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HKALE 1994 Biology Paper I.......................................................................................

HKALE 1994 Biology Paper II......................................................................................7
HKALE 1996 Biology Paper I.......................................................................................8
HKALE 1994 Biology Paper I.....................................................................................21
HKALE 1994 Biology Paper II....................................................................................22
HKALE 1996 Biology Paper I.....................................................................................24
HKALE 1989 Biology Paper II
4. (a) Define the term respiratory quotient. (2 marks)

(b) What information about the metabolism of an organism can be deduced from the
values of the respiratory quotient ? (4 marks)

(c) Give an account of the various means by which oxygen and carbon dioxide are
transported in the blood of a mammal. Indicate also their relative importance to the
total carrying capacity of blood for oxygen and carbon dioxide. (7 marks)

(d) Give an account of the factors that exist under physiological conditions to favour

(i) the release of oxygen from blood at the level of the tissue, and
(ii) the release of carbon dioxide from blood in the lungs. (7 marks)

Suggested Solution
HKALE 1990 Biology Paper II
1. (a) What is oxygen debt ? Explain its physiological significance. (5 marks)

(b) Explain the effect of an increase in surrounding temperature from 20 to 30 on

the respiration rate of a named terrestrial ectotherm. (4 marks)

(c) Explain why aquatic ectotherms using gills for gaseous exchange may be more
affected than terrestrial ectotherms by the same increase in surrounding
temperature. (2 marks)

(d) Describe how a change in the concentrations of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the
inspired air can affect the rate and depth of breathing in man. (4 marks)

(e) With reference to the graph below, explain the relative positions of the three
oxygen dissociation curves in relation to the size of the respective animals. (5

Suggested Solution
HKALE 1991 Biology Paper I
4. By means of a flow diagram, briefly outline the three main stages of aerobic respiration
with a carbohydrate substrate. Annotate your diagram to show the essential features of
each of the three main stages.
(N.B. Chemical formulae of individual compounds are NOT required .) (7 marks)

Suggested Solution
HKALE 1992 Biology Paper I
10. The ability of cells to synthesize ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate is coupled with
the oxidation of substrates by oxygen.

(a) In an experiment to study the effect of potassium cyanide (KCN) on the respiration
of yeast cells, 4 tubes (with contents as shown in the table below) were prepared
and the corresponding rates of oxygen uptake were measured.

Volume of substances added (ml) Rate of

oxygen uptake
No. Buffered yeast suspension 2M glucose solution 0.1M KCN solution
(arbitrary units)
1 2.00 0 0 6.1
2 2.00 0.01 0 17.8
3 2.00 0.01 0.01 6.7
4 2.00 0.01 0.02 2.2

(i) Calculate the final concentrations (in moles per litre) of the following
substances in tube 3 :

(1) glucose
(2) KCN (3 marks)

(ii) Why was respiration observed in tube 1 even in the absence of added
glucose ? What was the result of adding glucose to tube 2 ? (2 marks)

(iii) What can you conclude about the effect of KCN on the respiration rate of
yeast cells ?
(2 marks)

(b) Mitochondria were isolated from the yeast cells and incubated in an isotonic buffer
containing a respiratory substrate, ADP and inorganic phosphate. The amount of
oxygen uptake and the loss of substrate and inorganic phosphate were measured.

Time(min) Oxygen uptake Loss of substrate Loss of inorganic

(mole) (mole) phosphate (mole)
5 0.33 0.62 2.38
15 0.78 1.58 5.22
30 1.49 2.94 9.39
45 2.15 4.35 13.37
(i) Plot the amount of oxygen uptake, consumption of substrate and phosphate
loss against time. (4 marks)

(ii) Determine, from your graph, the quantitative relationship between

(1) oxygen uptake and the consumption of substrate.

