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Book III of the Flat Earth Trilogy

Paradise: Sides of the North and The Mount of Congregation
Zen Garcia. All rights reserved. July 28th, 2017
In honor of my Father, Manuel Pedro Garcia born 7/28/1943 and
Mother, Myong Hwa Garcia born 9/6/1943.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic
or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems,
without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a
reviewer, who may quote excerpts in review.
Zen Garcia
His website: www.FallenAngels.TV

Current Radio Broadcasts: Momentary Zen

Revolution Radio Studio B
Wednesday 8:00-10:00 pm Eastern

Secrets Revealed
Thursdays 9:00- 11:00 pm Eastern

Archive of Older Shows 2008-2014:
Printed in the United States of America

Cover by Arthur George
1st Printing: July 2017
ISBN - 978-1-365-79595-4
520 Embassy Walk
Winder, GA 30680
Chapter 1 The Architecture Of The World
Chapter 2 Earth: The Grand Chessboard Where Heaven
and Sheol Come Together
Chapter 3 - The First Four Days Of Creation
Chapter 4 - Appearing Over The Earth In The Face Of The Sky
Chapter 5 Heavens Vault
Chapter 6 - The Srimad Bhagavatam: Canto 5
Chapter 7 - The Suns Transit Between The Two Tropics
Chapter 8 Dhruvaloka and Mount Meru
Chapter 9 - The Polestar Polaris
Chapter 10 - The Heavenly Host Surrounding
The Throne Of God
Chapter 11 Fore-Ordination: The Riddle Of Preexistence Being
Chapter 12 - The Sides Of The North
And The Mount Of Congregation
Chapter 13 Jacobs Ladder
Chapter 14 The Thracian Chronicles
Chapter 15 - The Abyssmal Chasm
Chapter 16 - The Bottomless Pit
Chapter 17 The Ocean Basin, Charbrydis, And Tidal Rhythm
Chapter 18 Eyewitness Accounts Of The Northern Region
Chapter 19 Russian Scientist Finds Paradise At The North Pole
Chapter 20 - Paradise Our First And Former Estate
Chapter 21 The Differentiation Between Paradise
And The Garden of Eden
Chapter 22 The Ever New Tongue

Preface by Pastor Dean Odle
Like most true born-again Christians (who honestly believe and
know that the Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of the God
of gods, our Creator Yahweh), I had never considered the
possibility that I really did not believe ALL of the Bible. I was
born again in 1979 but fell away in my teenage years. In the
summer of 1987 I repented and fully rededicated my life to the
Lord Jesus Christ, becoming a diligent student of the Bible and
history. Since that time, I have served as a youth pastor, singles
pastor, evangelist, teacher, church planter, and senior pastor of
several churches. I have seen many saved, healed, baptized in the
Holy Spirit, and delivered from demons in my 30 years of ministry.
I have endeavored to do what the Bible says since 1987. Had
anyone told me that I did not believe and preach everything written
in the Bible, I would have vehemently denied that accusation.

However, on October 24, 2015, a Christian friend sent me a link to

a video and asked, "Does firmament earth ring a bell?" I must
admit that I didn't have any idea what he was talking about. I
watched the video and it didn't take long before I could sense the
Holy Spirit moving upon me. As I saw the evidence and Scriptures
presented, I could not deny that I had allowed myself to be blind to
Satans most elaborate and well-planned deception. That day my
eyes were opened to some Biblical truths that had been common
knowledge in the days of the Hebrew prophets.

Until that day it had never entered my mind that the accepted shape
of the Earth as a sphere and our modern understanding of the
universe might be completely wrong. I have never accepted foolish
scientific theories like evolution, panspermia, or alien progenitors,
and yet I was trusting these same misguided scientists about the
nature of our cosmos. Obviously, the continual brainwashing from
childhood about the "Blue Marble" Earth flying around the sun in a
infinite outer space had worked. Those lies were so deeply
rooted in my psyche that even after three decades of intense Bible
study, I was blinded to what the Bible was saying regarding the
true shape of the Earth and the true nature of our "universe.

Of course, just the mention of the term "Flat Earth" causes an

immediate knee-jerk reaction in most people. I'm sure that some
people incredulously think, "Flat Earth?!! Surely this idiot does not
believe the Earth is flat in 2017?" However, that is exactly what I
believe now. My eyes were opened to one of the most important
truths of mankind: the Bible DOES say the Earth is a FLAT circle
with an outer edge or boundary that is covered by a molten glass-
like dome called the Firmament.

Over the next several months, I continued to study my Bible and
research these truths about creation. The more I studied the Bible
and researched NASAs many lies and fake pictures, I only became
more convinced that the Earth is truly FLAT! The first verse that I
saw illustrate the Earth as a flat disk was Job 38:14. Then, on July
2, 2016, while preparing to preach a message on the Marriage
Supper and the Millennial Reign, the Lord Jesus opened my eyes to
another confirming passage about the shape of the Earth. As I read
Revelation 20:9 I noticed an odd word used to describe the Earth. It
was a word that I had never looked up in the Strong's Greek
Dictionary until that day. John by the Holy Spirit wrote:

"And they went up on the BREADTH of the earth, and

compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved
city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and
devoured them."

I thought to myself, "Why didn't he just say 'they went up on the

earth?" So I looked up the word "breadth" in the Strong's Greek
Dictionary. It is #4114 which is the Greek word platos. I
immediately recognized the similarity to our word plateau. The
Strong's defines platos as "width or breadth." However, the
Strong's Greek Dictionary also says "platos" comes from the root
#4116 which is the Greek word "platys" (pronounced pla-toos).
Platys is defined as "SPREAD OUT FLAT (plot) i.e. broad: ---

I then looked up the etymology of the word plateau and found,

elevated tract of relatively LEVEL land, from French plateau
table-land, from Old French platel (12c.) FLAT piece of metal,
wood, etc., diminutive of plat FLAT SURFACE OR THING, noun
use of adjective plat FLAT STRETCHED OUT (12c.), perhaps
from Vulgar Latin *plattus, from Greek platys flat, wide, broad."

So the word plateau which means flat land originates from the
Greek word platys used in Revelation 20:9 to describe the Earth.
We find a similar occurrence in Revelation 6 when translators
chose the word pale to describe the horse when the best
translation would have been green horse. But who has ever heard
of a green horse, right? So just like the "pale horse" of Revelation 6
should have been translated "green horse, Revelation 20:9 should
read, "And they went up on the FLAT EARTH."

After my discovery one person accused me of not being honest

with the text because they said the use of the Greek word ge for
Earth could simply mean land. But according to the Greek
lexicon based on Thayer's and Smith's Bible Dictionary, this word
ge (pronounced ghay) means 1) arable land 2) the ground,
the earth as a standing place 3) the main land as opposed to the sea
or water 4) THE EARTH AS A WHOLE 5) the earth as opposed
to the heavens 6) the inhabited earth, the abode of men and
animals 7) a country, land enclosed within fixed boundaries, a
tract of land, territory, region. The word ge was used 252 times
in the KJV New Testament and was translated Earth 188 of those
times. It was translated land only 42 times. And this Greek word
ge is the word the translators of the Septuagint used for the
Hebrew word erets or Earth in Genesis 1 and elsewhere.
According to the Brown-Driver-Briggs Lexicon erets means,
the whole Earth as opposed to part. This is how it was used
in Genesis 1 at the creation of the entire Earth. Thus, I believe it is
safe to say that FLAT EARTH is a legitimate translation-
definition of the phrase breadth of the Earth in Revelation

The Bible says, In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every
word be established (2 Corinthians 13:1). Most scholars believe
that Job was one of the first books of the Bible to be written. The
Book of Job has a lot of information about the true nature of
creation, the attributes of God, and the angelic host. It also
confirms the shape of the earth and how God formed it.

"Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said,
Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without
knowledge? Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will
demand of thee, and answer thou me. Where wast thou when I
laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast
understanding" (Job 38:1-4).

The clear context of Job 38 is God speaking about when He created
the Earth. And in God's questioning of Job, He gives some clues
about the creation of the Earth:

"That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, that the
wicked might be shaken out of it? It (the earth) is turned as
clay to the seal; and they stand as a garment" (Job 38:13-14).

The Complete Jewish Bible translates Job 38:14 this way:

"Then the earth is changed like clay under a seal, until its
colors are fixed like those of a garment."

The Amplified Bible translates Job 38:14 this way:

"The earth is changed like clay into which a seal is pressed;
And the things [of the earth] stand out like a [multi-colored]

All of these translations are correct because the Hebrew word

"haphak" (turned) means "changed. For example, I turned or
changed these potatoes into potato pancakes by mashing them
down. I did a word study through multiple lexicons on how this
word was used in other verses in the Bible. For instance, the
Geseniuss Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon says haphak or turn
means to convert or to change. It uses Leviticus 13:3 as an example
of haphak meaning to change something as when the hair in
the plague is TURNED white. So, the word turned or haphak
means to change something when the rest of the verse denotes
something changing forms or character.

The word for "seal" in the original Hebrew is chowtham which

means "a signature-ring, seal or signet." The Geseniuss Lexicon
defines it as a a seal, a seal-ring. Seal-rings were used to mash
a piece of clay or wax FLAT on a document to seal it and leave
distinct features standing out in the impression to identify the
originator. Thus, in Job 38:14, God gave the description to Job of
how He formed/shaped the Earth during creation. God said the
Earth was changed as a lump of clay under a signet ring. That is a
word picture that illustrates the Earth being pressed down flat with

the contours of the ring standing out (even the detail of an upturned
edge as a border).

God gave me another confirmation of this flat Earth with the

upturned edge when a family in our church shared about a TV
commercial their children had seen for Hennessy cognac. The
commercial featured the Swiss/Belgium physicist, inventor, and
explorer Dr. Auguste Piccard as he ascended high into the sky
inside an aluminum capsule being elevated by a balloon. It showed
Dr. Piccard viewing the Earth from a very high altitude through a
porthole in the capsule. Suddenly his capsule breaks through a
barrier (the firmament maybe?) into water and then the scene
transitions to Piccards grandson exploring the ocean depths.

The Hennessy commercial caught the attention of the children in

this family because they had heard my first message about Gods
firmament and the waters above in November 2015. When I saw
the commercial I was amazed. The Illuminati in the media were
once again tipping their hand. Their message in the imagery of the
Hennessey commercial was clear, We know the Earth is flat and
covered by the firmament dome. And we know that there is water
above the firmament and not an empty vacuum of space. In
reality, Dr. Piccard and his assistant Paul Kipfer did not break
through the firmament. But they were the first people to reach the
stratosphere setting a record height of 51,775 feet or almost 10
miles above the Earth on May 27, 1931.

I started researching Dr. Auguste Piccard that afternoon. That is

when I came across a short article in Popular Science Magazine
from August 1931 about Piccards ascent to the stratosphere. It was
entitled, Ten Miles High in an Airtight Balloon. As I read the
article, I discovered the most amazing part of the story,

The story of their adventure surpasses fiction. During the

ascent, the aluminum ball began to leak. They plugged it
desperately with Vaseline and cotton waste, stopping the leak.
In the first half hour, the balloon shot upward nine miles.
Through portholes, the observers saw the earth through
copper-colored, then bluish, haze. IT SEEMED A FLAT
DISK WITH AN UPTURNED EDGE. At the ten-mile level
the sky appeared a deep, dark blue. With observations
complete, the observers tried to descend, but couldn't. While
their oxygen tanks emptied, they floated aimlessly over
Germany, Austria, and Italy. Cool evening air contracted the
balloon's gas and brought them down on a glacier near Ober-
Gurgl, Austria, with one hour's supply of oxygen to spare.

I could hardly believe what I was reading. A famous scientist,

inventor, explorer (who was the first man to reach that height)
described the shape of the Earth as a flat disk with an upturned
edge. The upturned edge testimony absolutely proves that
Piccard did not see any curvature of the Earth toward the shape of a
ball. I was so amazed by Dr. Piccards testimony of the shape of
the Earth that I immediately did an internet search for a copy of the
August 1931 edition of Popular Science Magazine. I found one for
sale on eBay for $15.00 plus shipping. I bought it and within a
week I had a copy of that magazine and the article about Piccard in
my hands. After I shared this story and showed the copy of my
Popular Science Magazine in my first Flat Earth YouTube video,
the Auguste Piccard story and description of the Earth went viral.

I realized that people are hungry for the truth. One truth found in
the Flat Earth model is that the North Pole is the only magnetic
center of the circle (not for the reasons you have been taught) and
Antarctica is the ice wall circle boundary that holds the oceans at
the edge or ends of the earth. Many Bible passages confirm these
truths as the Word of God uses phrases like "the ends of the
earth" or the "bounds (boundary limit) of their habitation" or as
it is referred to in Proverbs 8, "...habitable part of His earth." All of
these specifically indicate in the original Hebrew and Greek an
edge, boundary, or extremity of the Earth. And these passages
reveal that there is more land or earth beyond that boundary. From
studying these Scriptures and others, I believe that God formed the
Earth originally as a square cube-like structure just like the
description of New Jerusalem in Revelation. Then, God
drew/engraved the circle boundary into the flat surface of that

There is much that can be said about Biblical cosmology and the
evidence to prove it, but as far as I can tell, Zen Garcia has done
the most extensive research on these subjects. His books The
Firmament Vaulted Dome of the Earth and The Flat Earth as Key
to Decrypt the Book of Enoch are excellent and are examples of his
diligent study and desire to share the truth. Zen really is a
researcher of researchers. He is a Scribe in the kingdom of God,
and a historian who is trying to bring back much lost information
and history to a generation who (for the most part) has had a very
edited, anti-Bible, anti-truth education. Zen pulls from many
sources both Biblical and non-canonical writings, but his
foundation is the Bible and that Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the One
True God, Creator, and Savior of Mankind. He believes in the
atoning death and resurrection of Jesus as the only way to
forgiveness of sin and eternal life in heaven. And both Zen and I
agree that the truths of Flat Earth, the dome firmament, and the true
nature of the sun, moon, and stars all point back to the Bible and
prove that the Word of God had it right all along. The many
testimonies coming from people who have found the Messiah and
returned to God after their eyes were opened to the truth about
creation is the fruit of this important revelation.

Zen Garcias latest book, Paradise: Sides of the North and the
Mount of the Congregation, is yet another Biblical and historical
truth that escaped our education system and most churches. I
personally started studying this about two years ago. I always
wondered why the Bible talks about the mount of the congregation
in the sides of the north and connected that to heaven: How art
thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art
thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For
thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt
my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount
of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above
the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou
shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit (Isaiah 14:12-

Until one understands the Biblical Flat Earth model, you cannot
grasp the significance of the North Pole being the only magnetic
center of the Earth, the sides of the north and its connection to
heaven. Once we understand that Gods throne is at the apex of the
circular dome firmament (Ezekiel 1) just above the stars of God
that are inside the firmament (according to Genesis 1), then the
passage in Isaiah 14 fits perfectly. In my studies I came across the
story of Olaf Jensen and his voyage with his father to the inner sea
around the magnetic mountain at the North Pole. Their adventure
seems too amazing to be true, but their description of what they
experienced there for several years confirms many ancient
accounts of other voyages to that mysterious region. It also
explains why many ancient cultures claim that paradise is in the
north and that it is the actual cradle of humanity. It was not long
after my introduction to Olaf Jensen that Zen told me that he was
writing this book. I put off even preaching on this subject until I
could read Zens investigation and findings on this subject.

Needless to say, this is a fascinating subject that helps us

understand many passages in the Bible that do not make sense in a
heliocentric, spherical earth construct. And whether you agree with
everything that Zen puts forth in this new book or not, there is a
wealth of information and many truths to be gleaned from his
diligent research. Dont let personal bias or minor disagreements
keep you from big picture: God Almighty of the Bible is using His
servants like Zen Garcia to reveal hidden things from history and
the Word of God to awaken a deceived generation to find their

Pastor Dean Odle

All I leave behind me is only what I found

- Robert Hunter


This book concludes three years of in-depth research on the topics

of flat Earth and the firmament began in June 2015, when the Most
High led me to a revelation which as key allowed me to decrypt
chapters 70-82 of the book on the courses of the heavenly
luminaries. Because most are still locked into the Copernican
heliocentric worldview accepted by the majority, the riddle of that
portion of the Book of Enoch had remained lost and unresolvable
for the last half a millennium. Only by embracing the earth as
described by August Piccard in the August, 1931 publication of
Popular Science, "It seemed a flat disc with upturned edge. Can
one apply knowledge of a biblical geocentric cosmology to
deciphering Enochs description of the motions of the heavenly
luminaries as I published in the release of my ninth book, Flat
Earth As Key To Decrypt The Book Of Enoch. It was these two
cryptic passages which I could not initially comprehend.
The sun sets in heaven, and, returning by the north, to
proceed towards the east, is conducted so as to enter by
that gate, and illuminate the face of heaven. The Book of
Enoch 71:8

In the orb of the sun there is a seventh portion of light,

which is added to it from the moon. By measure it is put in,
until the seventh portion of the light of the sun is departed.
They set, enter into the western gate, circuit by the
north, and through the eastern gate go forth over the
face of heaven. The Book of Enoch 77:4

Entertaining the circle of the earth as a clocks face, I was in the

early summer of 2015 able to apply context of this visualization
to unlocking the many verses and chapters within that portion of
the text which describe in great detail the circular revolutions of
the sun, moon, planets, and other celestial hosts.

Shortly after accepting the flat earth as model for world, I

decided to revisit those chapters to see if my new
understanding would somehow mirror what Enoch was
sharing as motion for the sun and moon. As I read through
chapters 71-82, I found to my utter amazement that I was
indeed able to grasp those passages. I knew then that the
vision that the angel Uriel had shown to Enoch could only
be deciphered if one were to imagine his description of the

revolutions of the sun and the moon as seen from above.
That Enoch must have been taken up to where Polaris is
centered above the North Pole, and while looking down
upon the backdrop of the earth, was in that way instructed
on the motions of the sun, moon, and stars. Without such
conception, it is, in my opinion, impossible to apply the
descriptions of their motions to model of the earth as a
spherical planet. - Excerpt Introduction of The Flat Earth
As Key To Decrypt The Book Of Enoch

That particular revelation led to the August, 2016 follow-up

publication of my 10th book, the Firmament: Vaulted Dome Of
The Earth. This my 14th book, Paradise: Sides Of The North And
The Mount Of Congregation, represents the cumulative and final
installment of the last three years of my research on the enclosed
world system. It decrypts the mythology of what lies at the
Northern Pole and identifies the exact location of the throne of
God as it relates to Eden, the sides of the north, and the mount of
the congregation. It also connects to and explains how the
legends of Atlantis, Asgard, Avalon, Hyperborea, Shambala,
Thule, and other mystical accounts associate to the mention of
this location. Portions of this book were initially contained
within my firmament book, however because inclusion of them
wouldve pushed the page count of that manuscript to in excess
of 700 pages, I decided to separate the chapters focused on
Paradise from that book for publication of its own. This
manuscript represents the labor of those efforts and includes an
abundance of newly discovered material, much of which I believe
will astound the audience perusing this title. I would have liked
to included a detailed commentary on Olaf Jansens story of the
Smoky God as it pertains to this topic but as with the Firmament,
I ran out of space for such inclusion. I do recommend people
study it for clues on those things which I will be bringing forth
throughout this book.

Having I believe succeeded in affirming the topic of the

geocentric flat earth cosmology as biblical truth within the other
two books of this trilogy. In this manuscript, I will detail the
specifics of how Gods enclosed system is structured, works, and
maintains itself. For as it says in the Targum on Genesis let
them be for signs and for festival times, and for the numbering by
them the account of days, and for the sanctifying of the beginning
of months, and the beginning of years, the passing away of
months, and the passing away of years. The luminaries as
contained within the raqiya form a magnificent self-perpetuating
electromagnetic clock. Its mechanism initiated by the Most High
God during the first week of creation, has precisely regulated
such functionality since its manifestation.

Over the time that I have dedicated to research of these topics, I

have witnessed among many researchers a grand awakening. The
world consciousness has been alerted to the truth of the geocentric
cosmology. With that many are being similarly led to the
realization that the Bible and so many other extra-biblical texts, are
all encoded with a depiction of the earth as a nonmoving flat
circular plane which inscribed upon the waters of the deep was
encapsulated by a vaulted dome. Acceptance of this ideology had
been the predominant worldview of ancient peoples, though lost to
modern contemplation. Knowledge on this forgotten structure has
been concealed within the biblical manuscripts for thousands of
years even though a scientific revolution headed by Jesuit
Freemasonic conspirators 500 years ago, successfully overthrew
the Geocentric model for understanding world. Yahuah is bringing
to the forefront the roots of this deception and forcing the world
and His people to reconsider whether the earth or the sun was the
eternal focus of the creation established for us by Yah.

Subjectively replaced by the Darwinian Copernican heliocentric

perspective, this deception was propped up in perpetuation
specifically to discredit the knowledge that the Holy Bible is the
inerrant inspired word of God and that its assertions accurately
describe the exceptional nature of the earth and the uniqueness of
our creation as humanity. The real question is why install and
promote such deception? In the concluding chapters of the
previous two books of this trilogy, I link and identify the cause and
reason for such deceit to Lucifers self-exaltation and desire in
Isaiah 14 to be like the highest. His attempt to install himself upon
Yahuahs seat hints to us that this throne is located above the
mount of the congregation in the sides of the north which I will
explain in great detail later. Isaiah tells us later in that same
chapter that rather than succeed in his usurpation, Lucifer was
instead cast down to the sides of the pit and his role as adversary
established in sheol. It is from there that he and Legion contend
with the angels of God for domination over the souls of humanity.

This tidbit of information informs us that paradise resides with God

in the third heaven but that hell is located within the interior of the
earth. It is this structure which I will be expounding upon within
the chapters of this book. For in perceiving the structural layout of
our enclosed world system, one will be able to make sense as to
why heaven is traditionally regarded as being placed upward in the
heavens and hell downward in the earth.

The ulterior motive of the New World Order and Copernican

Darwinian heliocentric worldview is to inaugurate Apollyon,
Abaddon as antichrist separating people from faith in the law and
the Gospels inerrancy as dictated by the Holy Spirit to the
prophets, patriarchs, and apostles. The outward public directive is
to globally dominate and unify the world into one people,
religion, market, and system. Satan knows that inserting doubt into
the conscious mind of the worlds people that this action would
bring to question the Bibles credibility. This uncertainty would
create fertile ground for him to sow the seeds of disbelief and
building upon it, present alternative theologies to explain the
reality of our world situation and how all things came to be. This
opportunity would benefit his purpose of not only further leading
humanity astray, but in dividing us from relationship with Yahweh
Elohim granting him the chance to deter worship of the Holy
Trinity to that of himself.

The final outcome and endgame is to absorb humanity into the

strong delusion that the ancient aliens are our real creators.
Counterfeiting the origins of humanity, the calendar system,
cosmology, and holy days, Satan has layed the groundwork for the
neoteric worship of Baal in modern times. Nothing new under the
sun as in Elijahs time, the establishment of this New Age
scientism simply represents the ongoing battle of the prophets of
YHWH and Baal in challenging modern believers as to who they
will choose to honor, love, revere, and serve in these times.

New Age Scientism

Scientism has supposedly been established upon the methodology

and principle of observable, repeatable, and verifiable
experimentation. It is meant to be founded upon sound theoretical
concepts which affirmed by the scientific method had become laws
by which to explain in understanding the dynamics of the world.
What most scientific believers do not realize is that rather than
being established upon academic truth, heliocentricism has instead
been built upon a foundation of lies so utterly preposterous, it only
takes a short time of unbiased investigation to dismantle two of its
core principles. 1) Earth orbits the sun at 1037.54166666667 mph
and 2) that it has any amount of measurable curvature by which to
authenticate it as globular or spheroidal in shape. The fact that
there is no rotundity nor detectable velocity, totally and completely
nullifies the presumptions that the earth is a spinning orb which
annually circuits the sun.

A careful review of these scientific experiments confirms these

facts: 1) The Michelson-Morely experiment failed to measure any
orbital motion of the earth round the sun. 2) The Michelson-Gale
experiment successfully determined the aethers separate existence
from that of the earth. 3) Aireys failure to detect earths
independent movement from that of the ether, demonstrating that
the stars are moving not because of the Earths motion around the
sun but because it is stationary. 4) The Sagnac experiment proved
that light passing through the aether was measurably slowed,
affirming in discovery the aethers existence. This proof
annihilates the premise of Einsteins Theory of Relativity which
denies the existence of the aether so as to negate the findings of

Anyone conducting an honest unbiased examination of these and

other scientific experiments must concede that their findings
without a doubt completely dispel the firmly accepted notions that
the aether does not exist or that it is moving in conjunction with the
earth. Therefore, as said earlier, no matter what one thinks about
the shape of the earth, the real quantifiable, repeatable, and
verifiable science easily dispels the postulation that the earth is
curved or moving in any measure. Alone these details force all to
further reconsider and question the theories, laws, and propaganda
that we have been indoctrinated into by the various aspects of the
Darwinian Copernican heliocentric worldview especially as it
formulates the basis for I believe the endgame that the ancient
aliens are the creators, benefactors, and saviors of humanity.

Questioning scientism, even once militant God hating atheists,

agnostics are returning in acceptance to the Bible as truthful
revelation. Reinvigorated many that have never spent even a
moment reading Scripture before are studying it now for further
revelation on the geocentric enclosed world cosmology. Many are
being prompted to examine the gospel anew in a way that they
never would have previously. There is no single study anywhere
that I am aware capable of altering the mindset of those once
viciously opposed to Christianity, God, or the Bible. To immediate
recognition that not only is the Bible inspired but that the Author of
it must without question be our Maker intelligently forming us in
His image and which established the earth as a special place of
habitation. Considering that some 99% of the worlds population
are still lost in the heliocentric matrix indoctrinating all born into
its nurturance. I believe the Most High has commissioned me to be
a scribe, to announce His warning, and reveal His truth to the
people of this final generation. Through not only my personal
books but the reprint of many lost, forgotten, and forbidden texts,
our mission at Sacred Word Publishing, is to help awaken you to
remembrance, free you and others from the illusion of such
mindset, and open all to the knowledge contained within the
narrative of the Yahs word.

I realize after all these years that most adore their enslavement and
have no concern of being freed from it. Thus, why Christ in
returning for judgment at the end of days will find most of the
world wanting but few deserving. Most people study only to verify
or reaffirm the belief of what they already think they know. Most
research is proposed in effort only to prop up the structure of the
obstacles which have imprisoned them for the entirety of their
lives. I know the majority will reject what I have learned and that
the masses of mainstream churchianity are not interested in truth. I
know that most will not comprehend the nature of my work as they
did not in the past understand the truth of the gospel. Many will
deny the wide array of sources I share from numerous ancient
manuscripts because they have been told that one can only trust the
Canon. Realize I quote from these other sources only to help you to
better understand the timeworn beliefs of past peoples as it applies
to the various topics that I share. As they attacked Christ and the
apostles, many have and will continue to attack, condemn, and
criticize me for the things that I have written and continue to say or
share. Yet, I know a small minority of you seeking lost paradise,
hungry for answer, guidance, and direction to freedom will
appreciate my efforts. The Bible says that at the end of days the
Lord God would send strong delusion because the world has no
love of the truth. It is my belief that the coming revealing and reign
of the antichrist is the culmination, conclusion of the counterfeit
theology that is scientism. That the entire purpose for the
establishment and propagation of the Darwinian Copernican
system is to bring forth a false messiah, an alien redeemer as
proposed by the pagan theologies. The Scriptures say that this
being will, return prior to Christs second advent and that the
antichrist will proclaim to be here to save us from ourselves. He
will promise to bring peace but will unleash upon the world sudden
destruction. Many currently believe that the extraterrestrials are
coming to save us. The key to not being swept away in such
delusion are found in this and the other books that I write. I pray
they serve you well and help you to not bend the knee in bowing
before this fake impersonator and demonic imposter. As always
doubt all that I say. Go forth, seek, and find truth for oneself.

This book as with all of my other works and efforts, are

exclusively designed to magnify, glorify, praise, and honor
Yahweh Elohim as the Father, Yahushua as the Son, and the
Ruach HaKodesh as the Holy Spirit. I pray that the grace of the
Creator bless your life, family, and seeking. Know that you are a
wisdom-keeper, a holder of the secrets, and specially chosen for
an important role in serving this final fig-tree generation.
The Lord God is extending to you the free-will opportunity to
participate in the great existential mystery that is life. I pray that
my teachings pique your remembrance and that you accept
watchmen role in leading others to the grand awakening of who
we are, where we are, and what all this is really about.

"And then I will sound the trumpet out of the air, and I will send my chosen
one, having in him one measure of all my power, and he will summon my people,
humiliated by the heathen. And I will burn with fire those who mocked them
and ruled over them in this age and I will deliver those who have covered me
with mockery over to the scorn of the coming age. Because I have prepared
them (to be) food for the fire of Hades, and (to be) ceaseless soaring in the
air of the underworld (regions) of the uttermost depths, (to be) the contents
of a wormy belly. For the makers will see in them justice, (the makers) who have
chosen my desire and manifestly kept my commandments, and they will rejoice
with merrymaking over the downfall of the men who remain and who followed
after the 5. idols and after their murders. For they shall putrefy in the belly of
the crafty 6. worm Azazel, and be burned by the fire of Azazels tongue. For I
waited so they 7. might come to me, and they did not deign to. And they
glorified an alien (god). 8. And they joined one to whom they had not been
allotted, and they abandoned the Lord who gave them strength.
Apocalypse of Abraham 31:1-8

Thus one earth rises above the other, from the first to the seventh,
and over the seventh earth the heavens are vaulted, from the first to
the seventh, the last of them attached to the arm of God. The seven
heavens form a unity, the seven kinds of earth form a unity, and the
heavens and the earth together also form a unity.
- The Legends of the Jews I

Chapter 1 The Architecture Of The World

According to the ancient cosmology and all that I have

studied concerning how YHWH Elohim established the
creation, the Earth has been situated between the seven
levels of heaven and sheol as they fuse in formation. If
one considers Christ the light of the world and the source
of all things, one can easily envision that light, stepping
down in vibration, frequency, and octave to become what
the Hebrews describe as the various levels of the creation
of the heaven, earth, and sheol. Matter is nothing more
than light shifting in density to form the physicality of all
manifest things. Centered between the higher eternal
spiritual realms and the lower solid mortal realms, it is
here upon the earth that the duality of existence, the
knowledge of good and evil, right and wrong, life and
death, and light and darkness overlap in reality. In this
continuum the invisible and visible, ethereal and material,
interdimensional and dimensional come together in
creating the sensual experience of this world as proving
ground established by Yahuah for those spiritual beings
ordained incarnation into human physicality. Tried by
the carnal temptations of this dimension, it is here in this
duality that those born into the flesh determine whether
they are to be worthy of a return to our first estate.

Granted temporary authority to challenge humanitys

inclination and whether one will be truly righteous or not.
Satan as the adversarial angel of death has been
appointed role to tempt the spirits born into the challenge
of this lifetime. What we choose to do, how we act, what
we intend with our thoughts actions and behaviors, at the
end of this journey will determine the judgment of
whether one is to be numbered with the righteous or
wicked. The two books of The Great Contest trilogy I
finished earlier this year (2017) on the war in heaven and
the enmity between the seed lines, cover in very great
detail how and why the Earth was established as an arena,
chess board, proving ground, field, or world for just such
determination. The lives we live here are the second
phase of the contest which began in heaven between
Christ and Satan. The Lord God had to conclude the
battles which divided the forces of light and darkness and
good and evil, and which initially destroyed the earth
making it without form and void in accommodation. The
rebellion of His angels lead to the Psalms 82 sentence of
death levied against the sons of God, Ye are gods and all
of you are children of the Most High, but you shall die
like men and fall like one of the princes. The war in
heaven was the cause for the creation of this dimensional

Sit down and write all about the souls of men,

those of them which are not born, and the places
prepared for them forever. 5. For every soul was
created eternally before the foundations of the
world. - The Book of the Secrets of Enoch XXIII.

21. The Evernew Tongue answered: "There was,"

it said, in the orbital circuit the material of the
universe, to wit, cold and heat, light and darkness,
heavy and weightless, wet and dry, high and low,
bitterness and mildness, strength and feebleness,
roaring sea and noise of thunder, odour of flowers,
chant of angels, and pillars of fire. 22. "All these,
then," quoth he, "were in the round, multiform
cloud which was made of the material of the
universe: and 'tis there that the stuff of hell was
produced; for Hell was not made at once; not
until the archangel transgressed (God's) will
and forsook the law of the King who had
created him, together with the innumerable
crowd of the angels. Till then," quoth he, "hell
was not made; but its material was stored away in
the round, multiform mass out of which the
universe was separated, with all the kindreds which
exist therein. And if the angels who sinned had
remained in the nature in which they had been
created, and in the angelic radiance, the
material of hell would have been turned into a
beautiful, bright kingdom, like unto the
kingdom of the holy angels. The Ever New
Tongue 21-22

The creation of the world, however, could not take

place until God had banished the ruler of the dark.
"Retire," God said to him, "for I desire to create the
world by means of light." Only after the light had
been fashioned, darkness arose, the light ruling in
the sky, the darkness on the earth. - The Legends
of the Jews I

With the insight of these verses and others like Isaiah

45:18 and 2 Esdras 6:38 we know the heavens and the
earth of the first world age, were created perfect. That
Yahuah had to entertain the conflict and insurrection of
the third of His angels which followed Lucifer into
rebellion, thereby dividing the celestial hosts into forces
of light and darkness, good and evil. This separation led
to the previous conflict as clarified in The Great Contest
I: War In Heaven. Examining the original Hebrew for
Genesis 1:2, one can interpret that passage in this
manner, And the primeval earth existed, fell out,
became, came to pass, was in a state of formlessness,
confusion, unreality, emptiness, like a desert wasteland,
wilderness, a place of chaos, vanity, and like an
undistinguishable ruin, void, and wasted.

The world that we inhabit now is not as it was in the

original state of the creation. There are ancient megalithic
cities which lying at the bottoms of oceans, lakes, and
under large ice sheets, confirm the reality that the Rebel
Angels had already been living here on the face of the
earth prior to the fall of modern humanity and that the
earth had been destroyed sometime in our ancient past.
Comprehending that we have inherited a reconstructed
world, one can better make sense of why in Genesis 1:2,
2 Peter III, Ezekiel 26, Isaiah 23, and Jeremiah 4, there is
account of the destruction of a previous earth age and its
reconstruction into its current form.

Nor is this world inhabited by man the first of things

earthly created by God. He made several worlds
before ours, but He destroyed them all, because He
was pleased with none until He created ours. But
even this last world would have had no permanence,
if God had executed His original plan of ruling it
according to the principle of strict justice When
God made our present heavens and our present earth,
"the new heavens and the new earth" were also
brought forth, yea, and the hundred and ninety-six
thousand worlds which God created unto His Own
glory. - The Legends of the Jews I

The guardian angels are always near God's throne,

but the accusing ones are kept at a distance. Even the
new heavens and earth, spoken of by the Prophet
Isaiah (lxv. 17), were created in the six days of
creation. Other worlds were created and destroyed
ere this present one was decided on as a permanent
one. The Midrash, Genesis Rabba

Few realize there was an age previous to the one that we

are living in now and that the current epoch and world as
it now exists, was reformed in shape to sustain the pre-
adamic inhabitants which Elohim would make sh
in Genesis 1:26-28, and which the Holy Trinity would
form ytsar in Genesis 2:1-7 to inhabit as modern
humanity this dimensionality. The recreation of the
destroyed earth is presented in the timeline of Genesis
1:1-1:2-19 and represents the restoration, reformation of
the earth as we know and experience it now during this
current time.

