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Name: Student ID: Major: 14.

6 Compute the triple integral =

(, , )
Homework 6 of Math 200 Mathematical Analysis III in 2009, Due 26-31/10/2009
2. (, , ) = sin , where = { (, , ) 0 , 0 , 0 }.
Solution. Observe that is a rectangular block, so the upper and lower limits
Students are advised to review the examples of cylinders (p. 831) and quadric surfaces
for the iterated integral are easily determined.
(p. 833) in previous chapter, and read examples 3 and 4 of 14.6 on page 982-983
carefully. The following example is very important not only in concept, but also for = sin =
the preparation for the examination of our examinations.

Example. Find the volume of the solid sphere of radius by triple integral.
Solution. Even though we had come across the same problem in the application of
9. (, , ) = + , where is the region between the surfaces 1 : = 2 2 , and
double integral. In fact, one needs to set up a region of solid sphere by means of
2 : = 2 for 0 3.
equations or inequalities: = { (, , ) 2 + 2 + 2 2 }. Though this description
Solution. We determine the point (, , ) of the common intersection of these
is analytic, but this is not good in evaluating the triple integral over by means of
two surfaces. As does not show up in the dening equations of both surfaces
iterated integral. The idea is to write the sphere as the graphs of two functions in (, )
(graphs), i.e. These surfaces are a general cylinder obtained by pulling the curves
representing the upper and lower hemispheres. For this, we project the solid onto
1 : = 2 2 and 2 : = 2 on -plane along the -axis respectively, and
-plane and obtain its shadow on -plane, and then try to see that is -simple
they bound an innite long solid cylinder with uniform cross section cut by
region, i.e. there is only a line segment inside the solid above every point in the
-plane. So we need to study the region bounded by these 2 curves 1 and 2
region .
in -plane. First we nd the intersection point(s) (, ) of these two curves as
We claim that = { (, ) 2 + 2 2 }. For any point (, , ) in , one knows
follows: 2 2 = = 2 , i.e. 22 = 2, and hence = 1, so (, ) = (1, 1).
that 2 2 + 2 + 2 2 + 2 , so after projecting the point (, , ) onto -plane
When varies within the interval [1, 1], it follows from 2 1 and 2 2
and obtain its image (, ), it follows that (, ) is in the region . In the other
22 (1)2 = 1 2 that the curve = 2 2 is above the curve = 2 . Hence,
words, the shadow of is contained in { (, ) 2 + 2 2 }. One needs to see
the region in -plane can be described as = { (, ) 1 1, and
that { (, ) 2 + 2 2 } is contained in too! The reason is as follows: For any
2 2 2 }. Return to the description of the domain . If (, , ) lies
point (, ) satisfying 2 + 2 2 , i.e. 2 2 2 0, then one can dene the
on the the solid region , then it follows that 0 3 and (, ) lies in , i.e.
third coordinate 0 = 2 2 2 , and we get a point (, , 0 ) lying on the sphere = { (, , ) 1 1, and }.
2 + 2 + 02 = 2 , and hence in the solid region .

It remains to prove that is -simple above the region on -plane. For any
point (, ) in on -plane, let (, , ) be any point in the region above the Then the triple integral = ( + ) = ( + )

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
, it follows that + + , i.e. or equivalently
2 2 2 2 2 2
. Hence lies on the vertical segment given by
{ (, , ) min (, ) max (, ) }, where max (, ) = 2 2 2 and
min = 2 2 2 are functions of (, ). 14.6 Sketch the solid (domain) bounded by the graphs of the given equations, and
With all these explanations, we have then nd its volume by triple integration.
= { (, , ) (, ) in , and min (, ) max (, ) } 12. = , = 2 , = 4, = 0.
= { (, , ) , 2 2 2 , and Solution. These 4 equations represents 4 surfaces in 3 , it takes a while to sort
2 2 2 2 2 2 }. out how they intersect each other. Among them, = , = 4, = 0 are equations
And the volume of is given by of 3 planes in which the variable does not show up, then it follows that these
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
planes are pulling these 3 lines = , = 4, = 0 in -11.96TJ/9.96Tf137.7.830-11.969.9
1 = 1 = 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 + 2 2 2 2 2
2 2
= 1 =
0 0 2 2
to observe that the parabola = 2 and = 4 enclose a bounded region in the 18. = 1 2 , = 2 1, + = 1, = 0.

-plane, so one has for any point (, , ) in . Then we have Solution. Similar to question 9 above, one can easily identify the solid region
= { (, , ) , , and }. It follows from that is enclosed by the general cylinder = 1 2 , and = 2 1. The other planes
volume of is equal to the triple integral + = 1 and = 0 are the top and bottom of the region enclosed inside the
1 = cylinder = { (, ) 1 1, and 2 1 1 2 }. Combining these
facts, we have = { (, , ) , and }.
its volume by triple integration.

= 1 =

Remark. We did not use the projection method here, it would be easier to apply
the projection method to obtain the shadow of on -plane, then one obtain the
other description of .

