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Superb Academy

Superb in Education
Test # 7.2 PHYSICS
1. Which of the following expression defines power ?
(A) force distance moved in the direction of force (B) Force Velocity
(C) Force time (D) work done time taken
2. Which equation is NOT required to derived the power is product of Force and Velocity ?
(A) force =mass acceleration (B) Power = work done/ time taken
(C) velocity = displacement / time (D) work done=force displacement in direction of force
3. 1 kg m2/sec3= :
(A) 1 J (B) 1 J.s (C) 1 watt (D) 1 N.s
4. 1 Giga Watt=:
(A) 106 watt (B)109 Watt (C) 103 Watt (D) 1012 Watt
5. In British Engineering System the unit of power is :
(A) kg.m2/sec3 (B) (C) foot.pound/sec (D) foot2.pound/sec
6. The average power and instantaneous power become equal if work is done at :
(A) any rate (B) at variable rate
(C) at uniform rate (D) at high rate
7. 1 horse power =:
(A) 373 Watt (B) 180 Watt (C) 746 Watt (D) 476 Watt
8. The dimension of Power are :
A) MLT -3 (B) ML2 T-2 (C) ML3 T-2 (D) ML2T-3
9. A 100 N constant force is acted on a box , after 10 sec it speed becomes 20 m/s what is the
power of force?
(A) 2000 W (B) 1000 W (C) 4000 W (D)3 000 W
10. In British Engineering System the unit of power is :
(A) joule/sec (B) watt (C) horse power (D) joule .sec
11. A 500 kg car has an engine of 15 kW , is starting form rest and moving along a rough
surface whose co-efficient of friction is 0.3 find how much time it will take to cover a
distance of 100 m if engine uses it full power ?
(A) 5sec (B) 20 sec (C) 15 sec (D) 10 sec
12. The time taken by 10 kW engine to lift 100 liter of water at height of 40 m is :
(A) 40sec (B) 20 sec (C) 4 sec (D) 8 sec
13. 1 kg m2 s-2=_________:
(A) 1 N.s (B) 1 N.m2 (C) 1 J.s (D) 1 J
14. What is the average power output of a 50kg boy who climbs a 2m step ladder in 10 seconds? :
(A) 10 W (B) 50 W (C) 250 W (D) 100 W
15. What is velocity of a car if its engine is rated at 100 kW and provides a constant force of
5000N :
Superb Academy
Superb in Education
Test # 7.2 PHYSICS
A) 0.05 m/s (B) 0.02 m/s (C) 20 m/s (D) 50 m/s
16. An engine with constant power output drives an automobile. When the automobile
approaches a hill the driver shifts from high gear to low gear. The driver does this :
(A) To increase the power (B) to increase force pushing the car forward
(C) To decrease the power (D) To decrease the force pushing the car forward
17. A driving force of 200N is needed for a car of mass 800 kg to travel road at a speed of 20
m/s. what power is required to maintain the car at this speed up a gradient in which the car
rises 1m for each 8m of travel the road :
(A) 6000 (B) 7200W (C) 20000 W (D) 24000 W
18. An spacecraft moving through air at velocity v experiences a resistance force F given by the
expression F=kv2 where k is a constant. What is the power required to keep the aircraft
moving at the constant speed? :
(A) kv (B) kv3 (C) kv2 (D)kv4
19. To travel at a constant speed, a car engine provides 24kW of useful power the driving force
on the car is 600N, at what speed does it travel? :
(A) 2.5 m/s (B) 4m/s (C) 25m/s (D) 40 m/s
20. A small electric motor is used to raise a weight of 2N through a vertical height of 80cm in
4seconds. The efficiency of the motor is 20%. What is electrical power supplied to the motor
(A) 0.08 W (B) 0.8 W (C) 2 W (D) 200 W
21. A car of mass m has an engine which can deliver power P. what is minimum time in which
the car can be accelerated from rest to speed v ? :
(A) mv/p (B) p/mv (C) mv2/2P (D) 2p/mv2
22.A body initially at rest undergoes one dimensional motion with constant acceleration. The
power delivered to it at time t is proportional to:
(A) t 1/2 (B) t (C) t 3/2 (D) t2
23.Body A does a given amount of work in 30 sec and body B does the same amount of work in
15 sec. The ratio of the output power of Body A to B is:
(A) 1:1 (B) 1:2 (C) 2:1 (D) 5:3
24.A force of F= 2i -3j+ k acts on a body for 5 second, produces a displacement of d= 3i -4j+ 2k .
What was the power used?
(A) 4W (B) 20 W (C) 21 W (D) 4.2 W


Superb Academy
Superb in Education
Test # 7.2 PHYSICS

1 (B) 7 (C) 13 (D) 19 (D)

2 (A) 8 (D) 14 (D) 20 (C)
3 (C) 9 (B) 15 (C) 21 (D)
4 (B) 10 (C) 16 (B) 22 (B)
5 (C) 11 (D) 17 (D) 23 (B)
6 (C) 12 (C) 18 (B) 24 (A)


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