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Rs 60,00,000 Crore Thorium Scam

Indo US Nuclear Deal
When Congress President Sonia Gandhi led UPA government came to Power in 2004 ,
she signed a Secret Deal with Russia to obsolete Import Uranium Based Nuclear
Reactors from Russia. The deal is believed to be worth US $ 55 Billion. She is entitled
to get a Commission ( 40% to 50% ) in this deal Read Nehru Gandhi family KGB
Connection. This is well known to NAQLI DeshDrohi Hindutva Leaders of BJP/

Before signing Indo-US Nuclear Deal

India was World No 1 in

Thorium based Fast Breeder ( FBT) Nuclear Reactors

Around 2003 , Indian Nuclear Scientists claimed that India was on cusp of mastering
the 1 GW N-power plant technology , based on indigenous Thorium-Based Nuclear
Technology Programme ( Fast Breeder Reactor - FBT). They claimed that by 2013 ,
India would be able to produce 1 GigaWatt Nuclear Reactors, thereby creating an
global export market with a potential for sales upto $40 Billion , annually.
Indian Nuclear Scientists in 2004 had further unveiled a path-breaking design for A
Thorium Breeder Reactor (ATBR), that can produce 600 MW of electricity for two
years with no refuelling and practically no control manoeuvres.
India produced the worlds first Thorium based Nuclear Reactor, Kakrapar-1, in 1993,
as part of a Three-Stage fuel cycle plan which included designing a new Advanced
Heavy Water Reactor; the goal was to use Thorium-based Nuclear reactors to meet 30
per cent of our electricity needs by 2050.
Using Thorium based Fast Breeder ( FBT) Nuclear Reactors can catapult India as the
worlds pre-eminent nuclear power. By 2005 itself France and USA had accorded
India the status of Global Leader in Fast Breeder Reactors.

Thorium key to Indias energy security

India has a substantial portion of the Worlds Thorium reserves.

In fact India has Worlds Largest Reserves of Thorium Ores. India has 60% of worlds
Thorium Twice that of US , Brazil and Australia , put together. And this is easily
accessible in the form of sands ( monazite ) in our sea beaches.
In most other countries, Thorium reserves are embedded in rocks which require
elaborate processing to extract both tedious and costly. One Hundered Tonnes of
mineral rock yields just one kg of thorium.
On the contrary in India , Thorium Ores are easily accessible form of mineral sands ,
our sea beaches are rich in Thorium Ores namely monazite, zircon, leucoxene and
A small place in Tamil Nadu ( Manavalakurichi ) has 12 % of Worlds Thorium.
But Prof V Rajamanickam , Indias leading Marine Mineral Explorer and a Geochemist
of repute contradicts this , he says that Tamil Nadu ( Manavalakurichi ) is home to
Worlds 30 % ( percent ) Thorium deposits.
Thorium Ores can be found all along our sea beaches from Orissa , Andhra Pradesh to
all the way upto Tamil Nadu and Kerala, which is easily accessible in the form of
mineral sands ( containing all thorium Ores - monazite, zircon, leucoxene and
illimanite ). After extraction from ore, Thorium does not require energy-intensive
enrichment as is the case with Uranium.
From Mineral rich sands ( Monazite ) , it is possible to extract Thorium, Cerium ,
Cesium , Platinum and Lanthanum,
These minerals are referred as RARE EARTHS and Extremely EXPENSIVE in the
International Market. At the moment these Mineral sands are also among the Least
exploited resources having a high potential to meet the countrys energy needs.

Thorium based Nuclear Reactors are Safe

Thorium in liquid form burns more efficiently than solid uranium; liquid thorium
reactors do not operate at dangerous high pressure; liquid thorium reactors cannot
melt down. A Thorium-Powered Nuclear Reactor is inherently safe. It doesn't run the
risk of "meltdown" or explosion nor can even a dirty bomb be created. Its nuclear
reaction simply stops when its neutron exciter is turned off.
Around August 25th, 2005, at a week-long international conference on emerging
nuclear energy systems in Brussels, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC)
scientists V Jagannathan and Usha Pal stated that BARC had designed the Worlds
Safest Thorium based Nuclear Reactor, after some seven years of effort.
Thorium is also the preferred future fuel because of low radio-toxicity waste.
Thorium is rated as a clean fuel . is only slightly radio active , it is clean with no
burden of nuclear waste disposal.
In 1 year , 1 GW Thorium Reactor produces less than 1 % of hazardous waste

Thorium based Fast Breeder Nuclear Reactors
produce more Energy and More fuel

Thorium has the potential to replace Uranium as a cheaper and safer nuclear energy
source. It is three times more abundant than Uranium in the earths crust and
contains up to 200 times the energy density.

