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The Nano E-Medicine Research Hospital has been established with the following objectives and
dynamics to resolve the healthcare issues of Bangladesh:

1. It will explore information technology (IT) to its maximum. A global platform of the
doctors has already been developed by integrating the famous and specialized
doctors from different advanced countries including USA, Canada, Australia and India.
It will primarily be headquartered in Washington, D.C., with its pilot project in
Bangladesh. Some other countries like Ghana, Ethiopia, Nepal, Sri Lanka and India will
follow Bangladesh model to fight diseases with a combined global initiative.

2. A software has been developed to prescribe proper medicine for the patients with the
minimum possible guidance from the doctors. The patients history will be preserved
automatically throughout his life and his medical data can be accessed by the foreign
doctors to evaluate and prescribe proper medicine for the patients.

3. The e-Hospital will be a for-profit entrepreneurship but will provide free treatment to
the underprivileged people of Bangladesh. The cost will be minimal for all other types
of patients including for treatment abroad.

4. Intensive R&D projects will be undertaken in Bangladesh to conduct and diagnose

diseases and gradually develop appropriate medicine to fight them.

5. The Global e-Hospital will explore all possible options to transform health care
facilities close to the patients home/location through healthcare Apps, contributors,
laptops, FaceTime, Skype and video conference.


To provide quality healthcare products and services for every human beings of
Bangladesh by 2030 through maximizing the use of IT.


Its a global concept and platform. The organization has already been formed and
connecting the doctors of USA, India, Australia and Bangladesh. The doctors from many other
countries will follow this platform soon. The details can be seen from the menu of E-medicine
Research Hospital of NanoTech web-link at Each countrys headquarters
will have their domestic e-branches in every school, college, village, towns, cities, community
centers and computer labs. The e-hospital will be connected with the hospitals, doctors,
pharmacists, and other medical support centers like ambulance services to utilize their services.
The e-Hospital will remain open 24/7 to provide immediate and sustained support for its patients.
The e-Hospital will have different types of employees, but the primary focusing will be on the
services of the doctors. The doctors will predominantly steer the e-hospitals and will be employed
in a number of different ways:

1. Full Time Employment: Nano e-Hospital will employ doctors for 24/7 services for its
patients, and these doctors will be the backbone of the e-Hospital. The full time
doctors will also share in the revenues apart from their salaries.

2. Part-time Employment: The Nano e-Hospital will employ part-time doctors on an

hourly basis, but never less than six (6) hours per day for a contract period of six (6)
months. They will also share in the benefits of revenue apart from their hourly
contract service.

3. Guest Doctors. The guest doctors will be the flesh and blood of the Nano Global e-
Hospital. Any doctor can contribute as a guest doctor and can log in to the
Treatment folder using their membership ID and password, browse the patients
portfolios and make prescriptions to treat the patients until he/she recovers fully, or
refer to a specialized doctor or make necessary arrangements to evacuate him/her
to a hospital. The guest doctors will receive 50% of the fees paid to the e-Hospital.

4. Specialized Doctors. The specialized doctors are defined based on their

specialization in some specific field within a particular country. They will look after
the patients who needs special medical attention for a particular disease. Any doctor
may make the referral of a particular patient for special medical assistance. They will
receive 70% of the total fees paid to the e-Hospital for specialized treatment by the

5. Doctors from the International Pool. All of the foreign national doctors will be
considered the doctors of the international pool. These doctors will oversee the
treatment of any other country to complement them. In case the doctors of a
particular country seek assistance from the doctors of a foreign country, then the
doctors from the international pool will contribute and their expertise will be fully
explored. These doctors will also work on R&D projects for e-Hospital. The teams of
doctors of the International Pool will periodically visit other countries to work
together to provide health care facilities to the countries they visit..

6. 24/7 Help Line. All countries will be divided by zones and sub-zones. All zones and
sub-zones will be working to serve the patients 24/7. The full time/regular doctors
will manage the zones and subzones to provide full time service the patients. An
international help line will also be established to provide quality medical services and

7. Reporting Channel.
Sub Zone Presidents

Selected by the Country President Mostly Doctors

Zone President

Selected by the Country President Mostly Doctors

Country President
Selected by the Global President Any Profession

Diagram: Reporting Channel and Selection System

HQ of Nano Global e-
Hospital, 6410 Springview
Place, Rockville, MD, USA

Dr. ASM Karim, Nucleus

R&D Cell, The University
Hospital for Albert Einstein
Medical College, Bronx, NY,

