322 Catalepsia

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Applanation tonometry and ophthalmoscopy of

the vervet monkey (Cercopithecus ethiops)

in phencyclidine catalepsia
Ernst Bdrdny

Phencyclidine, 1 to 1.2 mg. per kilogram body weight, is recommended for examination of
the eyes in untamed monkeys. Applanation tonometry with the Mackay-Marg machine was
performed in 109 vervets (Cercopithecus ethiops), mainly old males, contributing a total of
208 eyes without signs of present or past inflammation or trauma. A mean pressure of 17.7
mm. Hg was found. The detailed distribution of pressures is given in Table I. The highest,
pressure recorded was 30 mm. Hg, the lowest 12 mm. Hg. In 152 of the eyes not suspected
of glaucoma, the facility of outflow in vivo was subsequently measured with a perfusion
technique. There was no correlation between facility values and tonometric pressure.

DL 'uring work involving the screening of

large numbers of monkeys for glaucoma,
intraocular pressure, probably through an
action on aqueous secretion.1 Moreover, the
it was necessary to examine the untamed pupil is small in this anesthesia. Light
animals with the slit lamp, ophthalmo- ether anesthesia does not depress intra-
scope, and tonometer. Some form of tran- ocular pressure, but in order for a steady
quilization or anesthesia evidently was state to develop, the anesthesia should be
necessary; it had to be convenient, safe, reasonably even for about 15 minutes and
and without much effect on those auto- this is difficult to attain without consider-
nomic functions which determine eye pres- able individual attention.
sure. Light barbiturate anesthesia was not Recent reports indicate that phencycli-
suitable, for it produced nystagmus and dine has remarkable calming properties
turning of the eyes inward and upward. in several monkey species.2'3 Since it has
Large doses of barbiturate markedly lower very little action on visceral functions, in-
cluding the circulation,4 it was tried for
the present purpose and proved to be ex-
From the Department of Physiology, School of cellent. It produces a cataleptoid state in
Medicine, Makerere College, Kampala, Uganda, which the monkey not only is nonaggressive,
and the Department of Pharmacology, Uni- but also can be placed in various positions
versity of Uppsala, Sweden (permanent address without making attempts to right itself.
of author).
This study was supported by Research Grants
The vervets (Cercopithecus ethiops) were
B-3060 and NB-03637 from the Institute of mainly big males and very fierce. They
Neurological Diseases and Blindness, United were either injected while wrapped in a
States Public Health Service, Bethesda, Md. net or transferred to squeeze cages for in-

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Volume Applanation tonometry and ophthalmoscopy of vervet monkey 323

jection. Phencyclidine hydrochloride was finished. If necessary, another series was

made up as 2 mg. per milliliter solution made after a rest of about a minute. The
in saline and given intramuscularly at a lowest of at least 3 valid readings was
dose of 1 to 1.2 mg. per kilogram. It is not used. Tonometry was done on 109 monkeys,
necessary to weigh the animals very ac- 10 of them contributing only one eye. Only
curately; the dose does not appear to be eyes with unilateral cataract, aqueous flare,
critical. or other evidence of present or past inflam-
Five to ten minutes after the injection, mation or trauma were discarded. The
the monkey can be safely handled without average pressure was 17.7 mm. Hg, and
gloves and its whiskers and eyebrows can the distribution of pressures recorded on
be clipped (very necessary if ophthalmos- one occasion in each eye is seen in Table
copy at short range is intended and the I. The readings were taken during the
observer is ticklish!). He can now be put interval from 8:30 A.M. to about 10 P.M.,
on the table in various positions without so that diurnal variations of pressure were
restraint and examined at ease. The included in the variability. The distribution
cataleptoid state lasts for about 45 minutes of differences between the two eyes is seen
at the dose indicated. After some hours, in Table II.
the animals seem to be completely normal. Only in a very few cases do the tabulated
There was no death among more than 100 values derive from anything but the first
successive monkeys, several of them very occasion of tonometry in the animal. Re-
old and decrepit. tonometry after a day or so was done if
At the height of drug action, the eyes the first occasion gave technically unac-
are directed straight ahead. There is no ceptable curves for any one of the two
nystagmus but frequent small bursts of eyes. In these cases the retonometry values
tremor of the eyes. The pupil is wide but
reacts to light. Sometimes a hippus can be
seen. Ophthalmoscopy is very easy, and Table I. Distribution of tonometric eye
fine detail can be studied since the eye is pressures in 208 vervet eyes under
quite steady between the bursts of tremor. phencyclidine
For tonometry, topical anesthesia is
necessary because the corneal reflex is quite No. of eyes
under suspicion
active. In the present study, one drop of (opposite eye ex-
2 per cent lidocaine (Xylocaine) was used. cluded because
The eyes of these monkeys are deep set and of evidence of
Pressure No. of trauma or
the lid reflex is active. It is, therefore, often (mm. Hg) eyes inflammation)
necessary to use some force to retract the 12 4 1
lids. The eyelids in monkeys are often some- 13 7
what greasy and slippery, and it was found 14 13
15 28
to be a great help in increasing friction to 16 24 1
wind die distal phalanx of the thumb and 17 25 1
forefinger used for parting the lids with 18 40 2
adhesive plaster. 19 14 2
20 24
Mackay-Marg tonometry was done with 21 9
the monkeys lying on their sides, with the 22 8 1
23 4 1
hand carrying the tonometer probe being 24 4
steadied on the table. Following a sugges- 25 1
tion by Dr. Robert Moses, a series of 10 to 26 2
27 0
20 applications of the probe was made in 28 0
very quick succession, without inspection 29 0
of the paper strip, until the series was 30 1 1

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324 Bdrdny In vestigatiDe Ophthalmology
August. 1963

Table II. Distribution of tonometric difference in facility. A similar lack of cor-

pressure differences between the two relation in normal eyes is evident in
eyes of 99 vervets Grant's" tonographic data for nonglaucoma-
tous humans.
Pressure difference
(mm. Hg) No. of animals Whether the pressures recorded under
0 23
phencyclidine are the physiologic ones is
1 27 an open question. The calibration of the
2 27 Mackay-Marg tonometer was checked in
3 12
4 6
the prescribed manner for each animal,
5 1 and, at the end of the investigation, the
6 1 instrument was tested on a thin rubber
7 2 balloon filled with water under known
pressure. It gave a correct pressure read-
ing. Thus, a systematic instrumental error
are the ones listed. A second and third is improbable. A pharmacologic one is not
tonometry was also done in several cases excluded.
of exceptionally high eye pressure. Some- I wish to thank Dr. John Lock of the Depart-
times the repeat tonometry gave lower ment of Pharmacology at Makerere for drawing
values. In all these cases, the first value my attention to phencyclidine. The sample used
obtained is tabulated. was a gift to Dr. Lock from Parke, Davis & Co.,
In at least 5 of the animals, a suspicion
of simple glaucoma was present. In 3 of REFERENCES
them, the highest tonometry values were
1. Barany, E. H., and Rohen, J. W.: Glaucoma
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6. Grant, W. M.: Tonography, in Newell, F. W.,
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