This current world age has been allotted a total existence

of 7000 years. These 7000 years are connected to the
seven days of creation, comprising a day as 1000 years of
the modern age. This allotment also represents the time
which the ancestors of Adam and Eve have been present
within this world. Upon being cast out of paradise,
Adam was given by the Angel Raziel a book, some
believe it to be the Sepher Yetzirah, the Book of
Creation. Other accounts claim he was given multiple
volumes some being, the Book of the Generations of
Man, the Books of Creation i. e., the Book of Signs, and
the Book of Astrology and the Book of Wars.

On the third day after he had offered up this prayer,

while he was sitting on the banks of the river that
flows forth out of Paradise, there appeared to him,
in the heat of the day, the angel Raziel, bearing a
book in his hand. The angel addressed Adam thus:
"O Adam, why art thou so fainthearted? Why art
thou distressed and anxious? Thy words were
heard at the moment when thou didst utter thy
supplication and entreaties, and I have received the
charge to teach thee pure words and deep
understanding, to make thee wise through the
contents of the sacred book in my hand, to know
what will happen to thee until the day of thy death.
And all thy descendants and all the later
generations, if they will but read this book in
purity, with a devout heart and an humble mind,
and obey its precepts, will become like unto thee.
They, too, will foreknow what things shall happen,
and in what month and on what day or in what
night. All will be manifest to them--they will know
and understand whether a calamity will come, a
famine or wild beasts, floods or drought; whether
there will be abundance of grain or dearth; whether
the wicked will rule the world; whether locusts will
devastate the land; whether the fruits will drop
from the trees unripe; whether boils will afflict
men; whether wars will prevail, or diseases or
plagues among men and cattle; whether good is
resolved upon in heaven, or evil; whether blood
will flow, and the death-rattle of the slain be heard
in the city. And now, Adam, come and give heed
unto what I shall tell thee regarding the manner of
this book and its holiness."

Raziel, the angel, then read from the book, and

when Adam heard the words of the holy volume as
they issued from the mouth of the angel, he fell
down affrighted. But the angel encouraged him.
"Arise, Adam," he said, "be of good courage, be
not afraid, take the book from me and keep it, for
thou wilt draw knowledge from it thyself and
become wise, and thou wilt also teach its contents
to all those who shall be found worthy of knowing
what it contains."

Whatever the case, Adam foreknew and warned his sons

that the earth would be destroyed by both water and fire
before Yahushua would born of virgin flesh come to
redeem them and those counted among the righteous at
the time of the end.

The mathematical division of this current 7000-year

period breaks-down as 120 Jubilees of 50 years per
Jubilee + a 1000-year millennial reign. The millennial
reign represents the seventh day Sabbath rest and follows,
in my opinion, the earth destroyed by star-fire as
preparation for the harvest and wedding feast. In Book II
of the Sybilline Oracles and The Revelation of St. John
the Theologian, the world judged, is set ablaze, and
purified for the second Advent. It is this endtime event
which settles the mountains low and elevating the seas,
levels the earth into perfectly flat expanse as some
Scriptures claim it had once existed.

The purpose of this destruction is to not only bring
judgment upon the fallen Angels and those which they
led astray not written into the books of life. It is also a
means to restore the earth a virgin bride, cleansing her
from the presence of evil, for the coming of the

4 Every valley shall be exalted, and every

mountain and hill shall be made low: and the
crooked shall be made straight, and the rough
places plain: 5 And the glory of the LORD shall be
revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the
mouth of the LORD hath spoken it. - Isaiah 40:4-5

And then shall be lifted up all the race of men upon

clouds, as the Apostle Paul foretold. (12) Along
with them we shall be snatched up in (13) clouds to
meet the Lord in the air. And then shall come forth
every evil spirit, both in the earth and in the abyss,
wherever they are on the face of all the earth, from
the rising of the sun even to the setting, and they
shall be united to him that is served by the devil,
that is, Antichrist, and they shall be lifted up upon
the clouds.

And again I said: Lord, and after that what wilt

Thou do? And I heard a voice saying to me: Hear,
righteous John. Then shall I send forth mine angels
over the face of all the earth, and they shall burn up
the earth eight thousand five hundred (1) cubits,
and the great mountains shall be burnt up, and all
the rocks shall be melted and shall become as dust,
and every tree shall be burnt up, and every beast,
and every creeping thing creeping upon the earth,
and every thing moving upon the face of the earth,
and every flying thing flying in the air; and there
shall no longer be upon the face of all the earth
anything moving, and the earth shall be without

And again I said: Lord, and after that what wilt

Thou do? And I heard a voice saying to me: Hear,
righteous John. Then shall I uncover the four parts
of the east, and there shall come forth four great
winds, and they shall sweep (2) all the face of the
earth from the one end of the earth to the other; and
the Lord shall sweep sin from off the earth, and the
earth shall be made white like snow, and it shall
become as a leaf of paper, without cave, or
mountain, or hill, or rock; but the face of the earth
from the rising even to the setting of the sun shall
be like a table, and white as snow; and the reins of
the earth shall be consumed by fire, and it shall cry
unto me, saying, I am a virgin before thee, O Lord,
and there is no sin in me; as the prophet David said
aforetime, Thou shall sprinkle me with hyssop, and
I shall be made pure; Thou shalt wash me, and I
shall be made whiter than snow. (3) And again he
(4) said: Every chasm shall be filled up, and every
mountain and hill brought low, and the crooked
places shall be made straight, and the rough ways
into smooth; and all flesh shall see the salvation of

(5) And again I said: Lord, and after that what wilt
Thou do? And I heard a voice saying to me: Hear,
righteous John. Then shall the earth be cleansed
from sin, and all the earth shall be filled with a
sweet smell, because I am about to come down
upon the earth; and then shall come forth the great
and venerable sceptre, with thousands of angels
worshipping it, as I said before; and then shall
appear the sign of the Son of man from the heaven
with power and great glory. (6) And then the
worker of iniquity with his servants shall behold it,
and gnash his teeth exceedingly, and all the
unclean spirits shall be turned to flight. And then,
seized by invisible power, having no means of
flight, they shall gnash their teeth against him,
saying to him: Where is thy power? How hast thou
led us astray? and we have fled away, and have
fallen away from the glory which we had beside
Him who is coming to judge us, and the whole
human race. Woe to us! because He banishes us
into outer darkness. - The Revelation of St. John
the Theologian

245 A mighty stream of burning fire from

heaven And every place consume, earth, ocean
vast, And gleaming sea, and lakes and rivers,
springs, And cruel Hades and the heavenly sky.
And heavenly lights shall break up into one 250
And into outward form all-desolate. For stars
from heaven shall fall into all seas. And all the
souls of men shall gnash their teeth Burned both by
sulphur stream and force of fire In ravenous soil,
and ashes hide all things.
255 And then of the world all the elements Shall be
bereft, air, earth, sea, light, sky, days, Nights; and
no longer in the air shall fly Birds without number,
nor shall living things That swim the sea swim any
more at all, 260 Nor freighted vessel o'er the
billows pass, Nor kine straight-guiding plow the
field, nor sound Of furious winds; but he shall fuse
all things4 Together, and shall pick out what is
pure. But when the immortal God's eternal angels5
265 Arakiel, Ramiel, Uriel, Samiel, And Azael,
they that know how many evils Anyone did before,
shall from dark gloom Then lead to judgment all
the souls of men Before the judgment-seat of the
great God 270 Immortal; One only, himself the
almighty, One, Who shall be judge of mortals; and
to them That dwell beneath will then the heavenly
One Give souls and spirit and voice, and also

275 Fitted with joints unto all kinds of flesh, And

both the flesh and sinews, veins and skin About the
body, and hair as before; Divinely fashioned and
with breathing moved Shall bodies of those on
earth one day be raised. 280 And then shall Uriel,
mighty angel, break The bolts of stern and lasting
adamant Which, monstrous, bold the brazen gates
of Hades, Straight cast them down, and unto
judgment lead All forms that have endured much
suffering, 285 Chiefly the shapes of Titans born of
old, And giants, and all whom the deluge whelmed,
And all that perished in the billowy seas, And all
that furnished banquet for the beasts And creeping
things and fowls, these in a mass 290 Shall (Uriel)
summon to the judgment-seat; And also those
whom flesh-devouring fire Destroyed in flame,
even these shall he collect And place before the
judgment-seat of God. And when the high-
thundering Lord of Sabaoth 295 Making an end of
fate shall raise the dead, Sit on his heavenly throne,
and firmly fix The mighty pillar, then amid the
clouds Christ, who himself is incorruptible, Shall
come unto the Incorruptible 300 In glory with pure
angels, and shall sit At the right hand on the great
judgment-seat To judge the life of pious and the
way Of impious men. And Moses, the great friend
Of the Most High, shall come enrobed in flesh 305
Also great Abraham himself shall come, Isaac and
Jacob, Joshua, Daniel, Elijah, Habakkuk and
Jonah, and Those whom the Hebrews slew. But
he'll destroy The Hebrews after Jeremiah, all 310
Who are to be judged at the judgment-seat, That
worthy recompense they may receive And pay for
all each did in mortal life.

And then shall all pass through the burning stream

Of flame unquenchable; but all the just 315 Shall
be saved; and the godless furthermore Shall to all
ages perish, all who did Evils aforetime, and
committed murders, And all who are accomplices
therein, Liars and thieves, and ruiners of home, 320
Crafty and terrible, and parasites, And marriage-
breakers pouring forth vile words, Dread, wanton,
lawless, and idolaters; And all who left the great
immortal God, Became blasphemers did the pious
harm, 325 Destroying faith and killing righteous
men And all that with a shamelessness deceitful
And double-faced rush in as presbyters And
reverend ministers, who knowingly Give unjust
judgments, yielding to false words 330 More
hurtful than the leopards and the wolves And more
vile; and ill that are grossly proud And usurers,
who gains on gains amass And damage orphans
and widows in each thing; And all that give to
widows and to orphans 335 The fruit of unjust
deeds, and all that cast Reproach in giving from
their own hard toils; And all that left their parents
in old age, Not paying them at all, nor offering To
parents filial duty, and all who 340 Were
disobedient and against their sires Spoke a harsh
word; and all that pledges took And then denied
them; and the servants all Who were against their
masters, and again Those who licentiously defiled
the flesh; 345 And all who loosed the girdle of the
maid For secret intercourse, and all who caused
Abortions, and all who their offspring cast
Unlawfully away; and sorcerers And sorceresses
with them, and these wrath 350 Of the heavenly
and immortal God shall drive Against a pillar
where shall all around In a circle flow a restless
stream of fire; And deathless angels of the
immortal God, Who ever is, shall bind with lasting
bonds 355 In chains of flaming fire and from above
Punish them all by scourge most terribly; And in
Gehenna, in the gloom of night, Shall they be cast
'neath many horrid beasts Of Tartarus, where
darkness is immense. 360 But when there shall be
many punishments Enforced on all who had an evil
heart, Yet afterward shall there a fiery wheel From
a great river circle them around, Because they had
a care for wicked deeds. 365 And then one here,
another there, shall sires, Young children, mothers,
nursing babes, in tears Wail their most piteous fate.
No fill of tears Shall be for them, nor piteous voice
be heard Of them that moan, one here, another
there, 370 But long worn under dark, dank Tartarus
Aloud shall they cry; and they shall repay In cursed
places thrice as much as all The evil work they did,
burned with much fire; And all of them, consumed
by raging thirst 375 And hunger, shall in anguish
gnash their teeth And call death beautiful, and
death shall flee1 Away from them. For neither
death nor night Shall ever give them rest. And
many things in vain Will they ask of the God that
rules on high, 380 And then will he his face turn
openly Away from them. For he to erring men
Gave, in seven ages for repentance, signs By the
hands of a virgin undefiled. But the others, all to
whom right and fair works 385 And piety and
thoughts most just were dear, Shall angels, bearing
through the burning stream, Lead unto light and
life exempt from care, Where comes the immortal
way of the great God And fountains three--of
honey, wine, and milk. 390 And equal land for all,
divided not By walls or fences, more abundant
fruits Spontaneous shall then bear, and the course
Of life be common and wealth unapportioned. For
there no longer will be poor nor rich, 395 Tyrant
nor slave, nor any great nor small, Nor kings nor
leaders; all alike in common. No more at all will
one say, "night has come," Nor "morrow comes,"
nor "yesterday has been; Nor shall there many days
of anxious care, 400 Nor spring, nor winter, nor the
summer-heat, Nor autumn be [nor marriage, nor
yet death, Nor sales, nor purchases], nor set of sun
Nor rising; for a long day will God make. And to
the pious will the almighty God 405 Imperishable
grant another thing, When they shall ask the
imperishable God: That he will suffer men from
raging fire And endless gnawing anguish to be
saved; And this will he do. For hereafter he 410
Will pluck them from the restless flame, elsewhere
Remove them, and for his own people's sake Send
them to other and eternal life With the immortals,
in Elysian field, Where move far-stretching billows
of the lake 415 Of ever-flowing Acheron profound.
Ah, miserable woman that I am!

What shall I be in that day? for I sinned-- Being

busy foolishly about all things, Caring for neither
marriage-bond nor reason; 420 But even in my
wealthy husband's house I shut the needy out; and
formerly I knowingly performed unlawful things.
But, Saviour, though I shameless things performed,
Do thou from my tormentors rescue me, 425 A
shameless woman. And I pray thee now Make me
to rest a little from my song, Holy Giver of manna,
King of the great realm. Shall never cease from
those who are condemned. For also I might pray to
have it thus, Branded with greatest scars of
trespasses, Which need more kindness. But let
Origen Of his presumptuous babble be ashamed,
Saying there shall be end of punishments. -
Sybilline Oracles II:245-425

[9] And they went up on the breadth of the earth,
and compassed the camp of the saints about, and
the beloved city: and fire came down from God out
of heaven, and devoured them. [10] And the devil
that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire
and brimstone, where the beast and the false
prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night
for ever and ever. [11] And I saw a great white
throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the
earth and the heaven fled away; and there was
found no place for them. [12] And I saw the dead,
small and great, stand before God; and the books
were opened: and another book was opened, which
is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of
those things which were written in the books,
according to their works. [13] And the sea gave up
the dead which were in it; and death and hell
delivered up the dead which were in them: and
they were judged every man according to their
works. [14] And death and hell were cast into the
lake of fire. This is the second death. [15] And
whosoever was not found written in the book of
life was cast into the lake of fire. [1] And I saw a
new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven
and the first earth were passed away; and there was
no more sea. [2] And I John saw the holy city,
new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of
heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her
husband. [3] And I heard a great voice out of
heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is
with men, and he will dwell with them, and they
shall be his people, and God himself shall be with
them, and be their God. [4] And God shall wipe
away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no
more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither
shall there be any more pain: for the former things
are passed away. [5] And he that sat upon the
throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he
said unto me, Write: for these words are true and
faithful. [6] And he said unto me, It is done. I am
Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I
will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of
the water of life freely. [7] He that overcometh
shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and
he shall be my son. [8] But the fearful, and
unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers,
and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters,
and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which
burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the
second death. [9] And there came unto me one of
the seven angels which had the seven vials full of
the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying,
Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's
wife. [10] And he carried me away in the spirit to
a great and high mountain, and shewed me that
great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of
heaven from God, [11] Having the glory of God:
and her light was like unto a stone most precious,
even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal; -
Revelation 20:9-21:11

The current earth will be destroyed by fire in anticipation

for the return of Christ and the descent of New Jerusalem
for the millennial age. The stars falling to the earth, will
set it ablaze returning it to its former smooth pristine
state. Only after evil is swept away and the earth and the
heavens made anew, will Yahushua return for judgment.
Then the bodies of all that had lived will be united with
their spiritual bodies. It is then that every knee shall bow
and every tongue confess. As Peter said this age will be
destroyed by fire.

I believe this event will precede the second Advent,

harvest, and judgment of the wheat and the tares for
determination as to who will be worthy to join Him for
the 1000-year day of the Sabbath rest that is the
millennial reign. Solomon said the thing that has been,
will be, and there is no new thing under the sun. The
world moves in cycles and just as the Earth had been
previously destroyed it will be so again. After this
millennial age, there will be an eternal goodness where
the former things will have passed away. There will no
more be the presence of evil, death, Satan, and/or the
forces of darkness to tempt the souls of humanity. The
duality of those days past, we will from that time move
forward in purpose to bide as angelic servants the
administration of the Most High God.

[9] The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be;
and that which is done is that which shall be done:
and there is no new thing under the sun. [10] Is there
any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it
hath been already of old time, which was before us.
[11] There is no remembrance of former things;
neither shall there be any remembrance of things that
are to come with those that shall come after. -
Ecclesiastes 1:9-11

[3] Knowing this first, that there shall come in the
last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,[4]
And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for
since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as
they were from the beginning of the creation. [5]
For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the
word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth
standing out of the water and in the water: [6]
Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed
with water, perished: [7] But the heavens and the
earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in
store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment
and perdition of ungodly men. [8] But, beloved, be
not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with
the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as
one day. [9] The Lord is not slack concerning his
promise, as some men count slackness; but is
longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should
perish, but that all should come to repentance. [10]
But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the
night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with
a great noise, and the elements shall melt with
fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are
therein shall be burned up. [11] Seeing then that all
these things shall be dissolved, what manner of
persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and
godliness, [12] Looking for and hasting unto the
coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens
being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements
shall melt with fervent heat? [13] Nevertheless we,
according to his promise, look for new heavens and a
new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. 2 Peter

To know where we are going one must understand where
we have been. If interested in the destruction of the first
world age, one can reference the early chapters of my 10th
and 11th books, the Firmament: Vaulted Dome Of The
Earth and The Great Contest I: War In Heaven. If one
has a particular interest in the Dragon Lords and the
Atlantean age one can refer to my 6th book, the Sons of
God for more detail on the prior times.

As a follow-up to my previous two books of the flat earth

and firmament trilogy, this manuscript will complete in
elaboration the structure of the biblical cosmology I first
began to research and relate in very great detail within
those two books. My goal is to help the reader make
sense of and be able to visualize how the references to
paradise, the sides of the north, and the mount of the
congregation fit into the myriad scriptural references of
the earth as a circular plane encapsulated by the vaulted

Up to this time the earth was a plain, and wholly

covered with water. Scarcely had the words of God,
"Let the waters be gathered together," made
themselves heard, when mountains appeared all over
and hills, and the water collected in the deep-lying
basins. The Legends of the Jews I

According to the ancient Hebrews, the heaven, Earth, and

sheol all have seven levels. These levels come together
to form the enclosed structure of the world that we
currently reside within. I have over the course of writing
this trilogy, shared in exposition hundreds of ancient
sources on the particulars of this biblical cosmology.
All of them promote in concept the postulation that the
earth is the place where heaven and hell join in union.
Rather than verify the geocentric cosmology as truth and
disprove the heliocentric one, my focus for this text will
be to share with the readers, the details of how the
enclosed world structure is situated as affirmed by my
ongoing research into the ancient manuscripts. The
overwhelming evidence describing the schematical
construct of creation prove from a wide array of cultures
that the premise our enclosed world system I I have
brought forth over the many books Ive written now on
this topic are truthful. Recognizing the layout of our
world, one will better be able to conceptualize in
assimilation the innumerable allusions accounted in most
if not all ancient sources as they sync in link to the
particulars of this design. Their synthesis confirms each
as supporting witness for one another.

To outline the structure of our enclosed world for this

discussion and manuscript, I will first share the sorted
timeline and compilation of the Hebrew peoples ancient
beliefs as published in Louis Ginzbergs work, the
Legends of the Jews. The first book of this set parallels
in elaboration the Genesis timeline but when examined
closely, it clearly portrays the heavens as the uppermost
home of Yahuah, the earth as His footstool, and hell as
the lower domain of Satan. The details of this
commentary and their explanations, will better enable one
to comprehend the intricacies of YHWH Elohims
schematics for designing the architecture of this world as
revealed in the Book of the Secrets of Enoch XXIII:5-
XXXIII:8, which we will review in part in later chapter.

Though the heavens and the earth consist of
entirely different elements, they were yet created
as a unit, "like the pot and its cover." The heavens
were fashioned from the light of God's garment,
and the earth from the snow under the Divine
Throne Thus one earth rises above the other,
from the first to the seventh, and over the seventh
earth the heavens are vaulted, from the first to the
seventh, the last of them attached to the arm of
God. The seven heavens form a unity, the seven
kinds of earth form a unity, and the heavens and
the earth together also form a unity. - The Legends
of the Jews I

1 And I appointed the eighth day also, that the

eighth day should be the first-created after my
work, and that (the first seven) revolve in the form
of the seventh thousand, and that at the beginning
of the eighth thousand there should be a time of
not-counting, endless, with neither years nor
months nor weeks nor days nor hours. 2 And now,
Enoch, all that I have told you, all that you have
understood, all that you have seen of heavenly
things, all that you have seen on earth, and all that I
have written in books by my great wisdom, all
these things I have devised and created from the
uppermost foundation to the lower and to the end,
and there is no counsellor nor inheritor to my
creations. 3 I am self-eternal, not made with hands,
and without change. 4 My thought is my
counsellor, my wisdom and my word are made,
and my eyes observe all things how they stand here
and tremble with terror. 5 If I turn away my face,
then all things will be destroyed. 6 And apply your
mind, Enoch, and know him who is speaking to
you, and take thence the books which you yourself
have written. 7 And I give you Samuil and Raguil,
who led you up, and the books, and go down to
earth, and tell your sons all that I have told you,
and all that you have seen, from the lower heaven
up to my throne, and all the troops. 8 For I created
all forces, and there is none that resists me or that
does not subject himself to me. For all subject
themselves to my monarchy, and labour for my
sole rule. - The Book of the Secrets of Enoch 33:1-

9 And I measured out the whole earth, its

mountains, and all hills, fields, trees, stones, rivers,
all existing things I wrote down, the height from
earth to the seventh heaven, and downwards to
the very lowest hell, and the judgment-place,
and the very great, open and weeping hell.
The Book of the Secrets of Enoch 40:9

I have spent my life seeking all that's still unsung

Bent my ear to hear the tune,
and closed my eyes to see
Robert Hunter

The heavens rise to an immense height in the form of a tent that
is spread out, and mortals stand beneath it; its extremity is below,
and its centre is above. This is the form of the heavens, their
extremity is below and their centre above, so that all (God's)
creatures, as it were, sit beneath it as in a tent, as it is said, 'He
spread them out as a tent for dwelling therein.'
Chronicles of Jerahmeel I
Chapter 2 Earth: The Grand Chessboard
Where Heaven and Sheol Come Together

The conjunction of the earth with both heaven and sheol

also represents the division of the angelic forces assigned
as principalities to encourage right and wrong and the
reward of promised salvation or perdition. The dominion
of life and death, good and evil overlap here in this
earthly realm. This duality is the grand chessboard
whereby the Holy Trinity and Legion vie for control in
influencing the progenies connected to either the serpent
or the woman Eve. Election determines whether one is
birthed into Adams ancestry or that of the Dragon but
eternity is associated to whether one accepts Christ as
Savior Messiah. The enmity sired between these two
peoples begun in Genesis, is slated continual contention
for the 7000 years duration of this world age. The Kenite
Illuminati currently in this final generation dominate the
reins of power preparing for the New World Order reign
of the antichrist. This war represents the polarization of
light and darkness, good and evil, life-and-death as it
plays out on the world stage.

This is the contest, these are the rewards; These are
the prizes; this the gate of life And entrance into
immortality, Which God in heaven unto most
righteous men Appointed a reward for victory; And
through this gate shall gloriously pass. Those who
shall then receive the victor's crown. The
Sybilline Oracles II:185-195

I will set cohesively the premise for the layout of the

varying levels of heaven, earth, and sheol as revealed in
the ancient literature connected in description to the
dominating struggle of good versus evil. For it is the
separation of the harvest and end time judgment of
whether one is numbered among the elect or the
perdicious that decides whether one in the afterlife goes
upward towards paradise or downward towards hell as
revealed in the story of Lazarus and the rich man.

The following chapters will elaborate upon these

divisions and clarify how even the structure of the world
in ancient manuscripts was established by God to
differentiate in relation, the consequential choices made
by those of us privileged the opportunity of a lifetime as
to whether we respected or squandered the chance we
were granted to influence our eternity.

The Design of Creation from the Legends of the Jews

In the beginning, two thousand years before the

heaven and the earth, seven things were created:
the Torah written with black fire on white fire, and
lying in the lap of God; the Divine Throne,
erected in the heaven which later was over the
heads of the Hayyot; Paradise on the right side
of God, Hell on the left side; the Celestial
Sanctuary directly in front of God, having a
jewel on its altar graven with the Name of the
Messiah, and a Voice that cries aloud, "Return, ye
children of men." That the goodness of God may
rule on earth as in heaven, the Angels of
Destruction are assigned a place at the far end of
the heavens, from which they may never stir,
while the Angels of Mercy encircle the Throne
of God, at His behest.

The living creatures, living beings, or

Hayyoth (Hebrew chayot, from chai,
live) are a class of heavenly beings
described in Ezekiel's vision of the heavenly
chariot in the first and tenth chapters of
the Book of Ezekiel. References to the
creatures recur in texts of Second Temple
Judaism, in rabbinical merkabah (chariot)
literature, and in the Book of Daniel, and
also in the Book of Revelation. Wikipedia
THE FIRST DAY - The Seven Heavens

Several heavens were created, seven in fact, each

to serve a purpose of its own. The first, the one
visible to man, has no function except that of
covering up the light during the night time;
therefore it disappears every morning. The planets
are fastened to the second of the heavens; in the
third the manna is made for the pious in the
hereafter; the fourth contains the celestial
Jerusalem together with the Temple, in which
Michael ministers as high priest, and offers the
souls of the pious as sacrifices. In the fifth heaven,
the angel hosts reside, and sing the praise of God,
though only during the night, for by day it is the
task of Israel on earth to give glory to God on high.
The sixth heaven is an uncanny spot; there
originate most of the trials and visitations ordained
for the earth and its inhabitants. Snow lies heaped
up there and hail; there are lofts full of noxious
dew, magazines stocked with storms, and cellars
holding reserves of smoke. Doors of fire separate
these celestial chambers, which are under the
supervision of the archangel Metatron. Their
pernicious contents defiled the heavens until
David's time. The pious king prayed God to purge
His exalted dwelling of whatever was pregnant
with evil; it was not becoming that such things
should exist near the Merciful One. Only then they
were removed to the earth. The seventh heaven, on
the other hand, contains naught but what is good
and beautiful: right, justice, and mercy, the
storehouses of life, peace, and blessing, the souls
of the pious, the souls and spirits of unborn
generations, the dew with which God will revive
the dead on the resurrection day, and, above all,
the Divine Throne, surrounded by the
seraphim, the ofanim, the holy Hayyot, and the
ministering angels.

The Seven Levels of Earth

Let me make it clear that the forthcoming description of

the seven levels of earth in the following passage, does
not imply that there are in existence seven separate
earthen planes or individualized worlds. But represents
the foundation of the earth as one unit separately divided
in layers as they descend towards the different levels of
sheol contained within the Earths interior. Just as the
heavens below the firmament are sub-divided into seven
component parts, so is the Earths foundation segmented
in seven varying tiers; holding within them the portal,
gateway which leads to the bottomless pit. The ground
embodies the landscape above which the atmospheric sky
was spread as curtain.
Corresponding to the seven heavens, God created
seven earths, each separated from the next by five
layers. Over the lowest earth, the seventh, called
Erez, lie in succession the abyss, the Tohu, the
Bohu, a sea, and waters. Then the sixth earth is
reached, the Adamah, the scene of the
magnificence of God. In the same way the Adamah
is separated from the fifth earth, the Arka, which
contains Gehenna, and Sha'are Mawet, and Sha'are
Zalmawet, and Beer Shahat, and Tit ha-Yawen,
and Abaddon, and Sheol, and there the souls of the
wicked are guarded by the Angels of Destruction.
In the same way Arka is followed by Harabah, the
dry, the place of brooks and streams in spite of its
name, as the next, called Yabbashah, the mainland,
contains the rivers and the springs. Tebel, the
second earth, is the first mainland inhabited by
living creatures, three hundred and sixty-five
species, all essentially different from those of our
own earth. Some have human heads set on the
body of a lion, or a serpent, or an ox; others
have human bodies topped by the head of one of
these animals. Besides, Tebel is inhabited by
human beings with two heads and four hands and
feet, in fact with all their organs doubled excepting
only the trunk. It happens sometimes that the parts
of these double persons quarrel with each other,
especially while eating and drinking, when each
claims the best and largest portions for himself.
This species of mankind is distinguished for great
piety, another difference between it and the
inhabitants of our earth. Our own earth is called
Heled, and, like the others, it is separated from the
Tebel by an abyss, the Tohu, the Bohu, a sea, and

Thus one earth rises above the other, from the

first to the seventh, and over the seventh earth
the heavens are vaulted, from the first to the
seventh, the last of them attached to the arm of
God. The seven heavens form a unity, the seven
kinds of earth form a unity, and the heavens
and the earth together also form a unity.
It takes five hundred years to walk from the earth
to the heavens, and from one end of a heaven to the
other, and also from one heaven to the next, and it
takes the same length of time to travel from the
east to the west, or from the south to the north. Of
all this vast world only one-third is inhabited, the
other two-thirds being equally divided between
water and waste desert land. Beyond the
inhabited parts to the east is Paradise with its
seven divisions, each assigned to the pious of a
certain degree. The ocean is situated to the west,
and it is dotted with islands upon islands, inhabited
by many different peoples. Beyond it, in turn, are
the boundless steppes full of serpents and
scorpions, and destitute of every sort of vegetation,
whether herbs or trees. To the north are the
supplies of hell-fire, of snow, hail, smoke, ice,
darkness, and windstorms, and in that vicinity
sojourn all sorts of devils, demons, and malign
spirits. Their dwelling-place is a great stretch of
land, it would take five hundred years to traverse it.
Beyond lies hell.

Keep the previous and following highlighted passages in
mind when I in a latter chapter, link this abysmal chasm
to the lower end of Jacobs ladder used by the fallen
Angels when entering into the hollow earth. I will be
sharing testimonials from Job and Enoch, which I believe
describe this same exact location.

There is at the north a portal which leads both upward

towards the throne of God and also downward into the
demonic realms. It is this wide gaping maw which leads
into the interior of the Earth where the Locust Army,
Giants, and other supernatural entities like the reptilian
nagas currently reside in containment. It is this opening
which will be used by the fallen ones at the end of days
assigned to devastate the wicked when the wrath of God
is poured out on those not written into the books of life.

To the south is the chamber containing reserves of

fire, the cave of smoke, and the forge of blasts and
hurricanes. Thus it comes that the wind blowing
from the south brings heat and sultriness to the
earth. Were it not for the angel Ben Nez, the
Winged, who keeps the south wind back with his
pinions, the world would be consumed. Besides,
the fury of its blast is tempered by the north wind,
which always appears as moderator, whatever
other wind may be blowing. In the east, the west,
and the south, heaven and earth touch each
other, but the north God left unfinished, that
any man who announced himself as a god might
be set the task of supplying the deficiency, and
stand convicted as a pretender.

The highlighted portion of this text In the east, the west,
and the south, heaven and earth touch each other, but the
north God left unfinished is deeply profound as it is tied
precisely to what Lucifer alluded to in Isaiah 14, as the
sides of the north and location for the mount of the
congregation. The reason I say this, is because the north
is the only direction that the vaulted dome of the earth
rising in apex does not in any way meet, touch, or join in
merger with the earth as described in link with the other
three directions. This same concept I believe to be
asserted in Amos 9:6s description of how the vaulted
dome binds together as connection the heavens and the
earth. For more information on what exactly Im
alluding to and how interpretation of Amos 9:6 ties into
the scenario, please refer to Chapter 9 - The Vaulted
Dome in my book on the firmament.

The One who builds His upper chambers in the

heavens, and has founded His vaulted dome over
the earth, He who calls for the waters of the
sea and pours them out on the face of the
earth, The LORD is His name. - Amos 9:6, New
American Standard Bible

The premise that the earth is covered over by a vaulted
dome is elaborated upon in even greater detail and
precisely in this same context within the following
passages. I believe all three of these verses can only be
correctly deciphered when one examines them in context
to an arched roof like those seen in European cathedrals.
Those vaulted ceilings like the dome of the firmament
rises outward toward the center, ingeniously distributing
the weight of the entire structure toward the outer
perimeter of the Eastern, Southern, and Western ends. In
the case of the earth the dome emerges in circumference
with the outer Antarctic ice wall, if this wall does indeed
represent the furthest boundary or outward ring which
encloses the oceans basin in encapsulation.

(5) Wherefrom were the heavens created? From the

brilliancy of God's covering which He took up and
spread as a garment, and the heavens went on
extending until He said unto them, 'Be stayed,' and
they stopped. (6) Whence was the earth created?
From the snow beneath the throne of glory. God
took it up and scattered it upon the waters, then the
waters were congealed and became the dust of the
earth, as it is said, 'For He says unto the snow,
Become earth.' The boundaries of the heavens
touch the waters of the ocean, for the waters of
the ocean (Oqeanos) flow round the extremities
of the heavens and the earth, and the
extremities of the heavens are spread upon the
waters of the ocean, as it is said, 'Who layeth the
foundation of His upper chambers in the
waters.' The heavens rise to an immense height
in the form of a tent that is spread out, and
mortals stand beneath it; its extremity is below,
and its centre is above. This is the form of the
heavens, their extremity is below and their
centre above, so that all (God's) creatures, as it
were, sit beneath it as in a tent, as it is said, 'He
spread them out as a tent for dwelling therein.'
(7) Four winds were created in the world, viz., the
winds coming from the east, south, north, and
west. From the eastern corner the light of the world
goeth forth; from the south, the dews of blessing
descend upon the world; from the west emanate the
stores of snow, hail, cold and heat, and rains for the
benefit of the world; the north corner of the
world He created, but did not complete, for He
said: Whoever declares himself to be God, let
him come and finish this corner which I have
left, and then shall all know that he is a God.
There the demons, earthquakes, evil spirits, and
Shiddim dwell, and from there they come forth
to the world, as it is said, 'Out of the north evil
shall break forth' (Jer. i. 14). Chronicles of
Jerahmeel I:5-7

Enoch 88:2 calls the vaulted dome a lofty roof. The

windows of heaven described by Noah I believe represent
the vortices which lead up to the throne room of God and
the fountains of the deep describe the portals which lead
further into the depths of sheol. Jacobs ladder represents
the toroidal fields which guide one upward into the height
of heights which the various prophets and patriarchs were
taken through when presented for visitation before the
presence of the Almighty and which also lead downward
into the domain of the devils.
The construction of the earth was begun at the
centre, with the foundation stone of the Temple,
the Eben Shetiyah, for the Holy Land is at the
central point of the surface of the earth,
Jerusalem is at the central point of Palestine, and
the Temple is situated at the centre of the Holy
City. In the sanctuary itself the Hekal is the centre,
and the Holy Ark occupies the centre of the Hekal,
built on the foundation stone, which thus is at the
centre of the earth. Thence issued the first ray of
light, piercing to the Holy Land, and from there
illuminating the whole earth. The creation of the
world, however, could not take place until God
had banished the ruler of the dark.

"Retire," God said to him, "for I desire to
create the world by means of light." Only after
the light had been fashioned, darkness arose,
the light ruling in the sky, the darkness on the
earth. The power of God displayed itself not only
in the creation of the world of things, but equally in
the limitations which He imposed upon each. The
heavens and the earth stretched themselves out
in length and breadth as though they aspired to
infinitude, and it required the word of God to
call a halt to their encroachments.

