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LONG NUT ( Vigna sinensis )

by :

Praise Praise writer prayed to Allah SWT for His grace , favor ,
guidance and help him , so I can finish this paper with paper title
Cultivation Long Bean ( Vigna sinensis ) .
Completion of the writing of this paper is also not free from the help and
support of various parties . Therefore, the authors would like to thank :
1. Mr. Dukat . , Ir . , MP as a lecturer of the course Basic Agronomy .
2. Mr. mother over and bimbinganya blessing prayer , so that the paper
can be completed with either .
3. Friends of the class who have provided support and assistance in
making this paper .
4. All those who have helped in completing this paper that I can not
mention one by one .
This paper I collated in order to fulfill the task subjects Agronomy Basic
. This paper generally contains about botany and growing requirements
of beans , which includes the cultivation techniques of land preparation ,
seed preparation , planting , maintenance , harvesting and post-harvest
up .
The authors recognize the writing of this paper are still many
shortcomings , for the authors expect criticism and constructive
suggestions for the improvement of this paper . Finally, the authors hope
that this paper can provide benefits and add new knowledge to those
who need .

Cirebon, December 2012



I. INTRODUCTION ............................................... ...........................................
1.1 . Background ................................................ .........................................
1.2 . Purpose ................................................ ......................................
II . LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................ .................................
2.1 . Long Bean Plants Botany .............................................. ..............
2.2 . Terms Growing ................................................
III . RAISING TECHNICAL ................................................
3.1 . Land preparation ................................................
3.2 . Seed Preparation ................................................
3.3.Penanaman ...............................................
3.4.Pemeliharaan ...............................................
3.5.Panen and Postharvest .............................................
IV . CLOSING ......................................................................................................
....................................................................................................... i

1.1 . background
One type of vegetable that is very popular among the people
of Indonesia and the world, one of which is a chickpea . The
world community mentioned by name Yardlong Beans / Cow Peas
. Chickpea germplasm originated from India and China . As the
suspect was from the African continent . Uci bean germplasm (
Vigna umbellata ) is found growing wild in the Himalayan
regions of India , while germplasm cowpea ( Vigna unguiculata
) is a native of Africa . Therefore , the type of vine plant
beans come from the tropics and Africa , especially Abbisinia
and Ethiopia .
Beans is one of the vegetable crops as a source of vitamins
and minerals . Its function as a regulator of metabolism,
improve intelligence and endurance as well as facilitate the
digestive process because of the high fiber content ( Rashid
Bannerman , 2012 ) . Beans can be divided into 2 groups: group
propagate and not propagate . Long beans group is a group
that is widely cultivated vines , twisted plant
characteristics on his marker and length of 40-70 cm green
or white kehiijauan ( BP3K Lubuk Pinang , 2012) .
Beans in Indonesia is an everyday merchandise . Utilization of
long beans is very diverse , which served for a variety of
cuisines ranging from raw to cooked form . Economic and social
prospects of long beans is very bright , so long bean
cultivation is promising .
In recent years a lot of demand both within and outside the
country , where demand has not been met . Long beans are also
promoted as a source of protein and minerals . Thus
vegetables attracted the attention of consumers who
understand the meaning of the nutritional value and quality
of food that is rich in vitamins
1.2 . purpose

The purpose of the paper discusses the cultivation of beans (

Vigna sinensis ) is as follows :
- Meet Basic Agronomy task subjects .
- Understand the botanical classification and requirements
grow from beans .
- Knowing the cultivation techniques of good beans from land
preparation to post- harvest

Classification beans
Kingdom: Plantae ( Plants )
Subkingdom : Tracheobionta ( vascular plants )
Super Division : Spermatophyta ( Produce seeds )
Division : Magnoliophyta ( flowering plants )
Class : Magnoliopsida ( dashed two / dicots )
Sub Class : Rosidae
Order: Fabales
Family: Fabaceae ( legumes rate )
Genus : Vigna
Species : Vigna sinensis
2.2 . Growing Conditions

As long bean plant growing conditions are as follows:

Suitable land is technically berpengairan rice field with
altitude of about 600m above sea level , the temperature of
25-35oC , soil pH 5.5-6.5 with loose soil structure and rich in
organic matter . The right season for the cultivation of beans
in the dry season . The climate is dry , rainfall is between 600-
1500 mm / year ( Guramalem . 2011) .
Planting medium suitable for the cultivation of beans is :
a. Almost all types of land suitable for cultivation of beans ,
but it is best to Latosol soil / clay sandy , fertile , friable ,
high in organic matter and good drainage .
b . Soil acidity ( pH ) of approximately 5.5-6.5 . If the pH is too
alkaline ( above pH 6.5 ) led to the outbreak of root nodules .

