Linear Inequalities in 1 & 2 Variables

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1. What is the range of x in the inequality (x-1)(x-2)0 ?

a) (1,0][2,)
b) (-,)
c) (-,1][2,)
d) (-,1][2,)
Answer: d
( 1) > 0 > 1
Solution: 1st condition x2 {
( 2) > 0 > 2
( 1) < 0 < 1
2nd condition x1{
( 2) < 0 < 2
so the range of x is x (-,1][2,).

2. What is the range of x in the inequality ( 1)2 ( + 2)3 ( 3)1 0 ?

a) [-2,3]
b) [-2,1)
c) [-1,2][3,]
d) (-,-2][1,3]

Answer: a

Solution: ( 1)2 ( + 2)3 ( 3)1 0 can be rewritten as

( 1)2 ( + 2)2 ( + 2)( 3) 0 the solution is decided by (x+2)(x-3)

factors only because ( 1)2 ( + 2)2 factors is always positive xR
( + 2) 0 2
thus (x+2)(x-3)0 condition x[-2,3] { .
( 3) 0 3

3. The greatest integer satisfying the equation ( + 1)101 ( 3)2 ( 5)11 ( 4)200

( 2)555<0 is given by ______.

a) 2
b) -1
c) 5
d) 4

Answer: a

Solution: Since (x-3)&(x-4) factors are always positive we consider (x+1)(x-5)(x-2)<0 i.e comparing

each factor with 0 by removing factors having even powers such that by comparision

we get x (-,-1)(2,3)(3,4)(4,5) thus x=-2 which is the greatest integer satisfy the

given inequality.
2 (+1)
4. What is the range of value of x in the inequality (3)3
< 0?
a) (-,-1)(0,3)
b) (-1,0)(0,3)
c) (-1,3)
d) (-,-1)(0,3)
Answer: b

Solution: We can clearly see that x3,-1,0 and considering only odd powers of factors we get
<0x+1>0 &x-3<0 thus common between these two inequalities when plotted on

number line is (-1,3) since 0 is not included range is (-1,0)(0,3).

3 2 7+8
5. The range of value of x for the double inequality 1< 2 +1
2 is given by _____
a) [2,4]R
b) R
c) [1,6] R
d) [-1,5] R
Answer: c

Solution: Here 3 2 7 + 8> 2 + 1 thus if D= 2 4<0 & if a>0 then f(x)>0

xR, 3 2 7 + 8> 2 + 1 2 2 7 + 7 > 0; D=49-56=-7,thus D<0 &a=3>0

2 2 7 + 7 > 0 xR(1) similarly 3 2 7 + 8 2 2 + 2 2 7 + 60

(x-1)(x-6)0 x[1,6] (2)from (1)& (2) x[1,6] R.

6. The range of values of x which satisfies the equation ( 2 + 3 + 1)( 2 + 3 3)5 is ____.
a) (-,-4][-2,]
b) (-4,-2][-1,]
c) (-,-4][-3,-1][1,)
d) (-,-4][-2,-1][1,)

Answer: d

Solution: Substituting 2 + 3 = (y+1)(y-3)5 2 2 8 0

(y-4)(y+2)0 substituting back the value of y we get ( 2 + 3 4)( 2 + 3+2)0


7. Which among the following satisfies the inequality log 0.5( + 1)>log 2(2 ) ?
15 1+5
a) (1, )( , 2)
2 2
15 1+5
b) ( 2 , 2 )
15 1+5
c) ( 2 , 2 )(2, )
Answer: a
Solution: log 2 (2 ) + log 2 ( + 1)<0 since .(log 0.5( + 1)= -log 2 ( + 1))

using log m +log n=log mn , we can write log 2 (2 )( + 1) < 0 since log 0=1
15 1+5
(2-x)(x+1)<1 2 1 > 0 the roots of 2 1 = 0 is 2
& 2

15 1+5
thus for 2 1 > 0 x(, 2
)( 2 , )based on parabolic graph of f(x)
15 1+5
also x+1>0 &2-x>0x>-1&x<2 therefore x(1, 2
)( 2 , 2).