As above so below, New Jerusalem being the home of the

righteous currently dwells in the height of heights above the
center of the vaulted dome with Yahweh Elohim.
Jerusalem which means the city of truth and peace is
Revelation 20 asserts in the upper heavens. It is according
to the mythology also said to have once been the center of
the garden land which subdivides the Arctic regions. I will
speak about this more in the chapter on the sides of the

Also, the world resembles the ball of his eye: the

ocean that encircles the earth is like unto the
white of the eye, the dry land is the iris, Jerusalem
the pupil, and the Temple the image mirrored in the
pupil of the eye. - The Legends of the Jews I

The basin of the boundless sea, gathered together

by His workmanship into it's reservoirs, passeth
not the barriers wherewith it is surrounded; but
even as He ordered it, so it doeth. For He said, So
far shalt thou come, and thy waves shall be broken
within thee. The ocean which is impassable for men,
and the worlds beyond it, are directed by the same
ordinances of the Master. - 1 Clement 20:6-8

The walls of the firmament set the outer limits of the

earths circle. The circumference where it joins in
merger with the mountainous region comprising the outer
ring of the oceans basin. This is the barrier that was put
into place by the Lord God to be boundary for the waters
that were collected together below the structure of the
firmament. Called the upturned edge by August Picard, it

is this outer circle which holds in the waters creating the
level which separates from it the dry land.


On the second day God brought forth four

creations, the firmament, hell, fire, and the angels.
The firmament is not the same as the heavens of
the first day. It is the crystal stretched forth over
the heads of the Hayyot, from which the
heavens derive their light, as the earth derives
its light from the sun. This firmament saves the
earth from being engulfed by the waters of the
heavens; it forms the partition between the waters
above and the waters below. It was made to
crystallize into the solid by the heavenly fire,
which broke its bounds, and condensed the
surface of the firmament. Thus fire made a
division between the celestial and the terrestrial at
the time of creation, as it did at the revelation on
Mount Sinai. The firmament is not more than
three fingers thick, nevertheless it divides two
such heavy bodies as the waters below, which
are the foundations for the nether world, and
the waters above, which are the foundations for
the seven heavens, the Divine Throne, and the
abode of the angels.

For those that have not studied or looked into the ancient
peoples belief that the lofty roof was a solid structure,
my previous book Firmament: Vaulted Dome of the
Earth details Enoch, Moses, Job, Isaiah, and so many
more prophets belief that the Hebrew concept of the
raqiya, from which we derive the English word
firmament was an impenetrable firm, rigid, solid

This molten looking glass is described as being shaped

from the beating of metal plates and crystalline glass to
create the enclosure which separating the waters above
from the waters below, provided space for the creation of
the sky which as Tabernacle contains the various
heavenly luminaries which would be placed into circuit
within it on the fourth day. I will be sharing in chapters 4
within this book, the various passages which affirmed
these premises.

The Seven Divisions of Hell

The second day of creation was an untoward day in

more than the one respect that it introduced a
breach where before there had been nothing but
unity; for it was the day that saw also the creation
of hell. Therefore God could not say of this day as
of the others, that He "saw that it was good." A
division may be necessary, but it cannot be called
good, and hell surely does not deserve the attribute
of good.

The Seven Divisions Of Sheol

Hell has seven divisions, one beneath the other.

They are called Sheol, Abaddon, Beer Shahat, Tit
ha-Yawen, Sha'are Mawet, Sha'are Zalmawet: and
Gehenna. It requires three hundred years to
traverse the height, or the width, or the depth of
each division, and it would take six thousand three
hundred years to go over a tract of land equal in
extent to the seven divisions.

Each of the seven divisions in turn has seven

subdivisions, and in each compartment there are
seven rivers of fire and seven of hail. The width of
each is one thousand ells, its depth one thousand,
and its length three hundred, and they flow one
from the other, and are supervised by ninety
thousand Angels of Destruction. There are,
besides, in every compartment seven thousand
caves, in every cave there are seven thousand
crevices, and in every crevice seven thousand
scorpions. Every scorpion has three hundred rings,
and in every ring seven thousand pouches of
venom, from which flow seven rivers of deadly
poison. If a man handles it, he immediately bursts,
every limb is torn from his body, his bowels are
cleft asunder, and he falls upon his face. There are
also five different kinds of fire in hell. One devours
and absorbs, another devours and does not absorb,
while the third absorbs and does not devour, and
there is still another fire, which neither devours nor
absorbs, and furthermore a fire which devours fire.
There are coals big as mountains, and coals big as
hills, and coals as large as the Dead Sea, and coals
like huge stones, and there are rivers of pitch and
sulphur flowing and seething like live coals.

I will be defining in greater elaboration from various

ancient manuscripts in the proceeding chapters, the
details of the varying divisions of heaven, earth, and
sheol. Yet, I wanted to set the premise for this lesson
from Ginzbergs the Legends of the Jews, to show that
the ancient Hebrew peoples did embrace a geocentric
cosmology as defined by the enclosed world structure;
which I speak about throughout this trilogy. The
rabbinical commentaries disclose this long-forgotten
perspective, confirming that it is only because of the
modern acceptance of a Copernican worldview, that
humanity has for the last half a millennium lost scholarly
consideration of the knowledge brought forth here.

As the final installment of my work on the flat Earth and

vaulted dome, I will in this book further disclose the
many sources I have found from ancient writings
worldwide which prove this insight is encoded all
throughout them. The knowledge of how to interpret and
understand all of these teachings has been misconstrued
and because of that overlooked. The profundity of their
revelation because of that, cannot be grasped by most of
the individuals alive now inhabitating the world. The
secrets of the riddles having been lost for so many
centuries are being brought to new light for
reconsideration. Most people however, are still caught
up in a reality fabricated upon lies and purposeful deceit.
Those of you now aware that we as a people have been
predominantly lied to and now seeking new light are
searching for the truth which will give you insight and
answer as to how to understand the Creator and his
creation. I believe the contents of this book will help one
to grasp again secrets which have not been realized in
such manner for very long time. May Yahuah bless you
and your seeking in such way that you are able to
comprehend the nature of His cosmos.

18. Then said the sages of the Hebrews: "Tell us now diligently what
arrangements are in the universe, for we are in ignorance and darkness
concerning every one of them." 19. The Evernew Tongue answered:
"Though ye see it not," quoth he, "'tis in roundness everything created has
been cast according to the shapes of the world. For 'tis in circularity of
roundness the heavens have been made round about, and in circularity the
seven seas have been made, and in circularity the earth has been made. And
in circularity of roundness the stars traverse the round wheel of the universe,
and in roundness of form the souls are seen after issuing from the bodies.
And in roundness is seen the circuit of the high celestial vault, and in
roundness is seen the orbit of sun and moon. Reasonable is all that, for
circular without beginning or end is the Lord, who bath ever been, who will
ever be, and who made all those (things). Therefore the world has been
embodied in a round shape." The Ever New Tongue

II. (1) On the third day the earth was like a plain, and the waters covered the face of
the whole earth. When the word of God went forth, saying, 'Let the waters be
gathered together,' the mountains were lifted up and scattered over the earth, and
deep valleys were dug down in the bowels of the earth, into which the waters rolled and
were gathered, as it is said, 'The gathering of waters He called seas.' The waters
then immediately rose tumultuously to a great height and covered the face of the
earth... - Chronicles of Jerahmeel

Chapter 3 - The First Four Days Of Creation

This chapter is excerpted from the Firmament: Vaulted

Dome Of The Earth. I am including it within this book
so as to provide the reader the compilation of the
numerous sources which detail the individual
circumstances which led to the creation of the heavens,
earth, and netherworld. This analysis is, in my opinion,
the most comprehensive study of the canonical and extra-
biblical accounts paralleling the Genesis timeline for the
first four days of the re-formation, re-creation, and
reestablishment of the earth following its destruction in
Genesis 1:2.

The passages compiled here elucidate in remarkable

clarity the different occurrences of the days leading p to
the creation of the luminaries as affirmed by the full
summation of the myriad testimonies contained in the
biblical narrative. Presented here in totality, this study
should enable scholars to conceptualize the bigger picture
of the how the cosmology as established by the Trinity
came together in being.

The First Day: Separation Of Light And Darkness

Genesis, KJV

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness
was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God
moved upon the face of the waters. 3And God said, Let
there be light: and there was light. 4And God saw the
light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the
darkness. 5And God called the light Day, and the
darkness he called Night. And the evening and the
morning were the first day.

The Complete Jewish Bible

1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

2 The earth was unformed and void, darkness was on the

face of the deep, and the Spirit of God hovered over the
surface of the water. 3 Then God said, Let there be
light; and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was
good, and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 God
called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. So
there was evening, and there was morning, one day.


At the beginning (min avella) the Lord created the

heavens and the earth. And the earth was vacancy and
desolation, solitary of the sons of men, and void of every
animal; and darkness was upon the face of the abyss, and
the Spirit of mercies from before the Lord breathed upon
the face of the waters. And the Lord said, Let there be
light and to enlighten above; and at once there was light.
And the Lord beheld the light that it was good; and the
Lord divided between the light and the darkness. And the
Lord call the light Day; and He made it that the inhabiters
of the world might labour by it: and the darkness called
He night; and He made it that in it the creatures might
have rest. And it was evening, and it was morning, in the
order of the work of the creation, (or of the beginning,)
the First Day.

The Book of Jubilees

II. And the angel of the presence spake to Moses

according to the word of the Lord, saying: Write the
complete history of the creation, how in six days the Lord
God finished all His works and all that He created, and
kept Sabbath on the seventh day and hallowed it for all
ages, and appointed it as a sign for all His works. For on
the first day He created the heavens which are above and
the earth and the waters and all the spirits which serve
before Him--the angels 2 of the presence, and the
angels of sanctification, 3 and the angels [of the spirit
of fire and the angels] of the spirit of the winds, 4 and
the angels of the spirit of the clouds, and of darkness,
and of snow and of hail and of hoar frost, 5 and the
angels of the voices 6 and of the thunder and of the
lightning, 7 and the angels of the spirits of cold and of
heat, and of winter and of spring and of autumn and
of summer, 8 and of all the spirits of His creatures
which are in the heavens and on the earth, (He
created) the abysses and the darkness, eventide (and
night), and the light, dawn and day, which He hath
prepared in the knowledge of His heart. 3. And thereupon
we saw His works, and praised Him, and lauded before
Him on account of all His works; for seven great works
did He create on the first day.

Cave of Treasures

[The Creation. First Day.]

In the beginning, on the First Day, which was the holy

First Day of the Week, the chief and firstborn of all the
days, God created the heavens, and the earth, and the
waters, and the air, and the fire, and the hosts which are
invisible (that is to say, the Angels, Archangels, Thrones,
Lords, Principalities, Powers, Cherubim and Seraphim),
and all the ranks and companies of Spiritual beings, and
the Light, and the Night, and the Day-time, and the gentle
winds and the strong winds (i.e. storms). All these were
created on the First Day. And on the First Day of the
Week the Spirit of holiness, one of the Persons of the
Trinity, hovered over the waters, and through the
hovering thereof over the face of the waters, the
waters were blessed so that they might become
producers of offspring, and they became hot, and the
whole nature of the waters glowed with heat, and the
leaven of creation was united to them. As the mother-
bird maketh warm her young by the embrace of her
closely covering wings, and the young birds acquire form
through the warmth of the heat which [they derive] from
her, so through the operation of the Spirit of holiness, the
Spirit, the Paraclete, the leaven of the breath of life was
united to the waters when He hovered over them.

[NOTES.--According to Solomon, a Nestorian bishop of

Perth Mayshn, or Al-Basrah, a city on the right bank of
the Shatt al-`Arab, about p. 45 A.D. 1222, the creation of
the heavens and the earth has been planned from
everlasting in the immutable mind of God. He created
SEVEN substances (or natures) in silence, without
voice, viz. heaven, earth, water, air, fire, the angels,
and darkness. The earth was plunged in the midst of
the waters, above the waters was air, and above the
air was fire. Water is cold and moist, air is hot and
moist, fire is hot and dry, but it had no luminosity
until the Fourth Day, when the luminaries were
created. The angels are divided into nine classes and
three orders. The upper order contains Cherubim,
Seraphim, and Thrones, and these are bearers of God's
throne. The middle order contains Lords, Powers, and
Rulers. The lower order contains Principalities,
Archangels, and Angels. (Compare the "thrones, or
dominions, or principalities, or powers" of Col. i. 16.)
The Cherubim are an intellectual motion, the
Seraphim are a fiery motion, the Thrones are a fixed
motion, the Lords are a motion which governs the
motions beneath it and controls the devils, the Powers
are a motion which gives effect to God's will, the
Rulers are a motion which rules spiritual measures
and the sun, moon and stars, the Principalities are a
motion which rules the elements, the Archangels are a
swift operative motion which governs every living
creature, except man, and the Angels are a motion
which has spiritual knowledge of everything which is
in heaven or on the earth. The guardian angel of every
man belongs to this last class. The number of each class
of angels is equal to the number of all mankind from
Adam to the Resurrection. The heaven in which the
angels live is above the waters, which are above the
firmament, and they minister to their God there,
being invisible to bodily eyes. The angels are not self-
existent beings--they were created; on the other hand,
darkness is a self-existent nature (or substance). Solomon
of Al-Basrah does not accept the view that the spirit
which hovered over the waters was the Holy Spirit. (See
Book of the Bee, ed. Budge, chapters I-VII.)]

Book of the Secrets of Enoch

AND the Lord summoned me, and said to me: 'Enoch, sit
down on my left with Gabriel.' 2 And I bowed down to
the Lord, and the Lord spoke to me: Enoch, beloved, all
thou seest, all things that are standing finished I tell to
thee even before the very beginning, all that I created
from non-being, and visible things from invisible.

3 Hear, Enoch, and take in these my words, for not to My

angels have I told my secret, and I have not told them
their rise, nor my endless realm, nor have they
understood my creating, which I tell thee to-day. 4 For
before all things were visible, I alone used to go about
in the invisible things, like the sun from east to west,
and from west to east. 5 But even the sun has peace in
itself, while I found no peace, because I was creating
all things, and I conceived the thought of placing
foundations, and of creating visible creation.

I COMMANDED in the very lowest parts, that visible

things should come down from invisible, and Adoil came
down very great, and I beheld him, and lo! he had a belly
of great light. 2 And I said to him: 'Become undone,
Adoil, and let the visible come out of thee.' 3 And he
came undone, and a great light came out. And I was in
the midst of the great light, and as there is born light
from light, there came forth a great age, and showed
all creation, which I had thought to create. 4 And I
saw that it was good. 5 And I placed for myself a
throne, and took my seat on it, and said to the light:
'Go thou up higher and fix thyself high above the
throne, and be a foundation to the highest things.' 6
And above the light there is nothing else, and then I
bent up and looked up from my throne.

AND I summoned the very lowest a second time, and

said: 'Let Archas come forth hard,' and he came forth
hard from the invisible. 2 And Archas came forth, hard,
heavy, and very red. 3 And I said: 'Be opened, Archas,
and let there be born from thee,' and he came undone, an
age came forth, very great and very dark, bearing the
creation of all lower things, and I saw that it was good
and said to him: 4 'Go thou down below, and make
thyself firm, and be for a foundation for the lower
things,' and it happened and he went down and fixed
himself, and became the foundation for the lower things,
and below the darkness there is nothing else.

AND I commanded that there should be taken from light

and darkness, and I said: 'Be thick,' and it became thus
and I spread it out with the light, and it became water,
and I spread it out over the darkness, below the light, and
then I made firm the waters, that is to say the bottomless,
and I made foundation of light around the water, and
created seven circles from inside, and imaged it (sc. the
water) like crystal wet and dry, that is to say like glass,
and the circumcession of the waters and the other
elements, and I showed each one of them its road, and
the seven stars each one of them in its heaven, that
they go thus, and I saw that it was good.

2 And I separated between light and between darkness,

that is to say in the midst of the water hither and thither,
and I said to the light, that it should be the day, and to the
darkness, that it should be the night, and there was
evening and there was morning the first day.

Chronicles of Jerahmeel

With the help of God I commence to write this my book

without interruption. These are the generations of the
heavens and the earth when they were created on the day
when the Lord God made heaven and earth. R. Eliezer,
son of Hyrqanos, began his homily thus: 'Who can
express all the mighty acts of God?' Is there anybody who
can possibly give utterance to the mighty deeds of God
and proclaim all His praise? Not even the ministering
angels can do this. It is only possible to recount part of
His mighty deeds, to explain what He has done and what
He in future will do, so that His great name may be
exalted among the creatures whom He has created from
one end of the world to the other, as it is said, 'Every
generation shall praise Thy works.' Before the world
was created God and His name alone existed. When it
entered His mind to create the world, He drew the
plan of a world, but it would not stand. This may be
compared to the action of a man who wishes to build a
palace: unless he plans out its foundations, its exits
and its entrances, he cannot commence to build. Thus
God planned the world before Him, but it would not
stand until He created repentance. (2) Seven things were
created prior to the creation of the world, viz.: the
Law, repentance, the throne of glory, the Garden of
Eden, Gehinnom, the site of the temple, and the name
of the Messiah, and for all these things proof is to be
found in the Scriptures.

(3) Eight things were created on the first day, viz., heaven
and earth, light and darkness, that which was without
form and void (Tohu va-Bohu), air and water; and the
Spirit of God hovered over the surface of the waters.
Some say day and night were also included in the first
day of the creation, as it is said: 'And it was evening, and
it was morning, one day.' Eight things were also created
on the second day: The well (of Miriam), manna, the rod
(of Moses), the rainbow, the letters and the writing, the
clothes (of Adam and Eve), and demons (Maziqim). (4)
Ten things were paramount in the thought of God at the
creation, viz.: Jerusalem, the spirits of the patriarchs, the
ways of the righteous, Gehinnom, the flood, the double
tables of stone, the Sabbath, the temple, the ark, and the
light of the future world. (5) Wherefrom were the
heavens created? From the brilliancy of God's
covering which He took up and spread as a garment,
and the heavens went on extending until He said unto
them, 'Be stayed,' and they stopped. Whence was the
earth created? From the snow beneath the throne of
glory. God took it up and scattered it upon the waters,
then the waters were congealed and became the dust of
the earth, as it is said, 'For He says unto the snow,
Become earth.' The boundaries of the heavens touch the
waters of the ocean, for the waters of the ocean
(Oqeanos) flow round the extremities of the heavens
and the earth, and the extremities of the heavens are
spread upon the waters of the ocean, as it is said,
'Who layeth the foundation of His upper chambers in
the waters.' The heavens rise to an immense height in
the form of a tent that is spread out, and mortals
stand beneath it; its extremity is below, and its centre
is above. This is the form of the heavens, their
extremity is below and their centre above, so that all
(God's) creatures, as it were, sit beneath it as in a tent,
as it is said, 'He spread them out as a tent for dwelling
therein.' (7) Four winds were created in the world, viz.,
the winds coming from the east, south, north, and west.
From the eastern corner the light of the world goeth forth;
from the south, the dews of blessing descend upon the
world; from the west emanate the stores of snow, hail,
cold and heat, and rains for the benefit of the world; the
north corner of the world He created, but did not
complete, for He said: Whoever declares himself to be
God, let him come and finish this corner which I have
left, and then shall all know that he is a God.

There the demons, earthquakes, evil spirits, and

Shiddim dwell, and from there they come forth to the
world, as it is said, 'Out of the north evil shall break
forth' (Jeremiah. i. 14).

Flavius Josephus

1. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

But when the earth did not come into sight, but was
covered with thick darkness, and a wind moved upon its
surface, God commanded that there should be light: and
when that was made, he considered the whole mass, and
separated the light and the darkness; and the name he
gave to one was Night, and the other he called Day: and
he named the beginning of light, and the time of rest, The
Evening and The Morning, and this was indeed the first

The Second Day: The Heavenly Firmament

Firmament -raqiya`
rk'ah (Key)

Part of Speech Root Word (Etymology)

masculine noun From ( H7554)

KJV Translation Count Total: 17x

The KJV translates Strongs H7549 in the following
manner: firmament (17x).
Outline of Biblical Usage

1. extended surface (solid), expanse, firmament

1. expanse (flat as base, support)
2. firmament (of vault of heaven supporting
waters above)
1. considered by Hebrews as solid and
supporting 'waters' above
Strongs Definitions
rqya, raw-kee'-ah; from H7554; properly, an
expanse, i.e. the firmament or (apparently) visible arch
of the sky:firmament.

Heavens- shamayim

Part of Speech masculine noun

Pronunciation shmah'yim (Key)

Root Word (Etymology)

From an unused root meaning to be lofty

KJV Translation Count Total: 420x

The KJV translates Strongs H8064 in the following
manner: heaven (398x), air (21x), astrologers (with
H1895) (1x).
Outline of Biblical Usage

1. heaven, heavens, sky

1. visible heavens, sky
1. as abode of the stars
2. as the visible universe, the sky,
atmosphere, etc
2. Heaven (as the abode of God)

Strongs Definitions
shmayim, shaw-mah'-yim; dual of an unused
singular shmeh; from an unused root meaning to be
lofty; the sky (as aloft; the dual perhaps alluding to the
visible arch in which the clouds move, as well as to the
higher ether where the celestial bodies revolve):air,
astrologer, heaven(-s).

Genesis, KJV

6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst

of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the
waters. 7 And God made the firmament, and divided
the waters which were under the firmament from the
waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the
evening and the morning were the second day.

The Complete Jewish Bible

6 God said, Let there be a dome in the middle of the
water; let it divide the water from the water. 7 God
made the dome and divided the water under the dome
from the water above the dome; that is how it was,
8 and God called the dome Sky. So there was evening,

and there was morning, a second day.


And the Lord said, Let there be an expanse in the midst

of the waters, and let it separate between the waters
above and the waters beneath. And the Lord made the
expanse, upbearing it with three fingers, between the
confines of the heavens and the waters of the ocean,
and separated between the waters which were below
the expanse, and the waters which were above, in the
collection (or covering) of the expanse; and it was so.
And the Lord called the expanse the Heavens. And it
was evening, and it was morning, the Second Day.

The Book of Jubilees

4. And on the second day He created the firmament in

the midst of the waters, and the waters were divided
on that day--half of them went up above and half of
them went down below the firmament (that was) in
the midst over the face of the whole earth. And this
was the only work (God) created on the second day.

Cave of Treasures

[The Creation. Second Day.]

And on the Second Day God made the Lower Heaven,

and called it REK`A [that is to say, "what is solid
and fixed," or "firmament"]. This He did that He
might make known that the Lower Heaven doth not
possess the nature of the heaven which is above it, and
that it is different in appearance from that heaven
which is above it, for the heaven above it is of fire.
And that second heaven is NHR (i.e. Light), and this
lower heaven is DARPTN, and because it hath the
dense nature of water it hath been called "Rek`a." And
on the Second Day God made a separation between the
waters and the waters, that is to say, between the waters
which were above [Rek`a] and the waters which were
below. And the ascent of these waters which were above
heaven took place on the Second Day, and they were like
unto a dense black cloud of thick darkness. Thus were
they raised up there, and they mounted up, and
behold, they stand above the Rek`a in the air; and
they do not spread, and they make no motion to any

[NOTES.--According to the "Book of the Bee," the

creation of the firmament enabled God to allot a
dwelling place to the angels, where also the souls of
the righteous could be received after the General
Resurrection. The great abyss of water which God
created on the First Day was divided by Him into three
parts; one part He left on the earth for the use of man and
beast, and to form rivers and seas; of the second part He
made the firmament, and the third part the place above
the firmament. After the Resurrection all these parts will
return to their original state. The word Darptn is a
difficulty, and I cannot explain it. The variant forms
Drkn and Dertkn appear in Ethiopic books, wherein
it is said to be a name of the sixth heaven.]

Book of the Secrets of Enoch:

AND then I made firm the heavenly circle, and made

that the lower water which is under heaven collect
itself together, into one whole, and that the chaos
become dry, and it became so. 2 Out of the waves I
created rock hard and big, and from the rock I piled up
the dry, and the dry I called earth, and the midst of the
earth I called abyss, that is to say the bottomless, I
collected the sea in one place and bound it together with a
yoke. 3 And I said to the sea: 'Behold I give thee thy
eternal limits, and thou shalt not break loose from thy
component parts.' 4 Thus I made fast the firmament.
This day I called me the first-created.

AND for all the heavenly troops I imaged the image and
essence of fire, and my eye looked at the very hard, firm
rock, and from the gleam of my eye the lightning
received its wonderful nature, which is both fire in water
and water in fire, and one does not put out the other, nor
does the one dry up the other, therefore the lightning is
brighter than the sun, softer than water and firmer than
hard rock. 2 And from the rock I cut off a great fire, and
from the fire I created the orders of the incorporeal ten
troops of angels, and their weapons are fiery and their
raiment a burning flame, and I commanded that each one
should stand in his order. 3 And one from out the order
of angels, having turned away with the order that was
under him, conceived an impossible thought, to place
his throne higher than the clouds above the earth, that
he might become equal in rank to my power. 4 And I
threw him out from the height with his angels, and he
was flying in the air continuously above the bottomless.

Book of the Bee:


ON the evening of the second day of the week, God

willed to divide the heavens from the earth, that there
might be luminaries and stars beneath the heavens to
give light to this world, and that the heavens might be a
dwelling-place for the righteous and the angels after
the resurrection. God said, 'Let there be a firmament
which shall divide the waters from the waters 1'; and
straightway the waters were divided into three parts. One
part remained upon the earth for the use of men, cattle,
winged fowl--the rivers and the seas; of another part
God made the firmament; and the third part He took up
above the firmament. But on the day of resurrection the
waters will return to their former nature.

Chronicles of Jerahmeel

(8) On the second day He created the firmament, the

angels, the heat of the living bodies, and the heat of
Gehinnom. But were not the heavens created on the first
day? as it is said, 'In the beginning God created the
heavens.' What, then, is this heaven which was created on
the second day? R. Eliezer says: That firmament which
is above the heads of the four holy creatures, as it is
said, 'In the likeness of a firmament above the holy
creatures.' It appears like unto hoar-frost, consisting
of precious stones and pearls; it lights up the whole
heavens as the light which lights up the house, and as
the sun which lights up the world at noon, as it is said,
'And light dwells with Him.' Similarly the righteous are
destined in the, future to enlighten the world, as it is said,
'And the wise will shine as the brightness of the
firmament.' And if the firmament had not been created
on the second day, the whole world would have been
drowned by the waters from above, but the firmament
now separates the upper from the lower waters. These
angels, which were created on the second day, when sent
by God, become winds, as it is said: 'He made His angels
winds.' When they minister before Him, they become like
fire, as it is said, 'His ministering angels are a flaming
fire.' (9) Four bands of angels minister unto God, the first
band, under Michael, on His right, the second, under
Gabriel, in front of Him, the third, under Erich, on His
left, and the fourth, under Raphael, behind Him. The
Divine presence of God sits in the centre on a high and
exalted throne, which is exceedingly majestic, and is
suspended above in the air, and the appearance of its
glory is like unto a carbuncle, one half is as fire, and
the other half is as snow; a resplendent crown of glory
rests upon His head, and upon His forehead is written
the ineffable name of 'God.' His eyes overlook the
whole earth; on His right is life, on His left death; a
sceptre of fire is in His hand; a curtain is spread out
before Him, (10) and the seven angels which were
created first minister before Him within the curtain.
His footstool is like fire and hail, and beneath the
throne of glory, it has the appearance of sapphires;
fire plays round about it; righteousness and justice
are the supports of His throne; clouds of glory
surround it, and the wheel, the ophan, the cherub, and
the holy creatures sing praises unto Him. The throne
is like sapphire; it stands upon four legs, and four
holy creatures are attached to it; on each side are four
faces and four wings, as it is said: 'There were four.
faces, which were four angels.'

(11) When He speaks from the east, from between the

two cherubim, He speaks in the direction of the face of
man; when He speaks from the south, He speaks in the
direction of the face of the lion; when from the west, He
speaks in the direction of the oxen; when from the north,
in the direction of the eagle; and opposite Him are the
ophanim and the wheels of the chariot. When He sits
upon the throne, high and exalted, and looks round
the earth, His chariot being upon wheels, through the
noise caused by the wheels of the chariot, lightnings
and earthquakes are caused in the world. But when
He traverses the heavens, He rides upon a swift
cherub, as it is said, 'And He rode upon a swift
cherub.' When He hastens to do a thing, He flies upon
the wings of the wind, as it is said, 'And He flew upon
the wings of the wind.' (12) Two seraphim stand near
Him, one on His right side and another on His left, each
of which has six wings; with two each of them covers his
face to prevent them gazing upon the Shekinah, and with
two they each hide their legs so as not to remember the
sin of the golden calf, and with two they fly, exulting in,
and sanctifying, His great name. One answers while
another proclaims, and one proclaims while the other
answers, and they say, 'Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of
Hosts.' (13) The holy creatures stand with reverence and
awe, with trembling and quaking, lest they be consumed
by the fire of the angels; and from their faces streams
down a fiery river, as it is said, 'And a river of fire flows
before Him;' and the holy creatures do not know the place
of His glory, but answer and exclaim wherever His glory
be, 'Blessed is the glory of the Lord in His place.'

Flavius Josephus

After this, on the second day, he placed the heaven over

the whole world, and separated it from the other parts,
and he determined it should stand by itself. He also
placed a crystalline [firmament] round it, and put it
together in a manner agreeable to the earth, and fitted it
for giving moisture and rain, and for affording the
advantage of dews.

Third Day: Separation of the Earth and Sea

Genesis, KJV

9And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be

gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land
appear: and it was so. 10And God called the dry land
Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called
he Seas: and God saw that it was good. 11And God said,
Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and
the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in
itself, upon the earth: and it was so. 12And the earth
brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind,
and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after
his kind: and God saw that it was good. 13And the
evening and the morning were the third day.

The Complete Jewish Bible

9 God said, Let the water under the sky be gathered
together into one place, and let dry land appear, and that
is how it was. 10 God called the dry land Earth, the
gathering together of the water he called Seas, and God
saw that it was good. 11 God said, Let the earth put forth
grass, seed-producing plants, and fruit trees, each
yielding its own kind of seed-bearing fruit, on the earth;
and that is how it was. 12 The earth brought forth grass,
plants each yielding its own kind of seed, and trees each
producing its own kind of seed-bearing fruit; and God
saw that it was good. 13 So there was evening, and there
was morning, a third day.


And the Lord said, Let the lower waters which remain
under the heavens be gathered together into one
place, and the earth be dried, that the land may be
visible. And it was so. And the Lord called the dry
(land) the earth, and the place of the assemblage of
waters called He the Seas; and the Lord saw that it was
good. And the Lord said, Let the earth increase the grassy
herb whose seed seedeth, and the fruit-tree making fruit
after its kind, whose seed is in itself upon the earth. And
it was so. And the earth produced grasses (and) herbage
whose seed seedeth, and the tree making fruit after its
kind. And the Lord saw that it was good. And it was
evening, and it was morning, the Third Day.

The Book of Jubilees

5. And on the third day He commanded the waters to pass

from off the face of the whole earth into one place, and
the dry land to appear. 6. And the waters did so as He
commanded them, and they retired from off the face of
the earth into one place outside of this firmament, and
the dry land appeared. 7. And on that day He created for
them all the seas according to their separate gathering-
places, and all the rivers, and the gatherings of the waters
in the mountains and on all the earth, and all the lakes,
and all the dew of the earth, and the seed which is sown,
and all sprouting things, and fruit-bearing trees, and trees
of the wood, and the garden of Eden, in Eden, and all
(plants after their kind). These four great works God
created on the third day.

Cave of Treasures

[The Creation. Third Day.]

And on the Third Day God commanded the waters

that were below the firmament (Rek`a) to be
gathered together in one place, and the dry land to
appear. And when the covering of water had been
rolled up from the face of the earth, the earth showed
itself to be in an unsettled and unstable state, that is to
say, it was of a damp (or moist) and yielding nature.
And the waters were gathered together into seas that were
under the earth and within it and upon it.

And God made in the earth from below, corridors,

and shafts, and channels for the passage of the waters;
and the winds which come from within the earth
ascend by means of these corridors and channels, and
also the heat and the cold for the service of the earth.
Now, as for the earth, the lower part of it is like unto a
thick sponge, for it resteth on the waters. And on this
Third Day God commanded the earth, and it brought
forth herbs and vegetables, and it conceived in its interior
trees, and seeds, and plants and roots.

[NOTE.--On this day the waters gathered together in the

depths of the earth, sand was set as a limit for the waters
of the seas, and the mountains and hills appeared. The
sages say that Paradise was created on this day, but the
Rabbis held the view that it existed before the world.
Solomon of Basrah says that the earth produced herbs
and trees by its own power, and that the luminaries had
nothing to do with vegetable growth. Book of the Bee
(chapter ix.)]

Book of the Secrets of Enoch:

ON the third day I commanded the earth to make grow

great and fruitful trees, and hills, and seed to sow, and I
planted Paradise, and enclosed it, and placed as
armed guardians flaming angels, and thus I created
renewal. 2 Then came evening, and came morning the
fourth day.

Book of the Bee



ON the third day God commanded that the waters should

be gathered together into the pits and depths of the earth,
and that the dry land should appear. When the waters
were gathered together into the depths of the earth, and
the mountains and hills had appeared, God placed the
sand as a limit for the waters of the seas, that they might
not pass over and cover the earth. And God commanded
the earth to put forth herbage and grass and every green
thing; and the earth brought forth trees and herbs and
plants of all kinds, complete and perfect in respect of
flowers and fruit and seed, each according to its kind.
Some say that before the transgression of the command,
the earth brought forth neither thorns nor briars, and that
even the rose had no thorns as it has now; but that after
the transgression of the command, the earth put forth
thorns and briars by reason of the curse which it had
received. The reason why God created the trees and
plants before the creation of the luminaries was that
the philosophers, who discourse on natural
phenomena, might not imagine that the earth brought
forth herbs and trees through the power of the heat of
the sun. Concerning the making of Paradise, it is not
mentioned in the Pentateuch on what day it was created;
but according to the opinion of those who may be relied
upon, it was made on the same day in which the trees
were made: and if the Lord will, we will speak about it in
its proper place.

Chronicles of Jerahmeel

II. (1) On the third day the earth was like a plain, and
the waters covered the face of the whole earth. When
the word of God went forth, saying, 'Let the waters be
gathered together,' the mountains were lifted up and
scattered over the earth, and deep valleys were dug
down in the bowels of the earth, into which the waters
rolled and were gathered, as it is said, 'The gathering
of waters He called seas.' The waters then
immediately rose tumultuously to a great height and
covered the face of the earth as at first, until God
rebuked them and subdued them, and placed them under
the hollow of His feet, and measured them in His palm,
so that they could neither diminish nor increase. He
surrounded the sea with sand as a fence, just as a man
makes a fence for his vineyard. So that when the waters
approach and see the fence before them they recede, as it
is said, 'Will they not fear My signs, says the Lord.' (2)
Before the waters were finally gathered together, the
rivers and the fountains of the deep were created, for
the earth was stretched over the waters just as a ship
floating in the midst of the sea, as it is said, 'To spread
out the earth over the waters.'

(3) And God opened a gate in the Garden of Eden and

brought forth all kinds of plants, every kind of tree
yielding fruit after its kind, and every kind of grass. He
took their seeds and planted them upon the earth, as it is
said, 'Whose seed is within itself upon the earth.' He
prepared food for His creatures before they were created,
as it is said, 'Thou preparest a table before me.' (4) All the
fountains of waters rise from the depths. R. Joshua said
that the depth of the earth would take sixty years to
walk through. There is one fountain close to
Gehinnom which receives and gives out hot waters
that delight man. (5) R. Jehudah says: Once every
month rivulets ascend from the depths and water the face
of the whole earth, as it is said, 'And a spray went up
from the earth to water the garden.' The thick clouds
pass on the sound of the water-courses to the seas, and
the seas to the depths, and the depths to each other,
and finally rise and give moisture to the clouds, as it is
said, 'Who causes the vapours to ascend at the end of
the earth.'
(6) The rains descend upon every place bidden them by
the King, so that the earth immediately flourishes and
becomes fertile. But when God wishes to bless the land
and make it fertile and prosperous, so as to feed His
creatures, He then opens His storehouse of good
contained in the heavens and rains upon the earth, so that
it immediately becomes fertile and produces the seed of
blessing, as it is said, 'The Lord will open for thee His
treasure of good.'