Country HQ, Bangladesh Country HQ - India Country HQ - USA

President - Prof Dr. Zakaria President - Prof Dr. Ashish President - Prof Dr.
Level 9, Janata Tower, Mukharjee Abdullah Al Baki
Karwan Bazar, Dhaka Calcutta Johns Hopkins Hospital

Diagram: Nano Global e-Hospital Hierarchy

8. R&D Cell. The R&D cell will be the backbone of Nano Global e-Hospital. Each
country will have its own R&D cell, and each cell will be composed of the full time
employed doctors and IT professionals. The nucleus R&D cell will be located in
Washington, D.C. and will facilitate and coordinate all the activities of country R&D
cells worldwide. 15% of the profit will be spent for R&D projects with the following

a. To carry out extensive research to diagnose new diseases surfacing anywhere

in the world.
b. To conduct research on critical patients of any kind of disease by the country
R&D cells and referred to the Nucleus R&D cell in the USA if required.
c. To develop new medicines to fight diseases worldwide.

Global Treatment Concept

Nano e-Hospital will explore the IT facilities to its maximum. The concept of treatment will be as

1. The treatment will basically be organized on IT network. It will be a global medical

network. There will be a website open to all to register, log in, seek medical facilities or
provide medical services.

2. Any patient can log in, pay the fee (in some cases free), and endorse his/her problem
which will automatically be popped up and alert the nearest zone or sub-zone
headquarters and the concerned doctors. The provision of GPS facilities will be fully
utilized to automatically locate the patient location, and emergency services will be
ensured as early as possible to the patients. The doctors will prescribe the medicines
online and/or refer to a specialists or suggest evacuation. The concerned components will
work harmoniously to provide best possible healthcare facilities to the patient.

3. The Nano e-Hospital will also use Skype, Video Conference calls, and Face Time calls to
interact with the patients.

4. The Nano Global e-Hospital will have its own online medical products which will be
delivered within the shortest possible time if the patients desire to get those online.

5. The Nano e-Hospital will have contact with all the public or private hospitals, pharmacies,
and other medical care units interested to join this platform to ensure coordinated
ventures to bring visible changes to the global healthcare facilities.

6. Treatment which requires the attention of international support or global focus will be
referred to Nano Global e-hospital Headquarters in Washington, D.C. The headquarters
will refer the cases to the concerned hospital/doctor for necessary treatment. Any foreign
doctor may also volunteer to treat the patient of any other country.
Nano E-Medicine Research Hospital Website

There will be separate domains for each country, but all country domains will
internationally be connected to render cross-border support. Each country domain will have
separate menus in the menu bar like Treatment, Urgent Treatment, Free Treatment for the
People Under Poverty Level, Country wise history of the patients, referral, doctors, patients,
doctors of international pool, ambulance services, product delivery, emergency evacuation, and
R&D etc. All menus will be integrated with concerned networks.

Global Research Concept to Diagnose Disease and Invent Medicine

The research will be conducted by the R&D cells of each country but be coordinated by
the Nucleus R&D Cell, Washington, D.C., USA to avoid duplication, economy of effort, and best
possible utilization of scientists and talents. There will be ad-hoc arrangement and organization
of R&D cell comprising of scientists from the international arena to diagnose a new disease or
invent medicine.

How is it going to make difference with other traditional concepts? There will be a lot of
differences. For example, if some new disease has erupted in some remote part of X Country of
Africa, then it will be very difficult for an American hospital or R&D cell to immediately research
on the patients and this disease. It will also incur a lot of money and time to send the doctors to
the X Country. Since Nano has a global medical network, it will be first to notice the disease and
alert the globe. Its local zone will take care of the patient and take his blood and any other sample,
test the sample, and send the test result to its country R&D cell to carry out necessary research
and discover medicine for this disease.

The Nucleus R&D cell will automatically get involved with the process and conduct
research on its own or in coordination with the concerned R&D cell of that particular country. It
will allow the fastest way to conduct research and fight the new diseases. The same concept will
be utilized to serve a critical patient worldwide.

Revenue Earnings and Expenditures

The total population of the world is 7.4 billion at present. Nano Global e-Hospital will
make an attempt to provide health care facilities to all the human beings of this planet. Nano will
encourage every member of the planet to be the member of this great healthcare e-network.
Though the richest people dont require membership with this hospital to get quality healthcare
facilities, their membership will be encouraged to showcase their participation for global unity to
fight the diseases and to show their solidarity with the underprivileged group of people of this

The Nano Global e-Hospital will primarily be orchestrated as for-profit organization but
its concept is totally based on philanthropic ideas, i.e. to help the underprivileged group of people
in healthcare and root out the diseases of the world within the shortest possible time and
expenditure. Its a great effort and demands a considerable amount of money. The revenues will
thus be required and will be earned in the following ways:

1. Membership Fee. The membership fee will vary from country to country and
will be decided by the headquarters every year. However, it will primarily depend on
the per capita income of a country and life standards.

