Worm That Walks

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‘WorM THAT WALKS Atibough tis robed wizsrt stands sad moves like 2 ma, ss ody a wrathang mass of sqrt slippery worms. “The worm that walks isa writhing mass of worms that fortns the shane of aspellcastng creature. ‘Born from death. When.a powerful spellcaste with astrong ‘personaly hast for We, and renbrselesaly ev sot dies and Rhuredina gravyart infned with eidntch magic, strange thhenomesin sometinen ocours The Nec of the deoayng iy fats intrscts the very worms Hat gray a hese ‘grareworms quicken sot ony on corruption but upon Spellasters memories and mayeal power. The spellesster’s ‘very Souls consumed in this wile process, only tobe split apart {o inhabit each of the individual chewing worms in so many fragments. “The result isa hideous hive mind of slithering life known asa ‘worm that walks —a mass of worms that fines othe wager shape ofthe body that granted it this new existence. and can ‘eld the powers and magic the spellcasir hail ia ie I retains ‘omoriea oft ife before ia deat bat not undead ‘Living Monstrosity. A wortn that wah desu require ai foo dink, or see. ‘WorM THAT WALKS Medium monstrosty(hunsan wizard), ne evil ‘Armor Chss 15 HitPoints 114 (1648 + 42) Speed 30 f STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 10(+0) 18 (+4) 17 (3) 20(-5) 12441) 1060) Saving Throws Ine =9, Wis Damage Resistances tludgeoning, ignsning, piercing payehi, slashing Damage immunities poison Condition Immunities biinced, deafened, charmed, patalyied, poisoned, restraned, stunnec Senses bindsight 30 f, darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 1S 5 Abyssal, Common, Infernal Grlenge 12 [6.800 3 Benign Trarspostion (1/day. 2 an action, the worm that wralee can tsloport up 10 30 feet toon unozeupies space ean see. Alternately, it ean choase apace within range that © ecaupied by # Smal or Medium creature. that creature cling, they both teleport swapping places. The worm that walls regains the use of this, Silty ft canta + corjurtion ape of Tat evel or higher. Focused Cenjuration While the worm that walks is concentrating on aconjuretion spell its concertration can't be broken asa result of taking damage ‘Avoidance I te worm that walls is subjected 19 an cffect tht allows it to make «saving thiow fo take only Falf damage, instead takes no darmage iit succeeds con the saving thw, and only haf damoge iit falls Regeneration The worm that walks regains 15 hit points a the start ofits tur if thas atleast 1 it paint, Improved Unarmared Deferae ii te worm tse wetting ao armor and wielding no shield, ts AC ‘ts Wisdom modifier (ninimary bonus of +2). Spelcsting Tne worm that walks isa 13th-level Spellaster. ts spellasting ability i Intelligence (spell save DC 17, +9 to hitwith spell attacks). The worm thar walls has the folowing wizard spels prepared CConstips (at will acid splash, mage hand, presticigtation, poison spray, sword burst Astlevel (4 slots). charm person, feg cloud, prorection fom evilard goed, shield 2nd level (3 slots). derect thoughts, invsibily, melts ‘iG arow Sed level (3 slot): cispe! magic, protection fiom ‘Ahlevel (3 slots): conjure barlgura, evard's black tentacles phantssma ler Sthilevel (2 slots): clouakill hold monster Gxh level 1 slots) globe of imvulnersmity, sunbeam Teh level (1 slots): finger of death Actions Slr, Melee Weapon Attack -4 to hit, each 5 fone urges He 4 (1d8) bludgeoning demage. I the attack Inte a zwar of worme squirm over the target creature sihich must sueceed on a DCS Constinution saving throw agninst parson or be incapacitated fom nau for] mivuts, While incapacitated n this way, target takes 7 (245) poisen damage atthe star of each of ts turme A target cen repeat the saving throw atthe end of ich of its turns, ending the effecton tse on & Success, Another cteature azing an action remove the ‘norms from the target also endo the effect oni Gestures immune 0 poisen automatically succeed on this saving throw

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