Flauvius Josephus

On the third day he appointed the dry land to appear, with

the sea itself round about it; and on the very same day he
made the plants and the seeds to spring out of the earth.

The Fourth Day: The Creation of the Heavenly

Luminaries - Sun, Moon, and Stars

Light - ma'owr
mre' (Key)
Part of Speech Root Word (Etymology)
masculine noun From ( H215)

KJV Translation Count Total: 19x

The KJV translates Strongs H3974 in the
following manner: light (18x), bright (1x).
Outline of Biblical Usage

1. light, luminary

Strongs Definitions
mwr, maw-ore'; or mr; also (in plural)
feminine mwrh; or mrh; from
H215; properly, a luminous body or luminary, i.e.
(abstractly) light (as an element); figuratively,
brightness, i.e. cheerfulness; specifically, a
chandelier:bright, light.

Genesis, KJV

14And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of

the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them
be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
15And let them be for lights in the firmament of the
heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. 16And
God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the
day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the
stars also. 17And God set them in the firmament of the
heaven to give light upon the earth, 18And to rule over
the day and over the night, and to divide the light from
the darkness: and God saw that it was good. 19And the
evening and the morning were the fourth day.

The Complete Jewish Bible

(A: ii) 14 God said, Let there be lights in the dome of

the sky to divide the day from the night; let them be
for signs, seasons, days and years; 15 and let them be for
lights in the dome of the sky to give light to the
earth; and that is how it was. 16 God made the two great
lights the larger light to rule the day and the smaller
light to rule the night and the stars. 17 God put them in
the dome of the sky to give light to the earth, 18 to rule
over the day and over the night, and to divide the light
from the darkness; and God saw that it was good. 19 So
there was evening, and there was morning, a fourth day.


And the Lord said, Let there be lights in the expanse of

the heavens, to distinguish between the day and the night;
and let them be for signs and for festival times, and for
the numbering by them the account of days, and for the
sanctifying of the beginning of months, and the beginning
of years, the passing away of months, and the passing
away of years, the revolutions of the sun, the birth of the
moon, and the revolvings (of seasons). And let them be
for luminaries in the expanse of the heavens to give light
upon the earth. And it was so. And the Lord made two
great luminaries; and they were equal in glory twenty and
one years, less six hundred and two and seventy parts of
an hour.
And afterwards the moon recited against the sun a false
report; and she was diminished, and the sun was
appointed to be the greater light to rule the day; and the
moon to be the inferior light to rule in the night, and the
stars. And the Lord ordained them unto their offices, in
the expanse of the heavens, to give forth light upon the
earth, and to minister by day and by night, to distinguish
between the light of the day and the darkness of the night.
And the Lord beheld that it was good. And it was
evening, and it was morning, Day the Forth.

The Book of Jubilees

8. And on the fourth day He created the sun and the moon
and the stars, and set them in the firmament of the
heaven, to give light upon all the earth, and to rule over
the day and the night, and divide the light from the
darkness. 9. And God appointed the sun to be a great sign
on the earth for days and for sabbaths and for months and
for feasts and for years and for sabbaths of years and for
jubilees and for all seasons of the years. 10. And it
divideth the light from the darkness [and] for prosperity,
that all things may prosper which shoot and grow on the
earth. These three kinds He made on the fourth day.

Cave of Treasures

[The Creation. Fourth Day.]

And on the Fourth Day God made the sun, and the moon,
and the stars. And as soon as the heat of the sun was
diffused over the surface of the earth, the earth became
hard and rigid, and lost its flaccidity, because the
humidity and the dampness [caused by] the waters were
taken away from it. The Creator made the sphere of the
sun of fire and filled it with light. And God gave unto
the sphere of the moon and the stars bodies of water
and air, and filled them with light. And when the dust
of the earth became hot, it brought forth all the trees, and
plants, and seeds, and roots which had been conceived
inside it on the Third Day.

[NOTES.--The cases of the sun, moon, and stars were

made of aerial material, after the manner of lamps, and
God filled them with a mixture of fire, which had no light
in it, and with light which had no heat in it. The path of
the luminaries is beneath the firmament; they are not
fixed, as the ignorant think, but are guided in their
courses by the angels. The Ethiopians have a tradition
that when the sun was first made its light was twelve
times as strong as it is to-day. The angels complained that
the heat was too strong, and that it hampered them in the
performance of their duties, whereupon God divided it
into twelve parts, and took away six of these parts, and
out of three of them He made the moon and stars, and the
other three He distributed among the waters, the clouds,
and the lightning.]

Book of the Secrets of Enoch:

3 [Wednesday]. On the fourth day I commanded that

there should be great lights on the heavenly circles. 4
On the first uppermost circle I placed the stars,
Kruno, and on the second Aphrodit, on the third Aris,
on the fifth Zeus, on the sixth Ermis, on the seventh
lesser the moon, and adorned it with the lesser stars. 5
And on the lower I placed the sun for the illumination
of day, and the moon and stars for the illumination of
night. 6 The sun that it should go according to each
animal (sc. signs of the zodiac), twelve, and I appointed
the succession of the months and their names and lives,
their thunderings, and their hour-markings, how they
should succeed. 7 Then evening came and morning came
the fifth day.

Book of the Bee


ON the fourth day God made the luminaries--sun,

moon, and stars--of three substances, air, light, and
fire. He took aerial material and prepared vessels like
lamps, and mixed fire with light, and filled them. And
because in the nature of fire there was no light, nor
heat in that of light, the fire imparted heat to the light,
and the light gave luminosity to the fire; and from
these two were the luminaries--sun, moon, and stars--
fabricated. Some say that the luminaries were made in
the morning, that the sun was placed in the east, and the
moon in the west; while others say that they were made
in the evening, and that the sun was placed in the west,
and the moon in the east; and therefore the Jews celebrate
the fourteenth in the evening. Others say that all the
luminaries when they were created were placed in the
east; the sun completed his course by day, while the
moon waited until eventide, and then began her course.
The path of the luminaries is beneath the firmament,
and they are not fixed as men have foolishly stated,
but the angels guide them.
Mr Isaac says, 'The sun performs his course from
the east to the west, and goes behind the lofty
northern mountains the whole night until he rises in
the east.' And the philosophers say that during the night
the luminaries perform their course under the earth.

Chronicles of Jerahmeel

III. (1) On the fourth day he formed two lights, one not
larger than the other; they were identical both in their
form and in their light, as it is said, 'And God made the
two lights.' A quarrel ensued between them; one said to
the other, 'I am greater than thou.' Therefore God, in
order to make peace between them, enlarged the one and
diminished the other, as it is said, 'And the greater to rule
by day.' (2)

R. Eliezer said that God uttered one word and the

heavens were created to become the dwelling-place of
the throne of the glory of His kingdom, as it is said,
'By the word of the Lord the heavens were made,' but
for the numerous host of heaven God exerted Himself
more; He blew with the breath of His mouth, and all the
host of the heavens were created, as it is said, 'And with
the breath of His mouth all their host.' (3) All the stars
and planets and the two lights were created at the
beginning of the fourth night. One did not precede the
other except by one minute particle of time; therefore, all
the work of the sun is done slowly, while that of the
moon is done quickly; what the sun takes twelve days to
do the moon can do in one day; what the sun does during
the whole year the moon does in thirty days, as it is
explained in the chapters of R. Eliezer.
(4) Three letters of the ineffable name of God are
written upon the heart of the sun, and angels lead it.
Those that lead it in the day do not lead it in the night,
and those that lead it in the night do not lead it in the day.
The sun rises in a chariot, and rides forth crowned as a
bridegroom, as it is said, 'And he goeth forth from his
canopy as a bridegroom.' The horns (the rays) and the
fiery face of the sun look upon the earth in the summer,
they would consume it with fire if the ice above would
not temper the heat, as it is said, 'Nothing is hidden from
his heat.' In the winter-time the sun turns his icy face to
the earth, and were it not for the fire which warms the
cold, the world would not be able to endure it, as it is
said, 'Who can stand before his cold?' (5) The sun rises in
the east and sets opposite in the west. The Shekinah
always resides in the west, and the sun enters in its
presence, and, bowing down before the King of kings,
says: 'O Lord of the universe, I have fulfilled all Thy
commands.' These are some of the ways of the sun.

(6) The habitation of the moon is placed between the

clouds and the thick darkness, which are like two
dishes one above the other; within them the moon
travels. These two clouds turn themselves towards the
west, and the moon peeps out from between the two in
the form of a little horn. On the first night of the new
month one part is visible, on the second night a second
portion, and so on until the middle of the month,
when it is full moon. From the middle of the month
onwards these two clouds turn themselves eastwards,
and that part of the moon which appeared first is the
first to be covered by the two cloudson the first
night one part, on the second night a second part,
until the end of the month, when it is entirely covered.
Whence do we know that the moon is between two
clouds, Because it is said, 'The cloud is its clothing, and
clouds of darkness its covering.'

Flauvius Josephus

On the fourth day he adorned the heaven with the sun, the
moon, and the other stars, and appointed them their
motions and courses, that the vicissitudes of the seasons
might be clearly signified.

Other Biblical Sources Detailing the Creative


This chapter too was originally compiled for the

Firmament: Vaulted Dome Of The Earth and contains
numerous mostly canonical verses which together also
elaborate upon the first four days of creation as I will be
further expounding upon within the chapters of this book.
Investigating the context of these Scriptures, one will
gain greater insight into the specificity of how the
Godhead manifest the various components of the world.
Study of this and prior chapter will go a long ways in
assisting one to conceptualize in broader grasp, the many
chapters, verses, and ancient manuscripts which I will be
further alluding to in cosmological presentation within
this publication.
Day 1

He set the earth on its foundations; it can never

be moved. Psalms 104:5

And the channels of the sea appeared, the
foundations of the world were discovered, at the
rebuking of the LORD, at the blast of the breath of
his nostrils. - 2 Samuel 22:16

18 This shall be written for the generation to

come: and the people which shall be created shall
praise the Lord. 19 For he hath looked down
from the height of his sanctuary; from heaven
did the Lord behold the earth; 20 To hear the
groaning of the prisoner; to loose those that are
appointed to death; 21 To declare the name of the
Lord in Zion, and his praise in Jerusalem; 22
When the people are gathered together, and the
kingdoms, to serve the Lord. 23 He weakened my
strength in the way; he shortened my days. 24 I
said, O my God, take me not away in the midst of
my days: thy years are throughout all generations.
25 Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the
earth: and the heavens are the work of thy
hands. - Psalms 102:18-25

And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid

the foundation of the earth; and the heavens
are the works of thine hands: - Hebrews 1:10

When the Holy One--blessed be He!--created the

world, it was a level expanse free from mountains;
- Midrash Vayosha

[4] Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of

the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding. [5]
Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou
knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon
it? [6] Whereupon are the foundations thereof
fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof;
[7] When the morning stars sang together, and all
the sons of God shouted for joy? [8] Or who shut
up the sea with doors, when it brake forth, as if
it had issued out of the womb? [9] When I made
the cloud the garment thereof, and thick darkness a
swaddlingband for it, [10] And brake up for it my
decreed place, and set bars and doors,

[11] And said, Hitherto shalt thou come, but no

further: and here shall thy proud waves be
stayed? [12] Hast thou commanded the morning
since thy days; and caused the dayspring to know
his place; [13] That it might take hold of the ends
of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of
it? [14] It is turned as clay to the seal; and they
stand as a garment. [15] And from the wicked their
light is withholden, and the high arm shall be

[16] Hast thou entered into the springs of the

sea? or hast thou walked in the search of the
depth? [17] Have the gates of death been opened
unto thee? or hast thou seen the doors of the
shadow of death? [18] Hast thou perceived the
breadth of the earth? Declare if thou knowest it
all. [19] Where is the way where light dwelleth?
and as for darkness, where is the place thereof, [20]
That thou shouldest take it to the bound thereof,
and that thou shouldest know the paths to the house
thereof? [21] Knowest thou it, because thou wast
then born? or because the number of thy days is
great? [22] Hast thou entered into the treasures of
the snow? or hast thou seen the treasures of the
hail, [23] Which I have reserved against the time of
trouble, against the day of battle and war? [24] By
what way is the light parted, which scattereth the
east wind upon the earth?

[25] Who hath divided a watercourse for the

overflowing of waters, or a way for the lightning
of thunder; [26] To cause it to rain on the earth,
where no man is; on the wilderness, wherein there
is no man; [27] To satisfy the desolate and waste
ground; and to cause the bud of the tender herb to
spring forth? [28] Hath the rain a father? or who
hath begotten the drops of dew? [29] Out of whose
womb came the ice? and the hoary frost of heaven,
who hath gendered it? [30] The waters are hid as
with a stone, and the face of the deep is frozen.

[31] Canst thou bind the sweet influences of

Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? [32] Canst
thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or canst
thou guide Arcturus with his sons? [33] Knowest
thou the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the
dominion thereof in the earth? [34] Canst thou lift
up thy voice to the clouds, that abundance of
waters may cover thee? [35] Canst thou send
lightnings, that they may go, and say unto thee,
Here we are? [36] Who hath put wisdom in the
inward parts? or who hath given understanding to
the heart? [37] Who can number the clouds in
wisdom? or who can stay the bottles of heaven,
[38] When the dust groweth into hardness, and the
clods cleave fast together? - Job 38:1-38

[22] The LORD possessed me in the beginning of

his way, before his works of old. [23] I was set up
from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever
the earth was. [24] When there were no depths,
I was brought forth; when there were no
fountains abounding with water. [25] Before the
mountains were settled, before the hills was I
brought forth: [26] While as yet he had not
made the earth, nor the fields, nor the highest
part of the dust of the world. [27] When he
prepared the heavens, I was there: when he set
a compass upon the face of the depth: [28]
When he established the clouds above: when he
strengthened the fountains of the deep: [29]
When he gave to the sea his decree, that the
waters should not pass his commandment: when
he appointed the foundations of the earth: [30]
Then I was by him, as one brought up with him:
and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before
him; [31] Rejoicing in the habitable part of his
earth; and my delights were with the sons of men.
Proverbs 8:22-31

[1] And he said unto me, In the beginning, when

the earth was made, before the borders of the
world stood, or ever the winds blew, [2] Before it
thundered and lightened, or ever the foundations of
paradise were laid, [3] Before the fair flowers
were seen, or ever the moveable powers were
established, before the innumerable multitude
of angels were gathered together, [4] Or ever
the heights of the air were lifted up, before the
measures of the firmament were named, or ever
the chimneys in Sion were hot, [5] And ere the
present years were sought out, and or ever the
inventions of them that now sin were turned,
before they were sealed that have gathered faith for
a treasure: [6] Then did I consider these things, and
they all were made through me alone, and through
none other: by me also they shall be ended, and by
none other. 4 Ezra 6:1-6

Day 2

But God made the earth by his power; he founded

the world by his wisdom and stretched out the
heavens by his understanding. Jeremiah 10:12

The LORD wraps himself in light as with a

garment; he stretches out the heavens like a tent. -
Psalms 104:2

He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and

its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out
the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out
like a tent to live in. Isaiah 40:22

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the

firmament sheweth his handywork. - Psalm

Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth:
and the heavens are the work of thy hands. -
Psalm 102:25

I have made the earth, and created man upon it:

I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens,
and all their host have I commanded. - Isaiah

Mine hand also hath laid the foundation of the

earth, and my right hand hath spanned the
heavens: when I call unto them, they stand up
together. - Isaiah 48:13

The heavens praise your wonders, LORD, your

faithfulness too, in the assembly of the holy
ones. Psalms 89:5

The heavens proclaim his righteousness, and

all peoples see his glory. Psalms 92:6

Who alone spreads out the heavens, and treads

upon the waves of the sea. - Job 9:8

Day 3

when he gave the sea its boundary so the

waters would not overstep his command, and
when he marked out the foundations of the earth.
- Proverbs 8:29

Then the channels of waters were seen, and the
fountains of the world were discovered at thy
rebuke, O LORD, at the blast of the breath of thy
nostrils. - Psalm 18:15

And it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from

the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit; and he
that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be
taken in the snare: for the windows from on high
are open, and the foundations of the earth do shake.
- Isaiah 24:18

The earth is the LORD's, and the fulness thereof;

the world, and they that dwell therein. For he hath
founded it upon the seas, and established it upon
the floods. -- Psalm 24:1-2

[10] Art thou not it which hath dried the sea, the
waters of the great deep; that hath made the depths
of the sea a way for the ransomed to pass over?
[13] And forgettest the LORD thy maker, that hath
stretched forth the heavens, and laid the
foundations of the earth; - Isaiah 51:10-13

Day 4

And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and

when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and the
stars, even all the host of heaven, shouldest be
driven to worship them, and serve them, which the
Lord thy God hath divided unto all nations under
the whole heaven. - Deuteronomy 4:19

And the days, Uriel showed me; the angel whom
the Lord of glory appointed over all the luminaries.
Of heaven in heaven, and in the world; that they
might rule in the face of the sky, and appearing
over the earth, become Conductors of the days and
nights: the sun, the moon, the stars, and all the
ministers of heaven, which make their circuit with
all the chariots of heaven.

Thus Uriel showed me twelve gates open for the

circuit of the chariots of the sun in heaven, from
which the rays of the sun shoot forth. From these
proceed heat over the earth, when they are opened
in their stated seasons. They are for the winds, and
the spirit of the dew, when in their seasons they are
opened; opened in heaven at its extremities.

Twelve gates I beheld in heaven, at the extremities

of the earth, through which the sun, moon, and
stars, and all the works of heaven, proceed at their
rising and setting. Many windows also are open on
the right and on the left. One window at a certain
season grows extremely hot. So also are there gates
from which the stars go forth as they are
commanded, and in which they set according to
their number. I saw likewise the chariots of
heaven, running in the world above to those gates
in which the stars turn, which never set. One of
these is greater than all, which goes round the
whole world. The Book of Enoch, 74:7-15

113. And when they were gone I ordered Ornias to

be brought forward, and said to him: "Tell me how
you know this;" and he answered: "We demons
ascend into the firmament of heaven, and fly
about among the stars. And we hear the sentences
which go forth upon the souls of men, and forthwith
we come, and whether by force of influence, or by
fire, or by sword, or by some accident, we veil our
act of destruction; and if a man does not die by some
untimely disaster or by violence, then we demons
transform ourselves in such a way as to appear to
men and be worshipped in our human nature." 114. I
therefore, having heard this, glorified the Lord God,
and again I questioned the demon, saying: "Tell me
how ye can ascend into heaven, being demons, and
amidst the stars and holy angels intermingle." And
he answered: "Just as things are fulfilled in heaven,
so also on earth (are fulfilled) the types1 of all of
them. For there are principalities, authorities, world-
rulers2, and we demons fly about in the air; and we
hear the voices of the heavenly beings, and survey all
the powers. And as having no ground (basis) on
which to alight and rest, we lose strength and fall
off like leaves from trees. And men seeing us
imagine that the stars are falling from heaven.
But it is not really so, O king; but we fall because of
our weakness, and because we have nowhere
anything to lay hold of; and so we fall down like
lightnings3 in the depth of night and suddenly. And
we set cities in flames and fire the fields. For the
stars have firm foundations in the heavens like the
sun and the moon." Testament of Solomon
16 The sun looks down on everything with its
light, and the work of the Lord is full of his
glory. 17 The Lord has not empowered even his
holy ones to recount all his marvelous works,
which the Lord the Almighty has established so
that the universe may stand firm in his glory. 18 He
searches out the abyss and the human heart; he
understands their innermost secrets. For the Most
High knows all that may be known; he sees
from of old the things that are to come. 19 He
discloses what has been and what is to be, and
he reveals the traces of hidden things. 20 No
thought escapes him, and nothing is hidden from
him. 21 He has set in order the splendors of his
wisdom; he is from all eternity one and the same.
The Splendor of the Sun
43 The pride of the higher realms is the clear
vault of the sky, as glorious to behold as the
sight of the heavens. 2 The sun, when it appears,
proclaims as it rises what a marvelous instrument it
is, the work of the Most High. 3 At noon it parches
the land, and who can withstand its burning heat?
4 A man tending a furnace works in burning heat,

but three times as hot is the sun scorching the

mountains; it breathes out fiery vapors, and its
bright rays blind the eyes. 5 Great is the Lord who
made it; at his orders it hurries on its course.
The Splendor of the Moon
6 It
is the moon that marks the changing seasons,
governing the times, their everlasting sign. 7 From
the moon comes the sign for festal days, a light that
wanes when it completes its course. 8 The new
moon, as its name suggests, renews itself; how
marvelous it is in this change, a beacon to the hosts
on high, shining in the vault of the heavens!
The Glory of the Stars and the Rainbow

9 The glory of the stars is the beauty of heaven, a

glittering array in the heights of the Lord. 10 On the
orders of the Holy One they stand in their
appointed places; they never relax in their watches.
11 Look at the rainbow, and praise him who made

it; it is exceedingly beautiful in its brightness. 12 It

encircles the sky with its glorious arc; the hands of
the Most High have stretched it out. Wisdom of
Jesus Son of Sirach 42:16-21, 43:1-12

Chapter 4 - Appearing Over The Earth
In The Face Of The Sky
The prophetic theophanies of Enoch, Isaiah, Abraham,
Levi, and many others, all describe the heavenly motions
attributed to the luminaries as occurring above the face of
the earth. There is no scriptural reference to the earth
having motion or being in orbit around the sun as so
many scientists would have us believe. But, there are
literally hundreds of passages all throughout the biblical
texts which describe the motions, circuits, and
revolutions of the sun, moon, stars, and planets. And that
these motions are housed within and below the solid
structure of the firmament.

As I detailed in my decryption of Enochs Book on the

Courses of the Heavenly Luminaries, there are myriad
verses contained within those 12 chapters which attribute
a circular pathway to the movements of the celestial
bodies. Yet there is not a single entry designated to the
motion of the earth in any manner. If the earth were a
planet and like the other wandering stars, would not
Enoch dedicate at least some chapter and verse to
specifying its motion? This portion of the Book of Enoch
does not contain a single passage that in any manner
affirms such motion but like the Bible attests multiple
times that the earth is the foundation for the vaulted dome
and that it is fixed, stationary, immobile, and unmoving.

Fear before him, all the earth: the world also shall
be stable, that it be not moved. - 1 Chronicles

The LORD reigneth, he is clothed with majesty;
the LORD is clothed with strength, wherewith he
hath girded himself: the world also is stablished,
that it cannot be moved. Psalm 93:1

Say among the heathen that the LORD reigneth:

the world also shall be established that it shall
not be moved: he shall judge the people
righteously. - Psalm 96:10

[1] Bless the LORD, O my soul. O LORD my God,

thou art very great; thou art clothed with honour
and majesty. [2] Who coverest thyself with light as
with a garment: who stretchest out the heavens like
a curtain: [3] Who layeth the beams of his
chambers in the waters: who maketh the clouds his
chariot: who walketh upon the wings of the wind:
[4] Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a
flaming fire: [5] Who laid the foundations of the
earth, that it should not be removed for ever. -
Psalm 104:5

[18] For thus saith the LORD that created the

heavens; God himself that formed the earth and
made it; he hath established it, he created it not in
vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD;
and there is none else. - Isaiah 45:18

Our children are indoctrinated into belief that the earth is

part of a planetary system which orbits around the sun.
And that each of the stars seen in the night sky, could
also possibly have in orbit around them similar planetary
system. The whole notion of an ever-expanding multiple
galaxy, sun, and earth-like scenario are all shot down
with the lone fact that the Holy Scriptures confirm the
earth stationary, fixed, and immobile. There is not one
single passage in the entire gospel or extra biblical books
that I have seen which attributes any motion to the earth.

Science would have us believe that all the stars that we

see at night are all varying light years distant from the
earth and that they are each moving in unique trajectory
around the star that gravitationally binds them. However,
as I show throughout this trilogy, these theories are not

The neoteric priests of Baal, the educational academians,

PHD scientists, and world-renowned astrophysicists
which for 500 years have dominated the forums where
discussions and debates on cosmology take place. Have
knowingly encouraged and assimilated the leading
scientific minds into the Darwinian heliocentric
worldview when they have known there was no basis for
accepting it as truth. The declaration that the equator is
spinning once daily at a rate of 1,037.541666666667 mph
is bogus assumption.

Dividing the 24,901 mile circumference of the

Earth by the 24 hours which complete a single day
equals the = 1,037.541666666667 mph or
1669.583333 kph orbital rate of the supposed
Earths motion around the sun.

Converting this velocity into minutes per hour (60) and

seconds per minute, the orbital speed of the earth can be
concluded as moving at the velocity, rate of 18.5
miles/sec (30 km/sec) 18.5 x 60 x 60 = 66,600 mph or 30
x 60 x 60 = 108,000 kmh around the sun. As part of the
planetary system, the other wandering stars are proposed
by science to be moving at similar rapid rates of speed. I
think the mathematical contrivances of heliocentricity
with the number 666 to be utterly telling with regards to
who they are associated. Should one believe the
occurrence of these numbers in the applied mathematics
above mere coincidence, consider that when one subtracts
the supposed inclination of the earth from a perfectly
aligned vertical position of 90, its measure, 90 - 23.4 =

Consider Samuel Rowbothams Formula for determining

the rate of curvature over the course of just the first 10
miles. For every mile traveled inversely squared,
multiplied by eight inches equals the total amount of the
Earths curvature in inches.

8(11) = 8 Inches of total curvature

8(22) = 32 Inches of total curvature
8(33) = 72 Inches of total curvature
8(44) = 128 Inches of total curvature
8(55) = 200 Inches of total curvature
8(66) = 288 Inches of total curvature
8(77) = 392 Inches of total curvature
8(88) = 512 Inches of total curvature
8(99) = 648 Inches of total curvature
8(1010) = 800 Inches of total curvature

Divide the total curvature in inches by twelve because

there are twelve inches in a foot or per feet:

8(11)/12 = 0.666 Feet of total curvature
8(22)/12 = 2.666 Feet of total curvature
8(33)/12 = 6 Feet of total curvature
8(44)/12 = 10.666 Feet of total curvature
8(55)/12 = 16.666 Feet of total curvature
8(66)/12 = 24 Feet of total curvature
8(77)/12 = 32.666 Feet of total curvature
8(88)/12 = 42.666 Feet of total curvature
8(99)/12 = 54 Feet of total curvature
8(1010)/12 = 66.666 Feet of total curvature

Coincidence I think not. Consider also that science

affirms that because our solar system is part of the Milky
Way galaxy which according to them is 80,000 to
120,000 light-years across, 7,000 light-years thick, and
26,000 light-years from the galactic center. The Milky
Way is proposed with the sun to be moving at an
approximately 155 miles/sec (250 km/sec) or 558,000
mph (900,000 kmh). The scientists claim that it takes our
solar system about 200-250 million years to complete one
single sweeping orbit around the galactic center.

They also grandiosely propose that each of the different

star clusters comprising the other portions of our Milky
Way galaxy are revolving together around some
unforeseen grand universal center at an astounding
372.823 miles/sec (600 km/sec) or a mind blowing
1,342,162.8 miles per hour (2,160,000 kmh). Its a
wonder we are able to see the stars at night moving at
such slow incremental motion that it takes viewing time
lapse photography to perceive their movement and that
they are not whirling by as a streaking blur.

With the compounding coming together effect of all these
mind-blowing speeds, its a wonder to me that I can go
outside of my house on numerous days and looking up at
the top of my 30-foot flagpole not see the banner of these
United States of America, waver in the slightest bit.
There are so many days where the wind is often so slight
or nonexistent that it wont even tussle ones hair and yet
scientists want us to believe that the Earth is moving
considerably faster than the speed of sound at sea level
(1129 fps or 770 mph) or a bullet shot from a typical 22-
caliber (about 1200 fps or 818 mph), or a 45-caliber gun
(850 feet/sec or 580 mph).

The ancient cosmologies assert the earth motionless and

that it is the celestial luminaries which move in pivot
around not the sun but the Northstar Polaris. Just as there
is not one biblical or extra-biblical passage attributing
motion to the earth, so is there not one verse describing
any celestial body bound to the sun. In fact, the ancient
cosmologies declare the sun as being one of the
planetary objectswhich also moves above the face of the
earth. The sun is included with the moon, Mercury,
Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter as one of the seven
planets of our universal system. Unlike the wandering
stars, it is for this reason that the earth is excluded in
pagan cultures and civilizations from inclusion in the
naming of the seven days of the week which are
attributed in designation to those celestial bodies which
are revolving in our skies.

Confirmation that the celestials move-in circuit around

Polaris, and that the Northstar like the earth is fixed,
immobile, stationary, and centered in the middle of them
all is verified by the time-lapse photography of the star
trails which over the course of the night, show plainly
that even the wandering stars with all of the other
celestial luminaries are all revolving in the same manner
and at the same velocity around Polaris and not that of
the sun as taught by the heliocentric worldview.

Enoch specifies in the book on the courses of the

heavenly luminaries that it is the celestials which revolve
in circuit above the solid fixed motionless plane of the
earth. This circular motion guides in perspective what we
see as the sunrise on the lips of morning and sunset at the
hush of evening. The phenomenon of sunrise and sunset
are actually the sun entering and leaving our perspective.
Confirmation the sun is moving in a circular revolution is
also verified by another phenomenon called the midnight

At high northern latitudes while the sun is closest to the

northern central Pole near the summer solstice, one can
witness the full circular revolution of the sun from east to
west and then west to east as described by many verses
from myriads of ancient texts. Approaching the Tropic
of Cancer, the suns revolution during this time is very
tight, and its movement very slow. Viewers near these
extreme northern regions near this time, can witness with
their own eyes the sun circle in an arc across southern
skies and then crossing northern skies return to the East
where it began its journey 24 hours prior. Over the
course of up to 72 hours, it will never over this period dip
below the horizon or be obstructed from view by
mountains or landscape,

The only way such occurrence can happen as witnessed

in a yearly procession near the summer solstice when the
sun reaches the Tropic of Cancer before reversing course,
begins to move southward toward the equatorial regions
and southern latitudes are for the sun to be revolving in
circuit above the face of the earth. There is no other way
to explain such motion according to the heliocentric
worldview where the earth orbits the sun.

The midnight sun phenomena confirms without a doubt

that the sun along with the other heavenly objects is
moving in such circular motion as affirmed by the
biblical narrative. It is for this cause that upon entering
our field-of-view, we see the sun erupt on the Eastern
horizon and then rising in an arc across southern skies.
Reaching the midpoint of its curved trajectory, the sun
beginning its descent towards the western horizon
appears to viewers on the ground to descend toward
horizon until reaching the vanishing point disappears
from view. Our indoctrination into the Copernican
worldview conditions us to believe that it is the earth's
daily rotation which causes the sun to set or rise. Yet, the
sun in truth is never climbing or descending in altitude
but remains continuously aloft at a constant altitude. It's
shifting height as portrayed by the analemma is caused by
the tightening and expanding of its circular trajectory as it

moves back and forth between the Tropic of Cancer and
Tropic of Capricorn.

Its revolution within the tabernacle of the firmament is

described in Psalms 19:1-6. I cover the vanishing point,
perspective, sunrise and sunset, and the phenomena of the
midnight sun in great detail in my 9th book, The Flat
Earth As Key To Decrypt The Book Of Enoch and
therefore will not expound upon it in great depth here.

However, before moving on to the seven heavenly

divisions of the space beneath the vaulted dome, I would
like to share with the reader, here many passages which
describe in affirmation the circular movements of all the
heavenly luminaries but especially that of the sun.

The heavens are moved by His direction and obey

Him in peace. Day and night accomplish the
course assigned to them by Him, without
hindrance one to another. The sun and the moon
and the dancing stars according to His
appointment circle in harmony within the bounds
assigned to them, without any swerving aside. The
earth, bearing fruit in fulfillment of His will at her
proper seasons, putteth forth the food that supplieth
abundantly both men and beasts and all living things
which are thereupon, making no dissension, neither
altering anything which He hath decreed. Moreover,
the inscrutable depths of the abysses and the
unutterable statutes of the nether regions are
constrained by the same ordinances. The basin of
the boundless sea, gathered together by His
workmanship into its reservoirs, passeth not the
barriers wherewith it is surrounded; but even as
He ordered it, so it doeth. For He said, So far shalt
thou come, and thy waves shall be broken within
thee. The ocean which is impassable for men, and the
worlds beyond it, are directed by the same ordinances
of the Master. The seasons of spring and summer
and autumn and winter give way in succession one
to another in peace. The winds in their several
quarters at their proper season fulfill their ministry
without disturbance; and the ever flowing fountains,
created for enjoyment and health, without fail give
their breasts which sustain the life for men. Yea, the
smallest of living things come together in concord
and peace. All these things the great Creator and
Master of the universe ordered to be in peace and
concord, doing good unto all things, but far beyond
the rest unto us who have taken refuge in His
compassionate mercies through our Lord Jesus
Christ, to whom be the glory and the majesty for ever
and ever. Amen. 1 Clement 20:1-12

The above passage from 1 Clement like so many of the

other verses that I have discovered within the expository
of the extra-biblical materials, is one of those gems which
reviewed carefully describes in elaboration how the suns
circular motion and field of illumination causes
distinction between day, night, and the termination line
between them.

Embracing the geocentric biblical worldview as

cosmological paradigm, one will quickly realize that the
Bible, and so many other extra-biblical sources, all
contain encoded within their historical narrative an
accurate rendering of the same circular motions attributed
to the heavenly luminaries by Enoch in both the book on
the courses of the heavenly luminaries and the Book of
the Secrets of Enoch.

To better enable you to understand these motions as

deciphered within Chapter 20 - The Great Luminary and
the Gates of Heaven of the Flat Earth As Key To Decrypt
The Book Of Enoch, I will share a detailed breakdown of
three other witnesses 1) David in the Psalms, 2) his son,
Solomon in the Book of Ecclesiastes, and another
nonbiblical but very ancient source 3) Canto 5 of the
Srimad Bhagavatam. These three multiple thousands of
years old sources are of particular importance when re-
examining the archaic materials for support of these
circular motions as defined by Clement in this passage.