Thorium is potentially usable to breed reactor fuel and can theoretically generate 40
times more energy per unit mass compared to Uranium. Thorium based Fast Breeder
Reactor - FBT would breed more fuel than it consumes. A single Thorium based Fast
Breeder Reactor can produce all the Uranium fuel needed for all our 17 nuclear
reactors. Usage of Thorium FBT Reactors would have freed India from importing
expensive Uranium fuel from abroad.

Indias post-Pokharan isolation led scientists at BARC to develop a Fast Breeder

Reactor using Thorium the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam
which has been running for 27 years.Thorium based Fast Breeder ( FBT) Nuclear
Reactors are cheaper than Uranium based Nuclear Reactors to build and operate. And
India has already indigenously built 500 MW thorium fuelled reactor,
Thorium is believed as a key factor to Indias Nuclear Programme being freed from
the dependence on Uranium imports to power our Nuclear Power Plants and
allowing us to develop limitless amounts of fuel , since it could be extracted from
mineral sand in sea beaches.

Our president Abdul Kalam had told on national television years back that India must
develop Thorium based nuclear reactors. Thorium contains 150 times more energy
than Uranium and is the MOST efficient combustible .
The Plutonium which is bred in FBRs and Thorium reactors could be used for defense
purposes which will bestow India with strategic advantage over the comity of

Our Nuclear Scientists have been Assasinated

On 24th Jan 1966, the father on India's Nuclear Power Programme Dr.Homi Jehangir
Bhabha ( A Parsi Scientist ) died in a mysterious plane crash when He was on his
way to Vienna to attend an IAEA Scientific Advisory Committee meet. Air India Plane
( AI 101 ) by the name of Kanchenjunga was missled out near the summit of Mont
Blanc in the Alps. He was assassinated to prevent India from developing Atomic
He died just 13 days after Indian Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri died of a
mysterious heart attack while at Tashkent, after a pact with Pakistan to end the 1965
Indo-Pak war. Former Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri was believed to be
assassinated by Russian KGB. On 31st Dec 1971,Vikram Sarabhai, the father of India's
Space Programme died of a mysterious heart attack at Halycon Castle Hotel
When Two Nuclear Submarine Scientists Josh and Shivam were found dead on
railway tracks , the then both Union Defence Minister A.K Antony and the Congress
President Sonia Gandhi did not care.

In the runner-up to Indo-US Nuclear Deal


Indias Thorium Based Nuclear Technology Programme
( Fast Breeder Technology FBT )

After Sonia Gandhi led UPA Government came to Power

India was World's No 1 in Thorium based Fast Breeder ( FBT) Nuclear Technology --
untill PM Dr Manmohan Singh and Union Defence Minister A.K Antony moth balled it
for 10 years , under orders of Congress President Sonia Gandhi.

Once Sonia Gandhi led UPA government came to power , Former Prime Minister Dr
Manmohan Singh followed an unwritten policy of severely downsizing indigenous
Thorium-Based Technology Programme ( Fast Breeder Reactor - FBT), thereby
making India dependent on foreign countries for advanced nuclear technology, key
scientists claim on the condition of anonymity. Indian Nuclear Scientists at
Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) claim that by 2013 , India would have mastered
the technology to build Thorium based 1 Gigawatt Nuclear Reactors , which is now
being supplied by China to Pakistan.

The primary aim of Dr Manmohan Singh Government was to kill Indian Nuclear
Industry that was World No1 in building Thorium based Nuclear Reactors , of course
this was done on orders of Congress President Sonia Gandhi.
BJP / RSS Leaders would have been quite aware of Congress President Sonia Gandhi
intentions, as her government denied any further funding to DAE.

Ulterior Aim behind

Indian media led by Rothschild controlled - THE TIMES OF INDIA, had numerous
articles , how UPA government is securing Indias future Energy Security by signing

UPA government ( led Congress President Sonia Gandhi ) in order to fool the
Indian people co-opted the mainstream media to ensure a BIG HYPE to be
surrounded this deal. The mainstream media led by - THE TIMES OF INDIA told
Indian people , as how this deal is going to push India into the BIG LEAGUE of
countries , by putting it on course to being the next super power. This BIG HYPE was
deliberately manufactured by Rothschild controlled Indian Media.

