hes{' lIlel
Telegraphic .\gf:lncy, all thf' grants madf' to the ,Jewish Teh'1!raphie :\11'. II.Ull
Agen('y. (Copieso
The CH.\TR:\f.\~. Itf'mizpd I1ndf'r that namf'?
1fr. HonrLIx. YE's,sir. Hr. :"ahum G,
1~IHlore Haml
:\fr. BO('KSTEIX. :\fay I suggf'st, )fr. Chairnwll, that thf' witnE'ss .LT.A.
hf' g i n'n all opport 1I1l it Y to I't' frf'sh his feco11f'rt ion, twra 11 Sf' T :t m SI1 rf' I Hili not ~
hf' intf'Ilds to tf'll tllP trllth, hilt hp nUI\' hl' tp('hni('allv making all ('1'1'01'. .Jo"eph the tin
and J would likf' to makp surf' that hf"dof's Hot mislt';ld YOll in any \\":\\'. it quite dpur
The C 11.\ IID£.\ X. Y f'S, in deE'rt. . . 0
:i':!.OOO !)f>r "'f"<
t bi~et!f"(·t so
for your ('onsi
QDERTTO;'l.; OF $flO,()On P.\Y)[ENT TO JTA

I show yon n copy of a nwmornndnm dnted .\Hgllst 1, 1Df)(). addrpssE'd To: Dr. Do," J
to Rose L. Halprin. from IsadorE' Hamlin, and ask if yon \\Totp and From: ~ahu(]
Subjeet: J. T.~
spnt this nlf'lllorandum? Tllf' memo is short. I will read it:
At today's
I han' pxaminM thp bllogpt book of thp 'Yorld Zionist Organization for tilt' Hammer advi
."t'Uf April 1. WGO. to :\larch 31, l!)61, which ju~t arrin'd from .JE'rusalE'm. ("\ JTA for this
~pt I~ hping passf'd to ~'011.) resllonsi hi lit y
I do llot nllll all idE'lltitiahlp ih'lll for .ITA ill that hudgpt. This mpans that as whleh are goil
far as WE' know thp only !JU(lgetary prm'ision is tlw $()O.OOO item indudpd in thf' In the illea
Itudgf't of tlw Jf'wish AgE'IH'Y for Israel. rne. IJlld~et a ry ~'el
The ",Jewish Agency for Israel, Inc.;' referred to is not your Agency, The Treasu
is it? ago.
~1 r. H.\MLr;.J .
No, sir, it is not. The CHAl
(('opy of the memorandum is as f<:>llows:) is Dr. Dov.J
TUE JEwrS!\ AGE:-iCy-AMERICAN SECTION, I:-ie., ~:fr. HonI
( A ugust I, 19fi.O,•.~ .J erusalem.
;\1 E \{ OR~'\'DUM
To: Rost' Lo -Halprin. " The ClI.\
From: Isaoore Hamlin. The first
~UhjN·t: .ITA budgpt. '~ I am Dot f
I han" pxaminpd thf' blHlgE't book of the W for thp year April 1, WGO. to
)Iareh :n. 1mB. which just arriH'd from .}£"ru lern. (A spt is b£"ing passed Joseph the til
it quite clear
to you).
I do not tind an identifiahlp itpm for JTA in tl1at budget. This means that $2,000 per we
al:l far as WE' know the only hudgptary proYision is }he $60.000 item includ("d in this effect so
the hud~et of the J£"wish Agpney for Israel, Inc.
(Dictated but not r£"ad.)
J' for your cons
And the ~
TIl(> CU.\IJDUX. It is not. / At tOOay's
Well, did your Agency ~ n t of $60,000 t.o the ITA In mer advised l
that year? Mr. HAl
Mr. HA:\ILIN. I am going to hnxe to look this up to he absolutely inteITup'tin
. 'I
. sir. TIll.' CH.\lH:\L\~. ""ell, you look it up and supply that for the rerord .
~{r. HAMLIN. Yes, sir.
(See appendix 2, p. 142~, item 14.)
ie-a t e
d to- The C1L'\.IH:\f.\X. I ~how you t\\"o lllPlI10I':tndunls tOg't'ther-they are
hoth datt'd Oil ()(-tollpr Ill, l!IliO-alld thp fir:--t to Dr. XallUlH fiold-
m{'nt Iflanll from Isadore Il:lllllill: tllP :-:.t'l·Olld, :l propo:--ed J]l('1l10ralldulll·to
ei "N1 Dr. Do\' .Joseph frOll1 ~all\l/ll (YoJdlll:lllll. :llid a:-:.k if you wrOH> !lot II
·wish' of t hest' IIIPIlIOI':llldulll:-:' ~
lphiC' ~Ir.II,DILI~. Yt'~.:-,ir.
(Copies of tIle IlIPlllO~ an' a:-: follo\\,:)
\ ICTOBER 10, 1!lGO
I Jr. :\'ahulll Goldmann,
l;;al!orl" Hamlin,
tness ,J.T.A.
Sll rt>
I am llot :,Ilrp "h\:'llwr I lIIHlt'l":'tand ('(JITt'dl~' ltwl you di,,;('u,:,pd with I1r.
1'1'01', J,,:'t>phth\:' tillull<'ial "hli~atjllll n'l:ilnlillC: .IT.'\. If y"u did not. you haq" to· lHIII••,
wa,·. il quilt' dt'ur to hill! that '\"I' lIlu,.,1 ht·~iH l,a"iHIZ al "net-' r" ,fT.\ al Th.' rat ....1'
~:!,OOO pf'r \'·ePk lllinilllUlll. \Ia.,· I 'lIg-l-:~:'t thlll ,'·"11 ,pud him a Illf'lllOruIHlnlll t(O
thb pfft'(·t so that tlwrl' will lit' l\ll qll,·,ri"ll <It'''lll it" I IHta,·h a l'r"p,,:,pd It'xl
for your ('onsidera t iun.

I kTOBF:i1. 10, 1~,

To: Dr. Pm' JO~PI}h.
From: :\'ahulll Goldmann.
Subject: J.T.A..
AI today's lllPfAling of thE" EXPt'lIli\'", W... l"f'yjpwf>d Hw situation of ,TT..\.,
r Ow Halllml"l" advi;;Pd Us tbal thp ":!1"' hayf' f'xnaustpd tbf'ir hudgt>rary a!lcwation for
r.\ JT.\ for thi:, ypal", Tht>n'furp, JT.\ will !la,'" I.. ('Olltill!lP t .. I,.. tb,· nlwlwial
rl"sponsillility of our Exp(·uri'·,' IIJllit til.· lH'j!otiati"u" with til .. ,·olllllllwitil;>,.;.
at as which are going well, will ht'gin to hl"ar fruit.
n thl" In the nwantilllp. Wf' \\ill ha \'P to I UrIl o\"t'r t .. ,JTA ~'jO,OOfl hy flit' pnd of tll{'
lludgt>tary ypar. \Yp must immt'diatf'ly gil(' to JTA a minilllum of ~:!,H(lO }It'l"
,ney, The Treasury in Jeru:-;alf'm was informM of thi~ situaiion about 1\\11 wet>k,.
The CHAIRM.\~. Dr. Goldm:llln, YOIl ha H' a Iready Identified. ""1\0
is Dr, Dov .J ost'p!l ? . .
~1r. II ,DILl:"'. He was the th(,ll treasurer of tht' .JE'~ish Agency-
The CII.\IRl\f.\:"'. Thest' memorandums alOE' short. I will read tllt'rn.
The fi rst one:
I am not sure whe-tber I understand ('orrt'(·tly that you discus"f'd with Dr.
O. to
Joseph the financial oblig-aOon rE>g'arding' .JTA. If you did not, you haw' to makE>
ssed it quite clear to him that. we- must beg-in paying' at one<:, to .TTA at thp ratp of
that $2,000 per week minimum. :\lay I sugg'pst that you send him a memorandum to
d in
this effect ,,0 that theTf will be no Question about it? I attach a proposed t('xt
for your consideration.
And the second memorandum reads:
At today's meeting of thE' Executive, we reviewed the situation of JTA. Ham-
In mer advised us that the "21"--
Mr. HAMLIN. I do not have a copy of that. Forgive me for
ely interrupting.

Tht' CII.\IRl\IAN (eolltinuing) : Mr.

HnllllllPf allyisl'd 'u,s lhal IIIP "~1" !Ia"!, pxllaustpd tllpir lllulj:ptary allo-('ntioll The
for JTA for this ~·f'at.: T!lf'rf'forf'.. J:rA will IHlVp to c'onlinup to hI' thp tinlilwial tion stn
rpsponsihility of o\l{:f'J<h:yc'uth'p H11til ttlt' np~()tiatiolls with thp (·Ollllllllllitips. 1\11'. ]
whitoh art.' duin~ Wf'O. wilt h~gin to hf'ar fruit. of our
In the meanlime,.' y';:t' '\ill haH' to tum on'r to .ITA $70,000 hy thf' elld of till'
hn(\~f'tary yplll'. \~e 11l1t!'t illlllH'(\iatply ~h'(' to .JTA.8 llIillillllllll of $~.OOO Pf'1' answer
wf'{'k. ~: " The l
The Treasury in ,Jeruf,;alt>1lI was informpd of this situatioll abont two months Mr.
ngo. (See
Do you know wlH'tlwl' thf' paylllpnts eontpl1lplatt'd by these mf'mos
actuallv WPl'p· madp ~ QPESTH.
1[1'. iI.DIUX. Y~s, sir, they wert'.

1'.\ Y:\I EXTI" TO .1'1'.\ HECOlWED "\~ L(l.\Xfo; The I

the Jm
Tilt' ('IUIlOI.\:". I ~110\\" you :IIlIPlllOl'alldulll dated Octol)!:'1' 1:2. lU(iO, Co., eel
:tddl'(,~~f'd to Falllli~ ~p('i~f'1' frolll Isadon; I1:tllllin and ask if you wrote 1961, 3.1
and s~ II t t his III (' III 0 ra II d 1I1ll ~ Mr. ]
:\fr. II.uILlX. Yes, sir. The'
~ Copy of t Iw dO(,UIlI~llt l'efel'l'pd to follows:) sets anc
()cTOBER 1:!, WHO. graphic
Fannip ~pf'ist>r.
Jsndorp Hamlin.
Is th:
Pl\yment~ to .JTA.
ferred 1

.\~ yOIl I,mow t hI' .II'W ish .\I!PII('~·--Ampril'l\ n ~e('t ion wi II now make payment!" Inc. ?
to JT.\ formally madp hy ttl(' Jpwish .\~PIl('yfor ISrfwl. In('. Thpse paynwntR Mr. ]
arp to he rl>t.'or<!p(] thp s<II\IP way as was rt><'ord{'(l hy the In('., i.e. loans. graphic
Dr. Golcltnllllfl spnt a UlPUlO to Dr. Joseph sa~'inl! tha t we must remit at orH'e - (~\ ('(
these we-ekly paympnts. Tht> hlldgPtar~' itPIIl is $7;),000 to the end of this fhwal
Plensf' iSRtlf' n c'hp{'k of $2.:100 ]wr wpek for tht' next 4 wf'{'ks. Thereafter
issup $:!.OOO rwr WI'f'k llnlpss yOll h('ar from me to raise it. and I will indicate
how much it is to be raisf'(l.
Your first: ('hf'C'k of $2,:-lOO should go to them tht:' wt>pk of OC'tohN 1itll.
The CHAIRMAN. I will read it. (Chairman reads:)
I note the sp('ond spntf'l1ee :
Cash in
Thpse payments al't:' to hp fP('ordpd the same way as was re<'orded hy the INC'., Cash r(>~
i.e.• loans, Invegtnu
'Vlly was' t hat ~ W"hy wpre t Ilf'y reeordpd as loans? l·'urnitul
~fr. HAl\Irilx, 'Yell, w}wn we took responsibility for the .JTA, it had
always been ~ur hope that this news agency ,....ouId-the financial re- Invt>ntor
sponsibility for it would he taken ovpr by the .Tpwish Community 'Vel- Stat
fare Funds"in the Cnited States, and so we perhaps naively recorded Bool
them as loans 'with the hope of someday recouping that money. T<
The CHAUiMAN. Do they bear interest?
Mr. HAMLIN. These loans? No, sir. T(
The CHAIRMAN. 'Vere they ever repaid?
Mr. HAMLIN. No, sir, they were not. Voucherl
The CHAIRl\L\N. And this memo was subsequent to the one in which A('('rned
you expressed the intention of the Ameri('an Seetion to sever connec- Taxes 11
tions with the .TTA and forgive a1110ans, is t.hat correct, subsequent to Exehang
the one which we read about?
Mr. HAMLIN. I regTet--, ,
The CHAIRMAN. You expressed the intention of the American Sec-
tion to sever connect ions witih JTA and forgive all Ioans ? E:
-- -_.--~------------------


Mr. HAMLIN. Ye.s.
III The CHAIRMAN. Did you rf'port these paymf'nts on your registra-
II tion statem-ent filed \yith .Justice?
)11'. H . \ MLDL ..\gain, I would han~ to check tlw dates. the history
of our submissions to tIlE' .Justice Department, to gi\'e you an exact
The CUAIR:\'L\N. Yes. ""'e win be glad for you to do that.
:Mr. H.-\1\:ILIN. Thank you. .
(See appendix 2, p. 1422, item 15.)



The CHAIRMAN. I shO\"\" you a report dated .July 17, 1961, made to
the .Jewish Agency-American Sect ion, I BC'., by Green StroC'ker &
Co., certified (Jublic aC'collntants, for the fiscal year ended :\Iarch :)1,
19fH, and ask If a copy of this report appE'ars in your files?
1\11'. HAMLIN. Yes. sir, it does.
The CHAIRMAN. The pag-e marked" Exhibit .\: StateBwnt of As-
sets and Liabilities:' carries under assets, "in','rstmrnt in .Jewish Tele-
graphiC' AgenC'j', Inc., $800:'
Is that the stock in the .Jewish Telegraphic News Agency, Inc., re-
ferred to earlier, or is that stoC'k in the .Jewish TelegraphIc Agency,
t!" Inc.? -
t!': ~fr. HAMLIN. That is the value of the shares of the .Jewish Tele-
graphic ~ews Agency.

(.\ ropy of the docuI1wnt is as follows:)


stat('nwnt of aNsds and. li.abilities, :lfarch 31, 1961


Cash ill banks and on hand (Schedule A.-I) _ $149.494. R7

eLl sh rpst>rn'rl for sp\"t>ranee ~ _ 10,000.00
InyestIllPnt'in .Jewish Tplp~raphi(' Agpncy, Inc _ 300.00
I<~u rni tnrp, fi xtnrps. a nrl a utoIllohile '- _ G,604.59
Ex<'llllnges and deposits re<.,t>ivable (Sehedulp A-2) _ 203,403.15
IlIypntorips (as suhlllittpd) :
1- Stationery and snpplies _ 2,000.00
Books a IHI puhlica tiolls _ 2,000.00
Total Inventories_________________________________________ 4,000.00
Total Asset!': 37~802.61


Vouchers payable _
31,721. 82
h Accrued hl1d~ptnry exI*'nses _ 36.000.00
Taxes Iluyahlp _
Exchanges payable (Schedule A--3) .~------------ 101,032.40
I{pserve for severPllc~----------------------------~-~----------- 16,931. 28
Total tJabiiltie!': and Reservl"_____________________________ 193, ~21. 75
Ex~s of Assets Over Liabilities (Exhibit C) 179,480.86


\..~ ,.
Tht' CII.\T1D£.\~. Xf>\ys .\gt'nc\'. '\. ,<\~',
Tilt' pag"p Jllar~pd ··~che<1l1l.(> i~-:2: BU(~g'Pt~q~!fEx:pt>ll~es, Year Endt>cl
~fal'Cll ;n, Intil, C<lITH'S all Item, ",JewIsh fe1pg'l'aplllc Agency, Inc.,
$()(iJ)OO," Is that correct?
~r r. H.n[LI~. Yes, sir.
(A copy of t lip document is as follow's :)
Joint progn
GREE:". ~TROCKF:R & ('0. Films, ~
~(' II EO ('I.E B-~
Grants. . "
Pu bile! ty ..
;\1 isce'l.laneo
Hudgl'farlJ rJ'pet1Rr8, lIrar ended .lIar. 81 ..1961

