Oh Mia Special Rimma

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Oh mia special Rimma, ti sembra un modo strano di iniziare una lettera ma il senso lo capirai leggendo.

Premessa , vero che il mondo veramente piccolo e che le persone oneste sono protette dal cielo come
anche vero il detto italiano che il diavolo fa le pentole ma non i coperchi.

Devi sapere che solo tre mesi fami sono lasciato con una modella italiana sempre in giro per litalia ed in
Europa ,una modella dalta moda di quelle che fanno le sfilate per Gucci, Prada, Gattinoni ed altri nomi
celebri di stilisti italian iper due motivi primo non voleva che accettassi il lavoro in america perch non
riteneva possibili i rapporti a distanza, il secondo era il fratello .

vedi quando ti fidanzi con una donna e lo siamo stati per tre anni sembra strano ma erediti i problemi della
famiglia ,ovvero nel suo caso del fratello.

Scusa ho omesso un fatto fondamentale dirti dove risiede Annalisa ,la citta Firenze

Credo avrai intuito il nome del fratello comunque per toglierti qualsiasi dubbio il suo nome Carlo.

Prover a descriverti in breve il Carlo reale perch tu conosci solo quello virtuale.

Il mestiere che fa lo sai, fa il tassista a Firenze e precisamente lavora in genere alla stazione di S.Maria
Novella, fisicamente alto sul 1,60m pesa sui 90 kg , ha una bella pancia essendo sempre seduto sul taxi e
non volendo fare alcun tipo di sport tranne qualche partita a calcio con gli amici a cui ho partecipato
anchio qualche volta ,mangia male trasandato e sporco come la sua casa che si trova in quartiere
popolare chiamato isolotto.

Carlo un convinto puttaniere i soldi che guadagna col taxi che in genere non superano 1.500 al mese
,pochi in Italia li ,li spende tutti in prostitute dappartamento o di strada che porta nel suo appartamento e
scommesse con i cavalli che corrono nellippodromo delle Cascine.

Carlo un tipo spregevole per vali motivi, intanto usa la casa che ha ricevuto in comodato duso dalla
sorella come merce di scambio e la scambia con prostitute spesso dellest e con un farmacista.

Alle prostitute laffitta ad ore durante il suo turno di lavoro e si fa pagare in soldi oppure in natura mi hai
capito,al farmacista la presta per la sua vita amorosa con amanti e prostitute di strada in cambio di
medicine gratis,si tratta di medicine che necessitano di prescrizione medica per essere date e che lui
ottiene sottobanco dal farmacista e sono cialis,ghl e zolpidan ovvero una pillolola per generare lerezione
un liquido inodore ed insapore noto come droga dello stupro e la pillola del giorno dopo che lui tritura e fa
prendere alle sue prostitute entro 12 ore dal rapporto sessuale.

In genere le prostitute tutte sia quelle di strada che quelle dappartamento fanno usare il profilattico ai lor
clienti,ma Carlo vuole un rapporto non protetto ecco perch fa bere loro prima di fare sesso la cosiddetta
droga dello stupro che agisce dopo circa 15 minuti dallassunzione cos pu fare sesso non protetto contro
la loro volont ,gli ulteriori effetti di questa droga sono di rendere totalmente disinibite le vittime che non
ricordano assolutamente di cosa hanno fatto, spesso con tablet che sistema in un posto adatto riprende i
suoi incontri sessuali.una volta a casa sua mi ha fatto vedere la sua triste videoteca e talvolta invia questi
filmati agli amici che vanno come lui a prostitute per consigliargli la prostituta pi brava secondo lui poi
questi filmati qualche amico li mette pure su internet.

Per cui qualcuna si pu trovare su internet a sua insaputa.

Per evitare che le prostitute rimangano incinte dopo il rapporto e sempre in stato di incoscienza da a loro
la pillola abortiva del giorno triturata e messa nel cibo o nello zucchero del caff o di altra bevanda.

