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Symptoms, Treatment, and Solutions
Brought to you by the Alliance Health Network
The content in this guide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other
qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because
of something you have read on the website or The Guide to Controlling Your Diabetes.
You Don’t Have to Live
With a Sleep Disorder
According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke,
chronic sleep disorders affect at least 40 million Americans each year. Left
untreated, sleep disorders – and the resulting sleep deprivation – can inter-
fere with your work, driving, and social activities. Over time, sleep disorders
can even have negative effects on your physical and mental well-being.

You don’t have to suffer from the effects of a sleep disorder. New treatments
and solutions have been developed for the wide range of sleep disorders
affecting millions of Americans today. This guide provides you with
important information about sleep disorders, their symptoms, and available
treatments, to help guide conversations with your health care professional.

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A sleep disorder (somnipathy) is any disruption in the sleep patterns of an
individual. While some sleep disorders may leave you feeling unrefreshed, a
number of symptoms are more severe including excessive sleepiness, snor-
ing, difficulty falling asleep during normal sleeping hours and abnormal be-
haviors such as restless leg syndrome. There are even disorders that cause
you to get too much sleep.

Particular behaviors during normal daytime Each type of sleep disorder has its own
activities are telltale signs of sleep deprivation. particular symptoms, but each results in
If you are experiencing one or more of the fol- some of the above signs of sleep deprivation.
lowing symptoms during the day, you may not
If you suspect that you are not getting enough
be getting enough restful sleep at night, and
sleep or that you might have a sleep disorder,
you may even have a sleep disorder.
speak to your physician or a sleep specialist. If
Do you: your health care professional feels that
• Feel irritable or sleepy during the day? you may have a sleep disorder they may
• Have difficulty staying awake when sitting ask that you keep a sleep diary, or they may
still, such as when watching television even have you stay overnight at a sleep
or reading? center for observation.
• Occasionally fall asleep while driving?
• Have difficulty paying attention or concen-
trating at work, school, or home?
• Perform below your potential in work,
school, or sports?
• Often hear that you look tired?
• Have difficulty with your memory?
• Have emotional outbursts?
• Feel tired enough to require a nap almost
every day?
• Require caffeinated beverages to keep
yourself awake?

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Evaluating and Diagnosing
Your Sleep Disorder
If you suspect you have a sleep disorder, a sleep specialist can confirm if
your suspicions are correct – and he or she can make a careful and de-
tailed medical evaluation to find the source of your sleep problem.

If you suspect you have a sleep disorder, a diary, or there are several free sleep diaries
sleep specialist can confirm if your suspicions that you can download off the Internet.
are correct – and make a careful and detailed Whichever version you choose to use, a sleep
medical evaluation to find the source of your diary should track:
sleep problem. • What time you went to bed each night
• What time you got up in the morning
A doctor or a sleep specialist can diagnose
• How many times you woke up during
your sleep disorder based on a number of
the night
factors, including:
• Whether you felt rested when you woke up
• A description of your symptoms
• If you took naps during the day
• Your age
• Whether you felt sleepy or rested throughout
• Your gender
the day
• Your psychological history
• Your medical history Once your doctor or sleep specialist has
• A partner’s or loved one’s observation reviewed your sleep diary and given you a sleep
of your sleep patterns questionnaire, he or she may determine that a
sleep study is the most important next step.
Keeping a Sleep Diary
Keeping a sleep diary may be helpful in discussing Sleep Studies
your daily patterns with your doctor or sleep In a sleep study, sensors are used to monitor
specialist. The information in your diary gives how your body acts while you sleep. Charts are
your health care professional clues about what made of many physical measurements including
is causing your problem and how to correct it. your brain waves, heartbeats and breathing.
A sleep diary records information about your Your sleep study provides doctors with the
sleep routine and daily life activities that can data that can help them find the cause of your
affect your sleep. Your doctor can give you a sleep problem.