Schedull' Numbl'r Budgl't Expenditures
for Year Mr. I
- - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - -..- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - -
~~~~~:~.~~t.i~.~ ~1'\~York::
in. ::::.:.::.:': ..
__ .. __ .
:.:. '.- .:.1 ~1 =;2-=(~_: .. '.:. '.' '.:.: .
i5. 1'24. 00
66.608. i4
R. 031. 63
The (
-:\lr. ]
Grants __ .. _.__ H-2--ct . 30.000.00 30.000.00
PrE'sident'sronrrrpnet>. . H-2-·E' .. _ . Ii. 500.00 13.03i.2i ~81 ,()59
Latin-Aml'riC'l1n Dl'partmpnt. __ • .\ H--2-L .. __ . 40,1'15.00 38, 452.4\l
KE'rE'n Havesod suh'-rntions 11-2-g.. fil. &11. 48 61. &11. 48 The~
Public rpli\tions and special projf'('t,. H-2-h ..... li4,223.oo 108,659.58 Israel (
HulldinIL ...
Israel ~tlldpnts . H-2-i. __ . __ . __
fi5, 000. 00
10.000.00 gram;
JE'wish Tp!E'graphlc Agpncy. Inc fifi,SOO_OO 66.500.00
Press officer. ,. B-2-j .... . __ . 6.000.00 5.829.66 Counci
Se \'erancp __ .. .. ..
Resen'p . 13, ill. 00
16.931. 28 ci 1, an(
. Totals .... __ , i2i, i14.48 653,493.01
The (
:\{r. 1
Thf'l CIL\lRl\1.\N. " . . as that the total amount of payments madE' to in New
tlH~ TelegraphiC' Agency that fiscal yenr, inC'luding payments carried The I
as loans? Mr. J
Mr. HAMLIN. Yes. ducts p
The CIL\1R;\f.\N. On.that same page there is an item markf'cl "Pub- The l
lice Relations and Sp,~cial Projects:' with artual expenditures of have a
$10,659.;)8. Could you supply the committee with an itemized break- Mr. j
down of thos~ expen~i~ures, including the names of those to whom
funds were paId, the purpose of the payment, the date of the payment.
and the amount of the payment?
1\{r. HAl\U..IN. Yes, sir; I could. The
Mr. BOrI{!"TEDl. Thpre is a sclH'dule, :\Ir. Chairman, which may give that is'
the information. Mr.
:\fr. l-I."rux. ""'oule} vou like to ha,'p that in "Titing? I will be The
glad to. There is a schedule there, B-2-H. (CO]
The CHAIR~IAN. IS" it itemized 1 Mr.
(A copy of the document i5 as follows:) Tlw
and in~
I· (Se.:

Public relations and special projects, year ended Mar. 81, 1961

Authorized Amounts Amounts Total

budget for paid accrued expendJtures

Joint program:
Speakers . __ . . . ._ $32.000.00
Films, students, visltors .. _. ._. . 48.000,00 $48.000.00 _. _ $4~.OOO.OO
Grants_ .---------.------ .. -------.-.---------- 27.000.00 I $:25.000.00 I 5::!. 000. 00
Publicity - - - - -----.-- ------- ---. - -- ---- ------- -
:\Iisce'llaneous .. _. _. __ .. , . __ . __ . ____________
4 ;" 34 - - --' ~.- 000'00'
26 _ 24 _
3. 202. :24
1----1---- ----
Totals · · · 1 174.223.00 81,659, 58 1 27.000,00 I 108.659,58


.M r. BOUKSTEIN. 1 do not remember. I would like to look at it.

Mr. H,DfUN. \Yould you like me to explain it now ~
~rr. HA1\IUN. The amount actually paid out during that year was
~R 1,()59.58.
The se('ond roHlll)}J. Of that amount, $-l8,OOO was paid O\'er to the
Israel Office of Information under a heading ('aIled the ".Joint Pro-
gram"; ~~7 ,(lOO was paid Ollt to t 11e ~1 iddle East A tfa irs, t hat is, t h('
Coun('il for ~liddle Eastern Affairs, vi:l th~ American Zionist Coun-
('iI, and then there are two small items, $5.457 for publicity and
$1,:20:2 under miscellaneous.
The CHAIRMAX. \Yhat i-s the Israel Office of Information?
~[r. HAl\ILIN. That is a sect ion of the Consulate General of Israel
in Xew York.
The CHAIRMAN. And what is their function?
~fr. HAMLIN. They conduct-the Israel Office of Information con-
ducts public infonnation activities on behalf oLthe Consulate General.
TllP CHAIRMAN. ""'e11, is'your agency, tlw AIllPrican section, does it
have a joint project with tl\is office?
Mr. HAMLIK. Yes, sir: \\'.e do.


The CHAIRMAN. Turn to schedule which is tit led "Miscel-n-~-n,

laneous," for year ending March :n. 1!)()1. Pagp:2 of that parti('ulari:~'/ ',-
schedule has, under March 1961, "Treasury-,State, of Israel, Trans- ,,'
ferred to Special Public Relations--($20,OOO.)". Do you know what
t hat is?
J\fr. HAMLIN. I beg your pardon, B-3-'-
The CHAIRMAN. B':"'3-n. . "~
(Copy of docuni'ent is in the Committee tiIPB.)
~fr. HA~[LIN. Yes, sir. ',~
TlwCIUIRMAN. ',",ollldyouexplain that itemof$20,OOO?
Mr. HAMLIN. I would like to be given an opportunity to ('heck that
and inform you.
The CHAIRM:AN. All right.
(See appendix 2, p. 1422, item 16.)

:\[1'. II.DILI~, ""1\\' it was halldh'd that way, whatPH.']" it Il1pans ~

TllP ('1I.\IfDI\~. )'ou could gin' us an ~\('('ounting of \,"hat that
!lIPan...;. You (,ollidgin> Ilsan a('('Ollllting~ I sl
:\11'. II.\:\[l.l~. Yt·...;;cprt:,iI11y. to ~fi
:\Ir. BI)l'I\STLI~, :\Ir. Cllairll1all, I \\'ould likp to bp you, and s(
if I ('all. (~PIlPr;\lly ...;prakillg. \,"hell fillall('ial statrmrnts are submit- :\11'
tl'd to thl' ~E(, or allY tillall('lal records, \\,hen it is done ill parenthe- (A
...;is. it dop...; not Illrall all PX1Wllditllrr. It mrans the opposite. ~Iis~ F
Thp ( '11.\ IIDI.\ ~. It l1lP;lIl"'; re('pi pt ~ Isador
1'.\ KrI<' I 1'.\TIl1X I IF CI )YEH~ :\fEXT I X 'I'll E (lEX EH.\ L PROGRA M Mr.
:\[1'. HCll I"."'ITI~. This would Illr:11l--I1O. this is probably-and this It w
is "';lIhjr('t to (·orlfil'lnatioll. as :\11', Hallllin prmnispo to gi,'p you the follow
a~ain .
Il1fOl'llliltioll--this is probably thE' parti('iration of the Gon'rnnH'nt in PleD
1It is grllPra 1program.
Tilfl ('II.\IR:\f.\\'. I SPP. 'Yell, did your .\gPllcy l'ec('ivp oth('r funds Th,
for ...;illl i1:t I' Pll!'J)()SPS frolll thp Israrli (~oYrl'llmrllt ~
:\11'. II.DILl~. :\0. ...;ir. ',"P (lid !lot rrcpin') allY funds in New York l\fr
from any :1g-PIlI',\' of till' brarli (io\'('rnmrnt pxcp'pt thr Israel Office of Th
I n format ion, :Mr
ThS.t~R"L\:\". Otherthan this$20,OOn? preSll
:\fr. a.Dru:\". That is right.
The C 11.\ IIDf.\:\" , ',"as t11a t rp('pi \'pd ann lIa lly or flua rterl'y 0 1 ' - -
:\fr. n.DfU!". ~ir, if I mav, I would likp to have tht' rt'coro. abso-
lnlply clpar hen>, ""p lind a 'nul1lber of relationships with thp Israel
()fl]('p of Illfol'lllatioll, a 1l11lllbpr of proj('(·ts hpre involved, some of
~. ~
I if yOl
\\,hil·h WP had to pay t1w I~rael consulatE', tht' Israt'l Office of Infor- i M:I
Illat ion. :lI1d SOlllP. \\·It ich t hey had to pay us. )
To gin' you an e.x:l111ph> of that, ont' of out' publications is the Israel I)
Digpst. which i~ :i'fortnightly of news and t'vpnts that take- place lli,l Mr. E
Tsra('l. TIll' ISI'lH:l OfficP of Information has bonght from: us a N('1-O

numht>1' of suhscriptions of tlw Israel Digpst and pays.;tls for those DE,
th~ IH
~lIhscriptioIlS. I
1'1wrp is a 1I0! !lpr Jll'Ojrct that llIight ,l)p of interest to yon. There is stock
in the l-nitp<! ~tatp:-; an organization known as the Israel Students npwa
Organization. This is studt'nts from Israel who come here to study Wi
ill our nllivprsitips. And unfortllnntelv, a lot of tlwse studpnts were
destitutp, had vpry difficnlt times I!t'tting. st'ttled and gt'tting into their Tl
studies, and tlH' Israel StlIcl€'llts fhganization attempts to meet that Tl
prohlem. M
III that ca~e \\'t' ('lIargpd th~ consnlatr for pxcpss sums we had paid Tl
for tht' admillj~trntion of the hrael Stnoents Organization which hap- » l\{
pPIlS to he domicil€'d in our qllartprs. Ag-e
Thpre is a not !tpr example. Tlwre are three or fonr such €'xamples
of various diffrrent accounts \"ith tht' Israel consulate which had to be
l'ec()J)ciJeo and hrought into order. That is why we have to look into
this item to lw able to give you more accurate information.
! I

TIl{' \HAIRM.\X. All right.


I ~
I ~how yOIl a ('opv of a HWJ110randum datpd .lUlH' 1,1961, addrpssed
10:\Iiss Fanllif.' ~p(,~sf.'r from Isndorf' Hamlin and ask you if you wrote
'ou, and SPilt tIllS IHl'InO ~
nit- ~I r. I L-nILI:-<. YPSI si r; I did writf.' this n1('mo.
he- ( .\ copy of t lw JllPmo is as follows:)
JpNE 1, W61.
Fannie Spei~er. Bookkeeping DepartJl]~nt.
Isadofe Hamlin.
:\Ir. Lipsky and I nH't with Dr. Goldmann this morning regarding the current
si tllntion of ,TT A.
his It was decidfl'd that fOf tllp next two w£'t"]{s. JTA will rffeive $3,000 J)('r week
the follow('(] thereaftt'f by $2,;,00 IWf Wl:'fl'k. 'Ye will rl::'rllise the entire question
a~Hin thl::' end of ,Tnly.
t in pIt'llse carry out this de{'isiOJj.

nos The CII.\I1nL\~. It rpads as follows. (Chairman reads.)

"~ere these·paymf.'nts made as contemplated by this memorandum?
ork .Mr. H.UlLIN. To t he best of my knowledge they were, yes.
) of The f'H.\IRl\lAN. 'Vho was Mr. Lipsky at that time?
l\fr. HAMLIN. At that. date, 1\11'. Lipsky had already t.aken oyer the
presidency of the .JT A at our request.


'apl The CHAIRMAN. I show you a copy of a letter dated May 15, 1961, ad-
dressed to Mr. Eleazar LIpsky, and signed Isadore Hamlin and ask l
if you wrote and sent this letter (
1\1 r. I L\l\iLIN . Yes, sir: I wrote this letter.
(A copy of the letter is ns follows:)
'Re] I :\IAY 15, 1961.
. ~~ )
lun New York, N.Y.
ose DF:AR }<~l.EAZAR: I would like to Slt't down for the record that as of this datf>
the !lalnlH'l:' of the .Jewish Ag-ency's all(wat'ion lJe .ITA st./lods at $4-;).000.
.ITA. of ('ourst->, should make it~ plans IH'('ording-Iy for, llS you nnd Vic Ripl1-
~ IS stock W£lre advisf'd. there will be no opportunity for revision of this allocation
nts upward.
ldy With kind reg-ards.
ere Sincerely yourH,
ell' The CIIAIRl\L\N. It reads. (Chairman reads.)
1at This .Tewish Agency, is this your org-anization '?
~ir. HAMLIN. y~, sir.
The CHAIRMAN. And who is Mr. Vict.or Bienstock?
Mr. HAMLIN. He is the g£>neral manager of the Jewish Telegraphic
les The CHAIRMAN. He is under Mr. Lipsky?
be l\fr. HAMLIN. That is right. sir.



The Cll.\IR:\UN. It is our information, based on the. records yiewrd

by the committ('("s IH'{'Ollntant at your oft!ees bptween April (), W61,
llnd ~('pt('ml)('r '20, IPGl, t.he .Tt'wish Agency-American ~eetion made
:26 sepa)'at~ payments to the .Jewish Tele~lTaphic ~\gency totaling
Is that eorreet. in your opinion?
:\[1'. n.\:\tLI!'II. 'Y()uld you rl('a~ nsk me that again?
The CH.\IIDL\X. B('twef'll April G, HlGl, and S('.ptember 2n. InGl, thE'
,Tf'wi~h .\g-(,lIcy-.\nH'rican ~edion, made ~G separat(' paymen"ts to the
.Tew1sh Telf'gTaphie Agency totallng $58,OOO?
~rr. H.\l\fLIN. And that appenrs in our r('gistrat1on statE'mE'nt?
TIl(' C'1I.\llDI.\X. """ell, that apppars 1n your office accounts. I was
going to a8k you about tlw registration.
:\11'. H.D[LDL That is probably right.
The CR.\ In:\U N. Proba hly. TIl('n I show you a copy of an amrnd-
mE-nt til('d Octoher !1, HHi2, to yonI' registration stat('nl('nt for the G
mont hs rnding ~pptpmher :10. l!)61, and ask you if thE' paYIlH'nts to tlH>
.T{'wish T('lE'graphic Ag-pncy w('rp ineludNl among the exppnrlitl1ff's
11~t('d for t}l{' .T('wish Age.llcy-Am('ric:m ~ectiol1?
I will just :-:;ay for tlw I'peonl that tIl(' original flllng--I nwan for the
(i-month period pnrling ~ert('mher ~O. 1061, and tIll.' anwndment of
OrtohN fl, l~H;~-did not carry any itemization of this account at all.
1\lr. H.DIUN. ~il', what yOll say' is borne out by my reading it.
TIl£'. CH.\IR)L\~. Yes.
(A copy of t 11(' statpment is as follows:)
A('TI\Tl'1F~ OF .\(;V,\TS OF FOREt",\" PRIX('IPALS IN U.S. 1377

BY'd'i"'" Po .... " No 'J ~n6 )

""D.O' £-1"'.1 Jo"'"", )1, 196J


\IIA~n:::<1:.'s. D. C.

·10 tlUP'iLn:l>'i1'AL ilECI8TlUTION r] ODll'TIOIi [x ] B1'A.T~N'f

(Indicate ohlch)

~ •• uant to tho 'o.olg~ Ag~nt9

Reglot.atlcn Acl of 19J~ DJ Amondcd

The an."O's to tho 1tODO of tho .. bo.o-•• nllo~od otat.m.nt 110tea boloe are bore-
b, ...udo4 to reed ~ tolloool \

(Insert ~'oper lt~ ft~b.r~)

u. 110 • .1.2.:.S


~TIVITIES $96,929.62

(SeG Schedule -A- attachod)




rtl~i.,..J,)Ur~0rr.,"\nt to ;)~'pro:-<\m:'t 1,.: th!["\', Yl-,~:r.l

lsl"oelis d~lc9"t(ld i)l' lC'c~u("'r,; 'nd ~n'.t(U(""tCI ~ tt.
Jc~i8h youth group6 in the Unlt~j 5t3tCS. Th0~O
in~tructol"s ADeist the youth movcmonte in carr¥-
Inq out their educational progrems, ~cpccially·
",ith 1"e<J8rd to the study of IIcbrew. Je.... ish culturo.
hIstory and folklore ~nd Jew16h lito in Israel.
ThCl.G Jl)llymeotlll cover nwinton.1ll(""0 (or ('nt, foon.
for•• end other n@csco&ry 1~vln9 exponses during
their tomporary stay In tho Unito~ St~tes.


l'Ium':l"oua oxpenditurea ",.Hio on '"'I'l'clflc "ut'\C'rlz6tion of

tho Je.... i.h Agency for 1sr3c1, Jrru~~lr~, lJr,,~l. Incl~dod

8) purchnsea of lluppllOS for v;lriolle Jcw~8il A<j~lncy depArt-

b) travel of J6r.:le11 personnel cl-..Hgcable to Jm.ti bh "':leney
for JBr~ol. Joru5~le~
c) tr •• v"l oxpC'nsos ot im~i9l"Dnte (r<,"" countri~9 in th"
"-c!'Itcrn 'k'm18I'herc
d) forwarding of immiqranta' cff~ct. etc.

(If ~"'ODal ""0 aro '0 be ~n404, tn.or' a44"'oaal ~. . . . . . Do.dod)


~ •• -Tho aman~nt 8111 not b. ror rlltftS

unl ••
~otb copl•••r • • I
and •• orn to .e

y~. undoreJgn04 e•• arC.) .r arrlrs(o) th4t ho h•• (th., h.v.) r •• 4 tho Inroraa-
tloa lot fortb In thl. . . . ndmoftt to the .uFPlomental et.te.ont montlon•••~Oy. an4
,be attachod o.hlblt., that ho 10 (th.y .ro) r~111A' .lth tho eent.nt, tharaor Iftd
lbat euoh Gontant. aro tn their on'lr.', 'rllo and acourate to 'ho b •• , of ble lthl.r)
~owlo4ao and bollot, oacopt ,hat tho undor.lsno. =ok. (e) DO ropro.ontatlon •• to
tho trllth or accllroc7 of lnror~tlon comtalnod In An1 Bahlbl~ A flled hor•• ltb Snoo-
, r .a ollGb lnror~'loa I. no within bla (tholr) poreonel ~ovl.4ao,

(Typs or ~r1nt n undor Qoch Gtln&ture)

(It tho as~n\ -""

Ie • partnorAhlp,
hn~~{ /J.~~ (91.& ~.;" ....)
corpura~lon, •• sOclatlon, or eth~r co~bl­ I~A[)(;lU:; ·llA:''.l.l~, SSCRI.Tr.fIY
nation of Indlvlduale, thla a=.ndm~nt
aholl b. O'«hOd ~d •• orn to bofore e
notor, pUblic, or otnor Orrlcor Author-
laod to .481nlat.r oaths, by a maJority
ot tboao ~artnera. otfJcur., dlroctora,
or pcreona por'.r.1na ol~IIAr runctlono
who era 1ft tho United 8tat... It no Gurh
pe".OII 10 in aM UnUe4 at4t0a tb.
_ ...."t ....11 be .1,,,04
1114 •• orll '0
b, 'h. dul, author1 ... or
the ...",.)

@ubeortbodal"tooorntob.'oro lDQ at "'?:_;...c_~....,~:.--.,,;~=- _

ro..-J ~ _ (
~..... 41, ot ,,~. 11.' b7",

2 .. ,:~
(jOt." 01' .'lle' ottteer) . . ~ .. '~ :;1'('\( •
• 001... ",t••, ... 10"

'. .lan •• p.r.e

;'.....;.~~_;;...-":;...;.,, I II'
•••.., .. al'~" '100
I.. ' ............ 11I\ CarI~KS
e:-.'- lafI" ~ 10. ,


~ O.ICA:-l 5ECTION vi' Til .. JL".u'; i\C,;:-;CY l·\.~" ISRJ-I:L

Date Pay'
\ \,.. \~
'). RElGI5TAATION NO. 208 J _
msnt msadc

,,,.' .5 seC.
\\Ot\ Throughol

\0('1 ul1>.\Ge
'" 1 0'" SC:il::DUL£ 08\."

For 6 month period ~nding Septomber 30,1961

D.lto ray- N~mQ of Person to rU[r09~S (or ~hlCh P~)~~nt J\!llpun t 0 f

mont f'''do hJlom rl'lX1\ent m,ld(~ ""aR 'T\ Hi:,; PJyrnpnt

5/19/61 (Amer!canZlonlst Suhventions for public9toons $4.623.11

6/19/61 (Counc il nf ~ffll16ted or9~nizations 4,623.11
8/10/61 to cn~bIe them to diascminato 9.246.:22
9/22/61 to tholr memberships in the 4.623.11
United St~tes DuthoritDtivo
In[ormJtlon on the program and
work of tho JeWish
I!';[.,cl in th~ fj rId" of immiCJra-
tlon,s'.ttl'.'llent. M.,] education.
"nd guncl·,'l inform.'ltion relat-
lnq 'to Israel.

.1'13"/19/61 (~~eric~n ~lonist ~ Bpcci~1
grant to ~8.iet in $ 2.0(\0.00
6/19/61 (Council th~ of rosQsrch
prcpJr~tion 2.000.00
8/10/61 wor~ cnd publications on d4- 4.000.00
9/22/61 vclopmcnt~ in the Middl~ £a0t 2.000.00
~s they rel~te to Israol.

6/13/61 R~prCDent~tive of Gr~nt to ~~siBtnerdy I9r~eli 5.666.(,r,

7/31/61 ths Troasury.St8te ~tud0nt6 9t~~yin9 at ~nited 5.5CO.OO
8/14/61 of 16r11101 StJtrs univcrBitle~ and collogeo. 2.83).3)
Th'Ol'!l! funds aro admin18tered by
a JOInt committee o( tho Jewish
Aqency-.\m...:r leDn Section end the
I5r~ol Offico of Infor~&tlon
in New York.
SD,C,"2. .'.:.'.' ..

Through- (American Jowish Pa~ncnt6 m~de as a grant to $ 2.154.60

4~t p~rlod (Con9res8 cnJble a resc~rch program on
tho BociBl.roliqiouo and cul-
tu f.'ll III I til,) tion of tho JO'\rIh:lh
II People 11l50Vle.t 1(\,llllei41l.

8/14/61 (Canadian Young Cf~ntn for educational 8cti-

(Judea vi t ioa limon') Can.,d i an Jew! mh
boys and 9ir18.
u! 50Q,O.v.

Sc hodu 1 (' • ,\ •

Data Il'By- S~~e of Person to I'uq',-~,~· r", ..' 1 c"l P.1Y" >nt9 .\:"lourt. (1(
msnt. made "i.e'll P:;l,,"'''Q\' M:'l0'; ________... \~._'-_l,_!_. _ r ,) Y"'r:.- .! __
Throughout App roximJtGly ~~~- Tr.'\' ..~l ct)~ta ."r1lj St1h',lstpnco $38. SRQ. 72
period. ~ paym~nts to indi- paY"'cnt ["c 1(': till ,'I c: (ro'Tl

vlduals,travel agcn- loraol to VariOUS L~l.n Ameri- can countrl~s,product;(1n coste
co~anies.undcr d1- for 0 fllm~ro~uccd in Israel
r.c~. instructions on 3ccount of Jewish Agency ro~
fr~ Je~1eh Aqency Cjllrdlnq l:n'u<;l""tion ,)nd re-
for Iorael.Jeruu~­ aettlcment activities of the
of 10ll1l.I.~e.l. Jewish Agency 1n I@resl.

1 'Throu9hout Mlmcellaneou8 It~m@ ~ublicity Expenseo S 1. C) 1 ., .0·:

1 p.r1od.
11 ~ub.idiGa to cover hotel b11ls.oub~iet('nc@
on bGhalf of i~lgront6 in tr8n5~t to 10raol, an~
oth~r ~xponditur0s.






!U f

SCHl-;DULt> "S"


for (, I1'Onth pcdnd cnth ng SOI't~mb('r 30 ,1')(,1

.)., to I'oy- Name of Per$on to Purposem flor \~ch Payment Amount of

--:.. 'r;t lTdo ~~O~ PAyment MJde 'f1l.'1!8 !'!l{'!I1, roVl1l~ot

( /1,1/61 Keron Eretz larael P~rt ~! ~ubvention by Jewish $35,000.00

7/13/61 Shel HalUl umchl Agcncy for l!lraal.Jl3ruflllle;u 31. 350.40
:;u/61 to tho listed Gix organiEa- 9,616.00
" '1:/61. tiona for the purpose of hclp- 9,616.80
inq them carryon [-Arallcl
('l~/61 BSI'tern Moditar- pro~r~m~ to tho~o of tho Jcwi6h <).556.70
) 'f,/G1 ruocon, on behalf Agency des1~no~ to ~baorb now 14.500.00
7/2 <,/61 of Ofo)( Co. i~migr~nts in Israel. These 31.250.00
~/lj/(,~ group. m~intain s9ricultu[~1 4,778.35
"1/61 IIcttlc"'ontl'.childcen's inllltl- <1,176.35
"/1,1/61 tution6.N~\Ic.~tionl.ll flnd ~oli­ 4,n8.3S
glOUG lnstitutionfi,housing
f,/9/61 Amcricen Bxpreoa pro)cct6,old-a9~ ho~e8.otc., and 4,023.92
7/U/61 Co.,on behalf of help tho Jewish Agency fulfill 4,023.92
[,/8/61 Koren Tel Hal ita t~sk by rccoiving new immi- ~.(\:D.92
()/l4/61 grants to Israel into thoir fa- 4,023.~2
r, cillties,thu5 relicvinq the 0d-
Q1lV61 ~udat Israel World ministration ~nd financial burden 2,000.00
Orqlllnlziltiol'l of the Jewi~h Agoncy.
7/18/61 WOrld Confedorat!on .,
'1/14/61' .. of General Z1on1eto 1\

D/O/Gl 10,304.20
'1/14/61 2,576.05

6/11/61. ~bonim Subvontionlll to 110ted Zloniet 875.00

youth orq8nizationBOto help
./U/61 ~.h~or Rat:air furthar their educationel and 625.00
roli91oU8 programB,their publi-
q/11/61 Rochaluta Hatzair cetiono,rroduction of Hebrew 375.00
materials,matarialo on J~i6h
0/11/61 8n_+i Akiv. hi.~ory,Jewi.h folklor~,etc. 625.00

<'/8/61 Vi1!!1d Shc:arith " Cr~nt in connection with settle- 5.000.00

8/</61 JI.Jplei t.!!I ment ot some of their mbera in 5,000.00
(A. 1Ul.j':'_ ,~tI hracl.

6/30/61 Con.dion A8&oci8~ion Subvention to eneourog8 the study 3,630.00

for KebrGW &ducatlon of T1ebrcw.Jew1sh Ufe,and 1nfor-
IIlM Culture MDtion on lifo of the Jewleh com-
Munity in lsr&el alOOl19 t.h0 J€Nilllh
community in Canada.

9/22/61 1U0n18t Orq&niu- Grants to this 9rouP in connection' :\\.095.00

0/10/61 tion of Cenade with oporaticns of oftice 1~ 3.095.00
5/l0i61 Canada d1geom1netin9 information 340.00
on opprtunitlee for eettlemont in

\101"" ( l!("I(''''l\j,ll(-1 ~....:[!t'~·~':"'t l JO .... l~'

.S.:hudule -S"

Dote Pay- Nam~ of Pors0n to Pu rpoGe I; Fo r h'h i d'I P,) ymont Amount of
o;nl m.ldo !1ho m \ nmgnt !'lade "'9 G ",,,11-: P.' "'1T9nt

Brit Iveit 01amlt Subvention to Ne~ York Office $ 500.00

of thl8 body which encourag138
the study of the Hcb~ew
language and litcratu~e.

6/7/6l ~1nufacturer~ Teust Co. for the account of ~ vo~untaey 9.816.52

committiSe for tho rcst 1tutl<"n of J@'\RIleh property con-
fLocated by the ~azi8 1n Austria.

6/7/61. Rabbi Yehudo Gur Travol oKpcnsoe in connoction with

conference of Amorican Rabbi~ in
Iprae1. - aumm~r of 19&1.

6/18/61 Conferonc0 of Juw- Particlp~tion in conference 2.000.00

I, ish Organizations ~ealln9 with tho protection
or. the right6 of Jewa in
countries of oppree~ion.
8/10/61 Near ~9t JcwiGh AOsletonCG to Jewish refug~ea 4.00v.00
Aid Societ.y from Arab countriss

fA/Url IlU MIli'l UOMOu III 500.00




:Mr. H,DILIN. But I would certainly like to look into this thing The
further. tratiol
The ('1l.\IR:\I.\~o 'Vell, that is the best way we can interpret it. 'Ve ~IJ'.
han\ looked into it. But if you can look into it further and correct study
us, we will be perfect ly willing for that to be done. hef>1l 1
(See appendix 2, p. 1422, item 17.) pelHlit
line is
laid 01
ENDING MARCH 19 G 2 )11'.
The CH.\IR:\L\N. I show you a copy of a report dated .June 25, H)()~, {,Jloug-I
III itt ed
to the .Tt'wish Agt'nry-American St'ction, Inc., by Green, Strocker &
Co., certified public accountants, reporting on your operations for the or wl1:1
fiscal year end ing ~1arch 31, 1962, and ask if a copy of this report a p- The
yOll l1C
pears in your files?
Mr. HAMLIN. Yes, sir. )fr.
lIlay S1
The CH.\IRM.\N. Schedule B-1 of this report, entitled" Budgetary
Expenses Information, Year Ending ~larch :n, 1962," carries tlw item suppo!"
"'Jewish Telegraphie Agency, Inc., budget, $60,000, expenditures, $()O,- reply,
000"; is that correct? the tes
Mr. J-L\l\fLIN. Yes, sir; I believe so. The
(A copy of document is as follows:) do not
as ,ve ('
Budgetary expenses, yea·r pnded Mar. 31, 1962
same. f
Schedule ~umber Budget

Administration in New York .. .. . _. _. __ .. _. ___ B-I-a ... _ ___ __ $165.331. 00 $140,451. 38 ,\PP.\RF
Executive _ .. . _.. ._._. __ .. _.. .. _.. B-I-I> .. _ _. 65.345.00 65,465.85
President's olllce _._ __ ._ _. _. __ ._ .. _._. _. R-1-c. _ _ _. 12,000.00 5,986.97
Orants __ .. _ _ _ _ _.. _.... R-1-d_ _._ 28,000.00 28,000.00
