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United Nations


United Nations
New York, 2001



. )(



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) (



The English/French/Arabic
With definitions in Arabic




. .

accrual accounting
comptabilit sur la base des droits et des obligations

( .


accumulation accounts
comptes daccumulation

) ( .

) ( .




acquisition, time of
acquisition, moment de l


actual final consumption of general government

consommation finale effective des administrations publiques

) (.

actual final consumption of households

consommation finale effective des mnages

) (


)actual final consumption of non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs

consommation finale effective des institutions sans but lucratif au service des mnages


actual social contributions
cotisations sociales effectives

) (

. .



adjusted disposable income

revenu disponible ajust




aggregates of the system
agrgats du systme

. )
) ( .

allocation of primary income account

compte daffectation du revenu primaire

. :
) ( .

analytical unit
unit danalyse


ancillary activities
activits auxiliaires

. :
... .

ancillary corporation
socit auxiliaire


antiques and other art objects

antiquits et autres objets d'art

... .


) / / ... (
. : .

autonomous pension funds
fonds de pensions autonomes

) ( .

"" "".

balance of payments
balance des paiements

balance of primary incomes

solde des revenus primaires

. .

balance sheet

) (
. .

balancing item
solde dun compte

. .


barter transactions
oprations de troc

) (
) ( . .

base period
priode de base

basic price
prix de base



) (


bonds and debentures

-3 .


capital account
compte du capital



)capital and financial account (balance of payments

)compte financier et de capital (balance de paiements

) (

) ( :
. -

capital gains
gains de detention

. )

capital levies
impts en capital

)capital stock (gross

)stock de capital (brut


)capital stock (net

)stock de capital (net

capital taxes
impts en capital

capital levies

capital transfers in cash

transferts en capital en espces

) (

capital transfers
transferts en capital

) ( .


capital transfers, other

transferts en capital, autres



capital transfers in kind

transferts en capital en nature

) ( ) (

car registration taxes
impts sur lutilisation de vehicule


cash accounting
comptabilit sur la base de caisse


. .

cash transfer
transfert en espces

) ( .

catastrophic losses
destructions dactifs dus aux catastrophes


central bank
banque centrale

. )(

central government
administration centrale

... .

)central product classification (CPC

)classification centrale des produits (CCP



centre of economic interest

centre dintrt conomique

) ( .

chain indices



changes in real national net worth
variations de la valeur nette nationale relle

/ )
( .

)changes in inventories (including work-in-progress

)variations des stocks (y compris les travaux en cours

) (



changes in net worth

variations de la valeur nette

)classification of individual consumption by purpose (COICOP

)nomenclature de la consommation individuelle par fonction (COICOP

. .

)classification of outlays of producers by purpose (COPP
)nomenclature des dpenses des producteurs par fonction (COPP

( .
) ( .
" ".

)classification of the functions of government (COFOG

)nomenclature des fonctions des administrations publiques (COFOG

) (
) ( .

)classification of the purposes of non-profit institutions serving households (COPNI

nomenclature des fonctions des institutions sans but lucratif au service des mnages

coal, oil and natural gas reserves

rserves de charbon, de ptrole et de gaz naturel

coefficient table
tableau de coefficients

. .


collective consumption services

services de consommation collectifs

. :
... .

compensation of employees
rmunration des salaris




computer software

) (.

consignment goods
biens en consignation


constant prices
prix constants


consumer durables
biens de consommation durables

( .


) ( .
) ( )

consumption goods or services
biens et services de consommation

) (

consumption of fixed capital

consommation de capital fixe


contingent assets
actifs ventuels ou conditionnels

. .


control of corporations
contrle des socits

. .



cost, insurance, freight (c.i.f.) price

)prix cot, assurance, fret (c.a.f



cultivated assets
actifs cultivs

. ... ( .




currency and deposits
numraire et dpts

)current account (balance of payments

)compte courant (balance de paiement

) (

) (.

current accounts
comptes des oprations courants

current cost account

comptabilit au cot actuel


current external balance

solde des oprations courantes avec lextrieur

current international cooperation
coopration internationale courante

) (

current taxes on capital

impts courants sur le capital



current taxes on income, wealth, etc.

impts courants sur le revenu, le patrimoine, etc.


) (.

current taxes on land and buildings

impts courants sur la proprit foncire et immobilire

) ( .

current taxes on net wealth
impts courants sur le patrimoine net

current taxes on other assets

impts courants sur les autres actifs

current transfers
transferts courants

current transfers: fines and penalties

transferts courants: amendes et pnalits

. .

current transfers: lotteries and gambling

transferts courants: loteries et paris

current transfers: payments of compensation
transferts courants: paiements dindemnits

current transfers between households

transferts courants entre mnages


current transfers to NPISHs

transferts courants aux ISBLSM

... .

. ...

current transfers within general government

transferts courants entre administrations publiques

debt-bond swap
)change de moyens de paiement (obligations

) ( ) (.

debt-equity swap
)change de moyens de paiements (participations


debt defeasance
remise de la dette



debt forgiveness
remise de la dette

) (


/ .

debt refinancing
financement de la dette

debt rescheduling
rchelonnement des prts

)deductible value added tax (VAT
taxe sur la valeur ajoutr (TVA) dductible

deep discount bonds

obligations a prime dmission leve
) (


defined benefit pension plans

rgimes de pension prestations prdfinies


demonetization of gold
dmontisation de l'or

depletion of natural economic assets

puisement dactifs naturels

deposit money corporations
institutions de dpts montaires

deposits, other
dpts, autres

. .

consommation de capital

) (



direct foreign investment

investissements directs trangers

) (


direct foreign investment enterprise
enterprise dinvestissements directs trangers


disposable income
revenu disponible



) (

) (


distributed income of corporations

revenues distribus des socits

( .

distribution and use of income accounts
comptes de distribution et dutilisation du revenu

distributive transactions
oprations de rpartition

) (.

) (

domestic product
produit intrieur

double deflation
double dflation


due-for-payment recording
enregistrement sur la base de la date dexigibilit

. .

. .

durable goods
biens durables



economic assets
actifs conomiques


economic flows
flux conomiques

)( . :

-1 ) (
) (.

economic interest centre

centre dintrt conomique


)( .
( )( )

) (.

economic production
production conomique


economic territory of a country
territoire conomique dun pays


. :

)( ) (
)( .

economic territory of an international organization

territoire conomique dune organisation internationale

economically active persons

personnes conomiquement actives

)( .

economically significant prices

prix conomiquement significatifs

) (



employees social contributions

cotisations sociales la charge des salaris



. .


: .


employers actual social contributions

cotisations sociales effectives la charge des employeurs

. .

employers imputed social contributions
cotisations sociales imputes la charge des employeurs

) (


employers social contributions

cotisations sociales la charge des employeurs

) (


entertainment, literary or artistic originals

uvres rcratives, littraires ou artistiques originales

entrepreneurial income
revenu dentreprise




excise duties
droits dassise

existing fixed assets

actifs fixes existants

existing goods
biens existants


expenditure taxes
impts sur la dpense





export duties
droits sur les exportations

) (.

export subsidies
subventions lexportation



export taxes
impts sur les exportations

exports of goods
exportations de biens


exports of services
exportations de services

external assets and liabilities account

compte des actifs et passifs extrieurs

. .

external balance of goods and services

solde des changes extrieurs de biens et de services



factor cost
cot des facteurs

factor reversal test
tests de rversibilit des facteurs



premier entr premier sorti


final consumption
consommation finale

final consumption expenditure of general government

dpense de consommation finale des administrations publiques

) (

final consumption expenditure of households

dpense de consommation finale des mnages

final consumption expenditure of NPISHs
dpense de consommation finale des ISBLSM

final use quadrant

quadrant emploi final

) " " (

financial account
compte financier

. .

financial auxiliaries
auxiliaires financiers



financial claims
crances et engagements financiers


)( )(
. .

financial corporations
socits financires



financial enterprises
entreprises financires


65 66 67
) (.

financial intermediaries
intermdiaires financiers

financial intermediation
intermdiation financire

)financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM
)services dintermdiation financire indirectement mesurs (SIFIM


financial leasing

. .


financial transactions
oprations financires


. .

finished goods inventories

biens finis

inventories of finished goods

)first-in-first-out (FIFO
premier entr premier sorti



)Fishers ideal index (price
)indice idal de Fisher (F/prix


)Fishers ideal index (volume

)indice idal de Fisher (F/volume



financial intermediation services indirectly measured

fixed assets, existing

actifs fixes, existants

existing fixed assets

fixed assets
actifs fixes



flows, economic
conomiques, flux

economic flows

free on board (f.o.b) price
)prix franco bord (f.a.b



foreign assets
actifs extrieurs


)foreign-controlled corporations (non-financial and financial

)socits sous contrle tranger (non financires et financires

) (

(1) : ) (2
) (3 .

full-time equivalent employment

equivalence plein-temps



functional classification
nomenclature fonctionnelle


)GDP (expenditure based

)PIB (selon loptique des dpenses

)gross domestic product (expenditure based

)GDP (income based

)PIB (selon loptique des revenus

)gross domestic product (income based

)GDP (output based

)PIB (selon loptique de la production

)gross domestic product (output based

GDP at market prices

PIB aux prix du march

gross domestic product at market prices

general government
administration publique

) (


general sales taxes

impts gnraux sur les ventes

generation of income account

compte dexploitation

( .

geometric depreciation
dprciation gomtrique



gross national income



goods and services account

compte de biens et de services


goods for resale, inventories of

biens destins la revente, stocks de


inventories of goods for resale

government final consumption expenditure

dpense publique de consommation finale


)( .

government unit
unit gouvernementale

. :

. -1
. ) :( )( -2


. " "
. "" ""

gross adjusted disposable income

revenu disponible ajust brut


gross capital formation

formation brute du capital


gross capital stock
stock brut du capital



)gross domestic product (expenditure based

)produit intrieur brut (selon loptique des dpenses

) (

) ( .



