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Department of Environmental Health 2016

(iviii + 43 page + 9 Appendix)
Sutrio Juang inscription, Ullya Rahmawati, Deri Kermelita

Background: Traditional Market Panorama City of Bengkulu is one one butcher.

Meat sold in Bengkulu City Traditional Market Panorama exposure just from
morning until late afternoon, so the flies come and perch on the meat. Based on
the observation that is seen by researchers on 11 January 2017 in Traditional
Markets Panorama there are a lot of flies, especially in places such as in the sale
of meat, place vegetables sales, where the sale of fruits, and the sale of food that
has been cooked. Objective was to determine the density of
flies(genusSarcophaga)at the Meat Market Bengkulu City Panorama Traditional
Methods:study. Descriptive How to research to determine 5 points, each point is
done 10 times a measurement every 30 seconds using FlyGrill.Fly density
calculation is done by averaging 5 highest number later on average,study cross-
sectionaldesign.Data analysis was performed using univariate.
Results: The results showed that the distribution of fly highest in 3 point as much
as 32 tails and distribution of the total number of measurement points 301 number
of flies. the average density of flies highest at point 3 with an average of 20 head /
block grill and the average result of all the points on Los Meat Market Panorama
Bengkulu city average of 12 head / block grill
Suggestions: The population of flies are solid, necessary safeguards against flies
breeding places and when mengukin planned efforts to control

Keywords: Density flies, Los meat, Market

Bibliography: 2001 - 2015


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