President's conrerenoo_
Keren Hayesod Suhnntions l •
._ __ _ _.. B-l~ _. _. _
_ R-I-L._..........
__ .. 12.500.00
55,477. 32
Public relations and sp('cial projects _ _ _. _ _. B-I-!(. _ __ _.. 105.500.00 96.212.62 Depar
Building rental. . .. ._ _ _ _ _.... 60.000.00 73,000.00
Israel students_._ .. __ .. '. . _.. _. _.. __ _.. _....... R-l-h._ .. _.. _.. __ 5.000.00 5,000.00 ment c
Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Inc.!
Press officer.. .. _.. ._ _..
.. _ _
_ ._ _._. __ .
_ B-l-I.............
the {)-l
Severanooexpense and other reserves . __ ._ _.... _ _...... 12,858.00 .... _._ ... _.. _ HamIl
Severance _._ ._ .. _ _.. _ _.. _.. _ _ _ 18.752.17
Depreciation, furniture and equipment.. _.. _._ __ ._. _ 1.355.63 1\11'.
Building improvements __ _. _ _._ __ _ _. _.. ._ . 6.325.00 The

Total. _.. _. _ _.. .. _ _. . . . . . . . . . .. . _ __ _. _. . 588. 334. 00 572,272. 92 l\lr:

(A I
1 See our schedule IT.
I See our schedule E.

The CHAIR1\L\N. 'Vere those expenditures made by your Agency to

the Telegraphic Agency?
~1r. HAMLIN. It was, sir.
The CHAIRMAN. Your accountants did. not consider them as loans
at that time, did they? They are not carried as loans?
Mr. HAMLIN. I do not thmk they are, sir. I think you are right.
(See llJppendix 2, p. 1422, item 18 (a).) "0

The C'flAIIOL\N:\ Did you I'ppoli any of these expenses on your regis-
tmt ion statt'IllPnts til(>d wit h t he Department of .JustirB?
:\11'. JI.DrLI:\". I am afraid I am goingtoha\'(> togive thisathorough
study :lIHi advist' Y01l. It Illay vpry welllw, sir. that this sum had nqt
bellil laid out, the $li(},OOO refrrred to, under ot her budgets and ex-
penditurps. The "amounts paic}" column is here and the expenditures
line is a bookkeeping device. It does not mean that the money was
laid out.
:\fr. BorK~TEl.:\". l\fr. Chai rman, eould I ask you, if you will be good
PHough to tpll IllP, in what form do you want this information sub-
Illitted, ill tht' form of an affid:wit so he is stilllllldpr oath, or by letter,
01' what is your procedure?
The ClI.\IlDI.\N. I think tIre simplest is if you will \\Tite a lptter; do
vou not '(
. :\fr. 1~(WKSTF.I~. I think the simplest would he, l\fr. Chairman, if 1
may suggpst, that yOlll' staff' list all of the items which the \\'itnpss was
supposed to furni:..dl, and that we will supply the information in a
I'Pply, and I think the oath applies to the letter as much as it does to
the t pst iIllony.
The CIIAIIUL\N. I do, too. I think that will be the simplest. 'Ve
do not want to complicate it any. 'Ve just wish to establish as clearly
as we can thejrrlatiollship bet\H'en these agencies.
'Vl1ile YOul have that report, schedule B-l-g has the item "Public
I'plations and special projects. year ending :\larch ;31,1962."
I wonder if you IUl\'e nn itemization of these expenditures In the
same form as reqnested for t he earlier material?
(See appendix 2,p.1423, item 18(b).)
.:\lr. H.UILIN. Yes, sir.



The CIL\lR~rAN. I show you a copy of an amendment filed with the

Department of .Justice on Odober ;), 1962, to the registration state-
ment of the ~\merican ~e('fion of the .Jewish Agency of Israel, covering
t he (i-month period ending .March 31, 1962, and signed by Isadore
Hamlin, and ask if you completed and sent this statement ~
.:\f1'. H.\:\,rLIN. I beg your pardon, sir?
Th~ CIL\IR:\fAN. Di~ ~ou s~~n and Sel!~ that statement ~.
.:\11'. HAMLIN. Yes, SIr, I dId.
(A copy of the statement follows:) .


(Yile two CODr1otG coplea


ro~ FA.-ll R?CIS!7~rIO~ ~O.

') r: (.--__

to st1PI'UJatltt41. I\SOlSTlUTJOIl ( ) EnIfP'tJOH (~ J 8TA~HT
(Jn41eate IIIhieh) > .ii~


For 6 pcor1od "ndinq a.,rch 31. 1')(,2

pwrawant to the Foralgn ~onl9

~.&loLratlon Aot of ig~9 4~ AQanded

The an•• ar. to tho ltama of the abovo- ntlon.4 a'at ont 11etsd bolow Qr. borG-
by amended t. road GO fol10 •• 1

(InGart proper Jt.~ nueber.)


ACTIVITIES $151.')~).:')

(Soo Schodule -A- ottachod)


(Soo Schedulo -0- attached)


-. l ) .;:"

j1~ 1 'TIb u ( G C"'" "t t <.. .1 r iJl U" . ' ' l 1 ~. l . t.:' l<)
16(;),'111'; d·~l 't],"rrl ,,, ) . t [ '. l n r. L (' ~.' l, r '"
to J'!""lC'1 ye·,.n:l ,(, t' . ~; .. ~c·: .,:)':.'':Lb.
·1 ~ ~ r" J. n :. l to u· ~ <. I I:J ,.. . S .... .l J.:
• •

C.H~[Ylf.'J Out til· 11 crJ .. ·· I., \'. : I ~ c:. (. :-.;..~ t ' C .\ d l -

ly ""'it:., r ...:·().,=-(~ :(., tr:L ..\.,.. Jew. J ~ ,

Cu 1 t", L'. ;' I !'\ \ (, t')' ,)') I ( ,, "", J"".·r : : f " 'n
1"r,'<.:I. Tr .... :i" ...'···~ ~ I .~
, [

r c: ..... ~ 00. i . .. c..-:.. :'H'h \ •• I

I 11 ' r (j ex-
p . . ·n..;r>·; IUfJf. l"\..l .. r t ';,'1 r.',; S , ( I 11, t1.0 i\
Unlt.r1 SC)tcs.

NU'l'"rUU6 cxpc().l~tur\·s m.1~. on Cj·,·clf.c lIUL'W:17/l-

tion of th~ J"wlsh ~ncncy f?r rs,ac1.J~rus31c~.
Isr"l>l. Inc1u :c.' ilre:

a) p\,Jrc\I .... ~c(.,Ji bolJl'pll,'S Jt"- \..'r~fll,", JL'_l~)' ;..,r"nci

ul 'l·,1, t .. ,,:; l '.
b) tr.l\,'·'l of ~"'r )1-:-1. PC'I'.· . . , -1 -:"lr':'~~1~ to .J .W1R\""
'\(J (' n,' y [, t I t I ., '-' 1. J c r '- ~ .' '. 1

c) travl~l CXf""f1'8 vf iT. ".r,ntl, ::0'T1 COurHrlC-'1 ,n

th~ Wnsl"( n d,' 01 9J>}-(, ( •
ct) fur"".:lrJing of Ul\1l1<;1.)nt", "Cf~Ct6. etc.

$12 . bO 1 . ') 7

The bal..lnec it; pr-1ne1r"Ly cC'., u"c'r. oC cxpcnci~­

tU1e'S tv': lIoTl··) dC."l,)t~-, "t,. of t~,,.. J,'\ods'l A(Jcrcy
co\' HI n,) 9U-\' "':i·"'n<; ..'~ ... ~. I',.t.: 1 -:- lions <l:'\d !l\.lb-
f)Crlrtlonp. flL('O~. 'Tlr-~':_'f',(J'''( · · · l · / l C .... , lH1\'"f"rtlf"'-

menta. phOl06t/l~:. 'l",jI,h'oytl1 in.".:>. wen ltC.n In

1fI~\'~t ~~e :"1'2~ -;=-~~_:i;;::~ ~
_."L'\.l LJl.t[.LL'!entl~'
larg~ to set up 1n GC?~r;)lC c~t0q,-r,cs,

Thle lte'TI nleo lnc1udeB :;r J • 7117,30 dl ahureorl [or-

employees of th6 J~16h Aqcncy Cor IBr-acl.J~,u8alcm.
covering t'l~ir- trl'n<;f'oct"t~on t:'O!lt~. per <HC',". c,11.>10
~>epcn!:c!l. Ole. ollnng Vl!llt,; to tr.· Urltco :';',,)t .• s
on rrus6iona of the o,gani7atlono.

!&hlbl!I.--Tt,e (ollovl"i! addUlonal or ac-ndod uhlblt. ,.,,, Ilttp.c/ •.'J h.r"tJ

lU II part or thlo a"~I,.:ment (lIlt OAhlLlt1l attllcho"') ~.:..-..:.~ "v" .'i' J ;.

j .,

~OTR.--Th" ..... n1rent elll not be acco~to~ ror rllln~

unlr.oo b~t~ conlr.6 are ~l&ncd anJ £vorn to II'

Tt.lll und.r.J::;ncd avoor ell) or .rt:rm(.. ) that he hi" (thoy ha~e) th .. Inr"r~ .. -
tlon .et forth In t~l" aClond;'l'.. nt to tho a"vplolllol.t .. l atat'Gent "Clntlorod <lbo-e and
ClUI attachod Uhlblta, that he 10 (they Gro) r ....ll11.r eIth t:... content .. tl.orcor'
tbat aucb contont. aro In th .. lr ",nl1ret)' tru .. l'r,d .. ccurate tv tho boot "r hie llr) to-
Irnowlo<.lgo and bollor, (')"'ept that tnll un,~orGl~nod oa.kO(8) no roprClcanlotlcn ... 'I')
tho truth or occuracJ or Information (QntalnoJ In a~r £Ihlblt A rl101 h~,o.lth I.~o­
flU' ae Iiluch lnrorQC.t1<>n 18 no withIn hla (th"'I') pelrllonal Irno"loda••

ft)'1)Q or pr1nt nnJII" undor oath oignetul 0)

(It the agent II a 'P4r~OrBhlp, "~'

l.l&... t .....1
oorporatlon, ~80clatlon. or othor ~~1' I SlIOORE; IW'..LJN, S£CRCT.;HY
nat10n of, thIS alllon~~~~1
ahall b. algn.d ~d aworn to bet~re a
nola'7 publiC, or olher orrlcer aulhor- -------r.!e:7t"""ct"6-:-,-:"..,.":::".Ir--------
. . . d to ad,.lnl"ler oath., b)' a majority
of tho •• partner., orrlC~r8, dlrector.,_
or poreon. perrorQlng .Imll.r (unctIon"
who are 1n the United State.. If no .urh
poTeon Ie 1n the United 8tat&5 the
~nd~nl ahall b. ~Ignod and .90rn to
b7 the dv17 avthorlled ropr •• 'ntatl •• Or I
the aa.nt.) )

, . -. I

80,lb.4 a04 aoorn to beforo roo et ~~_-~~~h&~~JN~~·_~~_. __

ah1 ......_ _-e:c;.-_ 4., t~,
of____________ 19_.

1.. 1011\ nP1r.8_n_~ lW • SO' .~


~ -._- __ .~. ~~A _~ ......._ _ • .~ ~. ~_ ~~ _ _. _ ._.~~ .... _ • • .,. _ _ ••••• • • __ . _ . _


" .
_J. l ~.' .

For 6 month period ~nding M~rch )1.1~62

;;)3 to P"y- ~~~~ of PC[~O~ to P,.qlCS(c' f,~r \;:Hch 1· ·'Y'll":lt n".ld,~.. of

~I:,·l.; ,·110--, r.)'C'·;D': ~:'l(ic _ _ _ _ _'~.:;s ~.,", (1 "') l' It.." n':

10/1'1/61 (American ~loni5t Sub~~nt)0nF fur rU~11c~cl~ns uf :/ ••• t .I. J • 1 ~

11/20/61 (Counci 1 I'Ifflll,'t·.·d u[(J,}[;1 zati ()r.~ tt) en- <.(.~1.11

U/20!H able th'.:'ll to Cl ~5I'tnl.n" t~ t<. ';,(2),11

l./22/62 th"lr Ine"lb..,rf,hlp::; 1n t'-,,:: Ur-,ited .: (,2) .11
2/26/62 St"tCB authoritatlve lnf0r~a­ ~ J-:': J. 11
3/19/62 tio!'! on t .... o pro'!tilll 111101 '~'()t''< of ~,()23.11
3/29/62 tho J~,,'i6h A<Jp.ncy in 15r<.\£'1 In .; . (,2 J.ll
the fields of lmmigration,
s0ttlcncnt ~nd ~ducatl()n. Jnd
generd1 infC'rm3tion n-L.ting to

10/19/61 (Amur1can ZivniRt \ speciv1 IJt'ilnt to a5~.Jt in $ 2.000.00

11/20/61 (Counc 11 the prnl,arLlt!On of re6':.:lrch 1."75.00
H/20/61 work ilnd publications on de- 1.575.00
1/22/62 velopments in the Middle &eat 1,575.00
2/20/62 as they re13te to israel. 1.575.00
»9/62 1.0,75.00
3/29/62 1 • ( 75. OJ).

11/7/61 (la~b[o'W Oulture For grvnts to cncourl'lgc $ 5.000.00

3/2/62 (i'oundation Hebrew ano lsr~oli atudics 5,000.00
3/30/62 at colleges ~nd univcrsitlcB 4.QQ~
in the Unlted Statc§. H4.QQQ,QQ

12/18/61 (Amcrlcan Commttteu Sreci~) grAnt in connection $ 1. 250.00

(for the Welzm~nn ~lth a fellowship entl':1cd
(lost! tute of "LoUlB L!psky Fel!owF-hi!?·
(Sci once which enablo9 a d~~erving
Amcric~n student to att~nd
qrauuatc 5tud~C6 at the
WGi7.~ann Institute of ~ience
1n 164<.<:1.
$1. 250 ,00
} -----------
I lO/~/61
(Jewiuh Telegrsphic
(Agency. Inc.
To sestet thls'lndepond0nt
news agency to glv0 full
covornge in their navo
bulletins ~nd dispstches to
newo of developmente 1n Ioraol.
especially relatl~~ to the
work of the Je~i.h Agoncy.
-, ,-
( .. ....,.' ,- .,: , .' .') : .... '7
!) .
I ,....

I (_: I
~~ r•.,.
~ i.
_,' ~ '. . . ;

:';r.h..'du 10 "A" kont'-' • "'/- t:,lO"a or .-on;on to PUI:POfi~5 For ~lich I",)jmcr.ts

t1\t,;ot ~i'd~ ~bom P~¥ropot M~rl~ h.' r: M."Hlr;

12/10/,,1 {RcproRont~tivo of Gr~nt to Do.5iot noqdr 151:.:Io1i $S.GG6.GG

2/5/62 (tho Tre')Sury. Stilte sturlcnts Gtudying at Uni~cd 2.u33.J3
~/29/62 {of lorool ~t~tu9 universities ~nd 11.333.32
colle90u. Thouo Lunda Dro
~dminiGtered by a joint com-
mittee of tho Jewish Agency-
Amcricnn Soction ond the
Israol Office of Inform~tion
in Now Yorl<.

Various {A.merican Jewish P~ymonts ~~de to the hmcri- $6,513.7t

(COl\9rEllilfll c~n Jewish Con9res9 as at 11/16/'
grant to enable ~ re6u~rch
program on the
ligious and cultural situa-
tion of tho Jewish Peoplo in
Soviet RulHlia.
10/25/61 (Canadian Young Grants for cducationnl ac- $1.500.00 12/12/~
12/1/61 (Judo a .tivities among Can~uian 1.r,00.00 l/lU6~
al/l9/62 Jewish boys and girls. 2/9/62 I
~.; . "'cn! 00 J/U/'~

Throughout Approximately, Tr~vol costo ~nd oubdistcnco $Sl,~Ga,~O
Period sevonty p.:lYllIontsto p~ymont& for locturor& (ro~
individualG,trovol Israel to variouG L.~tin ,\nwri-
8gcnciell.hotols, c~n countries. production 10/U/
C.:lblo costD for ~ film prodllced in 11/16/61
undor direct in- lsra~l on ~ccount of Jowish
structions from N:;onc'.I rc<prdlng iTl'.migration' lO/U/~
Jc~ish Agency for .:Ind rascttlo~ont activities 11/16}
Iarael.Jcru8.:l1om. of tho JcwiGh Agency in Israol. _ 2/9/62
1I'r&01. $ Jr.'..Qdi._ n. U/l2~
Through- {Mlscollanaou@ PUblicity Expensos '~/9/62
{I tOt'll!} '3/15/62
Various Small BubsidioB to covar hotel bill$,eub~i3tonco '2/Y/I
on behalf of immigrants in transit to I6raol, 2/2'1' i

Dnd othor expendituros. jf', 'iQ", ~"

Adjuotmcnts·on prior period chgrqos ( 2.205.65)
~ ACTIVITIES) 10/25/6

\? \ ',*1
\)\.' 5
;t;>:c;tsnu1'ron 110 • ........;1_'_/_J~_ _


~.: \ ~ \~'l. R~lSTAA'i'10N NO. 206 .

.~'IV,., ----~'b~----------------------------------------
33 \\0" )->o~~ ~
32 .I"ei\ .
" t\
SCH&DvLZ -8"'

O<1t of 'arion to furpo.~. for ~hich Paymont ount of

Whom '4vmgpt mo4' \11" ",de "'£TIent
10/13/61' .. ~~.ft Iret B·Za~.l P~rt of sYbvcntions by Jewish $~.616.eo
11/16/61 1 H.mizc0chi Aqsncy for Israel.Jeru.alem CLl.616.~0
12/12/61 to the li.ted six orgeni&a- 9.616.80
1/15/6~ tionm for the purpofa of help- 9.616.80
2/9/63 ing them carryon pDcallel 9.616.80
3/15/63 programo to those of the 9.616.80
J iah Agency dea19n~d to .~
sorb new immigrants in Iorael.
atm:n B'ktd1tt ~ - These 9r~upa m~intaln agricul- 4.778.35
Man on hoU of tural sattlement8.chil~ren'$ 4,778.35
Of Ce. lnatitutionm,aducat1onal and 4,778.35
relidioue lnatltution•• houaift9 4.77A.3S
pcojecta,old-.9' home., tc.,.na 4.778.35
lp the 3ovl.h Ag.ney tulfl~l 4,778.15
ita r-eelvift9 n.v i
lO/U/il rieen a.p~'Ga Co.- gr.nt to I r ••l into to- 4.023.93
'0 on be It of r ft al1itie.,thuo rellevift9 the a-
'r 1 1 ainl tzatioQ net t1Mnci~l
. IRu'dea of th OJtlWhh Ag.ncy.
10/U/&1 ~~h Jar.l 2.000.00
alliin lllodd••uot\ :z .000.00
10/U/'1 Mol'll! Coftf. . .nlG ta.778.J5
11/16/ .1 of e. n l ocaiat. 4. 778.3S '
'1./9/62 4,778.15

lUU~ 1 4Nl AguCkl~hJu tl 2.2~4.U

1/15/62 : 2.571,).05
'~/9/62 3,S76.0S
/15/12 2,516.05

.;2/1/62 ~loa~ .&100.1.& G'nDta to . . . .k .~.~... -~.QOO,,~,;

~/9/62 . ' ...;;..;.~~,-;t .. "~. ~.• II ..... pl • ";·~4.000.00·
2/16~)~;(~~~~pAUo iatw.Uoa AbU..,' to' J.7,000.00
2/2)"~~.~-' - ':'.. .. ~. I tt. ... •
··!ar••l . . . . . uon .... '='1111t:QE'C, U.OOO.oo
3/9/63 . 'reU91oue edlacetlOD.YDU". ·
3/16/62 '.' .' . adu1~ """UOlh 16.000.00
3/23/62 :~.,. 7.500.00
1/29/62 •• 500. 00
3/30/62 t 20,000.00
10/25/61 SubvOGt!on8 to Iht04 Zl~.t 875.00'
12/7/61 YOQthorglln1aaUona to . Ip fur- 875.00 .
3/19/62 ther their educational and reI1- 875.00
3'/19/62. 910\1a prOl)&'a.,tllol&' public.tion. 3,250.00
production of l~brew ~t.rial••
teri 1. on Jewiah hiDtory.Jew-
lah folklore.otc. ~ .,
" ~ ....
", ~TSYRA:nr:; 1'0 • . .:II;,---'-~ T
P'~')" 2
SChedule ~il" (c(·nt· ()et<
't~ Pay- NJme of Pcrson to Purposcs for WhlC~ PJyment .''''ount of ..:\g-e
.. 'n;, m.'1e ~bo~! P~~pnt T~ct, W,.., ~ rT' .ei? P!"O~nt gl,'e
125/61 lIaehomer HatziHr $ G2~.CO
12/7/61 625.00 Age
:. Ilq/62 625.00 "\'"
3/19/61 2.000.00, G-m<
~O/2S/61 Hechalutz Hatmair 375.0'0 pen
~2/7/61 375.00 l\f
try t
lO/~5/61 Goai Mive 625.00 -TJ
.~/7/61 625.00
3/1:9/62 625.00 ~f
)/1"/62 2.000.00 Tl
to il
:/lq/~2 Cror Hachalutz Katz&ir 375.00
3/19/62 1.250.00 anWI
10/13/61 Vaad 5h~ar1th ~pl1~h Grant In conn@ction with S,OOel.OO :M
~1/16/61 (~ r01iqiou0 9rouP) sett1c~cnt of aome of th~ir 5.000.00
2/2/62 membors in l&r&e1. 5.000.00
10/25/61 ~ C~nadian A~~ociGtion Subvention to encourage the 3.630.00 TI
12/1/61 for H~brew &duc&tion study of Hebrcw.Jewimh life. 3.000.00
2/20/62 and information on life of 500.00
)/30/62 the Jewiah community in 16r801 1,000.00 1ist il
a~ng the Jcwimh community in fash
Canada. M
12/20/61 Zionist Organi&a- Grants to this group in connec- 3.095.00
3/19/62 tion of Canada tion with operations of office 3.095.00 (E
in Canada disseminating infor-
~tion on opportunities for
settlement in 18raei.

10/13/61 8rit Xvrlt OlaMlt Subvention to New York offica 300.00 TJ

of ~m this body which en- ond
courages the study of the Hebr~
it as
language and 1iteratur0.
Amer1Clill'l .JWl>'i oh Jewish Agency's share ofaxpen- '1. 850.po Tl
DifJtribution Com- soe for operations of the joint Sect
laiteoe committee on confimcated J~i6h
properties in Egypt of Egyptian refe]
Jewish refuqa _ in laroe1. 1\1
HElbrlftt cons
2/19/62 ' fodaraalon 810niet Pe'.tt plilyment of travel cOllIt of i\ 544:00
~ico in~tructor. to IsraQl.
2/28/62 Koney held over frompreviou6 1.332.6~ A
!'eK'ioo oJnd Ibfont ;m oparatinq very
e~enBeo ot publication.
3/6/62 Re11q1ou§ Z1on1'~~ Subvention to ratuqc@ family 885.00 to tf
of rica 1n transit to Iorasl. T:
3/15/62 Bit3<!lron Gr8n~ to this litermry Hebraw 1.000.00 you
all t
The CnAIR1\L\ N. I note under schedule A the following item: "Date,
OC'tober ti. }!)(51, Oc!obt>r 1:3, W61: to whom paid, Jewish TeIe~lTaphic
1t of .\gt>ncy, InC'.: pllrposps, to assist this independent news agency to
::.!lL- gi\'e full CO\Tt'ragp in their news bul1t>tins and dispatches to news
df>velopments in Jsr:lpl f>speriaJly relating to the work of ~Jewish
25.00 A~eney: amollnt, $l,flOO and $500 for :L total of $2,000."
25.00 . ,Yhat pllz,:lps 111(' is: ,rh ," did yoy list this ~~,t!OO paid i~ the second
b-mont h lwr)o<! and not IJst the :ti58,()()() patd In the prIOr 6-month
75.0C IH'riod ~ -"
75.00 ~fl'. HAMLIK. Sir, this is what I am really going to look after to
try to find the answpl' to this Qllflstion.
/5.00 The CII.\IlDf.\:-';. If yOI1 eould try to find the ans\"er why.
/5.00 :\Ir. H.\1\fLIX. ('prtainlv.
)0.00 Tht> CII . \ IIDU:". Togptht>r, of r011r5t>, thesE' make up $60,000 referred
to in YOl1r a('('Ollntal1ts' statement. Both this amendment and the
50.00 amendinf>nt for thf> priOl' (i-month pPI'iod were filed a number of
months after the pf>riod to whirh they rf>latpd. Il..s that not corrt>ct?
Mr. n.\}\fu:". Yt>s, sir.
)0.00 The CHAIR~l.\l'i. •\nd they Wf>rp hoth filed on the same day?
~fr. FhMLIl'i. Yes,sir.
10.00 The CHAIRMAN. And I assume they were drawn up at the same
time. That is what puzzles 111e as to why you listed $~,OOO but not
10.00 listing tIl('. $1')8,000 payment that preceded it in exactly the same
:Mr. H.\l\ILDL ~ir, \\,pll, Wf> will-1 hope we will be in a position to
gi 'Of> you a rIea r answer tot hat.
5.00 (See appendix 2, p. 1422, item 14.)

0.00 The Cn.\IRM:Ax. I call yom' attention to the phrase. used on the see-
ond amendnH'llt in d('s<:Tibing the Tplegraphic Agency. You desc,ribe
it as ·'this indE'ppndent nf>WS agency."
1\fr. HAl\fLTX. Yes. sir. .
.J' The CH.\IR::\L\N. "Tt>l1, is it C'orrect that tlw .Jewish Agency-American
Section, which held the eontroJJing stock, and so on, is it
reft>I' to it as an "independent news agency" 1
1\fr. H.\MLIN. ~iI', I am not a lawyer, but I would venture to say, in
considering n news agency, control-independence is measured by the
fJ'('edom ,yith which they gat her nmys and disseminate it. And that is
what we mf'ant by "independent news agency."
.65 Also, at this time the rt>or~nizationof the new board had prog:ressed
\'t>ry well, and we gave Mr. Lipsky authority to ereate a new -board,
and he had incorporated into a new hoard quite a good group of people
•00 to take over tIl('. rontrol of the .Tewish TelegraphlC Agency.
The CHAIRMAN. 'VeIl, as you say, you gave Mr. Lipsky-I mean
you were in a position to control it and, in fact, did control it, is that
not correct?
Mr. HAMLIN. '\Ve owned it, but we did not control in any way at
all the affairs of this Agency.
(Soo appendix 2, p. 1424, item 19.)

Ql'Jo~I"TI()~ 1))0' FIX.\XCL\L lU:...... l'OX~ImI.lTY

o\!'\J) ('O:'l/"l1WL ()to'TJo:LF.OnAPJlIC
c·on t
TlI~ ClI.\I1DI.\!'\, I ~ho\\' VOU II copy of II Ipttl'r dah',1 .THlll" n. In~)}. po!'t
.:Hldn'ssl'd to ~Ir. 7\losht' l{idin. Informutiol\ Dl'l):\I'tlI\l'l1t, .}pwlsh I'l'01'
.\~'1.'tH'Y for bl':lel, and. signl'd badon' IlulIllin, HIH Hsk if yoU wrotl) our,
Hnd St,\lIt t his l('ttl~d
~I 1'. 1l.\l\ILDi, Y t's, si r, I did,
(TIll' 1t,It l'1' I'l' fl'lTl'd to follows:)
Till': .T nns II :\1;1·::,\ ey -_.:\ :\O:H Ie A:'l ~I'TTIl):,\,
.\'1'11' rork, .Y. r., ,/IIIIt'II, 1!11il.
HI' .'TA. "'1'01
:\1 r. )1 os 11 F. It "'u:-: :\[
1 II (II 1'11/11 t; 01/ n qw I't 1/1,'" t, ,J I'Il';S II ,.\ iI"'/(, lJ for 1,-:-1'11 d, ( .:
,f l'I·II.~lIlnll, !.,wlld.
I )EAH 'llHHIE: You un' uwun' of till' prohll'l1l of JTA and our ('ont1nuinf]: ('on·
I"I'fll to put It (III /1 pnyll\~ hn:-;ls lllHt ~I't It (luI (If (lur hll(l~pt. A fl'w lillY:' Il~O, 'Ir. I
,I, '1/';
nolct UlllllII , EIt'lIzlIr Lipsky IIIHI I IIlI't to t11:-;('uss th" wtwlt' IJlIt'stioll lIud you
.\ !'I('
will :-;1'1' n n'llt1rt whil'lI I ~Hn' to Ihl' l''xI'{'uth" ot! thb ('OIl\'I'1'SIlI!OIl wtll'll you
rl'llll ollr Iltilllllt':o: Ilf .'Illll' .ilh. Tid:, 1:0: /I III 0:-; t II I Ith-Il It jllh, pnrtkllllll'ly \\'llh OF
rpt{llnl III thl' 1'011111I11111111':0: III thl' {'lIitl'd ~tl\tl':O: frolll \\'hOlll WI' lII'1' I'xpl'{,tillg nil t I
to hl'~ill II> 1"I'1'('i\"l' ill 1l1\,11'lllioll~ for .1'1'.\, ill IIh' fall, wllllt WI' 1III \II' will h,' .T t' '" I
ul"IIlI $1:20 10 $l:W Il\{I\lSIlIHI. \VI' un' 1I0\\' Llt',.:illllill~ to work 011 :\'I'\\' York L I
6'('.T:\ IIlhl \\'t' hopl' I hl'l'l' II [:0:0 !t I tlllt! PII rt of I II\' hilI. hI' III
Thl>fl' 1'1'1Il11111 nl:O:(1 twn olllpr 111't'II:O: \\'1It'1'1' :0:011 It' fllllds :-;I\IIuld ht' 1l\'lItlnhll', ttl Ul'
Illllllt'ly thl' LIIIIIl Allll'ril'llll I'olltllrlt':, und ~ol\th Afrlt"n, whit'h w(' will hlllldlt'
t.h1'I)Ilg-h lk t;nldstt'lll Il~ thl' ht'1I11 Ilf Kllrt>n 1I1lYl'80d, and tilt' Isrnt'll In'P88.
As you kllnw, Lip:-;ky "'nrkt.'d Ijulll' hlll'ti durlut{ thl' ('oll~rt':o::-; 10 1Il1'l'l with tIl\' T
Isrnl'l prt':O:s Ilt.'nplt' lind to ~I't thl'llI to lIthlt'rstUIIII thut tlll'Y tlIu:o:t t'l'l1Ilt t{l .1'1'.\
II ItlIIJillllllll ot' $;m~~;llhollsIlIHl11 yl'ur whicll Is whnt .J1'A spPlllls iIl trHllsl\littlll~
Ilt'WS to Iht'lIl. Ill' wns slll'(,l's:o:flJl III l'stn\llbdllllf{ II l'lHlImlttl'l' (If )"'s:-:r:o:. ~I
~hl~'kl'lI, Pb:O:l'llt:-:hlk Hllll Lllrlp who "'t'ft' 1,1 ~n Into this wholl' fJUP:o:tlllll 111111 '1'
tlo Sllllwl h 11Ig" 1I bOil tit. 1'1' 1:1
nt {,OUNt'. L1p,..;ky {'lllllwt follow uJl this mnttl'r from ;'o;l'w York. :\Ir, Gold·
lUll nn, t1H'l't't'on.. sll~gl':-;tt'\l t hll t ~'Ol\ shllu III III1(lt'rt l\ kl' to (,ll 11 t hl'sp pI'(\plp t ogl't 111'1'
nntl prl'ss thl'Ill \'t'r~' hnrtl to find n soltltloll to thi~ prnhlptll. From Lipsky's t hi~
,'otn'l'f'Htltloll with liS, It \\,(l1l111 st't'tll thllt thl'Nt' th1't'p mpu Hrl' 1'1'1111;\' prpJllIl'l'tl T
tl) Oil 1'lonll'thlll~ Hllli Ihl';\' rt'lIl1zl' thnt It Is nnb- fair thnt Hlt' I!'lrn~1 Jlrt'l..~ ('0\'('1' ~
thts mlull\lnlH htll' III\'ol\'l'd ill gt'ttlll~ thl> IlPW~ to tll('1I1. Ill', Goltlrlll\lIl1 IIskl't!