)gross domestic product (income based

)produit intrieur brut (selon loptique du revenue

) (

)gross domestic product (output based

)produit intrieur brut (selon loptique de production

) (



gross domestic product at market prices
produit intrieur brut aux prix du march


gross fixed capital formation

formation brute du capital fixe

)gross national disposable income (GNDI

)revenu national disposible brut (RNDB

)gross national income (GNI

)revenu national brut (RNB



/ .
) ) (GNP

gross saving
pargne brute

) (

gross value added

valeur ajoute brute

gross value added at basic prices

valeur ajoute brute aux prix de base


gross value added at producers prices

valeur ajoute brute aux prix du producteur


hedonic hypothesis
hypothse hdoniste




historic cost accounting
comptabilisation du cot historique

historic monuments
monuments historiques


. .


holding corporations
socits holding


holding gains
gains de dtention

) (

. .

homogeneous production unit
unit de production homogne

) ( .

horizontally integrated enterprises

entreprises intgres horizontalement

. .

hours worked, total

total des heures travailles






) (

households, actual final consumption of

mnages, consommation finale effective des

households, final consumption expenditure of

mnages, dpense de consommation finale des

final consumption expenditure of households

illegal production
production illgale

( .

import duties
droits sur les importations


import subsidies
subventions limportation


imports of goods
importations de biens

) (


imports of services
importations de services

) (



imputed expenditures
dpenses imputes

. .


) (
) / ( .

income from abroad, net

revenu net de lexterieur

+ (.

income in kind received by employees

revenu en nature reu par les salaris




index-linked securities
titres indexs

) ( /

indirect taxes
impts indirects


individual consumption good or service

bien ou service de consommation individuelle


branche dactivit

ISIC Rev.3

industry (producer) technology model

hypothse dune technologie unique par branche dactivit


) (

industry-by-industry table
tableau branche dactivit par branche dactivit

institutional sectors
secteurs institutionnels

. :

) ( .

institutional unit
unit institutionnelle






insurance corporations
socits dassurance

. .

insurance technical reserves

rserves techniques dassurance


)( .

intangible fixed assets
actifs fixes incorporels

) (


intangible non-produced assets

actifs incorporels non produits



integrated economic accounts

comptes conomiques intgrs




interest rate swaps
swaps de taux dintrt

. :
- .
- .
- .

intermediate consumption
consommation intermdiaire


intermediate use quadrant

quadrant demploi intermdiaire

) (

. .

internal transactions
oprations internes


international investment position
position exterieure globale

( (1) : )
) (2 .

international organizations
organisations internationales


)International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC

Classification Internationale Type, par Industrie, de toutes les branches dactivit
)conomique (CITI

) (.

intra-unit transactions
oprations internes

internal transactions


)inventories, changes in (including work-in-progress
)stocks, variations des (y compris les travaux en cours

) (

)changes in inventories (including work-in-progress

inventories of finished goods

stocks des biens finis



inventories of goods for resale

stocks des biens pour revente


inventories of materials and supplies

stocks de matires premires et des fournitures

inventories of work-in-progress
stocks des travaux en cours


inventories of other work-in-progress

stocks des autres travaux en cours

inventories of work-in-progress on cultivated assets

stock des travaux en cours sur actifs cultivs

inverse table, Leontief

tableau inverse de Leontief



investment grants
aides linvestissement

. .

invoiced VAT
TVA facture

nombre demplois

) ( ) (

joint products
produits lis

" " .

kind-of-activity unit
uniti dactivit conomique

) (


land under cultivation

terrains cultivs


land underlying buildings and structures

terrains supportants des btiments et des ouvrages de genie civil

Laspeyres price index

indice de prix de Laspeyres

) (.

Laspeyres volume index

indice de volumes de Laspeyres

) (.

)last-in-first-out (LIFO
dernier entr, premier sorti

. .

legal entities
personnes lgals

) (

) ( .

Leontief inverse table

tableau inverse de Leontief

inverse table, Leontief

letters of credit
lettres de credit

) (



) ( )(
. .

licence fees
droits de license

) (


Dernier Entr, Premier Sorti


lines of credit
lignes de crdit

. .

livestock for breeding, dairy, draught etc.

animaux dlevage, animaux laitiers, et animaux de trait etc.


. )


)( .

.. . .

local government
administration locale


local unit
unit locale

long-term loans
crdits long terme


long-term securities other than shares
titres long terme autres quactions

) (

)machinery and equipment (assets

)machines et quipments (actifs


)maintenance and repairs (of fixed assets

)entretien et rparation (des actifs fixes
) (


)major renovations or enlargements (of fixed assets

)gros travaux de rnovation ou de reconstruction (des actifs fixes
) (


)( .

margin, trade
commerciale, marge

trade margin

margin, transport
transport, marge de

transport margin

market establishments
tablissements marchands

) (

market non-profit institutions serving businesses

institutions sans but lucratif marchandes au service des entreprises


. .


market output
production marchande

) (


market prices
prix du march

) ( .

market price equivalents

prix du march equivalents



market producers
producteurs marchands

)( .

materials and supplies, inventories of

matires premires et de fournitures, stocks de

inventories of materials and supplies

metallic mineral reserves

rserves de mineraux mtalliques

mineral exploration
prospection minire et petrolire



miscellaneous current taxes

impts courants divers



miscellaneous current transfers

transferts courants divers


mixed income
revenu mixte



monetary gold
or montaire


monetary transactions
oprations monetaires

) /
/( .

monetization of gold
montisation de lor

5 99

money purchase pension plans
rgimes de pension prestations

. .

multiple official exchange rates

taux de change officiels mutliples

. .

national income
revenu national

)national private corporations (non-financial and financial

)socits prives nationales (non financires et financires

) (


net domestic product


"" .


net adjusted disposable income

revenu disponible ajust net

net borrowing
capacit (+)/besoin (-) de financement

) (.

. ) (.

net capital stock

stock net de capital

) (
. .

)net domestic product (NDP

)produit interieur net (PIN

net equity of households in life insurance reserves and pension funds
droits nets de mnages sur les rserves techniques dassurance-vie et sur les fonds de


net fixed capital formation

formation net du capital fixe

net income from abroad

revenu net de lexterieur

) (

net international investment position

position exterieure globale nette

)( .

net lending
capacit (+)/besoin (-) de financement

) (.
( )
( . )

)net national disposable income (NNDI

)revenu national disponible net (RNDN

)net national income (NNI

)revenu national net (RNN


net non-life insurance premiums

primes nettes dassurance-dommages



enregistrement net



net saving
pargne nette

net value added

valeur ajoute nette

net value of a fixed asset

stock net dun actif fixe


net worth
valeur nette

net, written-down value of fixed assets
net, stock des actifs de capital

) (

neutral holding gains

gains neutres de dtention


)neutral holding gains (by non-residents

)gains neutres de dtention (des non-rsidents

) (


nominal holding gains

gains nominaux de dtention



)nominal holding gains (by non-residents
)gains nominaux de dtention (des non-rsidents

. ) ( /

nominal interest
intrt nominal


non-cultivated biological resources

ressources biologiques non cultives

non-deductible VAT
TVA non deductible

non-durable goods
biens non durables

non-financial assets
actifs non financiers

) (
. .


non-financial corporations
socits non financires

) (.

non-financial quasi-corporations
quasi-socits non financires

non-life insurance claims

indemnits dassurance-dommages


non-life insurance premiums

primes dassurance-dommages

( .

non-market producers
producteurs non marchands


non-metallic mineral reserves

rserves de mineraux non metalliques

non-monetary gold
or non montaire

non-monetary transactions
oprations non montaires

non-produced assets
actifs non produits


)non-profit institutions (NPIs
)institutions sans but lucratif (ISBL


non-profit institutions controlled and mainly financed by government

institutions sans but lucratif contrles et principalement finances par les
administrations publiques



non-profit institutions engaged in market production

institutions sans but lucratif engages dans une production marchande


non-profit institutions engaged in non-market production

institutions sans but lucratif engages dans une production non marchande




)non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs
)institutions sans but lucratif au service des mnages (ISBLSM

)( . :



non-residential buildings
btiments non-rsidentiels

) 5212

)note issuance facilities (NIFs

)facilits dmission deffets (NIF



non-profit institutions

NPISHs, final consumption expenditure of

ISBLSM, dpense de consommation finale des

final consumption expenditure of NPISHs


non-profit institutions serving households

occupied employees

) (


operating leasing
location simple


operating surplus
excdent dexploitation

. .

other receivable/payable accounts

autres comptes recevoir/ payer

other buildings and structures

autres btiments et ouvrages de genie civil

other capital taxes n.e.c

autres impts sur le capital

) (


other capital transfers

autres transferts en capital

capital transfers, other

other changes in assets account
compte des autres changements dactifs



other changes in the volume of assets account

compte des autres changements de volume dactifs

other current taxes

autres impts courants




other current taxes n.e.c

autres impts courants

other current transfers
autres transferts courants



other depository corporations

autres institutions de dpts

other deposits
autres dpts

deposits, other

other equities and shares

actions et autres participations

. .
)( .

other financial intermediaries, except insurance corporations and pension funds
autres intermdiaires financiers, a lexception des socits dassurance et des fonds de


) (.

other intangible fixed assets

autres actifs fixes incorporels

other intangible non-produced assets

autres actifs incorporels non produits

other land and associated surface water

autres terrains et plans deau associs

other machinery and equipment

autres machines et equipements

other non-market establishments
autres etablissements non marchands


other non-market output

autre production non marchande


other social security benefits in kind
autres prestations de securit sociale en nature


other structures
btiments non-rsidentiels



other subsidies on production
autres subventions sur la production

) (

) (.
other subsidies on products
autres subventions sur les produits



other taxes on income n.e.c

autres impts sur le revenu
) (

other valuables
autres objets de valeur

)other work-in-progress (inventories

)autres travaux en cours (stocks



. .

output produced for own final use

production pour usage final propre




own-account producers
producteurs pour leur propre compte

) (

own-account workers
travailleurs pour leur propre compte

: .