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SleEP DISORDER DIAGNOSIS TESTS • Daytime Multiple Sleep Latency Test
• Epworth Sleepiness Scale – This sleep (MSLT) – This test measures how long it
questionnaire asks you to rank whether takes for you to fall asleep during the day, plus
certain situations make you sleepy and, the kind of sleep you get during such a nap.
if so, how sleepy. •R  epeated test of sustained wakefulness
• Nocturnal polysomnogram – This test (RTSW) – This test measures how long it
measures the electrical activity of your brain takes for you to fall asleep in a situation that
(electroencephalogram) and heart (electrocar- challenges you to stay awake.
diogram), and the movement of your muscles •B  lood test – Depending upon the
(electromyogram) and eyes (electro-oculo- description of your symptoms and your
gram), and usually requires an overnight stay personal and family medical histories, your
at a sleep clinic for observation purposes. sleep specialist may also conduct a blood test.

There are over 100 different types of sleep disorders.

4 Major CaTEGORIES of Sleep Disorders Each has its own causes, symptoms, and treatments.

Dyssomnias Disturbance in the amount, timing, or • Insomnia

quality of sleep. Dyssomnias result • Narcolepsy
in excessive daytime sleepiness or an • Inability to stay awake (hypersomnia)
inability to fall asleep or stay asleep. • Sleep apnea
Dyssomnias can originate from causes • Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)
inside or outside the body. • Periodic Limb Movement in Sleep (PLMS)
• Circadian rhythm sleep disorder

Parasomnias Disorders of partial arousal from • Sleepwalking

sleep, or disorders that interfere with • Sleeptalking
sleep stage transitions. Behaviors not • Nightmares
normally associated with sleeping may • Sleep terrors / night terrors
occur during sleep. • Nocturnal leg cramps
• Sleep paralysis
• Grinding or clenching of the teeth (bruxism)
• Bedwetting
• Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Sleep disorders due to medical, • Dementia

neurological, or psychiatric disorders. • Depression
• Alcoholism

Proposed sleep Similar to other classified sleep disorders, • Night sweats

disorders but different enough to be considered • Short-sleeping
distinct sleep disorders. • Long-sleeping

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Of these sleep disorders, Am I at Risk for Developing
the most common are: a Sleep Disorder?
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) Some sleep disorders can be triggered, and conversely,
managed through your behavior and lifestyle. The
Sleep apnea is characterized by episodes of
following habits and conditions are risk factors for
cessation of breathing during night time sleep
developing a sleep disorder:
that can occur as often as several hundred • Poor sleep environment (e.g., too noisy, too
times in a night. Snoring is a warning that the brightly lit, too hot, or too cold)
sleeper may be a victim of sleep apnea. • Excessive use of caffeine, alcohol, or certain
medications and drugs
• Smoking or chewing tobacco
Insomnia may mean you have a hard time • Illness
going to sleep or that you have a hard time • Obesity
staying asleep. Usually, you will know if you • Anxiety, depression, or another mood disorder
are experiencing insomnia because you will • Stress, such as the death of a loved one or job pressure
remember tossing and turning or being awake • Unhealthy or irregular sleep routine
at night. • Early or late-night bedtimes
• Traveling between time zones
Narcolepsy • Daytime napping
Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological disorder • Shift work with a rotating schedule
which impairs the ability of your central
nervous system to regulate sleep. Because
falling asleep during some activities like
walking, driving, or cooking can have drastic
effects, narcolepsy is a dangerous sleep disorder.

Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless Legs Syndrome is a neurological disorder
characterized by uncomfortable, tingly, or
creeping sensations in your legs, which create an
uncontrollable urge to keep them moving. RLS is
not necessarily confined to your sleep time.

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Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized awakening. Sleep apnea is recognized as a
by pauses in breathing during sleep. These problem by others witnessing the individual
episodes, called apneas (literally, “without during episodes or is suspected because of its
breath”), each last long enough so one or more effects on the body. Symptoms may be present
breaths are missed, and occur repeatedly for years or even decades without identification,
throughout sleep. Sleep apnea is diagnosed with during which time the sufferer may become
an overnight sleep test called a polysomnogram. conditioned to the daytime sleepiness and
fatigue associated with significant levels of
The individual with sleep apnea is rarely aware
sleep disturbance.
of having difficulty breathing, even upon

Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

Loud snoring. This can indicate breathing problems or blocked air passages.

Cessation of breathing or In severe cases, this can occur over fifty times an hour with each spell
choking spells in the lasting as long as ten seconds.
Excessive daytime Daytime sleepiness can become so excessive that working becomes difficult and
sleepiness. driving is dangerous.

Frequent visits to the Individuals with sleep apnea often find that they require repeated trips to the
bathroom. bathroom throughout the night.