(2) oxygen uptake and the loss of inorganic phosphate. (2 marks)

(iii) How would the relationship in (ii) differ from those when glucose is oxidized in
intact cells under aerobic conditions ? Explain your answer. (4 marks)

(iv) Explain briefly the functional significance of the cristae membranes of

mitochondria. (3 marks)

Suggested Solution
HKALE 1994 Biology Paper I
9. With the aid of an oxygen dissociation curve, explain how the relationship between
oxygen tension and haemoglobin saturation facilitates oxygen uptake at the respiratory
surface and oxygen release in the tissues. (6 marks)

Suggested Solution
HKALE 1994 Biology Paper II
2. (a) Describe the three stages of cellular respiration for carbohydrate metabolism. (10

(b) Compare and contrast the products of the metabolic process in (a) in the presence
and absence of free oxygen. (3 marks)

(c) What is the role of ATP ? Describe the part ATP plays in three other named
metabolic processes and cite an example for each process. (5 marks)

(d) Explain why protein is less efficient for energy production when compared with (i)
lipid ; and (ii) carbohydrate. (2 marks)

Suggested Solution
HKALE 1996 Biology Paper I
4. The following shows the initial set-up of an experiment performed at room temperature.
Readings were taken at specific time intervals.

(a) Suggest the purpose of this experiment. (1 mark)

(b) To achieve the purpose of this experiment, three parameters need to be

considered. Using these three parameters, construct a formula for such a purpose.
(2 marks)

(c) State one precaution for this experiment. (1 mark)

Suggested Solution
HKALE 1997 Biology Paper I

The figure above shows an experimental set-up used to measure the oxygen
consumption rates of animals at room temperature A mouse was placed into the
respiratory chamber A syringe was inserted into the inlet hose to inject 10 mL of air into
the respiratory chamber The clamp was then closed and the time was noted; this was
the starting time of the experiment When the fluid levels in the manometer arms were
the same, the time was again noted; this was the ending time. The experiment was then
repeated using several grasshoppers A set of the experimental data is presented in the
table below:

Mouse Grasshopper
Body weight 20 g 5g

Starting time 2 : 00 p.m. 2 : 30 p.m.

Ending time 2 : 09 p.m. 8 : 00 p.m.

(a) At the starting time of the experiment, what happened to the fluid levels in the two
arms of the manometer ? Account for this observation. (1 marks)

(b) Account for the fluid levels in the manometer arms at the ending time of the
experiment. (3 marks)

(c) Calculate the oxygen consumption rates (mL O 2 h-1g-1) of the mouse and the
(3 marks)
(d) What is the function of the water bath ? State another precaution for this
experiment. (2 marts)

(e) How would the oxygen consumption rates of the mouse and the grasshoppers
change if the temperature in the respiratory chamber dropped from 25 to 5 ?
Explain your answer.
(3 marks)
Total :13 marks

Suggested Solution
HKALE 1997 Biology Paper II
1. (a) Explain the role of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in cellular metabolism. (3 marks)

(b) Describe how ATP is produced in three biochemical processes in mesophyll

cells. In each case, state the site where ATP is formed. (13 marks)

(c) List two animal cell types and one plant cell type where abundant ATP is required.
How is the ATP requirement related to the functions of these cells ? (3 marks)

Suggested Solution
HKALE 1998 Biology Paper II
5. Give a comparative account on how the chloroplast and mitochondrion process energy
and discuss the inter-relationship between these two organelles in cellular metabolism.
(20 marks)

Suggested Solution
HKALE 1989 Biology Paper II
Volume of carbon dioxide produced
4. (a) Respiratory quotient (R.Q.) =
volume of oxygen consumed
during the same period of time,

under a steady state condition


(b) Types of substrate being metabolized :

R.Q. = 1 for carbohydrates;

R.Q. = 0.7 for fats;

R.Q. = 0.50.8 for proteins

Occurrence of anaerobic respiration when R.Q. is exceptionally high (>3), 1)

Conversion of carbohydrate to fat (R.Q. > 1) 1)
any 2
Occurrence of carbon dioxide fixation (R.Q. < 0 5) 1)
(e.g. plant for photosynthesis,
animal for calcareous shell construction)

(c) Oxygen :
(i) In combination with ferrous ions of the heme groups of
haemoglobin to form oxyhaemoglobin (95%),
one molecule of haemoglobin when fully oxygenated carries four
molecules of oxygen
(ii) In physical solution as dissolved gas (5%)
Correct order of relative importance

Carbon dioxide :
(i) As bicarbonate ions (85%)
carbon dioxide diffuses into RBC and combines with water to
formcarbonic acid, catalyzed by carbonic anhydrase present
in RBC.
haemoglobin (deoxygenated) accepts hydrogen ions from
carbonic acid, leaving behind bicarbonate ions.