Paasche price index
indice des prix de Paasche

Paasche volume index

indice des volumes de Paasche

partitioning of transactions
scinder les oprations

: .

patented entities

payments by households to obtain certain licences

paiements effectus par les mnages pour obtenir certaines autorisations

. .

. .

payments in kind other than remuneration in kind
paiements en nature autres que les rmunrations en nature



payroll taxes
impts sur les rmunrations



pension funds
fonds de pension

/ .
) (


)perpetual inventory method (PIM

)mthode de linventaire permanent (MIP


poll taxes
impts de capitation

. .


purchasing power parity


price discrimination
discrimination de prix

price index
indice des prix

primary income
revenu primaire



principal activities
activits principles


private funded social insurance benefits

prestations dassurance social de regimes privs

)private corporations (non-financial and financial

)socits prives nationales (financires et non financires

) (

produced assets
actifs produits

producers prices
prix de producteur

producers of goods for own final use

producteurs des biens pour usage propre



product (commodity) technology model

hypothse dune technologie unique par produit

: )(
) ( .

product-by-product table
tableau produit par produit



production account
compte de production

. - -

production boundary
frontire de la production

) (




) ( .


profits of export monopolies

profits de monopoles dexportation

profits of fiscal monopolies
profits des monopoles fiscaux


. .

profits of import monopolies

profits des monopoles dimportation

property income
revenu de la proprit

. :


property income attributed to insurance policy-holders

revenu de la proprit attribu aux assur


. .

provisional government
administrations detats fdraux


)public corporations (non-financial and financial

)socits publiques (financires et non financires

) (



purchased goodwill
fond commercial


purchasers price
prix dacquisition


)purchasing power parities (PPP
)parits de pouvoir dachat (PPA

"" ""
"" "" .






) (

) (.

quoted shares
actions cots


)real gross domestic income (real GDI
)revenu interieur brut rel (RIB

real holding gains

gains rels de dtention

)real holding gains/losses (non-residents

)gains rels/pertes relles de dtention (non rsidents

) (

real income
revenu rel

) (
. ) (
. .

real interest
intrt rel



recreational land and associated surface water

terrains de loisirs et plans deau associs



recurrent taxes on land, buildings or other structures

impts priodiques sur les terrains, les btiments et les autres constructions

redistribution of income in kind account

compte de rdistribution du revenu en nature


reference rate of interest
taux de rfrence de lintrt


regional central bank

banque centrale rgionale

. .


regulatory bodies
organismes rglementaires


. .

reimbursements of social security benefits

remboursements de prestations de scurit sociale

) (

reinvested earnings on foreign direct investment
bnfices rinvestis dinvestisessemnt direct tranger

) (
) ( .

)( .

remuneration in kind
rmunrations en nature

rentals of fixed assets

loyers des actifs fixes



) (

rent on land
loyer des terrains

. .

rent on subsoil assets
loyer des gisements

) (
. .
) ( .

replacement cost accounting

comptabilit au cut de remplacement


current cost accounting

repurchase agreements
accords de rmr

) (


rerouting transactions
rorienter les oprations



research and development
recherche et dveloppement

) ( .

reserve assets
avoirs de rserves

. .


) ( .

) (.


. .

. .

rest of the world
reste du monde

. .


rest of the world account

compte du reste du monde


revaluation account
compte de rvalution



social accounting matrix

satellite accounts
comptes satellites



) ( .



special drawing rights

secondary activities
activits secondaires

. .

secondary distribution of income account

compte de distribution secondaire du revenu




self-employed workers
travailleurs indpendants



) ( .
. .



shares and other equities
actions et autres participations


. .

short-term loans
credits court terme


short-term securities other than shares

titres autres quactions court terme

single indicator method of deflation

indicateur indpendant

) (


system of national accounts

)social accounting matrix (SAM
)matrice de comptabilit sociale (MCS



. .

social assistance benefits

prestations dassistance sociale

social assistance benefits in cash

prestations dassistance sociale en espces

. .

social assistance benefits in kind

prestations dassistance sociale en nature


social benefits
prestations sociales

social contributions
cotisations sociales

social contributions by self-employed and non-employed persons

cotisations sociales des travailleurs indpendants et des personnes noccupants pas



social insurance benefits

prestations dassurance sociale



social insurance schemes

rgimes dassurance sociale

. .

social security benefits, reimbursements of
prestations de scurit sociale, remboursements de


reimbursements of social security benefits

social security benefits in cash

prestations de scurit sociale en espces


social security funds

administrations de scurit sociale



social security schemes

rgimes de scurit sociale



social transfers in kind

transferts sociaux en nature

. : ) (


)special drawing rights (SDRs
)droits de tirage speciaux (DTS


stamp taxes
droits de timbre


state government
administrations dtats fdrs




straight-line depreciation
amortissement linaire

) (


subsidies for public corporations and quasi-corporations

subventions des socits et des quasi-socits

) (

. .

subsidies on losses of government trading organizations

subventions sure les pertes des organisms publiques de commercialisation


subsidies on payroll or workforce

subventions sur les salaires ou la main doeuvre


subsidies on production, other

subventions sur la production, autres

other subsidies on production

subsidies on products, other
subventions sur les produits, autres

other subsidies on products

subsidies on products used domestically

subventions sur les produits utiliss

subsidies to reduce pollution

subventions destines rduire la pollution

subsidies on a product
subventions sur un produit


subsoil assets

supply and use tables
tableaux des ressources et des emplois

symmetric tables
tableaux symetriques

)system of national accounts (SNA

)systme de comptabilit nationale (SCN

tangible fixed assets

actifs fixes corporels

tangible non-produced assets

actifs corporels non produits


taxes and duties on imports

impts et droits sur les importations

. .

taxes on capital gains

impts sur les gains en capital

taxes on capital transfers

impts sur les transferts de capital

taxes on entertainment
impts sur les spectacles

taxes on financial and capital transactions

impts sur le oprations mobilires et immobilires

) (.

taxes on income
impts sur le revenu


taxes on individual or household income

impts sur le revenu des individus et des mnages


taxes on international transactions

impts sur les oprations internationales

taxes (recurrent) on land, buildings and other structures

impts (priodiques) sur les terrains, les btiments et les autres constructions


recurrent taxes on land, buildings and other structures

taxes on lotteries, gambling and betting

impts sur les spectacles, les Paris et les loteries

taxes on pollution
impts sur la pollution


taxes on production
impts sur la production

taxes on products
impts sur les produits


taxes on specific services

impts sur des services spcifiques

taxes on the income of corporations

impts sur les revenus des socits


taxes on the use of fixed assets
impts sur lutitisation dactifs fixes


taxes on winnings from lotteries or gambling

impts sur les gains provenants des loteries ou des jeux

taxes paid to obtain business and professional licences

impts sur les autorisations commerciales et professionnelles

) ( .


taxes resulting from multiple exchange rates

impts resultants de taux de change multiples

time of acquisition
moment de lacquisition

time of recording
moment denrgistrement


time reversal test

test de rversibilit dans le temps

)( )( )(
)( . .

Tornqvist price index

indice de Tornqvist de prix

Tornqvist volume index

indice de Tornqvist de volume

total economy

total final consumption
consommation finale totale

)( .


total hours worked

total des heures travailles

trade credits and advances

credits commerciaux et avances

trade margin
marge commerciale

( .

trading gains and losses

gains et pertes dchange




transaction accounts
compte doprations

. " " "
" .


transfers in kind
transferts en nature

transfer price
prix de transfert

transferable deposits
dpts transfrables

. .

transfers of individual non-market goods and services

transferts de biens et services non-marchands

( .

)transitivity (in international comparisons

)transitivit (en comparaisons internationales

) (

) ( )( )(
)( )( ) ( )(
)( .

)transport equipment (assets

)matriels de transport (actifs



transport margin
marge de transport

uncompensated seizure
saisie sans compensation


) (
) (

underground economy
conomie souterraine

unforeseen obsolescence
obsolescence imprvue

. .

) ( .

unfunded employees social insurance benefits

prestations dassurance sociale directes demployeurs

) (

unit value index
indice de la valeur unitaire


unquoted shares
actions des socits non cotes

) (


) (

uses of value added quadrant

quadrant des emplois de la valeur ajoute

objets de valeur

. .

value added, gross
brute, valeur ajoute

gross value added

value added, net

nette, valeur ajoute

net value added

)value added tax (VAT

)taxe sur la valeur ajoute (TVA


vertically integrated enterprise

enterprise verticalement intgre

) (

. .

