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Worksheet #8

Student Project 4: Writing letters/notes and CV

Faculty of Medicine
Udayana University
Jalan P.B. Sudirman
Denpasar Bali

18 Mei 2017

Urologist Department
Mount Elizabeth Hospital

Dear Dr. Steven Chow

Re : Mr. Haryanto, Age : 64 year old.

I am referring to you this patient with the following history and findings for further assessment and management.

This man has an chronic kidney failure due to stone in both kidneys. Relevant ultrasonography, blood and urine
tests have been done in Denpasar and with this letter, the test results are attached.

I thank you for your attention and assistance.

Yours sincerely,

dr. I Kadek Prapta Adhi Wibawa, S. Ked

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Worksheet #8
Student Project 4: Writing letters/notes and CV

Fakultas Kedokteran
Universitas Udayana
Jalan P.B. Sudirman
Denpasar Bali

16 Mei 2017


Jalan Sudirman no. 12,

Yth. Dr. Amman

Re : Bapak Odi, Umur : 55 tahun

Jalan Buton no. 18, Denpasar 80223
Saya merujuk pasien ini dengan riwayat sebagai berikut dan permintaan untuk
melakukan ultrasonografi general abdominal termasuk ginjal. Pasien mempunyai
keluhan kolik akut bagian abdominal dan mengalami sakit di bagian panggul.

Saya berterimakasih atas perhatian dan bantuannya.

Hormat saya,

dr. I Kadek Prapta Adhi Wibawa, S. Ked

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Worksheet #8
Student Project 4: Writing letters/notes and CV

Surat Keterangan Sakit

Dengan surat ini saya menyatakan bahwa hari ini saya telah memeriksa bapak Odi
dengan umur 43 tahun, alamat: Jalan Sumatra no. 34, Denpasar. Saya menyatakan
bahwa bapak Odi tidak dapat bekerja dikarenakan sakit ( dengan sakit kepala, badan
lemas, dan lelah) dari tanggal 19 sampai dengan 21 mei 2017.

Denpasar, 18 Mei 2017

Dokter yang memeriksa

dr. I Kadek Prapta Adhi Wibawa, S. Ked

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Worksheet #8
Student Project 4: Writing letters/notes and CV

To Whom It May Concern

This is to certify that I have been today examnied Mr. Odi, 43 year old, home
address: Jalan Sumatra 34, Denpasar, and I have found him to be unfit on duty due
to being ill (with fever, cought, etc.), from 19 up to 21 Mei 2017. Date to ressume
day: 20 Mei 2017.

Denpasar, 18 Mei 2017

The examining physician

dr. I Kadek Prapta Adhi Wibawa, S. Ked

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Worksheet #8
Student Project 4: Writing letters/notes and CV

To Whom It May Concern

This is to certify that I have been today examnied Mr. Odi, 43 year old, home
address: Jalan Sumatra 34, Denpasar, and I have found him to be unfit on duty due
to being ill (with fever, cought, etc.), from 19 up to 21 Mei 2017. Date to ressume
day: 20 Mei 2017.

Denpasar, 18 Mei 2017

The examining physician

dr. I Kadek Prapta Adhi Wibawa, S. Ked

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Worksheet #8
Student Project 4: Writing letters/notes and CV

Curicullum Vitae

Name : I Kadek Prapta Adhi Wibawa

Address : Jalan Nusantara no. 11 Kayubihi, Bangli.
Telephone Number : 081339208889
Date of Birth : 8 March 1997
Professional Interest : Emergency Department of International Hospital,
Current Position/Employment : Employment at Mercure Sanur Hotel Clinic
Educational Background :
TK Widya Dharma Kayubihi, 2003
SD 1 Kayubihi , 2009
SMP Negeri 1 Bangli, 2012
SMA Negeri 1 Bangli. 2015
Udayana University, Bachelor at Faculty of Medicine, 2021
Professoional Experience :Working at 2 Hotel Clinic, Paragon Jimbaran and
Mercure Sanur Hotel Clinic.
Publication of Journal :Medulla Spinalis Transplantation as A Method to
Cure HIV/ AIDS at Essential Journal, Udayana
University, 2023.
Paper Delivered at Conference :Presentator at Scaling Up Nutrition Seminar
Nasional, Udayana University, 2022.

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Worksheet #8
Student Project 4: Writing letters/notes and CV

Malignant lymphoma is a form of malignancy or cancer originating from
lymphoid tissue by including the lymphatic system and immunity of the body. When
compared with other cancers, the number of cases of lymphoma is actually still very
low, but the development of the number of cases of lymphoma continues to increase for
each year. About one million people in the world suffer from lymphoma, and there are
about a thousand people diagnosed with lymphoma every day.Based on the
histopathological difference, malignant lymphoma is classified into two, maligna
lymphoma hodgkin (LMH) and non-hodgkin malignant lymphoma (LMNH) where in
hodgkin lymphoma there is a typical feature of reed-sternberg cells.
The etiology of hodgkin lymphoma is still not known for certain, but the cause of
this disease is speculated as a result of epstain barr virus infection. Lymphoma is one of
the ten most common cancers in the world in 2012. In general, the percentage of new
cases and deaths from lymphoma in boys is higher than girls. Information on the origin
of hodgkin's lymphoma disease remains unclear, but it is now widely accepted that
hodgkin's lymphoma disease is a neoplastic disorder in the presence of the reed-sterberg
cells in lymphoid tissue. Keywords: lymphoma, reed-sternberg cells, etiology

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