(ii) In combination with amino groups of proteins haemoglobin in RBC

(major) and plasma proteins (minor), to form carbamino
compounds(e.g. carbaminohaemoglobin (1020%)
(iii) In physical solution as dissolved gas and with a small amount as
carbonic acid (5%)
Correct order of relative importance

(d) (i) The factors that reduce the affinity of haemoglobin for oxygen are:
Increased partial pressure of carbon dioxide (Bohr Effect)
produced from tissue respiration.
decreased pH (Bohr Effect) : carbonic acid formed from
hydration of carbon dioxide and lactic acid produced from
tissue anaerobic respiration.
increased temperature due to active tissue metabolism.
Steep gradient in the partial pressure of oxygen from blood to
(ii) Oxygenation of haemoglobin releases hydrogen ions which shift
the equilibria involving bicarbonate ions; and carbamino
compounds to favour respectively the formation and unloading of
carbon dioxide (Haldane Effect).
Steep gradient in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide from blood
to alveolar air. 1
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HKALE 1990 Biology Paper II
1. (a) Oxygen debt is a state of oxygen depletion after extreme physical
exertion; measured by the amount of oxygen required to restore the
system to its original state. During vigorous exercise, the metabolic rate
and hence the demand of oxygen of the active muscles increases
greatly. The oxygen delivered to the muscle is insufficient to keep pace
with the demand and the muscle cells may undergo anaerobic
respiration and produce ATP by lactic fermentation.
As a result, lactic acid builds up in the muscle and the oxygen deficit
resulting from this temporary employment of anaerobic pathway is to be
paid off when muscle returns to rest and adequate oxygen is available.
At this time, lactic acid is converted back into pyruvic acid. Some of the
lactic acid built up is exported to the liver and converted into glycogen.
Oxygen debt enables the animal to carry out vigorous exercise beyond
the capacity of aerobic respiration AND without having an unnecessary
large reserve of oxygen and blood supply. Such exercise may be of
great survival value to the animal (e.g. run away, catching preys)

(b) An ectotherm may not be able to regulate its body temperature which
increases with an increase in ambient temperature.
With a 10C rise in body temperature, the metabolic rate (rate of
enzymic reactions) and
hence the respiration rate will increase / double according
to the Q10 rule / explanation of increasing temperature on rate of
enzymic reaction.


(c) Aquatic ectotherms will be more affected since an increase in water

temperature will decrease the solubility of dissolved oxygen in water,
making oxygen less available (NOTE : saturated value of dissolved
oxygen decreases from 6.19 to 5.27 ml / l in freshwater and from 5.35 to
4.5 ml/l in 30% sea water when water temperature increases from 20 to
30C) while at the same time, the respiration rate (and hence oxygen
demand) of the animal will double / increase.

(d) The rate and depth of breathing are controlled by a respiratory centre in
the medulls,
which is responsive directly or indirectly (through chemoreceptors : the
aortic and carotid bodies in the walls of major arteries) to changes in
CO2, H+ and O2 concentrations in blood.
An increase in the concentration of CO2 and H+ in the blood stimulates
the respiratory centre which in turn, increases depth of breathing (and
vice versa)
Lack of oxygen stimulates chemoreceptors in carotid and aortic body
and stimulates respiration. Oxygen receptors however, are sensitive
only to large changes in blood PO 2 (<70 mm Hg) and is little affected by
slight changes of oxygen in blood.
Since oxygen in blood PCO 2 and PO2 normally are proportional to one
another, breathing is generally regulated by CO2 in blood.