8. Rahul obtained 60 & 65 marks in first two unit tests. What is the minimum marks he
should get in third test to have an average of at least 50 marks?
a) x>35
b) x25
c) x25
d) x35
Answer: c
Solution: Average of three test is= 3
where x is the marks is to be obtained in 3rd test
for average to be at least 50 marks 50 on solving x25.

9. Find all pairs of consecutive odd positive integer from the following options where both
of which are smaller than 10 such that their sum is more than 11.
a) (5,7)(7,9)
b) (5,7)
c) (3,7)(5,7)
d) (3,7)(5,7)(7,9)
Answer: a
Solution: Let x be an odd +ve integer then the consecutive odd number is x+2
their sum is greater than 11 i.e (x+2)+x>11x>4.5 thus value of x can be
5,7,9 which are less than 10 therefore the pairs are (5,7)(7,9).
10. A man wants to cut three lengths from a single piece of board of length 66cm .The
second length is to be 2cm longer than the shortest and the third length is to be twice as
long as shortest .What are the possible lengths of the shortest board if the third piece is
to be at least 4cm longer than the second?
a) x>6
b) (6,16]
c) x16
d) (0,16)
Answer: b
Solution: Let the length of the shortest board be x cm . then the length of the second
board=x+2,length of third board is 2x ,now x+x+2+2x66x16
for 3rd piece is at least 4cm longer than second 2x>4+(x+2)x>6 so the possible
value of x is 6<x16.
11. A company manufactures Hard disks .Its costs and revenue functions are
C(x)=2600+30x and R(x)=56x, respectively ,where x is the number of hard disks
produced and sold in a week. How many hard disks to be sold by the company to earn
a) x>26
b) x>1000
c) x>100
d) x>260
Answer: c
Solution: Profit=R(x)-C(x), to earn profit R(x)-C(x)>056x -2600-30x>0
12. The longest side of a triangle is 3 times the shortest side and the third side is 2cm
shorter than the longest side .If the perimeter of the triangle is at least 61cm,the
minimum length of the shortest side is ____
a) x>9
b) x>2
c) x>6
d) x>3
Answer: a
Solution: Let the shortest side of a triangle be x, longest side is 3x , 3rd side is 3x-2
Perimeter of triangle is x+3x+3x-2>617x>63 x>9.
13. The value of x satisfying inequality 2cos + 2sin 2 2 is _____
a) R
c) (0,)

d) ( , )
2 2

Answer: a
Solution: Using the rule Arithmetic mean Geometric mean 2cos +
2sin 22sin +cos 222..where minimum value of( a sin x+bcos x) is
2 1

2 + 2 i.e 2, 2cos + 2sin 2.2 2 rationalising we get 2 2 .2
thus 2cos + 2sin 2 2 xR.
14. For what values of x the inequality given by |x+3|>|2x-1|is true ?
a) (0.5,4)
b) ( 3 , 4)
c) ( , 0.5)
d) (0,4)

Answer: b

Solution: For x+3=0 i.e x=-3 doesnt satisfy & for 2x-1=0 i.e x=0.5 satisfies the equation
when x<-3 , -(x+3)>-(2x-1)x>4 which is not possible because not satisfies x<-3
2 2
when -3<x<0.5,x+3>-(2x-1)3x>-2x> but x<0.5 thus <x<0.5
3 3

when x>0.5, x+3>2x-1x<4 thus 0.5<x<4

the solution set is the intersection of all three cases can be found on number line
2 2
i.e 3 <x<4x ( 3 , 4).

15. The solution set of the equation 8 2 6 sec + 1 < 0 is _____

a) R
b) (0,]
c) (-, ]
Answer: d

Solution: 8 2 -4 sec x-2sec x+1<0(4 sec x-1)(2 sec x-1)<0

1 1 1 1
sec x>4 &sec x<2 thus sec x(4 , 2) which is impossible ..(because the range of sec x

1 1
never lies between (4 , 2),thus the solution is null i.e .

16. If tan x+ cot x2,then its solution set is R-A where A=

a) {x: n Z x= 2 }
b) R
c) {x: n Z x= 2
d) {x: n Z x=n}

Answer: a

Solution: Using the rule Arithmetic mean Geometric mean tan x+ cot x2tan cot

thus we get tan x+ cot x2 xR but w.k.t for x= tan x is not defined and for x=0

cot x is not defined therefore xR-A where A is n Z x= 2 .

