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Prawirotaman is one of the areas on Jalan Jl.Parangtritis which is so

popular with tourists. Prawirotaman is a royal palace named Prawirotomo

received a gift from the Yogyakarta Palace in the form of a land known as

Prawirotaman. From the 19th century onwards the prawirotaman village began to

grow and was widely known to the public. Prawirotaman is famous for the name

of Kampung Bule. Because most foreign tourists stay in prawirotaman area.

Prawirotaman I or better known as Prawirotaman is the most famous

area compared to Prawirotaman II and III. Prawirotaman II and III better known

as Guerrilla Road, which is adjacent to prawirotaman market. This village became

the headquarters of the fighters of the fighters during the colonial period, and after

the pre-independence period the village became a batik industrial center managed

by the descendants of Prawirotomo. As time went by, the 70s batik industry began

to fade so that the descendants of Prawirotomo stopped the batik business and

turned into lodging service providers and then the village of Prawirotaman is

known as a tourist village. Most of the lodging houses in the village are still

managed by the descendants of Prawiirotomo even though some have changed

hands. Along Prawirotaman street are lined inns and hotels with various

architectural styles, ranging from classical Javanese style, unique to the current

building style.



On April 25th, 2017 at 2 pm the writers went to the malioboro market for a

field trip. When writers want to interview tourists, writers feel embarrassed and

scared, because sometimes they didnt want to be interviewed. Until 4 pm the

writers didnt get the tourists who want to be interviewed. Then the writers rested

at the parliament mosque and prayed. Then writers keep looking for tourists.

Finally the writers get tourists who want to be interviewed. There, the writers only

met three tourists who wanted to be interviewed, the tourists who wanted to be

interviewed were very friendly and interactive, then at 6 pm the author decided to

go to prawirotaman village.

When the authors came to Prawirotaman Village, after arriving there the

writers walked down the street at Prawirotaman. The writers choosed the village

of Prawirotaman because the authors consider this place not far from the

Malioboro village and this place we can call "Kampoeng Bule". That means there

are many tourists from all over the world. Moreover, there are many spot riders

who can speak english. The writers met more than 2 tourists but they refused to be

interviewed because it was late night the writers decided to go home.

On 30th April 2017 at 3 am the writers returned to Prawirotaman Village to

complete their work. The writers dispersed to get tourists and not until 5 pm the

authors have completed their respective field trips



1. TouristJam jams
a. Miss Emma
Jam Jam : Hello, do you speak English?
Mis.Emma : Yes
Jam Jam : We are students. Do you mind we take your time to

practice our English with you?

Mis Emma : Yes
Jam Jam : We have poor English. We speak little English. So sorry

if we disturb your time here?

Mis Emma : Yes
Jam Jam :My name is Jam Jam Maulida, Im student in Institute

of Health Science Yogyakarta, can I have your name ?

Mis Emma : My name is Emma
Jam Jam : Where are you from?
Miss Emma : I am from England
Jam Jam : How many times have you visited in here?
Miss Emma : First time
Jam Jam : Do you enjoy trip in here?
Miss Emma : Yes , I really very nice
Jam Jam : How do you thing about Indonesia?
Miss Emma : Yes, I really very frendly
Jam Jam : What your favorit food?
Miss Emma : Emmmm yes, I like gado-gado and than nasi padang
Jam Jam : Have you bought souvenir here?
Miss Emma : No, I dont have
Jam Jam : What your next trip?
Miss Emma : Yes, next trip in Lombok, and than I go to the Thailand
Jam Jam : How many time you in here?
Miss Emma : How many time ? twenty one day
Jam Jam : Do you know Nursing Program?
Miss Emma : Mmmm. I know
Jam Jam : Can you tell me about Nurse in your country?
Miss Emma : Yes study Nursing Program for nurse Six years , my

friend in nursing very long time, I think practice, practic home care

Jam Jam : Oke, I tnhink enough
Miss Emma : Yes
Jam Jam : Can we tak a picture with you?
Miss Emma : Yes

Deskriptive text
Miss Emma

Miss Emma is tourist from England. She is beautiful and very

friendly. She is very communicative. She is first time came in Yogyakarta.

