Essay-Writing Checklist: Teacher: - Level

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Essay-Writing Checklist

Teacher: _______________ Level: _______________

1. Does the essay answer the thesis topic that was introduced in the beginning?
2. Are all the key points and viewpoints covered on both sides of the argument?
3. Are the main points thoroughly explained?
4. Does the essay have a systematic style, provoking questions in the approach?
5. Is the argument sustained and supported with sufficient evidence, examples and main points throughout
the essay?
6. Is the argument logical and realistic?
7. Does the content come from reliable, up-to-date sources with accurate and relevant information?
8. Is the content logically organized?
9. Is there a steady flow and transition from one paragraph to another?
10. Are ideas and personal viewpoints clearly distinguishable from the cited sources?
11. Are all borrowed sources throughout the essay properly cited?
12. Were a sufficient variety and amount of sources used to support the argument?
13. Is each paragraph an appropriate length? Is the entire essay an appropriate length?
14. Is the information presented simply and clearly for readers of all fields of study to understand?
15. Is the grammar, punctuation and spelling correct?
16. Have figures and tables been used appropriately and referenced?
17. Is the essay formatting correct:

Font style?
Font size?
Cover page?
Reference page?

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