lilt' to writp tc)' ~'Oll Oil tilt:-: IHlItll'r 011 nil \1r~I'lIt !>I\:-;\:-; IlIHl to Il:-;k ."011 III ulldl'r-
tllkt' souwthhlR lit 011('1'.
I nlll t'lH'ltl:o:luR' tl Illt'UWrnlldnlll whll'h will ~In' yon 1111 thl' fnl'tN Oil this WI'I
ullHlt'r. "'. :t hi
J.'illllll~·, I mllst 11llprt's~ on .fOll how finxlotl1'l WI' ll1'p to n(,(,olllpll~h tIli~ tnsk. )
It I~ .(1111' 0111." pll~:-llhllity of trIlIlSft'frhl~ fhllllll'ini rt'spollslhllity for .JT"\ ",hilt' lit
1 \\'l'l
tht> !'lllllll' tlml' rl'llllnltl~ ntl Impo1'tnnl vokl' hI it:-; mllllll~I'IIIt'IIt. 'YI' 111'1' ('Oil·
vlm'Nt thnt our prl>sl'llt {'oll1'S(' l~ 11 ('orrl,,'t Ollt' HIlO WI' wi\! \II' nltllllllt\'I;\' I :\:-' ,
SU('C('ssful to thl' t'Xtl'lIt that WI' ht'lp .11':\ lintl ultt'rlllttl\'t' rtlllllWill\ rt'~llllfl't's. t 1H"~
Lookillg'forwnrd tolwlIrlllJ{ frow yunllllrt with wllrm 1't>~lIr(ls, \ t Ii('
~ lllcpn'ly ,\'Il\l rs,
ISAl>oRE lIAMI.1N, f~,rt'('lIfjIT nj"t'('for. \ t IH.'
( ",h.
Tlw CH.\IR:\L\~. ,rho is 11r. Rivlill ~ \
:\fr. IT.\;\lU:'Il', 1\fr, RiYlin is th~ dirt,'CtOl' of th(, .Tewish Agen('\"s ~'al
information dl'pl\l'tnH'nt in tIw .Tl'wish .A~'IH'y--.TerllsnIl'm. ' ~() ,
TIH' Cll,\IH:\£.\~, Twill pla('(' this lett('I' in the ~'(\('ord. - ~11'
It di~('US~l'S ynrious methods under ronsi<.hwntion to find the JWW \\'0
tinl\ncing fol' tht.' T('lt.'g"!'nphir A~"1.'lH'Y. I Wl\S intt'l"\'st('d in tlu' lH'Xt I
tot}\(' Inst pl\l'ngmph, You will notice itsn.ys: f f01
Finall)' I must ImprNls 011 yon how nnxious W~ firt" to
tbls task. al'('ompll~h I
It Is nul' ()nl~' 1)()sNlhllity of trlltlsft:'rrin~ ftnnllda\ rt'sponslhillty for ,TTA whlll' at.
tht' salllt' time l't'tnllll1\f{ n1\ Important volt"{' III its mlUlRgemeuL ~ III I

Pill(' 'Vhnt dcx's thni stnt~nwnt mt-an?
1\11'. H.\ l\{ Ll N. ~ i r, I don't know w Ii!"! ht'r dus c n hE> 'nn ~t nl~d a .
cnlltrol of thi~ Ag't'IH'Y WIH'll Wt' say tluH Wt> \"i-aU! fl) ref' In lUI II
UHi 1, pOl'inllt \'oict' in tilt' atfllirs of .1TA . .\~ Ii nH\Ht'r of f~U'l, m HIP
'wi~h n'or~lln iznt ion of I hl" bonrd of about ~u mt>ml)t'f:;. :\ II rt' O\('lmhPrs of
rroto our .Jl,wi~h A!-!t'llcy EXlx~utin.'. '

TIlt' ('H,\m:\[.\~. I show yon a ('op)' of n It'ttt'r dated .Julle 14, W6:2,
IIi{ addn'::;::;l'd io:\lr, Lipsky IUlll sig-nt>d It-'udon' Ibmlin and Ilsk if you
wrotl' and &'nt this Il.tter.
:\11'. IbMLlN. )"l'S.
{A copy of till' IdJ er i~ ns follows:)
con- JUJU: 14, 1962,
I\~O, :\11', EI.F.AZ.\R LIPSKY.
I )"1111 .I'·/I'/sll 'l't'iI'!!I'fIJlII;,' .ll/nl/'!I. i1lI'.,
I you .\'1'/1' )01'1.:. S,L
\\' i 111 I )~~"H 1<;1 ~::\Z.\R: Onet' Ilg-uin. 1 must Il~k, .ITA to eb('I'k with th(' Jf'wl~h A~n<,y
'\'I ill~ lIll It'xts /lnd ~I'IH'ml l'olllll1U1t1ellIiOlI~ whit'h l"{'ft~r to J'I'A'~ rf'lllt1on~hlp to the
ill II\' ,ft'wlsh .\~t'lIl'Y 111'1 tlwy slw\lld ht' l'!l'IHPd with us bt>fo1"l' bt'IIl~'8t'nt out.
Yprk 1 IIsk ~'IIU 111111 \'Ie Hlt'IIStlll'l, to ht'llr Ihls strictly II! mlud so that tJlt~rt' lUay
hI' IIhSllllllt' l'OllrtlillllUon /lUll ~lIod ordt·r III tbls mnttl'l' wbleh Is of vittil <,OllrE:'ru
11I1tlt', tn \1~.
lrpss. ISAI>OR(t IIAMUN. E.l'{'('uti1'e Director.
11 I hI' Tht' ('II.\IIDI \~, Till' Ii'ttt'l' ri':I,h; n~ follows. Thi~ i~ nddn'~~t:'(l to
It lllg' \11'. Lipsky. (Chllirllllllll'l'lItb.)
llssr~, :\11'. 11.\:\1\,1:,\. Yi'~, sir. q
Hnll Th., CII.\IIDI \:'\. nOll't you think thnt slwak~ for itsl'lf n:-- to youf'
l'i' 1:11 iOll~h i p tot h., Tt'It'g-rn ph it' .\g-i'II(·y ~
\[1'. II.\:'III.I~. )"('s. If yOIl will girl' IIll' 1111 opportunity to t'xplaill
sky'~ this tllatti'1' I will ht' glad to.
11\rt'll Th., C 1I.\lIDI.\ ~. Y ('s.
'o\"('r \11'. II.\:'III.I~. YOII SP.', sir, 0111' t'olllmitnH'llt to trllll~fl'r till' OWl\l'l'-
skl ... 1
ship of thp ,JT.\ to n Ill'W llonrd wn~ nil nbsolutl' t'oHlmitllll'llt, hut it
\\'as hnsl'd 011 1I \'pry illlportllllt l'ollsidt'rntioll, lllllllt'ly, that tIll' .Ti'wish
this ",pHa!'p funds ill this ('Olllltr\, will !lll\'t' iliadi' tIlt' fllnds a\'lIilllhlt:~ for
:1 hi'lIlthy tilllllll'ial oIH'rntiol\ for tlIP .TT.\,
:\o\\', ",hat was hnppt'ning ht'1'l' is thllt tl\(> l'olllllll1llity wt:~1far(' funds
It' II t
1'011- \\'('l'l' 1l0till l'tl't,('{ tnking 0\'('1' thi~ Hllllllt'inl rt'lation~hip ll~ (tuickly
It 1'1:,' :IS "'i' hnd hOPt'li. Yt't tht' IH~~~'ss of tnking- tIlt' O\\'lIt'l'ship away from
rn's. llw .h,,\'i~h .\~'1'Ilt'y was g-oill!-! 011 and was hl\iug' PI,\'\.'~>d hy sonw of

Iht'St' sanH' pt,'oplt.'. "'P
am intt'rt'stpd ill having-a, ('h'nr bn>nk befon'
llll' ownt'I~.;I\ip was tUl'lwd 0\'t'1' ht'CllllSP \H' didn't wnllt a situntioll
w IWl't' tllt' .1'1 .\ ow lH'l"Sh i p was t lIl'lwd O\'N' tot h(\ board II nd then t ht'
\' ':-:;
.JT.\ would ha\'t:' to ('OlHP hack to lIS ag-l1in llnd nsk us for money ~­
t'IlIlSt.' 0111' "itnl illtPI'('St IU'I'\' was 10 kt.'PL> this IH'WS n~n(')' alive, And
~o tilt' l'('aSOIl this Ipttpl' is fl'nllH'd ill tIns mnnllPl' is to lllnk(\SHI't' whell
~ll'. Lipsky "Tott' to tIlt' ('OllllHUn ity wpl fart' fund org-l1niznt ion. lw
would not put. us into l\ position of r(\lt'l\sin~ th(\ oW1\(\l'ship until
t'xi tIlt' wplflll'f.' fUl\d~ mnd.t:\ tIlt' uWlH'y nvailable to .JTA on It healthy
fOllndat i'C)n.
~~k, TIlt' C 11.\ IIDU ~, ".,.p,l1, t ht."\u. tIlt' words ·'n.11 t-f'xts Rna ~n{'.rlll eom-
~ IIlllnicnt ions" do not l'eft'1' to IlPWS relt.\nses,

1\11'. HAMLIN. It referred only to communications with the Council

of .Tewish Federations and vVelfare Funds and the Large City
Budget ing Conft'rence. That is the only thing it referred to.
The CII.\lR~L\~. I show you a ropy of a It'tter dated February .5,
1963, addressed to Dr. Nahum Goldmann and signed Isadore Hamlm
and ask if you wrote and sent this letter.
:\11'. H.UILIX. Yes, sir, I did.
(The letter appears on p. 1363.)
TlU' CII.\1R::\L\N. The serond paragraph reads:
Whilp I am writing, I thought I shoulll ad\'ise you that both the rIA and the
.InC havp agrf'('o to renpw thf' .ITA allocation through the :\"pw York rJA for
thp fortheoming ~·ear. ~p('(mdly, Lip~ky Hc('pptpd our second offer of $5.000 as
his rptainpr. rr
Is this ~...ipsk'y w{' referred to the Eleaz:u Lipsky, president of the
TelegraphIc Agency?
Mr. HAMLIN. It is, sir.
The ClIAlR::\fAN. 'Yhat is tlU' purpose of this retainer?
Mr. HA:;\ILIN. The purpose of this retainer was to enable Mr. Lip-
~ky to earn some income for all of the amount of time he was spending
on JTA affairs. 1\11'. Lipsky in effect was traveling around the 0Oun-
try raising funds from the community welfare funds without pay- It
ment by the .TTA, and \Ylwn he explained this matter to me, I proposed
to our organization that we find him a retainer, and this we did.
The CHAIRMAN. It was ~ot connected with the services on the .JTA, Ai
Mr. HAMLiN. No,slr; itwasnot. tll
\ It
The CHAIRMAN. Unfortnnately they are going to take ont another
bin which I am interested in. I am going to have to go to the floor.
So we will have to-itop here, unfortunately. I thought we could com-
plete this. 'Ve will have to adjourn the meeting at this time and at
some future date which we can work ont will be mutually convenient,
l cc

we can finish these, I think-if there is not too much. In the mean-
time, we will furnish you with these requests, and maybe we can
takecareofall thisat thesamemeeting-.
Mr. HAMLIN. Very good, sir.
The CHAIRMAN. I am sorry I have to go, but the Senate is an unpre- A
dictable body. .
Mr. BOUKSTEIN. :May I with your permission add to the record ti
my thanks to you on behalf of both witnesses. e
The CHAIRMAN. Tliank you very much. 1I
Mr. BODKSTEIN. And any attempt on my part to be helpful was· 84
as you win have noticed, in the direetion of additional infonnation e~
rather than less infonnation. p
Mr. HAMLIN. Can I say for the ~Tewish Agency that we are glad tI
to be of any help we can. i~

The CHAIRMAN. Thank you very much. I:

(Whereupon, at 5 p.m., the committee was in recess, to reconvene 11
subject to'the call of the Chair.) c


Y 5,
7\'ClC }'ork, 7\'.1"., Junc '!(j, 1963.
ct the Chairman, Porciqn RelatioJli'; Committee,
:\ for U.S. ::;cllatc, Washington, D.C.
a!' HEAR SEN ATOR FCI.BRIGHT: This is. in respons.e to your letter of June 1S. ] D63,
requesting tl1at 1 proYide the <:olllmittee with information and material COll-
tained in the list attached to rour letter.
I elldo~-e hpl'('with thp material flS requested.
Uespcctfully ,yours,
Ewecutive Vice Chairrnan•
ay- ltrlll 1. List of the offi(·cr.'; alld 11I('1II/)C]",'; of O/c 7ward of dircrtors of the Jewish
Agency for Israel, Inc., a membership corporation organized under the
osed membership laws oj the State of New York. (~ee p. 1225.)
'fhp 1i:-:t of tll£' officer:.; awl I!lPIllhprs of t he board of directors of the Jewish
TA, Ag('IlCY for Israel, Inc., is in the Committee files.
On May 22, 1963, an amendment to the bylaws provided for the increase in
the nllllllH'r of directors of the Jewish Agency for Isnlel, I11c., from 21 to 27,
. ami a('('or(liTlgl~' the follmvillg additional directors were elected: (The list is in
the Commi ttee files.)
Jtcm 2. Ccrtificd copy of bylaws of the Jewish Agen,ey for Israel, Inc., effective
her May 23, 1963. (Seep. 1225)
I (A certined (,OPY of the hylaws of the Jewish Agency for Israel, Inc., is in the
committee's files. Certain pertinent portions follows:)


an- .A corporation organized under the membNship corporation law of the

State of New York
Section 1. The llwmbers of thL" Corporation shall consist of the United Israel
re- Ap»t'ul, Inc.; the .Jewish Agency (American Section) Inc.
Each of the corporate members shall elect or appoint delegates or representa-
ord tiYes to act for it at allY allnual or special meeting of the Corporation. Such
delegates or representatives, when assembled, as directed by the By-Laws of the
CQrporution, shall have and may exercise all the powers, rights and privileges of
lllhnbt·rs at any anllual or special meeting of the Corporation until their succes-
sors nre elected or appointed. Certification by any officer or a member to the
election or appointment of a delegate or representative shall be sufficient and shall
('UlfHIWer 1"uch delr~ate or representative to exercise all the powers, rights and
privileges of members at any annual or special meeting of the Corporation until
lad the election or appointment of a successor to such delegate or representative
is similarly certified. The delegates or representatives of United Israel Appeal.
Inc. shall have, in the aggregate, fourteen (14) votes at any annual or speCial
meeting of the corporation; the Jewish Agency (American Section) Inc. shall
ene have, in the aggr)gate, seven (7) voh~s at any annual or special meeting of the
cOr(wraUon. .
, 1397



Scdion i.-The corporation ~hall be munag-p(} hy a Hoard of nir('('tor~ ('011-

~isting of tWf'llty-Dlle (:!1) directors; fourtet>ll (14) df'sig-natf'd hy thp Cnill'd
[~rat'l .A ppl'lI l. I ne .. a nd seven (7) desi.~llnt('d by the .J pwi:-:h AgPII(':r L\l1H'l"i<'a II
Redion) rue. ~\llY v:l('allt'Y cl'('atpd ~h:tll he simila rly til1pd. I )in'('tors may
not. hp plpctpll in auv other way. ~ll'mbt>rs of the Hoard of Dir0('fors shall. llpon
thf'ir ('lp<:lion. imll~ediatpl~' (:nter UPOIl tilt' IH'rfoJ'llUlYWP of tlwir dutil'S amI
sh:111 continue in office until their snccessors ~hall he dUly ('lpctplI and qn:t1ify.


Sew l'ork, x.r., JIlIiC 2L /[;r;.l.
This is to c('rtif~' that the foreg'oin~ is a trne and correct C()p~' of the By-Laws
of til(' ,Jp\\"ish Agf'IH'~' for Isr:H'l. IIIC., in f'ffeet np to :\lay ~~lId, In(;~t On tl1::t
datl' thf' following :lIl1i.'wllllents were dnly adoptf'd:
Al'tkl(' I. s('diun 1, liS iUllplldf'd. to rend" as follllws :
Thl' IJ}PIlI!lpr:-; f;f tllp Corporation shall ('onsi~t of the rni!t>d Israpl Appeal. Inf·. :
tIll' .Tt'\Yish .\~PIl(·Y L\mf'riean Section) InC'.
Ea('h (If thl' corporatl' IIlPIlIlwrs ~hall l'leet or appoint <1pl('~att's or r('pre~enta­
tin's to ad for it at allY' allllual OJ' s\ll:'<'ial IJIPt·till~ of tllP Corpl1ratiOll. ~lI('h
del('~att>s or n'III'psl'ntatiYPs, wllPn assembled. as diJ'('(·tl'd hy the n~'-La\\'s of the
Corporal illll, shall ha \"(' and may ('xt'rdsp all llw pO\n'rs. rights and privilpg'ps of
lT1emhpfs :It ;1II~' anllual or spp<'i;ll JIIl'('till.~ of the ('orporat iOIl until thpir S1J('('psso!'s
fire plp('\pd or appointt'd. C('rtitkathll1 hy :IllY offi('pr or a 1lIf'lJIhpl' to thp p]{'dion
or appointJllf'llt of a delpgatp or rPIH'psentatiye shall he sutIidpnt and shnll ('JII-
pOWt'r such dl'lp/!at(' or r(')lI'('sPlltatiyp to ('xpr<'is(' all tll(' pO\\'(·rs. rkhfs, and
privilf'.~f's of 1lH'II1tl('rs at any aIIlI\wl or spel'inl m('etin~ of till' Corporntion uJltil
thpir SW'('('SSOrs art> p\(>dpd or appoint('d. ('prtilkatioll h~" fin:\, oflit'('r or a IllPlIlhpl'
to th(' ele<:tion or appointm('nt of fl d(']('gatl' or rf'IH"('s('ntatin' shan hl' snffif'ipnt
nn(l shall ('mpo"'('r su('h !l(')('gat{' or fl:'llI'pspntath"p to l'xpr('isp all thl' powP)'s,
right~ :111<1 Jlri\'i(p.~ps of 1lI(,lllbf'r~ at all.'" allll1lal or :,pl'cinl IIIpetill~ of thp Cor-
poratioll ulltil tlw ('('dion OJ' Hppoilltlllf'llt of a Sll('('f'SSOr to such d0Jpgafl' or t
reprpsentath'(' is similarly cprtilipd. The delpgatf's or rf'III'eSl'ntntin's' of fht' i
l'nite<1 Isnwl .\p)l('al, In('., shall haYf', in thl' aggr('g-atp, eig-htf'pn (l~) votes at l
nny annual or spedal llIeetin~ of the ('orporatioll; tlIp .Jewish "\~PlIl'y-Americ:lJl I
Section, Inc, shall have, in the aggregate, nine (n) votes at any annual or special I
meeting of the corporation.
Article III, section 1, as amendeu, to read fiS follows:
The corporation shall be managed hy a Board of Directors consistin~ of tW(,llty- J
seven (27) directors: eighteen (18) designated by the lJnited Israpl Appeal. Ine .. ]
amI nine (D) designated hy the Jl'wish Agency-American S('dion, Ine. AllV
vaeaney created :-;hall be similarly fill('<I. Directors may not he plel'tl'd in an~ (
other way, :\lembers of tile Board of Dirl'etors shnll. upon thpir t'l0dioll, iJl;-
Illf'diately Pl1tpr upon the performancE' of tlwir dutil'S all(l shall continue in oflicc
until tlH'ir su('('('ssor::; shall bf' duly elected and qualify.
ArtieIe II I, sedion .1, as amE'IH1f'd. to read as follows:
~rhe presen('e of fonrtepu (14) memhers of the BoaI'll of Dir('('tors sha n (,()Il-
stitntl' a quorum for the transaction of husinf'ss. If a quorum is not flrest'nt, R
lesser number may adjourn the meeting to a day not more than ten (10) days
Article IV, as amended, to read 8S follows:
Tl1ese By-Laws may be amended, repealed or alt~red in whole or in part by
eighteen (18) affirmative votes at any duly organized meeting of the members
or of the Board of Directors of the corporation.
MARCELLA KAPLAN, A,sistant Secretary.

l Item, 3. Ccrti(ic(l copy of By-Laws of the Jewish Agency for Isra·cl, Inc., cffective

prior to Aprill,19liOo (~ee p.12300)
(A complete set of the byla W8 are ill the committee files; pertinent portiolls fol-
The follow ing i::; a letter of certifica tion : )

'rIle ullllersiglled, A:,lsisLant Sceretary of the Jewish Agency for Israel, Inc.,
110es hereoy l't'rtify that attuched hereto is a true fllld complete copy of the By-
La ws of said Corpora tion ill the form ill wllieh the sallie were in full force and
t-'11l'ct vrior to Avril 1, H}f)O.
III witl\{}~~ wht'reof, t he undersigned ha::;; hereunto set her hand and the seal of.
sail! Corporatiuu this :2tiLh day of June 1U63.
l\1Al'CELLA KAPLAN, ,,1ssistant Secretary.


.\ corporat iOIl orgallized Ulllh~r the llll:'llll)l'r~hip corporation law of tile ~tate of
New York
~t'd iOIl 10 'Il'IllOers of the eorporation sllall consist of-
Tlte incorporators:
The .Jewish Agelll'y for Pah'stille.
!\.1'l"pIl lIaYP~(HI (Pa[vst ilH' l,'oulldat iOB 1"111\(1). Ltd.
Kt'}"('ll KayemetlI Le ISl"ael (Jl'\\'isll ~ati()nal FlIUd), LIll.
Eal'h of the C'O.l"llor:1 te 1l1('lllu('\"s shall elf'ct or appoint delegates or represcnta-
ti\,'~ 10 al·t for it at any :Jnllual or Spl'l"ialllll'I'tillg' of tIle 10urlloratiuu. ~Udl dele-
,~alp~ or n'!lI'I':·wntutin's W!H'll :ls~('I1l1JI('d, as direl.;led by the By-Laws of the ('01'-
j11lratillll, shall han' :\lId lIlay exprC'isl' ;Ill the powers, right:s :llll1llriyiIeges of
111l'lIJi),'r~ at allY allltll:d 01" ,,;pp<'ial W('l'tillg of LIll' corporation ulltil thpir SIH'l'es-
sor~ an' 1']('("[1'{1 or appoilllt'do C('rtili,'ation lly tl\(' St'(Tetary of a 1lll'I1l!wr to the
(,I('ctioll or appoilltllH'lIL of a tll'1pg"ate 01" rellresl'llta!.iye .::::hal1 lit' sullki('1I1 and
sh;lll 1'1I1j)(1\\"('1" ~I\("h (klt'gall'~ 01" n'pn'spntatiYc to t'Xl'rl"i:-:e all tl\(' pO\H~rs, rights
and pri\'ill'g,,~ of 1lll'lllbl'rS at allY annual 01" sppeial rueetillg of the eorvoratioll
unt il I h,' 1'11'(01 ion 01" ;llll"lilllllll'llt of a ~UC'l'l'SsOr to sueh delegate or n'presentati\'e
is ~ilJlilarl.v C'ertilied. The llUlll!wr of sueh delegates or representatives which
"adl of the said organizations shall elect or appoint to each anllulli or special
lIIl't'ting ot 1lie corporation, or for the purpose of taking any other. action, shall
1)(.' as (oll(\w::; :
'flip .J t 'w bh A~(,Il"Y for Pa lpsti 11£' ~------------ 10
h"1"I'n llay,',..;od (1':1 lest ille FOU!HJa t iOll Fund) ,'LtlL_________ 5
Kel'l'n KaYC'lllt-'th Le brael (J ewi!'h N atiollnl Fund), Ltd___________________ 5
]-;[ll'll ~lIch plectt-'ll or appointf'(l delegate or representathoe aIHI eaeh of the in-
corporators ~hall have one (1) vote.
~l'l·ti(lll :!. l;pOll He~olution adopted by a majority yote of tlIe membership,
other orgallizations cOllLel'ncd with the upbuildin~ and welfare of Israel and in
[h" adiyilies of the cO,rporatioll, lllay Ire invited to become members of the cor-
}lOI';I!ioll and to elt'd or to appoint <1el('~ates or representatives to represent them
at allY illlllllal and ,~lJ('dall1ll'('tjng of the corporation, and ·each such elected or
ap]loiIlll'd d(']('gate t~r rf'prCselltatiye shall have one (1) vote. .
!t('J1L -10 List Of l/lclnbc-rs Of the E.rccutive committee and ofJicers ot ~the 'United
Israel Appeal. (See p,... 123:!.)
(A complete list of the Executive Committee and officers of tbe UIA are in the
cormnittee files. A letter of certification follows:)
, ,
New York, N.Y.
Attached are certifi-ed lists· of the members of the board of directors of °the
United Israel Appeal, members of tlle executive committee of the United. Israel
Apll€a 1, and, officers of the United Israel Appeal.
I hereby certify that the list attached hereto is a true and complete lbt of the
members of the board of directors of the United Israel Appeal as 'of ~,lay 23,
GOTTLEm HAMMER, Secretary.

Item 5. Copy of Charter and By-Laws of the Unitod israel Appeal effective May '1'1
23 , (See p. 1232.) lIt(' .
(A certified copy of the By-Laws of the United Israel APlleal effective :\lay EXI'l
23, Hi{);~, is iu the COllllllitlee files. A letter of certification aml vertiuent portiolls Yo! P.
are us follows:) J 11('('t

0. U2'lITED ISllAEL ApPEAL, II' '1/1,

Xew Yurk, N.Y.
The undersigned, Sf'crelary of United Israel Appeal, Iul'., does hereby ('crt ify 'I'll
that attul'hed 11creto i::; a true uno cumplete e0tJy of the By-Laws of said Co 1'-
pOrutiOll in the fOrtH in whidl the same ure presently in full force and dfcct. t i (J n
Iu witllP::;s Will'fl'of, till' uDlINsigued has hereunto ::;et Ilis hU1I(1 and llll' ;-';('al "T
( l:!O
~< of said CorPDration this ~()lh day of June 1\)63.
GOTTLIEIl H~M~lER, ::)ccl'ctarlJ.
lin t ('(
By-LAWS OF THE l~ :\'1'l'J-.:[) !:O:RAEL ApPt:.... L. I:\'c.
t io))s
Ap)l1'l'vpt! hy thp hllanl of dire<jors at its lllPpting on ::\Iar('h W. 1~I,-.O, and a,.; Ill('. :
llJllI'lId('d hy tlw board of din'dors at its lUl"eting on January :2;;, lU;>;~ hl'foI
Scdio!t I.--The lJIcmLJ£>rs of tI\(' Corpol'atiou ~hall consist of one hllUUl'pd flllli
twellty (1:20) lll'r~olls. Uf Ihesc, the l'alesUnc FoulH}atioll FUlld (1\:('rPII Hay\,-
SOli) I Ill'. ~hall be l'PIU'l'S('u(l'd at any HIIuual or sIleciul Illel'till,~ of (he Corpora-
tion by se\'t'llty-two (i~) reprcsenta ti yes anu forty-eight US) IH'rSOIJS sha 11 hI'
SPI·t il
desig-IlN} by the communities ill e(lnsultatio[l with the ('ouncil of Jewish Fl'd- whi(,j
erutious alHl \\'cLfare FUllUS. Tlw l'alestine Foundation Fund (1\.1'1'('11 lIaYl'so~l) "T'
111<'. alld said ('Ollllllllllit il's shall bave tIll' right (" 1I1akp s\l('h l!p,.;igllati"n" h('n'-
"j I
inbefore pru\'ided from y('llr to year. At any aIlllual or spedal Ilwet iug of the
" (I
Corpora tiuII, ea('h llH'lllber t hereof shall 11a ve ou£> (1) vote. "(
Section I.-The Board of Directors shall C'onsist of not k"" than OUl' lllllll]rpd "I,
:lIld (\"PIIly (1:!O) uor more thau one llUndred ulld thirty (1:\0) Ilire('!ors \\"111I
shall II£> ('l('('\('d at ('adl allllu:1i nJ('~'tillg of th(' Cl)rp0l'atioll t" sl'rw' \lntil the
I DC.,
lIext annual Illpptillg' or ulltil their sun'I'S""]',, :-;lIall han.' bN'1I ('Ip('fp(lliud IIllali- Al
tied ill t]l(' following' Jll<lllll('l': nn(]
Th(' !lPrSOllS (lPsi~ll:lt('d rOt· J\\l'lll],('rsliip in till' CI,rp()r:Jt i(IU II.\' tlI!' l':llpstiul' 1l1('Jrl
}'ollMMatio!1 FlIIHI (!\:('('('Il llayesud) ll}('" voting HS a group slwll be entit!pd to Item
ell'("f";7('\'('llty-t\\'O (i:! I I )ir('(·toI'S.
Fort~'-('igllt (-lK) Pirpl'lol's of tlH' Corporatio!l ~lIal] Ill' p)('('!I'(llJy tlw 1l1('Jllbpr"
of til(' ('orporatj(Iu frOUI alllOIlg- tll(, I'l'pn':-;plllati\-('s of tll(, vario\ls ('OJllllllllliti!'s
in tile llI1itp(\ ~tat('s l'hosPIl in l'onslIlta!iou with the ('oulwil of Jewisll Fpd- May
eratiOlIS and ·'\'£>Ifare FUlJds.
Additional Director,,;, Hot pxcf'{'ding ten (10) in lIuIl11)('r, !lIllY be plel'l('(l Ht
