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Room D.69, 69 YOLO Lane W696SN London UK

H 69969696969969 B
Top 10 World For Subject London
MSc Biotechnology, UK 2017Current
{ First Class Predicted
Top 10 World For Subject London
BSc Biotechnology, UK 20142017
{ First Class Achieved (78%)
{ Relevant modules: Evaluation and Planning of Business Opportunities in Bio-processing, Cell Production Growth, Downstream
Processing, Vaccine Bio-processing, Business Planning In Life Sciences, Mathematics for Engineers
Low-Tier International High School Aix-en-Provence
International Baccalaureate, France 2012-2014
{ Final Grade: 42/45
{ HL: Economics (7/7), Biology (7/7) and Chemistry (7/7)
SL: Maths (7/7), English native language (6/7) and French foreign language (7/7)
The Stratification of Patient Immune Responses to Therapeutic Antibodies London
Top 10 World For Subject, UK 20162017
{ Research project using computational techniques to simulate immune responses to commercial antibody therapies
{ Statistically significant genetic determinant discovered via use of clinical trial data and genetic data
{ Benefits of the implementation of findings in R&D and therapy administration were explored in terms of increased cost savings,
regulatory compliance and patient safety
XXX Business Plan London
Top 10 World For Subject, UK 20162017
{ Business Plan for the commercialization of a novel industrial bio-particle purification material
{ An analysis of the bio-processing market was carried out (size, accessibility, key players, regulation, etc..) and a development
time-line and budget for XXX were estimated.
{ VC funding and synergistic partnerships with existing firms were explored (e.g. Sartorius and Merck Millipore) along with an
NPV analysis to judge the financial viability of the project
{ The final business plan detailed a 14M USD development that would span 7 years and break even after 12 years (5 years
after), providing an NPV of 6M USD over 15 years.
Herceptin Bio-Process Project London
Top 10 World For Subject, UK 20162017
{ Planning of the development and operation of a theoretical Herceptin (cancer therapy) generic in Asia
{ An analysis of the Asian generic market was carried out, including regulatory requirements and hurdles, existing price points
and products, projected market size and revenues, etc.. Research and operating costs were fully estimated and an NPV and
sensitivity analysis was carried out to determine the economic viability of the project
{ The final plan detailed a 65M USD development that would span 6 years and break even after 9 years (3 years after),
providing an NPV of 138M USD over 15 years.
{ Our group was selected among 19 other groups to present our project to the Institute of Chemical Engineers
Lab Internship London
Top 10 World For Subject, UK 20152016
{ Recruited for a two month paid research internship at the Jane Doe Structural Biology lab
{ First two weeks were supervised, but from then on, the large part of my research was carried out independently
{ Further developed organization, analytical (experiment design and troubleshooting), presentation (reporting of findings) and
interpersonal skills (receiving and giving advice to peers, discussing experiments).
Skills & Activities
{ Skills: MS Office (Intermediate), LATEX (Intermediate), Python (Intermediate), Excel VBA (Beginner), Financial Modeling
(DCF/NPV analysis, CAPM, etc... Beginner), English (Native) and French (Fluent).
{ Activities: Tennis, Weightlifting, Mountaineering, Videogames, Rock-climbing/Bouldering

2015-2017: Top 10 World For Subject Deans List Faculty of Life Sciences A commendation to undergraduates excelling
in their chosen field (top 5%), awarded for both 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 academic years
2015-2016: Top 10 World For Subject Prize Best Second Year Biotechnology Student
2014-2015: Top 10 World For Subject Excellence Scholarship Awarded for achieving greater than 41 in IB
2013-2014: Boltzmann Prize Awarded for outstanding performance in the physical sciences

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