She is said enjoy trip in Yogyakarta. Her opinion about Indonesian people

is very friendly.

Her favorit food is gado-gado and than nasi padang. She is next

trip go to Lombok and than next trip to Thailand. She said about study

Nurse program in her country is six years.

b. Mr Hach
Jam Jam : Hello, do you speak English?
Mr. Hach : Yes
Jam Jam : We are students. Do you mind we take your time to

practice our English with you?

Mr. Hach : Yes
Jam Jam : We have poor English. We speak little English. So sorry

if we disturb your time here

Mr. Hach : Yes
Jam Jam : I want itroduce my self, my name is Jam Jam Maulida,

Im student in Institute of Health Science Yogyakarta, can I have your

name ?
Mr. Hach : My name is Hach
Jam Jam : Where are you from?
Mr.Hach : I from America
Jam Jam : How many time in here?
Mr. Hach : In here ?seven years
Jam Jam : What favorit food in here?
Mr. Hach : I like a speacifood ,tempe , tahu, nasi goring, gudeg,

Jam Jam : What your opinion in here?
Mr. Hach : Yes is good, very nice
Jam Jam : Do you like bali?
Mr. Hach : Yes, I like bali
Jam Jam : Are you enjoy trip in here?
Mr. Hach : Yes, of course

Jam Jam : Next trip in here?
Mr. Hach : Next trip in china, next week, I life here, I like treveling
Jam Jam : With your wife?
Mr. Hach : No, some time together , some time, my self because is

just for me
Jam Jam : Where you live in here?
Mr. Hach : I live in bantul, you now PGRY Universty, you now?
Jam Jam : I do not know,do you know big city?
Mr. Hach : I dont know
Jam Jam : Are you know nursing program?
Mr. Hach : I dont know nusing program, my wife is Lecturer in

Aisyah University
Jam Jam : May I have your email address or facebook account? Its

nice to have communiation with you

Mr. Hach : I dont have
Jam Jam : Oke, I think enough interview with you
Mr. Hach : Oke, good luck you
Jam Jam : Can we take a picture with you?
Mr. Hach : Yes, oke

Deskriptive text

Mr. Hach

His name is Mr hach. He is from America. He is lived in

Yogyakarta at seven years. He lived in Bantul with his wife. He can speak

bahasa but just little. He is very friendly and communicative.

His favorit food like a spicy food , tempe , tahu, nasi goring, gudeg

and sate. His opinion about Yogyakarta is good very nice. He liked Bali.

He is enjoyed trip in Yogyakarta. He went to go to China in the next trip.

He dont know about nursing program but his wife a lecturer in Aisiyah


2. Tourist From Fatur
a. Miss Hannah and miss Habullah
Fatur : Hello miss, may i have yours time?
Habullah : Hi, for what ?
Fatur : To interview just a moment
Hannah : Sure,
Fatur : My name is fatur, im a student in institute of

health science, i have the job for of our campus to interview some

tourist, may i have your name?

Hannah : Hannah
Fatur : And you ?
Habullah : Habullah
Fatur : where do you come from ?
Hannah : Germany
Habullah : Also
Fatur : Are you a student ?
H&H : Ya, we student
Fatur : What you university ?
H&H : University of Bielefeld
Fatur : This is your first time come to Indonesia or

Yogyakarta ?
H&H : Yes,
Fatur : Are you on vacation ?
Hannah : Yes
Fatur : How many days have you been here ?
Hannah : In Yogyakarta or Indonesia ?
Fatur : In Yogyakarta ?
Hannah : about two days
Fatur : In Indonesia ?
Habullah : four days
Fatur : where you stay as long as you are here ?
Habullah : Easparc Hottel

Fatur : What do you think about Indonesian foods ?
Hannah : Nice,
Fatur : What you like ?
Habulah : We like chicken
Fatur :This is your first time come this place ?