Day and night accomplish the course assigned to

them by Him, without hindrance one to another.
The sun and the moon and the dancing stars
according to His appointment circle in harmony
within the bounds assigned to them, without any
swerving aside. 1 Clement:1-2

Keep these verses in mind when reading through the

many Scriptures related in the following selections. This
collection of verses, I believe undeniably defends the
premise that the seasons are created by the suns back and
forth motion between the Tropic of Capricorn and Tropic
of Cancer which I detail in elaboration in my decryption
of Enochs work. I will list here numerous passages
which all affirm that it is the sun, moon, and other
heavenly luminaries which move in circle above the face
of the earth as insinuated in Psalms 19. All of these
accounts explain together how the suns motion between
these two Tropics yearly culminates in the occurrence of
the summer and winter solstices as well as the vernal and
autumnal equinoxes as division for the four seasons of
the year,

And the days, Uriel showed me; the angel whom

the Lord of glory appointed over all the luminaries.
Of heaven in heaven, and in the world; that they
might rule in the face of the sky, and appearing
over the earth, become Conductors of the days
and nights: the sun, the moon, the stars, and all the
ministers of heaven, which make their circuit with
all the chariots of heaven. The Book of Enoch

Mr Isaac says, 'The sun performs his course from

the east to the west, and goes behind the lofty
northern mountains the whole night until he
rises in the east.' - Book of the Bee

The sun sets in heaven, and, returning by the

north, to proceed towards the east, is conducted
so as to enter by that gate, and illuminate the face
of heaven. The Book of Enoch 71:8

In the orb of the sun there is a seventh portion of

light, which is added to it from the moon. By
measure it is put in, until the seventh portion of
the light of the sun is departed. They set, enter
into the western gate, circuit by the north,
and through the eastern gate go forth over
the face of heaven. The Book of Enoch 77:4
1 Those men took me, and led me up on to the
fourth heaven, and showed me all the successive
goings, and all the rays of the light of sun and
moon. 2 And I measure their goings, and
compared their light, and saw that the suns light is
greater than the moons. 3 Its circle and the
wheels on which it goes always, like the wind
going past with very marvellous speed, and day
and night it has no rest. - The Book of the
Secrets of Enoch 11:1-3

2 Thus again it goes down to the western gates, and

draws away its light, the greatness of its brightness,
under the earth; for since the crown of its shining is
in heaven with the Lord, and guarded by four
hundred angels, while the sun goes round on
wheel under the earth, and stands seven great
hours in night, and spends half its course under
the earth, when it comes to the eastern
approach in the eighth hour of the night, it
brings its lights, and the crown of shining, and the

sun flames forth more than fire. - The Book of the
Secrets of Enoch 16:2

7 And when the western gates are finished, it

returns and goes to the eastern to the lights, and
goes thus day and night about the heavenly
circles, lower than all circles, swifter than the
heavenly winds, and spirits and elements and
angels flying; each angel has six wings. The
Book of the Secrets of Enoch 16:7

The verses describing the sun going down below the

earth are I believe a translator bias and that other portions
of the Book of the Secrets of Enoch are also tainted by
the linguists heliocentric indoctrination. Another
example of this would be the mention of the year being in
2 Enoch 365 days whereas it is stated in 1 Enoch that
the year is 364 days precisely. The inconsistencies of the
comparisons of 1 Enoch and 2 Enoch have nothing to do
with Enochs description of a geocentric worldview but
instead has everything to do with the interpreter of 2
Enochs modern Copernican bias. Enochs detail of the
motions of the luminaries above the face of the earth are
constant. The heliocentric slant which most scholars and
theologians filter the books of Enoch through is ongoing
and similarly carried over to the study of the Bible and all
other ancient manuscripts. Unaware of the grand measure
of the heliocentric deception, like them most people alter,
shift, or mold what the Bible states with regard to a
geocentric flat earth cosmological worldview to their
Copernican heliocentric upbringing. It is for this reason
that knowledge of the enclosed world system has been
lost and forgotten when all of the evidence supporting
rediscovery of it is still plainly encoded within the
various ancient manuscripts when applied to the
revelation of a geocentric worldview as can be seen in all
of these verses.

4 For before all things were visible, I alone used to

go about in the invisible things, like the sun from
east to west, and from west to east. - The Book of
the Secrets of Enoch 24:4

3 I have measured and described the stars, the great

countless multitude (of them). 4 What man has
seen their revolutions, and their entrances? For
not even the angels see their number, while I have
written all their names. 5 And I measured the
suns circle, and measured its rays, counted the
hours, I wrote down too all things that go over the
earth - The Book of the Secrets of Enoch 40:3-4

And HE said, I shall put up a sign in the heavens,

and it shall become a symbol of faith between ME
and them forever, as long as heaven is above the
earth, which is in accordance with MY
command. The Book of Enoch, Restored Name
Translation 55:2

The sun looks down on everything with its light,

and the work of the Lord is full of his glory.
Wisdom of Jesus Son of Sirach 42:16

[1] The heavens declare the glory of God; and the

firmament sheweth his handywork. [2] Day unto
day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth
knowledge. [3] There is no speech nor language,
where their voice is not heard. [4] Their line is
gone out through all the earth, and their words to
the end of the world. In them hath he set a
tabernacle for the sun, [5] Which is as a
bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and
rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race. [6] His
going forth is from the end of the heaven, and
his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is
nothing hid from the heat thereof. Psalms 19,

Those who behold the heavens tell of the glory of

the Lord; those who gaze at the sky recount the
works of his hands. Day to day tells more of the
word; but night to night tells less knowledge. 4.
There is no utterance of complaint, and there are
no words of confusion, for their voice is not heard.
5. The line of their conversation reaches through
the whole earth, and their words to the end of the
world. In them [the heavens] he placed a
splendid dwelling for the sun. 6. And he, in the
morning, when he comes forth, will come forth
like a groom who comes out of his canopy, and
in splendor will rejoice like a warrior to run the
course. 7. His rising is at the ends of the earth,
and his might reaches to all their edges; and
there is none who can hide from his heat.
Psalms 19:2-6, Targum

And the sun rose above them to prosper (them),

and above everything that was on the earth,
everything that shoots out of the earth, and all
fruit-bearing trees, and all flesh. Jubilees 2

1 And then I made firm the heavenly circle, and (made) that the lower
water which is under heaven collect itself together, into one whole, and
that the chaos become dry, and it became so. 2 Out of the waves I
created rock hard and big, and from the rock I piled up the dry, and the
dry I called earth, and the midst of the earth I called abyss, that is to
say the bottomless, I collected the sea in one place and bound it
together with a yoke. 3 And I said to the sea: Behold I give you
(your) eternal limits, and you shalt not break loose from your
component parts. 4 Thus I made fast the firmament.
- The Book of the Secrets of the Enoch 25:1-28:4

Chapter 5 Heavens Vault

The flat circular plane of the earth is in the Genesis

narrative described as having been encapsulated by a
vaulted dome on the second day of creation. The Hebrew
word raqiya translated as firmament in our modern
English Bibles, is believed to be a solid impenetrable
barrier, a heavenly expanse, a curtain which covers the
circle of the earth as described in Isaiah 40:22. The
firmament is in the Greek Septuagint called the sterema,
which appears in the Septuagint (c. 200 BC).
sterma, ster-eh'-o-mah; meaning something
established, stable, or steadfast. It means the arch of the
sky, which in early times was thought to be solid and
made firm. It also means a fortified place, that which
furnishes a foundation, on which a thing rests firmly
being supported. In a military sense, a solid front. It is
derived from the Greek word G4732; stere,
ster-eh-o'-o; to solidify, i.e. confirm (literally or
figuratively):establish, receive strength, strengthen,
make strong, firm, or solid. This word is derived from
G4731; steres, stereh-os'; meaning stiff, solid,
stable, stedfast, strong, sure, firm, immovable, solid,
hard, and rigid.

According to The Jewish Encyclopedia:

The Hebrews regarded the earth as a plain or a hill

figured like a hemisphere, swimming on water. Over
this is arched the solid vault of heaven. To this vault
are fastened the lights, the stars.

Being at least a semi-transparent structure, this dome
divides the waters above from the waters below and it is
for this reason that we see the sky as blue in color. The
azure cobalt color of the sky reflects the biblical assertion
that an ocean of waters still resides above the structure of
the firmament.

The abundance of the waters above and below conjoined

together in principle form what is referenced in the
Scriptures and other mythologies as Oceanus. As one
huge cosmic ocean, the head-waters of this arrangement
have their origin with Yahushua as the tree of life and
from there flow out to create the system of rainfall,
evaporation, and condensation. Whereby water cycles
from a gaseous, liquid, and solid form to create the
thickening clouds which raindown nourishment to the
earth. This rainfall gathers together as the oceans, lakes,
rivers, creeks, and other tributaries which linked like
arteries and veins across the plane of the earth, spread the
living waters abroad in distribution. The dry land
extending upward surpassing the oceans level creates the
inhabitable part of the landscape were most ground-based
creatures dwell.

According to ancient Hebrew and other peoples beliefs,

the heavens below the firmament are subdivided in seven
regions. It is in these varying regions that the seven
universal planets described as the sun, moon, Mercury,
Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter, all move in revolution
around the Northstar Polaris. Called the wandering
stars, these celestials are housed separately within the
seven concentric sections of the heavenly tabernacle
which guide in limit the extent of their individual circuits.
All of these objects rotate around the one fixed star which
motionless has remained positioned at the very center of
the firmament for many tens of thousands if not hundreds
of thousands of years. The location of Polaris is
indicative of the pinnacle where the Earths vaulted dome
comes together at its highest point. Just as in the design
of a Cathedral, this apex is called the sides of the north
by Lucifer in Isaiah 14. The mount of the congregation
which resides below Polaris represents the mythological
home of the demigods referenced in all the ancient
legends world-wide. The ancient explorers allude to it as
Rupes Nigra, the black rock which as lodestone
Mountain is centered at the very heart of the earthen
plane. Composed of magnetite it draws in attraction all
compass needles no matter their position on the circle of
the earth towards its central location.

The lower atmosphere and what modern humanity now

regards as outer space are cited in many ancient
manuscripts as being subdivided into seven concentric
rings. Yahs establishment of the firmament as heavenly
circle and its separation into the varying concentric
rings which separate, guide, and limit the circuits of the
planets are specified to Enoch below.

1 I commanded in the very lowest (parts), that visible

(physical) things should come down from invisible
(spiritual), and Adoil came down very great, and I
beheld him, and lo! He had a belly of great light. 2
And I said to him: Become undone, Adoil, and let the
visible (physical) (come) out of you. 3 And he came
undone, and a great light came out. And I (was) in the
midst of the great light, and as there is born light from
light, there came forth a great age, and showed all
creation, which I had thought to create. 4 And I saw
that (it was) good. 5 And I placed for myself a throne,
and took my seat on it, and said to the light: Go
thence up higher and fix yourself high above the
throne, and be A foundation to the highest things. 6
And above the light there is nothing else, and then I
bent up and looked up from my throne.

1 And I summoned the very lowest a second time,

and said: Let Archas come forth hard, and he came
forth hard from the invisible (spiritual). 2 And
Archas came forth, hard, heavy, and very red. 3 And
I said: Be opened, Archas, and let there be born from
you, and he came undone, an age came forth, very
great and very dark, bearing the creation of all lower
things, and I saw that (it was) good and said to him: 4
Go thence down below, and make yourself firm, and
be a foundation for the lower things, and it happened
and he went down and fixed himself, and became the
foundation for the lower things, and below the
darkness there is nothing else. (Foundation of the

1 And I commanded that there should be taken from

light and darkness, and I said: Be thick, and it became
thus, and I spread it out with the light, and it became
water, and I spread it out over the darkness, below the
light, and then I made firm the waters, that is to say
the bottomless, and I made foundation of light
around the water, and created seven circles from
inside, and imaged (the water) like crystal wet and
dry, that is to say like glass, (and) the
circumcession of the waters and the other
elements, and I showed each one of them its road,
and the seven stars each one of them in its heaven,
that they go thus, and I saw that it was good. 2
And I separated between light and between darkness,
that is to say in the midst of the water hither and
thither, and I said to the light, that it should be the
day, and to the darkness, that it should be the night,
and there was evening and there was morning the first

1 And then I made firm the heavenly circle

(firmament), and (made) that the lower water
which is under heaven collect itself together, into
one whole, and that the chaos become dry, and it
became so. 2 Out of the waves I created rock hard
and big, and from the rock I piled up the dry, and the
dry I called earth, and the midst of the earth I called
abyss, that is to say the bottomless, I collected the
sea in one place and bound it together with a yoke.
3 And I said to the sea: Behold I give you (your)
eternal limits, and you shalt not break loose from
your component parts. 4 Thus I made fast the
firmament. (Outer circumference of the Antarctic ice
wall where it joins in union with the walls of the
firmament) This day I called me the first-created
[Sunday]. - The Book of the Secrets of the Enoch

After creating the heavenly circle, He specifies to Enoch

His formation of the seven celestial luminaries which
dominate the heavens. Referenced as the wandering stars
it is these seven celestials which were embedded within
the concentric rings which separate the tabernacle of the

4 On the first uppermost circle I placed the stars,

Kruno, and on the second Aphrodit, on the third
Aris, on the fifth Zeus, on the sixth Ermis, on the
seventh lesser the moon, and adorned it with the
lesser stars. 5 And on the lower I placed the sun for
the illumination of day, and the moon and stars for
the illumination of night. The Book of the
Secrets of Enoch 30:4-5

These same heavenly bodies are also cited in varying

degrees within various rabbinical commentaries in
association to these same heavenly sub levels. Their
spacing around Polaris differentiates their orbital position
and the length of their revolution as well their interaction
with the other luminescent bodies domineering the skies.
The heavenly luminaries all encircle Polaris at the same
orbital velocities. Some of the ancient accounts describe
the stars being affixed to the firmament, and that it is the
firmament as a whole which turns in revolution over the
course of the night. One can find the mention of one such
account in Johan Eisenmengers, The Traditions of the

Because we are not familiar with the ancient cosmology,

inclusion of the sun and the moon with Mercury, Venus,
Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter seems to us cryptic. What is
extremely bizarre about Enochs accounting is, did you
notice his allusion to lesser the moon in passage 30:4?
What could Enoch be citing by lesser the moon and did
he perhaps actually mean the lesser moon and if so, is
this the object which Samuel Birley Rowbotham wrote
about in Chapter XI of his masterful work, Zetetic
Astronomy, Earth Not a Globe when discussing the
causes of solar and lunar eclipses?

In it, he speculates upon the existence of some unnoticed

unknown dark companion to the moon which as a body,
he postulates could be the object responsible for casting a
shadow across its luminescent face during the occurrence
of lunar eclipses? Another interesting thought to consider
is that in that chapter, he also shares eyewitness record of
the unfolding of certain lunar eclipses where both moon
and the sun remain positioned above the earths horizon.
The dynamics of such occurrence absolutely negating
possibility that it was the shadow of the earth which
obstructed sight of the moon during such viewing.

A SOLAR eclipse is the result simply of the moon

passing between the sun and the observer on earth.
But that an eclipse of the moon arises from a shadow
of the earth, is a statement in every respect, because
unproved, unsatisfactory. The earth has been proved
to be without orbital or axial motion; and, therefore, it
could never come between the sun and the moon. The
earth is also proved to be a plane, always underneath
the sun and moon; and, therefore, to speak of its
intercepting the light of the sun, and thus casting its
own shadow on the moon, is to say that which is
physically impossible.

Besides the above difficulties or incompatibilities,

many cases are on record of the sun and moon being
eclipsed when both were above the horizon. The sun,
the earth, and the moon, not in a straight line, but the
earth below the sun and moon--out of the reach or
direction of both--and yet a lunar eclipse has
occurred! Is it possible that a "shadow" of the earth
could be thrown upon the moon, when sun, earth, and
moon, were not in the same line? From the facts and
phenomena already advanced, we cannot draw any
other conclusion than that the moon is obscured by
some kind of semi-transparent body passing before it;
and through which the luminous surface is visible: the
luminosity changed in colour by the density of the
intervening object. This conclusion is forced upon, us
by the evidence; but it involves the admission that the
moon shines with light of its own--that it is not a
reflector of the sun's light, but absolutely self-
luminous. Although this admission is logically
compulsory, it will be useful and strictly Zetetic to
collect all the evidence possible which bears upon it.
- 'Parallax' (pseud. Samuel Birley Rowbotham,
Zetetic Astronomy, Earth Not a Globe, XI

Rowbotham also asserts that it is the semi-transparency

of the dark body of this object, which causes some lunar
eclipses to appear as copper or blood red in color. His
postulations make me wonder whether this object or body
has any association with the Vedic grahas (literal
grabbers,) Rahu and Ketu which in Western astronomy
are known as the ascending northern and descending
southern nodes of the Moon. These two objects represent
the physical points in the sky, where the Moons orbit
passing the ecliptic results in what the observers on the
ground witness as a lunar eclipse. They are in the Vedic
cosmology, often referred to as shadow planets because
they cannot be seen other than at times of an eclipse.
They are said to possess no physical luminescence as the
other regular planets. Having no physical bodies, they
appear to us as shadows blocking out the sun or moon at
the time of an eclipse. Cited in Canto 5 of the Srimad
Bhagavatam, Rahu and Ketu are said to be the cause of
the eclipse phenomenon.

(1) S'r S'uka said: 'Some people defend that

countless yojanas ['ten thousand'] below the sun [the
demon] Rhu is found who rotates in the sky just like
the stars. O King, I will expound later on the birth
and activities of this lowest of the ignorant ones,
[Rhu] the son of Simhik, who personally by the
grace of the Supreme Lord achieved this status of
immortality in occupying the position of a leading
planet, while he never qualified for the position [see
also 6.6: 37 and 8.9: 23-26]. (2) They declare that the
sun has a width of ten thousand yojanas, that the
moon is twenty thousand yojanas wide, that Rhu is
thirteen thousand yojanas large [compare 5.21: 15]
and that it occasionally, with inimical intentions
overruling the influence of the sun god and the moon
god, obstructs the distribution of the rays of the moon
and the sun. (3) The Supreme Lord who is there for
the protection of both [these divinities] operates by
the supreme presence of the wheel of Time [the
Sudars'ana Cakra]. This disc is deemed the most dear,
most devoted and favorite weapon that by its power
and unbearable heat makes Rhu, with a mind full of
fear and a bewildered heart, flee far away from that
position wherein he resides for almost an hour and

which by the people is called an eclipse. Srimad
Bhagavatam, Canto 5:24:1

Its interesting to me that these three sources provide

alternative explanation for the possible existence of these
dark bodies and that they could be responsible for the
little understood occurrence of the lunar eclipse in the flat
Earth universal model. Without question, according to
Rowbotham and others eyewitness accounts, it is not the
body of the earth which is casting shadow upon the moon
during these occasions especially when it and the sun are
together located above the horizon.

Whether or not these objects actually exist, those of us

accepting the premise that the earth is indeed a flat
circular plane covered over by the firmament as a solid
heavenly canopy, are being forced to reconsider the
dynamics and workings of the universe. The truth of the
Bibles geocentric paradigm is forcing all to reevaluate
all that we thought we once knew.

Another enigma which I am often asked about is Niburu,

Planet X, and whether it is earthlike and inhabited by the
Annunaki. People wonder whether this object is real and
whether it will have any influence upon our world in
ways that we do not yet understand especially at the end
of days. With regard to Niburu, I do not any longer
believe it earthlike nor do I consider any planet to be
inhabitable. In fact, I do not consider any of the
wandering stars (planet) earthlike or inhabitable. I do
however believe Niburu to be some sort of celestial
object, used occasionally by the Most High to sometimes
bring judgment upon the wicked inhabitants of the world.
The Kolbrin Bible speaks of a celestial body called the
destroyer. Like the purifier of Hopi prophecy, this object
is described as having a largely unseen companion which
accompanying it, allowed by God to enter into this time
space dimensionality through the windows of heaven.

It is known, and the story comes down from

ancient times, that there was not one creation but
two, a creation and a re-creation. It is a fact
known to the wise that the Earth was utterly
destroyed once then reborn on a second wheel of
creation. At the time of the great destruction of
Earth, God caused a dragon from out of Heaven to
come and encompass her about. The dragon was
frightful to behold, it lashed its tail, it breathed out
fire and hot coals, and a great catastrophe was
inflicted upon mankind.

The body of the dragon was wreathed in a cold bright

light and beneath, on the belly, was a ruddy hued
glow, while behind it trailed a flowing tail of smoke.
It spewed out cinders and hot stones and its breath
was foul and stenchful, poisoning the nostrils of men.
Its passage caused great thunderings and lightnings to
rend the thick darkened sky, all Heaven and Earth
being made hot. The seas were loosened from their
cradles and rose up, pouring across the land. There
was an awful, shrilling trumpeting which outpowered
even the howling of the unleashed winds. Men,
stricken with terror, went mad at the awful sight in
the Heavens. They were loosed from their senses and
dashed about, crazed, not knowing what they did. The
breath was sucked from their bodies and they were
burnt with a strange ash. Then it passed, leaving
Earth enwrapped within a dark and glowering mantle
which was ruddily lit up inside. The bowels of the
Earth were torn open in great writhing upheavals and
a howling whirlwind rent the mountains apart. The
wrath of the sky-monster was loosed in the Heavens.
It lashed about in flaming fury, roaring like a
thousand thunders; it poured down fiery destruction
amid a welter of thick black blood. So awesome was
the fearfully aspected thing that the memory
mercifully departed from man, his thoughts were
smothered under a cloud of forgetfulness.

The Earth vomited forth great gusts of foul breath

from awful mouths opening up in the midst of the
land. The evil breath bit at the throat before it drove
men mad and killed them. Those who did not die in
this manner were smothered under a cloud of red dust
and ashes, or were swallowed by the yawning mouths
of Earth or crushed beneath crashing rocks. The first
sky-monster was joined by another which swallowed
the tail of the one going before, but the two could not
be seen at once. The sky-monster reigned and raged
above Earth, doing battle to possess it, but the many
bladed sword of God cut them in pieces, and their
falling bodies enlarged the land and the sea.

In this manner the first Earth was destroyed by

calamity descending from out of the skies. The
vaults of Heaven had opened to bring forth
monsters more fearsome than any that ever
haunted the uneasy dreams of men. Men and their
dwelling places were gone, only sky boulders and red
earth remained where once they were, but amidst all
the desolation a few survived, for man is not easily
destroyed. They crept out from caves and came down
from the mountainsides. Their eyes were wild and
their limbs trembled, their bodies shook and their
tongues lacked control. Their faces were twisted and
the skin hung loose on their bones. They were as
maddened wild beasts driven into an enclosure before
flames; they knew no law, being deprived of all the
wisdom they once had and those who had guided
them were gone. Kolbrin Bible, Destruction And

As stated in the second book of the Sibylline Oracles, the

stars cast down from the heavens to the earth and the
return of worm-wood (Niburu) is to be part of the
judgment against the wicked not written into the books of
life on what will be the great and terrible day of the Lord.
Led by the Sumerian mythology and NASAs
postulations to believe that each one of the wandering
stars especially that of Mars had once been a self-
sustaining earth-like ecosystem. The planets are nothing
more than heavenly luminaries, celestial lights and
incapable of once or even now supporting the diversity of
life as seen here upon the earth.

Given that we do not live in a heliocentric planetary

system as relegated by the Sumerian mythos, the stories
of the Annunaki having established way-stations or
colonial outposts on the moon and Mars had to of been a
carefully orchestrated lie. Being proven deceit as the
biblical flat Earth support authenticates, why would or
should anybody studying their legends believe anything
they declare? Considering the rich complexity of the
mendacity perpetuated by the Annunaki in their mythos,
even hard-core proponents of the ancient alien theory
must hesitantly accept that one of the purposes of their
insinuation had to of been attempt to lead humanity
astray. Researchers must reevaluate the purposeful
insertion of an ever-expanding heliocentric universe and
counterfeit worldview into their teachings.

To move forward with the truth, we must uphold that as

far back as 6000 years ago; they had planned in the
orchestration the counterfeit Copernican worldview as it
connects to the end of days reign of the antichrist. They
knew that the Sumerian mythologies would be crucial for
establishing as plausibility the return of an extraterrestrial
god from a faraway galaxy. And that their assertions
would pave the way for a false alien messiah to come
again in saving the modern human supposedly seeded
here by them so very long ago.

This mindset now dominates the alternative academia
world. So many well-respected researchers, scientists,
authors, and filmmakers believe the Sumerian
cuneiform texts to be older than the Hebrew Bible.
They consider them not only authoritative but openly
boast as seen worldwide on the Ancient Aliens show
that they are the origin of many of the biblical stories
like Noahs flood.

Those of you caught up in such belief; please

consider reading the latter chapters of the previous
two books of this trilogy as I cover in great
elaboration and detailed reasoning in them. As to
why the powers, principalities, rulers of darkness, and
wickedness in high places have been supporting and
perpetuating heliocentricism as a lie.

Part of the strong delusion, for this reason, this topic is so
critically important for this day and age. For when
understood, the ancient biblical attestation that the
planets, stars, and celestial luminaries filled with light are
nothing more than bodies of water and air. The whole
premise of the wandering stars being the home of the
Annunaki at any time in our past can be discounted.
None of the heavenly luminaries are anywhere in
Scripture attributed to being earth like or inhabited in the
manner which the Sumerian mythologies describe of
Mars and Niburu.

ON the fourth day God made the luminaries--sun,

moon, and stars--of three substances, air, light, and
fire. He took aerial material and prepared vessels
like lamps, and mixed fire with light, and filled
them. - The Book of the Bee X
Planets are affirmed as being stars, self-contained in a
circuit on one of the seven levels rising in scale to the
very throne of the Lord God. None of them are said to
revolve around one another, neither are any of these other
planets described as holding orbital revolution around
the sun as taught in the heliocentric model for perceiving
the world.

Knowing that we live in a Geocentric universe where the

earth rather than the sun is the center of our universal
system. And because of that I now doubt the authenticity
of the Sumerian narratives and their assertion that the
earth is part of a planetary system which moves in orbit
around the sun as science affirms. As a visual witness,
time lapse photography verifies that the sun, moon,
planets, and all other stars, altogether bound in heavenly
rotation below the solid bowl-shaped canopy of heaven
are all moving in a circuit around Polaris as the one fixed,
stationary, and unmoving star which does not shift in any

All of the heavenly luminaries including the sun, moon,

and lesser moon, are all said to be contained within and
bound in the limited space dividing the lower atmosphere
and what science calls outer space. The highest of the
seven concentric rings dividing the heavens is cited in
association to Kruno, an ancient term associated with the
god of time Chronos also known as Saturn. The second
highest of these heavens is associated to Aphrodit or
Venus, the goddess of love. The third to Aris (Ares) also
known as Mars, the god of war. The fourth to Zeus,
Jupiter, believed in pagan mythology to be the father of
the gods. The sixth to Ermis, , hrmiz, (Hermes),
the winged sandal god of travel, thieves, commerce, and
athletes also known as Mercury. The seventh and lowest
of the heavens serves as a tabernacle for the sun, moon,
its lesser companion, and other stars. The division of the
area encapsulated by the vaulted dome into seven
different portions is affirmed by and reflected within the
testimonies of the Hebrew prophets Enoch, Isaiah, Peter,
and Paul, all of which I have detailed in fullness in the
previous books of this trilogy.

Many of the ancients supposed that there were

concentric spheres, which were transparent but
solid, and that these spheres revolved around the
earth carrying the heavenly bodies with them. In
one of these spheres, they supposed, was the sun; in
another the moon; in another the fixed stars; in
another the planets; and it was the harmonious
movement of these concentric and transparent orbs
which it was supposed produced the "music of the
spheres." Sepher Yetzirah

ON the fourth day God made the luminaries--sun,

moon, and stars--of three substances, air, light, and
fire. He took aerial material and prepared vessels like
lamps, and mixed fire with light, and filled them.
And because in the nature of fire there was no light,
nor heat in that of light, the fire imparted heat to the
light, and the light gave luminosity to the fire; and
from these two were the luminaries--sun, moon, and
stars-- fabricated. The path of the luminaries is
beneath the firmament, and they are not fixed as men
have foolishly stated, but the angels guide them. Mr
Isaac says, 'The sun performs his course from the
east to the west, and goes behind the lofty
northern mountains the whole night until he rises
in the east.' - Book of the Bee

Many other ancient rabbinical commentaries also speak

about these seven subdivisions and like the Book of the
Secrets of Enoch describe the heavenly objects bound in
tabernacle to them as being the sun, moon, Mercury,
Mars, Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter.

Rabbinical Commentaries:

Firmament from Latin firmmentum (considered

as fixed above the earth), from Latin: prop,
support, from firmre to make FIRM the motion
(momentum) of the energy]. Rabbi Yehudah
(better said Yehidah-Unity) said: "Seven
firmaments (Kosmoses) are there on the outer
space founded on and governed by the great
law of universal harmony, of which the
Tetragrammaton or sacred name is a symbol (of
unity). Sepher Ha Zohar

Firmament - Hebrew "Rakia." God places a

firmament between the waters of earth and the
waters of heaven to separate them. Some say there
are two firmaments, based on a Biblical verse
(Deut. 10:14), but most teach there are seven.
Later traditions identify the word rakia as referring
to just one of the seven heavens, the level that
holds the heavenly bodies. Rabbi Geoffrey W.
Dennis, Encyclopedia Mythica

3. These seven double letters He formed, designed,
created, and combined into the Stars of the
Universe, the days of the week, the orifices of
perception in man; and from them he made seven
heavens, and seven planets, all from
nothingness, and, moreover, he has preferred and
blessed the sacred Heptad.

4. These seven are Planets of the Universe, the

Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter,
and Mars; the seven days are the days of creation;
and these are the seven gateways of a man, two
eyes, two ears, two nostrils and a mouth, through
which he perceives by his senses.

By these seven letters were also made seven

worlds, seven heavens, seven lands, seven seas,
seven rivers, seven deserts, seven days (as before),
seven weeks from Passover to Pentecost, and every
seventh year a jubilee. Sepher Yetzirah 4:3-4

It is interesting to me that the Sepher Yetzirah like the

Book of the Secrets of Enoch associates the sun, the
moon, and five wandering stars as the seven planets of
the universe, while the earth is disregarded inclusion
within such context. Most do not realize that even the
naming of the individual days of the week hold their
pagan origins in the the cosmological reverence of the
planetary bodies. The sun, moon, and planets considered
in ancient times to be gods and goddesses designated the
days of the week, were derived from the honor bestowed
upon these celestial deities. It is interesting to note that
just as the earth is not considered to be a celestial deity so
is it also excluded from the names of the week. Its my
belief that this reflects the ancients knowledge that the
earth was not a member of the solar system but instead
the foundation for the firmament which was established
by Creator for the placement of the heavenly luminaries.
Thus, the earth was regarded differently from the
planets. This assertion aligns perfectly with Genesis
order of creation and verifies the distinction between the
earth and the other so-called planets as listed in the
previous quotations.

It is across these seven heavens that the innumerable stars

comprising the constellations, come together in forming
the mazzaroth and 12 traditional houses of the zodiac
inter-dispersed across the vaulted sky. Contrary to the
heliocentric worldview, the heavenly hosts all revolve in
navigation around the Northstar and not the sun. Polaris
was positioned by the Lord God to signify where He
situated His throne and temple. It is at the very center of
the vaulted dome that the firmament arches in apex
merging all directions together in unity at this central

The vision of creation as enclosed world system as I have

conveyed over the past few years in my books, when
understood discloses in a deeply profound manner the
personal testimonies of the many prophets which were
escorted by the Angelic hosts beyond Polaris and were
brought before the very throne and presence of the Most
High God. These many theophanies have encoded within
them, hint as to how to interpret the real layout and
mechanics of universe which since the embrace of

heliocentrist beliefs, is a revelatory truth which has been
lost to the world.

It is these age-old axioms which many of us have been

bringing to light once more in trying to assist those of
you opening self to the possibilities of such research,
comprehend that the Lord God, the Creator of the entire
manifest universe, has established His home base, right
there on the very vault of heaven. And that from this
height, He watches guides and directs the peculiar
happenings of our world to His certain prophetic end.

I have discovered other testimonies from patriarchs such

as Abraham, Levi, and others since the 2016 publication
of the Firmament: Vaulted Dome Of The Earth. They
also fit into and elaborate upon the design of creation as
Ive laid out in conjecture over the two previous books of
this flat Earth trilogy.

2 I, Levi, was born in Haran, and I came with my

father to Shechem. And I was young, about 3
twenty years of age, when, with Simeon, I wrought
vengeance on Hamor for our sister Dinah. And
when I was feeding the flocks in Abel-Maul, the
spirit of understanding of the Lord came upon me,
and I saw all men corrupting their way, and that
unrighteousness had built for itself walls, and
lawlessness 4 sat upon towers. And I was grieving
for the race of the sons of men, and I prayed to the
5 Lord that I might be saved. Then there fell upon
me a sleep, and I beheld a high mountain, and 6 I
was upon it. And behold the heavens were opened
and an angel of God said to me, Levi enter 7 And I
entered from the first heaven, and I saw there a
great sea hanging. 8 And further I saw a second
heaven far brighter and more brilliant, for there
was a boundless light also therein. 9 And I said to
the angel, Why Is this so? And the angel said to
me, Marvel not at this, for thou shalt see another
heaven more brilliant and incomparable. 10 And
when thou hast ascended thither, Thou shalt stand
near the Lord, And shalt be His minister, And shalt
declare His mysteries to men, And shall proclaim
concerning Him that shall redeem Israel. 11 And
by thee and Judah shall the Lord appear among
men Saving every race of men. 12 And from the
Lord's portion shall be thy life, And He shall be thy
field and vineyard, And fruits, gold, and silver.

3 l Hear, therefore, regarding the heavens which

have been shown to thee. The lowest is for this
cause gloomy unto thee, in that it beholds all the
unrighteous deeds of men. 2 And it has fire,
snow, and ice made ready for the day of
judgement, in the righteous judgement of God;
for in it are all the spirits of the retributions for
vengeance on men. 3 And in the second are the
hosts of the armies which are ordained for the
day of judgement, to work vengeance on the
spirits of deceit and of Beliar. And above them
are the holy ones. 4 And in the highest of all
dwelleth the Great Glory, far above all holiness.
5 In [the heaven next to] it are the archangels, who
minister and make propitiation to the Lord for all
the sins of ignorance of the righteous; Offering to
the Lord a sweet- smelling savour, a reasonable
and a bloodless offering. 7 And [in the heaven
below this] are the angels who bear answers to the
angels of the presence of the Lord. 8 And in the
heaven next to this are thrones and dominions, in
which always they offer praise to God. 9 When,
therefore, the Lord looketh upon us, all of us
are shaken; yea, the heavens, and the earth, and
the abysses are shaken at the presence of His
majesty. 10 But the sons of men, having no
perception of these things sin and provoke the
Most High.

4 1 Now, therefore, know that the Lord shall

execute judgment upon the sons of men. Because
when the rocks are being rent, And the sun
quenched, And the waters dried up, And the fire
cowering, And all creation troubled, And the
invisible spirits melting away; And Hades taketh
spoils through the visitations of the Most High,
Men will be unbelieving and persist in their
iniquity. On this account with punishment shall
they be judged. 2 Therefore the Most High hath
heard thy prayer, To separate thee from iniquity,
and that thou shouldst become to Him a son, And a
servant, and a minister of His presence. 3 The light
of knowledge shalt thou light up in Jacob, And as
the sun shalt thou be to all the seed of Israel. 4 And
there shall be given to thee a blessing, and to all
thy seed, Until the Lord shall visit all the Gentiles
in His tender mercies for ever. 5 And therefore
there have been given to thee counsel and
understanding, That thou mightst instruct thy sons
concerning this; 6 Because they that bless Him
shall be blessed, And they that curse Him shall
perish. 5 1 And thereupon the angel opened to
me the gates of heaven, and I saw the holy
temple, and upon 2 a throne of glory the Most
High. And He said to me: Levi, I have given thee
the blessings of the 3 priesthood until I come and
sojourn in the midst of Israel. Then the angel
brought me down to the earth, and gave me a
shield and a sword, and said to me: Execute
vengeance on Shechem because 4 of Dinah, thy
sister, and I will be with thee because the Lord hath
sent me. And I destroyed at 5 that time the sons of
Hamor, as it is written in the heavenly tables. And
I said to him: I pray 6 thee, O Lord, tell me Thy
name, that I may call upon Thee in a day of
tribulation. And he said: I am the angel who
intercedeth for the nation of Israel that they may
not be smitten utterly, 7 for every evil spirit
attacketh it. And after these things I awaked, and
blessed the Most High, and the angel who
intercedeth for the nation of Israel and for all the
righteous. - The Testament of the Twelve
Patriarchs, Levi 2-7

Conceptualizing the vaulted dome as the foundation

for the heavenly temple and canopy for our enclosed
world, doesnt it completely make sense that it is
from this center that YHWH Elohim peers down in
watch upon the activities of humankind. This insight
is why Ezekiel references above the Cherubim the
likeness of the firmament the colour of the terrible
crystal, stretched forth over their heads. Moses cites
the stable structure of the dome as a paved work of a
sapphire stone. Enoch connects it to a spacious
habitation built also with stones of crystal. Its walls
too, as well as pavement, were formed with stones of
crystal, and crystal likewise was the ground. Its roof
had the appearance of agitated stars and flashes of
lightning; and among them were cherubim of fire in a
stormy sky. The roof of the agitated stars is ground-
floor of the throne room which John perceives as a
sea of glass like unto crystal. Job calls it a molten
looking glass and Amos the vaulted dome of the

I believe this dome to be composed of semi, if not a

totally transparent crystal or brass-like metal stone.
Encompassing and encapsulating the circle of the
earth inscribed upon the face of the deep, it
formulates what Enoch describes as the worlds lofty
roof. All of these allusions are nothing more than
detail that the top of the firmament is also the floor of
the heavenly temple.