How this was going to be a game changer for Indias future how India wont be
pariah to Worlds Nuclear Energy industry. Nothing could be farther than the truth.

INDO US NUCLEAR DEAL was nothing short of TREASON.

The real aim of INDO US NUCLEAR DEAL , which would make India one of the Top
Three Global Markets for Nuclear Power Companies based in the US and Europe
rather than a competitor, for lucrative US $ 100 Billion Nuclear Power technology

In other words , what Indian people have to understand is that INDO-US NUCLEAR
DEAL was meant to create a huge market for Big 3 conventional Uranium based
Nuclear Reactor manufacturers - Westinghouse, Areva, and GEH.

Worlds Nuclear Industry ( based in US & Europe ) is believed to be owned by

International JEWISH Banking Cartel that is FORCING countries like India to adopt
Uranium Based Nuclear Power Plants.

JEWISH Banking Cartel ( led by House of Rothschild ) is also giving loans to poor
countries that to build Uranium based Nuclear Power Plants. This was ulterior aim
behind India signing Paris Agreement on Climate Change, which happened under
Narendra Modi Government.
India will receive Trillions US Dollars as loans from JEWISH Banking Cartel ( led
by House of Rothschild ) after it signs Paris Agreement on Climate Change. This
would actually push India into Debt Slavery.

Indian media is a part of World Wide Jewish Media Network, controlled by from
JEWISH Banking Cartel ( led by House of Rothschild ). The World Media has been
promoting Uranium based Nuclear Power Plants as cleaner alternatives to Coal
fired Power plants. Nothing could be farther than the TRUTH.

Uranium based Nuclear Power Plants are liabilities than Assets.

According to Indian Nuclear Scientists at DAE ,

"The attention given to the Fast Breeder Reactor and Thorium program were
reduced still further by 2008, when discussions began with international companies
about supply of conventional Uranuium based Nuclear Reactors to India .

If this had not been done, scientists say

.that by 2013 at the latest, India may have been able to develop the technology for
1 Gigawatt reactors, thereby creating an export market with a potential for sales of
$40 billion initially. This advantage was handed over to China"
Incidentally, scientists warn that China is now on the cusp of mastering the
technology of 2 Gigawatt Reactors, while India is now forced to rely on overseas
suppliers for 1 Gigawatt (Or 1,000 Megawatt) Nuclear Power Plants.


Indo US Nuclear Deal enables India to buy enriched Uranium Fuel from the
National Supplier Group ( NSG), and later send used-up Uranium fuel back to the
CARTEL ( NSG ) for recycling and further enrichment.

Since India has no expertise in building Uranium based Nuclear Reactors India
would be purchasing Uranium based Nuclear Reactors from Big 3 conventional
Nuclear Reactor manufacturers ( CARTEL ) - Westinghouse, Areva, and GEH.
India would also be purchasing Heavy Water Reactors from the CARTEL.
In other words , our country India would become a ready made market for Big 3
conventional Nuclear Reactor manufacturers ( CARTEL ).
One Big Clause in the Treaty also imposes a permanent ban on any future testing of
the Nuclear Device ( Atomic Bombs ), incase India tests a Nuclear Device ( which
means a Nuclear Bomb ), NSG retains the power to take back the fuel and abruptly
halt all our 17 running nuclear reactors at one go.

Such accords can only be signed by Anti National TRAITORS.

Both BJP & Congress Party work like ONE TEAM with blessings of Senior RSS

Narendra Modi Government at the moment is busy resettling African across India.
Visit - INA Market ( New Delhi) and Read Rs 55,000 Crore Air India Scam
Former President APJ Abdul Kalam emphasized the Thorium fuels route for
Nuclear Power Plants instead of seeking enriched Uranium from Nuclear
Supplier Group countries, which retain the power to take back the fuel and
abruptly halt all our 17 running reactors at one GO.

According to Indian Nuclear Scientists, who are confused over lack of action on
Thorium based FBT Reactors and the strenuous efforts to sign the Nuclear Accord
with the US to purchase Uranium based Nuclear Reactors, even though we have
practically NO uranium of our own between just 0.57% and 0.8% of the worlds
reserves, is perplexing.
We also cannot make a Uranium-Based Reactor domestically..!
Indian Nuclear Scientists at DAE claimed that under UPA Government, India has
been changed into dumping Ground for OBSOLETE Nuclear technology from US &

The Big 3 conventional Nuclear Reactor manufacturers ( CARTEL ) are tripping

over each other to offer us OBSELETE Uranium powered nuclear reactors. This is
like trying to palm off a useless 20 year old MS DOS laptop to you , so that you will
NOT buy the latest processor model .