3.1 . Land preparation

a. formation of beds
Land cleared of weeds , hoe / plowed soil as deep as 30 cm to
become loose . Create a moat around, let the soil dry for 15-30
days . After 30 days make beds with a width of 60-80 cm , the
distance between beds of 30 cm , height 30 cm , length
depending on the land . For a mound system base width of 30-40
cm and 30-50 cm wide top , height 30 cm and 30-40 cm distance
between the ridges .
b . Liming
Liming is done if the soil pH is lower than 5.5 at a dose
dependent soil acidity . Give agricultural lime in the form of
calcite , dolomite , or zeagro of 1-2 tonnes / ha depending on
the initial pH and the amount of aluminum . Lime mixed
thoroughly with the soil at a depth of 30 cm .
c . The addition of manure
At the time of formation of the beds or ridges add 10-20 tons /
ha of manure , with a dose of 4-5 tonnes / ha mixed evenly to
the ground as he reversed
3.2 . preparation Seed
Long bean seed quality is good and that has the appearance
of pithy / lists , have a uniform size and a normal , high
germination rate above 85 % , not damaged / defective , does
not contain outbreaks of pests and diseases . Need of seeds
for 1 hectare between 15-20 kg .
Seeds sown need not specifically , but planting seeds directly
in the planting hole that has been prepared .

3.3 . cultivation
Making the planting hole spacing for the type of vines is 20 x
50 cm , 40 x 60 cm , 30 x 40 cm . And spacing of the upright type is
20 x 40 cm and 30 x 60 cm . The depth of the planting hole is not
too deep because it can inhibit the growth of seeds , enough
seeds can be covered by only about 5 cm soil . Seeds are
included in the planting hole is 2 seed only. Good planting time
is the beginning of the dry season / beginning of the rainy
season , but throughout the season can be adequate
groundwater origin .
3.4 . maintenance
a. stitching
Long bean seed will grow 3-5 days later . Seeds that do not
grow immediately embroidered .
b . fertilization
Fertilizer Basics
Long bean vine types : Urea 150 kg + 100 kg TSP + 100 kg / ha .
Long beans upright type : Urea 22.5 kg + 45 kg TSP + KCl 45 kg /
ha .
Nuts hybrid : 85 kg Urea + 310-420 kg TSP + 210 kg KCl / ha .
Fertilizer given in the manure pit located on either side of the
planting hole . The amount of fertilizer applied to the crop
depends on the spacing of .

supplementary Fertilizer
Supplementary fertilizer plant bean vine types , given 4
weeks after planting , fertilizers such as urea 150 kg / ha .
While supplementary fertilizer for long beans upright type
given 4 weeks after planting , fertilizer in the form of urea
85 kg / ha .

c . irrigation
In the early phase of seed growth until the young plants ,
watering is done regularly every day . Watering the next
depending on the season .

d . Major pest beans

Flies nut ( OphiOmya phaseOli tryOn )
Symptoms : There are white spots around the bone leaves ,
stunted growth of plants attacked and yellowish leaves ,
stem occurs secondary roots and swell . Control : by means of
crop rotation that is not from the family nuts and spraying
with insecticide acephate active ingredient at a
concentration of 1 g / liter .
aphids ( aphis cracivOra KOch )
Symptoms : the slowest growth since the liquid sucking pests of
plant cells and a decrease in yield . Ticks clustered at the
top of the plant and act as viral vectors . Control : with crop
rotation with crops not family nuts and spraying insecticide
active ingredients abamectin by concentration 0,5ml / liter .
armywOrm ( Spodoptera litura F. )
Symptoms : leaf perforated with uncertain size , heavy attack
in the dry season , also attacked the pods . Control : with
peraikan technical culture , crop rotation , planting in unison
, chemical pest traps and insecticide chlorpyrifos
concentrations 1-2ml / liter .
grain BOrer ( callOsOBruchus maculatus l )
Symptoms : perforated damaged seeds , crushed to 90 % .
Control : to clean up and destroy the remnants of plant pests
hiding place . Long bean seed treated with corn oil 10 cc / kg
of seeds .
caterpillars interest ( maruca testualis )