H&H : Yes,
Fatur : What do you think about this place ?
H&H : Nice place
Fatur : University of nursing in your country a lot or

Hannah : Yes, also many
Fatur : How the nursing service in your country ?
Hannah : Nursing servant very good and professional
Fatur : What your next plan after this ?
Hannah : We will go to Bromo and Bali and back to

Fatur : Enjoy your trip
H&H : Yes, Thankyou
Fatur : Thankyou so much for your time
H&H : Yes
Deskriptive text
Miss Hannah and Habullah"
` Miss Hanna is sweet woman I think she has brown hair and brown

eyes, she is 170cm, and she has white skin. While Habullah is 180

cm,Habullah has blue eyes and brown hairand have white skin.
They came from Germany and they were also a student at

Bielefeldthey University. They came to Indonesia for a vacation and

this is a first time they visited Indonesia.Here, they stay in Easparc

Hotel.In Yogyakarta they have been for 2 days. They like indonesian

food, but they didnt like chicken. They like Prawirotaman. Next trip

they will go to Bromo and Bali then they will return to their country.

They have enjoy trip in here.

In their country there are also many nursing University. They said

nursing servant in their country has also very good and professional..

b. Mr. Clash
Fatur : Hi sir,
Mr. Clash : Oh, Hello
Fatur : Thankyou so much for your time,
Mr. Clash : Ya, ya
Fatur : My name is fatur iam a student in institute of

health science, i have homework for of our campus to interview some

tourist, may i have your name?

Mr. Clash : Clash
Fatur : Where do you come from ?
Mr. Clash : Netherlands
Fatur : This is your first time come to Indonesia or

Mr. Clash : No, many many times
Fatur : Are you on vacation ?
Mr. Clash : Ya, and to do some work
Fatur : How many days have you been here ?
Mr. Clash : In Yogyakarta or Indonesia ?
Fatur : In Yogyakarta ?
Mr. Clash : 3 weeks
Fatur : In Indonesia ?
Mr. Clash : One years
Fatur : Where you stay as long as you are here ?
Mr. Clash : In homestay, but in indonesia i stay in Surabaya
Fatur : What do you think about Indonesian foods ?
Mr. Clash : Nice, i like Indonesian food especially spicy food,

and nice people

Fatur : This is your first time come this place ?

Mr. Clash : No, so many time
Fatur : What do you think about this place ?
Mr. Clash : Restourant area and much preferred by young

Fatur : University of nursing in your country a lot or

not ?
Mr. Clash : Yes, a lot
Fatur : How the nursing service in your country ?
Mr. Clash : Nursing service in my country very professional

Fatur : What your next plan after this ?
Mr. Clash : I dont know, i just live day by day
Fatur : Enjoy Yogyakarta and enjoy Indonesia
Mr. Clash : Yes, Thankyou
Fatur : Thankyou so much for your time
Mr. Clash : Yes, sure

Deskriptive text
Mr. Clash
The next tourist I interviewed is a male tourist his name Clash He

came from Netherlands.He has brown hair withblack balls, he is 185

cm and in my opinion he is handsome, he is funny and humbleand

This is not first time he came to Jogjakarta, He said he stay in

Indonesia at one years.

In Jogjakarta he lives in a homestay in Prawirotaman area. In

Yogyakarta he has 3 weeks. In Yogyakarta he to do a some work and

vocation. He like Indonesian food especially spicy food. He said

nursing care in his country is very professional, in his country nursing

school for bachelor degree only about 2 years.