volume index
indice de volume



wages and salaries
salaires et traitements

wages and salaries in cash

salaires et traitements en espces

)/ /(


wages and salaries in kind

salaires et traitements en nature

water resources
rserves deau

withdrawals from income of quasi-corporations

prelvements sur les revenus des quasi-socits

work-in-progress, inventories of
travaux en cours, stocks des


inventories of work-in-progress

work-in-progress on cultivated assets, inventories of

travaux en cours sur actifs cultivs, stocks des


inventories of work-in-progress on cultivated assets

zero-coupon bonds
obligations coupon zro

) (



Indice des termes arrangs

selon lalphabet arabe

Index of the terms arranged

according to the arabic alphabet

financial leasing crdit-bail
remuneration in kind rmunrations en nature
gross brut
aggregates of the system agrgats du systme
wages and salaries salaires et traitements
wages and salaries in kind salaires et traitements en
wages and salaries in cash salaires et traitements en
other land and associated autres terrains et plans deau
surface water associs
land underlying buildings and terrains supportant des
structures btiments et des ouvrages
de genie civil
recreational land and terrains de loisirs et plans
associated surface water deau associs
land under cultivation terrains cultivs
employers employeurs
profits of import monopolies profits des monopoles
profits of export monopolies profits de monopoles
profits of fiscal monopolies profits des monopoles fiscaux
holding gains gains de dtention ( )
nominal holding gains gains nominaux de dtention
nominal holding gain (by gains nominaux de detention
non-residents) (des non-rsidents)
capital gains gains en capital
land terrain
mineral exploration prospection minire et
consumption consommation
households, actual final mnages, consommation
consumption of finale effective des
final consumption consommation finale
intermediate consumption consommation intermdiaire
household mnage
market price equivalents prix de march equivalents


multiple official exchange taux de change officiels
rates multiples
purchasers price prix dacquisition
market Prices prix de march
constant prices prix constants
economically significant prix conomiquement )
prices significatifs (
unquoted shares actions de socits non-cots ( )
quoted shares actions cots
other equities and shares actions et autres
shares and other equities actions et autres
quasi-corporations quasi-socits
economically active persons personnes conomiquement
fixed asset (existing) actif fixe (existant)
assets actifs
foreign assets actifs extrieurs
other intangible non- autres actifs incorporels non
produced assets produits
reserve assets avoirs de rserves
economic assets actifs conomiques
fixed assets actifs fixes
intangible fixed assets actifs fixes incorporels
other intangible fixed assets autres actifs fixes incorporels
tangible fixed assets actifs fixes corporels
existing fixed asset actifs fixe existants
subsoil assets gisements
non-financial assets actifs non financiers
non-produced assets actifs non produits
intangible non-produced actifs incorporels non
assets produits
contingent assets actifs ventuels ou
cultivated assets actifs cultivs


work-in-progress on travaux en cours sur actifs ( )
cultivated assets, cultivs, stock des
inventories of
tangible non-produced assets actifs corporels non produits
produced assets actifs produits
debt rescheduling rchelonnement des prts
subsidies subventions
other subsidies on production autres subventions sur la
subsidies on production, subventions sur la
other production, autres
other subsidies on products autres subventions sur les
subsidies on products, other subventions sur les produits,
subsidies for public subventions des socits et
corporations and quasi- des quasi-socits
import subsidies subventions limportation
export subsidies subventions lexportation
subsidies on payroll or subventions sur les salaires ) (
workforce ou la main doeuvre
Subsidies on products used subventions sur les produits
domestically utiliss
subsidies to reduce pollution subventions destines
rduire la pollution
subsidies on losses of subventions sur les pertes des
government trading organisms publiques de
organizations commercialisation
subsidy on product subvention sur un produit
other work-in-progress, autres travaux en cours, stock ( )
inventories of des
major renovations or gros travaux de rnovation ou
enlargements (of fixed assets) de reconstruction (des ()
actifs fixes)
maintenance and repairs (of entretien et les rparations )
fixed assets) (des actifs fixes) (


work-in-progress, inventories travaux en cours, stocks des ( )
entertainment, literary or uvres rcratives, littraires
artistic originals ou artistiques originales
externalities externalits
residence rsidence
non-life insurance premiums primes dassurance-
economic territory of a territoire conomique dun
country pays
economic territory of an territoire conomique dune
international organization organisation internationale
machinery and equipment machines et quipements ( )
(assets) (actifs)
other machinery and autres machines et
equipments quipements
production production
economic production production conomique
illegal production production illgale
other structures btiments non-rsidentiels
secondary activities activits secondaires
principal activities activits principales
ancillary activities activits auxiliaires
dividends dividendes ( )
actual final consumption of consommation finale
general government effective des
administrations publiques
actual final consumption of consommation finale
households effective de mnages ()
actual final consumption of consommation final effective
non-profit institutions des institutions sans but
serving households lucratif au service des
(NPISHs) mnages (ISBLSM)
final consumption dpense de consommation
expenditure of households finale des mnages


households, final mnages, dpense de
consumption expenditure consommation finale des
NPISHs, final consumption ISBLSM, dpense de
expenditure of consommation finale des

final consumption dpense de consommation
expenditure of NPISHs finale des ISBLSM

government final dpense publique de
consumption expenditure consommation finale
final consumption dpense de consommation )
expenditure of general finale des administrations (
government publiques
depreciation consommation de capital ( )
straight line depreciation amortissement linaire ( )
consumption of fixed capital consommation de capital fixe
geometric depreciation dprciation gomtrique
long-term securities other titres long term autres
than shares quactions
short-term securities other titres court terme autres
than shares quaction
index-linked securities titres indexes
trade credits and advances crdits commerciaux et
coal, oil and natural gas rserves de charbon, de
reserves ptrole et de gaz naturel
metallic mineral reserves rserves de minraux
insurance technical reserves rserves techniques
non-metallic mineral reserves rserves de minraux non
time reversal test tests de rversibilit
factors reversal test tests de rversibilit aux
saving pargne


gross saving pargne brute
net saving pargne nette
foreign direct investment investissements directs
acquisition acquisition ( )
uses emplois
depletion of natural economic puisement dactifs naturels
underground economy conomie souterraine
liability crance ( )
research and development Recherch et dveloppement
patented entities brevets
social insurance schemes rgimes dassurance sociale
defined benefit pension plans rgimes de pension
prestations prdfinies
social security schemes rgimes de scurit sociale
computer software logiciels
money purchase pension rgimes de pension
plans prestations
consignment goods biens en consignation ( )
rest of the world reste du monde
unforeseen obsolescence obsolescence imprvue
balancing item solde comptable
central bank banque centrale
operating lease location simple
insurance assurance
interest rate swaps swaps de taux dintrt
debt-equity swap change de moyens de ( )
paiement (participations)
debt-bond swaps change de moyens de ( )
paiement (obligations)
partitioning of transactions scinder les oprations
transfer transfert
securitisation titrisation
demonetization of gold dmontisation de lor
monetization of gold montisation de lor
social transfers in kind transferts sociaux en nature


transfers of individual non- Le transferts de biens et
market goods or services services non marchands
current transfers transferts courants
other current transfers autres transferts courants
current transfers to NPISHs transferts courants aux

current transfers between transferts courants entre
households mnages
current transfers within transferts courants entre
general government administrations publiques
miscellaneous current transferts courants divers
current transfers: fines and transferts courants: amendes :
penalties et les pnalits
current transfers: lotteries and transferts courants: loteries et :
gambling les paris
current transfers: payments of transferts courants: paiments :
compensation dindemnits
capital transfers transferts en capital
capital transfers in kind transferts en capital en nature ( )
capital transfers in cash transferts en capital en ( )
capital transfers, other transferts en capital, autres
other capital transfers autres transferts en capital
transfer in kind transferts en nature
cash transfer transfert en espces
economic flows flux conomiques
flows, economic conomiques, flux
repurchase agreements accords de rmr
net recordings enregistrement net
lines of credit lignes de credit
note issuance facilities (NIF) facilits dmission deffets
double deflation double dflation
disposals utilisations ( )


classification of outlays of nomenclature des dpenses
producers by purpose des producteurs par
(COPP) fonction (COPP)
classification of individual nomenclature de la
consumption by purpose consommation individuelle
(COICOP) par fonction (COICOP)
international standard classification internationale
industrial classification of type par industrie de toutes
all economic activities les branches dactivit
(ISIC) conomique (CITI)
central product classifications classification centrale des
(CPC) produits (CPC)
classification of the purposes nomenclature des fonctions
of non-profit institution des institutions sans but
(COPNI) lucratif (COPNI)
classification of the function nomenclature des fonctions
of government (COFOG) des administrations
publiques (COFOG)
functional classification nomenclature fonctionnelle
purchasing power parities parits de pouvoir dachat
current international coopration internationale
cooperation courante
compensation of employees rmunration des salaris ( )
reimbursements of social remboursements de
security benefits prestations de scurit
changes in inventories variations des stocks (y )
(including work-in- compris les travaux en (
progress) cours)
inventories, changes in stocks, variations des (y )
(including work-in- compris les travaux en (
progress) cours)
changes in net worth variations de la valeur nette
changes in real national net variations de la valeur nette
worth nationale relle


rerouting transactions rorienter les oprations
factor cost cot des facteurs
gross fixed capital formationformation du capital fixe brut
gross capital formation formation du capital brut
net fixed capital formation formation net de capital fixe
debt refinancing financement de dette
price discrimination discrimination de prix
consolidation consolidation
symmetric tables tableaux symtriques
supply and use table tableaux des ressources et des
coefficient table tableau de coefficients
industry-by-industry table tableau branche dactivit par
branche dactivit
Leontief inverse table tableau inverse de Leontief
product-by-product table tableau produit par produit
total final consumption consommation finale totale
production boundary frontire de la production ( )
account compte
revaluation account compte de rvaluation
redistribution of income in compte de redistribution du
kind account revenu en nature
production account compte de production
other changes in assets compte des autres
account changements dactifs
other changes in the volume compte de autres
of assets account changements de volume
secondary distribution of compte de distribution
income account secondaire du revenu
goods and services account compte de biens et de
transactions account compte doprations
rest of the world account compte du reste du monde
allocation of primary income compte d'affectation du
account revenu primaire
generation of income account compte dexploitation


current account (balance of compte courant (balance de ( )
payment) paiement)
external assets and liabilities compte des actifs et passifs
account extrieurs
capital account compte du capital
financial account compte financier
capital and financial account compte financier et de capital )
(balance of payments) (balance de paiement) (
other receivable/payable autres comptes recevoir/ /
accounts payer
integrated economic accounts comptes conomiques
accumulation accounts comptes daccumulation
satellite accounts comptes satellites
distribution and use of comtes de distribution et
income accounts dutilisation du revenu
current accounts comptes des oprations
special drawing rights droits de tirage spciaux
(SDRs) (DTS)
provisional government administrations dtats
state government administration d'tats fdrs
general government administration publique
local government administration locale
central government administration centrale
livestock for breeding, diary, animaux dlevage, animaux
draught etc. laitiers, animaux de trait ..
services services
collective consumption services de consommation
services collectifs
financial intermediation production des services
services indirectly dintermediation financire
measured (FISIM) indirectement mesurs



imports of services importations de services ( )
catastrophic losses destruction dactifs due des
letters of credit lettres de crdit ( )
last-in-first-out (LIFO) dernier entr, premier sorti