The highest God is truly from there, vigilantly

watching over the daily procession of those things
happening here upon the earth. In sharing this
revelation, many have replied to me of how
profoundly impacted such insight has been upon their
lives. This knowledge is renewing their sense of
belonging, mattering, and reconnecting them in an
intimate manner to relationship with and to the
Creator and our world.

2. Again I lifted up my eyes towards heaven, and
saw a lofty roof. Above it were seven cataracts,
which poured forth on a certain village much

9. Again I looked in the vision until those cataracts

from that lofty roof were removed, and the
fountains of the earth became equalized, while
other depths were opened; - The Book Of Enoch
88:2, 9

The firmament is divided into seven degrees, one above the
other. There are seven distinct places for these seven planets; -
Chronicles of Jerahmeel IV
Chapter 6 - The Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 5

Tremendous detail on the accurate pattern and workings

of our true cosmology, can be found widely dispersed
when recognized, scattered in conceptual fragmentation
all throughout the ancient manuscripts and timeworn
commentaries. Truly once one has the eyes to see, the
ears to hear, and the mind to understand the scriptural
attestation of the nature of the cosmology it everywhere
becomes easily discernible as I have described it. Yet,
because most have not yet broken free of their
Copernican indoctrination, they are incapable of
determining the profundity of such passages; relegating
them just poetic or metaphorical.

Most mainstream Christians are still trying to interpret

the Bible and other extra-biblical texts through the
partisan filter of their heliocentric upbringing. As such
they are mostly unwilling to even examine any
alternative viewpoint which would challenge, question,
or contend with the matrix of control that they live
within. All have since their entrance into this world been
groomed by a culture which looks to its modern
astronomers, astrophysicists, and pseudo-scientific
agencies like NASA, ESA, and JAXA for interpretation
on how to perceive the world, accepting it without
reservation. My hope in expounding upon Geocentricity
is to hopefully assist you deprogram from the delusion of
our modern world view and come to realization that
belief in the globe is built upon nothing more than an
abundance of self-perpetuating lies. And that one can
trust the Creators gospel for insight on the true nature of
our cosmology.
Like a house of cards, the Copernican deceit promulgated
by a Jesuit conspiracy to establish the light bearer as
counterfeit Masonic sun-god, dissipates in full once one
knows the truth that the earth is neither moving nor that it
has any curvature.

The reason these conspirators have promoted the sun in

cosmological preeminence to the forefront of the so-
called solar and planetary system as well as propagating
the Big Bang as the origin for an ever-expanding
universe, is because it like the Annunaki mythos, serves
Lucifers purpose in preparing the world for his unveiling
as Antichrist. The establishment of this counterfeit
theology diverts and sway humanity's worship and
devotion from YHWH Elohim to himself in being like
the highest.

(2) The seven days of the week are called after the
seven planets, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, the
Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars. (3) In what
order are they placed in heaven? They are
distributed there as sun and moon and the five
planets. The firmament is divided into seven
degrees, one above the other. There are seven
distinct places for these seven planets; and this
is their order: (4) The first degree is near the
earth, and this lowest degree is the habitation of the
moon, in which the moon makes a circuit round the
firmament. The second degree is the habitation of
Mercury, in which it describes its circuit in the
firmament. The third degree is the habitation of
Venus, in which it also describes its circuit in the
firmament. The fourth degree is the middle of
them, viz., the habitation of the sun, which
completes its circuit of the heaven in twelve
months. The fifth degree is the habitation of Mars,
which makes its circuit in the firmament. The
seventh degree is the highest of all, viz., the
habitation of Saturn, which completes its circuit in
three years.

(5) This is the order of their work: Saturn is

appointed over the poor and needy women, over
faintness and sickness, diseases of the body, and
over death. His appearance is like that of an old
man with a sickle in his hand. (6) Mars is
appointed over war (bloodshed) and the sword,
over the wicked, over slander, over strife, battle,
hatred, jealousy, quarrels, over warriors, wounds,
injuries, bruises, over fire, water, and destruction.
His appearance is like that of an armed warrior
with a sword in his right hand, and he appears like
a man of wrath and a stirrer up of strife. Wherever
he turns wickedness ensues; he looks terrible in his
coat of mail, and with the spear which he bears in
his left hand. (7) Jupiter is appointed over life,
peace and good, over prosperity, tranquillity, joy,
pleasant conversation, rejoicings, riches, greatness,
sovereignty and majesty. His appearance is like
that of a valiant and noble-looking man, and his
head is that of a ram. (8) Venus is appointed over
kindness, favour, love, lust, passion, desire,
marriage, the birth of man and animals, the fruits
of the earth and the fruits of the tree. Its form is
that of a young girl beautifully adorned, and
swaying a branch of a tree in her hand. Mercury is
appointed over wisdom, discretion, understanding,
knowledge, and the active intellect enabling one to
unravel mysteries, to devise plans in every branch
of work, and in the writings of any language. Its
form is that of an old man with thin lips; he
possesses wings, and the lower part of the body is
like a dragon. (9) The sun is appointed over light,
to separate light from darkness, and through it to
enable us to calculate the days, months and years,
and to do every kind of work, to make any cunning
work, to walk any distance, and to migrate from
city to city and from town to town. The moon
holds the key of heaven and earth, and is appointed
over morning and evening. She is set over all
creatures, to lead them in the right or wrong way,
although she has no power in herself either to do
good or evil. But everything is done by order and
command. Everything was created by means of the
word of God. (10) Hence the Rabbis have said
that the orbit of the sun and the circuit of the
moon, the order of the stars, the arrangement of
the planets, the calculation of the circuits, the
lengths of the days and the division of the hours,
which are at first long and then become gradually
shorter, are all the work of God. Chronicles of
Jerahmeel IV

One can see in the above commentary that the firmament

is subdivided into seven sections and that each of these
sections is occupied by either the sun, moon, Mercury,
Venus, Mars, Saturn, or Jupiter. These concentric rings
parallel the heavenly orbits which control, guide, and
direct not only these seven celestial bodies but all of the
other celestial luminaries forming the Mazzaroth and 12
traditional houses of the zodiac. The creation of these
seven divisions is cited in the Book of the Secrets of
Enoch and their organization into such division in Canto
5 of the Srimad Bhagavatam.

The most complete, important, and ancient of Indias

purnas (storybooks), the Srimad Bhagavatam is arranged
in twelve cantos (books) of near 18000 verses. It is
divided into 335 distinct chapters. The author is said to be
Krishna Dvaipyana Vysadeva also called Bdaryana.
He is believed to have also compiled the Vedas and
another widely revered text called the Bhagavad Gt,
which is a portion of what many scholars worldwide
consider to be the greatest epic poem ever written,
the Mahbhrata. The fifth Canto of the Srimad
Bhagavatam like the book on the courses of luminaries
shares in its discourse a depiction of the same enclosed
world system that we see projected as cosmology within
the Hebrew commentaries and the Bible. Like Psalms
19s reference that the suns going forth is from the end
of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there
is nothing hid from the heat thereof. The Bhagavatam
similarly groups the sun with the other celestial
luminaries and describes it spreading its light to every
part of the earth as it moves in transit above the surface of
the land.

When Priyavrata drove his chariot behind the sun, the

rims of his chariot wheels created impressions that
later became seven oceans, dividing the planetary
system known as Bh-maala into seven islands. -
SB 5.1.31
King Parkit said to ukadeva Gosvm: O
brhmaa, you have already informed me that the
radius of Bh-maala extends as far as the sun
spreads its light and heat and as far as the moon
and all the stars can be seen. - SB 5.16.1

My dear Lord, the rolling wheels of Mahrja

Priyavrata's chariot created seven ditches, in which
the seven oceans came into existence. Because of
these seven oceans, Bh-maala is divided into
seven islands. - SB 5.16.2

Bhu-mandala, is said to be composed of seven islands

(continental landmasses). Its center shaped like a four
petaled lotus flower that like the biblical Eden is
quartered by four rivers forming the borders of these four
predominant areas. Mount Meru called the mount of the
congregation in the Bible like a jewel rises in stature to
dominate the landscape of the polar regions. Said to be
made of gold in the Vedic texts, I believe it to be made of
black lodestone which is why its magnetic lure draws in
attraction northward, all the needles of every compass
worldwide. Enoch describes seven metal Mountains
located in this area, the central alabaster peak topped in
sapphire reaching through the sky to the very throne of
God. Just like in the Legends of the Jews, Bhu-mandala
is said to be segmented into seven island portions which
crowned by the seven layers of the vaulted sky, itself
covers the seven realms of hell contained within its

The planetary system known as Bh-maala

resembles a lotus flower, and its seven islands
resemble the whorl of that flower. The length and
breadth of the island known as Jambdvpa, which is
situated in the middle of the whorl, are one million
yojanas. Jambdvpa is round like the leaf of a lotus
flower. - SB 5.16.5

As Sumeru Mountain is surrounded by Jambdvpa,

Jambdvpa is also surrounded by an ocean of salt
water. The breadth of Jambdvpa is 100,000 yojanas,
and the breadth of the saltwater ocean is the same. As
a moat around a fort is sometimes surrounded by
gardenlike forest, the saltwater ocean surrounding
Jambdvpa is itself surrounded by Plakadvpa. The
breadth of Plakadvpa is twice that of the saltwater
oceanin other words 200,000 yojanas. On
Plakadvpa there is a tree shining like gold and as
tall as the jamb tree on Jambdvpa. At its root is a
fire with seven flames. It is because this tree is a
plaka tree that the island is called Plakadvpa.
Plakadvpa was governed by Idhmajihva, one of the
sons of Mahrja Priyavrata. He endowed the seven
islands with the names of his seven sons, divided the
islands among the sons, and then retired from active
life to engage in the devotional service of the Lord. -
SB 5.20.2

In those seven islands there are seven boundary

mountains, known as Cakra, Catuga, Kapila,
Citraka, Devnka, rdhvarom and Dravia. There
are also seven rivers, known as Ramakuly,
Madhukuly, Mitravind, rutavind, Devagarbh,
Ghtacyut and Mantraml. - SB 5.20.15

Amidst these divisions, or varas, is the vara named
Ilvta, which is situated in the middle of the whorl of
the lotus. Within Ilvta-vara is Sumeru
Mountain, which is made of gold. Sumeru
Mountain is like the pericarp of the lotuslike Bh-
maala planetary system. The mountain's height is
the same as the width of Jambdvpaor, in other
words, 100,000 yojanas. Of that, 16,000 yojanas are
within the earth, and therefore the mountain's height
above the earth is 84,000 yojanas. The mountain's
width is 32,000 yojanas at its summit and 16,000
yojanas at its base. SB 5.16.7

(The inhabitants of Kraucadvpa worship with this

mantra.) O water of the rivers, you have obtained
energy from the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Therefore you purify the three planetary systems
(heaven, earth, and hell), known as Bhloka,
Bhuvarloka and Svarloka. - SB 5.20.23

Residing in outer space, which is in the middle of the

universe, between Bhloka and Bhuvarloka, the sun
rotates through the time circle of the zodiac,
represented by twelve ris, or signs, and assumes
different names according to the sign he is in. - SB
5.22 Summary

The great sage ukadeva Gosvm answered: All the

hellish planets are situated in the intermediate space
between the three worlds and the Garbhodaka Ocean.
They lie on the southern side of the universe, beneath
Bh-maala, and slightly above the water of the
Garbhodaka Ocean. - SB 5.26.5
Mount Meru, the home of the demigods, is said to be
positioned at the Earths very center. Other ancient
peoples in their mythological accounts like that of the
Greeks, similarly describe their pantheistic gods as
living upon Mount Olympus. Reference to these
mountains is connected to what the ancient explorers
called Rupes Nigra, the black rock. Meru is positioned
beneath Dhruvaloka (the Northstar Polaris). One of the
most intriguing aspects of the Bhagavatam is the detailed
conveyance of the suns annual motion through the
zodiac. Like the Hebrew portrayal of the enclosed world
system, the Srimad Bhagavatam depicts the cosmology in
similarity to Solomon and Enochs description of the
suns transit through the six gates of heaven which lie
between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of

Likewise, as I have previously mentioned, the allusion to

Rahu and Ketu as what Enoch describes as the lesser
moon and what Rowbotham speculates as being an
invisible entity somewhere present within our cosmos,
which as dark body or object causes and can only be seen
during the lunar eclipse. That these unknown, unseen
shadow entities may be the objects responsible for the
occurrences of the lunar eclipses whenever they occur
within the heavens is an intriguing plausibility.

That sun passing through the north, through the

south or crossing the equator, is known differently
depending on its slowness, swiftness or equality of
movement. In its rising and setting or staying up in
different positions, it is making long, short or
equally long days while it as ordained moves
through the different signs of the [astrological]
zodiac beginning with the sign of Makara
[Capricorn] December 22 - January 19. (4) When
the sun enters Mesha and Tul [Aries March 21 -
April 19 and Libra September 23 - October 22, or
at the equinoxes], the days and nights are of an
equal length.

When it moves through the five first ones headed
by Vrishabha [Taurus] April 20 - May 20 the days
[first] increase [for Taurus April 20 - May 20 and
Gemini May 21 - June 20] and then decrease by
half an hour every month [depending on the

(5) When it passes the five months beginning with

Vris'cika [Scorpio October 23 - November 21] the
lengthening and shortening of the days and nights
works opposite.

(6) Until the sun moves towards the south [before
the summer solstice] the days grow longer and
until it moves towards the north [before the winter
solstice] the nights get longer. (7) Thus encircling
with an orbit before the Mnasottara mountains
[thereabout] of ninety-five million one hundred
thousand yojanas long, so the scholars teach us,
one on the east of Meru finds Devadhn, the city
of King Indra, south of it the one named
Samyaman of Yamarja, in the west the one
named Nimlocan of Varuna, and in the north the
one of the moon named Vibhvar.

At all the four sides of Meru [as the energetic
pivot] thus creating sunrise, sunset, noontime and
midnight, it brings about the particular times of the
living beings to be active or to cease their activity.
(8-9) Those who live in those places are by the sun
in the position of the middle of the day always
heated. It moves, turning left around the mountain
[Meru], from the point where it rises to the
diametrically opposite point where it sets. When
one locally no longer sees the sun in the sky
because it has set it causes the people to sleep,
while diametrically opposite to that place the
people are sure to have seen the sun rising which
because of its heat makes them sweat. (10) When
the sun in fifteen ghathiks [six hours] moves from
the residence of Indra to that of Yamarja it covers
a distance of 23.775.000 yojanas [a quarter of the

(11) Next it proceeds to the abode of Varuna,
followed by the realm of the moon after which it
returns to the place of Indra. Along with it also the
other planets and stars headed by the moon are
seen rising and setting in the celestial sky. (12)
Thus the vehicle of the sun god, which represents
the three Vedic principles [of uniting by karma,
jna and bhakti yoga], moves through the four
realms covering 3.400.800 yojanas in a muhrta.

(13) This vehicle has only one wheel with twelve

spokes [the months], six segments [the seasons]
and three pieces to its hub [four month periods],
which in its entirety is known as a solar year [a
samvatsara]. Its axle is fixed on the top of Meru
with Mnasottara at the other end. The wheel of
the chariot of the sun being fixed there rotates to
the mountain range of Mnasottara like a wheel of
an oil press machine. (14) Fixed to the base of that
axle there is a second one which, like with the axle
of an oil press machine, measures a quarter of its
length. Its upper portion is fixed to Dhruvaloka
[the center of the stars].

(15) The inside of the vehicle measures 3.6 million
yojanas long and a quarter of that distance wide, it
is pulled by seven horses named after the Vedic
meters [Gyatr, Brihati, Ushnik, Jagat, Trishthup,
Anushthup and Pankti] that, in order to carry the
god of the sun, by Arunadeva are harnessed to a
yoke as wide as the vehicle. (16) Even though
Aruna, fulfilling his duties as the charioteer, sits in
front of the sun god, he looks backward [not to
show disrespect]. (17) There, in front of the sun
god, the sixty thousand thumb-sized sages named
the Vlikhilyas are engaged in offering their
prayers, which they express with eloquence. (18)
So too fourteen others, viz. the sages, the
Gandharvas, Apsaras, Ngas, Yakshas, Rkshasas
and the demigods, worship with a variety of names
and different ceremonies, in seven groups of two
with for every month different representatives, the
Supreme Lord in the form of the sun god Srya, he
who is the life of the universe and who carries
different names. (19) The sun god thus traverses
the 95.1 million yojanas of the circumference of
the earthly sphere with a speed of two thousand
and half a yojana in about a kshana' - Srimad
Bhagavatam Canto 5, Chapter 21: The Reality of
the Sun God Srya

6 it goes along the whole south side by day and returns to the north
side by the path of the deep. Round and round it goes to the wind of
the northern side at the period of Nisan and Tammuz (i.e. the vernal
equinox and summer solstice) and on its circuit it returns to the wind of
the southern side at the period of Tishri and Tebet (i.e. autumnal
equinox and the winter solstice). - Ecclesiastes 1:6-7, Targum

Chapter 7 - The Suns Transit Between The
Two Tropics

Examining the 21st chapter of the fifth Canto of the

Srimad Bhagavatam, one can see that the movements
attributed to the sun in them also match chapters 71:1-
71:42 of Enochs the book on the courses of the heavenly
luminaries. The only real noticeable difference is that the
Vedic text begins description of the suns movement in
December after the winter solstice whereas Enoch begins
his description on the vernal equinox when the sun is
positioned above the equator. In both texts, the division
of the four seasons are determined by the suns circular
revolution as it moves upward and downward between
the Tropic of Capricorn and Tropic of Cancer.

The winter season begins with the December solstice

when the sun reaches the Tropic of Capricorn. Spring on
the March vernal equinox when the sun moving
northward assumes position directly above the equator,
dividing night and day into equal 12 hours portion.
Summer begins the moment the sun reaches the Tropic of
Cancer for the June solstice. Reversing course, it then
begins moving southward toward the equator. Fall begins
the moment it returns to the equator for the September
autumnal equinox, dividing night and day again into
equal 12 hours portion.

Its back and forth movement between these two tropics

over each of the two six-month periods of the year, also
represents the daily lengthening and shortening of its
revolution as well as the adjustment of its speed. All of
these details are revealed in great indication within the
passages of both the Srimad Bhagavatam and Books of
Enoch. The peculiarities of these motions as described
by both of these texts is also encoded within the Book of
Ecclesiastes but affirmation of such documentation has
been muddled, perverted, lost, and forgotten by most
modern English translations. Rediscovery of the real
intended meaning of these verses can be found in the
original Aramaic translations of the Hebrew Torah
contained within the Targum as I will show below.

[5] The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down,
and hasteth to his place where he arose. [6] The
wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about
unto the north; it whirleth about continually, and
the wind returneth again according to his circuits.
[7] All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not
full; unto the place from whence the rivers come,
thither they return again. Ecclesiastes 1:5-7, KJV

The sun rises by day from the east side and the sun
sets on the west side at night. And it glides into its
place going by the path of the deep, and it rises the
next day from the place where it rose there
yesterday. 6 it goes along the whole south side by
day and returns to the north side by the path of
the deep. Round and round it goes to the wind
of the northern side at the period of Nisan and
Tammuz (i.e. the vernal equinox and summer
solstice) and on its circuit it returns to the wind
of the southern side at the period of Tishri and
Tebet (i.e. autumnal equinox and the winter
solstice). It goes out from the eastern lattices at
dawn and enters through the western lattices in the
evening. 7. All the rivers and springs of water
continually flow into the water of the ocean
which surrounds the world like a ring but the
ocean is not filled and to the place is where the
rivers continually flow, they return there in
order to flow from the spouts of the deep.
Ecclesiastes 1:3-7, Targum

Notice first that while Ecclesiastes 1:6 in the King

James attributes the southerly and northerly
movements detailed in these passages to the wind.
The Targum maintains the continuity of such motion
to the sun as it transits back and forth between the
Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn
commenced in verse 1:5.

This slight variation has enormous implications when

it comes to understanding the complexity of the suns
motions. Comprehended, these movements attributed
to the wind in most translations are rather connected
to and detail in precision the suns circular revolution
above the face of the earth as depicted in so many
other verses and texts. It is for this reason that the
sun is described as having along the southern portion
of the earth an easterly to westerly motion. Reaching
the vanishing point it then returns from the West
towards the East along the northern side of the earth
until returning to where it began 24 hours earlier as
displayed in the previous image.

Examining Ecclesiastes 1:6 on, I

discovered that most modern English Biblical
translations of this passage like the KJV, associate the
southerly northerly motion of this passage to that of
the wind except one. Interestingly, the one that
doesnt, mentions as source the Targum connecting
the southerly, northerly motion of this passage to that
of the sun as do I. Remember of the Targum is the
oldest translation of the Hebrew Torah, being
converted into Aramaic during the 4th century BC as a
result of Nebuchadnezzars forced diaspora of the
Hebrew peoples. Predating the KJV by 2000 years,
examining the Targum for clarity on the northerly and
southerly motions described in verse 1:6, one will
discover in these passages a summary of precisely the
same motions attributed to the sun's motions through
the six gates of heaven as relegated by Enochs book
on the courses of the heavenly luminaries and chapter
21 of Canto 5 of the Srimad Bhagavatm.

Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible

The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about

unto the north... The word "wind" is not in this clause
in the original text, but is taken from the next, and so
may be rendered, "it goeth towards the south", the
sun before mentioned, which as to its diurnal and
nocturnal course in the daytime goes towards the
south, and in the night towards the north; and as
to its annual course before the winter solstice it
goes to the south, and before the summer solstice
to the north, as interpreters observe. And the
Targum not only interprets this clause, but even the
whole verse, of the sun (x), paraphrasing the whole
thus, "it goes all the side of the south in the
daytime, and goes round to the side of the north in
the night, by the way of the abyss; it goes its
circuit, and comes to the wind of the south corner
in the revolution of Nisan and Tammuz; and by its
circuit it returns to the wind of the north corner in
the revolution of Tisri and Tebet; it goes out of the
confines of the east in the morning, and goes into
the confines of the west in the evening.''

(x) Jarchi, Alshech, and Titatzak, interpret it of the

sun; so Mercerus, Varenius, Gejerus; accordingly Mr.
Broughton renders it "he walketh to the south."

Gill concludes his explanation that the sun moving in
semicircle across the South during the day returns back to
the East in semicircle across the north. And that it moves
northward between the Tropic of Capricorn and Tropic of
Cancer for six months of the year and then back
southward over six months of the year once reaching the
Tropic of Cancer. He then cites the many other translators
which like he and I also similarly interpret this passage in
this way. Description of the suns circular motion is
relegated in like manner within many other passages and
many other texts as I have shown.

The meanings of these passages have been lost to Biblical
scholars for at least the last half millennia since modern
humanitys embrace of the current dominate Copernican
worldview which claims that the sun the center of our
planetary system and that it is the earth which daily
spinning, annually orbits around it. The many passages
scattered all across the spectrum of the biblical narrative,
have individually remained a riddle to readers for very
long time. But taken in context together, and applied to
image of the earths circle as a clocks face as shown in
the preceding and following images. It becomes self-
evident that all of these scriptures are identifying the
suns movement as I have explained it within this and my
previous books. One can find a short clip of my
explanation of this motion in a video clip of an interview
that Rob Skiba and I did over a year ago when I released
The Firmament: Vaulted Dome Of The Earth.

Zen Garcia Plots the Course of the Sun Over the Flat

'Your lordship described how the most powerful god of the sun moves around Mount Meru and
Dhruvaloka leaving them to his right side, nd that he, with the different signs of the zodiac right
in front of him, leaves them to his left. What should we think about that?'

Chapter 8 Dhruvaloka and Mount Meru
In this chapter, I will share a portion of the fith Canto of
the Srimad Bhagavatam which like Solomon confirms
Enochs treastise on the 30-day movements of the Great
Luminary as it progresses back and forth between the 6
gates of heaven which lie between the two Tropics. The
sun reaches its northern limit approaching the central
pole which lies directly beneath the Northstar Polaris
called in this text, Dhruvaloka. Studying the following
passages, one will discover that these Vedic passages
mirror the conveyance of both Enoch and Solomon as
connected to this same area of investigation.

(1) The king said: 'Your lordship described how

the most powerful god of the sun moves around
Mount Meru and Dhruvaloka leaving them to
his right side, nd that he, with the different
signs of the zodiac right in front of him, leaves
them to his left. What should we think about that?'

(2) To that he [S'uka] clearly stated: 'Just as what

one sees with the movements of small ants
spinning around on a potter's wheel, who because
of their changing positions experience a different
orientation, such a difference can also be observed
with the movement [of the sun and the planets] in
relation to Meru and Dhruvaloka [the central
heap of stars and the galaxy center]. With the
stars moving around [that center], the two are
located at their right side, but because of the
individual movements of the planets led by the
sun upon that rotating wheel of time, the sun

and planets that are observed in different
mansions and constellations are evidently of
another progress. (3) He [that solar lead of time],
this supremely powerful Original Person who is
Nryana Himself, the Supersoul of the three
Vedic principles who is there for the benefit and
karmic purification of all the worlds, is the cause
sought by all saintly and Vedic knowing. He
divides the year, as He thinks fit, in its twelve
parts and arranges the six seasons beginning
with spring with their different qualities.

(4) The people here who, in respect of the threefold

of Vedic knowledge follow the higher or more
earthly standards of the status orientations [of
varna and s'rama], attain without difficulty the
ultimate benefit of life when they worship Him full
of faith with ritual activities and grow in the
science of uniting their consciousness [in yoga].
(5) He now, the Soul of all the worlds, who [in
the form of the sun] has entered the wheel of
time in a position between heaven and earth,
passes through the twelve divisions of the year
consisting of the months that are named after
the signs of the zodiac.

The scholars teach that they [according to the

moon] are divided in bright and dark halves or
[fifteen day] fortnights and that, following their
instruction, the six portions of its orbit called ritu
or season calculated to the stars each cover two and
a quarter constellations [thus one speaks of twelve
or more constellations]. (6) They also say that the
period of time the sun moves through [the visible]
half of outer space is called an ayana. (7) The time
that the passage of the sun takes moving
through both the spheres above and below,
speeding slow, fast or moderate, is in the
descriptions of the scholars, discussed as a
samvatsara [a solar year], a parivatsara [one
twelfth of a revolution of Jupiter], an idvatsara
[a day of the gods consisting of 360 solar days]
an anuvatsara [a lunar year comprising twelve
lunations] and a vatsara [a year to the ecliptic in
terms of the 27 lunar mansions or nakshatras.

(8) By the sunlit moon that is situated a hundred

thousand yojanas above [the earth] and is moving
much faster [than the sun], in the course of a month
[two 'fifteen-day periods'] a distance is covered
which takes the sun a whole year, is in two and a
quarter day a distance described which takes
the sun a month and is in one day a part of the
sky traversed which by the sun is covered in
fourteen days. (9) The moon, changing its phases,
waxes to the [full] part of the moon that is of the
demigods and wanes to the [dark] part of the moon
that is of the forefathers. In [about] thirty muhrtas
[a full day] per nakshatra one after the other
passing the lunar mansions, it with its waxing and
waning constitutes the division of the days [of the
gods] and the nights [of the forefathers] of the sum
total of all living entities. Thus, it is considered the
jva or essence of their life.

(10) This moon with all its sixteen aspects

[concerning the senses, their objects and the mind]
is by the scholars described as the Supreme Person,
the predominating deity of the mind, the power
source of all food who represents all the delight
in life. He is considered the refreshing, all-
pervading life breath [prna] of all the gods,
ancestors, human beings and all other living
entities like the mammals, the birds, the reptiles
and the plants.

(11) [More than] two hundred thousand yojanas

behind [the moon], there are [spinning] with Meru
to the right, to the many stars that by the Supreme
Controller were attached to the wheel of time, the
twenty-eight lunar mansions including Abhijit.

(12) At a distance of two hundred thousand

yojanas there about there is Us'an [Venus], the
planet that can be seen going in front, behind
and rotating along with the sun just as fast, slow
or with a moderate speed. It is of all the planets
the one considered to exert as good as always a
favorable influence in the form of rainfall, it by its
movements neutralizes the influence of planets that
obstruct rainfall.

(13) Another two hundred thousand yojanas

behind Venus, so is explained, Budha [Mercury]
is situated, the son of the moon. It is as good as
always working auspiciously, but during the time it
is not moving along with the sun, there is almost
always an increase of fearful conditions like
draughts, a closed sky and stormy conditions.

(14) At two hundred thousand yojanas outside of

our orbit one also finds Angraka. If it does not
make a curve it passes by three fortnights each, one
after another the twelve signs of the zodiac. It is as
good as always an unfavorable planet causing

(15) Two hundred thousand yojanas outside of

Mars one finds the most powerful planet of
Brihaspati [Jupiter] which, if it does not run a
curve, takes a year [a parivatsara] to move through
a single constellation. It almost always turns out to
work in favor of the family of the brahmins.

(16) Two hundred thousand yojanas behind it is

situated S'anais'cara, that takes a period of
thirty months to travel through a single sign of
the zodiac. Being that slow it takes an equal
number of years [30 anuvatsaras] to cover all of
them. It means almost always a lot of trouble to all.

High Zoom Stars Through A Nikon P 900 Camera

(17) At 1.1 million yojanas beyond that planet are
situated the [seven] great sages [represented by
the seven stars of the Great Bear, Ursa Major]
who always consider the good fortune of the
inhabitants of all the worlds. They clockwise
circumambulate the transcendental abode of the
Supreme Lord Vishnu [the center of the stars].'
Canto 5, Srimad Bhagavatam, Chapter 22: The
movement of the Planets and their Considered Effects

The placement and movements of these seven heavenly

luminaries on the concentric rings which divide the
vaulted sky correspond distinctly to the seven heavens
revealed by Enoch, Isaiah, and other mystical teachings.
They are also linked in variation to the three heavens
mentioned by Paul in 2 Corinthians. The astronomical
aspects of the esoteric influences of the sun, moon,
Mercury, Mars, Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter upon the
world but especially those born at a certain time is the
pseudoscientific basis of astrology and the predictive
nature of horoscopes.

These seven domineering luminaries the sun, moon, and

five wandering stars are listed in various wisdom
traditions as having an intrinsic and imbuing effect upon
the earths creatures, peoples, and even upon the plants.
Some of the healing and even detrimental properties of
certain plants are proposed to be delivered possibly by
the rays of either the sun, the moon, or a combination of
both. Allusion to the influences of the stars upon the lives
of the inhabitants of the world is also hinted to in the
story of Job and elaborately cited in the treastise of
Jerahmeels Chronicles.
[31] Canst thou bind the sweet influences of
Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? [32] Canst
thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or canst
thou guide Arcturus with his sons? [33] Knowest
thou the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the
dominion thereof in the earth? Job 38:31-33
(1) The following seven planets God created and
placed in order in the firmament for the benefit of
the world; for by means of them people calculate
the signs, seasons, and astronomical computations;
the time of summer, the number of the hours, days
and months, periods and festivals (appointed
times), as it is said, 'They shall be for signs, for
seasons, for days and for years.' (2) The seven days
of the week are called after the seven planets, the
Sun, Venus, Mercury, the Moon, Saturn, Jupiter,
and Mars. On the first day Sol, i.e. the sun, rules,
and this day is called Zondakh. On the second day
the moon serves; it is called Luna, therefore the
second day is called Lunedi, i.e., Mondakh. On the
third day Mars serves; it is called Mar, hence
Mardi, i.e., Diensdakh. On the fourth day
Mercury, or Marcurios, serves, therefore it is called
Markusdi, i.e., Godansdakh. On the fifth day
Jupiter serves; it is called Iovis, hence Iovisdi, i.e.,
Donnersdakh. On the sixth day Venus, i.e., Veneri,
serves, therefore the day is called Vindredi, that is
Vredakh. On the seventh day Saturnus serves,
therefore the day is called Sabbatdi, i.e., Satuldakh.
(3) In what order are they placed in heaven? They
are distributed there as sun and moon and the five
planets. The firmament is divided into seven
degrees, one above the other. There are seven
distinct places for these seven planets; and this is
their order: (4) The first degree is near the earth,
and this lowest degree is the habitation of the
moon, in which the moon makes a circuit round the
firmament. The second degree is the habitation of
Mercury, in which it describes its circuit in the
firmament. The third degree is the habitation of
Venus, in which it also describes its circuit in the
firmament. The fourth degree is the middle of
them, viz., the habitation of the sun, which
completes its circuit of the heaven in twelve
months. The fifth degree is the habitation of Mars,
which makes its circuit in the firmament. The
seventh degree is the highest of all, viz., the
habitation of Saturn, which completes its circuit in
three years. (5) This is the order of their work:
Saturn is appointed over the poor and needy
women, over faintness and sickness, diseases of the
body, and over death. His appearance is like that of
an old man with a sickle in his hand. (6) Mars is
appointed over war (bloodshed) and the sword,
over the wicked, over slander, over strife, battle,
hatred, jealousy, quarrels, over warriors, wounds,
injuries, bruises, over fire, water, and destruction.
His appearance is like that of an armed warrior
with a sword in his right hand, and he appears like
a man of wrath and a stirrer up of strife. Wherever
he turns wickedness ensues; he looks terrible in his
coat of mail, and with the spear which he bears in
his left hand. (7) Jupiter is appointed over life,
peace and good, over prosperity, tranquillity, joy,
pleasant conversation, rejoicings, riches, greatness,
sovereignty and majesty. His appearance is like
that of a valiant and noble-looking man, and his
head is that of a ram. (8) Venus is appointed over
kindness, favour, love, lust, passion, desire,
marriage, the birth of man and animals, the fruits
of the earth and the fruits of the tree. Its form is
that of a young girl beautifully adorned, and
swaying a branch of a tree in her hand. Mercury is
appointed over wisdom, discretion, understanding,
knowledge, and the active intellect enabling one to
unravel mysteries, to devise plans in every branch
of work, and in the writings of any language. Its
form is that of an old man with thin lips; he
possesses wings, and the lower part of the body is
like a dragon. (9) The sun is appointed over light,
to separate light from darkness, and through it to
enable us to calculate the days, months and years,
and to do every kind of work, to make any cunning
work, to walk any distance, and to migrate from
city to city and from town to town. The moon
holds the key of heaven and earth, and is appointed
over morning and evening. She is set over all
creatures, to lead them in the right or wrong way,
although she has no power in herself either to do
good or evil. But everything is done by order and
command. Everything was created by means of the
word of God. (10) Hence the Rabbis have said that
the orbit of the sun and the circuit of the moon, the
order of the stars, the arrangement of the planets,
the calculation of the circuits, the lengths of the
days and the division of the hours, which are at
first long and then become gradually shorter, are
all the work of God. Chronicles of Jerahmeel
HEAVEN is like a roof to the material world, and will serve as the floor of
the new world. It is by nature shining and glorious, and is the dwelling-place of
the invisible hosts. When God spread out this firmament, He brought up
above it a third part of the waters, and above these is the heaven of light and
of the luminaries. Hence people say 'the heaven, and the heaven of heavens5';
for we call both the firmament and the waters which are above it 'heaven.'
Some consider that the verse 'Let the waters which are above the heavens
praise the name of the Lord1' refers to the holy angels and to our Lord's
humanity; but neither the Church nor the orthodox teachers accept this. -
Book of the Bee, OF HEAVEN

Chapter 9 - The Polestar Polaris

Though there are many chapters and verses which outline

the structure surrounding the Lord Gods throne, we are
never explicitly told where the heavenly temple actually
is. Comprehending the layout of the geocentric
cosmology, I believe one can then deduce through
scriptural inferences like Isaiah 14:12-14, where the Lord
God has actually established His mighty presence.
Conceptualizing the context of some verses in renewed
perception, we should be capable of deciphering through
them where His throne room is actually situated. Looking
into the topic of the mount of the congregation and
seeking for lost paradise, I convinced that one can
interpret exactly where the throne of the Most High is in
placement. Given one understands the Genesis narrative
attributing the Earth as footstool and encapsulated by the
firmament dividing the waters above from the waters
below, makes up the foundation of the heaven where Yah

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of

the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground,
which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in
thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my
throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the
mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I
will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be
like the most High. Isaiah 14:12-14

Breaking down Isaiah 14:12-14, one must especially take

notice of Lucifers proclamation to usurp the Highests
seat of sovereignty, he must establish his throne above
the stars and heights of the clouds above the sides of the
north also cited by Job 22:12-14. Grasping these
connections, one can deduce what the sides of the north
are and how it as structure ties together with both the
throne of God and the placement of the mount of the
congregation, allowing one to pinpoint exactly where on
the plane of the earth they are situated.