Severe mood swings. Sleep deprivation can affect mental health, often causing moods to shift rapidly
from depression to irritability to anger.

Obesity. Although some slim people do suffer from sleep apnea, the majority
are overweight or obese.

Low sex drive and a Because individuals with sleep apnea suffer from sleep deprivation, they often
general lack of energy. find they lack the energy to perform daily activities, and even lose interest in sex.

Dry mouth and sore Because individuals with sleep apnea suffer from sleep deprivation, they often
throat in the morning. find they lack the energy to perform daily activities, and even lose interest in sex.

Lack of concentration Sleep deprivation affects motor skills and memory.

and forgetfulness.

Morning headaches. Lack of sufficient air throughout the night can cause headaches.

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Causes of Sleep Apnea Disorders and syndromes
Sleep apnea causes the throat to collapse during associated with sleep apnea
sleep, blocking the airway and preventing air • Hypothyroidism
from getting to the lungs. Generally, your throat • Acromegaly
muscles keep the throat and airway open. • Amyloidosis
• Vocal cord paralysis
Causes of an obstructed airway include: • Post-polio syndrome
• Shape of head and neck – some head and neck • Neuromuscular disorders
shapes can create a smaller than normal airway. • Marfan’s syndrome
• Large tonsils or adenoids – this or other • Down Syndrome
anatomical differences such as a deviated
septum, enlarged tongue, or receding chin can How Sleep Apnea is Diagnosed
also create difficulties breathing during sleep. Speak with your health care professional if you
• Excess weight or obesity – although slim suspect you might have sleep apnea or any other
people can suffer from sleep apnea, obesity is a sleep disorder. You will most likely be asked to
risk factor for sleep apnea. keep a sleep diary for a few nights. .
• Abnormally relaxed throat muscles and tongue
If necessary, your health care professional may
– this can be due to alcohol or sedative use
schedule a sleep test overnight in a sleep center.
before bedtime.
Sleep centers are set up much like hotels, with
Other risk factors for sleep apnea include: private rooms and baths. You will be observed
• Irregular sleep hours while sleeping – using cameras as well as
• Snoring monitors attached to your body.
• Smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke
• Nasal congestion, nasal blockages, and Treatments for Sleep Apnea
nasal irritants Sleep apnea is highly treatable, and most
• Family history of sleep apnea individuals find that they experience relief from
employing one or sometimes a combination of
Other physical conditions, such as immune treatments. Mild to moderate sleep apnea can often
system abnormalities, severe heartburn or be treated with behavioral modification, but most
acid reflux and high blood pressure are also cases of sleep apnea require a physician’s assistance
commonly associated with sleep apnea. It isn’t to find the most effective treatment.
clear whether these conditions are among causes
or merely the result of sleep apnea. The following treatments are for informational
purposes only. Sleep apnea is a serious condition
– it’s important to consult with your physician to
find the treatment that is best for you.

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Behavioral Treatments for Sleep Apnea

Weight loss Losing even 10% of your weight can reduce sleep apnea
incidents and dramatically improve the quality of your sleep

Reduce consumption of alcohol, Avoiding the use of stimulants and depressants can reduce
tobacco, and sedatives such as the likelihood of airway closure during the night
sleeping pills

Sleep on your side Some individuals with sleep apnea find that they experience
temporary relief when sleeping on the side, rather than the

Establish a regular sleep routine Irregular sleep hours can throw off your sleep cycles and
lead to breathing problems during the most important sleep

Medical Treatments for Sleep Apnea

Continuous Positive A CPAP machine blows pressurized air into a mask worn
Airway Pressure (CPAP) over the nose to keep the patient’s airway open during
sleep. This is the most common long-term treatment for
severe sleep apnea.

Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure An electronic circuit monitors the patient’s breathing and
(BiPAP) provides two different pressures: one for inhalation and
one for exhalation. This treatment is sometimes used for
patients who find breathing out against increased pressure
to be uncomfortable or disruptive to their sleep.

Oral Devices Oral devices such as dental appliances open the patient’s
airway by bringing the lower jaw or tongue forward during
sleep. Two common oral devices are the Mandibular Res-
positioning Device and the Tongue Retaining Device.

Surgery Surgically removing tissue such as tonsils, adenoids, or

excess tissue at the back of the throat or inside the nose
increases the size of the patient’s airway, allowing better
airflow during sleep.