LIFO dernier entr, premier sorti

income revenu
primary income revenu primaire
entrepreneurial income revenu dentreprise
distributed income of revenus distribus des
corporations socits
property income revenu de la proprit
property income attributed to revenu de la proprit attribu
insurance policyholders aux assurs
real income revenu rel
national income revenu national
gross national income (GNI) revenue national brut (RNB)
net national income (NNI) revenu national net (RNN)
gross national disposable revenue national disponible
income (GNDI) brut (RNDB)
net national disposable revenu national disponible
income (NNDI) net (RNDN)
disposable income revenu disponible
net adjusted disposable revenu net disponible ajust
adjusted disposable income revenu disponible ajust
gross adjusted disposable revenu brut disponible ajust
real gross domestic income revenu intrieur brut rel
(real GDI) (RIB rel)
mixed income revenu mixte
income in kind received by revenu en nature reu par les
employees salaris ()
non-monetary gold or non montaire


monetary gold or montaire
final use quadrant quadrant demploi final
uses of value added quadrant quadrant des emplois de la
valeur ajoute
intermediate use quadrant quadrant demploi )
intermdiaire (
excise duties droits dassise
import duties droits sur les importations
license fees droits de license
export duties droits sur les exportations
stock stock
Paasche price index indices des prix de Paasche
Paasche volume index indice des volumes de
Tornqvist volume index indice de Tornqvist de
Tornqvist price index indice de Tornqvist de prix
Fishers ideal index (volume) indice idal de Fisher ( )
Fishers ideal index (price) indice idal de Fisher ( )
volume index indice de volume
single indicator method of indicateur indpendant )
deflation (
unit value index indice de valeur unitaire
price index indice de prix
Laspeyres price index Indice de prix de Laspeyres
Laspeyres volume index indice de volumes de
rent loyer
rent on land loyer des terrains
rentals of fixed assets loyer des actifs fixes
rent on subsoil assets loyer des gisements
price prix
costs, insurance, freight prix cot, assurance, fret ( )
(C.I.F.) price (C.A.F.)
free on board (f.o.b.) prix francs bord (f.a.b.) ( )


basic price prix de base
transfer price prix de transfert
reference rate of interest taux de rfrence de lintrt
producers price prix de producteur
chain indices indices-chane
goods biens
antiques and other art objectsantiques et autres objets d'art
consumer durables biens de consommation
consumption goods or biens ou services de
services consommation
non-durable good biens non durables
imports of goods importations de biens ( )
goods for resale, inventories biens destins la revente, ( )
of stocks de
durable goods biens durables
other valuables autres objets de valeur
individual consumption good bien ou service de
or service consommation individuel
existing good bien existant
debt forgiveness remise de dette ( )
deep discount bonds obligations prime )
dmission leve (
zero-coupon bonds obligations coupon zro ( )
bonds and debentures obligations
control of corporation contrle des socits
other depository corporations autres institutions de dpts
deposit money corporations institutions de dpts
insurance corporations socits dassurance
foreign-controlled socits sous contrle
corporations (non-financial tranger (non financires et ()
and financial) financires)
non-financial quasi- quasi-socits non financires


public corporations (non- socits publiques ( )
financial and financial) (financires et non
non-financial corporations socits non financires
holding corporations socits holding
financial corporations socits financires
financial auxiliaries auxiliaires financiers
national private corporations socits prives nationales )
(non-financial and (non financires et (
financial) financires)
private corporations (non- socits prives nationales )
financial and financial) (financires et non (
corporation socit
ancillary corporation socit auxiliaire
purchased goodwill fond commercial
exports of services exportation de services
export of goods exportations de biens
net net
net non-life insurance primes nettes dassurance-
premiums dommages
net lending capacit (+) besoin (-) de
net borrowing capacit (+) besoin (-)
net income from abroad revenu net de lextrieur
income from abroad, net revenu de lextrieur, net
net worth valeur nette
net equity of households in droits nets des mnages sur
life insurance reserves and les rserves techniques
in pension funds dassurance-vie et sur les
fonds de pension
net value of a fixed asset stock net dun actif fixe
net written down value of net stock des actifs de capital
fixed asset
capital stock, net net, stock de capital
net capital stock stock de capital net
social security funds fonds de securit sociale


pension funds fonds de pension
autonomous pension funds fonds de pension autonomes
industry branche dactivit
taxes impts
stamp taxes droits de timbre )(
Taxes (recurrent) on land, impts (priodiques) sur les ) (
buildings or other terrains, les btiments et les
structures autres constructions
other income taxes n.e.c autres impts sur le revenu )
poll taxes impts de capitation
car registration taxes impts sur lutilisation de
export taxes impts a lexportation
other current taxes autres impts courants
other current taxes n.e.c autres impts courants

current taxes on land and impts courants sur la
buildings proprit foncire et
current taxes on other assets impts courants sur les autres
current taxes on income, impts courants sur le revenu
wealth, etc. et le patrimoine, etc. ...
current taxes on capital impts courants sur le capital
current taxes on net wealth impts courants sur le
patrimoine net
miscellaneous current taxes impts courants divers
capital levies impts en capital
capital taxes impts en capital
other capital taxes n.e.c autres impts en capital )
general sale taxes impts gnraux sur les
taxes on winning from impts sur les gains
lotteries or gambling provenant des loteries ou
des jeux


taxes on the use of fixed impts sur lutilisation des
assets actifs fixes
taxes on production impts sur la production
expenditure taxes impts sur la dpense
taxes on capital transfers impts sur les transferts de
taxes on pollution impts sur la pollution
taxes on income impts sur le revenu
taxes on capital gains impts sur les gains en capital

taxes on international impts sur les oprations
transactions internationales
taxes on financial and capital impts sur les oprations
transactions mobilires et immobilires
taxes on products impts sur les produits
taxes on lotteries, gambling impts sur les spectacles, les
and betting paris et les loteries
payroll taxes impts sur les rmunrations
taxes on specific services impts sur des services
taxes on individual or impts sur le revenu des
household income individus ou des mnages
taxes on the income of impts sur les revenus des
corporations socits
taxes on entertainment impts sur les spectacles
indirect taxes impts indirects
recurrent taxes on land, impts priodiques sur les
buildings or other terrains, les btiments et les
structures autres constructions
taxes paid to obtain business impts sur les autorisations
and professional licenses commerciales et
taxes resulting from multiple impts resultants de taux de
exchange rates changes multiples
taxes and duties on imports impts et droits sur les


value added tax (VAT) taxe sur la valeur ajoute
invoiced VAT TVA facture

deductible VAT TVA dductible
non-deductible VAT TVA non dductible
perpetual inventory method mthode de linventaire
(PIM) permanent (MIP)
hedonic method hypothse hdoniste
reinvested earnings on direct benefices rinvestis
foreign investment dinvestissement direct
own account workers travailleurs pour leur propre
self-employed workers travailleurs indpendants
outworkers travailleurs
currency and deposits numraire et dpts
function fonction
purpose fonction ( )
non-resident non-rsident
interest intrt
nominal interest intrt nominal
real interest intrt rel
operating surplus excdent dexploitation
base period priode de base
industry (producer) hypothse d une technologie ( )
technology model unique par branche
product (commodity) hypothse dune technologie ( )
technology model unique par produit
debt defiance Remise de dette
transitivity (in international transitivit (en comparaisons ( )
comparisons) internationales)
additivity additivit
loans crdits
long-term loans crdits long terme
short-term loans crdits court terme


institutional sectors secteurs institutionnels
due-for-payment recording enregistrement sur la base de
la date dexigibilit
value added, gross brute, valeur ajoute ( )
value added, net nette, valeur ajoute ( )
gross value added valeur ajoute brute
gross value added at basic valeur ajoute brute aux prix
prices de base
gross value added at valeur ajoute brute aux prix
producers prices des producteurs
net value added valeur ajoute nette
bills bons
non-profit institutions institutions sans but lucratif
controlled and mainly contrles et
financed by government principalement finances
par les administrations
non-profit institutions (NPIs) institutions sans but lucratif
non-profit institutions institutions sans but lucratif
engaged in market engages dans une
production production marchande
non-profit institutions institutions sans but lucratif
engaged in non-market engages dans une
production production non marchande
non-profit institutions serving institutions sans but lucratif
households (NPISHs) au service des mnages ( )
market non-profit institutions institutions sans but lucratif
serving businesses marchandes au service des

non-residential buildings btiments non-rsidentiels
other building and structures autres btiments et ouvrages
de genie civil


total economy conomie
hours worked, total heures travailles, total des
total hours worked total des heures travailles
historic cost accounting comptabilit au cot
current cost accounting comptabilit au cot actuel
replacement cost accounting comptabilit au cot de ( )
accrual accounting comptabilit sur la base des
droits et obligations
cash accounting comptabilit sur une base de
output produced for own final production pour usage final
use propre ( )
other non-market output autre production non
inventory stock
gross capital stock stock de capital brut ) (

capital stock, gross brut, stock de capital ( )
inventories of work-in- stock des travaux en cours sur
progress on cultivated actifs cultivs
inventories of other work-in- stocks des autres travaux en
progress cours
inventories of work-in- stocks des travaux en cours
finished goods, inventories of biens finis, stock des
inventories of finished goods stock des biens finis
inventories of materials and stocks des matires premires
supplies et de fournitures
materials and supplies, matires premires et de
inventories of fournitures, stock des
inventories of goods for stock des biens pour la
resale revente


