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The following 34 questions are mostly taken from the old test papers, they can be used as practicing

problems to prepare for the second/nal test of Math 200

1. (a) Find out the volume of a solid sphere of radius .

(b) Find out the surface area of a sphere of radius .
(c) Find out the moment of inertia of a solid sphere of radius of constant density about any
axes passing through the center. (1997)

2. (a) Find out the arc-length of a circular arc of radius and of angle (by means of line integral
with respect to arc-length.)
(b) Find out the mass of the circular wire and the center of mass if the density of the wire at any
point is proportional to distance with respect to a xed point on the wire.

3. (a) Let be the common intersection of the two circular discs given by 2 + 2 2 and
2 + 2 2. Express the area of in terms of double (iterated) integral in the order of
(i) , and (ii) .
(b) Let be a curve in -plane dened by = (), in polar coordinates.
i. Express the arc-length element in terms of () and its derivatives.
ii. Express the area element = in terms of .
iii. Express the centroid of the curve of constant density (, ) in terms of polar coordi-
(c) Let be a curve in -plane given by () = 1 + sin .
i. Find the arc-length of the curve .
ii. Find the area of the region R bounded by the curve .
iii. Find the centrod of the curve of constant density.(1999)

4. (a) (1999)Let be the region in the rst quadrant of -plane bounded by the hyperbolas =
1, = 9 and the lines = , = 4. Use the transformation = /, = with
> 0, > 0 to rewrite ( )

+ .

(b) Evaluate the following integral
sin 2 2
ln(2 + 2 ) .
0 cot

5. (a) Give a mathematical formula expressing the surface area of a region in space in terms of
double integral. Explain the terms appearing in your formula concisely.
(b) Find the volume of solid region enclosed by the (closed) surface = 2 sin in the spherical
(c) Answer one and only one of the following:
i. Find the surface area of the closed surface 2 + 3 + 4 = 24
ii. Find the surface area of the closed surface = 2 sin in the spherical coordinates. (1999)

6. (a) Find the surface area of portion of the surface = 9 2 2 that lies above the ring
1 2 + 2 9 in the -plane.

(b) Find the center of mass of the solid region of constant density between the planes ++2 = 2
and 2 + 2 + = 4 in the rst octant. (1999)

7. Find the center of mass of a thin plate cut from the rst quandrant by the lines = , =
and = 1, with density functin (, ) = + 1. (May, 1997)

8. (a) Find the volume of the solid region bounded by the cone = /6 and the sphere = 2 cos
in the spherical coordinates.
(b) Find the center of mass of a solid hemisphere.(May, 1997)

9. (1995) Find the volume of the solid (/)2 + (/)2 + (/)2 1, /2.
(Hint: use cylindrical coordinates and suitable transformation.)

10. (1995) Let be the solid bounded below the half cone = 2 + 2 and above by the unit sphere
2 + 2 + 2 = 1. Calculate the triple integral of the function exp(2 + 2 + 2 )3/2 over the region

11. (1995) Let be a solid given by { (, , ) 0 < < 3, < < 6 , 0 < < 2 }. Express the
volume as iterated integral with suitable upper and lower limits:
(a) ; (b) ; (c) . (Hint: Sketch the region .)

12. (1995) The following question is to generalize that the volume of a circular cone is given by one-third
of the product of the area of the base circle and the height.

(a) Let be a region in -plane containing (0, 0) and be the region dilating by a factor of
> 0 (i.e. the coordinates (, ) of every point in is tansformed to (, ) in . ) Find the
ratio of the area of and the area of .
(b) Let be the cone formed by lines joining all the points of the region in -plane to vertex
(0, 0, ) for some > 0. Express the volume of in terms of area of and .

13. (a) Find the surface area of a sphere of radius .

(b) Find the center of mass of the hemi-spherical shell with constant density. (May, 1997)

14. A lamina occupies the region bounded by the line = + 2 and the parabola = 2 . The density
function of the lamina is (, ) = 32 . Find the mass and the center of mass of the lamina. (1994)

15. The transformation = 2 , = 2 + maps the unit disk = { (, ) 2 + 2 1 } in the

-plane to the region in the -plane bounded by the ellipse 52 6 + 5 2 = 16. Find

exp(102 12 + 10 2 ) . (1994)

16. Find the area of the surface cut from the upper hemisphere 2 + 2 + 2 = 4, 0, by the cylinder
2 + 2 = 2. (Hint: use the cylindrical coordinates.) (1994)

17. (a) Give a mathematical formula expressing the surface area of a region in space in terms of
double integral. Explain the terms appearing in your formula concisely.
(b) Find the surface area of the region of the sphere 2 + 2 + 2 = 2 inside the cylinder 2 + 2 =
and above the -plane. (1998)

18. (1998) Suppose that a solid sphere of unit radius is made of metal such that the density at any
point is proportional to the distance from this point to a xed point on the surface. Find the
mass and the location of centroid of this solid sphere. ( Hints: use a suitable coordinate system
and some appropriate equations to describe the sphere.)

