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Difficulty of Ineffective Post Surgical Short term: - Elevated head -Elevation of the
After the shift,
Breathing (rapid and breathing State (Vaginal After 30 minutes of bed facilitates
shallow) pattern related Hysterectomy with of The bed for respiratory The client
to post surgical Anterior and nursing about 30 function by use
Subjective: state as Posterior Repair) intervention, degrees and ask Of gravity. It also
“Nahihirapan ako sa manifested by the client will the client to decreases lessened
paghinga.” as nasal flaring, Induction of experience assume dorsal pressure on the
difficulty of
verbalized by the pale skin, slight anesthesia lessened recumbent abdomen when
Client. cyanotic (Epidural) difficulty of position. assuming the breathing as
nailbeds, rapid breathing as position.
manifested by
Objective: shallow Depression of manifested by
- Nasal Flaring breathing, RR medulla oblongata decreased in - Encouraged - Promote chest decreased in RR
of 32 cpm RR from 27 cpm deep breathing expansion
from 27 cpm to
- Slight cyanotic Decreased rate of to 20cpm with exercises
nailbeds respiration the absence of - Kept -Precipitators of 20cpm with the
nasal flaring, environmental allergic type of
absence of
- Rapid shallow and presence of pollution to a respiratory
breathing Decreased calm breathing. minimum reactions that nasal flaring,
oxygenation to the can trigger or
and presence of
-RR: 32 tissues of the Long term: exacerbate
body After the shift, onset of acute calm breathing.
the patient will Episode.
be able to
Body maintain proper - Monitored - Assesses the Goal met.
compensates to breathing. respiratory condition of the
the decreased patterns, client
oxygen including rate,
And effort.
Body increases
pulse rate and Dependent:
respiratory rate
-Gave - helps in giving
supplemental adequate
Difficulty of oxygen as oxygen to the
breathing (rapid ordered (2LPM client
and shallow) via nasal

Collaborative: - assess the

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