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Rabat/Madrid, 13 March 2013 A new report by Mdecins Sans Frontires (MSF) outlines the impact

of precarious living conditions and widespread criminal and institutional violence on the health of
undocumented sub-Saharan migrants trapped in Morocco on their way to Europe. According to the
report, Moroccos transformation, as a result of increasingly stringent border controls, from a
country of transit to a forced destination for migrants heightens their vulnerability. The
implementation of migration policies which undermine respect for human rights is impacting on the
health of this population, which includes vulnerable groups, such as victims of sexual violence or
human trafficking, who are not receiving specialised care and protection from the authorities.

The renewed cooperation efforts between Morocco and Spain which, according to these countries,
are focused on the fight against cross-border crime, illegal migration and drug trafficking are having
a serious impact on the physical and mental health of sub-Saharan migrants, explains David
Cantero, MSF head of mission in Morocco. Migration policies privilege internal security criteria over
respect for fundamental human rights.

The report, Trapped at the Gates of Europe, denounces the violence which migrants are subjected
to on a daily basis. Since December 2011, MSF teams have witnessed an increase in the number of
police raids, during which migrants belongings are destroyed, and an increase in the expulsion
to Algeria of those who arrested, including vulnerable groups such as pregnant women, injured
people and minors. These indiscriminate raids and expulsions are part of the renewed violence used
by Moroccan and Spanish security forces to dissuade migrants attempting to jump the fences
surrounding the Spanish territory of Melilla. In 2012 alone, the MSF teams in Oriental Region, which
includes Nador, neighbouring Melilla, treated over 1,100 injured people.

Since April last year, in particular, we have seen broken arms, legs, hands, and jaws as well as
broken teeth and concussions, amongst others. These injuries are consistent with migrants
accounts of having been attacked by the security forces, explains Cantero.

One of the most urgent and significant problems outlined in the report is the sexual violence
experienced, for the most part, by migrant women and girls. It is impossible to determine the exact
proportions of this violence, however MSFs medical data reveals an alarming situation. From 2010
to 2012, MSF teams treated almost 700 survivors. These women and girls require specialised care
and are not receiving adequate assistance or protection from the authorities.

In addition to highlighting the increase in violence in this past year, the report also shows the
difficult circumstances endured by sub-Saharan migrants, many of whom are forced to live in
precarious conditions out in the open and beg in order to survive. Almost half of the 10,500 medical
consultations conducted by the MSF teams between 2010 and 2012 were for pathologies related to
bad living conditions. Migrants mental health is also affected, with patients showing symptoms of
anxiety, depression and psychosomatic problems, amongst others.

Trapped at the Gates of Europe recognises the improvements in migrants access to healthcare
services in Morocco, which have been achieved by civil society organisations and non-governmental
organisations working with the Ministry of Health. This has led to a gradual decrease in MSFs direct
medical activities over the past few years. However, the question mark over the application of a
new health insurance regime, the lack of mental health services and comprehensive care for
survivors of sexual violence (for both migrants and Moroccans) and the existence of areas where, for
fear of being expelled, migrants do not voluntarily go to health centres, are pitfalls that the
Moroccan government needs to overcome.

The progress made to date, however, will be limited if migration policies continue to criminalise
and marginalise sub-Saharan migrants and prioritise the focus on internal security over respect for
human rights. The protection of migrants and the defence of their fundamental rights fall outside
the scope of MSFs work as a medical and humanitarian organisation and this is one of the reasons
why MSF has decided to hand over its activities in Morocco this year.

MSF urges the Moroccan and Spanish governments to stop the abuses perpetrated by their security
forces, comply with international and national human rights agreements and guarantee that sub-
Saharan migrants are treated humanely, regardless of their legal status.