each unlluallll£>f'ting hy the pntire llH>rnh£>rship of tile Corporatioll.
The EXf'('utive Diree!or of P:tl(,:o;tiJl(' }<'o\llldatioll FU!ld (K('!'('Jl IIay('sl)(l) Illl'. Tl
shall he invitpd to attf'IHI lll('ptillg~ of the Board of I )irp('!ors hut he shall !lot be sod)
entitled to vote tlwrNlt ulII('ss he he a llIemo(>r of tlle Hoard of Directors. of t I
i tl f\
Section f.-The Board of Directors, froll! UII1on~ their members, shall elect a of ~~
COlllmittee to ue known as the "Executive Committee," which shall have the
po\\'l"r to condu<'t thl' a/Tail'S of the or~anizlltion between meetings of the Boul'l} By
of Directors. The Exe<.'utive Committee shull cOIli-:bt of fllrt~· (40) IlWllllJ('rs A
Ilnd the officers who shall he l1Il"nlbers of the EX("('utivQ Committee ex-officio. AI
Sixty percent «()O%) of tbe members of this Committee shall be C'hosen from
nmong the members of the Coq)oration who were dcsig-uated by the Palestine
Fouudn tion l."llIHI (Kf'ren II aypsod) I nt'., a TId forty percen t (40%) of the mem-
b("r~ of this COllll1littf'e shall be chosen from luuoug the members of the Board
of Dirf'ctors who were elected to office by the eommunities ill consllltation witp
the Council of Jewish Fedf'rations and \Velfnre Fllnds. (
This F~xeclltive Conunitlee s'hall nH'f't at least ouce each month. However, no (
meetings need be held during the months of Jnly !Iud Au~ust in {'ueh year.

\ \.
~c May TIll' EX("l'utiyp }lin.,'tor of ~I}(' l'a{~,..;tillf' FouIl<lation FUIllI (Kpn'll II:t,\'p,..;od)
II\(", ,..;hall bl' ill\'irt'd Iii attt'Il<} 11l('PtinfAl, of thp !':x(,l'utiq' ('ollllllittl'('. hut if IIIP
e ~lay EXp('lltiq\ Ilirp('IDr i,..; 1101 a JIlpllIIlI'r I,f tlh-' ('Olllillilt~'p Ill' ,..;hall 1I0T Ill' /'Illillpd 10
L>rtiolls YofP, :\'illp I !II )I Il'l I lIw 1''''; of (hi,..; ('ollllilittpc ,..;lwl! ('o!l,..;litlltp ~ qllOrllI1I llf all
1111'('1 illg-S t IW:'I'of,
11"11/. I;, NI'/II' ,\'t til R//llinil {(I/' fliP rU'or'! Ih(' ,~I(flll,~ f/8 of 1{1//1 .2,!, 1.ll/i,I, of Ihe
N.Y. ('or/wi'll!!' ('(lilirol l / / fill' "/li!I'd lsnll'! AjJjJI'II, (:-;ep)I. !:.!:):),)

cprt ify Thp ('orporatp eOlltrol of Ihe {"llitp(l 1"';1":1<'1 .\P1)(,<l1. a,..; of :\[:IY :.!:l, l!lI;::. i" ,:;et
d Cul:- fort II ill artil'lp 1. ",;p('lio)l 1 of till' b,\-law,..; of thp l')lil('d brad .\pppai. :-;aid ,"('e·
'(,l't. t j"ll t'l'ad,..; a,..; follow,..;: ~
IP /'ipa I "Till' IllPlllbpr,..; of till' ('orpor:tlion ,..;hall ('oll,..;i,..;t of otIp h1111drp;! alld I\Y('llfy
\ I:.!()j ppr",;oll"';, (If tllp,,;(', Illp l'alp,..;tillP F01lndatioll F1IIIdi I KprPll lIa'\'('''';lId I, IIW"
'orl/, >:hall hI' rp)ln'''';Plllpd al allY anllual or ,.;p~ial Il\l'dillg- of Illp l'oI'!'oI'atillu by
"';1'\'('llt,,'-two 17:2/ n'prp"';l'lllatiYP"; awl fOl'ty-('igllt \--/..... 1 Iwr,.,on,..; ,..;hall bp dpsi~­
lIal(,d b.Y thl' ('Ollltllllllit i('",; in l·lln";llltaJioll \yitll Ihp ('OlIIH'il of Jl'wi,..;1l }<'('{]pra-
Ti"I1"'; allc! \-\'(,Jfa \'(. Ftlllc!"';_ Tht' )'alp,..;TiIH' }1'flllIltlatillll Flllld ,KprplI JIa,\·p,..;ot!),
llld a,..; I1W, alld ,..;aid ('Olllllllillitip,.; shall ha\"(' thl' ri~ht to Illakp :-'1H'1l d(',..;igllati"n,.; !Jl'rl'ill-
}lI'forl' proYid('d frotll '\'('ar to ,\'par. At any allllua) or >:)l('('ial Illl,(,ting- of Ihe
('orporatioll, p:ll'hllll'lI!lH'r tlll'n'of sllall lIa,'l' one (1) Yotp,"
Th\I";, thl' I'a](',..;tillp FOlllldatioll Fnnd I Kp!'t'1\ lIn,v('",;,,;!). Ill" .. throllgh its
,'d Hlld 1"(')1r(,"';(·I11:1ti\'('." at ;ttl,\' anllllal or ,..;!w<'ial lllPptillg of tlH~ j'lIitpd brad c\pppal,
Hayp- ('olltrols thp l"lliT('d Israel Ap1wal.
,rpora - ('orpllratp /'olltrol "f tIll' l'alp,.;tillP }'''IIlHlatillll Flilld (K('rPll l[a,\'p,..;od). 1111'"
1<111 IH' \\hidl ('(/1111'01,..; tIl(' j'nitl'd ],..;ral'l Al'pl'al, a,..; af"rp,..;aid, i,..; ,..;1'1 forth in 11rti(')p I,
I F('d-
,..;pdillll 1 of till' h'\'I:l\Y"'; Ill' till' l'all'stillP F01llldatioll FUlld I Kpl'l'1l lIayl',..;"d), 1IIl'"
.. p '''o~j )
\\'lli('h ,..;pd ion rpads as follows:
, Il('fl'- "Thl' IllpllllH;rship IIf Ihl' l'orporation shUll COllsist of:
"I I() TIll' Ziolli,.;1 (lrgallizalion of Anll'ril'lI, whil'h ,..;hall haY(' :-.:i Yoll''';_
of till'
,. (b) Thp Poal(" Zion l':lr'ty of :\l!l('ri('ll, W!Jil'l1 shall han' 1:-. ,'otp,..;_
"l (' I Thl' :\[izrlll'hi ()rganizntioll of :\llll'ri"a, ",IIii'll ,..;hall han' 11 \'otp,:;,
"( rI) Thp I [aila"';"';;Jh, t 11(' '''l)!ll('n·,..; Zionist (lrg:lJ1izat ion of .\lllpri/'a, which
shall han' ]fl ,·otes.
IIdr0d .. ( (,) 1'hl' illl'orpora tors IIf t hI' Palf'stillP FOlllllla t inll F1lnd I Kpl"('n lIa~'p,..;nl1),
\dw IIH'., all(i thp ,\IllPficnn I'n]pstilw Campaig'll, In('" w!lidl ",pl'e consolidated to
i I t 11(' forlll this corporation, pneh of whom shall have one vot('."
qua I i- All of till' individuals alld p('rsollS art' <'itizpns of tll(' {'nitpd ~tatf's of AII1('rie!l
and all of the or~anizatiolls are ineorporntl'd in thp UnitNi ~tat('s, and tl1pir
'sf illp llH'lllIH'rs, dirpl'!ors, and offi,.prs are all citiz('llS of the Unitr-d ~tatps of .A11Jf'rica.
!pd to
!tell/. 7. ncrluc8t Of 'he Uy·/,alrs of the Palestinc F011lldation Fund effective .lfay
2J,19113. (Spe p. 1:2:{4,)
!II )pr,..;
Il it i (''''; (A ('PI·titi(·(1 l'npy of tllp By·Laws of thp 1'alp,.;tillP FoundatiolJ }<'1In(1 p!Tpl'tive
1"1'(1- May 2:{, 1!)();{, is ilJ UIP ('otnmittpc fill'S, .\ !pttt>r of ('prtifkatiolJ and )If'l'tillpllt
pOl'tions lire as follows:)
('(] at KEHl':~I.\Yt:SO[) l'AI.F:STI:"E FOU:\"[)ATIO:-' Fc.'w, INC_
1111', 1'hp 11 ndprsignp'd, ('ot )'pa,..;urpr of 1'a I('st ilW Foullda tion FUlld (Kprpn Haye-
ot be :'041\ 1111'" doe,..; hpl'p})y ('(-'!iif,\' that. atta('hpd I!prpto j,..; a trll(' and ('Oll1p]Ptl' copy
of thl' B,\··Law,..; of ,..;aid COIl)Onltioll in Ihf' form ill \\'hi-I'h the sallie an' prp:.;('ntly
in fll11 forep :I III I pfl'pl'!.
III witlH'sS wlwrpof. thl' lIJlllprsignl'i! has lH'fl'l1l1to ~t his hand and the spa1
pet a of ,..;aid Corporatioll this :">Hth <In,\' of ,111ne 1!1{;;~.
GOTTLIEB IIA~OIER, Cotre(l.~urer.
e Ow
,oa I'd By LAWS OF THE 1'.\U:STI:'\E FOl':'\D:\TION' Fll:"\'D (K~:HF:N HAYES<ID) INC" AS
1I)prs A~[E:-'[)F:D AT TilE "'\:"NllAL :\IEETI:"G OF TIlE ::\IE~IBERS !IEI.U ON TUESDAY, JANU·
cio. AftY ~, H);..)
stine ,\HTH'Lf: I. ~{EMBF.R8HIP
l(' Ill-
oard I,-Tlll' 1lIf'lIllH'r~hi)l of thp ('()l"JlOration shall <,onsist of-
with \ a) The Zionist Org-anization of A lIIeric'a , whkh shull hayf' ;'f) votRR,
(11) The POll Ie Zion Party of America, whil'h Rllnll have 1;' Hlt{'S.
, no (c) The :\lizl'Uehi Urg-unizlltlon of /\Jl)prien, ",hil'h shnll ha\'e 11 \'otps,

1·102 :\C'l'I\;I'rn:~ OF AGE:\TS OF FOHEIG?\ PRI:\CIP:\LS I;\J" U,S.
1,1 I '1'1 .. , } [:ld:I"";:llI. 111p \\'''111('11'''; Zi"1Ii"t Iln:;:llIiz;lli"1l (,f "\IllPrii-a. whi\'h ~I

,,11:1: I 11:1 I'P 1:. \"I" I'''. :11
II I '1'111' il", •• rl"'1';II'>!',,; "f II .. , 1';III'..;li1I" F"lllld;lljllll FlIlld 11'''''1'11 ll:I~·I'''()dl. II,
11'1'. ;I!!I/ 1111' ,\/11"1'1";111 ]';,11'''1:111' (·:lIIII';li~11. [II .... \I'llit'll 1\'l'rl' "I'II"o!id:lll'd to I
("1'111111:' I ""!''''''Ili !! ""1·1, 'If 1\ il'llll "11:111]1:1\',, 1I11l' 1'1111'. '0 I D
;..;, d".jI I'. Tit" :lIIII\I:I! 1I1l'I'/lll::' I,f 1111' "111'1 '''1';11\''11 ,,11:\11 11(' III'IJI 7;11 111 .. I:,,,t
Tltllr"i;II' l,r (1:·I"h,·r ill (':1,,11 \'1';1\'. oil "111·11 h"l1l' :llld !":I<'" :1" '111" 1:":/r<1 'If \ II
llil"·,'I"'''; ,1/:11' /h:, 11111,·"..; '11"11 ',]:1\' ,11:111 hl';1 1":":::11111' .!I-\\'i,1t hlllid:l\', ill \\'l1il,l1 i
('\"'111 1 tw 1III"'1I"~ ,11:111 j", 1t,'ld (III fll(' 111'\1 "",wc'I','dlll~ 1'111] Iln>:ilH'''" <1n,l" !lol :1
](':..::;'1 p" .],,\vi,,1t 1t,·li<1:\;\· .
...... , ,,! "'" T :'1""-£:1 1 II11T1 ill:"::"; IIf rll(, 1III'lld ... 1" Ill' I h~ 1'lIl'p0l';ll Il1ny IH' j"" .~
(,;1111',1 ,II ;\11.\ I illll' 1~1 iI" ,·It':linll:'11 .. f 1/11' 1~";II't1 ,d Ili)'I'" .. ',~. "I' I'll 1''';11:J lit : .. 1'"".
01111 i"11 ,d' 11", l~":lr<l pC Ilir,·,·t"I'''; "I" ,\.illlilli";(I':lril·,· (' ..11111 '
.. ..;,·I'/i,,/I 1\' 'r>!i,·,· IIC IIlI','lill:"::."; "I' till' JllPIII1WI'", ,d' I ";.;,rl'''I':lli''lI "JI;111 1))' .J,
q'll! 1,\' 1111' ~1"'I','I;ln' ],\. 11I:lil. p,,"t:I~:" 1·I'I'p:lit!. til ,·:\,·h f 1]11' IIII'lllhl'r..; nt f1l1' ,I:
:ltldl'c''',,'''; ,,1t"11'11 "11 1111' 1'("'IIrtl" "f lli,' c'''1'pllr:lti l i ll :I,
~e;, r 11'11 d:/~· ..; !l('f,,1'1' 1111' J ..
d:I!I' ti'\l'rl 1'''1' " 111I\1'f i1\~, )·'1
.( Fl
",l'ii'I}/! 'J'iI .. ]\";lrd lit" nin'I'lllr" ,,11;11'\ "llll..;i..;t III' 1;\0 !)('l'''1l11.''; qll:l!if!,'c! :11111 I ,\1
~1·1I'('II'<I "..; f,01111\\',:
I :\1
11/1 All III' tl,,' <lll'c·I'1"r..; ..;11:111,1))' (·cIIlTrihl1t"r."; til 111(' !';III'.. .;Iillf' F'lllll,l:ltilill
Flllld I K"I'I'1l 1I",l'p"cl(!I, Jill'. Ill' :1111' 1"\111<1 ill lllii,·11 Ill .. K"I'l'lI II:I.\·I·",,,I
p;ll'f i,·i!'''I'·''; '.., ,
I :\1
or n...: ,

II, \ Ihl' l:;d din':·IIIr". II"I 111,,1'1' th:\11 "lIn11 Ill' lIlPlllhl'r..; ill :"::'))1.] "1:llld·
,\ I
ill~ "I' 1111' ZicIIII..;I. OrC:;llllz:lli"lI "I' ..\1l\l'ril·:I. :111.] "I' tlli..; Illltllh,'j' 7"11:111 IH'
IJIf';l\lwl" "f. "lid r'·l'I"''''·!!'. t I\l' Ord,'1' S,IIl'; "I' Zi"ll: lI"t ltll'I'l' f 11:111 1~) ,,11:ill j."
11l<'IlJiII'I''' ill ~1I11<1 .,,1:11111/11.:":: ,.1' Ill<' I'll:III' /.illil P:Il'l\ "I' ,\IIII'ric':I: 11111 11'''1'(' 111:111
1/ ..;11:111 hI' 1I11'1111Ic'r..; ill l!"'" 1 ,t:llltlil/l! IIf flll' \lizr:J,lti ()I'~"lliz:i1i'lJl (If .\lllI'1'ic';I:
1/"1 111"1'1' 111:11' ::l ,11:1111", 111"IlI1"'r" ill :.:'(1,,,1 ,...!;lllclil,C: "I' 11,,<1:1,,:-:,11. t!", \\'tlllll'II'"
Zilllli,' (Ir:':;llIiz:11 i'''1 "I' ,\lIlt·l'i'·:I.
1/'1 nir""I")" ..;11'111 I", 1·1""1".] :Ir ";1I'1t :IIIIII,:!1 1I1(,plill~ ill s,·n·,' 1IIIIil 111('
llt''\' ;1111111:11 llll'l·till:':: 1111<l11111il lll('ir ";11''l',''''';IIr..; 11:1\'1' 111"'11 1'11'1'11'1i :llId ,!\I;ilifi,',1.
11/1 1Ijr('('I\OI'~ ?l1·,'d 11"1 I", 1IIt'III11('\,"; lit' tit" "111'1"1[';11 inll.
...... "·/11.1/ II :'''('''1 ill:'::"; ,,[ 11/,· }'.\O:lrd (If lIil'Pc'lol''' ,,1t;111 11(' 11"ltI '1]'"'' lilt, (':Ii]
IIr tIlt' ('!J"iI'JII:III IIf tIll' 1:":ll'd til' I Ii r,"'! "1'.";. tlr 11[11'11 till' ";111 lit' Tltli ic·,,;.,,; 111:111
l~ 1>( 1111' <Iin·,·!tI!'..;. TIll' :1111111:11 1II,'("i!,:..:: c,f 'III' 1~II:tr,1 til' ni)'""to)", 1'''1' 11Ic'

1'1 C'1'i i I> II ,\ f f ,I! i.1' 1'''; ,11: ill hI' 11 I' J rI \\ I , I, ill:: II \ I:1.\'" : I "i" I' I 1,1' ; I II 1III: II 11II .,' 1i II:":: IJ f
t III' ,., il'l " , I' : I ~ i ' 'TI
...... , l,ti'I)1 " I "tI! ie" "f ;Ill 1I11,,'till::"; Ill' tlil'"t'fll!'" "11;111 1,(, ~iI'''TI 1,,1" 1I1:1il. jlet..;(;IC:,'
l'I"'I';l i <l. hI' !t'II':.::r:lI,1t Ilr 1','r";IlII;111.'.:l1 1,·"" 1\\'" 1:.21 el:I."."; hp[lIl'(' thP"!l:III'·fh,·,j
for ";11<'11 II\I"'! ill". ]{f\C:\l]:lr 11 It'l'l illC:..; ,d' t iiI' 1:Il;l reI Ill' ·l1il'"(·tllr,, Ill:!\' 1,(' }H'ld
:It "Ill'll tillll'" 1111111'1:1"1''' :1" nl:lY hi' Ihl'(J frtlil/ tilll!' Til tirllf' h.\' till' HII:lrd of J
nin'c,r"I''' \11 :1 re"o!l1tillll :llltlf'tl'<I :If " 11\1'('tin~ tlll'l't'tlf I
.....' (',·/,fI/1 II' ,\11\' \':11"111"\' ')('I'llrrin:.:: ill Ih,' IIl1'rnlll·1'...;1Iip of tl](' HIl:1 I'd (If
Pir ..dlll''' III:'" hI' f1l11'd h\" tIll' l'l'1I1:1illin" dirl'('tnr,:: :1l1d llIp dil'f'f'i(ll''' "CI \'111'''('11
,,11:111 1t..,1" IItli,'" Illlri] tIll' IIl'xl :111T111al IIlf't'!in:.:: "I' th,' ('lIl'pllr:ll,i,lIl ;llId 11111il
tlll'il' I'I'''l'l'c·tiY(' >:1 1l'l'P"'::1l 1'''; "}III11 !J:\,'P }wPTI 1'11'i'TI'rI fllHI qll:tlifipd.

\l('l'r('u~ Ilr. ·CO\l \t fTTU:S

Fi,'di(Ol T,.- -Till' n')~lr<1 (If nif(;l'fn1'~ "hnll npp,)iJlt all FXP"l1tiyf" ('nIl1ll1ittpf' 10
11.. kTlIIIl'l1 :Ie-' 1111' ",\dlllillio.;Yr:lti\'p ('ornlllittl~P" to hold offkf' 11 I1ti I 1]1f' fir"t
lI11'ptiTl!: of Ih,' Hf):lrrl of Tlirl'dnr" Ilf'Xt f"IlIl\Ying' Ihp fllllll1f11 T!lPl'ting' of thp
('01'l'llratillll. :lllIJ llnlil Ihf'ir "1H'('('~s()r" shnll 11:1\'.1' hppn p]('('tN1 nnd QllflI ifif'd.
Thl' .\dlllilli"lrnlin:' ('olllllliltpl' !"hnl] ('()ll"i!"t of fill nif' plf'f'lpd oftkprs of tlw
('o1'pol'ntillll find 17 :1tldifiolt:11 T!l1'lllIH'r" plpctpd at tll(' flTlll"al mpprill~ of !lIP
nO:lrd (If Din'clor,::. Thp Pl'p..;idpnt Sh:lll prp"idp fit nll Il1ppting-!" of Artll1ill'
istr:lti,\1' ('Olllll1i1troP. ~ .. \"pn lllf'I1lhprs "hnll ('OllstitlllC' a f]llornm :It fill 1l1f"f"lin!!"
of IJH' ,\'(lmillisf1'ati\'p ("\lIlll1ittN'
S, rli"n IT.- ,'fhp :\(}lIlillisfr:l'th'p ('olllmittpp shnl! hnyf' find Ittfl,'l' f'xprf'isp nil
till' IHl\\'f'rS nf tl1P Hlll1r,l of Dirpf'lnrs Wllf'n thp nonrtl of Dirpf't.()rs j" 'llot ill
>:,"'",itlll. '1'111' Administratiyp ('oll1mittpp ~hflll hll'l'P Ih\' p<nn>r t(i !llllkp !"11l'h
1'1111',.; a 11(1 rC~\Ila I iOliS gOH'rni III; i I s cO]HI ud, I he ea llillg of its lllPcl iugs. anti
";11<'11 nlll!'!' mall!'r,.; as it ,.;hnll (}Pl'lll all\·jsallll'. anti Illa~' frolll I illle 10 lillll'
;1JlPoi[l1 Sill'll (,OIIIIlJiI\('('s as it shall dl'l'm necessary or ;I\II'isalJIl'. It shall
II:I\'(' tll(' IlO\Y('1' til employ. Llis('hargl' and fix 1111' l'lllllll(,Ilsnti"!1 of all t'lllploypes,
.\]1 ya";llwjps ill tIll' AdllJillistratiH' C.ollllniltl'(' shall be fill(,t! by l!r(' Board of
, J:,s'
I'd llC 1/"/11 ,0.:, !?I'/I//I'''I fIJI' II J/I'I/I'-II)/-)//I/I' {((','Ii/lillil/Il lif a1! ])(/)/II/(,1If8 to till' ,lll1lTi('au
I'll i ('ll /.ifJl/i8f ('OI/IICi/. {~(,(' II, 1:!J3,)
11Il( :1
1,',,1' rill' IH'l'i,,(\ fl'l,tll .rallllar~· 1. J~),-.;;, rllrllll;.;h ::\1:ll'('!J :~1, l!H;O:
Iy hi'
t rt':'-
J)a fr .4 III f) 1/1/ t nil t r ,411/1)1/ Jl t
ill ]". .1.l i 1~ : ;;:2 .•. (HIli, (Ill .1111i1' ~!, - - - - - - - - - - - ]iI.uoo.00
I t II,' ,I: III. 1-;- ~'-" (1(1(1.11l1 ! .Jull· 1 __ ", 000, 00
\' lilt, .Ia1l. :!.j 17.000,00 I,,J \1 i:'" I _ ;,,000.00
!' "\', .J : :11, 1.Oi \, (10 I .r \II ~' 1 I __ _ _ __ 10.0(\0.00
1".,1, ~; 10, OliO. (10 i .IIlI,' :.!p,. , . _ 1(I, 0(10. 00
1",'1/, ],-, :!O,IIOII.(III' .JI11.'":.!" .. 10,0(10,00
{.'t !} ':.!.""'-
o 1(\.(\(\0 (\11 i ,,"II!.!; ., , :.!. not \. no
.\1,,1'. 10,0\1(', Ill' i ,\\le:, .... l>-',OOO,O()
:\ l; I I', ..... 1'-" Oil;!, Pi' I .\ \l;.;, \( I.. _ 1;~, ilOO. 00
ilillll \1:, :c 1 .\11:':-,1'; __ .. _ .. , _
I', '-,,000,110 ]( ). 0(11). 00
''''''1(1 :'II" I', :tl_ :l.-" (100, 00 , ,\\I~, :c·L _ lIl, 00(1, 00
,\/,1'. .-, _ : ;,1, 000, 110 : ,"""1 1[, jO, UOo, (/()
" II oJ- ,\]11', ~1 1:-" 1l1l11 11'1' ~I'I". :-, --- --- _ 111.000,00
I h,'

li h·
_\ id', ~ti 1'-', Oll( I, Ilil :-:"\,1. 1.-, iO. 1100.00
:'ILl,\" :L . :!U, O( I( I. ()(, :-:"1'[, .,.J .. _ 10,000,00
:'I[:l~' 1 i .. _ 1'-" I IUO, o() , ;--;,,1'\, ~~l __ ------ _ )0,000,00
:'11:1., 1!1 _ 1(), (100, (Il I
:\)a.," ~-L _ ]Il, 0011, 110 ~lIbt()taL ;;;J1, 000. 00
,JIlIIl' 1 _ 10,0011. Oil ' I.p,,,, ,';I .. ll !'l't'l'i,'('d frllllJ
.Til II I' ,,, _ :!O, 1100. 00 ~hpl,,'l IlIlard _ (;0 J. ;'0
,[11111' J:L _ (i. 000, no
.1 1I1](' 14 _ ~(J. o~ 10. 00 _______ ; ..-,(1, ;:~)". ;;0
('; II I .J Illl (' :~: i _ _ __ _ _ . __ _ _ _ ... lIl, UOO, (III
III ('
c: IJC
t :1 eel'
'1,1 '<I I,
]Jr'l <I
11 of J
of I

f' til
fi rst
t fl{'
('d, /

t ]l{'


For tile !/('(I/' clldrd Sept. 3f), 195(;

nnl6 Amoll/lt nate A mOllllt
19:i5 1 !1.ifi-CtlIllilllH'd
Oct .. ) - _ ~1O.000.00 .\pr.I1.. _ :m. 000. ()() ()
Oq. J ~- _ 10.000.00 ·\PI'. 1._. _ :.!O.OOO.()O 0
(It-r. 17 _ 10.000.00 .\Pl'· :2:1------------------- :!O.(lf)O.O(l 0
()(ot. I!L ' _ W. ono. on Apr. 30 _ 11,;J0:J.flH ()
Od. ~ L _ 1.-'. OO(l. 00 :\1 ;IY ~--- -- - - - -- - _ - - -- - --- 20,000.00 0
:\o\'. 1 _ }:J. O()(). 00 :\lay ~l . ---- 20.000.00 :\
:\o\'. :!. _ .1. .1110. 00 \Iay 1:).:L . __ - ----- 20,000.00 )I'
~..._II\-. -t..oo _ 1.1.000. Of) \11l.V ~:!.-- ----------------- 20,000.00 X
" II \'. :-; _ ll). 000. Oil :\ I ay ~n -__ - - - - - _- - - - - - - -- --- :.!O, OO(~. 00 :\
Xo\'. 17 . _ 10.000. on .Jlllll' .. - --- -.:.------------- l:J,(lOO.00
X" \'. :2:2
:\o\'. ~~I .. .
10. nuo. 00 .TIIIH' 1:2
1:1.000.00 .IUIlI' W
_ 1 ;1,000. 00
_ :20,000.00 "
np(' . • . . . _ 10.000.00 .fUll\' ~li . __ - __ :!;I, ()(IO. 00 1)
p('('. 1.1 __ _ . __ . _ l:l.oon.oo .fUllt' ::0------- ---. _ 1..-,(j;). :~!) D
1)1'(', :2:2 _ I". 000. I)() .T nl y .'1 __ - __ - - - - - - - - - - -- 20.000. no
J )t·j'. :!. ___ __. . __ _ _ 1:1, UOO. 00 J1llJ.y 10. _ l:i. 00.). 00
July lR _ ];1.000.00 .J;
19~f9 .T:
.Jail. d .. _. • 1:-•. 000.00 i JUI,: 24.. _ 1;'), 000. 00
.rail. 11
_ ~O. U(lO. 00 :{l:~. ~
:!o, 000. 00
I...... -------------------- 1:l. 000. on
1;). 000. 00 .J:
.Jail. 17 . . _
:20. f)(}O. (10 ~~11~. !.-l _ 1;" oon. 00 .r,
.J an. :2·L _ ___ _ _ .. - - -- • 1I,.... _1 _ H •.)()(). 00 ,J
Fph. 1. . _ :!O. noo. 00 .\ U~. :10 _ 14,000.00 F
}<'l'h.:2 . _ ')~. (log. O(~ .\n.~. :n _ F
Ff'I>. k _
7-lR :ri
_t, (1) .O( .\I1I:.:n _ 6;;2. 41' F
Ff'I>. ~L
1"1'1,. I L
:l. 000. 00 ~('Jlt. -l ==_ l:l,OOO.OO F
~~, ~)(). ~ :--;ppl. 1:2 _ 10,OOO.O{) F

:2:L . .
-'.> 00. :4ept. 1,-; _ 10,000.00 ~l
d. 000. 00 :--;ppl. :!-l _ 1 :i, O()(l~OO ~l
Fph. :!k __ . .. _ :2.1. 000. 00 :\1
:\lar. Ii. _ :.!.l. 000. 00 Sl1hlotaL _ 9-l6,472.22 1\1
:\lnr. 14 _ :!O.OOO.Oo .\<111. nc('nlals Ilt S<"pt. :10, :\1
:\Iar. :20 _ :20,000.00 ] O:)l; . _ ~~.808.00 A
:\1 a r. :W . __ - _ :20. 000. no I :\
,\Jlr. :-,----------- ---- - ---- :!.l. 000. flO \ TotnL _ 9i~, 7,~1. 1:! A
For the !war ended Sept. 30, 1957
11tH I n t
Dale' Amollnt Date Amount
1! 1!J.i7-COlll ill upll
OO(l.nn (ld. :~. _ _ _ ~IO,OOO.OO :\ ray ~S__ __ _ :.. _ 1:J. 000. 00
O(ln. 00
(kt. 1ll. _ 1.•• 000.00 :\Iay :~I_. _ ;")::1. ;jG
(jrr. 17_ . . . _ 10, 000. 00 :\Iay:n . _ 1, 1(j~. 87
:;O:J. nF~ (It't. :2-t. __ . ___ ___ _ _____ _ __ l:J,OOO.OO .J11Il£' :L. _ 1;.,000.00
000.00 ()('t. :{O • _ Li, 000. 00 ./iine 11 . __ . _ 1:1,000.00
noo.oo :--: OV. 7 . ____ _ . _ 10.000.00 .rUlll' 12 _ 10.000.00
000. (JO :":ov. J:L _ 1:-0. (1)0. 1\0 .Julle 1\1 _ :!O.OOO.OO
000. 00 :":ov. ~O _ l:1,OIlO.O(} ,June 1!L _ 4,000.00
O(H •. 00 :":ov. :27 _ 1:i. 000. 00 .fullt' :!(L . . _ 1;'. ()()(). 00
tHI(l. 00
()()O. on
:":ov. :W . _ :!77.!lG July ~ • _ 1;:),000.00
Ilt'('. :> . _ :20.000.00 .Iuly W • _ :.!;', 000. 00
000.00 [ll'c.I:2__ _ . _ 1:0.0(10.00 .rilly 17 _ 1;;,000.00
()()O. 00 J)pt'. 1..;. .. _ 1;;.000.00 ,July :!-t _ 1:1.000.00
:Oli.'. :lfl l)('('. ~Ii _ 1:J, 000. 00 ,Jllly:\1 .. 13,000.0{)
000. 00 .July :;1. . . _ -tS7.00
000. flO 19:i7 .\ug'. li _ 1;).000.00
000. no .1:1[1. ~ _ 1:>.000.00 .\ llg'. 1:1 _ L', 000.00
oon. 00 .Tall.."i _ 1:1. OOH. 00 .\ug-. _
.Jnll. ill. _
000.00 1:1.000.00 .\ug. :.!S _ 1:',000.00
(JOO.OO J:lli. :.!:! _ 1;;. .\ ug-. :)(). _ :!.4S7. 24
roO. no .r a n. :2!) . __ 20.000.00 :-'ppt. -t _
.11111. :; 1 . _ 1:1,000.00
:J( 10. 00 .':-L 1;') :-'ppt. I:! _ 1:1.000,00
000.00 l''t'h. Ii .. _ 20,000.00
[·'('h. 1:1.
_ Li, (lOO. 00 S<,pt. }\)
W . __ . _ !'i,!}OO.OO
7 -t.~. :ri _ l~,OOO.OO
r..-l~. ·If' l<'('h. I!L _ 000.00
~O, :!..) _
2;) _
om. 00 V\~.

Fdl. 27
_ :2:1.000.00
~E'pt. :\0 _ ]31. 47
00. 00 :'olar. ., _ 1:0. noo. 00 SubtotaL .. _ 879,798.04
:'olal". 12 . _ ~O.()()().OO
:\Ial'. W _ I:J.OOO.OO Lf'~". r (' (' f' i p t >'
:\Iar. :2s. _ ]". DOO. no from she k e.1
hoard __ . ~ __ *700.00
:\lar. ::1. _ I\)O.fl:!
Apr. :L _ _\djustlllf'lIts for
I;., (}(i(). 00
.\pr.!) . . _ a'nwunts p aid
Apr. I.'"'. _ 1;),000.00
out of above
funds ng-ainst
Apr. 1."; .. _ 10, 000.00
Apr. :2(; _ balance owing
:20,OOO.O(l r0 A T1wrici:lO
.\PI". :W _ 1. 1()S.s7 Zionist Co U n-
:\1 a~' ~ . . _ 1:1, O()(). 00 (·iL ~,04:\. 13
2\ In y !L . __ . . :20.000.01\
!'Iiny }:) _ 1!l.ono.00
:\Iay 2:! _ };j. noo. 00 Total 877,054.89

Fllr tile (i //I IJlI Ills ClII!n! .11,1/'. ,';J, J.'/.:.'

DIl(e ,4m/Jl/lI! I 1)11(1' AmUIIII(
1 .'I.~"'( 19;iS-COlltillUI'"d
I !I:
\ kl. --~-----_. ------- In. (Ion. 00 1 Fr'll. 1::., , . 1 ~" OOIl. 01\ ..\}Ir. oj
( 11-1 , 10 .000. 011 11-'1'1,.1.,> ----_ 1.-;. (101 I. 00
I Il't . 1~,. " -------------_.
... ..
.. _ TO,nOn.po l·'l'h. l~f
-_ ..
_ I 1, 001\. 00
,\ 1'\'.
,\pr. 1 'j
\ It-l . :!I._.-_.- :!o,ono.o(l )·'1,1,. :!I . _ rl,OIlO.OO
( It·( . :n _ 10, f)(l(). O{l 1-'"I'.:!7 . __ ... _ 1n, I H10. 0(1
.\ }Ir. 0)'1

,\1'1'. ~4
::-\, ,\'. 4 ..•• _ I:!. i~ 10.00 !·',·I •. :!,> . :.1 •.• ti .\ pl'. ;:1 I
::-\ (,\'. 1:! .. . . __ 10.000.00 '1:11'. (t 10, Oi In. Of)
1:! ..... _ ..
_ 4 _
_ 1;1,000.00
'j. ~.( H). l)(l
" : I l'.
7 ..
1:: ___ __ _". _... _.. _
_ ,-;. OliO. 00
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11,,(·. ., 7. :,00. 110 :\I : 11'. I: J . _• •.. _ .. 1:1. (1(10. (10
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.JUI\(, 1'"
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lit,,·. ::0 .lUll(' :!(
1.-•. (100. 0(; ~lIht(\t;J1 ..... :·;~ti.Il~)'-,. ~~l
" _ .IUlll' ;\(
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1: ,~,,,
,I 1\ 1.\' 1.--
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.1:111. 1.-; __ ...... __ . .. _ I. :lOll. IX) I .J 111.\' ::11
.1:/11. lll. 0011. IHl L('""" !'f'I'l'ipl frotll "I'lIll';}l .1 ul.\' ;\1
•J:\11. ~~ t __ . .. _ 11\, (lon. Oil II l'hl'kl'J 11l.:lnL _ :!. 4-1:.'. ·l~ .\ U~. , .
•J: Ill. ::1 .. _ 10, (~'O. (l() --- Au.~. 1::
l·.. ·l •. "-- --- - ------- ----- .., ;j()(). 00 : Tot:i1 . . ._ ;~:!l. lll~. ~i •\ ll;':·. :.'1
.\ 11;.:'. :.'j
SPIl:. :.~
~1'1'1. 1
~('pt. ]'
::-;\,pI. :!
( li't. ,)
(leI. l,_
(It't'. 1'-·
Oct. ~;~
net. :2n
O('t. :n
::-\ov. 7.
1'\ 0\'. 1<
Nov. 1:
Nln". :21
::-\ 0\'. :!:
Dee. 4.
Furtltt !ltlll'l'lIr/1r/.lIl/!!.i!l
/II t
/iaiF A 111 IJ 11 II t Iialf' LI mount
1: I,~ ,'\ ltl.~.'-. ---I '''Ill illlH'd
O. I i(\
. \]'1'. . _ $11), noo. 00 p('('. ~l .. . :.! 1. ono. 00
I. 0(1
.\1'1'. ~I.- _ J.I. 000.00 1)p1·.17 _ 1:;. O( HJ. 00