Negli ultimi tre anni ha preso per tre volte la sifilide e certamente lavr trasmessa a qualche ignara sua
vittima, a forte rischio aids perch gli piacciono i rapporti anali.

Fin ad ora gli ho dato 12.000 per pagare i suoi debiti coi cavalli perch puntava senza soldi firmando
pagher che venivano accettati dagli scommettitori perch un giocatore abituale ,a Firenze vengono gli
esattori a chiederti i soldi e se non paghi o ti rovinano la macchina o ti rompono qualche parte del corpo,
prima le dita, poi il braccio, poi le gambe

Intervenivo perch me lo chiedeva Annalisa ma mi toccava entrare nella sua sordida vita.

Una prostituta di strada costa 50 lora mentre una di appartamento costo 200 lora ,drogandole stava
con loro dalle due alle tre ore ovvero quanto dura leffetto dela droga dello stupro,pagandone una e faceva
il suo comodo come ti ho detto prima.

Adesso ti spiego cosa la rendita del consumatore ,poi capirai ,la rendita del consumatore la differenza
tra quello che saresti disposto a pagare per comprare un oggetto ed il prezzo a cui ti viene venduto.

Pi grande questa differenza maggiore la rendita del consumatore

Le donne dellUcraina e della Russia sono pi belle delle prostitute di appartamento che si trovano a
Firenze ,se fa venire le donne a Firenze le fa rimanere almeno una settimana e ci fa sesso coi metodi che ti
ho detto una o due volte al giorno quindi ti puoi rendere conto quanto sia la sua rendita del consumatore.

Ovviamente in quel periodo non lavora col taxi ma lo pu fare perch un indipedente .

Comunque facendo due conti essendo ingegnere costando il rapporto sessuale 200 per ora per 3 ore al
giorno per una o due volte al giorno per cui La sua rendita 600-200 =400 al giorno per una copula al
giorno ed 800 al giorno per due copule .poi se moltiplichi per una settimana avrai una rendita dai 2800 ai
5600 e a settimana che giustifica i costi per pagare il viaggio aereo di andata e ritorno della ragazza che mi
ha scritto costa circa 700 o1000 a seconda dallaeroporto di partenza e dallo stato da cui partono ,il
costo di una ragazza ucraina minore di quello di una ragazza russa

Adesso ti descriver i suoi attributi sessuali che ho visto quando ci facevamo la doccia dopo le partite di
calcio, ebbene il suo pene lungo appena 10 cm ,lui fa credere chiss cosa ma poi droga le donne e quelle
non si ricordano nulla cos sicuro di non sfigurare con la prostituta di turno.

Devi sapere che oggi mi arrivata una mail da Carlo in cui mi chiede un prestito si fa per dire di 4000
perch ha quattro prostitute tre dellucraina ed una della Russia che vuole far venire nei prossime mesi tra
maggio e agosto ,una al mese.

La parola prostituta in italiano e nel dialetto fiorentino si dice troia,

ebbene lui mi ha scritto che ha tre troie di 20 , 23 e 27 anni ed una di 30 anni che sei tu.

Nelle sue aspettativi tu sei la prima della lista perch mi ha scritto che solo dopo una lettera in cui ti faceva
esplicite proposte sessuali subito le accettavi a differenza delle altre tre.

Precisamente ha detto che dovevi essere una grande Troia da come ballavi nel video della festa .
Sono stanco di parlare di Carlo adesso ti parlo un poco di me in campo fisico e sessuale che poi alla fine
lunica cosa che sembra attrarti in un uomo.

Ebbene sono alto 1,80 m ,peso 80 kg, fisico atletico ed asciutto ,il mio pene lungo 17 cm a riposo ,circa 3
cm in pi in erezione.

Sono sempre stato considerato un ottimo amante soprattutto per la durata , a livello di preliminari
conosco una tecnica che poche donne europee conoscono lo squirting o eiaculazione femminile.