MSF has worked in Morocco since 1997. Since 2003 the organisation has focused its operations on
guaranteeing access to healthcare for migrants. MSF handed over its activities in Rabat in 2012 and
is currently handing over its remaining operations in Oujda and Nador.
Without better security coordination and cooperation among Maghreb countries, effectively addressing challenges
like illegal immigration, smuggling, and terrorism remains difficult.
In a previous blog, I argued that on economic grounds alone, open borders would benefit all of the Maghreb
countries, Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, and Tunisia. Three recent articles spell out the dangers as well to
regional security resulting from closed borders, troubles that run the gamut from illegal migration to terrorism. While
each country talks about its commitment to combating criminals, militants, and terrorism, focusing on any individual
states security priorities is clearly insufficient in light of the multiple threats they all face.
This dilemma is compounded by the regions age-old cigarette, fuel, and local drug smuggling routes, which are now
teeming with Islamic terrorists, anti-regime militants, illicit drug trade from Latin America, human trafficking, and
illegal migration. There are numerous bad guys, and the consequences of ineffective strategies are dangerous if not
disastrous, as the instability spreads.
No country can address these problems alone. Although Morocco and Algeria have built up impressive internal
security apparatuses, only Morocco has actually joined, and is leading, an active and cross-border security effort. The
reality is that Algeria, which borders six countries, and Morocco, which is facing external threats as well as the
Polisario Fronts continual refusal to join negotiations for a realistic solution to the Sahara issue, can only achieve
long-term stability in the region through unified, consistent, multifaceted efforts shared by countries in North Africa
and the Sahel, to its south.
A recent HuffPost story about Frances continuing commitment to fighting terrorism in the Sahel is illustrative of the
problem. Because of the uprising in Mali in 2012 and other destabilizing factors in West and Central Africa, the
Macron government finds itself embroiled in an area France vacated officially decades ago. Now it is trying to set up
a regional security force, the G5, to combat terrorism wherever it threatens in the Sahel.
In order to address the issue in the affected countries of Mali, Chad, Niger, and others, the article points out, to be
fully effective and to really make a difference, the G5 needs to be able to cooperate more efficiently with some key-
countries in North Africa, such as Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria. Of these, Algeria and Morocco are key-players, being
on the front-lines of both countering violent Islamism and trying to put the lid on the increasing smuggling of people
and goods across the region and into Europe.
While Morocco moves ahead with a broad-based approach to countering terrorism, including domestic education
efforts, training of religious leaders, and regional and international security cooperation, Algerias reluctance stands
The Algeria-Morocco standoff over the Sahara, mutual accusations of political meddling, Moroccos successes in
broadening its outreach in sub-Saharan Africa, and Algerias phobia about participating in regional security
arrangement it does not lead, feeds its aversion to treating Morocco as a partner in any regional security efforts. As
the HuffPost article notes, The real challenge here will be to rise above some of the bi-national conflicts bedeviling
the region (such as the conflict between Morocco and Algeria concerning Polisario) and get beyond those to
concentrate on the more long-term threat that the Islamists presents.
The global challenge of terrorism requires international efforts, according to the article. Finally, it is worth
emphasizing that since the threat from militant Islamism is regional and transnational, so the efforts to combat that
threat must be equally transnational. This will take some serious diplomatic foot-work to be effective and so it is to
be hoped that the meeting in G5 launch in Bamako in June [of Macron with the Sahel countries] will be the first of
many more, and that next time, more countries will be present.
Algeria shuts out cooperation
A North Africa Post column also scolds Algeria for its non-cooperative stance towards Morocco that undercuts
regional security, taking issue with Algerias chauvinistic attitude towards the countries in the region my way or
the highway, is a simple characterization. Algeria, Africas largest country, shares borders with 6 countries, all of
them are closed with the exception of its land frontiers with Tunisia. This closed-border attitude is reflective of a lack
of a neighborhood policy in an increasingly integrated continent where collective efforts are the best means to
countering trans-border challenges.
Although Morocco consistently calls for normalization of ties with Algeria open borders, and lifted visa requirements
for Algerians more than a decade ago, the borders are closed. Many reasons are offered, from the need to eliminate
smuggling to controlling border access to combat security threats; but the author wonders if this is an effective
approach, given that both countries face similar threats, and that they both possess the most experienced and
effective security forces in the Maghreb.
The article is clear that Using the security issue to prevent the freedom of movement of people and goods in the
region is flawed. Fighting terrorism in the region should be a collective endeavor as national approaches have long
proved their inefficiency. Yet, there is a silently brewing lack of trust between Sahel countries and Algeria on the
issue of terrorism. Algeria . . . has shown ambivalence in tackling the terrorist threats, which feeds suspicions and
erodes trust in Algerias willingness to combat terrorism.
Also troubling, according to the column, is that the formation of the G5 regional security forces by the French created
an Algerian backlash against sub-Saharan migrants. Another article in North Africa Post notes that It is no
coincidence that the anti-Sub-Saharan migrant rhetoric is on the surge following the formation of the G5 force. Anti-
migrant rhetoric verging on blatant racism is uttered by senior officials who come to shamefully associate illnesses,
AIDs, and economic hardships with the arrival of a few thousands of poor Sub-Saharans fleeing difficult conditions
and conflict.
Once again, regional instability is the culprit, as these migrants traverse Algeria to reach Libya on their road to
Europe. Algerias recent resumption of deportations of sub-Saharans is only adding to regional instability and
reinforces charges of colonialism and racism against Algerias political leadership.
Regional insecurity and instability can be greatly reduced if the countries of the Sahel and North Africa work together
with their international partners to face the mounting issues of violence, migration, and trafficking. Only through a
concerted and integrated push that includes domestic and regional initiatives will future prospects for growth and
stability be secured.

