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Grimdark Future Alien Hives v1.

by Gaetano Ferrara (

Background About OPR

Throughout the galaxy vast armies of non-sentient alien OPR (onepagerules) is the home of many free games which
species seek to devour everything in their path. Alien Hives are designed to be fast to learn and easy to play. This project
usually consist of multiple types of evolutionarily advanced was made by gamers for games and it can only exist thanks to
species working together in symbiosis. Common forms of the generous support of our awesome community!
Alien Hives include insectoid and reptilian species.
If youd like to support the continued development of our
It is unclear where the majority of these Alien Hives originate games you can donate on
from and what their numbers are. Some even speculate that
they might actually be bio-engineered races created by Find more of our games at
another advanced civilization sent to soften up the Sirius
Join the community by following us here:
sector before the main battle force arrives.
These fleets pose a serious threat to all biological species of
the galaxy, but if they bleed we can kill them.

Strategy If you want to give us your feedback or have any questions

feel free to contact us:
Alien Hives have a high variety of unit types and as such can
be played in many different ways. Some of the most common Forum:
strategies are large swarms of basic infantry units or a focus E-Mail:
on large creatures and monsters.
Thank you for playing and happy wargaming!
When using swarms of basic infantry make sure to have them
rush the enemy quickly and to keep them in cover as much as Gaetano Ferrara (onepageanon)
possible. By getting into melee as soon as possible you will be
able to overcome their lack of serious firepower.

When using large creatures and monsters make sure to use

your ranged weapons to their full effect by prioritizing the
right targets. Most of your units are highly specialized and will
excel at taking down specific types of enemy units.

Alien Hives are perfect for those that want an army that can
be customized to fit their own playstyle.
Grimdark Future Alien Hives v1.2
by Gaetano Ferrara (

Name [size] Qua Def Equipment Special Rules Upgrades Cost

Hive Lord [1] 3+ 8+ Razor Claws (A4, AP(2)) Fearless, Hero, Monster, Tough(3) A,B,C,D,F 85pts
Prime Warrior [1] 3+ 7+ Bio-Carbine (18, A3), Razor Claws (A3) Fearless, Hero, Tough(3) B, C, E, F 75pts
Soul-Snatcher Lord [1] 3+ 6+ Razor Pincers (A2, Rending) Fast, Fearless, Hero, Psychic(1), Scout, G 70pts
Strider, Tough(3)
Grunts [10] 5+ 2+ Bio-Guns (12, A1) Strider H, I 80pts
Assault Grunts [10] 5+ 2+ Razor Claws (A2) Fast, Strider I 100pts
Winged Grunts [10] 5+ 2+ Bio-Guns (12, A1) Ambush, Flying I 110pts
Soul-Snatchers [5] 3+ 4+ Razor Pincers (A2, Rending) Fast, Scout, Strider I, K 155pts
Hive Swarm [3] 6+ 2+ Swarm Attack (A4) Fearless, Tough(3) I, J 40pts
Hive Warriors [3] 4+ 5+ Bio-Carbine (18, A3), Razor Claws (A3) Fearless, Tough(3) B, E, I, L 140pts
Hive Guardians [3] 3+ 7+ Razor Claws (A2), Razor Pincers (A2, Rending) Tough(3) I, N 190pts
Shadow Hunter [1] 4+ 4+ Razor Pincers (A2, Rending), Razor Claws (A2), Ambush, Fast, Fear, Scout, Stealth, - 50pts
Razor Hooks (6, A2) Strider, Tough(3)
Venom Floaters [3] 4+ 4+ Poison Cloud (A3, Linked, Poison(3)) Shrouding Mist, Stealth, Tough(3) - 145pts
Synapse Floaters [3] 4+ 4+ - Fearless, Pheromones, Regeneration, - 175pts
Psychic Synapse, Tough(3)
Ravenous Beasts [3] 4+ 4+ 2x Razor Claws (A2) Ambush, Fast, Strider, Tough(3) M 115pts
Flamer Beast [1] 4+ 4+ Spit Flames (12, A6, AP(1)), Fiery Bite (A3, AP(1)) Tough(3) - 60pts
Mortar Beast [1] 4+ 4+ Spore Cannon (48, A1, Blast(6), Indirect, Spores), Tough(3) - 145pts
Razor Claws (A2)
Spores [3] 6+ 2+ - Explosive Head - 30pts