3. Tourist From Wahyu

a. Mr. Arnold and Miss Mariam
Wahyu : Exscusme,can I take your tame for

a 5 or 10 minutes?
Mr. Arnold n Miss Mariam : Yeah

Wahyu : My name is wahyu, Im a student,

I want to practice my English with you to complete my English task

Mr Arnold n Mariam : Oh okay
Wahyu : And may i take a video?
Mr. Arnold n Miss Mariam : Sure
Wahyu : Okay, What is your name?
Mr. Arnold : Arnold
Miss Mariam : Mariam
Wahyu : Where do you come from?
Mr. Arnold : I came from Bertram
Miss Mariam : I came from Austria
Wahyu : How many time you visited

Mr. Arnold : Its a first time
Wahyu : Only visited Yogyakarta?
Mr. Arnold : No, and Solo
Wahyu : Not goes to another city? Besides

Yogyakarta and Solo?

Mr. Arnold n Miss Mariam : No, Just Solo and Yogyakarta
Wahyu : Are you enjoy trip in here?
Mr. Arnold : Yeah
Miss Mariam : Yeah, its very nice
Wahyu : How many places you visited?
Miss Mariam : Emm we go to water castle,

Batik Ast School, Borobudur tample

Mr Arnold : And also many market
Wahyu : You visited malioboro?
Miss Mariam : Aahh .. Yapp
Wahyu : Whats Borobudur exsited for

Mr. Arnold : Yapp
Wahyu : Whats your opinion about

Mr. Arnold : Yeahh, we like beautiful place in here
Miss Mariam : Yeah me too and we love the art,

especially batik its very nice

Wahyu : You bought batik?
Miss Mariam : Yeahh
Wahyu : You know Bali?

Miss Mariam n Mr Arnold : Yeah, we have been there ..but we

will go there next week

Wahyu : Im student in nurse program,

what do you know nursing program in your country?

Mr Arnold n Miss Mariam : Nope , I dont know about nursing

program in my country, only know they have job in hospital

Wahyu : Oh okay,, are you try food in

Miss Mariam : Yeah..a lot thats very nice
Wahyu : What you like?
Miss Mariam : Soto is very good,

Wahyu : Ever eat sate?

Miss Mariam n Mr Arnold : We wanna try sate

Mr Arnold : I try eat sate but in Bertram
Miss Mariam n Mr Arnold : Gudeg we try today

Wahyu : Whats your favorite object in


Miss Mariam n Mr Arnold : Batik, yeah batik its very nice

Wahyu : And then What your opinion about

Indonesian people or places?

Miss Mariam n Mr Arnold : Very nice, very friendly
Wahyu : You ever have Tricking from

indonesian people?
Miss Mariam : Emm .. yeah some but not

everyone, like most everyone very friendly, very helpful, but some try

to tricking . but not all

Wahyu : You want to go to tempo gelato?
Miss Mariam n Mr. Arnold : Yeah we will go there
Wahyu : Ok thank you for your time, my

English is so bad ..hehe

Miss Mariam : No, thats good
Wahyu : Ok have a nice day, bye bye
Miss Mariam n Mr Arnold : Bye bye
Deskriptive text

Mr Arnold and Miss Mariam
His name is Mr Arnold. He came to Indonesia with her girl friend her

name is Miss Mariam. Mr. Arnold came from Berthram and Miss Mariam

came from Austria. They said its a first time go to Indonesia. They visited

to Solo and Yogyakarta. And Yogyakarta is a second city they visited.

They said very enjoying trip in Yogyakarta. In Yogyakarta they visited

Water castle, Malioboro, and batik Art school.

Miss Mariam said she like batik very much and she bought batik too.