With the Thorium based Fast Breeder Reactors in place, India need not go to
countries like USA and France with begging bowl for fuel to run its existing 17
reactors, which are all dependent on imported Uranium. The country has no
worthwhile resources of Uranium.

It was the severe shortage of Uranium , which made India sign the infamous Indo-US
Civil Nuclear Deal with which Dr Manmohan Singh led UPA Government forfeited
Indias right to test any nuclear device in the future.
The moment India undertakes a peaceful Nuclear Explosion like the one which was
ordered by the Atal Bihari Vajpayee led NDA Government in May 1998 at Pokhran
desert in Rajasthan, the US and other members of the Nuclear Suppliers Group will
pull the rug from Indias feet and all nuclear reactors in the country will come to a
grinding halt.

( The actual credit for Nuclear Tests conducted by Atal Bihari Vajpayee led NDA
Government May 1998 at Pokhran desert in Rajasthan must go to former Prime
Minister P.V Narasimha Rao, who allowed Atal Bihari Vajpayee to test the Nuclear
Device in gratitude to BJPs cooperation with his ECONOMIC REFORMS.

It was former Prime Minister P.V Narasimha Rao, who ordered DRDO and DAE to
build Atomic Bomb, after he learnt that Pakistan already had Atomic Bombs. )

Indians must ask how Pakistan acquired Nuclear Weapons, before India.

This is how ..Desh Drohis.. helped PAKISTAN

Former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi foils
Israeli attack on Pakistan's Kahuta Research facility

Using satellite pictures and intelligence information, Israel reportedly

built a full-scale mock-up of Pakistan's Kahuta Research facility in
the Negev Desert where pilots of F-16 and F-15 Squadrons practised
Mock Attacks. According to The Asian Age, journalists Adrian Levy
and Catherine Scott-Clark stated in their book Deception: Pakistan,
the US and the Global Weapons Conspiracy, that Israeli Air Force
was to launch an air attack on Kahuta in Late-1980s from Jamnagar
Airfield in Gujarat , India . There was also a Plan B , Israeli warplanes
planned to shoot down a Pakistani Commercial Airlines flight over
Indian Ocean that flew into Islamabad early morning, fly in a tight
formation to appear as One Large Aircraft on radar screens preventing
detection, use the downed Commercial Airliners call sign to enter
Islamabads air space, knock out Pakistan's Kahuta Research facility
and fly out to Jammu , INDIA to Refuel and Exit.

In 1981, after Israel's attack on Iraq's Osiraq Nuclear Reactors in the

1980s , a similar plan to attack Pakistan's Kahuta Research facility by
using Indian Airfields was foiled, when the Pakistan Air Force got
alerted beforehand by a Secret Communiqu , and immediately took
preventative measures READ HOW?

Soon after Rajiv Gandhi became the Prime Minister of India somewhere
in 1984 , may be in less than a year , he was approached SECRETLY by
the Israeli Government with a reason , the reason was that they wanted
to BOMB some Nuclear Reactors ( Kahuta Research facility ) in
Pakistan with their LATEST F-16 Fighter Jets.

Israel wanted India to grant Israeli Warplanes ( F-16 Fighter Jets.)

Landing and Refueling rights were they to undertake an Osirak-Type
Raid against the Kahuta Nuclear Reactors in Pakistan.

They wanted the Indian government to give them the bases within Indian
Territory to carry out the Bombing Operation. The then Prime Minister
Rajiv Gandhi did NOT give them a Straight Answer after the meeting ,
for that matter he seemed reluctant.

The very Next Morning , as a Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, he called

a Press Conference, which included Major International Media Outlets.
At the Press Conference , he announced to the waiting Journalists and
Reporters , about Israel intention to BOMB Pakistans Nuclear
Reactors and wanted India to give BASES for to Refuel and Exit.
Obviously , Israel was denounced across the world , especially the
Muslim World.

Pakistan is the ONLY country in the Muslim world to have Nuclear

Weapons. Israel had tried hard to prevent Pakistan from getting the
Atomic Bomb. Later stories have appeared that Israel Funded LTTE to
Assassinate Former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi as REVENGE.

This is how ..Desh Drohis.. helped PAKISTAN
To all Indians , our political leaders based in both BJP and Congress party , know that
India has Worlds Biggest Thorium Reserves , India is World No 1 in Thorium
Based ( FBT ) Nuclear Power Plants, yet they are going for Uranium based
Nuclear Power Plants, which is both very expensive and risky.

