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Executive summary

As health care delivery becomes more competitive, health We believe the Patient Experience can be the basis of a
care providers would be wise to consider shifting their successful strategy for health care organizations. This
focus to attracting and retaining patients. Patients have strategy requires providers to reassess their organizations
more choice of hospitals and information available to from the perspective of the patient. The desired patient
them now than ever before, and they are increasingly experience should then be made operational through
acting as consumers. This makes gaining customer a deliberate plan of tactical and infrastructure changes
loyalty as important as managing costs and revenues, that can help drive stakeholder value while achieving the
and hospitals should innovate to retain customers and desired patient experience.
maintain protability. Making a strategic choice to provide
patients with the best experience is a proactive and
sustainable way to create competitive advantage in this
dynamic marketplace. While this strategic decision can
positively impact the nancial health of the organization,
for most systems, making this decision a reality is not
without signicant effort.

The model for focusing on the patient experience already

exists in consumer businesses that have pursued a
distinctive customer experience. Widely-known consumer-
oriented organizations such as Disney, American Express,
The Ritz-Carlton, Starbucks, USAA and FedEx focus
on delivering an experience targeted at the evolving
behaviors, needs and expectations of their customers.
Delivering on a customer experience that is truly distinct
from the competition can help an organization to increase
market share by providing a basis for attracting and
retaining protable customers.

Your Patients Are ConsumersHealth Care is a What is The Patient Experience?
consumer-oriented business A patients experience is broader than just the clinical
What do consumer-oriented businesses have to do with aspects of care (Did I receive the most appropriate care
health care? Your organization provides valuable life-saving for my condition? Was the outcome the best possible?);
and life-enhancing services, not entertainment. Yet, like it all of the various non-clinical interactions also inform
or not, there is competition even for saving lives, and your their experience. Because patients are often at their most
patients and potential patients are living in a consumers vulnerable while receiving health care services, each
world. interaction takes on added signicance. All of these
interactions, or touch points, are the basis of The
Patient Experience. Each touch point offers the health
Nearly 40% of the 2008 Survey of Health Care Consumers conducted by the Deloitte
Center for Health Solutions indicate that they would be willing to travel for care, care provider the opportunity to deliver unique benets to
either to a hospital they perceive to be of a higher quality or to save money for an the patient and to create a platform for differentiation and
elective procedure while 20% indicate that they have already made such a choice. competitive advantage.
While quality can assume different meanings, it is consumers perception of quality
however they dene it that is important in this context. Non-clinical touch points can far outnumber those that
a patient has with a physician or caregiver. They also
are often the rst and last impression a patient has of
Patients increasingly engage in traditional consumer
the organization. Figure 1 illustrates a set of non-clinical
behaviors when making health care decisions. With
touch points for one patients visit. These activities can
comparative data about providers more readily available
distinguish a patients experience when done efciently
and health plans offering greater choice, patients are more
willing to switch based on a perceived value difference
between providers. The Patient Experience refers to the quality and value
of all of the interactionsdirect and indirect, clinical
and non-clinicalspanning the entire duration of the
patient/provider relationship.

Figure 1. A subset of touch points related to the Revenue Cycle

Scheduling Financial Financial Registration Case Discharge HIM Pricing Claims Denial Account Payment
/Pre-reg. clearance counseling management operations processing management resolution posting
and Entry

Physician ofce or Financial coun- Case manager Biller submits claim Patient contacts
patient schedules selor contacts the contacts patient to to the insurer on customer service with
a patient appoint- patient to arrange discuss initial dis- behalf of the patient inquiries regarding
ment: Scheduling a payment plan charge plans, patient their health plan
sends an appoint- or to complete liability, etc. coverage and reim-
ment itinerary with medicaid/charity bursement rates
date, location, applications
provider and perti-
nent appointment

A customer service represen- Registrar checks in patient Patient presents to Release Patient contacts Patient contacts
tative or nancial counselor con- via face to face, kiosk or of Information department customer service to customer service
tacts patient to communicate tablet and collects to request copies of medical inquire about denied to inquire about
patient liability, collect patient signatures for consent records claim and self pay payment amount
payments or arrange for collec- and ABN as necessary balance and where to
tion/payment plans send payment
2009 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