Oxygen Administration Oxygen is provided to the patient via a small tube that fits
inside the nose. This treatment is rarely used, although it is
occasionally employed in conjunction with CPAP.


Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by Insomnia can be caused by fear, stress, anxiety,
an inability to sleep and/or inability to remain medications, herbs, caffeine, depression, or
asleep for a reasonable period. Insomniacs other mental conditions and sometimes occurs
typically complain of being unable to close their for no apparent reason. An overactive mind
eyes or “rest their mind” for more than a few or physical pain may also be causes. Finding
minutes at a time. the underlying cause of insomnia is usually
necessary to cure it.

Symptoms of Insomnia

Difficulty getting to sleep This symptom continues night after night for a month or more in cases of
and staying asleep. chronic insomnia.

Waking up unrefreshed. Individuals with insomnia often feel like they haven’t slept at all.

Morning headaches. This is often called the hangover effect, when, in fact, the person did no
drinking the night before.

Difficulty concentrating. Sleep deprivation affects motor skills and memory.

Irritability. Sleep deprivation can affect mental health, often causing moods to shift rapidly
from depression to irritability to anger.

Bloodshot eyes. Insufficient oxygen to the cornea causes small blood vessels in the eyes to
become inflamed. Fatigue can cause your eyes to become bloodshot.

Daytime sleepiness. Daytime sleepiness can become so excessive that working becomes difficult
and driving is dangerous.

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Causes of Insomnia Effects of insomnia
There are many possible causes of insomnia. • Poor health and diminished quality of life
Sometimes there is one main cause, but often • Impaired social functioning
several factors interacting together will cause a • Increased impatience and irritability
sleep disturbance. • Diminished mental alertness and memory
• Slower reaction times and impaired concentration
Possible causes of insomnia include: • Increased risk of disorders such as major depression,
 sychological or mental health issues – issues anxiety disorder, and substance abuse
such as stress, fear, anxiety, depression, or • Increased likelihood of automobile, home,
even more serious conditions such as bipolar and workplace accidents
disorder can adversely affect sleep cycles. • Poor job performance, missed work days,
 ood and drug consumption – consuming and school absences
stimulants such as caffeine can disrupt
sleep. In addition, drinking alcohol or using How Insomnia is Diagnosed
nicotine, herbal supplements, recreational Speak with your health care professional or a
drugs, or some medications can cause sleep specialist if you have trouble sleeping for a
insomnia. week or more.
 ifestyle – Working shifts, traveling, napping
during the day, or even exercising just before If your insomnia is severe, your doctor may
bedtime can interfere with sleep. recommend a visit to a sleep center where a team
 edical or physical conditions – Pain, of sleep specialists will use the latest technology
disease, or sleep disorders such as sleep to monitor you while you sleep. A sleep center can
apnea can often cause insomnia. also provide you with equipment to monitor your
activities (awake and asleep) at home.
Insomnia Statistics
• According to the U.S. Department of Health Treatments for Insomnia
and Human Services, approximately 60 Insomnia can be treated through behavioral
million Americans suffer from insomnia. modification, medication, sleep aids, or a
• Insomnia is more likely to affect women combination of treatments. It is a serious disorder
– about 40 percent of sufferers are women, that can affect all aspects of your life – mental,
as opposed to 30 percent of men. physical, and social.

Insomnia is a serious condition that can The treatments outlined below are for
have negative affects your health and well- informational purposes only. It is important to
being, particularly if you have a chronic sleep consult with your physician to find the treatment
problem. Surveys report that people with that is best for you.
severe insomnia experience a quality of life
similar to those who have chronic conditions
such as heart failure.

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Behavioral Treatments for Insomnia

Progressive Muscle Relaxation This relaxation technique is practiced by tensing certain

(PMR) muscle groups and then totally relaxing them.

Autogenic training A relaxation method that calls for an individual to repeat a

set of visualizations to induce a state of relaxation.

Meditation Concentration on an object of thought or awareness that

can calm and relax the body and mind.

Stress management Being aware of and managing the amount of stress in your
life can allow you to more easily relax at night when it’s
time to sleep.

Stimulus control Stimulus Control therapy reassociates the bed and bed-
room with sleeping by limiting the amount of time spent in
the bedroom for non-sleep activities.