Lho imparata in giappone ,ci sono stato qualche mese 5 anni fa in vacanza ero fidanzato con una donna
giapponese che mi ha insegnato come si fa,in pratica voi donne avete il punto G ,3 cm dentro la
vagina,massaggiando con due dita questo punto e d usando un piccolo vibratore sul clitoride dopo un
tempo variabile che cambia da donna a donna in genere intorno ai 20 minuti ,esce dalla vagina un getto
come una fontana di liquido trasparente che sembra pipi una o pi volte.

Questa tecnica Carlo non la conosce ovviamente.

Il piacere che la donna prova con lo squirting talvolta superiore alla penetrazione stessa e lascia la donna
letteralmente stremata, quando una donna ha conosciuto lo squirting non ti vuole pi lasciare ed pazza
di te.

Ti dico questo perch ho letto cosa vi siete scritti tu e Carlo per questo non credo di scandalizzarti,

infatti quando ho letto la sua mail in cui erano allegate le foto delle quattro troie come lui vi ha chiamate
ovviamente cera la tua mi preso una shock ed ho iniziato a piangere disperato anche adesso mentre ti
scrivo piango per te poi ti dir meglio perch.

Ebbene io gli ho risposto che al massimo potevo fargli un bonifico di 3000 e che doveva rinunciare a farti
venire inoltre doveva cancellarsi dal sito il giorno prima in cui gli avrei mandato il bonifico e darmi la
password del suo nick name che tu ben conosci ovvero Patroclo sul sito www.online-dating-ukraine.com.

La sua risposa che accettava la mia offerta perch tanto una Troia valeva laltra e ti avrebbe sostituito
senza problemi con quella di 27 anni ucraina risparmiando inoltre sul costo del biglietto

Ti ho salvato non per te ma te tuo figlio che forse si sarebbe trovata una madre sifilitica e comunque come
ultimo atto di affetto nei tuoi riguardi di evitarti di essere trattata come un oggetto oltre ad essere filmata
e che il tuo filmato potesse girare tra gli amici di Carlo o addirittura su internet.

Non potr salvare le altre tre ragazze purtroppo ma dovevo scegliere ed ho scelto te solo perch ti
conoscevo e perch hai un figlio ,a proposito le ragazze sono 4 non 11 come ti ha scritto, vedi una
caratteristica di Carlo di essere uno sbruffone e di vantarsi con le donne per far credere loro di essere un
infaticabile amante.

Adesso ti spiego perch sto piangendo, vedi io ti avevo preferito alla tua connazionale che vive a Dubai e
pensavo di farti venire un mese a Miami con tuo figlio dato che per contratto devo restare in America un
anno ed avevo vogli di incontrarti , avrei affittato un appartamento solo per voi due vicino la spiaggia di
Miami,ci saremmo visti solo il fine settimana ma potevi conoscere meglio lamerica e comunque andare al
mare con tuo figlio, inoltre ti avrei lasciato vicino un giudice italo americano mio amico che sarebbe stato a
tua disposizione per ogni necessit.
Sai perch sono felice di dare questi soldi a Carlo perch oltre al dolore fisico e spirituale che mi sarebbe
venuto da te ,un divorzio con te mi sarebbe costato molto di pi perch sono molto ricco ,posseggo una
casa a Roma di 200 mq con vista sul Colosseo e vari appartamenti a Roma da cui ricavo una notevole
rendita annua da affitti.

Lavoro perch mi piace e non so stare senza far niente, altrimenti potrei vivere di rendita.