To all Indians , Uranium based nuclear power plants are environmental hazards
Indian government under both Congress President Sonia Gandhi ( and BJP led
by Narendra Modi ) have commissioned more than 20 Uranium based Nuclear
power plants across India , on basis of Trillion Dollar LOANS received from
International JEWISH Banking Cartel.
National Debt Clock
Search -

Many countries like Japan ( and Germany ) are getting rid of Uranium based
Nuclear Power Plants especially in the wake of Fukushima Disaster and moving
towards THORIUM based Nuclear Power.

How BJP Leaders ( with blessings of RSS Leaders ) helped


Left parties led by CPM , one fo main allies of the UPA Government was deeply
opposed to Indo US Nuclear Deal. They had served an ultimatum to UPA
Government ( led by Congress President Sonia Gandhi ), as it went ahead with
Game Changer called INDO US NUCLEAR DEAL.

Left Parties pulled out support for Congress Party led UPA Government.

Publicly , Senior BJP Leaders openly OPPOSED to Indo US Nuclear Deal.

That was when Senior BJP Leader - Arun Jaitley, who was also leader of the
Opposition in the Rajya Sabha infamously told US Ambassador that
..Hindutva Politics is only an Opportunistic issue for BJP and it was a talking
point for BJP at the time of Elections .. at private Luncheon.

Later Arun Jaitley was both Union Finance Minister and Union Defence Minister in
Narendra Modi Government. He was appointed at the behest of Senior Leaders of

Senior BJP leaders opposed Indo US Nuclear Deal as a publicity stunt.

Behind the scenes , Senior BJP leaders led the then BJP President L.K Advani had
cut a SECRET DEAL with Congress President Sonia Gandhi
L K Advani's former aide Sudheendra Kulkarni , his personal driver Sohail
Hindustani and Two BJP MPs Faggan Singh Kulaste and Mahabir Singh Bhagora
colluded with Samajwadi Party Leader Amar Singh ( Through his aide to Sanjeev
Saxena) and bribed several BJP MPs , who later cross voted to help Congress party
led UPA Government win the Crucial Vote Of Confidence to save the UPA
Government, on the Indo-U.S. Nuclear Deal.
This move had blessings of SENIOR RSS Leaders
Search - Cash For Votes Scam

Each BJP MPs had received some Rs 150 Crores from Congress Party as a Bribe to
Cross -Vote to save UPA Government.

The then BJP President L.K Advani , through his Political aide Sudheendra
Kulkarni played a crucial role , which helped Congress Party led UPA Government
win Crucial Vote Of Confidence in the floor of the parliament.
Ofcourse, Senior BJP Leaders led by the then BJP President L.K Advani tried
blaming individual MPs for taking Bribes from Congress Party.

Delhi Police had arrested L.K Advani Personal Driver Sohail Hindustani, his
political Aide Sudheendra Kulkarni, and Wheeler Dealer Politician called Amar
Singh on Cash For Votes Scam.

Indias ..Desh Drohi.. newspaper - THE TIMES OF INDIA retracted its earlier reports
that Sohail Hindustani was BJP President L.K Advanis Driver and insisted thet he
was a Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha Activist ( not L.K Advanis Driver )..

THE TIMES OF INDIA also called Sudheendra Kulkarni as Political aide of former
Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee.

NAQLI Hindutva Leaders - Senior BJP and RSS Leaders would have been well aware
of , How Congress President Sonia Gandhi was selling out Indian interest to
International Nuclear Energy CARTEL.
This was all pre-planned.

Not surprising why RSS appointed BJP President Rajnath Singh, so easily gives
tickets to used-up and Corrupt Congress Leaders to fight 2014 - General
Elections, instead of genuine and committed Hindutva Leaders within their own
India Today exposes TWO TIMING / DOUBLE CROSSING ..Naqli.. Hindutva
Leaders of BJP and RSS.