Diet management Reducing the use of stimulants and depressants and avoid-
ing big meals just before bed can help reduce the risk of
insomnia episodes.

Acupuncture, acupressure, These alternative treatments can have an extremely

and massage calming effect on your nervous system.

Medicinal Treatments for Insomnia

Benzodiazepines The most commonly-used class of drugs prescribed for

insomnia. Includes drugs such as temazepam, diazepam,
lorazepam, and midazolam.

Non-benzodiazepine Includes drugs such as Ambien and Lunesta. These drugs

prescription drugs have a cleaner side effect profile than benzodiazepines
but do appear to cause psychological dependence and
physical dependence.

Melatonin A hormone that has proved effective for some insomniacs

in regulating the sleep/waking cycle.

Over-the-counter sleep aids Many of these sleep aids use the antihistamine diphen-
hydramine. The effectiveness of these aids often decrease
over time and next-day sedation is common.

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Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological condition Most individuals experience their first symptoms
which impairs the ability of your central between the ages of 10 and 25. Evidence
nervous system to regulate sleep. Individuals suggests that the condition is genetic, and while
with narcolepsy typically experience disturbed it is a lifelong condition, it does not usually get
nocturnal sleep (often confused with insomnia) progressively worse. However, narcolepsy is a
and abnormal rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. serious disorder with potential physical, mental,
Narcolepsy affects about 1 in 2,000 people. and social consequences.

Symptoms of Narcolepsy

Excessive daytime Narcoleptics may find it impossible to stay awake and often have
sleepiness. uncontrollable episodes of sleep during the day.

Abnormal REM sleep. People with narcolepsy enter the REM, or dream, phase of sleep right after falling
asleep, whereas most people take about 90 minutes to enter the REM phase.

Hypnagogic hallucinations. Some people with narcolepsy experience vivid, sometimes frightening, visual or
auditory sensations while falling asleep or upon awakening.

Cataplexy. People with narcolepsy often have a sudden loss of muscle control while awake,
usually experienced during strong emotion such as anger, grief, or while laughing.

Sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis is the inability to move or talk at the beginning or end of sleep.
About 25 to 50% of narcolepsy sufferers experience sleep paralysis.

Nighttime wakefulness. People with narcolepsy may have periods of wakefulness at night. This
disrupted nighttime sleep adds to daytime sleepiness.

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Causes of Narcolepsy Diagnosis of narcolepsy can take a very long
Researchers continue to seek out the root time, sometimes more than one year, or even up
cause of narcolepsy. Currently, the general to several decades.
consensus is that genetics, accompanied by an
environmental trigger of some sort – a virus, Tests used to diagnose narcolepsy
for example – may affect brain chemicals and •E pworth Sleepiness Scale – This sleep
contribute to the disorder. questionnaire asks you to rank whether
certain situations make you sleepy and, if so,
Scientists have recently discovered that people how sleepy.
with narcolepsy are lacking in hypocretin •N octurnal polysomnogram – This test
(also called orexin), a chemical in the brain will measure the electrical activity of your
that activates arousal and regulates sleep. brain (electroencephalogram) and heart
Narcoleptics generally do not have as many (electrocardiogram), and the movement of
Hcrt cells or neurons that secrete hypocretin, your muscles (electromyogram) and eyes
inhibiting their ability to fully control their (electro-oculogram), and usually requires
alertness and sleep cycles. an overnight stay at a sleep clinic for
Heredity appears to be a factor in narcolepsy, observation purposes.
but environmental triggers also play a strong •M ultiple sleep latency test (MSLT) – This
role. Research is also investigating these triggers. test measures how long it takes for you to fall
asleep during the day. People with narcolepsy
Narcolepsy affect tend to fall asleep very quickly.
MANY AREAS of life: • Spinal
 fluid analysis – The lack of
• Physical well-being and safety hypocretin in the cerebrospinal fluid may be
• Mental health a marker for narcolepsy. Examining spinal
• Social and professional relationships fluid is a new diagnostic test for narcolepsy.
• Intimate relationships
• Memory and attention Treatments for Narcolepsy
Although no cure yet exists for narcolepsy,
How Narcolepsy is Diagnosed a combination of treatments can control the
Narcolepsy is often misdiagnosed or symptoms. The most commonly recommended
undiagnosed. The most common and treatment for narcolepsy includes a
sometimes the only symptom of narcolepsy is combination of counseling, medication, and
excessive daytime sleepiness. Because excessive behavioral changes.
daytime sleepiness is a symptom of other sleep
The following treatments are for informational
disorders and of depression, narcolepsy can be
purposes only. Narcolepsy is a serious condition
difficult to diagnose.
– it’s important to consult with your physician
to find the treatment that is best for you.

