Music 2 Test

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Christian Marson

Music 2

Aural Skills

General Instructions Total Marks- 20
Reading time- 5 minutes Attempt Questions 1-2
Write using black pen
Extra writing space is provided
On pages 13-14

All instructions, musical excerpt, and pause for reading and writing are included on the

The recording will not be stopped until the end of the examination.

Answer the questions in the spaces provided. These spaces provide guidance for the
expected lengths of response.

Extra writing space is provided on pages 13 and 14. If you use this space, clearly indicate
which question you are answering.

Question 1

Based on Carl Vines Piano Sonata No.1. the excerpt will be played ONCE for you to
familiarise yourself. Refer to the score attachment on Page 6,7,8.

Bars 1-12 will be played TWICE for you to answer the next two questions (a) and (b)

Time First Playing 1-minute playing
Second Playing 2-minute playing

a. Describe the composers use of Texture within section 1 of this excerpt 2



b. Based on Bars 1-8, describe the Sequence the composer has developed 1


Bars 10-15 of the excerpt will be played THREE times for you to answer questions (c), (d) &
Refer to the score located on pages 6,7,8

Time: First Playing - 1-minute pause
Second Playing - 2-minute pause
Final playing - 4-minute pause

c. Describe unity or contrasting ideas which change through the accompaniment in
Bars 13-15 1



d. What is the pitch center of measure 1 1


e. What is the Pitch center of measure 13 1


Bars 155-165 of the excerpt will be played THREE times for you to answer Question (f).

Time: First playing - 2 minutes pause
Second playing - 3 minutes pause
Third playing - 3 minutes pause

f. Describe how Dynamic contrast between bars 155-165 change, include melody and other
techniques to answer. refer to the score on pages 6,7,8 for viewing.








Total Mark (__/10


End of Section 1- Continue onto Section 2 of Exam bellow

Question 2

Based on Robert Schumanns Second Movement Symphony No 4 in D minor, the excerpt
will be played ONCE for you to familiarize yourself.

Melodic Dictation
a. On the score bellow, notate the OBOE from Bars 3-11.
Note: The first 2 bars have been provided, all other score material will be located on
page 11 to help you notate.

Time First Playing 30 second pause 5
Second Playing 1-minute pause
Third Playing 1-minute pause
Fourth Playing 2-minute pause

Bars 10-26 will be played THREE times for you to answer questions (b) and (c)
Refer to the score attachment on Page 8 for the next TWO questions

Time First Playing 1-minute pause
Second Playing 2-minute pause
Third Playing 4- minute pause

b. What is the Harmonic Function of the following 1

E in Vcl part in Bars 12-15 _____________________________________________________

c. Describe how Robert Schumann makes use of TEXTURE in bars 10-26. 4





Total Mark (__/10


Music 2

Manuscript Paper Bellow

Pages 6,7,8- Question 1- Carl Vine Piano Sonata No.1.

Pages 9 & 10 Question 2- Robert Schumanns Second
Movement No 4 in D minor




End of Piano Sonata Score



Bars 1-10 of Second Movement No 4 in D minor


Extra Writing Paper


Extra Writing Paper


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