A Upgrade with one: K Upgrade all models with: Special Rules

Razor Claws (A3) +10pts Razor Claws (A2) +40pts Explosive Head: If this model is ever engaged in
Bio-Pistols (12, A3, Linked) +15pts Upgrade one model with: melee it is immediately killed and the enemy
Bio-Carbine (18, A3) +20pts Psychic(1) +15pts takes 3 automatic hits.
Heavy Bio-Carbine (18, A3, AP(1)) +25pts Pheromones: When this unit is activated you may
Barb-Cannon (36, A1, Blast(6)) +70pts L Replace one Bio-Carbine: nominate 2 friendly Infantry units within 12,
Acid Cannon (36, A1, AP(2), Blast(3)) +70pts Barb-Cannon (36, A1, Blast(6)) +40pts which get Fearless until the end of the round.
Acid Cannon (36, A1, AP(2), Blast(3)) +40pts Shrouding Mist: When this unit is activated you
may nominate 2 friendly Infantry units within 6,
B Replace any Razor Claws: Upgrade all models with:
which get Stealth until the end of the round.
Razor Pincers (A4, , AP(2), Rending) +10pts Razor Hooks (6, A2) +10pts
Spores: If this weapon misses you may place a
Sword Claws (A4, AP(2), Deadly) +15pts unit of Spores 12 away from the target.
Whip Limb and Sword Claw +25pts M Any model may replace one Razor Claws: Psychic Synapse: This unit counts as having
(A4, AP(2), Deadly, Linked) Razor Pincers (A2, Rending) +5pts Psychic(X), where X is the number of models in it.
Upgrade any model with one : Only one model may cast spells per round.
C Upgrade with any: Bio-Pistols (12, A3, Linked) +10pts
Adrenaline (Furious) +5pts Bio-Carbine (18, A3) +15pts Psychic Spells
Acid Bite (AP(+1) in melee) +5pts Heavy Bio-Carbine (18, A3, AP(1)) +20pts Shriek (2+): Target enemy unit within 6 must
Toxic Bite (Poison(1) in melee) +5pts take a morale test. If failed it takes D3 wounds.
Bio-Recovery (Regeneration) +10pts N Replace any Razor Claws: Terror (3+): Target enemy unit within 24 must
Smashing Claws (A2, AP(3)) +10pts immediately take a morale test.
D Upgrade with one: Whip Limb and Sword Claw +10pts Overwhelm Senses (5+): Target enemy unit
Poison Hooks (12, A6, Poison(1)) +30pts (A2, Deadly, Linked) within 12 gets -1 to its melee and shooting rolls.
Shredding Hooks (12, A6, Rending) +40pts Replace any Razor Claws and Razor Pincers: Drive Swarm (5+): Target friendly unit within 24
may shoot after using Rush actions.
Shock Hooks (12, A6, EMP) +70pts Bio-Shock Gun (18, A1, Blast(3), EMP) +35pts
Infuse Life (5+): Target friendly unit within 12
Bio-Harpoon (24, A2, AP(4), Indirect) +40pts gets Regeneration until the end of the round.
E Replace any Bio-Carbine: Psychic Blast (6+): Target enemy unit within 12
Razor Claws (A3) -5pts takes 1 automatic hit with AP(8) and Deadly.
Bio-Pistols (12, A3, Linked) Free
Heavy Bio-Carbine (18, A3, AP(1)) +10pts

F Upgrade with any:

Tail Pincer (A1, AP(2)) +10pts
Wings (Ambush, Flying) +10pts

G Upgrade with:
Razor Claws (A2) +10pts

H Replace one Bio-Gun:

Bio-Flamer (12, A6) +10pts
Replace all Bio-Guns:
Bio-Rifles (18, A1) +10pts
Bio-Pistols (12, A1, Linked) +10pts
Bio-Carbines (18, A3) +70pts

I Upgrade all models with any:

Adrenaline (Furious) +10pts
Toxic Bite (Poison(1) in melee) +10pts

J Upgrade all models with any:

Burrow Attack (Ambush) +5pts
Bio-Pistols (12, A3, Linked) +20pts
Grimdark Future Alien Hives v1.2
by Gaetano Ferrara (