and effectively from the patients perspective. High-quality Delivering a differentiated Patient Experience
clinical care is still the rst priority, necessary simply to a strategic choice for Novant Health
compete. However, when a patient must choose between A Patient Experience strategy begins with the denition
two providers with equally high-quality clinical care, of a clear vision that is linked to the core value proposition
patients likely will choose the one that provides unique and corporate objectives of the organization: What will
value in all of their other interactions, the one that they a differentiated patient experience look and feel like?
believe provides the best experience. Many of those How will it meet the needs of patients? What is the
interactions deal with registration, billing and collections organization capable of delivering? Are the nancial and
or what are known as revenue cycle touch points to competitive benets sufcient to drive change? Once the
hospitals. vision has been dened, the organization should identify
and commit to the series of investments and capability
Using a Customer Experience to create The improvements required to make the vision real.
Patient Experience
To create a differentiable Patient Experience, health care In 2008, Novant Health, Inc, an integrated health
providers should cultivate the customer experience care system serving more than 3.5 million people in
capabilities successfully employed by consumer-oriented North Carolina and the surrounding region, decided
businesses such as: to pursue a strategic advantage by changing the way
A clear vision and strategy of delivering an exceptional health care is delivered. Novants goal was to create
customer experience based on a deep understanding of a remarkable patient experience in every dimension,
the service expectations of their customers; every time and to be the organization against which
others are judged. A Revenue Cycle-focused team
Internal delivery capabilities, both operational and was one of the eighteen teams created across clinical
technology-enabled, that are focused on delivering the and non-clinical operations to achieve the vision of a
envisioned experience and agile enough to evolve with remarkable patient experience.
the customer;

A structure and culture that empowers and rewards What do patients expect from their health care
employees for superior delivery; experience?
In a patient experience strategy, the organization should
Measurement capabilities to identify and track rst adopt a patient perspective. Consumer-oriented
customers evolving service expectations. businesses often rely on customer segmentation
to understand the behaviors, attitudes, needs and
Health care providers should consider developing these expectations of different types of customers. They use
Customer Experience Capabilities in their efforts to the resulting segments to tailor their services to specic
successfully create and deliver their targeted patient customer groups in order to help improve prots. Such
experiences. value-maximizing customer segmentation decisions may
seem counter to the health care providers mission to
serve. Nonetheless, by offering deeper insight into what
patients value, segmentation analysis can enable providers
to deliver superior experiences to all of their patients.

In a recent survey1 of health care consumers, ve themes The Novant Revenue Cycle team used a Voice of the
emerged around patients expectations of their health care Customer (VOC) approach to dene the needs and
experiences: values of the Novant patient population. Through
touch point interviews, employee focus groups, a
1. Personalization: Patients want their health care cross-departmental leadership visioning retreat, and
provider to know who they are and what they need as patient segmentation exercises, ve themes emerged
individuals that formed the basis of patients expectations for
their experiences. The team focused on identifying
2. Security: Patients expect their privacy and security to valuable patient-facing services that appeal (on
be protected different levels) to each of Novants patient
3. Operates Like a Business: Patients want their health
care providers to be easy to work with The VOC insight was translated into a clear and
compelling vision of the Remarkable Patient
4. Dependability: Patients want predictability, Experience by illustrating an actual patients
consistency and dependability perspective. In this case, the illustration was a future-
state narrative about a patient named Newman
5. Transparency: Patients, and their families, want to and his experience at each touch point as he seeks
see and understand what is happening to them treatment for chronic heartburn. The narrative
made the Patient Experience tangible, both for
Understanding these ve attributes and how they relate communicating the vision and for identifying the
to touch points, for specic patient populations, is the rst capabilities required for delivery.
step in making the strategic choice to deliver an enhanced
patient experience. Armed with a thorough understanding
of patient expectations and experiences, the organization
can begin to develop a compelling vision of the future

A key component of Novants journey to create their

ideal patient experience was improving all revenue
cycle functions, or the scheduling, registering and
billing of patients. Novant recognized the importance
of the revenue cycle touch points in the overall patient
experience, as revenue cycle staff often have the rst and
last contacts with patients.