Perch avremmo divorziato, perch che fiducia puoi avere di una donna che ti tradisce con la prima
provocazione sessuale su internet ovvero nel mondo virtuale senza neanche conoscere direttamente quello
dallaltra parte, nella vita reale alla prima sollecitazione di un uomo che solletichi la sua curiosit sessuale
accetterebbe la sua offerta senza pensarci troppo sopra perch per lei nel matrimonio la fedelt un

Ho lette le mail che vi siete scambiati dalla tua risposta alla seconda mail quella della provocazione sessuale
sembra che non ti importi nulla di tuo figlio ma pensi solo al tuo piacere sessuale

Allora nel sito non scrivere che cerchi il matrimonio ma solo amicizie e relazioni pi sincero ma
dimenticavo tu sei una persona falsa come dimostra che dopo aver risposto alla mia lettera ti sei affrettata
a rispondere a Carlo

Adesso basta scrivere sono schifato di te ,e sono stremato dal pianto, non ti dico cosa penso di te perch
Carlo lo ha gi espresso chiaramente ,forse Giuda era pi sincero di te.

Addio per sempre ,qualsiasi replica a questa mia lettera da parte tua sarebbe tempo perso e poi non la
leggerei ,stai attenta a chi trovi su internet questa volta ti andata bene perch cero io ,in futuro non so
cosa ti pu capitare e di conseguenza cosa pu succedere a quellanima innocente di tuo figlio.

Addio Rimma ,canceller per sempre il tuo nome dalla mia mente e dai miei ricordi comunque per il tuo
bene ti auguro di cambiare e di essere una persona pi onesta e sincera ,inoltre ti consiglio di dominare il
tuo corpo per non incorrere in brutte avventure come quella che ti sarebbe capitata con Carlo.

Non sto a commentare la tua ultima lettera che considero solo spazzatura.

Di seguito ti ripeto la trascrizione di tue due risposte a Carlo perch mi fa schifo allegare quello che lui ti ha
scritto come una lumaca bavosa.

Hi my special Rimma, it seems a strange way to start a letter, but the sense you will understand
reading. Premise: it is true that the world is really small and that honest people are protected from
God as it is also the italian said that the devil makes pots but not the lids.

You must know that only three months ago I had been engaged with an italian model her name
was Annalisa always around Italy and Europe, a model of high fashion of those who make the
fashion shows for Gucci, Prada, Gattinoni and other famous names of fashion Italian designers Ive
left her for two reasons first she did not want me to accept the job in USA because she did not
think possible distance relationships, the second was his brother a real thug.

See when you get engaged to a woman and stayed for three years with her ,seems strange but you
inherit the problems of her family, or in her case brother problems.
Sorry I left out a really important thing to tell you where Annalisa lives, the city is Florence

I think you may have guessed the name of the brother to take away any doubt his name is Carlo.

I will try to describe in brief the Carlo real because you know only the virtual.

The job that makes you know, he is a taxi driver in Florence, he typically works at the station of
Santa Maria Novella, it is high on the physically 1.60 m, weighs about 90 kg, he has a nice belly
,being still sitting on the taxi and did not want to do any type of sport except some playing football
with friends in which I participated myself sometimes, eat badly is unkempt and he is dirty as his
house , located in a popular district called Isolotto

Carlo is a strong pimp the money he earn with the taxi that generally do not exceed 1,500 a
month, few in Italy, he spend it all in prostitutes of apartment or on the road leading to his
apartment and bets with horses running in 'racecourse of Cascine.

Carlo is a despicable type for reasons worth, while using the house of his sister , that he received in
use gratis, he give his home in use to prostitutes and to a pharmacist his friend