12 Is not God in the height of heaven? and behold the

height of the stars, how high they are! 13 And thou
sayest, How doth God know? can he judge through
the dark cloud? 14 Thick clouds are a covering to
him, that he seeth not; and he walketh in the circuit of
heaven. Job 22:12-14

The North is also location for the entrance, portal, and

opening which leads down into sheol as also mentioned
in Isaiah 14 in connection to the sides of the pit. The
Bhagavatam mentions this realm as the home to a
reptilian race of humanoid like beings called the nagas in
Hindu mythology. Enoch similarly describes the
guardians of sheol as being reptilian in nature.

1 I saw the key-holders and guards of the gates

of hell standing, like great serpents, and their
faces like extinguishing lamps, and their eyes of
fire, their sharp teeth, and I saw all the Lords
works, how they are right, while the works of man
are some (good), and others bad, and in their works
are known those who lie evilly. - The Book of the
Secrets of Enoch 42:1

The connection of the mount of the congregation with
Yahuahs throne and the vaulted domes central heights
is I believe critical to determining what Lucifer is hinting
to in Isaiah chapter 14. This locale is also called Mount
Zion, the place of assembly, and gathering place for the
divine council. Isaiah 40:22 details how the heavenly
curtain covering the circle of the earth form together the
shape of a Tabernacle or a tent. This clue is vital to
unlocking in concept what the sides of the north are
referencing with regard to the cosmology. Unpacking
this expression, one will see that the Most High is seated
upon the central heights of the vaulted dome. For it is
only at the North Pole as bullseye center of the Earths
circular plane that all directions come together in arch to
form the very apex of the heavenly canopy. Thus, why
this area is called the sides of the north.

The boundaries of the heavens touch the waters of

the ocean, for the waters of the ocean (Oqeanos)
flow round the extremities of the heavens and the
earth, and the extremities of the heavens are spread
upon the waters of the ocean, as it is said, 'Who
layeth the foundation of His upper chambers in the
waters.' The heavens rise to an immense height in
the form of a tent that is spread out, and mortals
stand beneath it; its extremity is below, and its
centre is above. This is the form of the heavens,
their extremity is below and their centre above, so
that all (God's) creatures, as it were, sit beneath it
as in a tent, as it is said, 'He spread them out as a
tent for dwelling therein.' Chronicles of
Jerahmeel, I

This postulation becomes increasingly clear and
intriguing when one begins to look into the extensive
mythological lore which associated to the Northern Polar
Region, cite it as a the spiritual home of the righteous and
Adam and Eves first estate. This area is believed to have
been the initial location of the Garden of Eden and
possible cradle for modern human development. And
while many believe such supposition impossible,
considering the dangerously frigid conditions of the
northern realms, the climate in ancient times was not as it
exists now but believed to have once been pleasantly
warmer according to ancient accounts and even some
contemporary scientific evidence. It is said that a wide
gaping hole surrounds the mount of the congregation and
that it is through this wide breach that the worlds oceans
merge together in mighty whirlpool. Through this
humongous funnel the seas make their way in descent

into the interior of the Earth. I will be expounding upon
this in the chapter on the oceans basin.

The truth of who we are and the uniqueness of the world

whereupon we live, has been largely distorted, muddled,
and belittled by the establishment of heliocentricism. The
profound connection we share with our Maker has been
lost, forgotten, and outright stolen from present-day
humanity. The widespread madness of the Copernican
system has blotted in misunderstanding the legacy of our
geocentric heritage.

And though many geocentric scientists, scholars, and

authors have opposed the radical brainwashing which
shifted the cosmological worldview of the masses, as
affirmed by the numerous titles which we at Sacred Word
Publishing have reprinted to make again available to the
public introspection. The larger majority are still
entrenched in the delusion that the earth spinning once
daily is part of a conglomerate of planets which most
believe are bound in orbit to the gravitational attraction of
the sun.

The author of this booklet has risked a tilt with

Science. That is a venturesome undertaking in
these days of ours where Science reigns supreme, a
veritable goddess before whom millions of faithful
worshippers bow their heads in childlike trust.
Science has become the masterword to conjure
with because it claims to have laid down a firm
foundation for a Weltanschauung (worldview)
which happily eliminates all those troublous
concepts of sin and guilt, of eternity and a
responsibility to an almighty God. Whoever dares
to touch this beloved and admired idol with an
unfriendly hand, with the nefarious purpose of
exhibiting its brazen worthlessness, must expect to
be caught up in the vortex of a crushing whirlwind
of fanatical vituperation. For Science with its high
priests and devotees is intolerant to the last degree.
FE. Pasche, 50 Reasons: Copernicus Versus The

Todays scientists have substituted mathematics for

experiments, and they wander off through equation
after equation, and eventually build a structure
which has no relation to reality. - Nikola Tesla

Though many have now awoken from the slumber of

such deception, most of the world still today support
belief in an infinite ever expanding universe; that the
earth in the grander scheme is nothing more than an
insignificant minuscule speck of dust; and that rather than
it being the center of the universal order, the sun holds
preeminence in the Copernican heliocentric paradigm.

Scientism has convinced the people of the world that the

Lord God doesnt have time to concern Himself with the
daily occurrences of our world and its people. They claim
His focus is pre-occupied by the demands of having to
oversee the countless other star and planetary systems
said to be scattered across the broad expanse of the multi-
verse and that He is too busy to monitor the happenings
of our world. Scientism has over these last few hundred
years, unbeknownst to humanity been I believe laying the
groundwork that God is an ancient extraterrestrial alien.
Lacking the omniscience of an all-powerful Almighty
Creator, they want us to believe that Yahweh Elohim, the
God of the Bible is not omniscient and therefore lacks
knowledge of all the occurrences happening everywhere
at once in connection with the occupants of all these
other supposed inhabited worlds. They are trying to
convince the world that God instead of being omnipotent
and all-knowing is rather a group of ancient aliens, who
possessing technology use and rely on it to monitor the
various colonies they have seeded in dispersion
throughout the universe.

The powers that be are trying to convince humanity that

the gods are an advanced technologically superior race so
busy traveling through the enormity of the multi-verse
that the attention of these beings is diverted from watch
over us, to involvement with the people of the worlds
where they are currently residing. The History channels
widely viewed Ancient Aliens series has persuaded many
that the extraterrestrials created us long ago in their own
image before leaving to explore elsewhere. Being
abandoned by them in a bygone age, those accepting this
premise believe that we are now here on our own. But
that these aliens left prophecy that they would return one
day to save us from ourselves at a time when life
becoming so confused, intolerable, and out of control,
humankind because of such challenge might not endure.

So powerful is their ploy, they have compelled even

Bible believers that because of the enormity of the
universe that the Lord God even with His angelic helpers
cannot keep tabs on the task of watching over all of its
peoples. And because of that many believe that God is
unconcerned with maintaining surveillance over the
totality of all these happenings. Thus, why ancient alien
theorists affirm, the Godhead currently standoffish in
demeanor when it comes to controlling or punishing the
perpetuation and propagation of evil in this world. The
reality is however that Yahweh Elohim is singularly
focused and narrowly minded upon the proceedings of
this world as there are no other earthlike planets, realms,
provinces, or peoples in existence to detract Him from
such superintendence. Just beyond the reach of sky, the
Lord God is from the very pinnacle of the vaulted dome
watching carefully over us.

Being fixed, unmoving, and stationary, Polaris shows us

where the Creator has established above its essential
height, the glory of the heavenly temple and the throne
room whereupon His mighty presence is contained. I
believe the reason why we see all of the celestial
luminaries revolving around Polaris as universal pivot is
because the stars represent the heavenly hosts which are
humbly situated in circular obedience before the highest
awaiting the bestowal of His commanding directives.

That the goodness of God may rule on earth as in

heaven, the Angels of Destruction are assigned a
place at the far end of the heavens, from which
they may never stir, while the Angels of Mercy
encircle the Throne of God, at His behest. - The
Legends Of The Jews I

I would never in any way doubt Yahuahs ability to

oversee an infinite number and variety of worlds and
universes, but I do find and take comfort, security in the
knowledge that we are the narrow focus of His scrutiny
and target of His exclusive consideration. That His
concern lies upon us alone as those made in His image,
and set apart as His beloved bride and prodigal child.

-Gustav Dore
As I watched the four creatures, I saw something that looked like a
wheel on the ground beside each of the four-faced creatures. This is
what the wheels looked like: They were identical wheels, sparkling like
diamonds in the sun. It looked like they were wheels within wheels, like a
gyroscope. They went in any one of the four directions they faced,
but straight, not veering off. The rims were immense, circled with eyes.
Ezekiel 1:15-16
Chapter 10- The Heavenly Host Surrounding
The Throne Of God

In the Book of Ezekiel, the cherubim are said to be part

of the heavenly host which surround the throne and
presence of the Most High God. They make up a portion
of the angelic choir which daily reports to Him the
prayers, behaviors, activities, and inclinations of the
people of the world. With such visualization in mind
could Ezekiels description of the wheels within wheels
and rim full of circling eyes possibly be the rotation of
the stars as they circuit around Polaris over the course of
the night? Think about it. If Ezekiel is looking up toward
the throne room of the highest and sees in vision the
vaulted dome above the heads of the cherubim, and
Yahweh Elohim seated on his cathedra; wouldnt such
vision essentially correspond to what we see now
revealed through time lapse photography?

Another visual observance which should not be possible
according to the scientific assertion of how the solar
planetary system came together in orbital accretion, is
visual observance of the sun situated above the face of
the earth especially at extreme northern and southern
latitudes. Considering the Earth is said to be spinning at
1037 mph eastward, the sun should never be able to
occupy a position where it can be perceived above the
face of the earth especially at extreme northerly or
southerly latitudes such as the Arctic and Antarctic
regions. If the sun is at the center of the solar system and
all of the planets spinning counterclockwise are drawn
eastward tugged by its supposed gravitational pull, how
is it that the sun can be witnessed moving in full circle
above the Arctic region during the summer solstice as
documented by so many over the course of hundreds of

Being that these areas of extreme latitude are claimed by
globalists to crown the top and cover the very bottom of
the supposed sphere of the earth, how could the sun ever
be in such worldview even when factoring in the wobble
and supposed 23.4 inclination of the earth, able to
assume a position where it is located above the face of
the earth at these extreme northern or southern latitudes.

And yet during and near the summer solstice, the sun can
be seen above the tundra of this Arctic region over the
course of multiple days moving in circular revolution. It
will remain above the horizontal plane never breaking or
dipping below the surrounding landscape for up to 72
hours. If the other stars were not obstructed by the
brightness of the sun, they would collectively trail it,
moving in tangent at the same velocity with the sun as
seen in time lapse photography of star trails over the
course of a night. It is I believe the observance of this
phenomenon in such manner which has for thousands of
years been biblically encoded into not just the prophet
Ezekiels description of such motion but so many others
as I am bringing forth throughout the chapters of this

As I watched the four creatures, I saw something

that looked like a wheel on the ground beside each
of the four-faced creatures. This is what the wheels
looked like: They were identical wheels, sparkling
like diamonds in the sun. It looked like they were
wheels within wheels, like a gyroscope. They
went in any one of the four directions they faced,
but straight, not veering off. The rims were
immense, circled with eyes. When the living
creatures went, the wheels went; when the living
creatures lifted off, the wheels lifted off. Wherever
the spirit went, they went, the wheels sticking right
with them, for the spirit of the living creatures was
in the wheels. When the creatures went, the wheels
went; when the creatures stopped, the wheels
stopped; when the creatures lifted off, the wheels
lifted off, because the spirit of the living creatures
was in the wheels.

Over the heads of the living creatures was
something like a dome, shimmering like a sky
full of cut glass, vaulted over their heads. Under
the dome one set of wings was extended toward the
others, with another set of wings covering their
bodies. When they moved I heard their wingsit
was like the roar of a great waterfall, like the voice
of The Strong God, like the noise of a battlefield.
When they stopped, they folded their wings.

And then, as they stood with folded wings, there

was a voice from above the dome over their heads.
Above the dome there was something that
looked like a throne, sky-blue like a sapphire,
with a humanlike figure towering above the
throne. From what I could see, from the waist up
he looked like burnished bronze and from the waist
down like a blazing fire. Brightness everywhere!
The way a rainbow springs out of the sky on a
rainy daythats what it was like. It turned out to
be the Glory of God! - Ezekiel 1:15-28

Considering what Ezekiel is referencing in this chapter
with the wheels within the wheels being right below the
domed firmament, does it not make better sense that what
he is describing is the movements of the stars as they
circle around Polaris. Perhaps the Lord God showed him
in vision what we are contemporarily able to see through
time-lapse photography as nightly star trails. Could it be
possible and wouldnt it make much more sense that
Ezekiels description of the heavenly hosts, the living
entities which form the rim of eyes or the wheels within
wheels, correspond to the courses of the heavenly
luminaries as conveyed by Enoch and others?

It seems to me that this is perhaps exactly what Ezekiel

was describing, and that these wheels are associated to
the revolution of the celestial luminaries as they
circumvent the fixed star Polaris. Considering this
revelation, is it not intriguing that Enoch likewise
describes the stars of heaven as living entities and the
embodiment of the angelic hosts assigned circuit around
the throne of Yah. Considering such relationship and
reviewing the context of Ezekiel prior reference, it seems
more plausible in a conceptual sense to associate the stars
with the Cherubim, Seraphim, and Ophanim which
encompass the throne of Yah. I also affiliate Ezekiels
description of the wheels within wheels to the seven
concentric rings which as degrees of separation distinctly
subdivide the tabernacle of heaven occupied by the major
planetary hosts.

I believe its significant that Ezekiel, Enoch, and others

like John link the phenomenons of the rainbow and the
aurora borealis to the throne and presence of the Most
High. As I reveal in my book on the firmament, these
occurrences are also linked to the sides of the north and
the mount of the congregation as are the appearances of
sun-dogs. All of them, I believe are linked in cause to the
refraction and reflection of light with the lens like
magnification and interaction of moisture and sunlight as
they bounce off and are divided in spectrum by the semi-
transparent crystalline nature of the firmament.

These observances lead me to another controversial
source which in similarity describes in confirmation the
location of Gods heavenly throne as surrounded in
transit by the celestial luminaries which revolve around
Polaris. The manuscript I will soon share also affirms the
circular motions of the stars in great detail.

Those of you familiar with my work, know that I read

and study all Scripture from every available source but
that I have no affiliation with any organized religion or
particular theological denomination. That being said the
reason the next quotation is so controversial is because of
its association with the Church of Latter Day Saints. In
my research I have read in examination some of their
manuscripts. Though I do not support or asscribe to
much of their theology just as I do not support or ascribe
to most organized religious or denominational views. I
do find that beding open-minded sometimes one can
learn something of interest from even the least expected
of all places. Regarding any books historical context, we
must always remain grounded in the Holy Bible as the
foremost authority and allowing the Holy spirit to guide
us in discernment, reveal to us as to what is leaven and
what isnt. I trust my relationship with Yahuah to guide
me in knowing whether something is false or true. With
such an mine I will declare that the LDS recognition and
elevation of Satan to brotherly and equal status with
Yahushua Christ, to be deeply flawed. The ancient
manuscripts assert the role and preexistential divinity of
Christ in creating the angelic hosts including that of
Satan. Though he was regarded as the first created and
foremost Archangel surpassing in glory even that of
Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. Satanael according to the
Gospel of Bartholomew, was manifest by the Son as were
all of the other celestial hosts. All things and beings as
cited in John chapter 1 were created by Yahushua Christ
as the Word, Memra, and logos of Yahweh Elohim.

28 For, indeed, I was formed (al. called) the first

angel: for when God made the heavens, he took a
handful of fire and formed me first, Michael second
[Vienna MS. here has these sentences: for he had his
Son before the heavens and the earth and we were
formed (for when he took thought to create all things,
his Son spake a word), so that we also were created
by the will of the Son and the consent of the Father.
He formed, I say, first me, next Michael the chief
captain of the hosts that are above], Gabriel third,
Uriel fourth, Raphael fifth, Nathanael sixth, and other
angels of whom I cannot tell the names. [Jerusalem
MS., Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Xathanael,
and other 6,000 angels. Lat. I, Michael the honour of
power, third Raphael, fourth Gabriel, and other seven.
Lat. 2, Raphael third, Gabriel fourth, Uriel fifth,
Zathael sixth, and other six.] For they are the rod-
bearers (lictors) of God, and they smite me with their
rods and pursue me seven times in the night and
seven times in the day, and leave me not at all and
break in pieces all my power. These are the (twelve,
lat. 2) angels of vengeance which stand before the
throne of God: these are the angels that were first
formed. - The Gospel of Bartholomew, 28

Another Mormon concept which I find to be ludicrous if

indeed this is what they teach is the declaration that the
Lord God is some kind of extra-terrestrial entity which
holding physicality birthed through multiple wives the
Angelic sons of God. The modern-day perpetuation I
believe of polygamist ideology by the Mormon church to
have been historically and even now excuse to practice
Talmudic pedophilic behaviors. Any sect of any religion
which routinely marries off 14-year-old girls to 50 and
60-year-old deacons as second or third wives are
involved in criminality and not religion. That being said I
do recognize as truth the concepts of preexistence and
election but not in the manner that they teach it. I believe
that one of the reasons these teachings are little embraced
is because these ideas have been hijacked and corrupted
by their polygamist leadership.

The Holy Spirit led me to revelation on these concepts

long before I even knew the LDS church taught such
concept. One does not in any manner need to go outside
of the canonical materials to understand this teaching as
biblical. One can find mention of preexistence in these
Bible passages - Jeremiah 1:4-5, Ephesians 1, 2 Timothy
1, Psalms 82, and John 10, 17.
I take my stance and beliefs from the ancient manuscripts
and source my opinions from them alone. One of the
reasons I avoid attending a particular church for worship
and assembly, is because I find the mannerisms of most
organized churches to be skewed by internal politics
rather than a devotion to Christian values. I find the
faade to be contradictory to what I see directly reflected
in the ancient manuscripts as example to walking the
narrow way in being pious and sanctified in observing the
Torah, Commandments, and truth of Christ.

In such regard, most religious institutions fall short in

adhering to the directives exemplified by the life of the
apostles in following the ways and demeanor of Christ.
Consider that the majority of mainstream churchianity
believe their salvation secure no matter what they do.
That they will be counted with the wheat at the end of
days no matter if they live sinful lives, so long as they
attend church every Sunday. Yet Christ Himself in
Matthew 7 teaches that many of those that believe they
are the elect of God are when it matters most, the day of
judgment excluded from inclusion in His kingdom.

[13] Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate,

and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and
many there be which go in thereat: [14] Because strait
is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto
life, and few there be that find it. [15] Beware of false
prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but
inwardly they are ravening wolves. [16] Ye shall
know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of
thorns, or figs of thistles? [17] Even so every good
tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree
bringeth forth evil fruit. [18] A good tree cannot
bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring
forth good fruit. [19] Every tree that bringeth not
forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
[20] Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
[21] Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord,
shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that
doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. [22]
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we
not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have
cast out devils? and in thy name done many
wonderful works? [23] And then will I profess unto
them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work
iniquity. Matthew 7:13-23

Truthfully the elect is but a few, a small minority.

Yahushua said I will call you one from 1000, 2 from
10,000. This means that the majority of those that
believe themselves included with the elect, are deceived
and only fooling themselves.

23. Jesus said, "I shall choose you, one from a

thousand and two from ten thousand, and they will
stand as a single one." - The Gospel of Thomas

These passages and so many others affirm that most of

the body of Christ as led by the intercessories of the flock
that do not even read their Bibles and only look to some
other for interpretation and explanation of the gospel, are
affirmed in Scripture as being lead astray by those that
they look to for answer.

[1] Nevertheless as coming the tokens, behold, the
days shall come, that they which dwell upon earth
shall be taken in a great number, and the way of truth
shall be hidden, and the land shall be barren of faith.
4 Ezra 5:1

21. And afterwards, on the eve of His approach, His

disciples will forsake the teachings of the Twelve
Apostles, and their faith, and their love and their
purity. 22. And there will be much contention on the
eve of [His advent and] His approach. 23. And in
those days many will love office, though devoid of
wisdom. 24. And there will be many lawless elders,
and shepherds dealing wrongly by their own sheep,
and they will ravage (them) owing to their not having
holy shepherds. 25. And many will change the
honour of the garments of the saints for the garments
of the covetous, and there will be much respect of
persons in those days and lovers of the honour of this
world. 26. And there will be much slander and
vainglory at the approach of the Lord, and the Holy
Spirit will withdraw from many. 27. And there will
not be in those days many prophets, nor those who
speak trustworthy words, save one here and there in
divers places,

28. On account of the spirit of error and fornication

and of vainglory, and of covetousness, which shall be
in those, who will be called servants of that One and
in those who will receive that One. 29. And there
will be great hatred in the shepherds and elders
towards each other. 30. For there will be great
jealousy in the last days; for every one will say what
is pleasing in his own eyes. 31. And they will make
of none effect the prophecy of the prophets which
were before me, and these my visions also will they
make of none effect, in order to speak after the
impulse of their own hearts. - Ascension of Isaiah

To those of you that look up to and allow certified

seminary teachers to establish the fundamentals of your
faith and to interpret the Scriptures for you, how can one
be confident that they are guiding you to truth? Why not
read the Scriptures in studying to show oneself approved
as the gospel commands when seeking revelation on a
doctrinal query, conundrum, and teaching? Considering
the ramifications of eternal inheritance and the possibility
of being excluded from salvation, why would anybody
trust anyone else with the importance of such research?
Given that our eternity is dependent upon this issue,
would one not consider study of the Scriptures to be the
most important tasks that one can be engaged in, and that
we are all individually responsible for being informed
and knowledgeable on Gods instruction to each of us as
to how to secure eternity through Christ? It is for this
reason that I choose to examine the teachings and
testimonies which are ascribed to our King and Lord as
dictated by those directly witness to His mission,
exploits, ministry, and accomplishments. It is also for
this reason that I prefer to study even the extra-biblical
accounts of those that knew Him best and most directly
as Savior and Messiah; not allowing anybody to intercede
for me on the interpretations of truth and faith.

Concerning preexistence and election, I am aware that
most mainstream Christians do not at all adhere to these
principles, predominantly because they do not recognize
them as biblical concepts which are encoded into the
canonical much less extra-biblical materials. Realize the
only reason I make mention of these topics here, is
because they are directly linked to the next quote I will
cite for affirming the layout of Ezekiels vision of the
wheels within wheels. This passage like the others
previously mentioned comports to Enochs description of
motions of the celestial luminaries. The end of this story
pertains specifically to election and preexistence.

1 And I, Abraham, had the Urim and Thummim,

which the Lord my God had given unto me, in Ur
of the Chaldees; 2 And I saw the stars, that they
were very great, and that one of them was
nearest unto the throne of God; and there were
many great ones which were near unto it;
3 And the Lord said unto me: These are the
governing ones; and the name of the great one is
Kolob, because it is near unto me, for I am the
Lord thy God: I have set this one to govern all
those which belong to the same order as that
upon which thou standest. 4 And the Lord said
unto me, by the Urim and Thummim, that Kolob
was after the manner of the Lord, according to its
times and seasons in the revolutions thereof; that
one revolution was a day unto the Lord, after his
manner of reckoning, it being one thousand years
according to the time appointed unto that whereon
thou standest. This is the reckoning of the Lords
time, according to the reckoning of Kolob. 5 And
the Lord said unto me: The planet which is the
lesser light, lesser than that which is to rule the
day, even the night, is above or greater than that
upon which thou standest in point of reckoning, for
it moveth in order more slow; this is in order
because it standeth above the earth upon which
thou standest, therefore the reckoning of its time is
not so many as to its number of days, and of
months, and of years. 6 And the Lord said unto me:
Now, Abraham, these two facts exist, behold thine
eyes see it; it is given unto thee to know the times
of reckoning, and the set time, yea, the set time of
the earth upon which thou standest, and the set
time of the greater light which is set to rule the
day, and the set time of the lesser light which is set
to rule the night. 7 Now the set time of the lesser
light is a longer time as to its reckoning than the
reckoning of the time of the earth upon which thou
standest. 8 And where these two facts exist, there
shall be another fact above them, that is, there shall
be another planet whose reckoning of time shall be
longer still; 9 And thus there shall be the
reckoning of the time of one planet above
another, until thou come nigh unto Kolob,
which Kolob is after the reckoning of the Lords
time; which Kolob is set nigh unto the throne of
God, to govern all those planets which belong to
the same order as that upon which thou
standest. 10 And it is given unto thee to know the
set time of all the stars that are set to give light,
until thou come near unto the throne of God.

11 Thus I, Abraham, talked with the Lord, face to
face, as one man talketh with another; and he told
me of the works which his hands had made;
12 And he said unto me: My son, my son (and his
hand was stretched out), behold I will show you all
these. And he put his hand upon mine eyes, and I
saw those things which his hands had made, which
were many; and they multiplied before mine eyes,
and I could not see the end thereof. 13 And he said
unto me: This is Shinehah, which is the sun. And
he said unto me: Kokob, which is star. And he said
unto me: Olea, which is the moon. And he said
unto me: Kokaubeam, which signifies stars, or all
the great lights, which were in the firmament of
heaven. 14 And it was in the night time when the
Lord spake these words unto me: I will multiply
thee, and thy seed after thee, like unto these; and if
thou canst count the number of sands, so shall be
the number of thy seeds. 15 And the Lord said unto
me: Abraham, I show these things unto thee before
ye go into Egypt, that ye may declare all these

16 If two things exist, and there be one above

the other, there shall be greater things above
them; therefore Kolob is the greatest of all the
Kokaubeam that thou hast seen, because it is
nearest unto me. 17 Now, if there be two things,
one above the other, and the moon be above the
earth, then it may be that a planet or a star may
exist above it; and there is nothing that the Lord
thy God shall take in his heart to do but what he
will do it. 18 Howbeit that he made the greater star;
as, also, if there be two spirits, and one shall be
more intelligent than the other, yet these two
spirits, notwithstanding one is more intelligent than
the other, have no beginning; they existed before,
they shall have no end, they shall exist after, for
they are gnolaum, or eternal.

19 And the Lord said unto me: These two facts do

exist, that there are two spirits, one being more
intelligent than the other; there shall be another
more intelligent than they; I am the Lord thy God, I
am more intelligent than they all. 20 The Lord thy
God sent his angel to deliver thee from the hands
of the priest of Elkenah. 21 I dwell in the midst of
them all; I now, therefore, have come down unto
thee to declare unto thee the works which my
hands have made, wherein my wisdom excelleth
them all, for I rule in the heavens above, and in
the earth beneath, in all wisdom and prudence,
over all the intelligences thine eyes have seen
from the beginning; I came down in the
beginning in the midst of all the intelligences
thou hast seen.

22 Now the Lord had shown unto me,

Abraham, the intelligences that were organized
before the world was; and among all these there
were many of the noble and great ones; 23 And
God saw these souls that they were good, and he
stood in the midst of them, and he said: These I
will make my rulers; for he stood among those
that were spirits, and he saw that they were
good; and he said unto me: Abraham, thou art
one of them; thou wast chosen before thou wast
born. 24 And there stood one among them that
was like unto God, and he said unto those who
were with him: We will go down, for there is space
there, and we will take of these materials, and we
will make an earth whereon these may dwell;
25 And we will prove them herewith, to see if
they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their
God shall command them; 26 And they who
keep their first estate shall be added upon; and
they who keep not their first estate shall not
have glory in the same kingdom with those who
keep their first estate; and they who keep their
second estate shall have glory added upon their
heads for ever and ever.

27 And the Lord said: Whom shall I send? And

one answered like unto the Son of Man: Here
am I, send me. And another answered and said:
Here am I, send me. And the Lord said: I will
send the first. 28 And the second was angry, and
kept not his first estate; and, at that day, many
followed after him. - Book of Abraham 3:1-26

Reviewing the passages above, one can see that like the
other verses on Polaris, the Northstar Kolob in this text
is set nigh unto the throne of God. Motionless, Yah
has fixed it directly over the mount of the congregation to
be indicative of the heavenly thrones placement. Called
the Kokaubeam in this text, these celestials surround the
structure of the heavenly temple. Once conceived this
pattern can be found carefully preserved within the detail
of most ancient wisdom texts.
The seven concentric rings formulating the spatial layers
of the tabernacle which extends from beneath the
firmament to that of the earths circle, containing the
circuits of the heavenly luminaries, can even be found
described within the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The Divine Throne-Chariot

...The ministers of the Glorious Face in the abode of

the gods of knowledge fall down before him, and the
cherubim utter blessings. And as they rise up, there is
a divine small voice and loud praise; there is a divine
small voice as they fold their wings.

The cherubim bless the image of the Throne-

Chariot above the firmament, and they praise the
majesty of the fiery firmament beneath the seat of
his glory. And between the turning wheels, angels
of holiness come and go, as it were a fiery vision of
most holy spirits; and about them flow seeming
rivulets of fire, like gleaming bronze, a radiance of
many gorgeous colors, of marvelous pigments
magnificiently mingled.

The Spirits of the Living God move perpetually with

the glory of the wonderful Chariot. The small voice
of blessing accompanies the tumult as they depart,
and on the path of their return they worship the Holy
One, Ascending they rise marvelously; settling, they
stay still. The sound of joyful praise is silenced and
there is a small voice of blessing in all the camp of
God. And a voice of praise resounds from the midsts
of all their divisions in worship. And each one in his
place, all their numbered ones sing hymns of praise.
Before moving on I would like to highlight and also
comment upon the last portion of the quotation from the
Book of Abraham. Notice that in these passages, the
Most High says, 21 I dwell in the midst of them all;
for I rule in the heavens above, and in the earth
beneath, in all wisdom and prudence, over all the
intelligences thine eyes have seen from the beginning;
I came down in the beginning in the midst of all the
intelligences thou hast seen.

The latter portion of this text should be especially

intriguing to those of you that are familiar with my work
on the first world, antediluvian age and the differences
between the Genesis 1:26-28 pre-adamic humans and
modern humanity in Genesis 2:7. Lately many have been
inquiring about the variances of these two creation stories
and how the Earth destroyed in Genesis 1:2, was re-
created in Genesis 1:3 and onward.
This passage from the Book of Abraham alludes to, in my
opinion, our first estate involvement as the sons of God
with what the Bible in Genesis speaks about as the
reformation of the earth by Elohim. Our spiritual
preexistence though little realized is connected to this
term as applicable to the sentence of Elohim to
incarnation and human mortality in Psalms 82 as I will

When understood I believe this story affirms our having

been previously present with the Father and Christ
before the world that then was and that Abraham like
Jeremiah as part of Elohim was chosen for specific role
and mission before he was ever born. It then goes on to
describe how we as Elohim participated in assisting the
Holy Trinity design the previous earth age.

24 And there stood one among them that was like

unto God, and he said unto those who were with
him: We will go down, for there is space there, and
we will take of these materials, and we will make
an earth whereon these may dwell; 25 And we
will prove them herewith, to see if they will do
all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall
command them; 26 And they who keep their
first estate shall be added upon; and they who
keep not their first estate shall not have glory in
the same kingdom with those who keep their
first estate; and they who keep their second
estate shall have glory added upon their heads
for ever and ever. - Book of Abraham 3:24-26

Having created the earth in perfection and peopling it

with the pre-Adamic races, the decision of who would
serve the Father in redeeming humanity as Savior
Messiah as discussed in The Great Contest: War In
Heaven, is said to be the occasion which inspired
Lucifers plot to ursurp Christ. Once Yahushua was
ordained leadership over the angelic hierarchies and hosts
of heaven, Lucifer jealously connived a third of the
angels of the highest to join him in attemptin Christs
overthrow. With the promises of God-hood and
kingdoms to rule of their own, some enlisted and together
they declared war against the Holy Three. This conflict
led to the destruction of the first earth and world age.
Consequentially, the Rebel Angels banishment here.

27 And the Lord said: Whom shall I send? And

one answered like unto the Son of Man: Here
am I, send me. And another answered and said:
Here am I, send me. And the Lord said: I will
send the first. 28 And the second was angry,
and kept not his first estate; and, at that day,
many followed after him. - Book of Abraham

Following the conflict in heaven and their exile to the
earth, the Rebel Angels busied themselves with the
construction of those megalithic sites we see everywhere
scattered all across the face of the earth. They also
engaged themselves during Atlantean times in the genetic
modification, enslavement, and miscegenation of the pre-
Adamic peoples before tempting Adam and Eve. Their
engagement in such abomination is I believe the reason
why the Lord God formed modern humanity in Their
own image, establishing the basis for what would later be
the enmity between the seed lines as I described in the
second book of the Great Contest trilogy.

4 And I swear to you, yea, yea, that there has been no man in his mothers womb, (but
that) already before, even to each one there is a place prepared for the repose of that
soul, and a measure fixed how much it is intended that a man be tried in this world.
5 Yea, children, deceive not yourselves, for there has been previously prepared a
place for every soul of man. - The Book of the Secrets of Enoch 49:3-5

Chapter 11 Fore-Ordination: The Riddle
Of Preexistence Being

Though it is unnecessary to go outside of the Canon to

conceptualize the ideas of pre-existence and election,
these postulations are covered in greater detail within the
extra-biblical materials. It can be easily construed in
Christs allusion to Psalms 82s as cited to John 10. It is
this hypothesis that relates exactly to what is described in
the latter portion of the Book Of Abraham. Before
continuing, I want to acknowledge that I am in no way
asserting that the Book of Abraham an inspired text. I do
believe its assertion that humanity preexisted with the
Godhead and that this proclamation is connected to what
Christ said in this verse, Jesus answered them, Is it not
written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? John 10:34

Let me also make it clear up front that in writing or

speaking about pre-existence that I am in no way
referring to the concept of reincarnation which as an
ideology is linked in principle to many far Eastern
religions like Buddhism and Hinduism. These religions
teach that human beings and even certain animals are
cycling through physical embodiment and multiple
lifetimes to overcome through works their karmic past
(unlearned lessons of a previous life).

Adherents of these religions claim that once one can

comprehend and transcend into perfection the core tenets
of human instruction that one will then reaching an
elevated status, nature, or way of being, can then join
other ascendant beings in graduating from the wheel and
cycles of human life and embodiment.
Having done so, one can then graduate and go beyond to
higher teachings, embodiments, worlds, and spiritual
realm. Another common thread with these new age
theologies is that they all deny the pre-existent divinity of
Yahushua as a part of the Holy Trinity which created all
things. Rather they claim that He was merely an elevated
human teacher like Buddha, Krishna, St. Germain,
Maitreya, and other well-known NewAge instructors
from the white brotherhood. They claim that once one
reaches Nirvana as a state of awakening, or
enlightenment that all who achieve this status can
become an ascended master.

