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B.Tech.,(Semester- VII) Section B
Date : October 09, 2017 Assignment Test : II
Duration : 45 mts. Maximum Marks : 10

I (5,5 Marks)

(a) Write briefly about Pig Latin expressions.

(b) Write briefly about Pig Latin relational operators

II (10 Marks)

(a) Write about cogroup operation in Pig Latin.

III (5,5 Marks)

(a) Implement an user defined filter function in Java to identify the students who failed in a given
(b) Use the above user defined filter function in a Pig Latin script and generate register number and
name of students who failed in a given subject.

IV (5,5 Marks)

(a) Write a Pig Latin macro to find out register number and name of the student who failed in a
given subject. Assume the results of the students have the following schema ( regno, name, s1e,
s1i, s2e, s2i, ...., s9e, s9i ) where sie represents external and internal marks respectively in ith
(b) Write a Pig Latin macro to find out the total number of students who failed in a given subject.

V (5,5 Marks)

(a) Write a Pig Latin script to find top 5 frequent words in a given set of text files.
(b) Give explanation to the expressions used in the word count program

VI (5,5 Marks)

(a) How Pig Latin supports join operation between tables

(b) Write Pig Latin script to find out register numbers of students who failed in first two subjects.
Assume the results of the students have the following schema ( regno, name, s1e, s1i, s2e, s2i,
...., s9e, s9i ) where sie represents external and internal marks respectively in ith subject.

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