17. Find the real values of x which satisfy 2 3 + 2 > 0 & 2 3 4 0.

a) [-1,4)
b) [0,-1)(1,4]
c) [-1,1)(2,4]
d) (2,4]

Answer: c

Solution: 2 3 + 2 > 0(x-1)(x-2)>0 thus x (-,1)(2,)

2 3 4 0(x+1)(x-4)0 thus x[-1,4] the

value of x which satisfies both the equation is (-,1)(2,) [-1,4]x[-1,1)(2,4].

18. Find the value of a for which the inequality 2 + + 2 + 6 < 0 is satisfied x (1,2).
a) R
735 7+35
b) ( , )
2 2
c) ( 2 , 4 + 23)
d) (4 23, 2 )

Answer: c
Solution: Since the equation is quadratic and f(x)<0,x will lie between the roots of the

equation 2 + + 2 + 6=0 thus f(1)<0 and f(2)<0..obtained from parabolic

graph of f(x).Thus the two inequalities are 2 + 7 + 1 < 0 & 2 + 8 + 4 < 0

2 4 735 7+35
solving using the formula = 2
we get a( 2
, 2 ) and

735 7+35
(-4-23, 4 + 23) , the solution is a( 2
, 2 ) (4 23, 4 + 23)

a( 2
, 4 + 23).

19. If 2 + 2 + 2 = 1 then ab+bc+ca lies in the interval (a,b,c R)

a) [1,0]
b) [-0.5.1]
c) [1.5,2]
d) [0,0.5]

Answer: b

Solution: W.K.T ( + + )2 =2 + 2 + 2 +2(ab+bc+ca)=1+2(ab+bc+ca)

(++)2 1
ab+bc+ca= 2

also 2(2 + 2 + 2 )-2ab-2bc-2ca=( )2 + ( )2 + ( )2

but ( )2 + ( )2 + ( )2 >0 thus ab+bc+ca<2 + 2 + 2 <1

from (1) min(ab+bc+ca)=-0.5 since min( + + )2 0& max(ab+bc+ca)=1

thus the interval is [-0.5,1].

20. The set of all real numbers x for which 2 | + 2| + > 0 is ____
a) (-,-2)( 1,)
b) (-,-2)( 2,)
c) (-2, 2)
d) (-1, 2)
Answer: a

Solution: Case 1: when x+2>0 2 2 + > 0

2 2 > 0x<-2 or x>2 x[-2, -2)( 2,)(1)

Case 2: when x+2<0 2 + + 2 + > 0( + 1)2 + 1 > 0 true xR therefore

x<-2 or x(-,-2)(2) from (1)&(2)we get x(-,-2)( 2,).

2 +2(+1)+9+4
21. Find the range of values of a such that f(x)= 2 8+32
is always negative.
a) R
c) (-0.5,0.25)
d) (-,-0.5)
Answer: d

Solution: 2 8 + 32 is always positive as a=1>0 & D=b2 4=64-128=-64<0

2 + 2( + 1) + 9 + 4<0 xR

a<0 & D=b2 4<0 i.e [2( + 1)]2 -4a(9a+4)<0

4(2 + 2 + 1)-362 -16a<0322 +8a-4>082 +2a-1>0

(4a-1)(2a+1)>0 thus a (-,-0.5)(0.25,) but a<0

therefore a (-,-0.5).

22. For the inequality (log |+6| 2).log 2 ( 2 2) 1,x lies between,
a) (-5,-2)(4,)
b) (-,-7)(-5,-2)(4,)
c) (4,)
d) (-,-6)(4,)
Answer: b
log|+6| ( 2 2)
Solution: (log |+6| 2).log 2( 2 2)1(log |+6| 2) log|+6| 2

log |+6| ( 2 2)1 , |x+6|1x-5,-7

when |x+6|>1x (-,-7)(-5,)

2 2>|x+6|

when x(-5,) 2 2>x+6x 2 2 8 > 0x (-,-2)(4,)

x (-5,-2)(4,)
when x (-,-7) 2 2>-x-6x 2 + 4 > 0 x (-,-7)

when x (-7,-5) , 2 2|x+6|x 2 2 80 when x (-5,-6) x (-2,4)

thus no possible value of x , when x (-7,-5) , 2 + 40 which is not possible

therefore x(-,-7)(-5,-2)(4,).
23. Let A denotes the set of values of x for which 4 0 and B denotes the set of values of x
for which x 2 4 0.If B is a subset of A, then find the number of possible integral
values of a.
a) 0
b) 1,2
c) 0,1,2
d) 2,3
Answer: c
Solution: 4 0 x [-2,4)