17. = 2 , + = 4, = 0, = 0. Assignment: 14.7 Problems: 5, 10, 14, 15, 23, 24, 25.
Solution. Observe that the last 3 equations dene three planes, which do not
involve the variable , i.e. they are obtained by moving the lines dened by the 5. Find the volume of the region that lies inside both the sphere 1 : 2 + 2 =
same equations on -plane along the -axis. On the -plane, one can draw 2 = 4 and the cylinder 2 : 2 + 2 = 1.
these 3 lines easily and nd out that the lines enclose a triangle with vertices Solution. Note that the sphere 1 bounds a solid sphere = { (, , ) 2 +
(, ) = (0, 0), (0, 4) and (4, 0) in -plane. Then by moving the triangular region 2 + 2 22 }, and the cylinder 2 bounds an innitely long solid cylinder =
along -axis, we obtain a cylinder , which is unbounded. Now the level { (, , ) 2 + 2 1, and }. Let (, , ) be any point in the region ,
surface 1 : 2 = 0 (i.e. the parabola = 2 in the -plane) is also a then lies inside both the solid sphere , i.e. 2 + 2 + 2 22 , and the solid
cylinder since the dening equation is also independent of the variable . One cylinder , so the upper hemisphere and lower hemisphere will cut out a solid
can then imagine the surface 1 , like a -shaped knife, cutting the innite long bounded region from the solid cylinder . If we project the solid region onto
triangular bread from which a bounded region is obtained. More precisely, -plane, it has an image = { (, ) 2 + 2 1 } on the -plane, it follows
the surface (or the knife) 1 rst meets the plane = 0, then goes through the that = { (, , ) 2 + 2 + 2 22 , and 2 + 2 1 }. For integration purpose,
interior of the triangular cylinder , and nally leaves the plane + = 4. (One it would be better to describe by cylindrical coordinates:
2 = 2 + 2 1, so
2 2 2 2 2
may wonder whether 1 meets the third plane = 0, the answer is armative, as 1 and
hence + 2 , so 4 4 . Then the volume of
both surfaces 1 : = 2 and = 0 are cylinders moving along the -axis which = 1 =
has a common line = { (0, , 0) } given by the -axis, which is irrelevant
of upper and lower limits of integrals. )
Thinking 1 as -shaped knife penetrating the top surface + = 4 and and
bottom surface = 0, so is -simple, so we project the solid region onto the -
plane, and obtain its planar shadow region = { (, ) 2 2, 2 4 }.
And has boundary given by the following two curves:
(i) one of the edge of the cylinder , which is the intersection of = 0
and + = 4, i.e. = 4 on the -plane; and
(ii) the parabola = 2 on -plane.
It follows that
= { (, , ) , , }, and its
volume is 1 =

10. Find the volume of the region that lies inside both the sphere 2 + 2 + 2 = 4 23. Find the volume of the region bounded by the plane = 1 and the cone = ,
and the cylinder 2 + 2 2 = 0. (i) with cylindrical coordinates; (ii) with spherical coordinates.
Solution. This question is similar to the problem 5, except the position of the Solution. (i) In cylindrical coordinates, can be described as
cylinder is moved. The cylinder is given by ( 1)2 + 2 = 1, so any point { (, , ) , , and }, so the volume of
(, , ) inside is given by ( 1)2 + 2 1. In terms of cylindrical coordinates,
it can be described by (, , ) by 2 cos2 + 2 sin2 2 cos 0, i.e. 2 cos ,
it follows that { (, , ) , , and }.
( ) (ii) As the coneis
symmetric about -axis, so one know that 0 2, and
Volume of the region = 1 == 1 Volume of = 1 =

24. Show that the centroid of a homogeneous solid right circular cone lies on its axis
three-quarters of the way from its vertex to its base.
14. Find the volume of the solid region bounded below by the paraboloid 1 : = Solution. As the solid cone is rotational symmetric about -axis, so both and
2 + 2 , and above by the plane 2 : = 2. are zero. The reason can be explained as follows: one can rotate the cone
Solution. We use the projection method. First we sketch the graphs of the along -axis by a positive angle, then its centroid will be rotated by the same
paraboloid 1 and the plane 2 , and we want to nd the common intersection of angle, however, the cone remains the same before and after rotating, and hence
1 and 2 . Let (, , ) be any point of the intersection, i.e. they satisfy both its centroid will be at the same position. Hence, the centroid lies on the rotational
2 = = 2 + 2 , so ( 1)2 + 2 = 1, which represents a cylinder in space. axis, and hence (, ) = (0, 0). So it remains to determine . One may assume that
In fact, the intersection is a curve obtained by the intersection of the plane and the density (, , ) = 1, so its mass is equal to its volume 13 2 , where is the
the cylinder above, which is a bounded closed curve. Inside the cylinder, we have base radius and
is the height of the cone. Then the moment of the cone about
( 1)2 + 2 1, i.e. 2 + 2 2, or equivalently the graph of 1 is below the -plane is =
graph of the plane 2 . Hence the solid region = { (, , ) 2 + 2 , and

{ }. Then one can switch to cylindrical coordinates

} to describe
(, , ) , and .

The volume of = 1 =
(, , ) = .
25. Find the volume and the centroid of the uniform solid that lies inside the sphere
= and above the cone = .

15. Find the volume of the solid region bounded above by the spherical surface
2 + 2 + 2 = 2 and below by the paraboloid = 2 + 2 .
Solution. First determine the equation of curve of the intersection of these two
surfaces, let (, , ) be a point of the intersection, 2 2 = 2 + 2 = 0, so
0 = 2 + 2 = ( + 2)( 1), so it follows that 0 that we have = 1. In
other words, the intersection lies on a plane dened by the equation = 1, and
hence 2 + 2 = = 1, which represents a circle on the plane = 1. If (, , 1 )
and (, , 2 ) are points on spherical surface and the paraboloid respectively, then
their projections are the same
point (, ) lies
inside the unit2 circle, so 2 + 2 1,
and we observe that 2 = 2 2 2 2 12 = 1 + 2 = 2 , so
= { (, , ) 2 + 2 and }. The volume of =

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