Prostitutes rent his house by the hour during his work shift and pay him in money or in sex ,
pharmacist pays for its love life with lovers and street prostitutes in exchange for free medicine, it is
drugs that require a prescription to be given, and he gets to Carlo under the table the medicine are
CIALIS for generate erection, GHB or rape drug, GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyrate) is in liquid form,
tasteless and just pungent smell ; its effects can occur after about 5-20 minutes after and last for a
period of time that can vary from an hour and a half to three hours. It has a feeling of comfort,
relaxation, increased tactile sensation, fluency and also an increase in sexual desire in the morning
after taking office, you have the effects of a hangover with dizziness, nausea, confusion and almost
total absence of memories that relate to the period of drug effect and at last NORLEVO is a
hormonal contraceptive emergency post-coital, to be used within two hours from a 72 unprotected
sex or after contraception ineffective. NORLEVO is called the morning-after pill that he grinds and
does take its prostitutes within 12 hours of intercourse ,to prevent prostitutes become pregnant after
intercourse and always in a state of unconsciousness from them the day of the abortion pill crushed
and he put into food or sugar in coffee or other beverage.

Typically prostitutes and those of all road those houseplants do use condoms to their clients, but
Carlo wants unprotected sex and anal sex gratis that's why he do drink them before having sex so-
called date rape drug that acts after about 20 minutes maximum from intake so he can have
unprotected sex against their will, the additional effects of this drug are to make totally uninhibited
victims who do not remember absolutely what they did, often with tablet that system in a suitable
place resumes his sexual encounters. once at his house he showed me his sad video library and
sometimes send these movies to friends who go to prostitutes like him to advise the prostitute more
good in his few friends then these movies puts them well on the internet.

So a woman can find a video with her on the internet without her knowledge.

In the last three years he has taken three times syphilis and certainly he will have transmitted it to
some unsuspecting victim, Carlo is at great risk aids too because he likes anal intercourse.
Carlo is worse than a procurer when it engages a prostitute and takes her to his house, or pay a
prostitute of apartment has found a way by fucking free and earn money, he sends a photo of her to
his friends and collect the membership by phone, he spent an hour with her ,after fucking her he
opens front door and lets go in his friends, fucking whore with no condom, told me the rates 100
half an hour, so on a night were also three, four friends sordid like him going with the whore which
is unconscious and does not remember anything of the meeting.

Surely he is already sold to his friends the ukraine girls who will come to Florence and you too.

Then these friends also filmed meetings and went together with the prostitute also having a gang
bang with her while he watched them and enjoyed the show.

Up to now I gave him 6,000 to pay off his debts with the horses because no money was aiming
signing promissory notes that were accepted by gamblers because he is a regular player, in Florence
collectors are asking to him the money and if he do not pay or ruin his taxi or they break
somewhere in the body, before his fingers, then his arm, then the legs

I paid because Annalisa asked me but I had to get into his sordid life.

A street prostitute costs 50 per hour while a flat cost of 200 per hour, drugging them was with
them from two to three hours, that is how long does the effect of rape drug, paying one hour and
did his comfortable as I told you before.

Let me explain what is the consumer surplus, then you will understand, the consumer surplus is the
difference between what you would be willing to pay to buy something and the price at which you

Bigger is the difference and greater is the consumer surplus

Women of Ukraine and Russia are the most beautiful than prostitutes of apartments that are
located in Florence, if he let come to Florence these kind of women ,they have to stay at least a
week having sex with him with the methods that I have told you once or twice a day then you can
realize how much is his consumer surplus.

Obviously at that time he does not work with the taxi but he can do it because he is a indipedent
worker .

Still doing the math being engineer costing intercourse 200 per hour for 3 hours a day for one or
two times a day for which his rent is (600-200 ) = 400 per day for a copula per day and 800
per day for two copulations .then if you multiply for a week you will have an income from 2800 to
5.600 and by justifying the costs to pay for air travel round trip the girl he wrote costs about 700
or 1.000 depending from starting from the state and from which she come from , the cost of
travelling of an Ukrainian girl is less than that of a Russian girl.

Now I will describe his sexual attributes which I saw when we took a shower after football matches,
why his penis is just 10 cm long, he knows what to believe but then drugs and those women do not
remember anything so sure not to deface the prostitute on duty.
You must know that today I received an email from Carlo in which he asks for a loan, so to speak
,of 4000 because it has four prostitutes three of Ukraine and one of Russia that wants to come in
Florence in the coming months between May and August, each one at a month.