2 +16 +2 +16
x 2 4 0x[ 2
, 2
]B is a subset of A
+ 2 +16
<4 (2 + 16)<( 8)2 2 + 16<2 + 64 16a<3

2 +16
and 2
-2( + 4)2 2 + 16a0

therefore possible integral values are 0,1,2.

24. The inequality y(-1)-4 ,y(1)0 and y(3)5 are known to hold for y=ax 2 + + then
the least value of a is ____
a) 1/8
b) 1/4
c) 1/2
d) 0
Answer: a
Solution: y(-1)-4a-b+c-4.(1)
from (1)&(3)12a+4c-7..(4)
(2) can also be written as a-b-c0.(5)
from (4)&(1)
8a1a .

25. Let (x,y,z) be points with integer coordinates satisfying the system of homogeneous
equations3x-y-z=0,-3x+2y+z=0,-3x+z=0.Then the number of such points for which
x 2 + 2 + 2 100 is _____
a) 3
b) 4
c) 7
d) 1
Answer: c
Solution: 3x-y-z=0.(1)
-3x+z=0.(3) adding (1)&(2), we get y=0, from (3) 3x=z

Now x 2 + 2 + 2 100x 2 +0+9x 2 100x 2 10

x=-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,so number of such points are 7.
26. Solution region of the inequality -3x+2y-6 is represented by one of the following
a) Left half plane
b) Right half plane
c) Lower half plane
d) Upper half plane
Answer: d
Solution: For (0,0) we get 0-6 which is true thus origin lies in solution region
points of intersection with x & y axis are( 2,0) and (0,-3)respectively

thus the plot is drawn as shown in the fig ,the shaded part represent the solution

region which is the upper half plane.

27. Solution region of the inequality y<-2 is represented by one of the following option.
a) Left half plane
b) Right half plane
c) Lower half plane
d) Upper half plane
Answer: c
Solution: For y<-2 (0,0)i.e 0<-2 is false thus solution region doesnt contain origin

y=-2 is the line parallel to x axis with slope =0 ,thus the solution region is lower
half plane as shown in figure.
28. Find the area enclosed corresponds to common solution region of inequalities given by
3x+2y12 , x1, y2.
a) 6
b) 8
c) 4
d) 2
Answer: a
Solution: Draw the lines 3x+2y=12,x=1,y=2
point of intersection of line 3x+2y=12 is (0,6)&(4,0)
012 is true hence solution part for 3x+2y12 is lower half plane
01 is false hence solution region for x1 is right half plane
02 is false hence solution region for y2 is upper half plane
thus common solution region is as shown in figure

area enclosed is given by 0.5*4*3=6 sq units.

29. Find the area enclosed corresponds to common solution region of inequalities given by
a) 0
b) 4
c) 8
Answer: d
Solution: Draw the lines x+y=6 and x+y=4

point of intersection are (0,4)(4,0) for x+y=4 & (0,6)(6,0) for x+y=6

06 is true hence solution region for x+y6 is lower half plane

04 is false for x+y4 hence solution region is upper half plane

common solution is as shown in figure which has an area of because both the

lines are parallel since their slopes are equal.

30. Find the area enclosed corresponds to common solution region of inequalities given by
3x+4y60,x+3y30,x0,y0 .
a) 72
b) 120
c) 96
d) 48
Answer: b
Solution: Draw the lines 3x+4y=60,x+3y=30
point of intersection is (0,10)(30,0) for the line x+3y=30
point of intersection is (0,15)(20,0) for the line 3x+4y=60
060 is true hence solution region for 3x+4y60 is lower half plane
030 is true hence solution region for x+3y30 is lower half plane
using x0,y0 we get the common solution region as shown in figure
intersection point of meeting of both the lines is (12,6),hence the area is divided
into three parts i.e (12*6)+(0.5*8*6)+(0.5*12*4)=120 sq units.

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