2. Treatment Fee. The treatment fee will also differ from country to country. The
country president will decide the treatment fee in consultation with the Zone and Sub-
zone presidents, which will later be decided and maintained by the headquarters of
Nano Global e-Hospital to bring rationality amongst the countries. However, the
yardsticks to decide the fee will be as follows:

a. The Per Capita Income and doctors average usual visiting fee will be taken into
consideration to decide the fee. The base line will be not more than 40% of the
average doctors fee to be considered as the treatment fee. In the case of
Bangladesh, the average doctors visiting fee is Taka 200.00 ($2.5). So, the
treatment fee of Global e-Hospital will not exceed taka 80.00 ($1). In USA, the
average doctors fee is around $100. So, the e-Global hospital fee will be $40 or

b. The people living below the poverty level will pay half of the actual medical
treatment fee. In some cases the patients will be treated free of charge, but this
group of patients must be certified by Nano e-Hospital Administration that they
are not capable of paying for the treatment. A separate web page will be
developed for their treatment in e-Hospital web portal.

c. The members of Nano Global e-Hospital will pay half of the price of the treatment
paid by non-members.

d. The specialization treatment fee will be chalked out by the Country president as
per the laid down policies and regulations. A detailed policy guideline will be
formulated separately for strict adherence by the country presidents.

3 Contribution/Donation. Donation/contribution in the form of money and/or

products from any individual, local establishment/organization, and global organizations
will be accepted and will be audited yearly for transparency.

Database and Identification Numbers

There will be auto identification (ID) numbers for each member of the Nano Global e-Hospital.
Those will be categorized as follows:
1. Doctors ID Number. Each doctor, whether a regular (fulltime) doctor or a guest doctor,
will have his/her own ID number and password to log in to the Nano Global e-Hospital
website to activate his/her account and do his/her jobs. The doctors ID numbers will start
with the internationally accepted country code to help recognize their national identity.

2. Patients ID Number. The patients will have two types of numbers: 1) Members or
regular patients 2) Non-member or non-regular patients. All these patients will have their
separate passwords to log in to the website. The patients ID numbers will also start with
their country code to better identify them internationally, in case their case has to be
dealt by the foreign doctors.

Bangladesh Chapter

The Nano e-Hospital has already launched its pilot project in Bangladesh. All other countries will
use the same template for their home countries. The detail aspects will be as follows:

1. Location of Headquarters of Bangladesh Chapter. The Headquarters of Bangladesh

Chapter will primarily be located at Nano Global e-Hospital, Care off - NanoTech Solution
and Consultancy Limited, Level 9, Janata Tower, 49 Karwan Bazar, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

2. Affiliated Hospitals/Establishments. All interested private and public hospitals/medical

care units, pharmaceutical companies, ambulance services, aviation/helicopter services,
community clinics, private nursing homes may become the sister organizations of Nano
Global e-Hospital.

3. Country President. Professor Dr. Zakaria will act as the Country President of the
Bangladesh Chapter. He will organize the zones and sub-zones of Bangladesh within the
shortest possible time. The country president will look after the health care aspects,
including the fastest and quality treatment, organizational aspects of medical treatment
group, functioning of country R&D cells, and coordination with the Global e-Hospital
Headquarters for all things necessary to improve the treatment model. He will also
coordinate with the Chief Advisor of Nano Administration for smooth functioning of the
domestic services to ensure proper health care utility services for the patients.

4. Administration. Md Shariful A Chowdhury will act as the Chief Executive Officer of

Nano e-Hospital Administration of Bangladesh Chapter. He will make a network with all
possible utility providers, including the hospital and ambulance services and IT
networking facilities to ensure uninterrupted logistics back-up for the patients.