(e) The smaller the animal, the farther its oxygen dissociation curve-is
shifted to the right.
The haemoglobin of small animals therefore unloads more of its oxygen
at any given pressure than does the haemoglobin of a larger animal.
Heat loss from an endotherm is proportional to its body surface area.
The smaller the animal, the larger is its S.A. / V ratio and hence its rate
of heat loss
In order to compensate for the higher rate of heat loss to maintain a
constant body temperature, the smaller animal needs to have a higher
metabolic rate
The shifting of the curve to the right allows small animals to obtain more
oxygen to sustain their higher metabolic rates at any given oxygen
partial pressure. (NOTE : partial pressure of oxygen in air and the lung
is normally higher than 100 mm Hg, and animals of all size should have
their haemoglobin fully saturated with oxygen at such partial pressure)


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HKALE 1991 Biology Paper I
4. (C4) SUGARS

Phosphorylation of glucose
which eventually splits into
2 trioses (some ATP
loss of molecule of CO2 to
produce a 2C molecule
() 2C compound

4C cpd regenerated and

perpetuate the cycle ()
4C 6C


CO2 reducing power

() ()

(progressive transfer of
O2 TRANSPORT electrons from one
() ATP
(as the final CHAIN (system) () carrier to another, with
electron the energy released to
form ATP.)

H2O ()

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HKALE 1992 Biology Paper I
10. (a) (i) Either one of the following formulae can be used :
(1) M1V1 = M2V2
(M 2 V2 )
M1 =

Amount of
(2) dissolved substances
Final concentration =
Final volume

The final format in both cases are the same.

2M 0.01 ml
Glucose concentration = = 0.01M / 9.9 10-3M
(2 + 0.02) ml

0.1M 0.01 ml
KCN concentration = = 0.0005 M / 4.95 10-4M
(2 + 0.02) ml
N.B. For correct answers (1) each, correct equation but wrong answer (1)

(ii) In tube 1, respiration observed in the absence of added substrate

is due to the presence of endogenous substrate in each yeast cell.

In tube 2, the presence of added substrate led to a three fold

increase in respiration as reflected by the increase in the rate of
oxygen uptake.

(iii) In tube 3, KCN addition resulted in an inhibition of the respiratory

process despite the presence of added substrate.

Double the amount of KCN in tube 4 as compared with that in tube

3 resulted in a further decrease in the respiratory process to levels
lower than in tube 1 i.e. the inhibition is concentration dependent.

(N.B. No marks should be given to a description of the mechanism

(b) (i) title of graph
properly drawn and fully labelled x and y axes
1 A
curves correctly plotted
1 P
curves correctly keyed
Uptake of oxygen & disappearance of substrate & inorganic
phosphate from the medium with time



O xyg e n
s u b st ra t e
Oxygen uptake OR Loss of substrate ( mole)

in o r g a n ic p h o s p h a t e
5 10

4 8

3 6

2 4

1 2

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Tim e ( m in . )

(ii) (1) There is approximately 2 0.5 mole of substrate lost

for 1 mole of oxygen uptake.
OR There is approximately 0.5 0.1 mole of oxygen uptake
for 1 mole of substrate lost
(2) There is 6 0.5 mole of inorganic phosphate lost
for 1 mole of oxygen uptake.
OR There is 0.17 0.02 mole of oxygen uptake
for 1 mole of inorganic phosphate lost.
(iii) In the experiment, only 3 ATPs were generated per molecule of the
given substrate oxidized in the mitochondria
(suggesting that only 2 electrons were generated in the oxidation
of 1 molecule of substrate).

In the intact cell, glucose undergoes glycolysis in the cytoplasm;

the products of glycolysis enter the Krebs cycle in the
Electrons generated in the processes are passed down the.
electron transport chain (in the mitochondria) to the final acceptor
oxygen. As a result, the total number of ATPs generated is much
greater (38) than that in the experiment. / more energy is
generated in intact cells

(iv) infolding of the cristae membrane increases its surface area 1)

thus providing more surface area for the embedding
enzyme systems / ATPase 1)
these infoldings (cristae) also allow greater access to enzymes
any 3
present in the matrix 1)
mention of the positioning / sequencing of the enzyme systems to
facilitate efficient biochemical reactions 1)

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HKALE 1994 Biology Paper I

sigmoid shape curve () with plateau near to 95% ()

axes named
Haemoglobin on r.b.c. has high affinity for oxygen ()
At high oxygen tension (), e.g. at lung surface: % saturation of
haemoglobin with O2 is near to 95%, if this facilitates uptake of O 2 ()
(oxyhaemoglobin at the respiratory surface)
at the tissues, a slight decrease in O 2 tension results in rapid
dissociation of oxyhaemoglobin. (Steep part of the curve). This allows
oxygen to be readily diffused to the tissues.
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HKALE 1994 Biology Paper II
2. (a) Respiration involves three distinct stages : glycolysis, Krebs cycle and
oxidative phosphorylation (electron transport chain).
Glycolysis (), it is an anaerobic process () that occurs in the cytoplasm. ()
The intermediate stages involve the phosphorylation of hexose (), the splitting of
phosphate into 2 triose phosphate () before the conversion into 2 pyruvate ()
with the production of NADH / NADH2. and ATP ().