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Behavioral Treatments for Narcolepsy

Schedule sleep periods Individuals with narcolepsy find that a few brief,
scheduled naps (no longer than 15 minutes at a time)
during the day can prevent unplanned lapses into sleep
during the daytime.

Avoid caffeine, alcohol, Stimulants and depressants can interfere with sleep cycles
and nicotine during your normal sleeping hours.

Exercise on a regular basis Exercise can make you feel more awake during the day
and stimulate normal sleep patterns at night.

Wear a medical alert bracelet A medical ID is useful to alert others to your condition
or necklace if you suddenly fall asleep or become unable to move
or speak.

Medicinal and Herbal Treatments for Insomnia

Methylphenidate (such as Ritalin) Effective in treating narcolepsy but can have strong side ef-
and various amphetamines fects and can be addictive.

Modafinil (Provigil) A stimulant which acts on the central nervous system to

help individuals stay alert and awake during the day. Effec-
tive, with not as many side effects. Chance of addiction is
also lower than with amphetamines.

Antidepressants such as Vivactil, These drugs suppress REM sleep and alleviate the symp-
Prozac, and Zoloft toms of cataplexy, hallucinations, and sleep paralysis.

Sodium oxybate (Xyrem) Controls cataplexy and daytime sleepiness. Has strong

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Restless Legs Syndrome

Restless Legs Syndrome is frequently mis- with resting or falling asleep. Many people
diagnosed and often left untreated, yet RLS is describe the feeling of Restless Legs Syndrome
a treatable condition. RLS affects about 10% as creeping, crawling, tingling, or pulling
of adults in North America and Europe, and within the leg, along with an overwhelming
incidence increases with age. need to get up and move around. Although the
symptoms are distinctive, many people dismiss
Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is a central the feelings as muscle aches or restlessness, and
nervous system disorder that can interfere do not suspect that they have RLS.

Symptoms of Restless Legs Syndrome

Irritating sensations Sensations such as creeping, crawling, tingling or pulling – they can be
in the legs. painful or just uncomfortable.

Overwhelming urge to Getting up and moving around can relieve the discomfort when experiencing
move around. this sensation.

Increased discomfort in Discomfort tends to increase when sitting or lying down and during the
different positions and at evening or night.
different times of the day.

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Causes of Restless Legs Syndrome Effects of Restless Legs Syndrome
Restless Legs Syndrome is a central nervous • Restlessness – An inability to sit still because
system disorder (a disorder based in the brain the leg sensations are too annoying or painful
or spinal column) which may have a genetic • Insomnia – Difficulty falling asleep or staying
basis. It is also possible that RLS may be a asleep
brain chemical disorder. Psychiatric conditions • Daytime sleepiness – RLS can keep you from
or stress may exacerbate RLS, but they do not getting a restful night’s sleep, resulting in ex-
cause RLS. haustion during the day

Restless Legs Syndrome can be brought on How Restless Legs Syndrome

by other conditions, including: Syndrome is Diagnosed
•A  n underlying medical problem – such as Talk to your doctor or sleep specialist to ex-
diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, Parkinson’s plore available treatments. To diagnose RLS,
Disease, or rheumatoid arthritis. your doctor will request:
• I ron deficiency anemia – the way the body • A medical history
metabolizes iron and certain proteins in the • A familial survey to see if anyone else in your
brain may be related to restless legs syndrome. family has similar symptoms
•P  regnancy – many women experience RLS • Interview about other medical conditions
in the last months of pregnancy, possibly as you have
a result of an iron deficiency. Left untreated, • A blood test for low iron levels
the symptoms often go away after delivery.
•N  eurologic lesions – people with spinal cord Treatments for Restless
tumors, peripheral nerve lesions, or spinal Legs Syndrome
cord injury often report symptoms of RLS. Although no cure exists for Restless Legs
• Particular medications – medications in- Syndrome, different types of treatment can be
cluding tricyclic antidepressants, anti-nausea, used to manage the condition.
and some cold and allergy drugs may increase There are three treatment approaches for RLS:
or trigger RLS symptoms. •S
 elf-help – If your symptoms are mild, self-
•V  aricose veins – when vein valves fail, the help may be sufficient treatment.
backward flow of blood pools and stagnates in •M
 edications – For those with severe RLS,
the veins, which can lead to aching, throbbing, where the disorder disrupts sleep or daily
cramping and fatigue in the legs. activities, medications may be the proper
treatment approach.
 reatment of the underlying condition – If
your Restless Legs Syndrome is caused by an
underlying condition, your doctor will treat
that condition.