India Today
WikiLeaks: BJP's double-standard on N-deal exposed
ITGD Bureau New Delhi, March 19, 2011 | UPDATED 20:31 IST

BJP was on Saturday engulfed by WikiLeaks expose with US diplomatic

cables stating that the party leadership had told them that its criticism of
the US in public was to score "easy political points" against UPA and
when in power, it would not harm the Indo-US nuclear deal.
Seshadri Chari, BJP National Executive member and RSS pointsman in
the party figured in the diplomatic cables as having told an US embassy
official in Delhi in December 2005 "not to read too much into the
foreign policy resolution especially the parts relating to the US", which
had attacked the UPA's "subservience" to Washington. "Chari dismissed
the statement (resolution) as standard practice aimed at scoring easy
political points against the UPA.
Advani acknowledged that the BJP's public position in July 2008 was
that the deal constrained the country's strategic autonomy and that the
party would reexamine if it returned to power but connected that stance
to "domestic political developments" then at play in India. The BJP
leader, the diplomat wrote, was clear that there would be "no imminent
BJP move to reopen the (nuclear) deal. In his view, the government is
continuity, particularly in matters of foreign policy and international
agreements cannot be taken lightly." Asked about the diplomatic cables
quoting him, Chari declined to comment saying he has not seen the
report. He said he did not remember if he had talked to Deputy Chief of
Mission Robert Blake in December 2005."I don't remember the name. I
don't remember the names. I don't remember whom I met in 2005,"
Chari said, adding the party will officially comment if required.

Rs 60,00,000 Crore Thorium Scam.

This article explains illegal EXPORT of RARE EARTH ( also containing Thorium ) to
China This has been happening for a long time may be since 1998.
This started happening ILLEGALLY under NDA Government of Atal Behari Vajpayee ,
which came to power in 1998 . But picked up pace once Sonia Gandhi led UPA
government LEGALIZED export of RARE EARTH ( containing Thorium ) in 2006 an

Not many Indians know that one of first actions of Department of Atomic Energy
( DAE ) after independence , was BAN the Export of RARE EARTHS ( that contain
Thorium Ores ) to France that was happening covertly in the name of exporting sand
from these sea beaches. This was stated by Dr A. Gopalakrishnan, former Atomic
Energy Research Bureau (AERB) chief.

Let start the Story.

Not many Indians know that China has 0% Reserves of RARE EARTHS ( which also
contain THORIUM )
Nevertheless they have an ample supply of THORIUM , which occurs in MONAZITE , a
mineral that also contains Rare Earths - Thorium, Cerium , Cesium , Platinum ,
Titanium and Lanthanum . China dominates the Worlds Rare Earth LUCRATIVE
market and is believed to be sitting on substantial stockpiles of Thorium Ores.
industrial production of most China high tech products. Unlike India , that hasnt used
its own Thorium Ores , China has developed an Industrial Complex for processing
Rare Earths to extract Thorium, Cerium , Cesium , Lithium , Platinum and

This Rare Earths - MONAZITE, ZIRCON, LEUCOXENE and SILLIMANITE , which also
contain THORIUM , is EXPORTED illegally from India , since 1998 , when BJP came to
Power under Atal Behari Vajpayee but finally legalized under UPA led by Congress
President Sonia Gandhi.

China had a long delayed dream of Clean Nuclear Energy

But China has 0% Thorium Ores , but how are they going to do it?

They are going to do it , in collaboration with USA .

ORNL an US Company had developed a Thorium MSR in the 1960s..
Proponents of thorium MSRs, also known as liquid thorium reactors or sometimes as
liquid fluoride thorium reactors (LFTRs), say the devices beat conventional solid fuel
uranium reactors in all aspects including safety, efficiency, waste and peaceful
Chinese are now developing THORIUM MOLTEN SALT REACTOR (MSR)
TECHNOLOGY, in collaboration with USA. China Takes Lead in Race for Clean Nuclear

Having virtually killed the indigenous nuclear power industry, the Dr Manmohan
Singh government through a Department of Atomic Energy notification S O 61(E)
dated 18 January 2006 and Gazetted on 20 January 2006, removed rare RARE
EARTHS ( which contain minerals such as monazite, ilmenite, rutile, zircon and
leuxoxene ) from the list of Proscribed Substances, Prescribed Equipment and
Technology and allowed a cartel of sand mafias to export them to China and other

Indian Nuclear Scientists say that , Since the UPA government assumed office in
2004 with Manmohan Singh as Prime Minister, 2.1 million tones of RARE EARTHS
( that contain monazite , Ilmenite, cerium, Garnet, Zircon and Rutile ), equivalent to
195,300 tonnes of thorium at 9.3 per cent recovery, has disappeared from the sea
shores of India. This RARE EARTHS ( monazite, quite rich in thorium ), is reported to
have been mostly exported to other countries by a powerful mining cartel.

