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Neutron activation analysis (NAA) is a nuclear process used for determining the concentrations of

elements in a vast amount of materials. NAA relies on excitation by neutrons so that the treated sample
emits gamma-rays. It allows the precise identification and quantification of the elements, above all of the
trace elements in the sample. The method is based on neutron activation and therefore requires a source
of neutrons. The sample is bombarded with neutrons, causing the elements to form radioactive isotopes.
The radioactive emissions and radioactive decay paths for each element are well known. Using this
information, it is possible to study spectra of the emissions of the radioactive sample, and determine the
concentrations of the elements within it. A particular advantage of this technique is that it does not
destroy the sample, and thus has been used for analysis of works of art and historical artifacts.

Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP) is a powerful technique of chemical

characterization capable of simultaneously measuring up to 50 different trace elements,
sometimes at concentrations as low as several parts per billion. The ICP-MS functions by
passing small amounts of material into a plasma, a super-heated gas, which ionizes the sample
material. The plasma itself operates at around 8000 degrees C, a temperature greater than the
surface of the sun. This ionized sample is then sent through a series of powerful magnets called
a mass spectrometer, which separates sample ions on the basis of their mass/charge
ratio. These ions are then measured by a detector to establish sample composition.

The atoms absorb ultraviolet or visible light and make transitions to higher electronic energy
levels. The main advantages of the graphite furnace comparing to aspiration atomic absorption are
the following:

The detection limits for the graphite furnace fall in the ppb range for most elements
Interference problems are minimized with the development of improved instrumentation
The graphite furnace can determine most elements measurable by aspiration atomic absorption
in a wide variety of matrices.

The Modified Griess Test is a test to detect the presence of nitrite residues.

The Modified Griess Test is the primary test used by firearms examiners to determine a
muzzle-to-garment distance.

The Modified Griess Test is performed by first treating a piece of desensitized

photographic paper with a chemical mixture of sulfanilic acid in distilled water and alpha-
naphthol in methanol. Desensitized photographic paper is obtained by exposing the paper
to a hypo solution. The photographic paper will no longer be light-sensitive but will be
reactive to the presence of nitrite residues.

The Sodium Rhodizonate test provides a color reaction indicative of the presence of lead. It can be employed around
the periphery of a hole or defect to determine if it is consistent with the passage of a bullet. Lead may be deposited
not only from lead bullets, but from lead residues found on the exterior of most fired copper-jacketed bullets as well.

Walker test (Walker, 1940), which used desensitized photographic paper as a medium to pick up and
retain the particles. After picking up the particles, they were then visualized using a chemical spot test
for the nitrites present.
Marshall and Tewari tests were merely variations on the Walker test using different chemicals to
produce other coloured diazo compounds.

The color-developing solution (Appendix A) was made from concentrated sulfuric acid and
diphenylamine, DPA. The diphenylamine solution, clear initially, changes to a blue color when oxidized
by the nitrates from residual nitroglycerine (NG) and nitrocellulose (NC).

Lunges reagent is a solution from lung I (Sulfanilsure) and lung II (1-Naphthylamin, also alpha Naphthylamin)
and serves in inorganic analytics to the proof of nitrite and nitrate.

Since the reaction can directly prove only nitrite, the nitrate must be reduced only by Zinkstaub and glacial
acetic acid (Ethansure) to nitrite . Without zinc it serves only the proof of nitrite.

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