Miss Mariam and Mr. Arnold like traditional food especially soto and

gudeg. They said Indonesian people is very friendly and helpful. They said

they didnt know anything about nurse in their country. But their only

know nurses have job in hospital.

b. Miss Lilian
Wahyu : Excusme, can I take your time 5 or 10 minutes?
Lilian : Yeah, what can I do for you?
Wahyu : I want to ask you some question
Lilian : Oh okay
Wahyu : My name is Wahyu, Im a nurse student I want to

practice my English with you

Lilian : Oh okay
Wahyu : Whats your name?
Lilian : My name is Lilian
Wahyu : Where do you came from?
Lilian : I from Taiwan
Wahyu : Do you alone trip in here?
Lilian : Yeah Im alone traveling in here
Wahyu : Are you enjoying trip in here?
Lilian : Yeah I like it, I went to Borobudur, and volcano

Wahyu : How many you visited Indonesia ?its a first


Lilian : Yeah , its a first time, but I want to go to Bali

and Jakarta
Wahyu : Its a first city you visited?
Lilian : Aaa yeah
Wahyu : And First day?
Lilian : Aaah no its a second day I in here
Wahyu : What do you opinion about Yogjakarta?
Lilian : Aaah I like it, compare with Jakarta, because art,

the culture, and also java culture very interesting me

Wahyu : Whats object you like from Indonesia or

Lilian : I think is art, some culture very interesting, and

also Borobudur because amm sorry Im a Buddhist so Im interest

Wahyu : Ever you try Indonesian food?
Lilian : Yap, I ever try lontong, baso, nasi goreng
Wahyu : Im a nurse student, what do you know about

nurse program in your country?

Lilian : I dont know but I know only nurse caring many

people in hospital
Wahyu : You know how long study nurse program in your

Lilian : Maybe 3 or 4 year
Wahyu : Aaaahh same in here also 4 year
Lilian : Yeah nurse is a goodjob , and nurse also

Wahyu : Oh okay , thank you for your time, and nice to

meet you
Lilian : Oh okay , no problem nice to meet you too
Wahyu : Hope you have a nice day miss
Lilian : Okay you too, bye bye
Wahyu : Bye

Deskriptive text
Miss Lilian
Her name is Lilian, She is from Taiwan. She is very pretty, she has

white skin, short and black hair, she has small eyes too. She said its first

time go to Indonesia. She only alone traveling in Indonesia. She is very

enjoytrip in Indonesia. She visited Merapi mountain, and Borobudur

tample, she said went to go Bali and Jakarta and Yogyakarta is a first She

want to stay in Indonesia two weeks.

She like Indonesian food especially sate, lontong, baso and nasi

goreng. She said Indonesia is beautiful country have some culture,

beautiful art, and she is very like Borobudur because she is budhist. She

also said about study nursing program in her country. She said study

nursing in Taiwan 3 until 4 years and she only know nursing is a important

job because nurse gives a caring to patient.

4. TouristKarsinis
a. Miss Riana

Sri karsini : Hii, do you speak english?

Riana : Yes, I can speak english a little

Sri karsini : Okey, Im Kar, whats your name?

Riana : My name is Riana

Sri karsini : Can I take a picture with you?

Riana : Yes, no problem

Sri karsini : May I talk with you?

Riana : Yes, what do you want to ask?

Sri karsini : I want to ask your opinion about Yogyakarta

Riana : I can only answer some of your questions. Im in a


Sri karsini : Okey, no problem, can I take a video with you?

Riana : Oke

Sri karsini : We are students. Do you mind we take your time to

practice our english with you?

Riana : Oke, no problem

Sri Karsini : Where are you from?

Riana : Rusia

Sri karsini : Are you enjoying your trip here?

Riana : Yes, I like

Sri karsini : Do you like food in here?

Riana : Food? Sorry

Sri karsini : Yes, food

Riana : I dont understand

Sri karsini : How many times have you been visited Indonesia?

Riana : This is my first vacation in Indonesia with my husband

and Im really interested with Yogyakarta so we decided to go here

Sri karsini : Whats your opinion about Malioboro?

Riana : Sorry,what?

Sri karsini : Opinion about Malioboro

Riana : Ooow,opinion,...malioboro is very nice,in malioboro

there are a lot of shops and very rush

Sri karsini : Do you like the weather here?