1. _
.\1'1". 10. OliO. 00 1)('1'. ~:L _ 1.•. 000.00
O. (10
I. (10
.\1'1'. --- _ ·4, ·100. 00 })('('. ~1 .. _ ,'-i, 000. 00
(, .\1"" ~ L_. ----------- . _ 1~1. 000. 00 lJp('. :n _ 1,103.26
·\/,1', :~(~ . _ Ill, 000. 00 1 !J.i[)
\ I. 01 ,
.'\1 ;1.1 " . _ .1:111. S . _
0.00 10.000.00
.\ I : I." J I.. _ __ __ _ _ _. _ ~Il. 0(10. \)0 .Tau. H _
II. (to 1.-,. 000. 00
~1:1.1 :2:2 _ 1 ~•. no\). 00 .1 illl. :21 .. .. _
O. Oil
:\ L I~' :!" _
l. 00 1:!. I~'O. (III .JaIl. ~\l_ ... ._ . l~,(lO().OO
l. (10
.Jllll('" .. I ,.." 000. 00 .1 a II. n __ .. ........ _
.J11111' 11. _ _ .. _
: U:n.76
O. 00 17.01111. UO "'(,h. ,, _ 10.000,00
I. ;11 .Jl1ll(' 1".- . _ ;2.-•. 0011.00 lo'l'h. 1 L .. _ 1:~. 000. 00
.fllllt':!11 __ ..J.. oon. 00 1-', ,1,. i" ,- .. __ 17,000.00
.111111' :2(, .. _ :!I!. (tOO. Oi! Fl'h. :!II _
.1 \I11(' :\\l _ 1. :'00. 00
~. 4:-'.~. (Hi VI'1). :!I; _ 1:.!. 000. 00
.1111,1' 1(1 __ I ._•. ( 1\ ~I J. Oli :\ \ :I r, .) _
i.OO ~.O()O. 00
.111I,\' 1" .. _ 1.,.01)11 01): '\\'11' 1 L _ 11\.000.00
•1111,\' :?I _ 1.-;.oonOfll·.\I··"·~1~1_ . __ .. .... ;1. OOD. 00
.Ittl.\ ::\l _ lO. Ou(\, 00. :\Ial', ~n __ .. __ 1.-" 000. ()()
.1111.\' :n _ I ::.ouo. (I( I , :\ 1:1 1'. :2( i .. _ _ _ _
! .. 1:: l~.OOO.OO
.\II.~·. j _
1. I.01111. (Ill :'1 a r. :: L __ !l1~1.27
.\ m: I:\ ... _ 1:. (100. O() i :'\:11'. :n " __
:2(1 -'
utili. 07
1.,.0(10.00 :\l;Il'. :~1 _ :>,(lO().OO
.. \IlL."'. :.!7 _ I:!. 000. 00
~ t ~111. : ~ _ __ __ _ _ .. _ I :!. 01 \0 (H \
:-:llhllllal.. 7:H, ~)O1. 95
~I'PI, 11 ..... _ I:.!. 000 uO .\<1t!, :\ "'1'tl:11 ;l! :'Iar. :n,
~t'!,r. 17 ...._ .. _ . I:.!. /1(10. (Ill I ~I.-,:I. _ __ _ :n. ;;00. 00
~l'fll. :2.-. _ IO.OllO.OO
(kt." _ 111. UOO. 00 ~lliJt .. t:l1 _ 7ti6, oaL 95
(lei. H __ .. _ 1(1, OOll, Oll T,t'"". !'t,,'t'l's:II (If
(),.! 1:·, .. _ 111,000.00 .\1:11'. ::1. J:I;l~,
\)\'\ '~:\. ._-------------- \\\. \\\WI. \\\\ :/( ·... '·lI:l)
<lvl . .~\\_---------- - - - - - - - - tq. q(\(I. (1«
Oct. :H _ .\In:I,~)lJlPIJt lor
·l:~ 1. (I! I
,'\0)', 7 .• __ . :11\\\I\lI!t:\ Illlill
J ii, OliO. 0\)
~ ()\'. 1(\ .
(1111 IIf :llllirp
1~. ;--,011. Ull
No\-. n _ I:!. nOll. nil
":II:II\I'P ow-
l\'oY.20 _ 11\.OOO.O\! ill':: ro ;\IIl('ri-
~()\'. ~I; --------_ .. __ . J 1\. ()O\!. 00 " a 11 Zinnis;t
'\'0". :.!," _ 1. ~(iO. 44 10.100.84
Dee. 4 .
('nIlIWi!.. ...... _ 11, 1m. 84
14, (IOU. 00
'1'olaL 7:-,4, 8G1. 11

1-l0S ACTlnTrES OF ACI-::--;T::-; OF FOHEIC:-.r FRI~CIP.\LS I~ U.S.
11('11/ IJ
For the ycar ('udell Jfar. 81, 1960 ,I (' If
nlltl' .-1 III /ll/IL t [)(l t (! ,·Lm () UII t
1U:i9 J~I.iU- CPlltilllll'tl Li,.;t (
.\])r. ~ , _ ::;11). 00\).00 I It"'. 1 . _ s. 000. 00 brad. 1
Apr. H . 10.000.00 I II','. 10 .. _ :W, 000. O()
Apr. 1;:. , _ 1:-,.000.00 Pet'. Hi _ :!o.noo.oo
Apr. :!L , I.•. OOll. (HI· Ilt'!'. :!:2 __ . _ ~(). OO(). 00 D
Apr. :!7 _ 10. 000. 00 J II','. :!! I . _ :!O. 000. 00
U . .Jan.
17..•00.00 I.fllil) .J 1111.
)Iay l~ _ I.•. D(l(l. 00 .Jall.

~1l\Y :2:2 _ 1,,000.00 .r;Ill. 1:L
1 _
:20.000.00 J :ill.
. _ 1O.0nO.Oo .J 11 II. :?-t
~Iay 27 .
,I 111 It' ,t _
17. 1100. (H I
I.., 000. 00
.fall. :21 _ lO, 000. 00 .T 11 II. :n
.fall. :!7 _ I~.OOO.OO Fpll. Ii
.I 11 Ilt.' W__ _ _ I.., 000. 0(1 1-'<·h. 1_ _ . __ :: _ 1.•. 000.00 rl'h. 1". ,
.1\1111' J 7 . _ w. nOli. 00 Ft'!,. 11 _ 7,000.00 Fl'il. :!1
.111111' ~l. _ :2.•. 001 ~ 00
.111111' :(I) __ _ _ ',:2.,. 00
Ft'h. 1.-., .. . _ :I. oon. no
Ft,h.I·' __ . __ . _ IO,OOO.OO
.111111' :;0 . _ :21 I.". :l;~ Ft·I,. ~li .. _ I o. no(). Of)
.111111' :(I) _ l.O~I!l.~l \lal'. :\. _ ])
Ili. 000. 00
.1111 ~- 1__ __ _ _ 10. oon. (10 ~l:tr. III _ 11.0(1).00 HI;) .
.J u 1y !1 . _ I :~. (lOO 00 ! ~1;lr. 11 _ 10.000.00 All)'. 4
.July 1:-. . _ 10.000.00 : :21. . _
l:?onO.oO .\J1r. 111
July ~:.! _ 10.000.00: ~I:ll'. :{O. _ I:!. 000. 00 ~\ llr. :.!.,
.1 III ~- :.!~ I _ 10.000.00 ' ";11'. :n._. _ 1. 11 1..-..S .\ 1'1'. 1-"
.July ::1. _ 1 _.) 1..'" I '--')
MIl~' '.
.\lIg. 1; _ 10. ono no !
~ n b (II taL __ . _ _ - 71-L I);) 7. ,'-';-; '11 ;1.'- !I
.\ Ul-:. 1 1. __ ___ ____ _ _ It oon. 00 : _\d'), ;1('1'1'11;11 at :\Iar. ::1, :\1 :\~. ~(l
.\lIg. :211 _ 10. oon. no I!HiO, II<lid Apr. Ii, l!ltiO . ~:~, :iOn. 00 ~Iay :!:~
..\ug. ~li _ 11. OO(l. 00 :\1:1~' :!:)
~Ppt. ~ _ 1 :~. 000. 00 .TUII\' ,)
~I'pr. 10 _ 10.000.00 .1 11111' 1:;.
:-;ppt. W _ 1:!. 000, 00 L(',.;,.;. n>\,pl',.;aI of :\lar. 31. .Tl1l1t' :!Il
~l'pt. :2:\. _.. _ l-L noo. (10 H):i!). :1 NT II II L _. _____ _ :n. :iO( I. no .IUll\' ~ •.
0(' t. 1 . _ 10.000.00 ,\dju~tll1('nt fllr amollnts .J tll,\- ;~ _
(leo!. ." . _ 10.000.00 11;1 id nllt of aIH)\'I' fUlld,.; .11 iI.\- 1 1
Of'(. 11 _ 1~, .• no. Oti) l\~Hill;;t \lalalll't' o\\'ill;':- .1111.'- 1.-"
Pt·t. :!:? . _. . _ l~,;;OO.OO tn .\llIprirllll Ziollisr .T 111 Y :!:i .
nt't. :!!l __ .. _ 1:2. :iOO.O() ('nund 1 . ____ ___ __ 1;>. flflt' .• :2 Aug. L_
Xo\". -t _ 17.000.00 .\u.~..,, _
:'\m·. 1:? _ l~. 000.00 .\ 11;':. 1:i_
:'\0 ,- . 1~ _ l~.OOO.OO .\ug. :!!}_.
:'\0". :!:-, _ 10.000.00 TntaL . ()flll. 01>1. l~
.\ u;.:, :!()_
:-'l'pt. d_.
Itrm.1l Hrrl'/('.~t fo/' 8('t (If /w,-indir nr/'nllllti"(l-~ rl'lllf('rt'd ".11 tlir IIIIC,-i('l7l1 7,inlli~t ~I'PI. 1:?
rnullri' to tllp JC1rish .·lgenr!1 fro)/l '/1I11/wrJI I. J.!lj.) to ,lIn-if J, l!lfjfJ. (~N' S\'pt. 10
pp. 1:217-1:2-tS.) ~l'pt. l!l
~l' l' t. :!I;
('npips of Ihp :w('onlltin!:'s rpndpf\'d h~' tlH' :\lIlprlr:11l Zionist f'111!I1l'iI to the (kt. lO_
.}£'\\'1",h At::PllI'Y from Jnll. 1. 1!1:-•.1 t,) .\pr. 1. In''I), nrC' in thp l'otnll1ittpP'" till''';.) Ud. :L_
O('t. 17_
Ito/! 10. Rcqr/r8( fo" lIPII"-"I/-!I('II1' a('('mmtin(1 to nil rn!mln,t.~ (-ithr-r dirrd/!I Il,~
0" throruTII 011'1111/'1';/'/111 7.i",Ji.~f ('I)'"II'i/ 1)/' fl,rorl.1]1I fir" Hnhinl)wit::: Fout!-
datio,~ to thl' f'almdl on .lfidfllc r:(l.~tcrn .-If!ain,. (Sr-e p, 12;3.)
Fnntls paid to tllp .\lI1pril'nn Zionist ronnd!. liS r(>portpr! in itf'nl ~. inclnc1Ni the
followin:.:; amollllts fnr tlH' pnri)()sp,.; of ~lifldlp Enstern Affnir:-J:
Year A mfJllnt
1"~~ . _ $-!~.OOO
1 ":i~l __ ... __ . __ . _. .. _ _ _ _. . __ _ _ . _ ·ls.OOO
::l lJ\Clllths l'Tlllpd :,>Inl'. :n. 1!)(l() _ 1~.OOO

N .. pn.'l1lf'nt" Wt'f(' TlHHIf' rtirf'f'tly to the Rnhinowitz Foun<lation. or to the

('o11lwil on ::\lilIdle r.:I"tpl'n Affnirs.
It'llI 11. NeIll/Cst [ur a ljl'ar·7Jl/'lIC(1r (1('('olll/ti//", of IJaYlllnlts OJ' 10a1l8 to the
Jl'lI'ish 'l'1'I1',.,raphi(' .·t,.,cnc!J from fhe Jr'wish Agc}u'V fIJI' 18rarl, 1nc. to April
1, /%U. (Seep. 128G.)
,) UII t
Li",t of ad"aw'I':-; to ,It'wi:-;h Tplpgr:lphk Agl'Il(,~' from tIl(' J('wi",h A~('ncy for
100.00 l"'l'al'l. 1111'. durillg rlt'riod J:llluary ], ]:);,.S through :'\larch 31. 19GO.
)(\0 00
11111. O(l Fur tlie jJcriod Jail. 1, 19,)8 If) Jl(11'. 31, 19.)8
)00.00 ])ate Amollllt nate Amount
•Ja II. :! $:;. ;~;,O Fph . :.;s 2,350
.I a II. W 2, :~jO :\!ar. 1 ~,3;YO

)00. no J;ilJ. 17 .J~___ 2, ~1JO :'\1 a r. 14 2,350

100. 00 .1 a n. ~4 2. :~:i0 :'\Iar. ~L __ __ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ 2, :~;}{)

)()O. on .J an. :11 _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ :2, ;~;)O :'\1 a 1". ~s 2,350

)00.00 Ft'h. li 2, :~:i0 I

lOO.OO rt'll. }:;----------------------- :.:, :~:-}() Totnl 30,G~O

)(lO. 00 1-\,11, ~1 __ ~ 2,3GO!

l\)(). ()(l
wo.oo Fur the yr'or f'/Illcd Jfal'. 81, ],q.i.'l
Ion. no
)00.00 /)ate Amol/nt JI"I" A /nlJun t
)on.oo n/,i~ 1!/,Je'-COllt inuNl
)on.oo Apr. 4 $~, 3:10' Od. :2-L _ 2.000
)(\0,110 .\pr. 111 ~. :~.-,U' Ih't. :;0 _ 2, 700
lPn, no .\ p r. :.! .-) _ __ ____ __ _ _________ __ _ :!. (Ion ! (h: t. ;.~ 1 ~ _ :2,000
11. ,'-..'\ ·\ l' r. 1'-. __ __ ___ _________ ______ :2, 000 : :\ \I \ . -;- .. .. __ .. _ 2.000
:\ln~' :.! ~. non :\0\'. ll ~ _ 2, 000
.\1 ::\ :1. _ _ _ _ __ :2. :WO I :\1'Y. :21 _ :.:. nOD
.';:1.\' :!U___________ _ ___ ~. OO{) i :\()". :2,"' _ 2. 000
ino.oo .'\1:lY :2:;_______________________ :':.OOfl i :\U\'. :.:,~ _ 700
;;'I:l~' :..0:1 :2,0110: 1)l'(·..• _ 3. 2(10
i~j". S;') ,T1I1iP .• _ ~,OOO: Ih'l'. 11. _ 3.000
.11I11l' 1:; . :2. (I(KI: 11('(', 1~1 _ 2. ;;00
.r 1111 \' ~II . _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ :2. no/) r llt'l'. :..'( i .. .. .... _ :!, 000
.lllllP :..oj 2. aoo 1 fl,':>
.TIll.\' ::--------------------- 2,000' J ,) 2.000
.T1J!.\" 11 ___ _ 2. nOt) I • ~lIl. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 2 N)() , .1.111. 1'------------------------ 2.000
.111.\ .... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • 'II 1 1" 2, 000
" '2.-' 2,000 . all. ,,~:----------------------
nIl. 7~ ",.) I()(\I .Jau. -.)---------------------- 2,000
"\ u g. 1 - - - -- - .. - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - ··'r'· J 'l()
n$lOO(1 ,:111. ,) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
• \ l1g. ,'-.-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - q Pi)()' ., I'
... I I'l
_ 2,000
H;' •\ 11:.:'. .1• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
.) OO~I:
. F'l n
1 l. • ---------------------- 2, (100
·\ u:..:'.:... ---------------------- -, F 'h "I) 2,OUI)
n, l:{ \
g >
:.-' t,t . :..~----------------------
(10(1 t, - ----------------------
Ft'b. ~-;-----------------------
I . 2.000
,~I pI. d_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. (M 0 : :\Iar C 2.000
on i.~f ~t'J1t. 1:~---------------------i :..'. (N)O', . ',-----------------------
( ~I'f> S, t
• t p. ,---------------------' " il .
Ii) .)(lO 1:\1' ).~-----------------~----
. [:11'. ')0 2.000
~ppt. 1\\_____________________ ;jOO:' .11'. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.000
:-;\'pt. ~li_____________________ 2.000 i :\l:lr. :..'7 _ 2, 000
I the ()d. 10_ 2, (lOO' -'lar. 31.. _ 350
:. ) Ud. :L---------------'r.------ 2.000:
Uct. 17 -- ------7~------1----- 2,000 . Total 111,430
,() 1111·


°1" t



}I'o'r the year ended ollar. 31, 1%0 1tcm

.1 moull t 1
Date Amount Date
1959 1!J;j!J-COll t j II ued
Apr. 10 _ Ol~. 1 _ 3,400 (S
Apr, W _ :2, 000
()~t.H _ ~, (JOO
Apr. _ Get. 2:! _ :!. oon
2, O()O
Apr. 3 _ ~ov. 0 _ 3, ;;00 lIon.
~lay 1 _ 2.000 ~ov. 20 _ :!.OOO ('Iwi
~lay 7 _ 2. (j(j0
~ov. :!7 _ .J 000 U.8.

1~ _
-t, ;-)00 ~()V.

12- __ :- ....
t. . _·__ ~_~ __ ~.: __ ~~ ,
.~~ DE
:!.OOO YO\lr
l\lay 2!J _ :.!, 000
PPI:. 10 ...: __ ...: _ 4J)()() _\t
,TUliP W _ :!, 000 Dec. HC ' _ ~t, ()()O
Dp('. :!-1 _
of a
.JUII(' ------ :!. 000 .1. O(JO ,I, tions
.June 1'\ _ 2,01)0 Vee. 31 _ 2, 000 WI
Junel:l ~ _ 1. ... :):~ ! ! li;1I , , HIps
JUlH' ~G _ 2, n410 .Jan. j _
:1, odo to "t:
July 2 _ 2, OliO :~, (){)O fn..nd:
.J all, 1,-; - - _ - - _- - - - - - -
July 9 _ ~.ilOO .Jan. ~T _ :l, :\(10 \\'11" i
July ltl _ 2.000 .Jan, 21- _ :3. Oflll \\"(
July:!-L _ 2,000 "'I'h, 1 _ liOO "l'll tl
July 81 _ -1.000 1"l'b.. ) - _ :\, 000
Aug. 7- _ :!,O'IO Fl'b, 12 - _ ;l,'-',-;O
Aug. 1 L _ -l, 01111 Fpl" 1~ _ :~, 000
Aug. :!O _ 2, 000 Fl'h, :!n . _ :l,oon
Au,:":. :!I;_~---------------- -- __ ~, non :\1:11", ;L - _ :l, 000
Sppt. 17 _ ;~, ,'-'00 :\1 a r. 1<L . . _ ;~. :-,1 J()
SI'[Jt. ~:L _ 2. 00\ l Mal'. 17 _ :{. (~IO
~C"I)t. :!---------------------- 2. O(]U .:\Inr. :!7 _ ;{, 000
~ept, 10 _ 2,COO }lnr. 30 _ :l, non
Opt, 1-1 _ 2, 000 I fon.
Oct, 2U _ 4, :-,1)0 ToraL ll:l. :!O;{ ('/lflil
i .. 10........' . i

I )Jo:
Jll'1/! !!, III/te Ilf o("lliisiliu/I of s/orl.. (If .!I'wish Td('grO/lhic XC1("8 ..t1/II/f'lI li!l the !lpfor
.J'II'ish ,lg"III'lI fur ISl'ac{, Inc. (S\,(' p. 12~:i,) 1 Ii
Thl' .J C'\\' j"l1 ,\gl'!ll'y for brat> I, I n('" [\('1] lli red til J'\'(' "ha res of stoek of t hl' .J P\\' j,.;h II\(' h
Tpjp;:::;ra ph ic :\ C'\\'''; Ageney Oll or a Lout .J Ulle :!S, 1!J.ll. u"e (
Item 18, HI'III/('st a (/l'!ai!l'I! i!eJlli;:a!i(!11 of $,jO,l/()1I e,Tprndit/l/'l' 11'1t;cll all/H'ars
in th,. 1'I'/I"l't dal,.r! X(II'I'//II/cr -1. 1!itill, /'I'/If/(Ter! til tlt(, ,I('wish .'\!!('III'!1 fill' AI"
1sl'l/d. 111 1',. tl,ll (/)"('(')/. ,--':/ruc!l('I" & Oil, nil thl' I'I/f/l' J11l1l'kl'd "r:,1'1Iil,i/ 1:. ,,!1'1/(',!- 1he t
III,. 1I a) .!I'lrish .·t!J"/I('JI fur JSl'od, 1111'" .trlmillis/ra/ire j':'f'/II'I/Sf'S fill' lit!'
l/"lIr I'JI,I,',I l!orl'1/, ,II, f!Jfili," lister! liS ",,",/Iceial pulilic relation.'! $;;0.000".
\ :-:l'l' )I, ] :!~I1.)

l':lid \()- , !):III'l'"id I AUlI'lItit

SYtI:l~'{)l'~lr (",'llIiCII
Il,,_. __ .... -. ..
of ,\Ilit'rica __ _ -_
:~~=~------- ~.~--~-~-T;~l~ ~:U'(lli~I--~-;'I~
------------I.\I'r, -I,liI1i()l: C, ,;1I1l
::::-:::-:::::::::.:- ----
11"1>1('11' ('lIlll1n' !"<'III1<J:1I101l. _.. __ .. .. .
::- .. ::.::::::::::1

i';::~,' ~~::::;;:; I
'\ 1)1'(', 17,1\1;)'1 I
1. 111111
('11 II i

:-":\'1l.l~()1..·1I(, ('olllH'il (If AtJlITi(':L_____ _. \!,I)- '2{1.1~llinl: ~.:lllll

li:td",'a!l_._____ __- _ _ __ .. __ .. 1 Jilly 14,1%0'1 '2,{I(lO DE
To!:ll P:I~ 111,'111, - ----_ - _ -- --- -. - __ - - _ -- - - -- __ -. !-. ... .. .. 1---~:01~~) ]pttp'
Accnll'd fit \1:11', JI. 1IIIill.____ _ ._ .... _ .. _.. __ 0-_ ... __ , (2) I ;\7.I I{I() to yc
'j'ot:ll ..... .. .. __ __ ' ,I ton,llllO
to tlt
I "\l'erlll'tl at \1:11', ;11.1\1';0, I>lIt paid tllNr,lft,'r,
2 Oil 111111' II, I\";~, IIH' 1illlllH'p ('I>rllfllilfr,' nf tl10 ,'pII'j,h .'\~pllry [or I'r:\rl. TIl(' .. IlIIt!>r.rin'tl 1110 c:Il]cl'll,,·
tiOIl or II", lllll(llltil ,,[ ::::l',()(K) Ilcl'nll'd :I' lIt \lar, ;11, 1\)\iO, lUlU carripd 011 (ill' book, vf Ihl' (;urpor,lIion as
"lIl1dgd it"llh cnrtlllllttl'd hlltnot Yl't l'~p(,l)(kd,"
ItCIJ/ 1 j, RI'If'/Il'st for' a !rttl'r [}ive~t sumetimr in 19;j, or 1952 rc!ati'ce to arrange--
..Imo!/Ilf mulls for transferl'III'r uf fUllds fmnl the Ullited Israel ,tppea! to tile Jetri.~h
,tgcnClj for Israel, Inc" prior to April 1, /[}(jl) , (See'p.1306.) "
3,400 p.;('(. ll'llN attached to lIoll ..J. William Fulbright.)
:!, (Jon 'll tH: .JI.:WISIl AGE:"CY FOR ISltAEL, INC.,
:!. (100 New }'orl.:, S, L, Junc 2/j, 1963.
3, .-,00 lIon, .J. \VILLIA:\I FCLIlR[(;llT.
:!. 000 ('/l([irlll(1I1, .""1/(/1(' For('i,111I !I'c!nliolls COII/miltr'c,
:!. 000 i',.". S('tlrl/C, Wasllin!J'o/l, n.C'.
" .:i~(lO lJE.\I( ~I'::\ .\TOI~ FI'I.BIWiIlT: I J'(·fpr to item 14 on the li:-.;t of itt'lIlS at tached to
.;... '«'noo yOlll' It'l 11'1' of ./ lIIlt' 1". !!)(;:l.
-1 :,00 .\.t tile ('X('('llti"p spssioll Oil :\Iay :!~. l!)(l:~, I staled that Y recallpu the existence
::1.000 of a leLlpI' jll(li('alill~ that tlte \'lIi[pd bl'at,l Appeal would turn over its collec-
'I. 000 tioIl,.; to I Ill' ./ e\\' i:-dl A,~l'i1('Y for Israel, I Ill'.
:2,000 \,":!.'
ti -~
"'t' ha\'l" :-'(':lrdlPI! the I'f'('ords (If Illl' .lewbh Ag-pn('Y for hra(!l, Inc., and the
Jill':' of the {'Ilitl'd brat'! .\PP(',l!. aJl(1 an' uIl:,lill' to J()('ate such a INter. I wish
:~. fl\){)
,., to st:ltl' that. ill allY 1'\'1'111, III,\' stall'lIH'lIt to tile E'ffe,·t that LlIitpd brael Appeal
:l, DUO fUIlt!:, \\'('1'(' t 111'IIpd O\'pr to thp agPIl<',\' :IS a Illatter of ('Olll':,C is ('orre('t, and thi:o;
:{. :{( 10 \\'as ill fad dolll' ill pr:ll'! kf'.
;~. I MIO \\'(' ill'l' ('OIlt illllillg t hl' sl'an·11 for SUi'll It t!(Wlllllent amI if we locate it, we shall
lillO splld it to ,"0\1 at 01\('('.
:~. 000 }{pspel'l fully yours,
;{, ".-,0 GOTTUEn HA":\1:\[ER,
:l, 000 Executive Vicc-Ulwiniuln.
:s. OJ)O /1"111.1.';. 1,I'iI'T SUfi/din/ In ('()/IIJllitl('c fill J/r. lfalll1l/l'r .WbSNIIiCllt to tlte Itco/'illg
:~, :,( Il)

:{, 1M 10
('I!lII'I'O/ill!1 t!"]ilulj!llcnl oj junds froil/ the [I.f..!. (See p.1:!54.)
:l. UliO TilL .JI.\\'I:-;II .\(;(':.'\('1' HII: ISIUEJ.. 1.'\(
: L ilOO Xc/(' }'ur/.. , S.Y., .lltllI·!(i. 1%.3.
1/'111 . .1. \\'11.1.1.\\11-'111:1:1(;111',
('llIlil'lI/lllI ••"'/1,,11' /-,I)r,illll 1,'d,/li'Ji/S ('oil/li/ittec,
I ,.".81'//(1/1', H'f/shill[/llJrt, n.e,
I )E\I( ~E' \'1'01: 1"1 I 1:1;1l.111: I 11:1\'" I'xalllillPd the t rilTl:'('l'ipt of 1I1~' (1'."\ illloll,\'
/I'!! II!I til!' IiP/'ol'l' ~'Ol1r ('lllIllllilt('l' /III l\i:l~' :!;;, 1!1\;;:.
I lilld I!Iat Oll Iwgt' !:.!,-ll tilt' UIl:';\Vl'r I gu\'e to your question is iIl('oItlpll'le. At
Ill' .Jp\\i:,h Ihl'lil':Hillg, I stalt'd thai I hud (0 ('xpr('isp lily (liscn'(ion as to how to (\pplo,Y thl'
11"1' uf flllHls rl'('pin'lI fr"lll the {lni/I'd ,Jpwish Ap!lpal. The I.'orrp('/ answer is
[11:11 ! had to I'xprl'isp IlI~' rli;;C'rdiol1 as to llow to (lejJloy the funds from the
'It (lfJliI'(lI'S I'llill'(l .rl'wi:-dl .\ppeal fllId from Ot!H'1' sourcps.
Ifl'lif'!1 j',r "\(·('nnlillg-ly. I rp:,pPcl fully n'ljll('st t hat, with your permissinl1, the record of
II . ....,. (' Ii I ' l l , t lIP 1('sl i!ll(llI.\' IH' (,OlT('(·tl'l! ncC'ordillgly,
'S fur thr Hespl'dfully yours,
$.j(}.(}I)O·'. COTTLIF.11 IIA:\l:\lER, Executive Vice Chairman.

.\PI'E:\'DIX ~
.\ IJl"t111t


~ -,011 Scw }To)'k, .V.Y., ,June ;!8, 1963.
'!. ,r""\l
:\,11<111 I Inn..J. -nT
• Fl'I.1;!WHlT.
1. 'III! ('llIlil'll/lIl1. ('011I Ii/ ittl'I' nn Pnreign Relations,
1.11<111 l· .•~. '-:;ellllte, lFashii1[Jton, D.C.
~ ..~lt III

'!..III!O Ih:All RE:\,ATUR FI'l.I11:i(';I1T: Tn !1('('ol'dancp with tile rpqupst ('ontaine(l in your
Il'j lpl' of .IllllP 17. 1 n();~. thp informat ion ref<:'I're-u to in a list of items attached
:C.IIIIO to your Ipltpr is senl to you hprpwith.
Fur tf>('\l1li<'al n':bOI1S, it W!1:-'; not possible to complete hy this riate the informa-
ti(lIl IH'rtniIliIlC': to it('1ll 4 OIl tIll' ahoYe-l1wntioncd list. The information relating
to tid:, i(p!Il ,Will ill' forw:lrdpd at all early date.
Respectfully yours,
Illl' r'l11f'I'll,,· ISADORE HAMLIN. Executive Director.
d'{HlfHI JOll as
Item 1. Ccrtifl('d ropy of tlle'.'I Of the Jewish Agency~AmericanScction,
1111'., effectivc !If all 28.1963. (See p. linO.)
(A Lettp!, of C('rtificntion and pertinent portions of the certified copy of the
By-Laws of the Jewish Agency~Anwrican Section, Inc., are as follows:)
... 1DG:>. J IT N E ~(j,
Ilis ele<:ti
'I'll" lIl11I('!'siglH'd, SNTPtn!'y of the J E'W ish Agt>lwy-Alllpric:ln Section. In(' ..
dot's ht'rt'by ('prtify that attached hl'reto is a trill' aile! complett' copy of til(' "Seetio
By-Laws of said Corporation i¥ the form in ,~hich the SHIIlP an' prest'lltly ill "If, du
fnll for('l' alld ptTpt,!, TIl('sl' H~'-La",s W{'fe in ptTt'('t on May 23, Hl{;;{, EX('('\ltht
In witness whereof, the undersigned has hereunto set his hand and tll£' spal another [
of said CI.rpuration tllis :;(jth day of June HH)~\,
ISADORE HAMLIN, Secretary. Report~
"The E
Ill(' C()UU(
II Il/JlW II)'
A RTII' I.E 1. ~! F~! BElL__ II II'

......· ldi(l// 1. :\/l'lllll1-!'sllip: "lThp !1wmht'l'ship of tilt' Ilssol'i:ltil'll shall consist of

thm;l' J)t'rsolls who hayp signed tll(' Ct'rtifit'all' of IlI:'orpor:ltioll as il}('orpora!ors, Signing
alld "If p,'rs,,"s ",hI' :l!'l' 11lt'1l1!>l'I'S (If tltp EXt'('lltiYp (If tllp \\'orld Ziollist Ol'g:~niza­
tioll (Tht' Exe('uth'p), which Expcutiye is ulso known ns thp I,;xl'(,lltiH~ for the "The E:
Jewish AgPllcy for Israel. ~ations al
S('('tio/l 1. XUlllhl'r alld I'OWpl'S of n"ard of I lin·(·tors: TIl(' Corporation shall by 1'('801ul
Ill' lll:lTlllgt'd b.\' 11 Bonn! of /lin-I't"rs cO!lsistillg of I'\'\'t'n (7) )H:'rsons, all of ,,,hom /tell1 d. R
shall IK' llwlub('rs of the Corporation. 'I'llt' din'dor,; shall he pll'('(pd at tht' .wllen/.
annunlllll'l'tin~ of thp 11Il'llllJ('/','"' lIf thp ('orlillratillll. All 110\\,('1' and authority of
thl' ('orporation shall ))(~ Yl'stt'd ill' till' Hoard (If Din'('tors :lI1d all and lilly part (The Ii:
of such power and authllrity, in additioll to the pow('r alld l1\lth()rit~· dpll'~l1ted t'omlllittPI
hy tllPSC By-Laws to the EX('('lItive Committpe, /lillY he dplp~l1tpd to such ('olll-
mittees of the Board of Directors as the Board from time to time may determine. Item _~. R
](1'/11 .!, HI'I/I/I'xt for (f ('O/ill of tI,C Cllwditlltioll of till' /~',re(,lItirc of the Jerusalem lem 8'
.1gl'llc//. (Sl'e 1>.1310.) State~
The Constitution of tile 'Yorkl Ziol1bt Orgnnizal iOll proyidl'S as follllws:

"TJIl': EXI,:C\'T!VE llF 'Ill!': \\,O[(J.!I ZW:'o:J::iT Oltl;,.'\:OO;!Z.\TIO:';"

Hon. J. W
.. Art iell' ,10 Chairman,
U.S. Senat
"~('I,ti"n 1 I'owprs and FlIlwtio!ls of EXPl'lltiyl' DEAR SI
"'I'll(' E,\('('llth't, shall be tilp ('xp('lItivl' or~an of fllf' \Yorld Zionist nr~nlliza­ in which J
tion. dwrgp(\ willI th\' illlpll'llH'ntat ion of tIll' dp<'isioll of ('ong!'('ss and ('oll1l1'il, at that ti[
awl sll:1I1 bl' r('sponsihlp 10 tltos;, !Iod!('s, It ,,1I:tll 11;1\'(' tilt' pow('r to :tt'(jllirt' quested in
rights and 11Iluprlakp oIJlig:ttiolls on )wllnlf of tltp \Vorltl Zionist Or~:lI1iz:lti()n, We hav
and tll !'('!Il't'sl'nt it ('xl(-rnally. this item v
h~(\(ltion ~ Res]
"'I'll\' )-;,\('('utiYt' llln,\· (It-IC'g:l\e to 11111' Ill' I!lorp of it~ I!lPllllH'rs or to offil'inls of
11)(' \\'orlll Zillnist Orl-':llIizatiOlI or of if~ in~titlltiolls alltlj()tit~· to IlIId('rlake
!luandal or other ohligations on behalf of the World Zionist Organization.
(1) Exc
"Article 41"
NllmbN of :\1(,lllbf'r~ of EXI~Clltiyp Budget, Wl
"The llumlH:,r of the members of the Executh'e shall be fixed by the Congress ( :\'OTE,-
which elects it. CommitteE
"Article 42" of the JewJ
Rea t of Expcu ti ve American
"The S\'flt un(I head office of the> Ex('cutiye shnll be in Jerusalem. The Con- March 10,
gress or Conncil may, ,however, establish one or more divisionR of the Executive (2) Exc
abroarl find in this event. the Executiyc shall appoint the Chairman of such f; Jerusalem,
divi~ion. "Allocat:
"Article 43 J decided th:
from the b
"~pdioll I Filling of Vl1CflDc!('S Agency EJ
"If during' the inter-Con,!~TeSS periotl the pORt of the Chnirmnn of the Executive the budget
h('('O!TlPS V:lcnnt for flny re>l1SOI\ whntsoeyer, the Council shall, at its next session, (3) Ret
elpct a new Chairmull from among the members of the Executive. Pending

$ Also known fiS the Executive of the Jewish Agency for Israel.