Before entering the Krebs cycle, pyruvate is both oxidized and
decarboxylated into a two-carbon acetyl () group. A molecule of NADH /
NADH2 is produced and the acetyl group is temporarily attached to
coenzyme A () (CoA). Acetyl-CoA is the starting substrate for the Krebs
cycle. 1
Upon entering the Krebs cycle (), the acetyl group is combined with a
four-carbon compound (oxaloacetate) to form a six-carbon compound
() (citrate). In the course of the cycle, two of the six-carbons are
oxidized to CO2 () and a four-carbon compound oxaloacetate is
regenerated (), Energy is also released to form ATP (). NADH /
NADH2, and FADH / FADH2 are also formed (). (decarboxylation and
dehydrogenation) This occurs in the mitochondrial matrix ().
In the course of the oxidative phosphorylation / electron transport chain
(), hydrogen / electrons are passed down-hill to oxygen (), and the
energy released is used to form ATP from ADP().

(b) Similarities
Both aerobic and anaerobic respiration yield energy / ATP

More ATP is produced in aerobic respiration.

In anaerobic respiration (fermentation)

in glycolysis, pyruvate is not the end product. In many bacteria, fungi
and animal cells (), this anaerobic process may result in the formation
of lactate ().
In yeast and most plant cells (), pyruvate is broken down to ethanol ().
(c) ATP is hydrolyzed to ADP and P i, this process liberates energy for
energy consuming metabolic processes.

Biosynthesis (any 1 example) ()

ATP provides bond energy in synthesis e.g. formation of protein
from a.a., formation of polysaccharide from monosacchoride,
formation of nucleic acids from nucleotide

Muscle contraction (any 1 example) ()

ATP provides energy for actin-myosin interaction

Active transport (any 1 example) ()

energy is required for movement of substances across membranes
against a concentration gradient e.g. food absorption at the small
intestine, reabsorption of NaCl () at the nephron () for
homeostatic control of salt balance, sodium potassium pump in
maintenance of resting potential in neurones
max. (5)
(d) (i) energy yield is less than lipid
(ii) energy generation is less efficient compared to carbohydrate
because it involves more complex metabolic pathway. E.g.
deamination of a.a.

max. (20)
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HKALE 1996 Biology Paper I
4. (a) To find out the rate of anaerobic respiration () (rate of carbon dioxide
released or rate of fermentation) () of the yeast suspension.

(b) ( mark for each parameter)

volume (amount) of gas produced ()

mass (concentration) of yeast used () time taken to collect the volume (amount) of gas ()

correct formula. ()
(c) Any one
Glucose solution is boiled ()and cooled () (just mention cooled,
no mark) +
No air trap inside syringe initially (1)
Ensure that the set-up () is air-tight () (just mention set-up, no
mark) +
The yeast used is viable (1)
(no mark for constant temperature maintenance)
(if more than one precaution are given, mark the first precaution only)
(Q4 = 4 marks)
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HKALE 1997 Biology Paper I
11. (a) Start : fluid level on the left arm of manometer was higher () (accept
the reverse description for the right arm of the manometer)
Reason : air was injected and air pressure inside the whole system
increased (1)

(b) Reason : O2 in the chamber is used up / absorbed () during respiration

() of the experimental animals resulting in reduction of air
pressure (), CO2 emitted / released () from respiration is
absorbed by soda-lime ().
Pressure is equalized () when 10 mL of oxygen is used up

(c) Mouse : Rate = = 3.33 mL O2 h-1 g-1
20 0.15
Grasshoppers : Rate = = 0.36 mL O2 h-1 g-1
5 5. 5
[formula (), correct data (), correct answer with unit ()]
(d) To stabilize the temperature during the course of the experiment (1).
Another precaution :
Allow the animal(s) to acclimatize to the temperature before starting the
experiment(1) / To make sure the apparatus is air tight.
(e) Mouse : rate increases ()
Grasshoppers : rate decreases ()

