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Thats easy enough

Could you help me?
Such good advice
A great mood
Its been a while
Why dont we

1. Too/ enough. = You can use these words in two different ways
e.g. I have too much (demasiado) to do / That motorcycle is easy enough (es bastante fcil) to ride.

2. Ask with Can, will, could, would

3. So/ such: You can describe something strongly with so and such

e.g. The ocean I so beautiful. Its so calm and blue / She gave me such good advice about sightseeing

4. Mood : A mood is how person feels. E.g. I feel happy, Im in a good mood / she is in a great mood because
shes having a wonderful day.

5. In a while / since1 / its been a while since. You can talk that havent happened for a long time. You say:

You havent been swimming in a while / She hasnt traveled to china since last year / Its been a while since
hes had haircut / since we have not sunbathed in a while?

6. You can invite a friend to do something in different ways:

How about (que tal) I call you tomorrow? / Why dont we work out in the morning? / Lets celebrate your

You can use these words to talk about things people have. You can say the words at
the front of the sentence, but you need to have a sentence before it. You say:
Your boots are big. Mine are small.
My boots are small. Yours are big.
Her car is black. His is white.
His car is white. Hers is black.
They have a nice apartment in New York. Ours is in San Francisco.
Our apartment is in San Francisco. Theirs is in New York.

You only use since in perfect verb tenses (have) e.g Machu Pichu is registred since (its wrong) / Machu Pichu has been
registred since (Right)
Coat: capa, abrigo

Scarves: Bufandas

Gloves: Guantes

Breeze: Brisa

Baggage: equipaje

Bay: Baha

Brochure: folleto

Get a tan: Broncearse

Fare: tarifa, precio del viaje

Crowded: lleno de gente, concurrido

Dessert: Postre , sobremesa

Fix up: Arreglar

Worthwhile: Vale la pena

In turn: Sucesivamente

Feuding: Disputas

It turns out: Resulta

Engage: Contratar, participar, desarrolalr

Forward: Futuro, Adelante

Toward: Hacia

Framework: Marco, contexto

Deadlocks: Bloqueo, punto muerto, estancamientos

Blind alley: Callejn sin salida

Endless: Interminable

Overview: Resumen, perspectiva

Relate: Relacionar

Trend: Tendencia, moda, corriente, dinmica

Comprising: Incluir, abarcar, constar, contener

Insight: Visin, percepcin, intuicin

As such: en cuanto tal

Such as: Tal como

Likely: Probable, posible

Regard: Considerar, respecto, sentido

Unlikely: Improbable

Therefore: Por lo tanto

Fit Ajustar, adaptar

Otherwise: De lo contrario, si no, de otra manera

Shift: Cambio, variacin, movimiento,

Albeit: Aunque

Fo instance: Por ejemplo

As well as: As como, tanto como,

As early as: Tan temprano como

Much like: al igual que

Wide: Amplio, ancho, lejos

Despite: A pesar de

Bend: Doblar, curvar, agacharse

Flee: Huir, escapar

Vanish: Desaparecer

Decay: Decaer, desmoronarse

Taste: Gusto, aficin, probar, catar

Tinge: teir

Frighten: Asustar, espantar, amedrentar

Last: Durar, perdurar

Through: A travs de, mediante, por medio de, debido a, gracias a

Trhoughout: En todo, durante, a lo largo de

Undertake: realizar, emprender

Membership: Adhesin, pertenencia, afiliacin

From now on: A partir de ahora, de ahora en adelante

Widely: Ampliamente, extensamente

Veil: Velar

Stems: Tallo, vstago, derivarse, rechazar

Assesment: Evaluacin, valoracin, diagnstico

Hand: Entregar, dar

Whatsover: De ninguna manera, de ningn modo, todo lo que, lo que, cualquier cosa

For all else: para todo lo dems, por todo lo dems

Arrengement: Arreglo, disposicin, acuerdo,

Content: Contenido, ndice

Extant: Existente, que se conserva, que pervive

Nevertheless: Sin embargo, no obstante

Switch: Cambiar, agitar,

Surmise: Conjeturar, suponer, deducir,

Compliance: Obediencia, conformidad, sumisin

Discard: Descartar, desechar

Topple: Derrocar, derrivar, venirse abajo

Debris: Escombros, ruinas

Open up: Abrir, desplegar, extender

Pressure: Presin, tensin, influencia

Cancel out: Anular, eliminar

Shell: Cscara, caparazn, pelar, descarcarar

Saddle: Silln, lomo, ensillar

Accomplish: lograr, conseguir, cumplir, alcanzar

Flawless: Perfecto

Spot: Lugar, sitio, espacio, manchar, detectar, encontrar

At the very least: como mnimo, por lo menos, cuando menos

Useful: til, conveniente

Staunchly: Incondicionalmente, firmemente, fielmente

Foremost: Principal, primero

First and foremost: Primero que todo

Endeavour: Esfuerzo, labor, procurar, esforzarse

Recasting: Reformulacin, transformar, difundir

Crash down: Choque, estrellarse

Unfulfilled: Sin cumplirse, incumplido, insatisfecho

Herein: EN esto, aqu

Moreover: Adems, por otra parte, as mismo

Stand: Soportar, aguantar, tolerar

Useless: Intil, inservible

Certain: cierto, determinado, alguno

Advocate: Promover, abogar, recomendar

Yet: An, todava, pero, sin embargo.