Name [size] Qua Def Equipment Special Rules Upgrades Cost

Carnivo-Rex [1] 4+ 8+ 2x Razor Claws (A2, AP(5)) Fearless, Monster, Tough(3) A, B ,C, D 100pts
Psycho-Rex [1] 4+ 7+ Razor Claws (A3, AP(2)) Fearless, Monster, Psychic(2), Regeneration, - 105pts
Toxico-Rex [1] 4+ 7+ Acid Spurt (12, A1, Blast(6), Poison(3)), Fearless, Monster, Tough(3) - 140pts
Whip Limbs (A6, AP(1), Poison(3), Linked)
Devourer Beast [1] 4+ 8+ Smashing Claws (A3, AP(6)), Fearless, Feed, Monster, Tough(6) A, B 175pts
Clawed Tongue (12, A1, AP(2), Sniper)
Tyrant Beast [1] 4+ 9+ Toxic Spray (18, A6, AP(2)), Fearless, Monster, Tough(6) A, E ,F 200pts
Stinger Cannon (18, A4, AP(1))
Artillery Beast [1] 4+ 8+ Razor Claws (A3, AP(2)), Fearless, Monster, Tough(6) A, B 215pts
Bio-Plasma Cannon (24, A1, AP(3), Blast(6))
Spawning Beast [1] 4+ 8+ Razor Claws (A3, AP(1)), Fearless, Monster, Spawn, Tough(6) A, F,G 465pts
Stinger Cannon (18, A4, AP(1))
Burrower [1] 4+ 8+ Razor Claws (A5, AP(2)) Ambush, Fast, Fearless, Monster, Tough(6) A, H 145pts
Invasion Spore [1] 5+ 6+ - Airdrop, Fearless, Monster, Tough(6) J 30pts
Rapacious Beast [1] 4+ 6+ Caustic Cannon (12, A6, AP(2)) Fearless, Flyer, Monster, Tough(6) I 95pts

A Upgrade with any: I Replace Caustic Cannon:

Adrenaline (Furious) +5pts Linked Heavy Acid Cannon +90pts
Acid Bite (AP(+1) in melee) +5pts (36, A1, AP(5), Blast(3))
Toxic Bite (Poison(1) in melee) +5pts Linked Heavy Barb-Cannon +110pts
Bio-Recovery (Regeneration) +10pts (36, A1, AP(2), Blast(6))
Upgrade with one:
B Upgrade with one: 4x Missile Bugs +30pts
Tail Scythe (A1, Rending) +5pts (36, A1, Anti-Air, EMP, Limited)
Tail Mace (A1, AP(4)) +10pts Spore Bombs (6, A1, Blast(6), Spores) +40pts
Upgrade with one:
C Replace one Razor Claws: Stinger Cannon (18, A4, AP(1)) +25pts
Smashing Claws (A2, AP(8)) +10pts Spine Cannon (18, A1, AP(1), Blast(6)) +40pts
Replace one Razor Claws:
Linked Heavy Bio-Carbine +5pts J Upgrade with one:
(18, A3, AP(1)) 5x Heavy Bio-Carbines (18, A3, AP(1)) +70pts
Heavy Acid Cannon +75pts 5x Barb-Cannons (36, A1, Blast(6)) +180pts
(36, A1, AP(5), Blast(3)) 5x Acid Cannons +180pts
Heavy Barb-Cannon +85pts (36, A1, AP(2), Blast(3))
(36, A1, AP(2), Blast(6)) Upgrade with:
Transport Spore +10pts
D Upgrade with any:
Spine Hooks (6, A1, Blast(3)) +5pts Special Rules
Plasma Spit (12, A1, AP(3), Blast(3)) +25pts Airdrop: This unit must use Ambush to enter the
game and may only use Hold actions.
E Replace Toxic Spray: Feed: If this unit deals one or more wounds in
Bio-Minigun (18, A20) +35pts melee it may heal one wound.
Fracture Cannon (48, A2, AP(6)) +40pts Transport Spore: This unit may transport up to 11
models, or use all of its transport capacity to carry
F Upgrade with one: one Monster unit.
Poison Hooks (12, A6, Poison(1)) +25pts Spawn: When this unit is activated you may place
Shredding Hooks (12, A6, Rending) +35pts one unit of Grunts within 6.
Shock Hooks (12, A6, EMP) +55pts Spores: If this weapon misses you may place a
unit of Spores 12 away from the target.
Surprise Attack: This unit may be placed up to 1
G Replace Razor Claws:
away from enemy units when using Ambush.
Razor Pincers (A3, AP(1), Rending) +10pts
When the final position has been determined one
Replace Stinger Cannon: enemy unit within 3 of this unit immediately
Spine Cannon (18, A1, AP(1), Blast(6)) +15pts takes 6 hits with AP(2).

H Upgrade with one:

Surprise Attack +50pts
Bio-Pulse (12, A12, AP(1)) +55pts
Upgrade with one:
Tail Pincer (A1, AP(2)) +5pts
Toxic Tail (A1, Poison(3)) +5pts

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