There is a little known company called V.V Mineral ,which is part of a cartel, headed
by a Tirunelveli-based businessman S Vaikundarajan - Owner of V.V Minerals. The
man is known to have strong connections to Senior Congress Leaders.
S.Vaikundarajan - Owner of V.V Minerals is known for his close proximity to powerful
political lobby, both in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. He is a major stakeholder in Mavis
Satcom, the company that runs Jaya TV, the AIADMK mouthpiece.
What is not known to the outside world is that a Tirunelveli businessman - S
Vaikundarajan - Owner of V.V Minerals literally controls the mining industry in
southern Tamil Nadu. He owns 96 out of the 111 garnet mining licences issued by the
Indian Bureau of Mines. The Union Government has issued 44 licences for mining
ilmenite and he owns all the licenses. Because the Rare-Earth minerals are
EXPENSIVE, and this guy has a ridiculous number of mining licences in the
region.There are allegations that the engineers in IRE and DAE are helping him - S
Vaikundarajan - Owner of V.V Minerals export RARE EARTHS. The Tirunelveli Mining
baron has a global network to export the thorium-rich monazite. Containers filled
with sand from Manavalakurichi are exported through Tuticorin Port and is an open
and regular sight. The Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) is allowing this loot in
front of its eyes. .

V.V Minerals been exported 2,0,5354 tonnes ilmenite from Tamil Nadu , since 2000.
In the year 1999 VV Minerals smuggled from Kerala 12000 tonnes of mineral sand. In
the year 2006 the smuggling crossed 1580000 tonnes. As per reports of AMD annual
production capacity of VV Minerals has the capacity produce just 7139 tonnes of
ilmenite. But in 2006 the company exported 7,90,000 tonnes.

The smuggling and illegal mining of beach mineral sand started flourishing in Kerala
costal lines after 2007 when Ilmenite was delisted from the list of Prescribed
Substances, by the then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh during the UPA-I rule. Not
many Indians know that RARE EARTH Mineral - Titanium is processed from Ilmenite.

The chances are that by the time they complete the construction of the reactors, the
thorium-rich monazite sand from India would have shifted its base to China, said a
metallurgical engineer from BARC, who played a crucial role in the Peaceful Nuclear
Explosions (PNEs) at Pokhran in May 1998. He described thorium as the fuel of the
future and said many developed countries are in the process of procuring monazite
from all available sources and storing the same in silos for future use.

The biggest buyer of RARE EARTHS from India is believed to be China - so it is not
surprising that China is sitting on substantial stockpiles of Thorium Ores enough
to last for 24,000 years. It is also not surprising how and why China dominates the
Worlds Rare Earth LUCRATIVE market when they have 0% RARE EARTH ( which
also contain THORIUM Ores like Monazite ).

This illegal EXPORT of RARE EARTHS has been going on illegally since 1998 when
Atal Behari Vajpayee led NDA Government came to power.

BJP led NDA came to power, after Senior Leaders of RSS, VHP & Sangh Parivar
orchestrated Ramjanambhoomi Movement 1992, which led to the demolition of
Babri Masjid.

Ramjanambhoomi Movement 1992,

Rothschild sponsored Senior Leaders of RSS, VHP & Sangh Parivar, convinced the
Hindu Community that if they voted for BJP, they would build a grand Ram Temple in
Ayodhya, which would wipe out the injustices of the past and also lead India towards
Hindu Rashtra.

After demolition of Babri Masjid and numerous RSS sponsored Hindu Muslim riots,
P.V Narasimha Rao led Congress Party lost General Elections, as it lost both Hindu and
Muslim votes and these Rothschild sponsored ( Anti Hindu ) TRAITORS wearing
saffron clothes came to power.

Ramjanambhoomi Movement 1992 was as a total ..SHAM.., as Senior Leaders of

RSS, VHP & Sangh Parivar never had any intention of building any Ram Temple in

Not many Indians know that days after Prime Minister Narendra Modi led BJP
Government came to power BJP President Amit Shah went on a secret visit to
China, since then China has become a Biggest investor in India .
Narendra Modi Government has signed many deals with French government to
purchase Uranium Based Nuclear Reactors , Indian government has also signed
deals to purchase Uranium fuel from Japan and Australia.

With blessings of RSS, Narendra Modi Government quietly passed a Bill ( Nuclear
Safety amendments Bill ) in collusion with Congress party ( under Sonia Gandhi )
that would RESTRICT the liabilities of Nuclear Power Plants and Nuclear Reactor
manufacturers to a specific amount in case of a Nuclear Disaster.

