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FY2017 1st Round The Japan Foundation Asia Center Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration This list is basd on information provided when applications were made.

List of Grantees

Project Title Organizer

Mekong Hub for Cultural Changemakers: Cultural Leadership in SE Asia Cambodian Living Arts

SEAShorts Film Festival 2017 Next New Wave Films Sdn. Bhd.

Wathann Film Festival #7 Wathann Film Festival / Third Floor Production

The Karnabal Contemporary Cultural Laboratory Sipat Lawin Inc.

130th Anniversary of Japan - Thailand Relations Concert by FEROCI PHILHARMONIC WINDS Faculty of Music, Silpakorn University

Theater Project on Environment Issue for Indigenous Youth in the Philippines and Indonesia Cordillera Green Network

A Program to Promote the Citizens' Exchange of the Western - style Building Towns for Creation of New Culture
Showa Women's University
- Yokohama, Kobe, Nagasaki in Japan and Cai Be, Hoi An in Vietnam

Community Art Project between Japan and Aceh, Indonesia The Laboratory for Global Dialogue

Towards Building a Resilient Network for Regional Health Cooperation in East Asia The Council on East Asian Community

Exchange and Training on Human Rights in Myanmar Human Rights Now

FY2017 1st Round The Japan Foundation Asia Center Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration This list is basd on information provided when applications were made.

List of Grantees

Project Title Organizer

The 25th Anniversary of J J Ls International Cooperation Activities to Promote Legal Education in Cambodia Japan Jurists League for Cambodia

The Preparation for and Organization of the 3rd Asia-Pacific Water Summit Japan Water Forum

Tokyo University of the Arts Silk Road Special Exhibition Tokyo University of the Arts Silk Road Special Exhibition Executive Committee

The project of investigating art works and exchanging experts of Art Brut in Asia Social Welfare Organization glow

Papermoon Puppet Theatre (Indonesia) Residence and New creation performance 2017 Kochi Prefecture Cultural Foundation

Sustainment and Development of the Platform for Asia, Women, and Performing Arts Asian Women Performing Arts Collective

2 Cross Transit
Akiko Kitamuras Asian Dance Project, Collaboration Vol. 2 Cross Transit Final Chapter Office A/LB

ON-PAM & in 2017

ON-PAM Satellite Symposium & Meeting in Singapore 2017 Open Network for Preforming Arts Management

/ Results

/Number of Successful Applications 18

/Number of Applications 47

/Success Rate by Number 38%

/Average Amount of Grant per Project JPY 4,622,000


FY2017 1st Round The Japan Foundation Asia Center Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration This list is basd on information provided when applications were made.

List of Grantees (Multi-Year Projects which started in FY2015)

Project Title Organizer

Dialogues on Democracy with South-East Asia and Asia Forums for Opinion Leaders The Genron NPO

Inter-cultural project of Southeast Asian Archipelago: GONG Trilogy The Kingdom of Archipelago

COO Inc.

RE/PLAY DANCE Edit Offsite Dance Project

International Co-production - RE/PLAY DANCE Edit. Offsite Dance Project

2017 VOL.2 boid


DigiCon6 ASIA
Tokyo Broadcasting System Television, Inc.

Human resource development related to conservation of the Sambor Prei Kuk Heritage Sites in Cambodia Institute of UNESCO World Heritage, Waseda University

Hiroshi Koike Bridge Project Pan Asia Mahabharata Chapter 4 Thailand & Tokyo Tour SAI Inc.

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