llis l'1ediuJI, the functions of tlle ChnirllJHn shall be ('urrieu out by l'lie of tbe
G. 1\1fi3. ll1emoers of the Executi,e elected by them by majority yote.
on. IIlC ..
.. :-;('c ti on :!
y of nIP
:,;\.'Ill1y ill .. Lf, during the inter-CongH's::; period, tbe place of uue pf tlle melllber5 of tllt'
EX('t.·l\thp hecomes \"lICUl1t for any reason what::;oeu:.'r, the Council "ball eled
tltp Sp;\! ;\Ilother member in his stead.
".\rticle 44"
1'ctory. R~!,orts
"Till' Exp,'lItiH' :,;ha!1 :,;lIulllit to Council at lea:,;t Ol.l\:' l1lUurh hefore allY ~,,::;ion of
tIll' Cmmdl a rppol't uf its activities. In addition to "uch report it :::b;lll submit
...., :lllllll.tlly an additional report of its acti,'ities.
.. Artide -l:J"
·porator". ~ii:lling of COlltracts and Documents
: hg;\J1 i Z;l-
"The Exe'cu ti ye SlllllJ dedde on the manner of signing contracts,' \\'i'i It ell ooli-
(' for thp ;;arioDs and otlwr documents binding the 'World Zionist Organization."
The foregoing jJroYides the constitutional framl'work for th~ functioll,; of. the
J.'rusalelll Ex('(:utin'. There are no By-Laws and (:ustomarily the Executi\'~' acts
t i (Ill sha II by l'('~(llution~ adopted lJy t he members of tbe Executi ye a t meetings thereof.
of wl10m !tCIII .1. Requcst for a list oj indiriduals comprisill!J 11// }-.'J'('('1tti!'l· ,j.f tlle Jall-
'd at tIll' s(llnll A (/(')/('1/.
:llOrityof (Tilt' list of the llH'IlIbt'I'S of the Executin' (If tIll' .JCl'lI"alpllI :\gen.·y i" in tbe
nny part
ttpp ti les.)
d\,l\'g-a t(-'(}
aH'h emil·
eterm i ne. ltCIl/. _~.
Request for excerpts of minutes of meetings of the Executive in Jerusa-
'crl1.salcm (em ..,irll.:e April 1, 196V. relating to activities through agents in the United
States. (See p. 1311.)
\\'s: TilE JEWISH AGE:,\Cy-A},IERICA" ::'ECTlO:,\. l:-c,
New :rork, N.Y., July 16, 1963.
Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations,
U.S. Senate, WU8hington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR FuLBBlOHT: I refer to my letter to you, dated June ~. 1963.
) r~a II i i'.n- in wbich I explained that for technical reasons it was not possible to give yuu
( 'Ollll<'i 1. at that time the information pertaining to item 4 of the material which you i'e-
" :I<'quirp quested in your letter of June 17.
n i za t JOB. We have now received the information needed to complete the an:;wer to
tbis item wbich I attach herewith.
Respectfully yours.
lkia l~ of ISADORE HAMLI:". Executive Director.
lld('rt n k<' (1) Excerpt from minutes of plenar J' ses~on of Jewish Agency Executive,
on. Jerusalem, dated January 7, 1960:
"Proposed budget for next year.-Witbout opposition. and with Mr. Z. Lurie
abstaining, the budget for tbe year 1960-61, submitted by tbe Committee Oll
Budget. was accepted. '
f .\'"oTE.-In response to our cabled request for budget figure submitted by the
Congress Committee on Budget, we received the following reply from the Director General
of the Jewish Agency for Israel, Jerusalem:
"Plenum (the full Executive) allocated January 6-, 1960, 874,000 Pounds for
American Section for 1000-61 and this was approved by\ Budget Committee
'1Ie Con· March 10, 1960.") -
Xe<'ut i\'c (2) Excerpt from minutes of plenary session of Jewish Agency Executin~',
of such Jerusalem, dated June 13,1960: .
"Allocations to publicaUons 01 Zionist groups in tlle United Btates.-It was
decided that the sum that was granted to such publieations last year.l.r-$62,OOO-
from the budget of the Jewisb Agency, will be gl'anted also this year.. JThe Jewisb
Agency Executive, New York, is asked to find a way of includi~j this sum in
xt'cutivc the budget of tbe American Zionist Oouncil." I: I
session. ( 3) Re budget 1961-62.


I II) Ex('e]'pt from minutes of Illeptill~ of ,f('\Yi"li .\g(·Ill'y Ex('('utin" .rP\'\I,;ill'III, large-scale j
d,ltpd February (i, IHm : Department
"0ftic(' in X('le r",'k,-The Ilrollo~ed d('(']'(';I:-'(' pf lL. 12~,0D0 \\"a,; 1\11,;,,,;('d wit II Agency Abs,
11 \'ote,; for awl;) agaiusl. the Governn
"o(ed duwn WPft' tbe pruposed decrea~(',; of IL. 17-1,000 alHl II.. 7-1.00U." and labor 01
lin Excerpt from minutes of 111('diJ\~ ot' ,Jp\\'j"b .\.g(·ll"y ExC'('utiYl', .]('I'U,;;J!('l]I, to avoid the
d"IPU February 7,..J.:Jtil: immigrants
'Toft' fill- IJlldql't ('OII{ir'lIwfioll.--""ith 1:~ YuH', for, ~ ;11..: ainst, and 1 a],,;lpllti',ll. Between]
tue budgpt for tlll' ~'ear IlHil-D:! \\"as ('olltirllled," - Jews to imI
I I') EX('t'rpt from miml!('s of 11lt'l'ting of ,1\'\Yi"h .\gl'lll'y Ex\'('u! i \'(', ,J pru,.:a!(·lJJ. by air from
datl'(lJuly~4, HlGl: and North .I.
.. "Till' prolHI';l'd budgt't for Hkil-D:!, n,; coufiJ'lIl('d liy tlit' Budg-I'( ("'llillIitt(,., :Illd having to n:
. , ~' ~:. 'tI!W-I~~~'l~lY, pns.,,;ptL·' ..... _J...»j(): .,-:"';'; " .'<t' ~ .._ that Jews aI
• oTE.3n reSilOnsl' to our ('ahled: requ~st for budgeftil-'1Jre ';llhmittet! ll~ tIl" department
('Ollllllitll'e on Budgpt, we' re('!:'iYeu the follo\\ illg" n'ply froJll tup Dln'('tor (;('11('1'.1] 11 nder all ciI
of th(' ,Jl'wi,;h Agpn('y for Israel. ,Jerusalem: certain dang
"Bndg-pt Committ(,p apllrO\'pd :'\o\'erulwr ]~. Innl, 1,~Il~',OOO P'llllllh fill' .\lI11'rit':l11 shifting dem
:-;I'dioll for lHfil-fl:!.") (liilleuJ t cone
14) ExC'erpt from minutps ot' IJleuary :-:I'~"'ion of the Jewish Agopll(·.' 1':-';1'('111 i\ t , (b) Abso?'
.Tpru,;;iJl'1I1, (latf'd January :!(;, 19G~: immigrants l
".\gn'(·d that the Hudgd COIJ1Il1ittee of tllP EXI'('\1t i \'P ill .TI'ru,;;iJ(·Jll ,,'ill p:\aJllilJt' hoard ship 0
lind dl'citll' ~Ill til(' blldg\·t fllr tbe American Ziullist ('PUlH'il, aud that (11\' d(,,'i,i('II~ in ad,ance t
of llil' Budget l'olllUlitt(,p are ratiflpd," , P\'en before
I ~on:.--In rp~I)()nsf' to our cabled request for l,udgpt tigurl' adoptt'd 1,.\' till' whether a p4
I 'ollllllittep on Bul!gp!. \\"(. rf'cei\'l'd the following rppl~' fro III the llin'l'to!' (;('III'l'a I helped to set
of (II(' ,Jl'wish A/.:l·ncy for lsral'l •.Jl'rusalem: to :l perman
"l'll'lIUI1l approYed .Tunp 4, lOG:!. .\Z(, l!l(i:!-(n blldgpt of 1,OI~,HOO d(JIl,lr~, ('0I1C('l'11 itsel

J:lti,OOO of which to be deducted froll\ all dep;ntIllellts eXl'ppt Aliya ;11 III filil:1 en re, or soci
:It'li \'i t ips and debt payments, 35ti,UUO fru/JI rps\-,I'\'l', and 3Uu,OOO to lw ra i";l'tl \\'ell.
ill thl' {'Ilitl'll States,") TIll' depH r
\;), Excerpt from thl' minutp~ of the Illl'Nin!; of ,Il'wish Agelw,\ 1':X"('lllill'. kit,.h.'Jl uten
.rPl'U,;;I!I'/JI, dutl'd FpIJruary In, l!l(i~: Illt, falllil.' is
":!. N/ldflct 19U;!-UJ.-Agreed to trlln~fer till' PI'Opos\'u budg-et of tilt' TI'!';I,IJl't'r fIJI' Illother i
ill t iiI' form ~\IhJlJit ll'd to the B\lll~1't COllllllittl,t, of thl' ExC'cutin>." Tl11' ({('par
(:\uTE.-In respolls(' to our cabled rl'quest for l)(ld~I,i figurl' sn[lI11ittt'd b~· till' :,:'rnnt dllC'tor
('('llllllittP\' Oll BlIdgpt, \\"l' recl'i\'l'd th\' following reply from the Dirl'ctor OI'III'I'<1J rill' lang-uagl
of t 11f' ,'\'wi~h Agency for Isrnd, Jerusalem: [..;ra pi i so('i('
"Budget COlllmittee approved May ~t ]\)(;2, 1,2~8,OOO pounds for Allleri('l1lJ ''IH'ration, aJ
~('ctioJl for 1962-63.") 1 ll( 'II J.
Till' c]('l'a I'
{I('/II ,J. lJo!criptiuH uf dlpartmcnts 1I1ld uperatioll in Israel of Jewish .1gcllcy \york in ngri
L'.recuti'lJe. (See p. 1311.) iJI1IJlignmt st
The major functions and operatiuns lIf the ,Je\\'ish Agency for hrad in .1\'1'11' Of tbe ].~
, salem can be classified under the follow iog lleadings: provided wit
1. C'aring for and processing of refugee imllligrilllts at POill1 of tlp!'al'llll'l'. 17f'i.OOO in a
and transporting them to Israel. in temporan
:.!, H€'-I:eption of imm,igrallts UPOIl their arrinll in IsrlwJ, proyjtlin~ thplll "itll dflJ cnses-b
bousing (temporary or permanent, as the ease may be) ; assislall('l' \\"h"[l II'· :~() percent hi
quire<1 and helping them to find employment. modated in i
:~. The settlement of new immigrallts in agl'ieulturp settlem€llt.<, tll t'llgagt' 'rhe Ah~or
in farming. , t ion DepartI
4. The care of youth and children among the immigrants (Youth .\Iiyah). migration WI
:i. Assistance to educational institutions. and l'xtemdon facilitip,; for t(';wlling (c) A!wic1
the Hebrew language to new immigrants, to help them illtpgrate into tl,(' sible for the
community. lishment of
The department." concerned with these major operations in Israpl ar\': Inlllli· prnd \lCt' thrf'
gration. Ahsorption, Agricultural Settlement, Youth Aliyab, Eronomic, and Thf' dppar
Technical Rervice. A brief description of these departments- follows,' "pr":/)IJ~. Tt
Other departments are: Administration, Treasury, Publication. ('\'lItral Zitl)l- II re ini/!f1tp(1
ist Archives. I hps\:, settlpIl
(a) Immiuration Department.-The task of this department is to oeal with tl\{' prod uce OV('1
migration needs and opportunities of Jews in "arious parts of thf' world. i;;< stNJdily gr
particularly in such countries where Jews do not enjoy equal cultural, f'l'onomk T1If' dpP1H
, and political rights. to assist all those who wish to emigrate to Israel and 1·, Illf'nt. Thf'
arrange for their care enroute and theIr transport. For this purpose, the Of'PI\1't- rf's(\ur('ps fo
nlPnt maIntaIns representatives in several countries. transit campR :-It vnrioll~
point!'!. mf'dlcal personnel, social welfare workers, teal'hers. etc. ' In d('ulil1g wil Il
large-scale immigration, often unpl'edicted and unpredkwble, the 11ll1lli~ratillll
Department maintains the closest liaison and cooperation ",ith tilt' .Jpwi..;ll
Agency Absorption and Settlement Departments, ,as well as the depurtlllPnt" IIf
tlle Government of" Israel who may be concerned, and, of course, with iudn,.;trial
j i,I)1IlJ.·' and labor organizations, In the last few years, the Jewish Agency has strin>J]
,'1', .I I 'I'll.";; I II'])!. tu avoid the necessity of establishing transit camps in I~rael by ehullllel,illg IH''''
immigrants directly to their point of absorption in Israel.
Between May 15, 1948, and June 30, 19~, the department assisted 1.060,000
Jews to immigrate to Israel. Of these, 'two-thirds came by sell aIld dne-third
uy air from over a bundred countries, mostly from Europe, the :\Iiddle East.
;lnd Korth Africa, This department operates under tiw ('(Instant han<.lie'llp (If
1IIIIIIljltl'" ;Illd having to assist immigrants from certain countries who either gi,p uo ll(lticp
~;.,:;.:- - J ~~: .~ •• - 1 hat Jews are. beil.lg ~lIlitted tQ emigrate, or,-o'tlHl, with "t+ict time I imi t..;. Thp
lllittl'd h~' lllt, department therefore strives to take ad,antagp of all gi,en "ituatioIl"; Til !'t'''.'UI'.
'I'l't,,1' (;1'111']';11 lllHler all circumstances. those Jews wbo are given the ('hanee to emigrate from
('prtain danger areas, It has, therefore, been undel' ('onq;lllt ohligatio!l t" llll"'f
fIJI' .\lIH'l'i(':111 ,.;hifting demands in "arious parts of the world, operating under S(lI\lE>f inw...; Illlht
difficult ('onditions.
Il',\' 1':-,""111 i \ t', (11) .Absorption Department.---Is eon('('fnE'd with lllp prl'1il1linar:> n",'pli<>11 Ill'
immigrants on their arri,nl in Israel. Its first ('onta('t \\,itll tlip illlllligr:tIft i,:; "11
will 1'\:l\lIillt' Itn~lI'd ship or plane, wbf're c:lassification team;; meet thPill in order til ;1"ertaill
t lit' tll','i~i(11J' in ad'l"ance by 'I"o('ational Illld healtb examinations \,hf'fe 10 plan' th"1I1. Ttlil',
p\'('n beforf> thf' immi~rant arrives in ISfaf'1. nn pffOft i..; mndt, til <i,'tl'I'mill"
1,,))tl'll h~' tIll' \\lJetlH'r a ]wrson ('an take up ~lnp1oyment in n profe""i(,n, ill IIH' t :';,,\1''';. Ill' h"
't" I' (;1' II' 'I': I I
'I" !Ie]p('{] to !'pttle 011 the lond. E,er~' effort is ma<lp t(1 Sl'IH] til(' illllllic:ram dir... ·lJ~·
to ~ f!prmanpnt home fino to pro,ide the housil1g'. Thi" <J<,partll1l'lIt 1Il1l': ai,,,
~.D()il Uo]I<lI". ,'(lllt'l'rI} i!splf with thosr imllligrnnts who rr-quire 11OspitnlizatioIl Of ill...;riTlllinllal
~'a :Illd Klil:1 1 'il fp, <>1' ,.;o('inl ('n ::e;;:, and unemploya bles, maki D~ pI" l\-i sinll ftlr sllt 'h 1','1''';''11''; ;1'

tIl b,' 1';li..;.. .\ \\'el1.

'1'111' tlf'jlllrlllll'llt pfI,\'idp;; TW\\, illlllligrant.'\ \"itll \!I;t"il' Iw\tsphnlcl f'qUipIlIPllf.
,'y [.: \:('1 '111 i \ ", kit..)II'1I ntPllsil;;:, hlatl!·;('t". ('t('" flllll with small (':!,,11 aJI,,"'an,'<,s, Tilt' Ilf'atl IIf
I}i(' f:llllil,\' i" hl'lpf'd il111lf' rp~islrntilln pro('p~, nl tlH'lIwallnllnr px('hlln!.('~. ,,-hilt'
I h., n\"thp[ j" a;;:!'i"tl'o ill ff'~i;;:tt'ring tbp ('hilt] in ;;:"]Ii>/ll or l\intlpr~artPII.
Till' dPjlnl'tuwnt lllailltail1s 1H'cl'lern!l'(j Hphrpw lnnguag(> "(lur;;:p..; for immi-
lllil tl'd 0.\' rJll' ~r;lllr dl I('t III''', f'llgillP<'I'S, and nthpr l,rnfrssiolln] IWIIp]p ":1' that thp~- lIlll.\" It'llI'll
.. ,'till' (;l'lIl'ral 1)11' lilllgll:O:," as 1'~lpidl~- as llll;;;;ihlp alld thlls lakf' lhl'il' !'\'nJWllPllt 1'111,'('" ill
I 'r:lpJi..;o('ipty. ~~:--;:2 ,. ; 11 t'll :1('(,E'lpratPIl Hphre'" langungp coursps han' hpPI1 ill
:or Alileri.'1I11 "1'1'I':ltilln. alld np till .-\pril ;)0, 1~1{;:!. ;;::UWO illlmigrant" "'PT(' n"("'lllrllll,latpd ill
TIll' <Jf'pllftnlf'llt dlllnnt'ls many immigrant...; to \'ll('ntic,nal ,'our,.;p,.;. ";I'asonal
'wish .lgClll'lJ \\'II!'];: ill Hgl'ic'lIl111rr. t<> public works. pfe'. E,-pry p!fort 1"': 11111<1p to })t'Jr' rllt' 'IW\\'
illlllli.~rnni stand nn his own fpc!.
,rad ill .1"1'11' Of till' l.()('.o,OOO who nrrivNl in I"rnp] lip tn .Tunp :io, HH':!. ,,OJ,OIIO 11:1,1 1""'11
prOVided with morlest permanent housing ill to\\'n!" ;llId dpYj'1()pnW!ll ;11""1'.1111<1
If IIp!':II'lll1'''' 17,'l.OOO in agricUltural Rettlements. Approximatf'l.\ j4.000 !H'rS"II"'; '11'" ..;till
ill l(>mporl1ry Slbeltprs. Thp Absorption Oppal'tlllPllI 11n...; il.'alt \\itl, H l ' l l I l I ,,1·
11g: t ill'lll ". i r II dal ra;:;l"s-hnlf of thf'R(> bn,(' hpf'll pr'l"idPd with housing on ;;p~H'i;ll 1"l'lIl'. ,,\,'1'
}('" "'[II'lI J" :W jwreent have hepn hp\ppd to ,,<'t up bllRine;;:sp". and tit" !'f'Rt lla",,' h""'11 :1,"<>110-
!lwdnted in institutions.
Till' .-\h;;orplion nppnrtment opt'rntpR ",ith thl' RHmp hal1fli('aps n;; fliP Illllllig-rfl-
tion Departmpnt in vie\\' of th(' fluct\1atiollR ann \I11Jlrf'fli('jHhilit~· "I' \111' illl
,\Ii,\ali) , migration wa'es.
fill' Il'ill'hill:: (r:) A.oricultura7 SCftlClIIP11f nQH71"tmclIf.--Thls dt'!,ar!nwlIt has hl'Pll I'(',,;)),'n-
lte int" tIll' ;:;ible for the PRtnJ1lisilmpnt of 6.\0 l1gricu}tnrnl sf'tl]Pl1lPllh (,wn ;.:i1l"., tilt, ",1:11,
lishment of th£' Stnt(') in whtrh 210.000 pellpl{' nl'(> sPttll.'<l. Tlwsl' "';;!"llJ"llh
I an>: 111l1l1i· prllilu('e thre(' !1unrtprs of 1;;r[1p1'R food rpquirPlIlPnts.
nll~m ie, a lid Thp rlrrartlllPnt assists Hll(l supt'n-iS('R 4,~1 sdt]PlllPllh .• 'olllpri;;illl:' l':O,(11)11
's. "f'r,..()II~. 1'll(>s(' s(>tt](>mpnls cllltivnt(' nn nrea of T~().on() fliTI';; nf ",hid! 1:~n.OIJII
;ll'p ifl'ig-atpIl. It hns inn:'stpf1 IL.S~;) million in pstah]i",hill~ nnd (:('11"'I)lid~1Iinl.:'
till'S\' selll(>mentR, inf'1\l(]ing IL.12fl million for hOllsing-. TlIPRp lH'\\' ,:;pttlpl1wlll'-
I('nl with Ihe producp OVf-'r on(>-thin1 of thl' roulltry's ngricultnral 0\ltP,l1t. al)(l t1IP pr"pflrt inn
tl\(> world. j,.: stpadi]:> g-rowing as thl" settlers llcquire skill Hno (,xpl'riell('{'.
a!. p(,Ollomi,' Thp llrpnrtmpnt snppli(>;; tllP ;;:pttlf'l1lentSl with honsin~, !iH'stork. :H!n t>ql'l'ip-
~rnpi and I" fllpnt. TIll' r!£>pnrtm£>nt p]n:>M an impnrtnnt rolp in tllf' (]ev{']opllll'lif (If \\';11('1'
, tIlP <1 PIHI I't - l'N:onrcp.;; for agrir'ulturfll settlf'mpnts. In ndditillI1, OIl' 11epartnlf'llt' pl'oI\'idf'd
~ :It vflrillll'-
]Paling wi1 h
\'o('atioual training alld ~l1iLlan('e as well as extension serV'ices to these ~Pttlf'-
1lH'1l b. '¢
1 Ii ) Dqlurtllwnt fur Cll ildren unIt Youth Immigration (Youth Aliyah) .-This
I\ppartnlt:'llt was establbh('u soon after Hilter's rise to power as thc' result of tlw
pll'adillg of Jewisll parents in Germanylthd subsequently in other countries, whl!
"'!'n' ('o!H'prlled to ,.:u'·e their children and therefore entrusted them to the"cal"f'
"I" 111\' .11',,·i,.:h .\gl·I1C...· whieh brought thell! to Palestillc. After 'Yorhl "'ar I I.
1111.; <!p!lilrlnwnt carpd for Jewish war orpbans brouglJt to the couIltry I1IH). in
IIlllre re.·I'I1t ypurs, its facilities bay!:' bePIl USf'l! to proyide training and l'a re fill'
I'~lildrl'n of rpfugpe illlllligrnnt fnmilie~ facing special prohlems. III its 2~ ypar,.:
of I·XistPIWp. tbe depHrtnH:,nt ('arNI for and eour-utNI Ilver 100.000 cllildren alld
.""11I11: ppopl(' from j:.; diffe!,pnt countri('s. The basi.' method has Oet'll to plan'
"llildn>11 ill pxisrill!:' ag-rirultl1ral sf'ttlenwnt~. !I~l'i('ultural hoarding- ~dll,(lI,.:.
,·hildn·If',.; Yillllgps. anti !'it .. scboD]s. Th(-' AgPIH',\' provided the fIJnd" lIC('pssary
for tlip tuition HIJd Il111intennncp of tlJpsp childrPl1.
.\t th'l' prf'sPllt. the depfntment cures for ahout l:!.POO cilildrpl1 awl .""lIth \\"111\
111'1' hpilll: ~·dlll"atl'd in :!:'O agricultural sl:'ttlelllPnts. ("hi]drl'n's \'illa,!!;":-' Hili! dllY
(·~·lltl'l'-";. .\tllJIlt 4.000 to :I,non ('lJil(lrpn gradl1:lt(-' pa,'h .. par from YnlltlJ .\li,\';ill
:"illd thar Il1lInhl'l' nfl' IISllflll .. ahso,rb('{l h...· th!' departmt-nt eaell ypar. llowl'vPI' .
• 'IIIt'lfg"'-IIC·.\' "itllllti"l1": in"olvillg' dang-pI' to .. ntirl' .fewisll ('oJllmullitip" llfl\'P of((oll
f"I"('('d Y"UtlJ .\Ji .... :IJ' to take 1Il1J('!1 Jarg!'!' 1l111nhprs of I'llildren tllan ,.rig-illa11.'·
1J!:lllIIP« f"r. ilia 11,\' "r tla'lll hl'ollglJt to {,.:ra,'[ l'efo!'(' thE' illlmigratioll of tli .. il'
pa 1"1'11 t,.;.
I'" !-:'·',II"Ii/If' D('II(lI·tll/('llt.--Tlii·~ (ll:'partmPll( :1-..;si"t, tnul!'fs :lIld ITaftslIll'll.
::1·11(·r;lli.\" \\"itli \l'r.\' lilllit('d nlPllU": "r the'lr 0\1'11. II." giving tltPlll h'I'lillic'al :l~"i,t·
:IIJI"l' :llld lII:I!,iIJ:: 1l1'(·I''''':lry''OIl(;wt,.; for tll!'fll ~ll"]1 1"'r";lln,, \I";lI:11J.'· pl'(I\'jd.'
l'lllJd".\"IIII·llt "pportlll1iti,''': for \Ithpr,.;.
I f I Till' t, dud"111 ,~CI·I'i."I"'.-Tl1is dppartm!'llt ,.;,-ni'l'''; nil thp aforf'T1H'ntiOl1(·t!
,I"I':Il'lIIIl'1I1" vf III" .}p\"i;..;11 ,\J,:"I'IW)-. it,.; draws 1,lall." for flP\\' :ll:ri('lllrlll':l] , .. Itil
JllI'll'" ;1111\ ill"titlltion". 1l1:lillf:liIiS wnrp!loll';l''': and st"n'" (If ''(jllipllll'llt allil Sill'
]>lil '. :11111 1:lrril'''; 011 \\"idl'-!'rl':1l! It'chni(';t! :111<] pr(lff's,;ilJll:ll ,.;.'n'i,·ps d,',.:ibH'd tl'
;1"1"'1 11L.. I!c·!,artlll"llt;..; to I"arr.\' "lit tllpir fllll .. tifln,-,,;,
IJff",. .T, 11"/."1 l'/l"Iu'/1 1II'/IIIrtlllf·I/ls.--\\'ith 1Il'IHlquurtl'I'''; in 1":1':11'/. !JIlt illff'!'-
:11 illl: !1I:lilli.\' ahr":ld. :11'1' ,.;1 'Yl' 1':1 1 otlwr "Illallpr dPj><lrtllI<'lIt, (If th .. .T1'\\'j"'Ii .\::!'III.\ Fori
'1'1:.'''.' :11"" I'''I-''I;{::/-d jl:-llllarily ill !,(jllcfltiollnl. rl'li::ioll-";, and ,\'o1l1h worl\. Til!'''!'
:11"1' Ih,' J-:dllql~ioll ;llul ('1I1tllral Ih'partJIII'III. thp TOl'fll1 I·:dw·alioll llP]llll'lIIl"IIl.
11/1' )'''llill ]l!\!ltllrllll,·III. tlip Irrforllllitioll Dp.!I;ntmf'llf. alld tIlt' ()l'ganiznti"ll UI'
1':II·tllll'rH Tll~ l:ltlf'r dPJ'ilrtlllPlil j" "llll('prI1Pt! l,riJII:\ril.\· "'jtll tlip Zillni"t "I'
l::llliz:lri"II;.\.l ;trfair",
Itf·1I/. ,;. RcrilU'~ fur (/ J/crtr-"Y-/J('ar arcolillting for ]JGlImcnts l,r1lirlt thl' ./C1I.;i8h
If},}I' )1-.t}l~;'rll·(l1l ,"I ('tinll Jl/IU!' t" tI" \11/' riff/II 7.;ol/isl 1"//lWII siJlI-
J ~ril 1. [!ill!! (Sl'\' i;~ 1311.)
Th,' 1"1I111'\\"lll~ 1';1,\'1111'111.-; \\ t'l'l' '1Ia>l.' 1,.\' 1111' .1,'wi,.:1L .\;':\'IIl·y-.\lJlI'l'il·:111 ~1'('(i"lJ.
Ill<'. t" III,· _\11/1.'1'1":11' Zi,'lii-1 '·''illil·il drill;': [[II' l,prj'HI .\pri!. I, ]~II;II til UpI'I'II1-
I,Pr :n. W6:'; : '
r,'1'; h" \'1';11' .\I>l\. l. 1~11'.f\. r" .\1:11'
.\111.\' ~7. l~flil) ~I, (~Wllill
,Illly ~1, l~lti1L - :~ ..-;ifll. 00
,Ttlly :~1. HH~ _ ,.,. l~() 7~)

.\ 111-'. W, UH~I , 7.('':~f: 7!1

~P!'t. I:!, 1 H(;~l _ :I, 1:~1;. ,!l
(let. HI. l!Ili-(L _ i. 1~(). 7\)
nt'(~ :!.' 1 !lfi~ __. _ ~. ;;00. Of)
.Tilll. :""f\. l~il -t. :{():~.
.\[;11'. 7. l!Hi\ __ . - - - - - - - - - - - - ' f " - - - - - - - - - - -.. - - - - - - - - : . . . . - - - - - - - ... 1(It•. !).I
:'1(;1 r. t!){'1-. - ..' -------------------------.-------------
-- ", 4n~l. !I~;
~!:tr :n. l!H'\ ._ , __ H. 2n.:;~
.\1:11'. :ll, l!ltlt 1:-" 4:30. :37

h-.- s·t ·18


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _oIUIL.J::I=:.._ _
1:\,1' til£' -,"par Apr. 1, l!iBl, to :\lar. ;H, lOG:!:
:\Ia.\ 19, l~)liL . J _ 8.t. (;2:1. 11
-TIJi:-< :\fay J!), l!H;L - - _ 2,000.00
of tlIp June IH, 1ooL -- . --_ - - ------------- fl, 62.3.11
3,. whll Aug. 10, 1\)61 --_ .. __ .. _ ]3,246.2:!
e ·clIr... Sf'pt. :2~, ~!161 - - -- ------- H. 62;~. 11
'ar I r. ()(or. 1I). 1~IGL __ .. -- - - __ --- • - - ----- H.623.11
lid. i IJ .\'OY. :20, 1!1(;l - .----- _ (i. 198. 11
1'(' f, '1' Dc'C. :20, 1%1- - - _ I;. 198. 11
y\-'ar:-< J H n. 2:2. 1 ~H):! - ' - - - __ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - fJ, 1\)8. 11
Il alld J<'eh. ], 1!)I):; - ~, _ J;-t. 000. 00
l,lan' Ft·\). H, 1H():! - -- ----- ---.,.--- 14.000.00
'hllu),. Fpo. 1G. 1! if i:! ___ __ __ ______ __ __ __ __ _ ___ _ - - __ - 17,000. (Iff
~~~;t ry I"ph. :20, IHGL , - _ I;. WI'. 11
f'f'h. ~;;. I!f.,:! _ I;;. 000. 0(1
h \\'h" :\I,ll'. i. 1\
~ l(;~ .. _ 10.(01).00
II lIa:.- :\ 1;l r. 11;. l!fi i:.! _ In,OOO.,oo
\ I i .\·,,11 :\Iar. I!'. I!lG:2 .. .. _ fl. ]98. 11
""",'" r,
::\lar. ~:;. 1!1G:2 _ 7. :-,00. 00
uft ('II :\1:11'. :.!~I, 1!1(1:2 _ G, 198. ]1
'illnlJ,\' :'IInr. :'~'. 1\1(;:L -- _ :-:.;)00.00
11 Jl' i r ::\[ar. ::0. IHI,:2 . . _ 20, mo. 00