Riana : Yes, I like

Sri karsini : What is your favorite object here?

Riana : I like lombok

Sri karsini : Ooow you like lombok

Riana : Yes

Sri karsini : Do you know about nursing program?

Riana : Nurse program?

Sri karsini : Yes, do you know about it?

Riana : Sorry, I do not know

Sri karsini : Ok,thank you for your time

Riana : Yes,thank you

Sri karsini : Thank you for making time to talk with me

Riana : Oke

Sri karsini : See you next time miss Riana

Riana : See you too

Deskriptive text

Miss Riana

Miss Riana, this is the first time visited in indonesia with her

husband. They from Rusia. Miss Riana and her husband cant speak

English well. They said Malioboro is very nice.

Miss Riana liked the weather in here and she also likes lombok as a

tourist area in indonesia. Miss Riana does not understand about nursing


b. Mr. Kelan and Miss Klaudia
Sri karsini : Excuse me

Mr. Kelan : Yes

Miss Klaudia : Yes

Sri karsini : Hello, May I talk with you just five minutes ?

Mr. Kelan : Yes

Sri karsini : Where are you from?

Mr. Kelan : Australia

Sri karsini : We are students. Do you mind we take your time to

practice our english with you?

Mr. Kelan : Its ok

Sri karsini : We have poor english,we speak english a little. So sorry

if we disturb your time here

Mr. Kelan : Ok,no problem

Sri karsini : Can I take a video with you?

Mr. Kelan : Yes

Miss Klaudia : Its ok

Sri karsini : Im Kar, what is your name?

Mr. Kelan : Kelan

Miss Klaudia : My name Klaudia

Sri karsini : How many times have you been visited indonesia?

Mr. Kelan : First time

Sri karsini : Do you like the weather here?

Mr. Kelan : Yes, I like

Miss Klaudia : Very nice

Sri karsin : What places have you visited in indonesia?

Miss Klaudia : I arrived in indonesia for the first time in lombok, then

we were going to bali and now in yogyakarta and for tomorrow we will

return to bali

Sri karsini : Do you know about nursing program?

Mr. Kelan : Nursing program?

Miss Klaudia : Health programs that I know doctors

Sri karsini : Im nursing student in here

Miss Klaudia : Yes

Sri karsini : How many times have you been visited yogyakarta?

Mr. Klaudia : First time in yogyakarta and tomorrow to bali

Sri karsini : Thank you for your time practice with me

Miss Klaudia : Yes,good

Sri karsini : Thank you

Mr Kelan : Thank you too

Sri karsini : Can I take a picture with you?

Mr. Kelan : Yes

Sri karsini : See you Mr. Kelan and Miss. Klaudia

Miss Klaudia : See you too

Mr Kelan and Miss Klaudia

His name is Mr. Kelan, this is first time visited Indonesia with his

wife Miss Klaudia. Mr Kelan have pointed nose, white skin and blue eyes.

They first time arrived in Indonesia they visited to Lombok then to Bali

and now visited Yogyakarta. Mr. Kelan really likes the weather and food

in here.

Mr. Kelan dont understand about nursing program and Miss

Klaudia only know about doctor.



This field trip is a valuable experience for the writers and greatly

helps authors to develop the author's English proficiency. From this field

visit also the writers know about the history of Prawirotaman Village.

During the field visit the writers met many tourists but only eight tourists

were interviewed, they were Miss. Hannah and Mr. Habbullah from

Germany, Mr. Arnold from Bertram and Miss Mariam from Austria, Miss

Lilian from Taiwan, Mr Hach from America, Miss Emma from England,

Miss Riana from Rusia, and Miss Klaudia from Australia.

The writers suggest to reader if want to practice speaking English

must have a confidance and never be shamed to say hello if you meet a

tourist. Or you can search tourist in tourist attraction.


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