Commonalities: semejanzas, afinidades

Commence: Comenzar, iniciar, entablar

Full fledged: De pleno derecho

Overthrow: Derrocamiento, derrocar, derrumbar

Forceful: Fuerte, enrgico, vigoros

Inimical: Hostil, daino

Scraps: Residuos, restos, pedazos

Rampant: Desenfrenado, rampante, desmesurado

Decrease: Disminuir, reducir, bajar

Namely: A saber, es decir, concretamente, en concreto

Safe: seguro, a salvo, prudente

Outlawed: Fuera de la ley, ilegalizar, declarar ilegal

Doom: Condenar

Chance: oportunidad, azar, suerte

Backdrop: fondo, teln de fondo

Not even: Ni siquiera

It is not by chance: No es por casualidad

Fair: Razonable, equitativo, claro,

Fairness: Justicia, recttiud

Fulfilling: Gratificante, satisfactorio

Prior: Anterior, preferente, ms importante

Occur: Ocurrir

Attendance: Asistencia

This is quite in keeping: Esto es bastante compatible

Acknowledge: Reconocer, admitir

Shadowy: Tenebroso, sombro

Delay: Retraso, aplazamiento

Trail: Camino, sender

Outlandish: extravagante, estrafalario

Blaze: Llama, resplandor

Lonesome: Solitario

Sheer: Puro, autntico

Ruthlessly: Sin piedad, sin Misericordia

Deserve: Merecer, ser digno de

Shed: arrojar, derramar

Afterword: Eplogo

Call into: Poner

Anyhow: de todos modos

Overtly: Abiertamente, evidentemente

Grasp: Comprender, aprovechar

Poignant: Conmovedor, agudo, mordaz

Underlying: Subyacente, fundamental

Dissertation: disertacin o trabajo

Slur: Insulto, calumnia, digamacin

Remark: Observacin, comentario

Whereupon: Despus de lo cual, tras lo cual

Complaint: Queja, Querella

Toughtlessness : Irreflexin, desconsideracin, inconsciencia

Shelves: estantera

Daring: Atrevido, atrevimiento, osada

Defy: Desafiar, oponerse, resistir

Altogether: Totalmente, en conjunto

Whitdraw: Retirar, retirarse, sacar

Ageless: Eterno,

Sexless: Asexuado

Utterly: Totalmente, completamente

Shrivel: Marchitar, encoger, secar

Slip away: deslizar, escabullir,

Retrieve: recuperar, cobrar

Branch: Rama,

Dislodge: Desalojar

Ongoing: En marcha

Heeding: Hacer caso

Embed: Incrustar

Vex: Fastidiar, impacientar

Overrriding: Primordial, predominante, decisivo

Embroider: Adornar,

Fraught: Tenso

Chiefly: Principalmente, sobre todo

Embarrassment: Vergenza, embarazo

Numb: Entumecido

Uneasily: Inquieto

Upbringing: Crianza, educacin

willy-nilly: De cualquier manera, quiera o no quiera

shelter: Abrigo, albergar, proteger

Pursue: perseguir

Craze: Mana

Heretofore: Hasta ahora

Of that sort: por el estilo

Henceforth: De ahora en Adelante

Bear: aguantar, soportar, tolerar

Narrow: estrecho, reducir

Stratum: estrato

Partake: participar

Booty: >Botn

Maraud: merodear

From without: desde afuera

Disease: enfermedad

Swamp: pantano, inundar, sumergir

Trade: comercio, negocio, comerciar

Petty: Pequeo, mezquino

Blooming: Floreciente, radiante

Renewal: renovacin

Tenure: Tenencia, permanencia, posesin

Engulf. Sumergir, tragarse

Overcome: superar, vencer

Starving: Moribundo, hambriento, famlico

Looting: saqueo

Enact: promulgar

Nay: Ms an, mejor dicho, ms bien

Thereon: al respecto, luego, acto seguido

Reck: cuidar, importar

Stir: Agitar, revolver, agitacin

Glance: vistazo

Spin: girar, hilar,

Aglow: Radiante, encendido

Utterly: absolutamente

Untrammelled: Sin trabas

Stream: corriente, arroyo, torrente, fluir

Whence: de dnde, por lo cual, por consiguiente

Crook: Ladrn, encorvarse, ladrar, curvarse

Hovering: Colocar, volar, desplazar

Upward: hacia arriba

Downward: desde abajo

Vouchsafe: conceder

Detachment: desapego, separacin,

Pale: plido, palidecer

Glow: brillo, luz, brillar

Isolate: aislar

Hover: Flotar, revolotear

Swirling: Remolino

Bound: ligado, obligado

Span: abarcar, lapso, medir

Backward: hacia atrs

Feble: Dbil, flojo, endeble

Hue: matiz, color

Compel: obligar

Infuse: infundir

Shudder: estremecimiento, escalofro

Wipe out: limpiar, aniquilar,liquidar

Rouse: despertar, levantar, animar

Inward: interior, adentro

Lying: situado, acostado

Devoid: desprovisto

Sinking: hundimiento, naufragio

Reckon: calcular, contar

Inwardly: interiormente, para s,

Utmost: mayor, ms lejano

Dare: atrevimiento

Soothsayer: Adivino

Unless: A no ser que, a menos que, si no

To live off of: sobrevivir con o de algo (en aspectos de sobrevivencia)

are we there? Ya llegamos?

How much further? Cunto falta?

Come up: dar soluciones, encender una idea


Before you know it: Very quickly

Word on the Street: To Go bad (to spoil, to rot) Estropear, pudrirse, descomponer, corromperse

This word often applies in cases as fruits and other meals

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