The word prostitute in Italian and Florentine dialect is said TROIA,

Well he wrote me that three sluts have 20, 23 and 27 years and one 30 which you are.

In his expectation you are the first TROIA on the list because he told me that only after just one
letter in which he made explicit sexual advances to you ,you immediately have accepted unlike the
other three.

Specifically you said that you had to be a great TROIA from as you danced in the video of the

I'm tired of talking about Carlo now I speak to you a little of me in the field physical and sexual that
in the end it is the only thing that seems to attract you in a man.

Well I m high 1.80 m, weight 80 kg, athletic and dry, my penis is 17 cm long at rest, about 3 cm
more erect. My helplessness has passed ,it was due to stress work I took the medicine Xanax

I was always been considered a great lover, at the level of preliminary I know a technique that few
European women know ,it is the squirting or male ejaculation.

I learned it in Japan, I've been there a few months five years ago on vacation I was engaged to a
Japanese woman who taught me how to do it, basically you women have the G-spot, 3 cm inside the
vagina, rubbing two fingers this point and using a small vibrator on the clitoris after a variable time
that changes from woman to woman usually around 20 minutes, comes out from the vagina a jet
like a fountain of transparent liquid that seems piss, one or more times.

This technique Carlo does not know of course.

The pleasure that the woman feels with squirting is sometimes is greater than the penetration itself
and leaves the woman literally exhausted, when a woman has known squirting do not want to leave
you and is crazy about you.

I say this because I read what you've written and you do not think of why Carlo scandalized,

In fact, when I read his email in which were displayed pictures of the four girls and I have
recognized your photo , I got a shock and I started crying desperate even now as I write I cry for
you then I'll tell you better Why.

Well I told him that at most I could do him a transfer of 3,000 and he have to give up on you and
not let you come to Florence also had to unsubscribe from the site the day before in which I would
have sent the bank and he had to give me the password for his nick name that you know well or
patroclo on the site www.online-dating-ukraine.com.

Carlo has accepted my proposal, responding to me after an hour I had sent the mail because he told
me much a TROIA was worth the other and you would easily replaced with that of 27 years
Ukraine also saving on the cost of the ticket.
I saved you, not for you but for your son that perhaps you would be a mother and still syphilitic as
the last act of love for you to keep you from being treated as an object in addition to being filmed
and that the movie could turn between the Carlos friends or even on the internet.

I'll not save the other three girls, but unfortunately I had to choose and I chose you because I knew
you, and because you have a child, by the way the girls are 4 not 11 as he wrote, you see a feature
of Carlo is to be a blowhard and brag women to believe them to be a tireless lover in internet.

Let me explain why I'm crying, I have favorite you and not your compatriot living in Dubai like
wife and thought of you to come a month in Miami with your child for know you closer in fact
per contract I must stay in USA one year and I had to meet you before, I had decided to rent an
apartment just for you and Gleb near the beach in Miami, we would have seen only the weekend
but you could learn more about USA and still go to the beach with Gleb, also I'd let you near a
judge Italian-American friend of mine who was in your available for every need.

I'm not happy to give this money to Charles because I am sure he will misuse the money but I had
to choose between the lesser evil and anyway so I avoided physical and spiritual pain that would
come to me from you, moreover a divorce with you would cost me much more because Im very
rich ,excuse me if I confess it to you but itso , I own a house in Rome of 200 square meters
overlooking the Colosseum, and many apartments in Rome from which proceeds me a
considerable annual income from rents.

Because I like to work and I cannot stand doing nothing, otherwise I could live off the interest.

we would have divorced, because what kind of confidence you can have of a woman who betrays
you with the first sexual provocation on the internet or in the virtual world without even knowing
face by face who is on the other side , in real life the first solicitation of a man tickle your
curiosity sexual accepting his offer without thinking about it too much because for you faithfulness
in marriage is optional.