What is the organization capable of delivering? How does the organization move toward delivering
Delivering a differentiated patient experience requires what the patient wants?
the organization to optimize against a broader set With a clear vision of the future patient experience and
of objectives than simple cost management. Many the results of the capability analyses, the organization can
patients expect their health care providers to operate set about identifying the activities necessary to deliver
like a business with the predictability, consistency and the differentiated patient experience. In most cases, the
dependability that they have come to expect from the list will be long and threaten to obscure the clear vision.
retail and service organizations with which they do Where should you begin? How will you stay engaged and
business every day. It is important that the organization aligned? How will you know whether the activities are
have the internal capabilitiescultural, operational and improving the patient experience?
technological, and the human capitalto meet, and
exceed, the expectations of their customers. Patients perceptions of their health care experiences are
shaped along four dimensions (Figure 2). We believe a
The Revenue Cycle team used the Customer Comparative Performance Analysis can help a provider
Experience Capability Model (CE Model)2 to assess organization understand its performance along each
Novants customer experience capabilities against of these dimensions. Deciencies in any of these areas
those of organizations known for delivering superior can highlight those activities that may have a signicant
and targeted customer experiences. This framework impact on the Patient Experience. Metrics within each
allowed Novant to identify the basic capabilities dimension can be compared to competitors and to
required to support a differentiated customer effective industry practices in order to identify the activities
experience. that can maximize the tangible progress toward creating
a competitive advantage. These measures also provide a
The team also assessed Novants ability to provide baseline and a framework for ongoing assessment of the
operational and workow excellence in support organizations progress.
of the customer experience. To do this, they used
the Revenue Cycle Maturity Model,3 which uses
productivity, operational and nancial metrics to
measure key performance along the spectrum of the
core revenue cycle functions.

These capability assessments immediately revealed

several gaps along multiple dimensions that Novant
needed to close to achieve its vision: technology
(enterprise-wide view of all patient data and activity,
web-services), people (adopting the roles of registrar,
comforter, nancial counselor, etc.) and processes
(hospital services run with predictable timing, delivery
and outcomes).

Figure 2. The Drivers of Patient Perception

Clinical Quality Operational/Financial

Patients perception of their customer Performance
experience is positively correlated with An organizations ability to both run
clinical quality Operational/ efciently and to make the necessary
Clinical Financial investments in people, process and
Did I receive the appropriate care for Quality Performance technology is positively correlated
my condition? with their customers experience

Did I get the best outcome possible?

Customer Approval Employee Engagement

The feedback that customers provide Employees who feel emotionally
about their experiences is clearly a Employee attached to their employers and
key indicator of the quality of the cus- Customer empowered to move the organiza-
Approval Engagement
tomer experience but should not be tion forward can have a signicant
used as the sole measure of success impact on customers perceptions of
their experience

2009 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

Comparative performance analysis of patient Employee Engagement metrics are used to track the
perception metrics: employees sense of commitment to the organization
Clinical Quality metrics have two elements: the and alignment with the organizations strategy and
patients perception of clinical care and a standardized vision. The employee is the face of the organization and
measurement of clinical outcomes. The Center for manages the major patient touch points. Standardized
Medicare Services (CMS) Hospital Consumer Assessment comparative tools, such as Fortune Magazines 100 Best
of Healthcare Providers Survey (HCAHPS) is the rst Companies to Work For, measure employee satisfaction
standardized, national tool for measuring and ranking around major factors such as diversity, pay, training
organizations relative to their patients perception of and skill development, benets and work life balance.
clinical quality. Clinical outcomes can be tracked and Regular internal assessments can provide further insight
compared directly using standard metrics for service- into employee perception and alignment with respect to
specic outcomes and can be found online on sites such position, role and the overall organization.
as JCAHOs Quality Check website.
Operational/Financial Performance metrics reect
Customer Approval metrics are used to track the patient the organizations ability to support and maintain the
experience, both clinical and non-clinical. Many large changes needed to deliver on patient experience while
health care organizations already perform some level of still remaining protable and competitive. Many of these
customer satisfaction survey. They also can rank their metrics are traditional metrics hospitals track on a regular
performance against competitors, locally and nationally, basis. Figure 3 shows a subset of possible metrics; the
using a standardized measurement methodology. To appropriate metrics should be specic to a hospitals goals
effectively understand patient perceptions, survey tools and reporting guidelines.
should address the whole spectrum of service delivery.

Figure 3. Traditional operational and nancial performance metrics that support delivery of a
differentiated patient experience.