Symptoms: The larvae attack the flowers are open , then eat
the pods . Control : with crop rotation and maintain the
cleanliness of the garden from the remains of plants .
Sprayed with insecticide active ingredient concentration
triazofos with 1-2ml / liter .

e . Major Illness Long Bean

Cause: The fungus Colletotricum lindemuthianum . Symptoms :
attack can be observed in the newly berkecamabah seedlings
, a kind of cancer is brown on the stem and seed pieces .
Control : with crop rotation , seed treatment with fungicide
before planting mankozeb and karbendazim .
Cause : Cowpea aphid virus Borne Virus / CAMV . Symptoms : the
young leaves are a mosaic picture of the color is not uniform.
The disease is transmitted by aphid vectors . Control : using
healthy seed and virus free , sprayed with insecticide
effective for aphids with active ingredients abamectin and
affected plants removed and burned .

BrOOm disease
Cause : Cowpea Witches broom virus Virus / Cowpea Stunt Virus .
Symptoms : stunted plant growth , sections ( books ) very short
stems , axillary buds retracts and form a " broom " . Aphids
transmitted diseases . Control : the same as mosaic disease
control .
Bacterial wilt

Cause: Pseudomonas solanacearum E.F. Smith. Symptoms : Sudden

plants wilt and die crop menyeabkan heavy attack . Control :
with crop rotation , drainage improvements and remove dead
plants , and spraying fungicide active ingredient
concentration mankozeb or klorotalonil with 2-3gr / liter .

3.5 . Harvest and Postharvest

The characteristics of long beans are ready to be harvested
is size and has a maximum length of pods , easily broken and
the seeds inside the pods are not obtrusive . The best harvest
time in the morning / afternoon . Age of plants ready for
harvest 3.5-4 months . How to harvest the crop beans quite cut
the base of the fruit . Production of young pods per unit area
can reach at least 2.0 tons / ha , depending on varieties . In
varieties KP -I can reach 6.2 tons / ha and KP - 2 at 2.1 tonnes /
ha .

After harvest , long bean pods were collected in the shelter ,

then washed and drained . Then sorting or separating pods
good with damaged . To target export markets , quality
criteria , namely young pods pod size of at least 20 cm , the
rate of aging relatively young pods , seeds are not obtrusive
appearance and green and fresh .
To maintain the freshness of the pod , temporary storage
prior to shipping should be in the shade . The use of crushed ice
/ refrigerator , while the old pods stored in cans and placed
in a dry and well ventilated .

Beans are one of the various types of vegetables types

of nuts are rich in nutrients such as vitamins and minerals .
With so many nutritional content in chickpea making is always
in demand by many in the community , so that the market needs
to be chickpea still quite high .
With the cultivation of beans with the start of the processing
of land , seed selection , planting , maintenance , harvesting
and post-harvest watering up properly , correctly and wisely
can make yields are certainly could be expected maximum and
also can improve the welfare of farmers who grow beans in
economic and social fields .

BP3K Lubuk Pinang . 2012. How Long Bean Cultivation . (
budidaya-kacang-panjang.html ) . Access Date December 23,
2012 .

Guramalem . 2011. How Long Bean Cultivation .

Access Date December 23, 2012 .
Hutapea , J.R. 1994. Inventory Indonesian Medicinal Plants ( III )
. Agency for Health Research and Development , Department
of Health . Jakarta .
Rashid Flag . 2012. Long Bean Benefits for the Body .
kacang-panjang-bagi-tubuh.html . Access Date December 23,
2012 .

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