I read the email that you have exchanged from a reply to the second email that the sexual
provocation seems that you do not care anything about your son, but just think of your sexual

Then in the site says that you are looking for but only friendships and relationships is more sincere
does not write the marriage, but I forgot you're a person who proves false as having responded to
my letter you rushed to write to Carlo

Now I m disgusted to write you, and Im exhausted from crying, I do not tell you what I think of
you because Carlo has already made clear, perhaps Judas was more sincere than you.

Any reply to this letter from you would be a waste of time and then Ill not read it, be careful for
which you can find on the internet this time you had lucky because I was there, in the future I do
not know what can happen to you and consequently what can happen to the innocent soul of your
Rimma Im so sorry for you ,I loved you very much, I had made for you and your, our son Gleb
many projects ,why, why, whyIm so sad for you, you cant imagine how much Im sad for you
but now Ill erase your name from my mind and from my memories anyway for your own good I
wish to change yourself and to be a most honest and sincere person, also you should dominate your
body to avoid nasty adventures as what it would happened with Carlo.

I will not comment on your last letter that I consider false when you talk about your family value.

Without knowing you I give for you 3,000 to that scoundrel of Carlo think what I would do if
you was been faithful, but the fidelity is not part of your nature.

If Carlo had not needed money I never knew you were a woman easy and false and I would have
given my life and my heart is in your hands.

Heaven helped me always in my life.

Carlo is a coward so if you write to him, he certainly will not respond because he will feel
discovered as I will forward this mail to him in which I reveal him to you and if he answer to you
it will be only for making fun of you and despise you.

Carlo is a great wretch without you he would not have had 3,000 then you did to him a big favor,
and as soon as he got what he wanted he dismissed you without many problems because for him
you are been only a useful whore and nothing else.

Rimma you do not know the danger that you risked falling into the hands of that maniac of Carlo and his
group of friends a pack of hyenas, you say you believe in God, maybe this time God has saved you using me
as a means.

In the future you have to be more prudent, if you do not want done to yourself, do it for Gleb.

As my last act for you please let a kiss in front of the small Gleb by me , he is a very special child with a
wonderful smile, I would have been happy to know him.

I greet you with a quote from Churchill right for you at this time let remember it.

There are many things in life that catch the eye, but only a few capture your heart: follow those. "

Goodbye forever dear Rimma and good luck to your life.

Max (today writing from Boston Massachusetts USA)

I repeat here the transcript of your just two answers to Carlo to show you that I know well your
Date: 2015-04-28 10:11:43

Hi my special Carlo, you make me feel horny and excited.. I want to hear from you, to read your
letter out loud and imagine that you are here. In my imagination you are very hot, darling. You are
so hot, that I feel your passion even here, so far away. Am I right? Are you able to fill my body and
soul with pleasure? Im sitting in my room totally naked, because its too hot in here. Im not sure
its because of the temperature. Mostly because of my dirty thoughts I suppose. Cant stop thinking
of you, sweetie. I have a desire and want to be closer to you. That is what I feel for you, my
sunshine. Rolling Eyes All you have to do is write me a letter, and you know I'll answer you.



Date: 2015-05-02 13:35:54

Carlo, I'm dying to make love to you, many times, rip your clothes off, and make love to you
madly, furiously, youll hear my moans, I tell you dirty things in Russian while you devour my
whole piece, with your lips, throughout my body, smooth my tits and my nipples hard, make you go
crazy, that soft yummy, uhmmm as I like ...

Uhmm do want to suck your lips are slaves of my skin, my neck, my own lips. The hardness of your
friend comes to a very serious condition. I want you to make me moan, my cum with your fingers
and your friend. I want to feel satisfied, my beloved.

I hope this little fantasy you do have a good time.

Your bad girl,


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