Mouse : more heat is lost to the environment as temperature gradient

between the body and that of the environment increases (),
more heat is generated () by increased respiratory rate to
maintain constant body temperature ()
Grasshoppers : body temperature decreases as the external
temperature decreases () and this lowers respiratory
rate () / lowers metabolic rate.
(max. 3)
(Total : 13 marks)
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HKALE 1997 Biology Paper II
1. (a) ATP is an immediate source of energy / energy carrier (). In the
presence of ATPase () (or suitable enzymes), its terminal high energy
phosphate bond(s) () can be hydrolysed to liberate energy () used to
drive other biochemical reactions () / coupled to endergonic reactions.
ATP can act as source of phosphate () in phosphorylation of substrate
() in cellular metabolism.

(b) Glycolvsis () (N.B. accept substrate level phosphorylation) occurs in

the matrix () of the cytoplasm. ()

During the conversion of trios phosphate (PGAL) () to pyruvate (),

energy is liberated to form ATP () from ADP and Pi.

(Also accept Krebs cycle () occurs in the mitochondrial () matrix ().

Max. 3
Oxidative phosphorviation () takes place on the cristae () of the
mitochondria () 1

In glvcolvsis () and the Krebs cycle (), various intermediates are

dehydrogenated / oxidized generating NADH2, (1). In the presence of
free oxygen (), electrons from NADH 2 and FADH2 () will be transferred
along the electron transport chain (). During this process, there is a
step-wise release of energy from the oxidation of electrons and such
energy is used to form ATP (1) from ADP and Pi.

Photo-phosphorviation ( ) light reaction in thylakoid / grana () of

chloroplast ()

Chlorophyll absorbs light energy () this causes the electron in the

chlorophyll () to be excited () which then passes through a chain of
electron carries (). During this process energy captured in the electron
is released in a step-wise manner () and used to synthesize ATP ()
from ADP and Pi.
(c) Example () mark each Function () mark each
(2 animal cells and 1 plant cell) (2 on animal cells and 1 on plant cell)
liver cell ATP is required for various metabolic processes
muscle cell ATP is required for muscle contraction
sperm cell ATP is required for the motility of the sperm
companion cell ATP is required for active movement of substances
into the companion cells
cambium / meristematic cell ATP is required for anabolic processes that (3)
accompanies cell division
Marker should accept alternatives which are correct. In case of doubt, please consult your C / E or A / E.
(Total : 20)
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HKALE 1998 Biology Paper II
5. (a) Energy source :
Mitochondria Chloroplasts
potential / chemical energy in light energy ()/ sun / photon 1
food ()

(b) Process energy

release energy by breaking down capture energy by 3
food (1), in Krebs cycle () photophosphorylation () to build up food
() in photosynthesis ()

hydrogen is removed () from after absorption of light () 6

intermediates of Krebs cycle () forming chlorophyll is excited (), release excited
NADH() electron (), to a chain of electron
carriers (), oxidation-reduction process
of carriers release energy (1) used to
synthesize ATP () from ADP (), NADPH
is also formed (),

electron from NADH passes along ATP ()and NADPH () carrying the 6
the electron transport chain (1) where energy are used in the dark reaction to
members of the chain undergo oxidation- synthesize carbohydrate (1) / hexose /
reduction reactions releasing energy starch, thus chloroplast converts light
(1)to build up ATP () from ADP (). This energy to potential / chemical energy ()
is oxidative phosphorylation (). stored in food

Both make ATP () involving electron transport chain () 1

max. 13
(Overflow : 4)
(c) Inter-relationship between mitochondria and chloroplast
(1) The two organelles bridge the flow of biological energy (1).
(2) Light energy from the sun (1), together with CO 2 (1) and water (1)
from products of cellular respiration in mitochordrina are processed
in the chloroplast (1) to form carbohydrate (1).
(3) The carbohydrate with stored energy (1) and O2 (1) formed in
chloroplast are eventually taken up and processed by the
mitochondria (1). ATP is liberated (1).
Deduct mark for no comparative account, denote as C = - Max. 7
Deduct mark for note-form answer, denote as N = - ( Overflow : 3 )
Question Total : 20
Overflow : 7

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