Morocco - Safety and Security

This is a best prospect industry sector for this country. Includes a market overview and trade

Last Published: 12/1/2016

Capital: Rabat
Population: 34.6 million
GDP: 100.36 Billion USD
Currency: Moroccan Dirham (MAD)
Language(s): Arabic (official) and Berber,
French, Spanish.

Morocco has successfully maintained internal security in a region where Arab Spring
revolts have resulted in unprecedented instability. The governments highest priority is
protecting its people, economy and political system from terrorist and criminal elements
in the wider neighborhood.

Moroccos geographic location as a gateway to Europe also requires the protection of

borders and checkpoints against illegal immigration, human trafficking and narcotics.

Customs and ports agreements with the United States and other countries require
Morocco to implement major upgrades at airports, seaports, border crossings, and
government buildings.

Overall, the Moroccan government is very focused on bringing its ministries up to speed
with new security regulations, procedures, and standards. There is a major focus on
cyber security as a result of recent attacks on key Moroccan websites and databases,
and due to the expanding role that the internet is playing in proliferating terrorist

Despite the recent attacks that took place in different corners of the world; Paris, Tunis,
Cairo, Istanbul, etc. Morocco has made tremendous progress in strengthening its
security and stability. Morocco is now ranked among the safest countries in the world.
With its 92nd position out of 162, Morocco certainly shows a good score worldwide

Morocco is open to deal with U.S. companies operating in Safety and security:

Be aware of the various processes and laws/regulations of the Moroccan market.

Aquire high technical experience and provide cutting-edge equipment.
Identify an agent/distributor to help complete the necessary registrations and
Companies operating in Explosives Devices or Explosive Detectors, X-Ray
Systems or any other dangerous materials need the End User certificate, a
License from the CNRP = Centre National de Radioprotection, License from the
Ministry Of Foreign Commerce, Mining Ministry and DGSN = Direction
Generale de la Surete Nationaleand others, all depends on the nature of the
Be able to bid using documentation in French; technical, financial, administrative
and methodological.
Maintain a permanent contact with the government officals. Moroccans prefer
face to face permanent contact.
Widen network of public relations within Morocco.
Be patient as processes take a long time, few months and sometimes couple of
Invest in the long term business relationship rather than looking for immediate
The Moroccan market for equipment and services is expected to increase by 20% in the
next five years. Local production is nonexistent and therefore imported safety and
security products supply nearly 95% of the entire market, which until recently, was
dominated by European firms. Moroccos implementation of an ambitious infrastructure
development plan that includes ports, airports, hospitals, power plants, and new logistics
platforms increases sales opportunities for U.S. safety and security equipment and
expertise. In addition, as Morocco depends on international tourism for economic growth,
hotels and various tourism facilities provide constant opportunities for U.S. firms in this
sector, and the current Open Skies Agreements with European and U.S. air space
require continuous upgrades of safety and security equipment and procedures in
airports. Moreover, the U.S. Morocco strategic dialog, initiated in 2012, has a
considerable security component that builds on a long history of U.S. Morocco security
and military cooperation. A new law concerning dams security has just been approved
by the House of Representatives defining all responsibilities of all actors involved.