.:-<11'1'11, "["d:l1. ... . " _ Hr., !J27. 32

! "",i ... 1
t', ,\. i ,j, .\dd:
H,'lJt, :-,1;-, Park A\'t' . I:.~~.·~.OO
t jnlll',] :-',nj,'l'."; 1'('lJdf'n'd to \'arilills dE'p~lrtlllrllts :- ~9. 291. 0;;
",p[I I.
I :"11)1 1',),11 ~_________ _, .. ~,."
~--.--.---!I' ~18,091.0.--.

H'd f" " .

T"t:I1. .. _ ___ _ __ _ _ ._~ /:.---- 4111. 01R. 37
"I WI'-
rtlill .\ Flirt hp Jlpric)(l .\pr. 1 til Df"·. ::1'. 1:,.;:.: : -f.
1'111''':' . Apr. (,. 1~1(;2 _ l:J.OHo.OO
1/' 1'111. Apr. 1:~. 196:2. _ :2.;').000.0(1
11 DI' .\pr. 1,"". ]fi(i2 . _ 14.000.00
'1 ',r Apr. ~7. ll1t:Z . , , _ 2.t. (HUI, 00
:\I a:' ;~, 1! IG2________ _____ _________ ___ _ __ 1 n. :ion. on
:\Iny 10. ll1{;2 ------------- _ 2G. 1100. 00
lci!<h :'Irn:' 1~. 1!"l62 . _
."l/I( ,
:\fay ~:2. ]fHI2 ~ _ ;), ;-.00. 00
~Iay l!HtL
~~. _ n. In.':'. 11
'f i "II , \Ia:" ~;;, l!H.:2___________ _ .. _ 21i.oon.00
"','111, .lnll(' 1, 1f)(t~ ~ .. _ ] .'\. (lOO. (\0
.TnnC' 4. 1!"lG2 . . . 1:i,OOO.oo
,fUll(' 1:1. lfH12 , ... _ J!i. fl.OO, 00
HI 11/1 JlinC' 22, Hlti2 .______ _ - _ \i, Ins. 11
June ~~t 1~2 _ 1:;.000.00
() ,!) JtllH' 2~. ]f1()2 , _ 1:i, 000. 00
H; ,~, .ful:· 2. 19(1:2 ._. ... _ 1;;.000.00
ll;. ,!) .T nl y ;;. H)62 '-. _~ _ 12.000. (H)
1I1. 7H Jnly 12. ll1G2 __ ------ _ 1:2. HOO. Oil
)l1.00 July lB. lf162 .. __ ~ _ l:!,OOO.OO
);l. ·17 Jnly 2;). l!H1:! . . _ 7. 1l:14.00
1(;. ~),I
.TId:' 26.1962 k _
t~ I. ! II;
A llg'. 2';' Hlti:! . _ 1:.!.00(l.00
.\ 11 go . !). 1%2 . .. _ :t:
':L :-,,"1 H. 7,-':;),
Aug'. In. 1!)(V2 __ ", . . . .. , , __ O()O. 00
O. :r; :\ ng. 20. H162__ __ ______ ___ ____ __ ___ _ _ _
n. 1ns. 11
Aug'. 2;~. H/{t2 ~ _ I::!. 000. 00
1. ,IS ,\ ug. ~tO, WGZ_· . _
1:2.000. on

~~~i ¥3,~i~2====~==========================================
12. O()(\. 00
12.000. on
~ept. 20. H/f)2 _ 1:2. non. 00
~ ('pI. 26. HX32 . . __ 1:2.000,011

Fur tllf> l"'riu<! Apr. 1 to PP(·. 31. l!16:2-COlltilluf'd ;\meri,

nq'rlH'ad and SN,icl' charges for 6 ll1onth~ Plldpr[ ~"[lt. :::11. l~lf\:.! __ :-;:: ~. ;; to. fi:; the ad
Oct .1. l!lH~ .. _ '-\.000,00 .\meri.
O·('t. 4. 1 OO~_ .. _.... _.. .. . __ . .. _ Ii. 1H'-:. 11 ilccupi4
(In 11. 1962 ...... . .. .. _.. . .. "I. 000. O. I
n('t. 1:'-. 1002__ .... . . . .. .June ~
,"'.000. (III
July ~
Or'/' ~;";. 1!lH2 . __ "'. Of}j). 00
f)n'rhf';I(j and ~pn'i('t" ('hllr~f''': for fktolH'L. .. .. _ ,'-:,010,11\1
XII\'. 1. 1!'~i~ .. __ . . . . __ . ._. ._. .. _ .'\larch
". l)On. l III
l!1fj:2 ._ ._. __ . . ._ .'\larch
"(I\' :-. (;, 1 \1". 1 1
" (I \. 1! It.:l . ___ __ __ _ _____ ___ _ _ ...... I)/HI. Oil
:\',.\ Iti. J~Hi:2______ _ .\Ugllst
..... 1100. /HI
Xc>, l!l. l!IB:2 . . . ._. __ . _ (lctohl'
~I. t"'.I. !'lj
~ 0\' :!."" 1!)f)~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..... 1101), 00
N ()\ ::~ I. l! Ir,:;. . ____________________ __________ __... __ ._.; non (ll, T
(In'rlJt>:ld and ~t'n'i('" ('!l;lf!!P": f,'r .'\11\·\,li\hl·r___ _ __ ._._. f 1:l:.!· .... ~ !tflll "
Fllr tIll' pt'rilld .\pr. 1 tl' 11( .. ·. :\1. l:lti:.!: 1! i
n"I' 1'" l!fli:.!_______ . _ ..... ii/III. /10 lit
I I,.. 1 ~ I! II i:.! . ... _ _ __. _ . ... . _ :~. 0;11;. 1 ~ ,\., Ii
rh·.' 1::. l!Hi:2 __ . . __ ._._. . ... . __ ..... ono, fill tllt!l('(
Dp{' ~o. l~H.~ - . .. . '. _ 1:-,. (lllO. Iii J IllC'. pn
I'f'" ~7, I~lti~ .. __ . .. . IT 11011 Ill' I '(llllll'j
r It '<' ' :: I. 1~ ., i:l ____ _ __ _ __ _ __ :-,.1 1(111,11(1 h 'I' ! h.
flq·rh":]I! :Hlr! ,.:,'n-i"I· (·b:tn:l'" f"r llP"('Iil];PL_ . . '_. Ii. :-,:.!\ I. 111
T"·.,i_ . "\ __ li·l1 ..It;:.! Ii] .111
.\ II
{tIl!/-' 1(· -jlll'"f !'I/' fl/l' 11",'1/" /' (,f )'1'!1I[j('('8 [HI/!' !Iear 11'11" 11'11'(' '/1('/1 tn!,:,'n il/tn \ I,
I, " " r l l ' //f"f I', 'f • • /)',' /I'/'lill!11i II,,' 1f'''I'I, '"~ II" .1, '1"/,'/' 1'1' 1(/ II ./"1 /"1'./11. I )\'
hI(' \ St"e p. 1:Cl. ) ./ :11
The Ilunlhl'r of illl!lligTH-llt..; \y!w .'llten'r! {,.:r;\\'l \\'itIJill lh., ]11-.\'(':11' jlpri"d !!l.-.:{· .'\1h
Ii:!. illl'lll."i \'\>, j,.: H~ f,lll'I"'-;'; : :.h
I! ';-,:1 ...... ___ . . __ _' _.. ____ _ .. _ III. :nj
I !/;";-t _.. . _. .. .. .. .. _.. __ .... .. ..... ...... __ _ 17.471
!9~~ __ ._. .. _. ... __ .. . . ._. _ ;{I i, ;{o:{
1!'l~6 . .... _ ;H. ~l~'-, Fr,1' 1 lit
19~7 .. .. . .. .. _ GIl ,~3 \1:1
1 ~l.";,_.; .. _ .. . _. __ _ _ __ _ _ .. _ .. _ .. _ . _ .. _ . .. ... .. . ~:t.\lHl .r 11 '
1!)" 9 __ __________________ . __ . .... .. .. . .. :2:!. n"'7 . \ II
1!HiO.. _ . _.. __ . .. _ _ _ . . __ .... __ .. __ .. __ .. __ :!:L 4,., j -;;;;'1
191i1 " _.. _.. _ .. . .. _ . .. _.. .. .. . _ ..Hi. Ii;) 1 Ik
19HZ.... .. . . . __ .. .. " .. .. _ til: ,41;
.J fl'
:"OTE~ ,r;
!lilrll ..':: 'i,,' pt.:rllld )[<1.'" I I. !!q" to n,,('. :n, 19;.2. thi' 11111l11wr "r Immigrants whn f'l1ten·r! .'\L
I --r:lel 7nT ;)7ti
The Y,IIYlJi,,'r "f lII1TTli!::r:ll11' wh" "Illl'rp,j I~r:1PI from .Tan 1 t,) ~In~' :\1, l\)f)~, ,";l~ ~4,:(S:';

fI"II.' sf !I)/' !II'II' /I!I II' III' (I('('OIUltlll{l u! 1)(IlltII(,lIf.~ made n/l fli(' ./('ll'isl,
.II/I 1If'J1'. I 1I/I'Tinlll :<'·I'tiUII. Jilt',. tllrrJI(I/h flit' ArIll'ricnn "'iolli.~t ('olil/('il or 1-',,1' I hI
rI,rrl'{'!1 fl) .H .... f. f, itlll(,11 (Inri ur tlie .t/lll'ririll/ I.narl l'u7Jlic Affairs ('011/· .'\ I:
III I t t l I. (St't' p, ]3~s.) .Tn
Xo dirt'f't paYIl1~lIt;; were made by tbe .Jewish AgeDey-American Section. 111('. .\
( II'
to :\lr, KI'IH'11 or till' AIlH'rkul) Israel Public Affairs C<1mwittee. !\o paylllellt,.:
wprp Illude, by tbl.' .!ewish Agency-American Section, Inc. to the ahove Ilunwd
through th(' American Zionist Copnei.1. Howpvpr. at the request of tbe Jewish
Agency-Arnerienn ,Se<'ti<Jn. Inc., the Jewish A~e;lcy for If1rae!; Inc. made availnbIf'
I" tbt'.. \Ill\'ri'·:Il1 Zi('lli:<t ("I\Jncil for tilt' :I('('(llIllt IIf I tHo .I('\vi,.;h .\~t'nC'~··,\lll(·ril·;IIJ
S*"CtiOll, Inc.. th{' sums li~tf'd below. The American' Zionist Cnuocil had advised Thl'
th~' Je\\'i~h Agt'IH'y-Ameriean £i'ction. Inc, that it needed thesE' funds in order that ;\gPII('~
it might pay the same on a~,(,oUIlt of its indebtedness to the ~ear East Report. tIll' n'I
a puhlication issued in \yashington, D.C. by Mr.!. L. Kenen in bis privati' capa·
C'ity. Tht' .Jewish AgeIH'y-AmerlC'an Section. Inc. was inforQ)ed that this tn-
df"otedlwss !lad been incurred by the American Zionist Council 00 acrount of
~lIhscriptjlln" ot lilt' :\t>:lr Ea~J Report circulated .to a list fllrnislH',l hy lh\'
.\lIlprican Zionist Council. These amounts were also to be taken into account in
,to. il:; I lie adjustment of rent, at the end of the year, payable by the Jewish Ag'l'nry·
~O(), o( ~ .\1IJprican Section, Inc. to the Jewish Agency for brae], Inc. for office "pat:p
!l"i, 11 ocrupied at 515 Park Avenue.
100, Oil .r lint' :.!!'I, 19ti(l • • • __ • • _• __ $.•, 000
Ino, (1\1
.r aly :.!l, Hlilil•• • • . __ ;:;,000
lifO. I HI

11 o. ft~ 1
l!lll. (I(
,i, oon
J ~rarrh 1961 ~9, . . __ .i.OOO
~ ,,, 11 .1 pril 17. H)t,l . . . ._ ~, 000
lOll. (III
AlllT,u"t 1:1. 19fiL_____________________________ _ . _ :i, 000
'00. (~I (trtotwr 1:1. l!){iL __ ' . _ ,i,OOO
".. !I,
HlI) Ill)
TotaL . . .. . . __ :J ,"i, 000
ft'"1 It, '1lIl'st fol' W·/l,.-IJ,II·I/('/lr Ilrr'11l1ntin/l or lJIIY/ltClltx t/I tile Coun('il 011
1/1,I,t;, I:IIsl(',./i. I (fiTi,.,< fr/Jm the .Jl'wisli .·I(lt'1/('.II-.IJ,lcri('ail ,'<I'ction, 1111" ..
1111).1111 , il/",. tI,,', l'tlll or Ili,.rJIIlJli tllf' :ll1/(,l'il'(l1l 7,;1111;,,1 I'II/rl//'il. I ~I'" P l:~:',1. \
1:\1; I" .'\ .. liir,"'! )';lyll:l'lll" Wl'rp 1l}:U.lP liy lilt' ,h'wj,,1l .\;':I'III'y-.\llll'ril':IJl ~pdi()ll, fill'.
100. fill
I,' t lIP ('''11I:,'il "II jIirldlp F:l"tprn .\ffair,;. 'I'll!' ,Jpwi"lI .\l';(,II"~·-.\lllt-'rirall Sectioll.
IIl11. I Ii I
fll". )1,111] I .. IIH' ,\Jllpril'11Jl Zionist COlllWi] tllt, fO!]ll\yilll'; ';11Il1'; iIlIPllt!P(] for lh,'
101) I II'
1'lIllll"I) (,II :',!iddlp En';li'rn .\ffair.. .;:
1(1(1 1111
I',,!" ')It' ."':11' .\1']". 1. l~llill, to :'II:ll". :\1, 1~1l;1
;~~ I 111
:'1:t ,I' :.:... 1 ~ II iO _. . .. -. _.. . . ._ H. IllJ/I
If;~. I"'I
,1111 \ :.! 1. I ~ It il) __ -. . __ ' , . -. . .. _ . . ~, ;i1HI
\ I I :.:: I' I 1:.1 il I , _ _ _ __ __ . . _ _ _ :.' ..•011
II iliin I t, I I II. 1 ~ II iO . ' .. _ . _. __ . . ... . _ .• _ :.2, oon
:'"I'flf'l. I I", 1! II ,I)_____. . ._ _.__ _... -. . .-. _ :.2, .• OU
.1:11, :':11. j~ltiL .. __ .. __ ._ . . ._ . . _ . . .. . _'_ :.2,00(1
I ~ t,·,:; '.~;\ r. -;-. 1~ It; 1 . _. __ . __ _ ___ _ __ . _. _. . __ . • . _-. __ :.2. :;011
:, r:l I' l' It; 1 . _. . . __ .... _ __ _ . _. __ . _. -. _ 4,00(1
I II. :~ 1:-
ilti, :\0;1
,ri, ~):.!.-, I 'I' : It,, ,,-:: I' .\ I ,r. 1. 1~ 11,1. I II :\ l:i r,.]) :11. 1\1l \ ~ .
,in, ,o3 '.1:\\ 11~1 1~H;1 _ ... _.. ._ . ... . _ :.2.0011
~:I, !11ft •T ]' I"'~! I. 1! H; 1__ _ _ , __ . _ . _. ~ ... _ ._ _ _ __ _ _ . . _ :.!, 00'1
~:.!, ! l"'i, ,-~J II. 1~ It; 1, _ __ __ . . . __ _ . . . _ -i. 000
~:l, ~"' .. ~, '! •t :.':..'. 1fH n _ __. . .. . .. _.. :.2. (lOll
Ii, n:n 11.·\ 1:1. 1!1t\1 .,, .. . . _ 2. non
;1; 7·lt' :\-IIY. :.'11. !flf)) . __ . . . ._._ 1. ;)7;'
I'I'" :..'1), J!HiL., __ .. _,_. ._.• _. _ 1. ;'7,1
., :11! 1~ It;:: _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ __ 1. ;)7;,
I,', ,j, :.'1\ 1! It;:.! . __ . _ -. . _ . __ • . __ .. __ . . . _ 1. ;,7:-,
'1:11' I:'. l~lti:.!_ _ • __ . ._. __ . . .__ ._ 1. :i7.i
.\ I ,I r _'!). 1!"::.2 _. . . . _ 1. :;7:1

('If ,si,
~II or 1·'111' t 11,' l"ri"d .\pr. til 11\'(' ;\ I. 1:H;:.!:
(' (1111· '[:l~ l~l(i:.!. . ._. ... . ._ 1. ...;;
.TIIII" Wii:.'_
:..':.'. _' __ . . '1:. • • • __ I, ;i7:1
.\ \Il'; :.20. l!)n:..'_._. .. __ -. . _.. l.. .. . __ . _ 1, ;,7:-;
, !IJ('. il,' l. l. 1flt):..' . . __ . . _ 1. :,7:'",
11H;'lIt" '-'0 1fH;:2 _ __ __ .. __ __ ____ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ ____ ___ _ . _
' \ (l \-
1. :i7:1
PI'.· 1:..'. 1!11l:.! ._ . . . . . _0_ ._. ._
I, fi7;)
ilnhlf' 'I" 'I n l. .. __ . __ . __ . _ ____ . __ __ _ __ _ _ _.- . . . . _ .!),·l:;O
,'i sl'd Tilt, a\"",' 11il'loIi"Il,'d :1111,111111,.. aI'" jJl(')lIl!l'l1 ill Ihl' pilylll"llt." lIllH!P by .Tpwi~h
. thaI .\~Pl:".' ':\Illt'ril'flll "('cti"I\. 111l'. (II 111t' .\UlPri\'BIl Zilllli,..t ('nl1lH'il. a,.. "pt f,jrlh)ll
·port. rIll' n'!>!.'· tp itl'lIl ..
cllt1a -
n! flf
- I Ill' '~,

Itelll II!, I:olllest fill' a ('IIII!/ of tlte /I.,-illl'll arrangcment J'c/erred to in a lette/' to I
1IIIt,d J/II!I .10. 1!1Ii.!, addressed to 1)1', t, .lfoyal. and si!Jnr'rl 11.'/ I,. :t, Pinclls. the
".1111'11 rll/d:.: lIS /IJI!U/I"s: (:-;l'P 1', ]:~:l-t.I.
"Till' <I,'[aiI:- "I' bo\\ \\',' tillalizp lilp ;1/'('''11111" "I' lltl' 1';1,;1 YPHt alul flllnI'p pay- witl
/11\'111" \\'ill l.p \\·ol"[.>I'd 0111 dlltill~ I Ill' IIIOllliJ "I' .11111" alit! 1111'11 Pllt ill \\'['itill~ ;1," at t
,III ;11'l':III;.!.','lIlpllr /'1'1\\'1'('11 11,; :llld [III' .\IllI'l"i'·:I/l Zilllli,;1 ('I)nlwil." IICI
TIll' \\Tittpil arrall,~pIIl(,II( I'('fI'ITP!/' 10 ill till' ]Pltl'r, dall'd ;\[a~' :;0, 1~)(i:.', ad·
dn',;sl'd 10 III' l. \10.\';11 1'1'11111 :\[1'. l.dnJ,:, ,\, I'ili('ll':'. is a 111('1110ralldtllll to FUllllil'
:-;PI,j';PI" (rolll Ill'. l. \[o.yal. datl'l! .r\ll~· III. l!ili:':. ;1 ('Op.\· nf ",!Iii'll j" 111'rl'\Yitll
;11 t ;l('III't!,
.\Ii",; I' \"" II ;-;;'1 :"11:, ))1'1'
\11'. I \1 (., \ I
.\ 11,\1';1 i j"ll 1',1 I il,' .1""1 i ~!l .\':"11".\ I" .\1:(' I', 'I" jl'['i,"1 .\1'1":1 I. ! !II;:! I., \1:1['1,11
:; !, I ~ ~I ;; :
,\1 ,I Ii"',': III:":; Iwld "II ./11111' :":'-" l!Hi:':. III \I':li,.]1 \11'. J·ill"ll~. \11'. HI,·k. !:;lldli
1'11:..:;,'1'. :llId I I'lrti,'il';II,'d. j\ \I;I~ dt'I'i,k<l:
1. Til,' ;IIIIl(':lli"ll [II IIII' .\1:(' alllllllllllll~ t" ;:;-;-1:':,1100 \\'lIl1uld hf' p:lid :1" ['lll')I\',,:
I>t illl:ll('tt rt'111 r"r "1':11'\' O"('lIpil,'ll iI.\' tIll' .\Zt' ;11 .-,J:; Park .\n', (tillal
ti~III'I' r" I", :1:..:;\"t'I'II 1IpOll h~ Bid,. ILllIIlill, :llld 111,\'''1'11' I ~""'-" 11(11'
1:~lill\;lll'd ~('I"\'l"" "11:11':":;',,< I tilJ:il li::I\I'" I" i>i' :ltl.iII<II't! ill :1"""1'<1,111('"
\\ 1111 :1"111::1 "t'["\'II'('" l't'lld"I'I't!, I;,..... oon
I', I ' ! I I'. i ,\ I: t· '11 t" .
"/1 I II ,'('Li.I' 1';I,\'lllt'll" dlll'ill:": .\pt·il 1~lli:!, "I' ,";11. 1\110 1':1,,11 :111<1
,llllll"~11111 J';I.IIIII'tlt .,1' ~lll,IHlll I,';, I lOll
,I" I 1\1'I'k:,\ payllll'lll" <l11l'l11:": \!:IY I:Hi:':, 001 :'lli.llHII":I,·11 t i·j, I J( III
(. I -, 1\1"'1,:.1 1';\.\'111('111," ,]:11'111:":; ,Jill\(' 1~1t;:':, lIt" $1 ... ,1Hfll ";lI·IL -;-'-'. I HilI
"I. I,: \1'1'I,kl\ p;tylll('lll" ']II["iJ,1..:' .1111,1', ,\111..:'11"1, all>! ~I'I'II'l!tlH'l'. 1~";:':,
,,:' ~ I :':,I)l}ll \';\"11.
,," 11i 1\,·,'I,i.I' )1:1~'IIlI'II''': "I' ..; ..... 1'011 ;111,1 I(l \\""'1,1.\' P:lo"llll'lIl,; 'Ir~;-.,idll
";I,'ll ,111/'111:":; III'" t",,'t,'d "I'I\lllt'r"l\~':2 101 .\1:11'1'/1 1~1l;:; 1~ I". II' HI
Tool;1i __ . .. _ . _.... _ -;-1"2.000
\11' Iii, k 111("1"11,,'<1 ll~ :11:1\ 1:1' 1'1'1""'\ \\'1\"11 Ill' 1',<lilll:II,'<I III,' ./111'>11111,< tllI\'
III flJ,' '\ "11111 \l"I"'lIll'lIl" (001' ,ill' 1>l1'!:..:'t'I:!I',\' .\'t·:11" !!lIiJ I;:': :I." h('iIlI..:' ::;.-,0,000, Bid;
~,Ii<l 1!ldl ::1"
i"i.11 .1111,)1111[' II .1" ;1"[11;111.\ :'liO.IIOII, .\~ \1',· 11:11\' ./11'1':101,1 p;:itl Ih('
-:.-.II.liI~l. Ii \I.l~ .11"1'1'.101 1/1,/1 111/' 1'l'lll;lillilig SIII,OOO ,,1111\11<1 I•• ' <lj\']dl,d l'qll;lll.\·
1"'11\("':, 11:,' .\Z(' .11,,1 !I", ,f"\1 1-11 .\:,,:;,'II,·,\'. 11"[\('(',0\','[" .III,J .11"'\'1' 111\' :lllltlllllt
"I' ,";;-j':,lhlll .1~I,\('.III',1 II'" ~11:111 . . 11 III,' 1"\"IIII',;t "I' \11', I;i,'!, lIlly hilll Iii,' flll'tlit'!'
~ II J II "t' :' '-'. ( lilli,
.• Ii \\.:~ ,',11',11,,1' .1:":;'1""',[ 111:111111' :'11111,0(101":1111.11"'1111\' IIII' ,\1:(' (1"1111 J);llIk
L" ,,11111/1<1 !", 1111' !,<,,,p''il''illility Iii' 1111' .TI,\\'j,;h .\;':;,·II'·,\', Itlthllllgh 11'1'1 OIl til,'
l"",k" "I' III" \1:,' ;1" tht'il' oIt'llt.
'1'1110., 11"'.:lI~ 11\.11 ",' ,11:111 lu\'1' t,) )1;\\' illl"I'I'~I "111111' II"i" "i~lll',j 1'.1' ;11,' .\1:('
.11111 :"::/1 :'.:1,1"",1 1'.1 II~ \\'1"'111111' tilllt' 1'.'III1'~ I\!' ,11;111. "[""\11',,(,. JLI\" I" 1';1.\' tIll'
/'1' i : I' Ii'. 1!

11'111 I f Ii, 'I I ' '" i"" /1/11111/1/./1 Ill/rill"'. if 11I1!I, fl'l./II 111(' 1 /I/I.,.i'·oll :li(/'IIi,~1 ('I)/II/I'il
til 1/11' 1/1/' 1'11"/11 8,1'1/11/1 ",. Ih,' ./"'·U"Il/"11I }';,f'{'/,lIlir'/' III' III". ,Uo!!'ll I'I,/crrer/
III III 1111 1.1/,,. "/ Iflill .;1), f!II;,!. 1 ~I'I' pp. l:~:C", :tilt! I:~::ti. 1
'I'll,' \111"'1'1' ;111 ~"('li"ll did II lit I'I'IT'i\'" alld j" lilt! ill p·,~,"I·""illll I.f :111,\' III' fllt'
111l>Jllltl~' ,1\1<111" r,'f,'ITt',] II> ill till' l"llt'l" rrl\11l )11'. l'ill"II"; til Ill'. ""y:JI, 1l:llI't!
.\1;1:' :\0. 1ill::':,
/1/'11I ,,,. I,', 111/I'",t flir 'I l'Il/I!1 of til " /I/f,.,. II dd/'l',,'''' , rl Iii /\[0",1/1' .'haret! /'U7WI'I'lIillll
1/", "('IIII/wil "'/IIII/i(l/l." /,"(cI'I','11 /11 /II '/ Il'/tl'1' 1/'1/,,1 !"l'Ilrua1'll ii, ![llj;J, nd ..
rll" 8,011'11 t" /II' .\ Ilh 1/11/ (;f)lnllllllill ,1/111 sifl//1 II Is'"IIII'I' II'/I/llill (:-'1'" p. 1::1;·1,)
Till' 1,,111'1" 1I<I<lI"""I'd ,I" \1,,"111' :-;11:11'1'(1. 1,'1"'1'1"',) til ill rIll' it'llt'r t1:!lptl 1",,1,·
rtl:lr.\' '-'. \:It;:\, 1'1'''111 :\11'. 1\.IIIJlill til Ill'. (;,dlllll'.lllll, '''1I111ill'' 1111' rlll!,,\\'ill:":; I't'rtl'
IlI'llr t\\'1l 1';lr;l~r;IJlll,.;: ;f

"Ill t lip Ja,;1 1'1'1\' d;1 y,;. \\1' Iia \1'

(·IIIlIl.11'1 I'll I 1I1' !'t'1 rall,,,r.'r 1I> I III' ,\ ~(,III'Y Ill' 111l'
1'1'1'''''1111('1 (If lilt' ('1111 Ilr;JI 1lI'paI'l111l'lIt, 1)11' T"rall ('1111111'1' I ),'P:I I't IlII'IIL till' Yout II
PI'I>;II·tllll'llt. :1\1<1 tllf' lIl'l'zl IU,qifll!1' TIIP1'!' :lrt' :t lin,,! "r illlportalll qUI'"tilill"
Ilint 11:1\'(' tIl hI' !'ol\'l't1 "r !t"lh pnlito., ;]IHl ;ltllllilli,;tr:lti,I' ('lIal':l"Il't, anci I [1.111
:1I1'(i')Il"t.\· :I~\':litill~ 1hp tilllt' ","pjl [ "Illl ,'IlIl\'PllP '1111' .\ItWl'ir':111 hrallch nnd plaf'l'
tllt'''I' 1'I'lllllplllS !wfllrp r1l1'lll Jo:xalllpll's llf ,;lwlt pro!>]PlIl" ar{': (1) ,\Il<watiollo.;
In rill' )'''Iith ,r''''PII1Plll-U''\\' an' 1111'." til 1>1' /ll:ldp wilhollt ~Ill,jl'dill~ tltp YOlltlt
'IIl\·Pllll'llt. 111 Irllllhlp': (:.:i"
Tltp ~t\l(]l'llt Zionist Oq;::1I1iz:ltioll·_.. lI ll \\, i,,'it po,;sillll'
lcftc,. to provide for this important funl'! ion without jeopardizing tll('ir ~tatu,.;·! (For
)i II (' II S, Ihl' tilll!' heing, tlJeY are now ill tile Agp\I('.v str1J(·lurf'.l
"The Council l)C{)ple Ure abo def:'pl.,' I:OII('('r\l('<I Oil !}()\\' to Jll"ovidp till' \\,11('1'\,-
'f' I ':1."- withal for their remainiug l)rO~rullls-p\lldi(' relations alld org:lniz:ltioll. And
ill:':- ; l " at the moment, I ('unuot give yon all)' ('OIwr"t£' iIlforlllat it'll,"

i:!. II I!-
!/I'/II l.r HC(/llcst for a. year-oU-llear accounting vf all pa'Ym(,/lt,~ madc b!J tile
./I'wish .-tqellf'Y-Amcrican Section, I/lf'., to the JClcii>h Telegraphi(' Af/('1/('Y
si JIlT .-1 pril /, /%0. (See Ii. 1367.)
Tilt· f\OII'l\\'ilil! HIIl\Ollllt:-: "'l'rt' ad\'HIl('t'd ,,~, tlil' .Jl'\\'i'!l .\g{'!I(·.\~-A11I{'I'i<-:IJl ~1··('lillll.
III<'. 10 tilt' .Jt.\\'i,.;h T,,!t':.:-r:q,!lit· :\:';1'111'." t1IlI'illl! l1t\' !,f'riot! ,\phl 1. l~H;O. to
, 1t,,·t'!lIhl'l' :; 1. 1!i(;~ :
)-'''1' Iltl' 'yI'1I1' :\pr. I, l!}(;(i, T" :'\1:11'. :n, 1~'l;1
.I1lIlt' 10. )!tfiO _ ::::~, oon
,J Illlt' I/i. I !It~._ - - -~-_. :{. (WIO
\ I"r. :!l. 1!lliO :.!. ,-'00
( I ('1. :! '" , I! If iO :!, .-,( 10
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\'''''. lll, 1!.till :!. :,00
.....',. 11(1' , \ ' II ,. 1:..... l! 1\ ,It ~. IHH\
\' "" :l.', I! 1f;0 :!. 000
I;". lIn,) Ih',' I! Ii iO_ :.!.IHIO
I I",· !, 1: If iO ~. 000
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I i-I, (1110 ,[; I II. 1i. 1~ H; I Ii. 000
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~ '''. 'II 11 1 ,.', ,10. '0. 1: t,; 1 ::.OlfO
·1:!. IlIlO I·'t·l •. 17, 1'le; 1 ::. fHIII
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Uid..: :'\1:/1'. ::. I~tf;l.._ ::. (lOll
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'Il u:lI; .,. :\fal'. 17. W(;, _ ::. (lOO
1I1t111llt :\f:J r. :..: I. l!if; I :..:. ;,00
II rr Ilt'r

011 t lit,
·\ 1'1', Ii, ]!f'it :!. :-,1 111
" .\ 1':(' ·\ I '1' 1 L 1:!l;1 :.:. ;.1111
:1," 1110' _\ 1'1" ~1, 1!ll; 1 :.!..-,lk I
·\ 1'1' :..>'. 1!11;1 :.:, ;,f ~ I
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.11l/1I· ;{P, 1:lIi 1 :.!. ,il)l f
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.1 \l \~. 7. 1:1\; \ :.!. ;,1 II}
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.J III \ 1 l. I! If i 1 :!. :-,1 HI
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.\ II L" .t, 1%1 :.:. Ol~\
or 111\' .\ 11 I! 1\.1%1 ::. (100
rOlltli _\llg 1S, l!.m :!, Of\< I
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o r<1. ..........

For I hI' ~'t'lli' c\Pl'. 1. HlDl tll .\Jar. 31. l\~:!--Coutiuued

tIle IJer:
:'P(lt. :2\). lHtiL, • • __ • . _ ::;1. ;)110 to the J
(ll'l. O. l\l\il , . __' __ 1. i}UO t'Ires Ii
un, 1;-;. nltiL _ 3(Xi report f
to repoI
GO. or~ I "US iua
( b) 1:
F'II' tll\, [lpri(l!i Apr, 1 to 1)t'\.', ~n, IH'6:!: :\larch
:'\ <I \ . n, 1\ 1\; 1 . _. __ ___ ____ _ ___ ___ __ __ __ __ ______ ______ ___ _ _. ' __ 3.1\011 tiled ",it
:'\ (n', 1fiG:!
;~O. . ___ _ __. __ 7;)0 Tile I
I )('(', ... WH:? . . . _' 7;,0 for the
Il('(', 14. U~;:2 . , . _ 7;,11 A sdwd
I 'I"',
14. 1!lti:!, __ _______ _ ___ .. __ . __ __ ___ __ __ __ ___ ___ ___ __ _______ __ ____ _ __ ;1,000 \ lIe uuu
r h '(' , :!( I, 1!)K~_ . __ ___ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ , __ ___ _ _ . .. .. __ . _ 7;',0 :llllO\lnt
PPI', :!~, l\HI:2_ _ .. _ . _. _ 7;,11
'],lIe Jell
T(\IHL __ , ,

It. 1// f" I,'n/I/I,<;f (fll' '/.'1 1(1 lilt 11111,// (If ol'!J(/lIi~( /111/1-;/1/,11 /I"
:S,;IJ,f)(j1) }HIJI/III'III I" flu' .Icwisli 'I'd/'!Jn/l,lti(' A!!I'IIC/I I'eferret! 10 III 1/ lI/C/lIIJ-
I'fIlitlUIn dOlt II AII!/list I, 19UO, addrcssed 10 Rose I" 1Ialprill troll l j:,(/dnl'1
1/'/1/111/1, I ~\'I' I'Jl, \;'\;"-1:\\1\1, l:\KL)

'I'll\' 1','t','I'I'I}(,\, ill till' al",\(' iI/'tll i~ flO tlII' P:l,\'lllt'lil "t' ~tilt,IIOO 10 tIll' .Tt",1 1,11'1'1,1" ]'''IUIOH.,
::1':II,hi,' ,\~"IJ('Y In 1]1\' .J,'\\'i-"il ,\J:"Il('y fill' J,-I':II'1. II}(', of Isnwl,
!I,'ld /,; I,', '/Iu'sl (/,~ 10 11111/1"1111" I" til.' ,IT.,1 1'1 f",/" t! I,) ill (/ 111'111"1 '/I/dl/IJI ( "!kg...,,
,ltlll'd (Jf'/obl'l' 1':, [!II;I), If/ FIII/llit' :;p,';,'iIT fl'IJII/ IS(I,I',!'/' lIIIIi/II' J" I"~"~ I, '! III ~ 1 j II i 11 t \
\ t1l\.'fll·.~·
!" !);"I/'(llil'l1 stl/IC/II/'Ill" (i/ol with /III' DqHll'/11I1 lit of JU,'iticc. I S""l" J~171 ) lllforlildl
Till' paylllcnt" to (Ill' .1l'wi~h Tdpgrapllil' c\gI'D('y by till' JI'\\'i~!l c\:':I'Il,':;-AuH'I'-
it'all ~/,,'ti'lll, lilt'.. I'pf. ' rrpd (<I ill till' Illh'\'('-IIlPlltioll,'d IlH'!l101'1l1lt!Ulll. ",.'1'1' ill
\'I\1(I<'d ill thf' ~UJlph'llH!lltal rPI,prt for lill' pf'riod ,'lldillg :\I:lrl'll ;:1, ]!ltil, tllt'd j'"iJ t" :\ 1
with tllP 1 IpPll1'1 Ill\'llt of .Ju~li('", ulidlT tile IH'ntling I l f "(;rl1l1t,..; :llltl :--;lli,\.'lltil'Il~," I'lld l'Tall
,(')w!:lrl \'
:-;0 "I'PI'iB(' 1'(-[\'1'('1)('\' wa" I1lwl\' to tilt' .1 P\\' i...d l Tf'l\'grnphk .\gl'Il(,,1, \litldk'
111'111 I,;, I,', '/lit':d fll" ilnlll~,d 1/"I'(llIlIfino (If $,:II,IIIIU itl III ,,-hil'l, 11/,/)("11',..' ill tI/I' : h,' :\ Ill.
,-, !If)/,I ,','nlli/" d lUI (;1'1'(11, .':1I'1I1'1l,'/' .(- ('"" f'f rllfi, '/ II/lilli,' ,"' """1,,,,1 .. , III 1('11<1,'<1 II
',.)II'I/I/1f' B-,ill, Ill/il/Itl "\/I-"'/'lIlJ/ll'OllS, flir 1','//1' Elldin!! .111//,,11 ,:/, !flri}," ,\ tfllll''': f,
\ j"lit" ..
I :-'tlt l p. l:r.;l.)

TIlt' ;11I1t>UIII of ~:.!II,I)\HI \\':I~ ,'rrt>IIl"'II~ly ch:lr~l'tl III tIlt' lllb.TII:lll,"'ll' al','()Ulll
,,,ith thp Trf':l~un' ()f tlH' .1I'\\'j..;1l ./I.'.:'I'II('y f()r 1:-"1'11\'1. .l1'rU~1I1(,Il1, "'h"II! Ill' ,'rr.,l'
wn" diH'lIlt'rrd, tlIi~ :1l'('()llll1 Wll~ ,TPditl'd \"itlt tlIl' "nid anwullt '.... 111' II :1 1Il0tJIlf
\\'n" tllf'1l c!J:lrgl,d III (hI' al','inJllt ()f "Puhlic Rf'lntiono.; 11n<l Sp('I'ial l'rlljl'l't,,"
:lllti ('\Ilt'lId"11 \Ill "~IIJtlt'lJf~ :llid \'i~illlr~," Thi~ progl':llli WH>, ,'IIlldlll't"d jllllll].I
'I'\'ilh tilt' 1'1l11~1I1ntf' g,'IIt'l'nl Ilf br:1Pl il1 ;'Ill'\\" Yorl,; alld thprpforp f,ll' C,IIl\'f'llielll'p,
dishur"I'IIH-nl Wl1S I11IHif' throngl] till' Trf'nsury of the ~tnt" ( I f Isr:I\'1 ill ",\'\" )'I,rk
Thi~ progTl11ll \\'1I~ lIdll1illi~tl'rt,tll,y tlIP ('OIlSlllIlIP g'(,llt'r:11 (If I"rlll'I, ,111'11])1' .T"\\,j,11
c\gell,'y'c\IlI1'ri,'1I11 ~c('ti()Il, Illt', IIns no ill'llliz(,tI dl'tllil-.;,'
,111',n 1":', Hnllll"t II.'/illt! of f)(l/IIllcnfs To the .ITA III IIlr 1'1',tJISfl"/II'11I .,I'lfl',
I" II I IIJI' till I; 111"1/ fI", !'Ililill!1 8/'/lfl'I/II",/, ,!/J, /!II; /, 1/8 If', If II,~ 1/1 fI" "),,, lid I,
/1/"111 IIJ Ilrlll tili'I'! da/,"! (J('I"',, r :'i. i:Jti,!, fiild I',ll tI/1' .'\II/I,,.il'ol/ ,.. . . , ('11 1111, II/(
(:'('1' p, 1 :~~·t \
11 :lppl'Hr" that pa,YIIH'llt" llilld., 10 thl' .Tpwbh T .. l(-'~rllphi(' .\g"llc'.I' ,!t1I",llg tIl!' 1',( \'
]'" ~'
H llIollths \'luling ~eJllt'lIlll\'r ;;1', l:1lil. wprl' er(oll\:,nu"ly lln! illcluded III ,·'pl'lIdi· \ Il:'
fllr\'S rpportf'd I" III(' D.'pnrtllH'III of Jllslicl' fnr IlIa! pI'ripl! anti Ih"I'"r"r,' 1'"
rpfel"l'Ill'f' !herelo \11l~ lllllde ill t1l1' i1nwlldlUpnt tIl 1l1:1t filitl:':: dntl'll ("'tlll1\'r t;,
In(i~, 'I'll(' pn .... llll'llts l'"fl'rrl'd tn in this itt'1U nrf' tll .. "aUI(' Ii" I1ln,..,' rl'fl'rr .. d t"
ill ilPlll l1'-a lIIId ill our n'p!y tlIprd,),
ill/II [,'-' JJi./'qlll'-'f,~ for flll't!lcr info,.,l/alil/1I 1'1'/01;1//) 10 iI"'II,~ III 1"/11;(/' t" fI"
.I"f'lsh A!ll"'f'!I-.·\rI!l'ril'uli S('('tiOI,. l'l(', li!1 <;rc/,Il. Sfrockel' c\- ('f)" ('1''-\ ','I, (JII
0lw,ali(JI/,~ fUI' tllc fiscal )lcar /'Il,lii/lf) Man'l! Sf, iDG:!.-
I a) From ~t'h('{illlf' B-1 "f null report, ('lItitled "BIHIgl'(nry Exp\'I1,..;e~ Iuf(lrUI:l-
li.'ll. \'"nr Ell(lill~ :\lnrrlJ 31. 1~)li2." !lip Hf'Ul '',If'wi,,b Tplegrallhic ;\,~I'Il('Y, Inc ..
1111\1gf't. ~tiO,OOO, pxpf'r}(litllrt'~, $nO,ooo," 'Werl:' nll~' of I he"£' pxpelldilnrl''': reported
,In n'ds1l'utilln stl\l(,1I1PII!~ liktl \\'ilh IlIp D,'plll·tlllPDt tlf .J Il"tice'! (~pe p, 1384,)
$;)8,(1-(111 (lilt lIf tllf' ~llm of ~()'\IlOO pai(l to til(' Jf'\\'i-.;l! Tplf'grnphlc c\genl'y t1nrint:
the Jll'riod elJdill,~ :\lun'll :n, l~Hi:!, were Ilot relJurtct.L Tlll' ,;111ll til' ~:.!,OO(\ paid
, ;,nn t" tile Jewisll Telegraphit, A;.:ellt'y tlurilii-:' lhat period \Ya~ reported ill tllL' eXllelJdi-
, ;;00 t'lI'L'S Ibted by tlle Jpwi"lI "\gcUt'y-A1I1e";I'ull Seetiou, llll', ill it" "lIpp1PIIWII1UI
jOt! rPjlort for tl1at lIeriod alld ill t!l(' all)('IJ(lIlW~11 t!lpn'to, It appears tllal till' failure
til report tile ex!,enditl1re of $;-,~.UOO. reft'ITPil 10 alHIH' is dtH, to Ill\' fad tllat it
, (X);) \\'as iliad n~rtentty Ibt ('<1 as all exd..lall,~(' i IplIl \\' it h J ewi::;h Tl'leg-raph it' .\gl'lll'~·.
\b I Frolll s('lJeuule B-l~g, itt'lll "l'ulJlil' rdatiulls ~Jlel'ial projed", year t'IHlillg
:\lardl :n, l!Hi:?," \\'a" lhi" c:.:peutlittlrt, reportpu 011 rl'gi::;rr:lrioll statpllll'lll:---
,.'1011 !llt'(i wit!l tlw J)epartllll'lIt uf JIl~ti('e': \ :-'l't' p.l:{,''';).)
7:,1l Till' llaYlllt'lIt~ rdprred to ill tilt> itt'lIl "l'lIbli(' rl'lutillm: allu ~pL't'i:ll !>l'OjPI..'I:,;' ,
7:,0 1'\11' ttlt' Yl.'llr ellliillg l\!an'll :n, l~H;~ wen' re!l(}rtt'll ttl tilt' Il1'partllH'lll lIf Justin'.
,:-,1 ) A ~('!I\'dule (}f ~aid PUYIlIL'1l1S aggregatillg tilt· SUIII of $;)!I,71:2,li:.!, ~l'tlilli-:' forth
, II{ l(l the UUIIIPS of t!ll' paYl'1'~, tl1\' ptlrpo"e of p:l'yIlIl'llf. IIi<' dale lIf j\:lYlll\'llt :tlld tll\'
7:,fl ;1111(}\Il11 paid il..l eadl ('a~(' i" ;Ittuclled !lerel(),
Fill' J('wish A!I('l!c!I,.{/I/c,.il'(IIL Sr ('tlllll, Iuc,-Pliblic ,.datiuns aNti "pr cial prujl'I't",
7~)f • "chedul, H-I-!J- }','(/r t fldcl! .11(/1', 1!'Ii':--lIclJI 1!/1J ,n,
/Ii, i ](\'poIll'd : H,'porl{'u
'/I/( i- 11,,(" Tvl" I 1':1 \'- 'fur Ii ["pnl 1Is flit' (, 1IIPlil k;
'f Ii I' I Ill('IlI,' "'Ild,d :'\Lu', "Il<.lt'd ::'1'1'[,
I :n, I \lti3 ;,1', I\/l;1
-- ----7:;--.-----
[, t • ~ , '
l':dd {u ]~t'pn'St'IIlHtlVt' orlllt, j'rl'H>ury, :-:'t,.[t' I III I i>, I ~I\j 1 }-;.', ti(ili. (,4; $:), t~t'~6 ('!I
,,( br",'I, (or glUllt to ''''"-l",
11t',-dy l"rclt'li h,l" :', t"'ic ..
:\I;u :.!~f, I Htl~)
c,I\;':( 3:1 :2,~>:1 :1;,
'ltl,it'Ilt, 'l\ldYIJl~ "t I ,S, lltll\','rsitlt;S .<lId 11 :1:>:1 3:2 \ 1,:JJJ Jc
'111111 \ ldkgt,>. Tlh'~t, hJnd.'"- aIt' .IurniIIJ~tt'lt'd hy J 111H' 13, I t1Io 1. _ , t,.l,l.,i btl $5, t,titi.rotl
Ii /,- .\ jPlt1! l'utI\IlIith'I' uf tlll' J.,\\ l~h ,\f.!t'lh y. Jllly :n, 1\11-1 , ;~)II, Ill! .~l. ,~)( lU. 00
\ l1wt'I,'"n s\,,'ti«11 ;,11<1 tIll' ],t'u\'1 UlIi,,' "f .\lIg 1i,1'11,1 ~,!'<:,:t :>.:1 ~,i>J;.1 JJ
71 ) !lIrOrlll,dIUII 1ll ,-"\1 York,
ll\' r-
Bll't1 1',\1,11" ,-\tlWrH,'1l Zloni"t' {llIlldl fur "'I'" {)(\ 1~1, l:Hd c,lMI \J(I :, (n)p, (~I

II ~, ('I.d L'T,lllT to ~\..""""'lt\t in till' prt'pwaTi(lT\ or '.U\·, ~u. ltatl1_ I, :)i~, (~I 1,57.1 (I(I
;,\·!Jol.lrly \\ork:-- Oll dt'\·~·ltq'[lH't\l.... III tIlt· I In. ~II, Ilki l. \, SiS, (l(l I. ;6l 7j DO I

\\1,11\11' 1-::1." ,.., rt;\,y r"lul,' ttl b1,Il'1 \, J ~iJl '2'2. 1Vtw._. I, :,7,\ (~I J, :,7S, (1(l
1I'!llllll'd Iq'ldt,r ir"l)l U. {Ih· ..." !ldYllwld.-.. to l'ti" ~I', I~;~ 1. :1";:' (1{\ J,57,1 (I()
flil . jq. \nlt'r~':rrl Zl<lIll:--t (\llIth II \\ 1'/(' llL- \Lr 1\', J\~,:. L 1. ;)7;, l~l 1 :,7,~ 11(1 1
III It lldl'd fur ttit' t IHllllll f(,r .\llddlt, F \... rt'r!l :\l:Jl :.!~l, I~l:: t, '~~:" (~I I, S~,!'l. (M,I
/; I , " .\; fllf' 41" !l1lt'!h',dll!\1 "\llrldlt· F.l-'"ll"f [I \I:.\ 1\', I\"d '. 11(1(1 11(1 c,IIU\1, 1~1
\ !~;ur'" .J I 111 \. 1~l. I ~ It , 1 'J 11(~1 (1\1 :, !lO\l I~J
\ Il~ J tI, 1\", I 'I. I ~1\1 (1(1 4, (1(1(1 lltl

1I11 t ~(.' lor..'...'., 1~It, 1 _,\1(1(1 W ~,(IlIII (ltl

r. 'r ~I, ,1;-11 II{I 11 \:.\1 ('\1, llI, II(~I \~ I

U 1I t ();I,11 I' \1'" 11;-" .... 1 Ilr(,ll;'lllJ!;! i·,nt"j ~ J!~j :t2 " ~d ~ ~, 1. ~II ~ ('!
't" " :1;1, ~l~ tl'~ 3:J, -;\I,c., :l~ I '..!!I,:ll "; 03
It 1.1

'i 'II l'''\T\lil. . ~~',ll~,IJ('I
:--" l'~ t: L I :-- (.\ I Jill \. ~I Iti
ik:ilth 11l:--IU:.lIIII· _ I Ui'<, loU
If('· I' p"... taCt'. ~ t a [ J \llll'r ~ • :" III 'Ill: t ... I :111 d \ 1t 1.1 r I ~ II ~ \ H." t \ II t : 1.:'- 33\1 1<1
l"1'1t'IJllprh' IUHl ('~dlll'" _ :\~ (,(J
lit! ter :,.,1 ll1d"!'I'lld,'u" J I",
III l',dd p','lllllg' III Ylddl,h 1,,'\I"I'''I''l.'
l'llt, 11:1\ . .1,,\, I,ll JUlUllld '2()~J ~ll
Tlll'.1t \\'1:-..11 }J;lll\' l'pr\\;.rd 1 ;~I 1~1
Ill,' 1~'Illtll! t lll' ]':t'llt't'.sf1111:,11\\·(,ftlll 'l'll'\""lr~. -l.ii, (II J.. . rlll'i. ,1(',ll)I'-f JI~ltlt 11111~1 1(1t"1. {,(;
1 .l ~ I' It· I ) 1 I 1111 J:-. I f I ~ t·! I ~ r ~ 1,'" • I -, 111 t •. i ... ~:~I (l()
di \ t!:l l(J Itt t' .. 111·tIU:-I~ l[t, llld,·d li'lt' tu !fl,ll (',l:"fdt' dl"I)I! "I:' ~ :,\I(I,W
(;, 1ul,L!. ~~\i 3:


, ) ,-


itcln 19. Letter fro/ll .111', Isadore Hamlin to ~C/lllt(jr Fulbrig!!t ({ufo.'d .fllfyl;].
1963, cUlIllllellting on certain portions of Ii is telitilllfJII!):

BOll. .J. \Y, Fl'LBRIGliT.

Chllirllwn. Senate Foreig/l HclatiulIl; Committee,
,",S, t:)cllate, Washington, D,C,
DEAL. SES ATOR FCLBHIGlIT: I ua H' examined the transcript of my (e"timon.\"
heforl' your cO!llJlJittet' ou -'lilY :!;~, WU3, 1 find tLat iu :o:e\'t:,ral iIlH:JW"''':, rl'fern·d
ttl beluw, tue aW:iwers I ga\'e to yuur questions \\'ere Ilvt quite lll'l",'[,.;e I, tht,l't,-
fort" re:lllectfully n'qul''''t tltat. witll 'your permis,.:ilJll. (lie IH'intt'([ rt~ "I'd of (lw
tP,.:tiIUOIlY bE' corrected as fullow::;:
11) PII!Je j,j,!U, Oil till' l:itlt Jiue from the bottulll of the puge, I 11"'\1 till' wlJrd
"m'lluy," The correct \.... onl is "sCI'cral,"
(:2) l'uyc j,'j(j7, lUtl! lille frolll tOll of puge: In response 10 your qlll"liilIJ, ;1" t"
\\lwtlJer it wa:,; ('orrel't tlwt .\11', Lipsky hnd no official cOllnectioll ',lth t Ite ,IT.\,
1 ,.;nid. "That is right, ,.:ir," To wake it clear that my answer related to tbe
period in qlH:'stioll, I :-;ll!luld baH' said, "That is right. :,ir, 11/1 tfJ jlll!1 {!iljll,"
t:3) Pa(lc 131/3, in tbe last lilH' undl'l' tlte sublJeHdill!". "I..~uestioll Ol! ~tatus of
Tt"legrapbi(' Agl:'l1cy lls HIl lndependellt Ollf'." I stalel!: "'Ye o"'llt'd it Imt \\ t'
did l!ot control in allY WHy Ilt all t he affair,.: of tbis agPllc,\'," 'I'll(' l'Orn" ,( :I tlS\\"l'l'
is: "\\'e oWllt,d it. bill \\ l' did 1101 ('(tntrlll in any \I'll.\" at all the (dit'd I II IJllfi,'II",

III' tlil' fJ!)(Tati f )'1/s of til i8 1I!/"/H'lt,"

Rp,.:(tf'ctfully yuur,.:,

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