payments by households to paiements effectus par les
obtain certain licenses mnages pour obtenir
certaines autorisations
payments in kind other than paiements en nature autres
remuneration in kind que les rmunrations en
international investment position extrieure globale
position (IMF) (PEG)
net international investment position extrieure globale
position nette
economic interest, center of intrt conomique, centre d )(
center of economic interest centre dintrt conomique
dwellings logements
social contributions cotisations sociales
actual social contributions cotisations sociales effectives
social contributions by self- cotisations sociales des
employed and non- travailleurs indpendants et
employed person des personnes noccupants
pas demploi
employers social cotisations sociales la
contribution charge des employeurs
employers actual social cotisations sociales effectives
contributions la charge des employeurs
employers imputed social cotisations sociales imputes
contributions la charge des employeurs
employees social cotisations sociales la
contributions charge des salaris
shareholders dtenteurs
employee occup
occupied persons relation de travail ( )
withdrawals from income of prlvements sur les revenus
quasi-corporations des quasi-socits
financial enterprises entreprises financires
foreign direct investment enterprise dinvestissements
enterprise directs trangers
horizontally integrated entreprise horizontalement
enterprise intgre


vertically integrated entreprise verticalement ( )
enterprise intgre
regional central bank banques centrales regionales
social accounting matrix matrice de comptabilit
(SAM) sociale (MCS)
non-life insurance claims indemnits dassurance-
financial claims crances et engagements
barter transactions oprations de troc
distributive transactions oprations de rpartition
internal transactions oprations internes
intra-unit transactions oprations internes
financial transactions oprations financires
monetary transactions oprations montaires
non-monetary transactions oprations non montaires
transaction opration
transport equipment (assets) matriels de transport (actifs) ( )
inverse table, Leontief tableau inverse de Leontief
real holding gains gains reels de dtention
real holding gains/losses gains reels/pertes relles ( )
(non-residents) (non-rsidents)
neutral holding gains gains neutres de dtention
neutral holding gains (by gains neutres de dtention )
non-residents) (des non-rsidents) (
trading gains and losses gains et pertes dchange
full-time equivalent equivalence plein-temps
social benefits prestations sociales
social insurance benefits prestations dassurance
private funded social prestations dassurance social

insurance benefits de regimes privs


unfunded employees social prestations dassurance
insurance benefits sociale directes
social security benefits, securit sociale,
reimbursements of remboursements de ()
other social security benefits autres prestations de securit
in kind sociale en nature
social security benefits in prestation de securit sociale
cash en espces
social assistance benefits prestations dassistance
social assistance benefits in prestations dassistance
kind sociale en nature
social assistance benefits in prestation dassistance
cash sociale en espces
output production ( )
market producers producteurs marchands
market output production marchande ( )
products produits
joint products produits lis
non-market producers producteurs non marchands
producers for own final use producteurs pour propre
own account producers producteurs pour leur propre
investment grants aides linvestissement
establishment tablissement
other non-market autres tablissements non
establishments marchands
market establishments tablissements marchands
international organizations organisations internationales
resources ressources
non-cultivated biological ressources biologiques non
resources cultives
water resources rserves deau
current external balance solde des oprations
courantes avec l `extrieur


balance of primary incomes solde des revenus primaires
balance of payments balance des paiements
external balance of goods and solde des changes extrieurs
services de biens et de services
balance sheet tabli
domestic output produit intrieur
gross domestic product produit intrieur brut (selon ( )
(output based) loptique de la production)
gross domestic product produit intrieur brut (selon ( )
(expenditure based) loptique de la dpense)
gross domestic product produit intrieur brut (selon ( )
(income based) loptique du revenu)
GDP at market prices PIB aux prix du march
gross domestic product at produit interne brut aux prix
market prices du march
net domestic product (NDP) produit intrieur net (PIN)
uncompensated seizures saisie sans compensation )(
historic monuments monuments historiques ( )
System of National Accounts Systme de Comptabilit
(SNA) Nationale (SCN)
valuable objets de valeur
expenditure dpenses
imputed expenditure dpense impute
currency numraire ( )
margin, transport transport, marges de
transport margin marge de transport
margin, trade commerciale, marge
trade margin marge commerciale
regulatory bodies organismes de rglementation
FIFO premier entr, premier sorti

first-in-first-out premier entr, premier sorti

legal entities personnes lgales ( )
homogenous production unit unit de production
kind-of-activity unit unit dactivit conomique


analytical unit unit danalyse
government unit unit gouvernementale
institutional unit unit institutionnelle
local unit unit locale
deposits, other dpts, autres
other deposits autres dpts
transferable deposits dpts transfrables
financial intermediation intermdiation financire
financial intermediaries intermdiaires financires
other financial intermediaries autres intermdiaires
except insurance financiers, a lexception
corporations and pension
des socits dassurance et
des fonds de pension
jobs emplois
time of acquisitions moment de lacquisition
acquisition, time of acquisition, moment de l
time of recording moment denregistrement


Indice des termes arrangs

selon lalphabet francais

Index of the terms arranged

according to the french alphabet

accords de rmr repurchase agreements
acquisition acquisition ( )
acquisition, moment de l acquisition, time of
actif fixe (existant) fixed asset (existing)
actifs assets
actifs corporels non produits tangible non-produced assets
actifs cultivs cultivated assets
actifs conomiques economic assets
actifs ventuels ou contingent assets
actifs extrieurs foreign assets
actifs fixe existants existing fixed asset
actifs fixes fixed assets
actifs fixes corporels tangible fixed assets
actifs fixes incorporels intangible fixed assets
actifs incorporels non intangible non-produced
produits assets
actifs non financiers non-financial assets
actifs non produits non-produced assets
actifs produits produced assets
actions cots quoted shares
actions de socits non-cots unquoted shares ( )
actions et autres other equities and shares
actions et autres shares and other equities
activits auxiliaires ancillary activities
activits principales principal activities
activits secondaires secondary activities
additivit additivity
administration centrale central government
administration d'tats fdrs state government
administration locale local government
administration publique general government
administrations dtats provisional government
agrgats du systme aggregates of the system


aides linvestissement investment grants
amortissement linaire straight line depreciation ( )
animaux dlevage, animaux livestock for breeding, diary,
laitiers, animaux de trait draught etc. ..
antiques et autres objets d'art antiques and other art objects
assurance insurance
autre production non other non-market output
autres actifs fixes incorporels other intangible fixed assets
autres actifs incorporels non other intangible non-
produits produced assets
autres btiments et ouvrages other building and structures
de genie civil
autres comptes recevoir/ other receivable/payable /
payer accounts
autres dpts other deposits
autres tablissements non other non-market
marchands establishments
autres impts courants other current taxes
autres impts courants other current taxes n.e.c

autres impts en capital other capital taxes n.e.c )
autres impts sur le revenu other income taxes n.e.c )
autres institutions de dpts other depository corporations
autres intermdiaires other financial intermediaries
financiers, a lexception except insurance
des socits dassurance et corporations and pension
des fonds de pension funds
autres machines et other machinery and
quipements equipments
autres objets de valeur other valuables
autres prestations de securit other social security benefits
sociale en nature in kind


autres subventions sur la other subsidies on production
autres subventions sur les other subsidies on products
autres terrains et plans deau other land and associated
associs surface water
autres transferts courants other current transfers
autres transferts en capital other capital transfers
autres travaux en cours, stock other work-in-progress, ( )
des inventories of
auxiliaires financiers financial auxiliaries
avoirs de rserves reserve assets
balance des paiements balance of payments
banque centrale central bank
banques centrales regionales regional central bank
btiments non-rsidentiels other structures
btiments non-rsidentiels non-residential buildings
benefices rinvestis reinvested earnings on direct
dinvestissement direct foreign investment
bien existant existing good
bien ou service de individual consumption good
consommation individuel or service
biens goods
biens de consommation consumer durables
biens destins la revente, goods for resale, inventories ( )
stocks de of
biens durables durable goods
biens en consignation consignment goods ( )
biens finis, stock des finished goods, inventories of
biens non durables non-durable good
biens ou services de consumption goods or
consommation services
bons bills
branche dactivit industry
brevets patented entities


brut gross
brut, stock de capital capital stock, gross ( )
brute, valeur ajoute value added, gross ( )
capacit (+) besoin (-) net borrowing
capacit (+) besoin (-) de net lending
centre dintrt conomique center of economic interest
classification centrale des central product classifications
produits (CPC) (CPC)
classification internationale international standard
type par industrie de toutes industrial classification of
les branches dactivit all economic activities
conomique (CITI) (ISIC)
commerciale, marge margin, trade
comptabilit au cot actuel current cost accounting
comptabilit au cot de replacement cost accounting ( )
comptabilit au cot historic cost accounting
comptabilit sur la base des accrual accounting
droits et obligations
comptabilit sur une base de cash accounting
compte account
compte courant (balance de current account (balance of ( )
paiement) payment)
compte dexploitation generation of income account
compte doprations transactions account
compte d'affectation du allocation of primary income
revenu primaire account
compte de autres other changes in the volume
changements de volume of assets account
compte de biens et de goods and services account
compte de distribution secondary distribution of
secondaire du revenu income account


compte de production production account
compte de redistribution du redistribution of income in
revenu en nature kind account
compte de rvaluation revaluation account
compte des actifs et passifs external assets and liabilities
extrieurs account
compte des autres other changes in assets
changements dactifs account
compte du capital capital account
compte du reste du monde rest of the world account
compte financier financial account
compte financier et de capital capital and financial account )
(balance de paiement) (balance of payments) (
comptes daccumulation accumulation accounts
comptes des oprations current accounts
comptes conomiques integrated economic accounts
comptes satellites satellite accounts
comtes de distribution et distribution and use of
dutilisation du revenu income accounts
consolidation consolidation
consommation consumption
consommation de capital depreciation ( )
consommation de capital fixe consumption of fixed capital
consommation final effective actual final consumption of
des institutions sans but non-profit institutions
lucratif au service des serving households
mnages (ISBLSM) (NPISHs)
consommation finale final consumption
consommation finale actual final consumption of
effective de mnages households ()
consommation finale actual final consumption of
effective des general government
administrations publiques
consommation finale totale total final consumption
consommation intermdiaire intermediate consumption


