Intact Rock Strength: Project: Subject: Prepared By: Date

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project: CV6315 - Engineering Geology and Rock Engineering

subject: Determination of intact and mass rock strength

prepared by: Merdeka Sandi Tazakka
Date : 10/15/2017

Intact rock strength

Number or lab tests n 5
H-B constant gradient mi 16.43436 MPa
H-B constant s 1
ci2 27638.2
uniaxial compressive strength ci 166.2474 MPa
tensile strength t 10.11584 MPa

x y xy x2 y2
150 548016.5 22587877.5 6750 7.7161E+10

3 1 y xy x2 y2
0 145 21025 0 0 442050625
15 302 82369 1235535 2256784652161
30 354.5 105300.3 3159007.5 900 1.1088E+10
45 425 144400 6498000 2025 2.0851E+10
60 501.5 194922.3 11695335 3600 3.7995E+10

Triaxial test
Linear (Triaxial
(1 - 3 )^2

f(x) = 2732.17x + 27638.2
R = 0.9824070089



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
confined pressure (3 )
Rock mass strength

Geological strength index GSI 60

Disturbance factor D 0
H-B constant gradient (ro ` mb 3.938512
H-B constant s 0.011744
H-B constant a 0.502841

a=0.5 a=f(GSI)
3 1 1
0 18.01590275 17.78989
5 64.98674531 64.64037
10 92.89901371 92.57195
15 115.7277684 115.4415
20 135.8443792 135.6069
25 154.2043229 154.0194
30 171.306737 171.1763
35 187.4514047 187.3764
40 202.8350934 202.8159
45 217.5952042 217.6319
50 231.8321791 231.9248
55 245.6220822 245.7703
60 259.024157 259.2277
65 272.085615 272.3442
70 284.8448017 285.158
75 297.3333661 297.7008

Not-normalized 3 vs 1 chart
intact str
500 a=0.5
Triaxial test
1 (MPa)





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
3 (MPa)
Average rock mass strength

Average rock mass strength

uniaxial compressive strength ci 166.2474 MPa

H-B constant gradient (rockmass) mb 3.938512 -
H-B constant s 0.011744 -
H-B constant a 0.502841 -

Global strength cm 45.43612 MPa

Rock mass modulus (modulus of deformation)

Geological strength index GSI 60 -
Disturbance factor D 0-

Rock properties
Rock type - Granite
Unit weight of rock rock n.a kN/m3
Uniaxial Compressive Strength UCS 160 MPa
Modulus Ratio MR 300
Rock quality designation RQD - %
Poisson ratio vr n.a

Intact rock modulus Er 48000 MPa

Rock mass modulus Em 24960 MPa Hoek & Diederichs (2006)

Rock mass modulus Em 20364.99 MPa Simplifed Hoek & Diederichs (2006)
Rock mass modulus Em 17782.79 MPa Hoek et. Al 1997,2002, after Serafim
Rock mass modulus Em 7621.764 MPa Liang and Yang (2006)
Results for intact rock samples
1 3
(Mpa) (Mpa)
145.0 0.0
302.0 15.0
354.5 30.0
425.0 45.0 501.5 60.0
501.5 60.0

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