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Behavioral Treatments for Restless Legs Syndrome

Exercise Work with your healthcare professional to determine if there

is an exercise program that relieves your RLS symptoms.

Apply compression to your legs Wrap your legs in an ace bandage or wear tight pantyhose.

Take iron supplements For individuals with low iron levels, iron supplements some-
times offer relief. Note that too much iron in your system
is dangerous, so be sure to speak with your health care
professional before starting this type of supplement.

Reduce the use of stimulants and Cut out coffee, chocolate, and caffeinated soda, particularly
depressants in the evening.

Keep a regular sleep schedule Because exhaustion can increase symptoms, a regular
sleep schedule is important to ensuring you get enough rest.

Medical Treatments for Restless Legs Syndrome

Dopaminergic agents The most common treatment for RLS, these drugs increase
(Ropinirole, Pramipexole) the brain chemical dopamine (a neurotransmitter that regu-
lates muscle movements)

Benzodiazepines Sleep medications or central nervous system depressants

which also suppress muscle contractions.

Non-benzodiazepine sedatives Short-acting hypnotic agents or sleeping pills. Helpful in

mild cases of RLS that occur primarily at bedtime.

Opiates/Narcotics Pain killers. These drugs are addictive and should be used
(Darvon, Percodan) only in low dosages.

Anticonvulsants (Neurontin) Drugs normally used to prevent seizures which can reduce
muscle contractions in some individuals.

Hypertensive medications Most often prescribed for high blood pressure, these drugs
can reduce the symptoms of RLS in some individuals.

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Basic Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep
Whether you suffer from a sleep disorder or would simply like to get a bet-
ter night’s sleep, there are some simple things you can do to increase your
chances of feeling more rested when you wake up in the morning.

Create an Optimal Keep Good Daytime Habits

Sleep Environment •D
 o not nap during the day. If you are having
• Make sure your bed is comfortable. Differ- trouble sleeping at night, try not to nap dur-
ent types of mattresses help with different is- ing the day. If you are feeling especially tired
sues. Some mattresses are made to accommo- and feel as if you absolutely must nap, be sure
date different types bedmates’ sleeping habits to sleep for less than 30 minutes, early in the
and comfort levels. Others are made to adjust day.
to your firmness preferences. In addition, try • L imit caffeine and alcohol. Avoid drinking
therapeutic-shaped foam pillows that cradle caffeinated or alcoholic beverages for several
your neck or extra pillows that help you sleep hours before bedtime.
on your side. Make sure your sheets are com- • D  on’t smoke. Nicotine is a stimulant and can
fortable and clean. make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep.
• Ensure your bedroom remains primarily •E
 xpose yourself to bright light/sunlight
a place for sleeping. Don’t use your bed for soon after awakening. This will help to
paying bills, doing work, etc. Help your regulate your body’s natural biological clock.
body recognize that this is a place for rest Likewise, try to keep your bedroom dark
or intimacy. while you are sleeping so that the light will
• Keep your bedroom peaceful and comfort- not interfere with your rest.
able. Make sure your room is well ventilated •E
 xercise early in the day. Twenty to thirty
and the temperature is consistent, and try to minutes of exercise every day can help you
keep it quiet. If you have a problem with out- sleep, but be sure to exercise in the morning
side noise, a fan or a “white noise” machine can or afternoon. Exercise stimulates the body
help block it out. and aerobic activity before bedtime may make
• Hide your clock. A big, illuminated digital falling asleep more difficult.
clock may cause you to focus on the time and • C  heck your iron level. Iron deficient women
make you feel stressed and anxious. Place tend to have more problems sleeping, so if
your clock so you can’t see the time when you your blood is iron poor, a supplement might
are in bed. help your health and your ability to sleep.

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