Financial Performance

Revenue Management Asset Efciency and Cost Containment Results

Accounts Receivable Days/ Protability Salary/Non Salary Expense Financial Stability and Viability
Aging Distribution Net Income and Operating Ratios
Margin Available funds to support
Daily Cash Collections Capital Overhead Distribution process and technology
Total Asset Turnover and Percent improvements
Cash Factor (Net to Gross
Ratio) Total and Operating Margin Cost/Adjusted Patient Day Focus towards enhancing the
(value/%) RPE
Net Revenue/Denial Recovery Cost to Collect
Return on Assets %
Gross and Net Revenue/
Adjusted Patient Day

Operational Performance

Capacity, Utilization and Revenue Cycle Metrics Patient Touch Point Metrics Results
Stafng Financial Clearance Rates/ Patient Wait Times/ED Process- Efcient work ows to support
Bed Turnover/Availability Rate Timeliness ing Times seamless processes and acces-
ER Diversion Rate Productivity Ratios and Cost to Call Center Time to Answer
Collect and Abandon Rate Patient focused touch points
Average Daily Census, that address the patient need
Occupancy Rate and LOS Patient Liability/Collection Rate Appointment Availability/Time
Days to Collect to Next Available Service Provision of patient friendly
MD/Nursing Stafng Ratios options for navigating the
Online Accessibility Ratio organization
Stafng Turnover

Adjusted Patient Day

2009 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

The Patient Experience Roadmap can help keep the An Execution Plan includes the high level work plan,
organization on track for protable, sustainable, projected timeline, estimated resources, ancillary support
competitive advantage areas and the dependencies required to implement the
The Patient Experience Roadmap is a prioritized roadmap. A Business Case supports the nancial and
outline of all of the capability-building activities required competitive benets sufciently to drive the necessary
to deliver the envisioned patient experience. Within changes through the organization and to sustain the
the roadmap, activities are prioritized to help maximize results long term.
the tangible progress toward creating a competitive
advantage and to have a signicant impact on improving Throughout implementation and thereafter, the
the Patient Experience. organization can return to the Comparative Performance
Analysis to assess its performance. Outperforming the
As with any strategic choice, the patient experience competition along all four dimensions can be equated
activities should also create value for the organizations with providing a differentiated Patient Experience. This
stakeholders. To conrm that The Patient Experience analysis will provide ongoing guidance for prioritizing
Roadmap meets this third objective, the organization the activities that may have a signicant impact on
should understand how the key activities in the roadmap the organizations competitive advantage, positively
will be completed and the costs and benets to doing so. impact the Patients Experience and create value for the
organizations stakeholders.
The Novant teams created a multi-year Patient Conclusion
Experience Roadmap to bridge the gaps between The US health care system is becoming increasingly
their current and future state. Deloitte worked with competitive with patients behaving more like consumers
the teams to help them in their efforts to identify the with regard to evaluating and selecting health care
priorities and sequence of activities and the business options. Provider organizations should embrace innovative
case for completion, which indicated a substantial strategies to deliver more effectively in this changing
return on investment. The completed roadmap environment. We believe a strategy of differentiated
included a timeline, sequence and priority matrix for Patient Experience provides an effective alternative to
six key initiatives: the perilous zero-sum competition on the basis of cost.
1. Hub and spoke customer service delivery model Following a consumer-based approach to understanding
Establishing a retail-like delivery model for all what patients want and developing the capabilities to
revenue cycle services serve them as customers can lead to that differentiation.
Providers who execute this choice may well be on a path
2. Transaction processing optimization Focusing
toward sustainable and protable competitive advantage.
on optimization and automation of critical, non-
patient facing operations
Novant is well along the path of executing their
3. Differentiated HR operating model Building the multi-year Patient Experience Roadmap and is already
necessary human resources foundation for delivery experiencing tremendous returns on investment
of the Remarkable Patient Experience including:
A newly designed enterprise-wide Revenue Cycle
4. Enterprise technology integration Integrating all organization structure to support the future
of the relevant technology components required to state patient-focused operating model including
support the vision realignment of ~1,000 FTEs into new roles and
5. Financial transparency Establishing the nancial reporting relationships
accountability and transparency necessary to Establishment of a Customer Service Contact Center
compete in todays consumer marketplace housing Scheduling, Pre-Visit Service Activities and
6. Customer experience oversight and accountability Customer Service
Dening the roles, responsibilities and metrics Consolidation of two Patient Financial Services
for managing the organizations focus on the Business Ofces (hospital acute care and medical
customers experiences group) to drive efciency and improve patient
As Novant executes its Patient Experience Roadmap, service
it should continue to align the investment and returns Rationalization of HIM-related outsourced services
with the achievement of the Remarkable Patient including Document Imaging, Coding and
Experience. Transcription

Implementation of a standardized and consolidated

Charge Description Master & new charge capture
processing enterprise-wide

Thus far, Novants remarkable patient experience

implementation for revenue cycle services is
generating ~$45 million in expense reduction and
~$60 million in incremental net revenue over the next
7 years. Truly remarkable.

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