contrle des socits control of corporation
coopration internationale current international
courante cooperation
cotisations sociales social contributions
cotisations sociales la employers social
charge des employeurs contribution
cotisations sociales la employees social
charge des salaris contributions
cotisations sociales des social contributions by self-
travailleurs indpendants et employed and non-
des personnes noccupants employed person
pas demploi
cotisations sociales effectives actual social contributions
cotisations sociales effectives employers actual social
la charge des employeurs contributions
cotisations sociales imputes employers imputed social
la charge des employeurs contributions
cot des facteurs factor cost
crance liability ( )
crances et engagements financial claims
crdit-bail financial leasing
crdits loans
crdits court terme short-term loans
crdits long terme long-term loans
crdits commerciaux et trade credits and advances
dmontisation de lor demonetization of gold
dpense de consommation final consumption )
finale des administrations expenditure of general (
publiques government
dpense de consommation final consumption
finale des ISBLSM expenditure of NPISHs

dpense de consommation final consumption
finale des mnages expenditure of households
dpense impute imputed expenditure


dpense publique de government final
consommation finale consumption expenditure
dpenses expenditure
dpts transfrables transferable deposits
dpts, autres deposits, other
dprciation gomtrique geometric depreciation
dernier entr, premier sorti last-in-first-out (LIFO)

dernier entr, premier sorti LIFO

destruction dactifs due des catastrophic losses
dtenteurs shareholders
discrimination de prix price discrimination
dividendes dividends ( )
double dflation double deflation
droits dassise excise duties
droits de license license fees
droits de timbre stamp taxes )(
droits de tirage spciaux special drawing rights
(DTS) (SDRs)
droits nets des mnages sur net equity of households in
les rserves techniques life insurance reserves and
dassurance-vie et sur les in pension funds
fonds de pension
droits sur les exportations Export duties
droits sur les importations import duties
change de moyens de debt-bond swaps ( )
paiement (obligations)
change de moyens de debt-equity swap ( )
paiement (participations)
conomie total economy
conomie souterraine underground economy
conomiques, flux flows, economic
emplois uses
emplois jobs
employeurs employers
enregistrement net net recordings


enregistrement sur la base de due-for-payment recording
la date dexigibilit
enterprise dinvestissements foreign direct investment
directs trangers enterprise
entreprise horizontalement horizontally integrated
intgre enterprise
entreprise verticalement vertically integrated ( )
intgre enterprise
entreprises financires financial enterprises
entretien et les rparations maintenance and repairs (of )
(des actifs fixes) fixed assets) (
pargne saving
pargne brute gross saving
pargne nette net saving
puisement dactifs naturels depletion of natural economic
equivalence plein-temps full-time equivalent
tabli balance sheet
tablissement establishment
tablissements marchands market establishments
excdent dexploitation operating surplus
exportation de services exports of services
exportations de biens export of goods
externalits externalities
facilits dmission deffets note issuance facilities (NIF)
financement de dette debt refinancing
flux conomiques economic flows
fonction function
fonction purpose ( )
fond commercial purchased goodwill
fonds de pension pension funds
fonds de pension autonomes autonomous pension funds
fonds de securit sociale social security funds
formation du capital brut gross capital formation
formation du capital fixe brut gross fixed capital formation


formation net de capital fixe net fixed capital formation
frontire de la production production boundary ( )
gains de dtention holding gains ( )
gains en capital capital gains
gains et pertes dchange trading gains and losses
gains neutres de dtention neutral holding gains
gains neutres de dtention neutral holding gains (by )
(des non-rsidents) non-residents) (
gains nominaux de dtention nominal holding gains
gains nominaux de detention nominal holding gain (by
(des non-rsidents) non-residents)
gains reels de dtention real holding gains
gains reels/pertes relles real holding gains/losses ( )
(non-rsidents) (non-residents)
gisements subsoil assets
gros travaux de rnovation ou major renovations or
de reconstruction (des enlargements (of fixed assets) ()
actifs fixes)
heures travailles, total des hours worked, total
hypothse d une technologie industry (producer) ( )
unique par branche technology model
hypothse dune technologie product (commodity) ( )
unique par produit technology model
hypothse hdoniste hedonic method
importations de biens imports of goods ( )
importations de services imports of services ( )
impts taxes
impts (priodiques) sur les Taxes (recurrent) on land, ) (
terrains, les btiments et les buildings or other
autres constructions structures
impts a lexportation export taxes
impts courants divers miscellaneous current taxes
impts courants sur la current taxes on land and
proprit foncire et buildings
impts courants sur le capital current taxes on capital


impts courants sur le current taxes on net wealth
patrimoine net
impts courants sur le revenu current taxes on income,
et le patrimoine, etc. wealth, etc. ...
impts courants sur les autres current taxes on other assets
impts de capitation poll taxes
impts en capital capital levies
impts en capital capital taxes
impts et droits sur les taxes and duties on imports
impts gnraux sur les general sale taxes
impts indirects indirect taxes
impts priodiques sur les recurrent taxes on land,
terrains, les btiments et les buildings or other
autres constructions structures
impts resultants de taux de taxes resulting from multiple
changes multiples exchange rates
impts sur des services taxes on specific services
impts sur lutilisation de car registration taxes
impts sur lutilisation des taxes on the use of fixed
actifs fixes assets
impts sur la dpense expenditure taxes
impts sur la pollution taxes on pollution
impts sur la production taxes on production
impts sur le revenu taxes on income
impts sur le revenu des taxes on individual or
individus ou des mnages household income
impts sur les autorisations taxes paid to obtain business
commerciales et and professional licenses
impts sur les gains en capital taxes on capital gains


impts sur les gains taxes on winning from
provenant des loteries ou lotteries or gambling
des jeux
impts sur les oprations taxes on international
internationales transactions
impts sur les oprations taxes on financial and capital
mobilires et immobilires transactions
impts sur les produits taxes on products
impts sur les rmunrations payroll taxes
impts sur les revenus des taxes on the income of
socits corporations
impts sur les spectacles taxes on entertainment
impts sur les spectacles, les taxes on lotteries, gambling
paris et les loteries and betting
impts sur les transferts de taxes on capital transfers
indemnits dassurance- non-life insurance claims
indicateur indpendant single indicator method of )
deflation (
Indice de prix de Laspeyres Laspeyres price index
indice de Tornqvist de prix Tornqvist price index
indice de Tornqvist de Tornqvist volume index
indice de valeur unitaire unit value index
indice de volume volume index
indice de volumes de Laspeyres volume index
indice de prix price index
indice de volumes de Paasche Paasche volume index
indice idal de Fisher Fishers ideal index (price) ( )
indice idal de Fisher Fishers ideal index (volume) ( )
indices de prix de Paasche Paasche price index
indices-chane chain indices


institutions de dpts deposit money corporations
institutions sans but lucratif non-profit institutions (NPIs)
institutions sans but lucratif non-profit institutions serving
au service des mnages households (NPISHs) ( )
institutions sans but lucratif non-profit institutions
contrles et controlled and mainly
principalement finances financed by government
par les administrations
institutions sans but lucratif non-profit institutions
engages dans une engaged in market
production marchande production
institutions sans but lucratif non-profit institutions
engages dans une engaged in non-market
production non marchande production
institutions sans but lucratif market non-profit institutions
marchandes au service des serving businesses
intrt conomique, centre d economic interest, center of )(
intrt nominal nominal interest
intrt rel real interest
intrt interest
intermdiaires financires financial intermediaries
intermdiation financire financial intermediation
investissements directs foreign direct investment

ISBLSM, dpense de NPISHs, final consumption
consommation finale des expenditure of

Le transferts de biens et transfers of individual non-
services non marchands market goods or services


lettres de crdit letters of credit ( )
lignes de credit lines of credit
location simple operating lease
logements dwellings
logiciels computer software
loyer rent
loyer des actifs fixes rentals of fixed assets
loyer des gisements rent on subsoil assets
loyer des terrains rent on land
machines et quipements machinery and equipment ( )
(actifs) (assets)
marge commerciale trade margin
marge de transport transport margin
matriels de transport (actifs) transport equipment (assets) ( )
matires premires et de materials and supplies,
fournitures, stock des inventories of
matrice de comptabilit social accounting matrix
sociale (MCS) (SAM)
mnage household
mnages, consommation households, actual final
finale effective des consumption of
mnages, dpense de households, final
consommation finale des consumption expenditure
mthode de linventaire perpetual inventory method
permanent (MIP) (PIM)
moment denregistrement time of recording
moment de lacquisition time of acquisitions
montisation de lor monetization of gold
monuments historiques historic monuments ( )
net net
net stock des actifs de capital net written down value of
fixed asset
net, stock de capital capital stock, net
nette, valeur ajoute value added, net ( )


nomenclature de la classification of individual
consommation individuelle consumption by purpose
par fonction (COICOP) (COICOP)
nomenclature des dpenses classification of outlays of
des producteurs par producers by purpose
fonction (COPP) (COPP)
nomenclature des fonctions classification of the function
des administrations of government (COFOG)
publiques (COFOG)
nomenclature des fonctions classification of the purposes
des institutions sans but of non-profit institution
lucratif (COPNI) (COPNI)
nomenclature fonctionnelle functional classification
non-rsident non-resident
numraire currency ( )
numraire et dpts currency and deposits
objets de valeur valuable
obligations bonds and debentures
obligations coupon zro zero-coupon bonds ( )
obligations prime deep discount bonds )
dmission leve (
obsolescence imprvue unforeseen obsolescence
occup employee
uvres rcratives, littraires entertainment, literary or
ou artistiques originales artistic originals
opration transaction
oprations de rpartition distributive transactions
oprations de troc barter transactions
oprations financires financial transactions
oprations internes internal transactions
oprations internes intra-unit transactions
oprations montaires monetary transactions
oprations non montaires non-monetary transactions
or montaire monetary gold
or non montaire non-monetary gold
organisations internationales international organizations
organismes de rglementation regulatory bodies