5. Medical Services and Revenue. The whole idea is based on philanthropy. However,
it will be a for-profit organization to materialize its global concept to fight diseases.
Money matters for R&D to invent something better and new for the mankind. In
Bangladesh, primarily the doctors will be asked to provide volunteer services as much as
possible at least for the first 6 months from launching the operation. These doctors will
be the life-time honorary members of the e-Hospital and the same concept will be
implemented for all other countries to follow. These doctors, along with their family
members, will be treated free during their lifetime even if the necessary treatment isfrom
a foreign country. They will also be given the option to join Nano Global e-Hospital as a
regular doctor. We expect to start earning revenues by September, 2016 after launching
the Hospital in April, 2016. The treatment and membership fees will be valid and legalized
as mentioned under the Group Headings of Revenue Earnings and Expenditures.

Employment Opportunities

The Nano Global e-Hospital will employ regular doctors, pharmacists, IT staffs, and
administrative staffs at the earliest possible opportunity. The Country President will make
necessary arrangements in coordination with the Chief Advisor and Headquarters of Nano Global
e-Hospital to employ the necessary work force. Each Zone Headquarters will have at least 3
doctors, 3 e-Hospital professionals, and 3 Administrative personal, and each Subzone
Headquarters with 02 doctor, 3 e-Hospital professionals, and 3 Administrative personal. A total
of 15,874 workforces (Doctors and E-Professionals) and a total of 2,236 Administrative Staffs will
be required to run the Nano Global E-Hospital in Bangladesh. A grand total of 18,110 manpower
will be required to make Nano Global e-Hospital operational in Bangladesh. The organizational
chart will be as follows:

HQ Country President
President - 1
Regular Doctors - 7 (01 for 6 Zones)
e-Hospital Professionals - 64 (each in
every Zone
Total Workforce - 72

Zone Headquarters
President - 01
R&D Cell
Regular Doctors - 03
Coordinator - 01
e-Hospital Professionals - 06 (will
Research Scientists - 32 (one for 02
depend on numbers of subzones)
administrative districts)
Total Zones - 64 (Adiminstrative
Total Workforce - 33
Total Workforce - 64 x 10 = 640

Sub Zone
Regular Doctors - 01
e-Hospital Professionals - 02
Metro Areas wll be considered later
Total Workforce - 3x489= 1,467

Union/Ward Platform
E-Professionlas - 03
Total Number of Platforms -4,554
Total Workforce - 13,662

Diagram: Organizational Chart of Doctors and e-Hospital Professionals

Administrative Organization

The administrative workforces will perform their traditional works apart from the
coordination that they have to make for the smooth functioning of the e-Hospital. The major
non-traditional aspects will be to coordinate with the private and public hospitals and ambulance
services to quickly evacuate the patients as and when required. They will also coordinate with
the Headquarters Nano global e-Hospital to evacuate patients to a foreign country. The
administrative staffs will work for 24 hours as per the suggestions/recommendations of the
doctors. Their basic organizational chart is shown as follows:

Chief Advisor - 01
Chief Coordinator - 01
Administrative Officers - 6 (for each division)
E- Staffs - 16 (1 for 4 Zones)
Total - 24
Grand Total = 24 + 256 + 1956 = 2,236

Zone HQ Sub Zone HQ

Zone Coordinator - 01 Sub Zone Coordinator - 01
Administrative E Staff - 3 (One will work E Staff 3 (01 for 8 hours)
for 8 hrs) Total - 489x4 = 1,956
Toatal - 64 x 4 = 256

Diagram: Administrative Workforce

HQ Dhaka
Level 9, Janata Tower,
Karwan Bazar, Dhaka

Chief Coordinator
Country President
E-Hospital Admin
Professor Dr. Zakaria
Md Shariful A
E -Hospital Treatment

Coordination Cell
E-Hospital Treatment
E Hospital R&D Cell Khaledur Rahman - Dy
Chief Coord

Diagram: Nano Global E-Hospital Hierarchy Bangladesh Chapter

Treatment Preview

The treatment will be orchestrated through the Nano contributors trained and placed by
the Nano E-hospital authority. All the contributors will be provided with a laptop, dongle, printer
and scanner. Any of the social club/computer club/school/college may become a member of this
e-Hospital provided they have a computer connected with WIFI.