They joined together and quietly passed Bill

( Nuclear Safety amendments Bill ), while doing
..NOORA KUSHTI , over Goods & Sales Tax (GST).
They they quickly and quietly passed a Bill ( Nuclear
Safety amendments Bill ), without making any Big

In case of a Nuclear Disaster, Millions of Indian

people will suffer from CANCER , Radiation Sickness
and their descendents will suffer from Genetic
All the while our top politicians will laugh all the way
to foreign Banks, owned by Rothschild.

FUEL and again send it back to India make Windfall Profits.

If Indians are serious about fighting corruption, they must understand the
following equation:
BJP + Congress Party = One Team
BJP + Congress Party + AAP + JD(U) + NCP + JD(S) + TDP + Marxist
Parties ( CPI / CPM ) = One Team
Even when they fight elections against each other, behind closed doors they all work
like one team. This is a Rothschild conspiracy.
Indians must question who is funding AAP, JD(U) & Marxist Parties
Black Money of all Corrupt Indian politicians is in foreign Banks located in Tax
Havens, owned by Rothschild Banking Cartel. The same money comes back to India
as Billion Dollar Loans from World Bank & IMF, which are controlled by Rothschild
Banking Cartel. Now Narendra Modi Government is SINKING India in foreign Debt
with his SHAM Development Agenda. You wont read about it in mainstream
Indian Media, as it is controlled by Rothschild - Ex-Owner of British East India
All Big Politicians in India have Rothschild connections and those who dont end up
like Former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J.Jayalalitha.

Do you think that former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister

J.Jayalalitha was MURDERED..?
For Narendra Modi Fans, they must read this to know truth about Narendra Modi,
when he was chief minister of Gujarat. This is a story of how BJP & RSS Leaders used
Hindutva Leaders within the rank and file of sangh Parivar like they are tissue paper.
Gujarat Government under Chief Minister Narendra Modi, asked for DEATH PENALTY
for Hindutva Leaders already sentenced to life Imprisonment.

Hindu Muslim riots in Godhra

RSS, VHP & SANGH PARIVAR orchestrated Godhra Riots after BJP lost assembly
elections in six states in Northern India. BJP is cash cow for Senior RSS Leaders and
this was plan B when BJP cannot win elections on its own strength.

Godhra Riots
Only Mamata Banerjee is an independent minded politician, all other politicians work
like One Team. It was only Mamata Banerjees TMC that pulled out support to UPA
Government ( led by Sonia Gandhi ) on FDI in retail, But BJP Leaders publically
opposing FDI in retail, while covertly supported UPA Government.

Mamata Banerjee for Prime Minister

2019 General Elections
L.K Advani & Sushma Swarajs Links with Reddy Brothers
How Karnataka Chief Minister B.S.Yeddyurappa was OVERTHROWN..?
Arrest of Chhota Rajan
Escape of Liquor Baron Vijay Mallya
Escape of Moin Qureshi
Who owns Jet Air Ways..?
Rs 55,000 Crore Air India Scam
Rs 60,00,000 Crore Thorium Scam
Police Brutality and Abuse of Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur
Was Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J.Jayalalitha Murdered..?
RSS man - Ved Prakash Vaidik meeting with LeT Chief - Haafiz Sayeed.
How Atal Bihari Vajpayee led NDA Government fully protected Sonia Gandhi
and her family..?
Sonia Gandhi calls Mahendra Karma, a ..Bastar Tiger.. at Funeral
How Maharaja Dilip Singh Judeo - Original contender for Chhattisgarh Chief
Minister was TOPPLED..?
Hijacking of Indian Airline Flight IC - 814
Narendra Modi Government will destroy River Ganga.
Killing River Ganga with DAMS.
Destroying River Ganga
Hindu Nationalist exposes RSS, VHP & SANGH PARIVAR
INVISIBLE CORRUPTION under Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Indian Air Force Scam Purchase of 36 Rafael Fighter Jets for Rs 56 000 Crore
Indian Navy Scam Rs 19 000 Crore Scorpene Submarine Deal
Hindu Nationalist writes on International Arms Dealers Sanjay Bhandari
Why former RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan was forced to RESIGN..?
Indian Soldiers were RAPED, CASTRATED & SHOT DEAD, in Kargil War
Were Surgical Strikes on Pakistan faked by Narendra Modi Government..?
Expose BJP & RSS Maharaja Dilip Singh Judeo, Salwa Judum & Raman Singh

Mamata Banerjee for Prime Minister

2019 General Elections

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