paiements effectus par les payments by households to
mnages pour obtenir obtain certain licenses
certaines autorisations
paiements en nature autres payments in kind other than
que les rmunrations en remuneration in kind
parits de pouvoir dachat purchasing power parities
priode de base base period
personnes conomiquement economically active persons
personnes lgales legal entities ( )
PIB aux prix du march GDP at market prices
position extrieure globale international investment
(PEG) position (IMF)
position extrieure globale net international investment
nette position
prlvements sur les revenus withdrawals from income of
des quasi-socits quasi-corporations
premier entr, premier sorti FIFO

premier entr, premier sorti first-in-first-out

prestation dassistance social assistance benefits in
sociale en espces cash
prestation de securit sociale social security benefits in
en espces cash
prestations dassistance social assistance benefits in
sociale en nature kind
prestations dassistance social assistance benefits
prestations dassurance social private funded social

de regimes privs insurance benefits
prestations dassurance social insurance benefits


prestations dassurance unfunded employees social
sociale directes insurance benefits
prestations sociales social benefits
primes dassurance- non-life insurance premiums
primes nettes dassurance- net non-life insurance
dommages premiums
prix price
prix constants constant prices
prix cot, assurance, fret costs, insurance, freight ( )
(C.A.F.) (C.I.F.) price
prix dacquisition purchasers price
prix de base basic price
prix de march market Prices
prix de march equivalents market price equivalents
prix de producteur producers price
prix de transfert transfer price
prix conomiquement economically significant )
significatifs prices (
prix francs bord (f.a.b.) free on board (f.o.b.) ( )
producteurs marchands market producers
producteurs non marchands non-market producers
producteurs pour leur propre own account producers
producteurs pour propre producers for own final use
production production
production output ( )
production des services financial intermediation
dintermediation financire services indirectly
indirectement mesurs measured (FISIM)
production conomique economic production
production illgale illegal production
production marchande market output ( )


production pour usage final output produced for own final
propre use ( )
produit intrieur domestic output
produit intrieur brut (selon gross domestic product ( )
loptique de la dpense) (expenditure based)
produit intrieur brut (selon gross domestic product ( )
loptique de la production) (output based)
produit intrieur brut (selon gross domestic product ( )
loptique du revenu) (income based)
produit intrieur net (PIN) net domestic product (NDP)
produit interne brut aux prix gross domestic product at
du march market prices
produits products
produits lis joint products
profits de monopoles profits of export monopolies
profits des monopoles profits of import monopolies
profits des monopoles fiscaux profits of fiscal monopolies
prospection minire et mineral exploration
quadrant demploi final final use quadrant
quadrant demploi intermediate use quadrant )
intermdiaire (
quadrant des emplois de la uses of value added quadrant
valeur ajoute
quasi-socits quasi-corporations
quasi-socits non financires non-financial quasi-
Recherch et dveloppement research and development
rchelonnement des prts debt rescheduling
rgimes dassurance sociale social insurance schemes
rgimes de pension money purchase pension
prestations plans
rgimes de pension defined benefit pension plans
prestations prdfinies
rgimes de scurit sociale social security schemes
relation de travail occupied persons ( )


remboursements de reimbursements of social
prestations de scurit security benefits
remise de dette debt forgiveness ( )
Remise de dette debt defiance
rmunration des salaris compensation of employees ( )
rmunrations en nature remuneration in kind
rorienter les oprations rerouting transactions
rserves deau water resources
rserves de charbon, de coal, oil and natural gas
ptrole et de gaz naturel reserves
rserves de minraux metallic mineral reserves
rserves de minraux non non-metallic mineral reserves
rserves techniques insurance technical reserves
rsidence residence
ressources resources
ressources biologiques non non-cultivated biological
cultives resources
reste du monde rest of the world
revenu income
revenu brut disponible ajust gross adjusted disposable
revenu dentreprise entrepreneurial income
revenu de lextrieur, net income from abroad, net
revenu de la proprit property income
revenu de la proprit attribu property income attributed to
aux assurs insurance policyholders
revenu disponible disposable income
revenu disponible ajust adjusted disposable income
revenu en nature reu par les income in kind received by
salaris employees ()
revenu intrieur brut rel real gross domestic income
(RIB rel) (real GDI)
revenu mixte mixed income


revenu national national income
revenu national disponible net national disposable
net (RNDN) income (NNDI)
revenu national net (RNN) net national income (NNI)
revenu net de lextrieur net income from abroad
revenu net disponible ajust net adjusted disposable
revenu primaire primary income
revenu rel real income
revenue national brut (RNB) gross national income (GNI)
revenue national disponible gross national disposable
brut (RNDB) income (GNDI)
revenus distribus des distributed income of
socits corporations
saisie sans compensation uncompensated seizures )(
salaires et traitements wages and salaries
salaires et traitements en wages and salaries in cash
salaires et traitements en wages and salaries in kind
scinder les oprations partitioning of transactions
secteurs institutionnels institutional sectors
securit sociale, social security benefits,
remboursements de reimbursements of ()
services services
services de consommation collective consumption
collectifs services

socit corporation
socit auxiliaire a ncillary corporation
socits dassurance insurance corporations
socits financires financial corporations
socits holding holding corporations
socits non financires non-financial corporations


socits prives nationales private corporations (non- )
(financires et non financial and financial) (
socits prives nationales national private corporations )
(non financires et (non-financial and (
financires) financial)
socits publiques public corporations (non- ( )
(financires et non financial and financial)
socits sous contrle foreign-controlled
tranger (non financires et corporations (non-financial ()
financires) and financial)
solde comptable balancing item
solde des changes extrieurs external balance of goods and
de biens et de services services
solde des oprations current external balance
courantes avec l `extrieur
solde des revenus primaires balance of primary incomes
stock stock
stock inventory
stock de capital brut gross capital stock ) (

stock de capital net net capital stock
stock des biens finis inventories of finished goods
stock des biens pour la inventories of goods for
revente resale
stock des travaux en cours surinventories of work-in-
actifs cultivs progress on cultivated
stock net dun actif fixe net value of a fixed asset
stocks des autres travaux en inventories of other work-in-
cours progress
stocks des matires premires inventories of materials and
et de fournitures supplies
stocks des travaux en cours inventories of work-in-


stocks, variations des (y inventories, changes in )
compris les travaux en (including work-in- (
cours) progress)
subvention sur un produit subsidy on product
subventions subsidies
subventions des socits et subsidies for public
des quasi-socits corporations and quasi-
subventions lexportation export subsidies
subventions limportation import subsidies
subventions destines subsidies to reduce pollution
rduire la pollution
subventions sur la subsidies on production,
production, autres other
subventions sur les pertes des subsidies on losses of
organisms publiques de government trading
commercialisation organizations
subventions sur les produits Subsidies on products used
utiliss domestically
subventions sur les produits, subsidies on products, other
subventions sur les salaires subsidies on payroll or ) (
ou la main doeuvre workforce
swaps de taux dintrt interest rate swaps
Systme de Comptabilit System of National Accounts
Nationale (SCN) (SNA)
tableau branche dactivit par industry-by-industry table
branche dactivit
tableau de coefficients coefficient table
tableau inverse de Leontief Leontief inverse table
tableau inverse de Leontief inverse table, Leontief
tableau produit par produit product-by-product table
tableaux des ressources et des supply and use table
tableaux symtriques symmetric tables


taux de change officiels multiple official exchange
multiples rates
taux de rfrence de lintrt reference rate of interest
taxe sur la valeur ajoute value added tax (VAT)
terrain land
terrains cultivs land under cultivation
terrains de loisirs et plans recreational land and
deau associs associated surface water
terrains supportant des land underlying buildings and
btiments et des ouvrages structures
de genie civil
territoire conomique dun economic territory of a
pays country
territoire conomique dune economic territory of an
organisation internationale international organization
tests de rversibilit time reversal test
tests de rversibilit aux factors reversal test
titres court terme autres short-term securities other
quaction than shares
titres long term autres long-term securities other
quactions than shares
titres indexes index-linked securities
titrisation securitisation
total des heures travailles total hours worked
transfert transfer
transfert en espces cash transfer
transferts courants current transfers
transferts courants aux current transfers to NPISHs

transferts courants divers miscellaneous current
transferts courants entre current transfers within
administrations publiques general government


transferts courants entre current transfers between
mnages households
transferts courants: amendes current transfers: fines and :
et les pnalits penalties
transferts courants: loteries et current transfers: lotteries and :
les paris gambling
transferts courants: paiments current transfers: payments of :
dindemnits compensation
transferts en capital capital transfers
transferts en capital en capital transfers in cash ( )
transferts en capital en nature capital transfers in kind ( )
transferts en capital, autres capital transfers, other
transferts en nature transfer in kind
transferts sociaux en nature social transfers in kind
transitivit (en comparaisons transitivity (in international ( )
internationales) comparisons)
transport, marges de margin, transport
travailleurs outworkers
travailleurs indpendants self-employed workers
travailleurs pour leur propre own account workers
travaux en cours sur actifs work-in-progress on ( )
cultivs, stock des cultivated assets,
inventories of
travaux en cours, stocks des work-in-progress, inventories ( )
TVA dductible deductible VAT
TVA facture invoiced VAT

TVA non dductible non-deductible VAT
unit dactivit conomique kind-of-activity unit
unit danalyse analytical unit
unit de production homogenous production unit
unit gouvernementale government unit
unit institutionnelle institutional unit


unit locale local unit
utilisations disposals ( )
valeur ajoute brute gross value added
valeur ajoute brute aux prix gross value added at basic
de base prices
valeur ajoute brute aux prix gross value added at
des producteurs producers prices
valeur ajoute nette net value added
valeur nette net worth
variations de la valeur nette changes in net worth
variations de la valeur nette changes in real national net
nationale relle worth
variations des stocks (y changes in inventories )
compris les travaux en (including work-in- (
cours) progress)


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