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Shell Thickness

Input Data:
0.414 <- p, Design Pressure [MPag]
SA 36 <- Material
114 <- f, Design Strength at design temperature from Table ASME Section- II(Part-D)
0.85 <- , Minimum welding efficiency
470 <- D, Internal Diameter of Shell [mm]
0.75 <- C, Corrosion allowance [mm]

Minimum Thickness of Shell,

t = + C
2f - p

0.414 x 470
=> t = + 0.75 mm
(2 x 114 x 0.85) - 0.414

=> t = 1.76 mm

Thickness of Shell calculated = 0.007 inch = 1.76 mm

Minimum Thickness of Shell = 0.236 inch = 6.00 mm
Boiler Fuel Consumtion Calculation

Input Data:
10.000 <- p, Design Pressure [Bar]
3960.000 <- m, Steam Generation Rate, Kg
100 <- hf,Enthalpy of feed Water, Kcal/kg
662 <- hg, ,Enthalpy of Steam, kcal/kg at 10 Bar
91% <- ,Boiler Efficiency as %
236.7758186398 <- NCV, Gross Calorific Value, Kcal/cft
292.7683909664 <- Q, Quantity of Fuel Consumed, m3/hr

Quantity of Fuel Consumed,

m (hf- hg)
Q = CFT/hr

=> Q = 10328.87
Input Value
100 < Feed Water Temperature,0C
940 <- NCV, Gross Calorific Value, Btu/ cft
Shell Thickness

Input Data:
0.414 <- p, Design Pressure [MPag]
SA 36 <- Material
114 <- f, Design Strength at design temperature from Table ASME Section- II(Part-D)
0.85 <- , Minimum welding efficiency
370 <- D, Internal Diameter of Shell [mm]
0.75 <- C, Corrosion allowance [mm]

Minimum Thickness of Shell,

t = + C
2f - p

0.414 x 370
=> t = + 0.75 mm
(2 x 114 x 0.85) - 0.414

=> t = 1.54 mm

Thickness of Shell calculated = 0.006 inch = 1.54 mm

Minimum Thickness of Shell = 0.236 inch = 6.00 mm

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