19. (1998) Let be a metal wire parametrized by = cos , = sin where is in the closed
interval [0, 2]. Suppose that the density at the point (, ) of the wire is proportional to the
distance of from the -axis. Find the mass of the wire.

20. (a) Show that the equation of the circle 2 + 2 = 2 is given by = 2 cos in polar coordinates.
(b) Find the area of the surface cut from the plane ++ = 4, 0, by the cylinder 2 + 2 = 2

21. Let (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0) and ( 12 , 0, 12 ) be three points of the unit sphere : 2 + 2 + 2 = 1.
These three points forms a spherical triangle on , with edges formed by the arc of the great
circle passing through any two vertices. If the density of the sphere is given by (, , ) = 2 + 2 ,
nd out the center of mass of the this spherical triangle .
Remark: A great circle of a sphere passing two given points and in the sphere is the circle
of the intersection of the sphere and the plane which passes through points , and the center of
the sphere.

22. (a) Sketch the region R bounded by the graphs of the given equations: = , = ln , + =
1, + = 1 + , where = exp(1) is a constant.
(b) Express the area of the region R in terms of iterated integrals with precise upper and lower
limits. (You dont need to calculate the value of the integral. )(1998)

23. (1998) Find the volume and the centroid (center of mass) of the region that is bounded above
by the sphere 2 + 2 + 2 = 2 and below by the cone 2 + 2 = 2 , with > 0.

1. Use the Greens theorem to nd the area of the region in -plane enclosed by the astroid curve

() = {(cos3 , sin3 ), 0 2}. (1994)

2. (a) State the Greens theorem with all the necessary conditions.
(b) Using Greens theorem or otherwise, prove that the area of a region bounded by a simple
closed curve is given by
= .
(c) Find the area of the region in -plane bounded by the closed curve 2/3 + 2/3 = 2/3 .
(Hint: use the identity sin2 + cos2 = 1, and cos 2 = 2 cos2 1.) (May, 1997)

3. (a) Give the denitions of the following in terms of line integrals with all necessary details:
i. the work done by a vector eld F along a curve in space, and
ii. the ux of vector eld F across a closed curve on -plane.
(b) Let : () = ( cos , sin , 0) for 0 be a curve in space and F( , , ) = (, , )
be a vector eld. Find the work done by F along the curve . (May, 1997)

4. Find the outward ux of the eld F = 3k = (0, 0, 3) upward across the lower hemisphere
2 + 2 + 2 = 2 , 0 by

(a) evaluating the ux integral directly;

(b) using the Divergence Theorem. (Explain why it is valid to apply Divergence theorem). (1994)

5. (a) i. Dene the circulation and the ux of a 2-dimensional vector eld F on -plane.
ii. State two dierent forms of Greens theorem.
(b) Prove that the area of the region bounded by a simple closed curve C is given by the line
integral along
( ).
(c) And hence, nd the area of the region bounded by the closed curve 2/3 + 2/3 = 2/3 . (Hint:
use the identity sin2 + cos2 = 1).
(d) i. Is there a simple closed curve in xy-plane which is normal to the vector eld

(, ) = (, ) at every point of ?

ii. Is there a simple closed curve in -plane which is tangent to the vector eld (, ) =
( 3 , 3 ) at every point of ? (1995)

6. (1997) Find out the work done of the force (, , ) = (, , ) along the following paths:

(a) : straight line from (0, 0, 1) to (0, 0, 1);

(b) : () = ((), (), ()) = ( sin 3, 2 sin 4, cos ) where 0 < < 2.

7. (a) Evaluate the line integrals + over the curve given by
i. consists of line segments from (2,1) to (4,1) and from (4,1) to (4,5).
ii. is given by = 3 1, = 32 2, is in the closed interval [0, 5/3].

(b) Given a force eld F(, ) = (2 + 2 )i + 2j, nd the work done by F along the the circle
2 + 2 = 2 counterclockwisely. (1998)

8. (a) Give the denitions of the following:

i. Gradient vector of a scalar function (, , );
ii. Divergence of a 3-dimensional vector eld F(, , );
iii. Curl of a 3-dimensional vector eld F(, , ).
(b) Suppose that (, , ), (, , ), (, , ) and (, , ) are functions with continuous 2nd
order partial derivatives. Find out the following in terms of partial derivatives of , , and
i. the divergence of the gradient eld of (, , );
ii. the divergence of the curl of vector eld (, , ) = (, , )i + (, , )j + (, , )k;
iii. the curl of the gradient vector eld of the function (, , ).

9. Evaluate the line integral 2 2 + 2 2 + 2 2 , where the curve is a parametric curve
given by () = cos , () = cos 2, () = cos 3, (0 < < 2).

10. (a) State the Greens theorem.

(b) Find the area of the region bounded by the curve 3 + 3 = 3 with > 0.
Hint: set = and express and in terms of . Try to understand the geometric meaning
of . (1998)

11. Find out all potential functions of the vector eld F(, ) = ((2 + 2 ) , (2 + 2 ) ) on the region
= 2 except (0,0), where is any real number.

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