Crown Turnover Speech of Maricris

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What a journey this has been!

I'm truly happy to be onstage again where

my journey began... It has truly been an unforgettable reign filled with
adventures, surprises, challenges, growth, tears, and smiles. Today, I am
closing one of the most beautiful chapters in the book of my life.

Winning the Miss Earth Saver 2015 was a dream come true to me, my
adviser, Maam Christina Marie Noblezada taught me that it is important to
grow in life and to be in myself, this significant principle that my adviser have
instilled to me serves as my constant direction in life.

So many people have given me so much strength, inspiration and gift of

dreams answered. To my teachers, friends and classmates, my heartfelt
thanks for your support and for the space to learn and grow, and for
believing in my dreams and aspirations. All the people I've met along the
way will stay with me forever as I embark on the next part of my journey.
To my family especially Mama, Papa, Kuya and Ate you are my life and my
soul, your love and support fueled me positive energy whenever I needed it
most. And last but not the least, I would like to take this moment to thank
God for all the blessings that He has given me and for the rest of us.


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