The Moroccan army is planning to obtain around 200 tanks from USA, by the end of
2016. This is the first time the Moroccan army is equipped with state-of-the-art and 'latest
generation' Abrams tanks. By the completion of this operation the Moroccan army will be
one of the most equipped among African and Arab countries. Morocco is planning to
considerably increase its army budget for the next 10 years. With that said, Morocco
signed a contract with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to finance, with USD 22 billion, a
giant project in army in 2016-2019. Morocco envisions producing locally instead of
continuously buying from foreign companies. Bombardier, Thales and Airbus already
expressed their interest in accompanying the country in this approach by providing
necessary infrastructure and technologies needed for this project.

Ministry of Defense was granted a budget of 28.3 billion MAD for military expenses in
2016, giving an increase of 32% compared to 2010. Also, Ministry of Interior was granted
a budget of 19.7 billion MAD for safety and security expenses in 2016, giving an increase
of 48% compared to 2010. This significant increase in terms of budget for both ministries
aims at reinforcing the resources and equipment to cope with terrorist threats.

American technology in safety and security is well known and highly respected in
Morocco. Morocco purchases the security equipment from different countries. However,
France remains quite present compared to other countries. Morocco currently deals with
USA, France, Germany, Russia, China mainly in the military sales.

The main products needed in the country are:

All security and safety equipment and related solutions for seaports, airports,
border crossings, security and safety agencies such as the police, and buildings,
Integrated monitoring and surveillance solutions,
Luggage screening devices,
Terminal operating systems
Fire prevention and control equipment, alarm equipment for building safety,
emergency evacuation systems
Radio communication systems,
Inspection equipment for containers, and seaport cargo.
Cybersecurity and IT security solutions


As a developing economy, Moroccan governmental budgets may be constrained.

There is no single Moroccan government agency that sets security policy, and this
may complicate market intelligence gathering for U.S. firms.
Gravitation towards Europe, though this trends has been weakening over the
Language isnt really a barrier but a challenge. Given that the administrative
language is French, government officials hardely evenr speak English. Therefore,
all the marketing material or the meetings have to be in French. The services of
an interpreter may be needed.


Name: Ms. Halima Berrami
Position: Commercial Specialist
Phone: +212.522.64.20.81

Matrix Key
1 Little to no probability of success
2 More challenges than opportunities
3 More opportunities than challenges
4 Very high probability of success

Key Applications
Video Surveillance Systems
Including: CCTV/Video surveillance, Video Management, Video Analytics
Intrusion Detection/Burglar Alarm systems
Including: Door alarm monitoring, Sound and glass break sensors, Security 4
system monitoring
Electronic Access control System
Including: Proximity and Smart cards, Electromechanical locking solutions, 3
Entrance Solutions
Including: Mechanical locks, Automated gates, Vehicles barriers, Turnstiles, 4
Roll-up doors
Physical Security
Including: Fencing, Grilles, Bullet resistant glazing, Mechanical window 3
coverings, Safes, Locks
Scanning Equipment
Including: Narcotics/explosive 4
/metal detectors, Scanning and screening equipment
Article Surveillance Systems
Including: RFID systems, proximity tag systems
Personal Protections Products
Including: Goggles, Bullet proof vests, Mace
Protection services
Including: Bodyguards, Security guard services
Consultancy Services
Including: Risk analysis, Risk management, Disaster recovery, Business
continuity, Organizational
National Security
Including: Counter terrorism, Border security, Critical infra., Command & 4
control, Law enforcement eq.
Fire & Rescue
Including: Fire/smoking detection, Fire suppression, Fire proofing, Leak 2
detection, Protective gear
IT Security
Including: Cyberterrorism, Anti-malware, Encryption
Prepared by our U.S. Embassies abroad. With its network of 108 offices across the
United States and in more than 75 countries, the U.S. Commercial Service of the U.S.
Department of Commerce utilizes its global presence and international marketing
expertise to help U.S. companies sell their products and services worldwide. Locate the
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