1. Treatment for the Members of the Nano Global e-Hospital. Any patient/
consumer may register online by paying taka 100/= ($1.25) to become a member. The
members will have separate menu bar in the e-Hospital website and will pay half of
the treatment fee every time they show up for treatment i.e. Taka 40/= only. They will
have their own user ID and password to log-in in their own site, pay online and then
endorse their problem for necessary medical treatment. There will be the provision
of urgent and ordinary treatment. In case of urgent treatment (within 01 hour), the
patient has to pay extra taka 50/= otherwise the doctors will take care of all the
patients within the shortest possible time not exceeding 6 hours from the request of
the patients. The doctors will look into the case and prescribe medicine and/or refer
to another doctor/specialist or recommend to the concerned staff to make necessary
arrangement to evacuate him to the hospital. The non-regular and or guest doctors
may also attend patients at any time. It will however be decided by the shared
decision making process and the patients desire will be given due priority in his
treatment. The concerned doctor will continue to review the case of the patient
online/by telephone until the patient is totally cured or evacuated to a hospital.
a. Treatment of Non-member Patients of Nano Global e-Hospital. The importance and
procedural aspect of the treatment will remain the same except that the non-
members will have their separate menu-bar in the website and will pay the regular
treatment fee every time they show up for treatment.

b. Treatment for the Patients living Under Poverty Level. This category of
patients will be decided by the Nano Administrative Staffs based on their investigation
and documents submitted by the patients. The base line for selection of this category
of people will be the daily income and life standard of that country. In Bangladesh, if
the daily income of a person is Taka 200/= ($2.5) and less then he will be considered
as a person living under poverty level. They will pay only Taka 20/= for medical
treatment every time they show up.

c. Free Treatment for the Incapable Families/Patients. The people/patients of this

category will also be based on the investigation and documentation. The elderly
people having no income, or children (under age 14) with insufficient income of their
parents will get free medical treatment. This category will receive the same type of
treatment as other patients because the theme of the Nano Global e-Hospital is to
serve humanity and ensure health care facilities to all the human beings of this planet.
This group of people will have a separate menu-bar in the website.

d. Telephonic Treatment through 24 Hours Help Line. Apart from using the internet
to treat patients, the telephone facilities will be utilized to provide necessary
treatment to the patients who need urgent medical services. The procedure will be
the same as above.

e. Meeting the Doctors. The doctors will meet the patients whenever possible.
However, Nano e-Hospital will also use Skype, video conference, and FaceTime calls
to interact with the patients.

Sharing other Public and Private Hospital Facilities

All available private and public hospitals may become members of Nano Global e-
Hospital. These hospitals will provide 20% of the revenues earned from each patient who are
referred by the doctors of the Nano Global e-Hospital.

Nano Global e-Hospital Mobile Team

The Nano Global e-Hospital mobile teams will be composed of specialized doctors from
home and abroad from time to time and at least twice in a year. They will visit the rural and
remote areas to provide medical treatment, especially to the underprivileged groups of patients
as per the laid down treatment policy of e-Hospital mentioned above.
Nano Global e-Hospital Complex and Medical Colleges/Universities in Every Country

Nano will gradually build its own facilities all around the Globe. However, any of the
existing hospitals may become members of this organization. In Bangladesh, Nano will primarily
hire some built-in residential complexes to start its own medical facilities, primarily in the major
cities like Dhaka, Chittagong, Rajshahi, Khulna, Barishal, Bogra, Mymenshingh etc. Nano will
gradually establish its own medical colleges and universities to educate its doctors and nurses all
around the world.

Maximum Exploration of IT Facilities

Nano is an IT-based hospital and will utilize IT facilities to have different types of
folders/menu-bars for different segments of Nano Global e-Hospital. The idea is to bring the
whole planet together to standardize the global treatment and to bring the 7.5 billion people
under the umbrella of e-Hospital. All patients will have their personal history profile electronically
so as to allow the doctors to go through the patients histories as quickly as possible and ensure
proper treatment within the shortest possible time and with the cheapest possible financial


IT has brought the whole world together and planet Earth is nothing more than a global
village at present. Every sector is making money but avoiding responsibilities to provide the basic
needs for health care facilities for everyone. We all are human beings, and all of us are created
by the God Almighty. Hundreds and thousands of people are dying every day without treatment.
More than 200 million children worldwide under age 5 dont get basic healthcare leading to
nearly 10 million deaths annually from treatable ailments. We all have the moral responsibilities
to work together to help the distressed and ensuring healthcare is the best way to contribute to
our beloved world and to help our fellow brothers and sisters worldwide to lead a healthy life.

All human beings are created equal, and all human brains are the same. Lets all work
together to fight diseases globally, making the whole world truly a healthy global village. If we
help the world to avoid the deaths of 10 million children annually by sharing our responsibilities,
then the whole world will be the safest place to live with sound health, good harmony, and better
living conditions. So, why delay? Lets make our journey now to fight diseases worldwide by
exploring IT facilities and promoting our ethical values through Nano Global e-Hospital.

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