Even though I was wrapped up in new age teachings for

over 20 years, I now know these beliefs to be untrue, and
document in my seventh book Skyfall, the difference
between the preexistent Christ and others supposed holy
teachers. Yahushua as part of the Godhead was present
with the Holy Spirit and Yahuah before His incarnation
as a human man. He specifically came as God to redeem
us from flash and was God before He was ever man. The
rest of us created by Christ, pre-existed as angelic beings
before entering into the incarnation of human mortality
and therein lies the difference.

Reincarnation as New Age teaching is also tied in

concept to the denial of a coming judgment, reward, or
punishment as a repercussion for particular action or
behaviors. They believe that because one is cycling
through a lifetime and physical embodiment that
whenever one commits what we as Christians regard as
sin, one accrues karma which one can in future
opportunity work out, amend, and overcome. They claim
that any negative lessons associated with past behaviors
or actions must be remedied in the next lifetime before
one can proceed forward with a goal of reaching Nirvana
and ascension. NewAgers claim and act as if there is no
consequence attached to ones actions or behaviors but
only a lesson. One either learns or is forced to relearn
lessons later as one attains certain levels of enlightenment
in cycling through a myriad lifetime and physical
embodiments. Doesnt this theology resemble the lie told
to Eve in the garden? Surely you will not die but
become as the angels of God to know good and evil

My understanding of pre existence and election has

nothing to do with cycling through a lifetime or attaining
a point of enlightenment whereby one will then earn
escape from the cycle or wheel of human existence.
Biblical pre-existence is connected to the scriptural
assertion that we as incorporeal beings existed in
beautiful form and were known by the Holy Trinity in
spiritual embodiment previous to incarnating into flesh
form. Our real metaphysical selves preceded the
manifestation of our physicality. Our spirits predated the
moment when our parents making love fused their sperm
and ova together in union, beginning the conceptive
process which fashioned our human bodies.

The immortal intangible component of who we are, the

breath of life that was blown into Adams body, that
portion of us which goes forward to be judged by the
Father and the Son. Following our giving up the ghost
that part of us will be counted with either the wheat or the
tares. It is this invincible invisible, and an indestructible
portion of who we are Yahweh Elohim knew prior to the
foundations of this world. God willing, we shall be
worthy of being numbered with the eternal elect. And so,
when I reference the preexistent spirit and that our
immortal bright natures had been with the Godhead
previous to our incarnation into flesh form, it is to this
that I am alluding.

4 Then the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, 5

Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and
before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified
thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
Jeremiah 1:4-5

3 If there is no truth in men, let them swear by the

words, Yea, yea, or else, Nay, nay. 4 And I swear to
you, yea, yea, that there has been no man in his
mothers womb, (but that) already before, even to
each one there is a place prepared for the repose
of that soul, and a measure fixed how much it is
intended that a man be tried in this world.
5 Yea, children, deceive not yourselves, for there
has been previously prepared a place for every
soul of man. - The Book of the Secrets of Enoch

[7] For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of
power, and of love, and of a sound mind. [8] Be not
thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord,
nor of me his prisoner: but be thou partaker of the
afflictions of the gospel according to the power of
God; [9] Who hath saved us, and called us with an
holy calling, not according to our works, but
according to his own purpose and grace, which
was given us in Christ Jesus before the world
began, [10] But is now made manifest by the
appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath
abolished death, and hath brought life and
immortality to light through the gospel: - 2 Timothy

To prove these principles indeed biblical concepts, all

one must do is examine the context of the words of
Timothy, Paul, and Christ as they relate to in reference
our preexistent nature. For how else were we known and
present with the Godhead previous to our flesh
incarnation if we did not in some way hold spiritual

The concept of election spoken about in Malachi and

Romans, in my opinion, expounds upon how our spiritual
nature and previous relationships with the Godhead
determined in deeper aspect prior relationships with the
Godhead. And that it was these previous relationships
which resolved why Jacob was favored and Esau hated
before either had ever entered into flesh or had grown up
enough to commit any kind of action which would
rightfully elicit such favor or hatred. Once grasped one
should be able to see how election determined the
circumstances of our birth and familial situation.

My sixth and seventh books, Sons of God and Skyfall,

cover these topics in much depth for those that might be
interested in learning more. But before leaving this
discussion, I would like to explain how Psalms 82 and
John 10 connect to our current flesh embodiment here in
what is now our second estate. There are numerous places
throughout the canonical and extra-biblical materials
which perceived correctly convey this teaching.

[1] God standeth in the congregation of the mighty;

he judgeth among the gods. [2] How long will ye
judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the
wicked? Selah. [3] Defend the poor and fatherless:
do justice to the afflicted and needy. [4] Deliver
the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the
wicked. [5] They know not, neither will they
understand; they walk on in darkness: all the
foundations of the earth are out of course. [6] I
have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are
children of the most High. [7] But ye shall die
like men, and fall like one of the princes. [8]
Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit
all nations. Psalms 82:1-8

[34] Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your

law, I said, Ye are gods? John 10:34

Yahushua is in John 10:34 quoting Psalms 82 so as to

link our preexistent natures to the fact that we had
previous embodiment before entering into the carnality of
this dualistic world. We had been present with Him in
the heavens before the foundations of this world were
even established for habitation. In Psalms 82 we see that
death was levied upon the sons of God and that the
requisite to die like one of the princes was there first
imposed upon humanity. I believe the Prince mentioned
here is Satan. For it says in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 that
the fallen cherub Lucifer would as a result of his rebellion
against the Most High be sentenced to die as a man.
Being cast out and exiled to this realm, he and the one
third of the angels of the Lord God which joined him in
insurrection, were sentenced to death and for this reason
Satan is called the angel of death. They know that after
the 7000 years of reprieve they have been granted to
accomplish establishing themselves as gods, they will
then be annihilated as if they had never been. Prior to
this sentence being levied upon them, death was not yet
present as part of the creation. The proclamation that the
sons of God would be required to die the death of men, is
the judgment appointed to the Rebel Angels which set-up
the basis for life and death, the knowledge of good and
evil, and the experience of pain and pleasure in this fallen
world. Thus, why both Isaiah and Ezekiel describe
Lucifer being and dying like a man which aligns as theme
with the latter half of the quote that I shared from the
Book of Abraham:

25 And we will prove them herewith, to see if they

will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God
shall command them; 26 And they who keep their
first estate shall be added upon; and they who keep
not their first estate shall not have glory in the
same kingdom with those who keep their first
estate; and they who keep their second estate shall
have glory added upon their heads for ever and
ever. Book of Abraham 3:25-26

We were once collectively a part of the sons of God

which served in the divine council comprising a portion
of the angelic hierarchy which is centered upon the
Mount of the Congregation before the very throne of the
highest. The war in heaven which divided the celestial
hierarchy into the forces of light and darkness and good
and evil were the catalyst and instigator, for the
determination of election and our entrance into human
form for what we now know as one lifetime in the
endless journey of a soul.

[1] Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man,

whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou
judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou
that judgest doest the same things. [2] But we are
sure that the judgment of God is according to truth
against them which commit such things. [3] And
thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do
such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt
escape the judgment of God? [4] Or despisest thou
the riches of his goodness and forbearance and
longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God
leadeth thee to repentance? [5] But after thy hardness
and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath
against the day of wrath and revelation of the
righteous judgment of God; [6] Who will render to
every man according to his deeds: [7] To them who
by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory
and honour and immortality, eternal life: [8] But unto
them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth,
but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath, [9]
Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that
doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile;
[10] But glory, honour, and peace, to every man that
worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the
Gentile: [11] For there is no respect of persons with
God. [12] For as many as have sinned without law
shall also perish without law: and as many as have
sinned in the law shall be judged by the law; [13]
(For not the hearers of the law are just before God,
but the doers of the law shall be justified. [14] For
when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by
nature the things contained in the law, these, having
not the law, are a law unto themselves: [15] Which
shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their
conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts
the mean while accusing or else excusing one
another;) [16] In the day when God shall judge the
secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my
gospel. [17] Behold, thou art called a Jew, and restest
in the law, and makest thy boast of God, [18] And
knowest his will, and approvest the things that are
more excellent, being instructed out of the law; [19]
And art confident that thou thyself art a guide of the
blind, a light of them which are in darkness, [20] An
instructor of the foolish, a teacher of babes, which
hast the form of knowledge and of the truth in the
law. [21] Thou therefore which teachest another,
teachest thou not thyself? thou that preachest a man
should not steal, dost thou steal? [22] Thou that
sayest a man should not commit adultery, dost thou
commit adultery? thou that abhorrest idols, dost thou
commit sacrilege? [23] Thou that makest thy boast of
the law, through breaking the law dishonourest thou
God? [24] For the name of God is blasphemed
among the Gentiles through you, as it is written. [25]
For circumcision verily profiteth, if thou keep the
law: but if thou be a breaker of the law, thy
circumcision is made uncircumcision. [26] Therefore
if the uncircumcision keep the righteousness of the
law, shall not his uncircumcision be counted for
circumcision? [27] And shall not uncircumcision
which is by nature, if it fulfil the law, judge thee, who
by the letter and circumcision dost transgress the law?
[28] For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly;
neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the
flesh: [29] But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly;
and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and
not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of
God. Romans 2:1-29

[3] Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual
blessings in heavenly places in Christ: [4] According
as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation
of the world, that we should be holy and without
blame before him in love: [5] Having
predestinated us unto the adoption of children by
Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good
pleasure of his will, [6] To the praise of the glory of
his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the
beloved. [7] In whom we have redemption through
his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the
riches of his grace; [8] Wherein he hath abounded
toward us in all wisdom and prudence; [9] Having
made known unto us the mystery of his will,
according to his good pleasure which he hath
purposed in himself: [10] That in the dispensation of
the fulness of times he might gather together in one
all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and
which are on earth; even in him: [11] In whom also
we have obtained an inheritance, being
predestinated according to the purpose of him
who worketh all things after the counsel of his own
will: [12] That we should be to the praise of his glory,
who first trusted in Christ. [13] In whom ye also
trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the
gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye
believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of
promise, [14] Which is the earnest of our inheritance
until the redemption of the purchased possession,
unto the praise of his glory. - Ephesians 1:3-14

"I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out
of the world. They were yours; you gave them to me
and they have obeyed your word. Now they know
that everything you have given me comes from you.
For I gave them the words you gave me and they
accepted them... None has been lost except the one
doomed to destruction so that Scripture would be
fulfilled... My prayer is not for them alone [the
disciples]. I pray also for those who will believe in
me through their message... Father, I want those you
have given me to be with me where I am and to see
my glory, the glory you have given me because you
loved me before the creation of the world." John

And we know that all things work together for good

to them that love God, to them who are the called
according to his purpose. For whom he did
foreknow, he also did predestinate to be
conformed to the image of his Son, that he might
be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover
whom he did predestinate, them he also called:
and whom he called, them he also justified: and
whom he justified, them he also glorified. What
shall we then say to these things? If God be for us,
who can be against us? - Romans 8:28-31

In reviewing Jeremiah 1:4-5 and how the word of the

Lord, Christ knew him before he ever entered into the
womb of his mother and foreordained him to be a prophet
unto the nations. How could such testimony be truthful if
John had not existed until he was conceived in his
mothers womb? The Bible affirms that our spiritual
aspect predated our flesh incarnations and that not only
did we preexist with our angelic brethren but that
something we did prior conveyed the circumstances for
our being born into this world.

Consider the following verses in connection to the

ministry of Moses and you will find similar assertion is
associated to him as it is to all of us. Once one is able to
embrace such revelation one can apply the concepts of
Jeremiah 1 and the following passages to the assertions
made by Christ in John chapter 10 where he affirms Ye
are Gods. Quoting from Psalms 82, He was alluding to
are having preexisted with Them. And that He chose
many of us for certain role as determined by our election
during the first world age in how we reacted in response
to the war in heaven.

He spoke in the tabernacle to give (it) by Joshua:

saying to Joshua these words: '(Be strong) and of a
good courage so as to do with thy might all that has
been commanded that you may be blameless unto
God.' So says the Lord of the world. For He has
created the world on behalf of His people. But He
was not pleased to manifest this purpose of creation
from the foundation of the world, in order that the
Gentiles might thereby be convicted, yea to their own
humiliation might by (their) arguments convict one
another. Accordingly He designed and devised me,
and He prepared me before the foundation of the
world, that I should be the mediator of His covenant.
And now I declare unto you that the time of the years
of my life is fulfilled and I am passing away to sleep
with my fathers even in the presence of all the people.
And receive this writing that you may know how to
preserve the books which I shall deliver unto you:
and you shall set these in order and anoint them with
oil of cedar and put them away in earthen vessels in
the place which He made from the beginning of the
creation of the world, that His name should be called
upon until the day of repentance in the visitation
wherewith the Lord will visit them in the
consummation of the end of the days. - The
Assumption of Moses

Largely misunderstood only by understanding this hidden

truth does it then make sense as to why some are favored
and some are hated. Our angelic free will during the
temptation fall and rebellion of one third of the angels
which sided with Lucifer in insurrection determines in
the second world age whether we are to be born in
circumstance to the seed of the woman or the seed of the
serpent. Even then it is our free will actions over the
course of our life and whether we accept the grace of
salvation extended to us by Christ in dying on the cross
for all, Jew or Gentile, pagan or Christian, Adamite or
Kenite that ultimately determines whether we are counted

and numbered with the elect or that of the children of

[22] And almost all things are by the law purged

with blood; and without shedding of blood is no
remission. [23] It was therefore necessary that the
patterns of things in the heavens should be purified
with these; but the heavenly things themselves with
better sacrifices than these. [24] For Christ is not
entered into the holy places made with hands, which
are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now
to appear in the presence of God for us: [25] Nor yet
that he should offer himself often, as the high priest
entereth into the holy place every year with blood of
others; [26] For then must he often have suffered
since the foundation of the world: but now once in
the end of the world hath he appeared to put away
sin by the sacrifice of himself. [27] And as it is
appointed unto men once to die, but after this the
judgment: [28] So Christ was once offered to bear
the sins of many; and unto them that look for him
shall he appear the second time without sin unto
salvation. - Hebrews 9:22-28

[1] Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God,

believe also in me. [2] In my Father's house are
many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told
you. I go to prepare a place for you. [3] And if I go
and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and
receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye
may be also. [4] And whither I go ye know, and the
way ye know. [5] Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we
know not whither thou goest; and how can we know
the way? [6] Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the
truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father,
but by me. [7] If ye had known me, ye should have
known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know
him, and have seen him. [8] Philip saith unto him,
Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us. [9]
Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with
you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that
hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest
thou then, Shew us the Father? [10] Believest thou
not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the
words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself:
but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the
works. [11] Believe me that I am in the Father, and
the Father in me: or else believe me for the very
works' sake. [12] Verily, verily, I say unto you, He
that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do
also; and greater works than these shall he do;
because I go unto my Father. [13] And whatsoever
ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the
Father may be glorified in the Son. John 14:1-13

In the midst of the four countries is a Whirl-pool, into which
there empty these four indrawing Seas which divide the North.
And the water rushes round and descends into the Earth just
as if one were pouring it through a filter funnel. It is four degrees
wide on every side of the Pole, that is to say eight degrees
altogether. Except that right under the Pole there lies a bare
Rock in the midst of the Sea. Its circumference is almost 33
French miles, and it is all of magnetic Stone (...) This is word for
word everything that I copied out of this author [Jacobus
Cnoyen] years ago.
- Gerardus Mercator, 1577 letter to John Dee

Chapter 12 - The Sides Of The North
And The Mount Of Congregation

Heliocentrists promote earth as a globe with two distinct

poles for each hemispheric half, yet the ancient
cosmologies assert the earth as a horizontal plane with
only one central pole. According to the adventurous
testimony of many journeymen historically attributed as
having managed to go there and back, the region
surrounding the northern pole is a fascinating place
steeped in mystery and mystical traditions. Rumored to
be a massive lodestone peak taller than any other
mountain in the world. It is said to thrust so mightily into
the heavens that if the sun and moon circuited over it,
they would collide into its upper reaches. It is attested by
both Scripture and mythology to rise to even the very
throne of the Most High God and to be the home of the

Called Rupes Nigra, meaning Black Rock, adventurers

chronicle it as a 33-mile wide magnetite mountain which
protruding from the sea rises in pinnacle to form a
phantom isle. This Isle is said to be encompassed by a
massive eddy which fed by four divergent rivers, each
aligned to one of the four cardinal directions. This
solitary lodestone peak is identified by explorers as the
reason why the needles of compasses worldwide have a
northerly attraction. Its allure is said to be so captivating
that a wooden ship constructed of iron nails cannot even
with the mightiest of winds, escape its looming draw.
Many crews were lost as a result of their ships being
sucked down to their demise. The structure even plays
into the story of Odysseus, Jason, and Aeneas.
The Northern Pole

I will in later chapter share in fullness the eyewitness

accounts of some of the ancient explorers that ventured
towards and into these northern realms. Surviving return
journey, the courts of the Kings of England and Norway
are documented as audience privy to the relation of their
stories. Though much of this testimony has been lost to
contemporary study, there are remnants of their accounts
which cited in the memoirs of others have survived into
the modern era. Examination of this material can lead one
into some very intriguing speculation about what lies at
the Northern Pole as well as how it connects to the belief
that it as a region was once the cradle of humanity. Some
of these accounts connect with the rumored existence of
such mythological locations as paradise, the garden of
Eden, Hyperborea, Atlantis, Thule, Asgard, Shambala,
and others. I believe this area to also connect to Genesis
2s description of the garden of Eden.

In the midst of the four countries is a Whirl-pool,

into which there empty these four indrawing Seas
which divide the North. And the water rushes round
and descends into the Earth just as if one were
pouring it through a filter funnel. It is four degrees
wide on every side of the Pole, that is to say eight
degrees altogether. Except that right under the Pole
there lies a bare Rock in the midst of the Sea. Its
circumference is almost 33 French miles, and it is all
of magnetic Stone (...) This is word for word
everything that I copied out of this author [Jacobus
Cnoyen] years ago. - Gerardus Mercator, 1577 letter
to John Dee
Mention of this magnetite mountain I believe tantamount
to the Greek Olympus, Vedic Mount Su-Meru or Meru,
and in the Hebrew Bible as the mystical location of the
mount of the congregation which is spiritual Zion. It was
this exceedingly high mountain that Satan led Yahushua
when tempting Him and upon which John saw, an angel
come down from heaven, having the key of the
bottomless pit. This pit as I will also show is also located
at the north and it is from there that New Jerusalem will
descend at the end of days. From that central height, all
of the nations of the world can be spied in wide berth. It
was the sum of all of those kingdoms that Satan offered
to Christ should He just offer him a little homage.

It makes perfect sense to me that this mountain would be

the location for the unfolding of that event since all the
continents are distributed evenly in extension around it.
What better place would make such perusal possible?

I believe this area to also be the scriptural sides of the

north and the location of Jacobs ladder. Which when
one understands this it is easy then to conclude that it is
here that the sons of God converge in gathering to consult
with Yahuah. An upward and downward vortex exists
there at the mount of the congregation which the Angels
used to travel to and fro between heaven, earth, and sheol
when gathering together as the council of the mighty.

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of

the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground,
which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in
thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my
throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the
mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I
will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be
like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to
hell, to the sides of the pit. Isaiah 14:12-15, KJV

Now there was a day when the sons of God came to

present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came
also among them. And the LORD said unto Satan,
Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the
LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth,
and from walking up and down in it. Job 1:6-7,

God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he

judgeth among the gods. How long will ye judge
unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah.
Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the
afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy: rid
them out of the hand of the wicked. They know not,
neither will they understand; they walk on in
darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of
course. I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are
children of the most High. But ye shall die like men,
and fall like one of the princes. Arise, O God, judge
the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations. Psalms

The north is where Jacob in his dream vision saw the

windows of heaven utilized by the Angels in ascending
and descending movement between not only the earth
and the upper heavens but also from the earth down into
sheol. These different levels are password protected by
the celestial gatekeepers assigned to guarding them as
depicted in the Ascension of Isaiah. These guardians are
only allowed to permit those with knowledge of the
passcodes access into and passage through these upper
realms. They safeguard, limit, and prevent the Rebel
Angels and fallen watchers from intrusively ascending
freely into the higher heavens and areas which they have
been exiled in exclusion.

7. And I heard the voice of the Most High, the

Father of my Lord, saying to my Lord Christ who
will be called Jesus: 8. "Go forth and descent
through all the heavens, and thou wilt descent to
the firmament and that world: to the angel in Sheol
thou wilt descend, but to Haguel thou wilt not go.
9. And thou wilt become like unto the likeness of
all who are in the five heavens. 10. And thou
wilt be careful to become like the form of the
angels of the firmament [and the angels also
who are in Sheol]. 11. And none of the angels of
that world shall know that Thou art with Me of the
seven heavens and of their angels. 12. And they
shall not know that Thou art with Me, till with a
loud voice I have called (to) the heavens, and their
angels and their lights, (even) unto the sixth
heaven, in order that you mayest judge and
destroy the princes and angels and gods of that
world, and the world that is dominated by
them: 13. For they have denied Me and said: "We
alone are and there is none beside us." 14. And
afterwards from the angels of death Thou wilt
ascend to Thy place. And Thou wilt not be
transformed in each heaven, but in glory wilt Thou
ascend and sit on My right hand.
15. And thereupon the princes and powers of that
world will worship Thee." 16. These commands I
heard the Great Glory giving to my Lord. 17. And
so I saw my Lord go forth from the seventh heaven
into the sixth heaven. 18. And the angel who
conducted me [from this world was with me and]
said unto me: "Understand, Isaiah, and see the
transformation and descent of the Lord will
appear." 19. And I saw, and when the angels saw
Him, thereupon those in the sixth heaven praised
and lauded Him; for He had not been transformed
after the shape of the angels there, and they praised
Him and I also praised with them.

20. And I saw when He descended into the fifth

heaven, that in the fifth heaven He made Himself
like unto the form of the angels there, and they did
not praise Him (nor worship Him); for His form
was like unto theirs. 21. And then He descended
into the forth heaven, and made Himself like unto
the form of the angels there. 22. And when they
saw Him, they did not praise or laud Him; for His
form was like unto their form.

23. And again I saw when He descended into the

third heaven, and He made Himself like unto the
form of the angels in the third heaven. 24. And
those who kept the gate of the (third) heaven
demanded the password, and the Lord gave (it) to
them in order that He should not be recognized.
And when they saw Him, they did not praise or
laud Him; for His form was like unto their form.

25. And again I saw when He descended into the
second heaven, and again He gave the password
there; those who kept the gate proceeded to
demand and the Lord to give. 26. And I saw when
He made Himself like unto the form of the angels
in the second heaven, and they saw Him and they
did not praise Him; for His form was like unto
their form.

27. And again I saw when He descended into the

first heaven, and there also He gave the password
to those who kept the gate, and He made Himself
like unto the form of the angels who were on the
left of that throne, and they neither praised nor
lauded Him; for His form was like unto their form.
28. But as for me no one asked me on account of
the angel who conducted me.

29. And again He descended into the firmament

where dwelleth the ruler of this world, and He gave
the password to those on the left, and His form was
like theirs, and they did not praise Him there; but
they were envying one another and fighting; for
here there is a power of evil and envying about
trifles. 30. And I saw when He descended and
made Himself like unto the angels of the air, and
He was like one of them. 31. And He gave no
password; for one was plundering and doing
violence to another. Ascension of Isaiah, 10:7-31

In talking about this particular area and how it relates to

the portals leading up to heaven as well as downward into
sheol, please consider this vision as related by Enoch on
the mountain which rises to the throne of Yah and place
where the waters are there collected. It seems to me that
Enoch was also privy to the structure of this landscape as
it pertains to the earth, heaven and hell.

8I perceived at the extremity of the earth the

firmament of heaven above it. Then I passed on
towards the south; 9Where burnt, both by day and
night, six mountains formed of glorious stones; three
towards the east, and three towards the south.
10Those which were towards the east were of a
variegated stone; one of which was of margarite, and
another of antimony. Those towards the south were of
a red stone. The middle one reached to heaven like
the throne of God; a throne composed of
alabaster, the top of which was of sapphire. I saw,
too, a blazing fire hanging over all the mountains.
11And there I saw a place on the other side of an
extended territory, where waters were collected.
12I likewise beheld terrestrial fountains, deep in the
fiery columns of heaven. 13And in the columns of
heaven I beheld fires, which descended without
number, but neither on high, nor into the deep. Over
these fountains also I perceived a place which had
neither the firmament of heaven above it, nor the
solid ground underneath it; neither was there water
above it; nor anything on wing; but the spot was
desolate. - The Book of Enoch 18:8-13

13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my
throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the
congregation, in the sides of the north: 14 I will ascend above the heights of
the clouds; I will be like the most High. - Isaiah 14:13-14

Chapter 13 Jacobs Ladder

Not only is the North notably regarded in scripture for

its connections to the mount of the congregation, sheol,
and the throne and temple of God. It is also associated to
Atlantis, Asgard, Shambala, Thule, Hyperborea, and
many other mystical places proposed by legendary
traditions worldwide. The North Pole as center of the
earths circular plane, has numerous other anomalous
connections to such intriguing phenomena as magnetic
attraction, the midnight sun, and the aurora borealis. The
topography surrounding Rupes Nigra is quartered by four
rivers which converging together form one indrawing
sea. This indrawing sea creates a giant swirling funnel
which like a waterfall channels the worlds oceans into
the interior of the earth. Other times it floods outward in
geyser elevating the level of the open sea in higher tide.

This tidal rhythm creates the flux which science currently

attributes to the supposed gravity of the moon. I speculate
that even the ancient accounts of a sea monster called
Charbyrdis to be associated with this tidal vortex. This
desolate location is described by Enoch and Job as the
place where hell having no covering, the earth is hung
upon nothing. I believe this giant whirlpool or indrawing
sea to be the entrance to the bottomless pit. Thats why
John in Revelation connected to the release of the Locust
Army and portal where New Jerusalem cascades to the
earth. Also referenced as the abysmal chasm, it is this
hole which like a gaping wound exposes entrance to the
hollow earth. In the Targum it is called the northern void
which as structure begin the seven levels comprising
what we reference as the pit, grave, sheol and Tarturus.
While any of these phenomena would individually be
considered alluring in and of themselves, tied together the
mystique of this region is in my mind exponentially
compounded and deserving of study. Thus, in this chapter
I will begin introduction of the many intriguing aspects of
both the mythological and Biblical connections which
elaborate in greater detail as to why the North has been
regarded as a place of enchantment, compelling so many
philosophers, poets, and researchers to investigation of it.
I do recommend specifically that those interested in this
topic read Paradise Found, the Cradle of the Human Race
at the North Pole by William Warren.

To set the premise for this discussion I would like to

share some of the many scriptures which I have
discovered which specifically allude to the north as
location for not only paradise and New Jerusalem
(above), but also to hell and the great abyss (below).

Yet, before I begin elaboration on such premise, I think it

imperative that I share some insight into the work of
David LaPoint called the primer field experiments which
in construct depict the magnetic properties of our
enclosed world system as toroidal in shape. One of my
listeners George Cannon, God rest his soul made me
aware of this work. I have to admit that it is always
riveting to discover that others are being Holy Spirit led
to similar discernment on such topics as I but from
completely different angle and perspective. Our studies
are pieces of the larger puzzle which as witness confirm
one anothers concept of the electromagnetic nature of our
enclosed world system. And while I am describing from
Scripture and mythology the concept of Jacobs ladder as
vortex ascending both above to the temple and throne of
God and descending below into sheol and the interior of
the earth. David shows magnetically how the two halves
of this magnetically charged positive and negative system
interact with one another to form the toroidal fields which
create these two portal openings.

I recommend watching The Primer Fields documentary in

full, so as to make oneself aware of the concept of how
my work on cosmology parallels the toroidal fields
illustrated in this video presentation. I will not be
expounding upon the conclusions of his work here in
great detail, other than to mention how these primer field
experiments, depict scientifically how the magnetic fields
align in structure to the concept I will convey as shape for
our enclosed world system.

The magnetic bowls used to portray the metaphysical

properties of the enclosed world system predict the
existence of the vortex openings I have found alluded to
within the Scripture as to the structure of the earths polar
center. The following image will provide a visual
reference of the concept I will be establishing
scripturally. In a later chapter, I will show how these
openings tie into the differentiation between paradise and
the garden of Eden. Know however, that sometimes the
garden of Eden is cited as reference to paradise when it
actually alluding to the earth. In some of the ancient
stories, the terms cited in connection to them are in
certain instances interchangeable, yet comprehended in
clarity as I will show, paradise with certainty is always
connected categorically with the place of the righteous.

The home of the righteous is always connected to the

third heaven above the vaulted dome of the earth near the
heavenly temple where the throne of God resides. The
garden of Eden though sometimes referenced as paradise,
is most often a representation of the place where Adam
and Eve were banished when cast out of paradise. The
earth represents their place of exile where the above
meets the below beginning their trial of duality in human
mortality. It is here that the heavens and hell intersect in
dimensional overlap. The earth is the proving grounds,
audition for eternity and place where the sons of God
sentenced to death are all incarnating into trial by the
flesh. This struggle is the test, one lifetime in the
immortal journey of soul for determining whether we are
in serving Christ worthy for a return to paradise or
whether we in serving Satan are to be numbered amongst
the wicked and condemned to sheol.

Examining the many scriptures, I will share to form this
premise, it is important that one be able to conceptualize
that the gulf dividing the place of the righteous from the
place of the wicked is nonlinear. And though this divide
is often depicted as a horizontal gap, the right being the
narrow way to the place of the righteous and the left
being the broad way leading to the home of the
condemned. Paradise and hell are actually divided

It took me awhile to conclude that even though they are

referenced as being to the left and right of each other,
they are in reality dimensionally separated vertically one
from the other. In considering heaven and hell, I had
always assumed that the place of the righteous and the
wicked existed together at the third heaven. And that both
the home of the wicked and the place of the righteous
existed on the left and the right of a linear horizontal
plane. I had assumed that the Archerusian Lake was the
gulf which divided these two places and that the Angels
could travel from one point to another on the breadth of
this level of heaven in similarity as one traveling from
one country to another on the earth.

In the beginning, two thousand years before the

heaven and the earth, seven things were created:
the Torah written with black fire on white fire, and
lying in the lap of God; the Divine Throne, erected
in the heaven which later was over the heads of the
Hayyot; Paradise on the right side of God, Hell on
the left side; the Celestial Sanctuary directly in
front of God, having a jewel on its altar graven
with the Name of the Messiah, and a Voice that
cries aloud, "Return, ye children of men." That the
goodness of God may rule on earth as in heaven,
the Angels of Destruction are assigned a place at
the far end of the heavens, from which they may
never stir, while the Angels of Mercy encircle the
Throne of God, at His behest. - The Legends of the
Jews I

What I have since discovered is that the gulf dividing the

place of the righteous from the place of the wicked is
actually separated along a vertical axis. This postulation
makes complete sense when considering that heaven is
traditionally believed to be above us and hell below. This
insight is also I believe why paradise as the home of the
righteous has association with the third heaven, and why
sheol as the home of the wicked has association with the
interior of the earth. This revelation may seem
insignificant to some yet it was a huge aha moment for
me in tying together all of the information that I am about
to present on the nature of our enclosed world system.
Expounding upon the differentiation between the vortex
which leads into heaven and that which leads in the hell, I
will share many passages which connect the north to not
only Paradise, New Jerusalem, the throne of God and
direction for the return of Christ (above). But will also
share scriptural evidence tying the north together with
hell, the great abyss, the bottomless pit, abysmal chasm,
and direction for the release of the fallen angels, giants,
and locust army at the end of days (below).

Near the end of this book I will share a study on Paradise

which will clearly identify that indeed the home of the
righteous exist above the vaulted dome and that it was
from this place that Adam and Eve fell. Beguiled by the
nachash to eat fruit from the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil, they consequentially were bereft of their
immortal bright natures, sentenced to human mortality,
and exiled to the lower earth as concisely conveyed in the
First Book of Adam and Eve.

This ancient text more than any other account on the life
of Adam and Eve, captures the struggle they initially
underwent in trying to transition to a life of flesh. Once
punished by the Lord God for breaking the lone
commandment given to them when placed into His
garden paradise, their action caused the condemnation
which cast them to mortal lifetime here upon the earth.

It would be in this wilderness that the prophecies of

Genesis 3:15-17 would be fulfilled. Namely that Eve as
the mother of all living, would give birth to both Cain
and Abel bearing both the seed of the woman and that of
the serpent. Adam as the patriarch and caretaker of the
Cain and Abel, would have to work the ground to elicit
the substance he would need to sustain in caring for Eve,
Qayin (Kain whose name means acquired or possession
as in acquiring as possession a stepchild) and his son
Habel (Abel whose name means breath).

And Adam knew Hava his wife, who had desired

the Angel; and she conceived, and bare Kain; and
she said, I have acquired a man, the Angel of the
Lord. And she added to bear from her husband
Adam his twin, even Habel. Genesis 4:1,

Yahushua references Satans beguilement of Eve in

Matthew 13:25 as the enemy which snuck into the
garden, in 13:39 as the devil which sowed the tares. He
is the 1 John 3:12 wicked one, who fathered Cain, the
progenitor of the serpent-seed. In his rebellion to
overthrow YHWH the Father and the Word, the only
begotten Son, Lucifer mentions the throne of the highest
in association with the sides of the north. This
mention I believe to be indicative of the location of
Jacobs ladder. For it is in the North that the vortex or
gateway which leads upward to the heavenly temple and
throne room and also downward into the sides of the
pit is to be found. This portal is also related to the
mount of the congregation for as I have shown this
mountain is also located at the exact center of the circle
of the earth. His goal for the war in heaven was to
muster an army of angels to forcefully remove YHWH
and Christ from the heavenly regions so that he could
seat himself in usurpation on the very throne of God in
being like the Most High.
13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend
into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars
of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the
congregation, in the sides of the north: 14 I will
ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be
like the Most High.

Yet, notice how Yah responds to Lucifers declaration

15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the
sides of the pit. 16 They that see thee shall
narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee,
saying, Is this the man that made the earth to
tremble, that did shake kingdoms; 17 That made the
world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities
thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?
18 All the kings of the nations, even all of them, lie

in glory, every one in his own house. 19 But thou

art cast out of thy grave like an abominable
branch, and as the raiment of those that are slain,
thrust through with a sword, that go down to the
stones of the pit; as a carcase trodden under feet. 20
Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial,
because thou hast destroyed thy land, and slain thy
people: the seed of evildoers shall never be
renowned. 21 Prepare slaughter for his children
for the iniquity of their fathers; that they do not
rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the
world with cities. 22 For I will rise up against
them, saith the LORD of hosts, and cut off from
Babylon the name, and remnant, and son, and
nephew, saith the LORD. Isaiah 14:13-22

The Most High declares to him basically rather than
succeed in ascending through this gateway to steal the
seat of His authority that he instead would be cast down,
brought low, and forcefully removed to the pit of sheol.
His bloodline descendants, the kings and leaders which
had honored and worshipped him as god, when they
expire would wonder as to why they ever revered him.
Bound together for final judgment and condemnation,
they would regret being caught up in his deceit.

Psalms 82 describes, They know not, neither will they

understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of
the earth are out of course. It is important to understand
that this passage is relating that the banishment of the Rebel
Angels to the earth occurred when the earth was without
form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the
deep. The Rebel Angels were initially cast out of the
heavens and death brought into being during the first world
age. In the Book of Enoch, the Archangels Michael,
Raphael, and Gabriel are shown to be shocked at the
sentence levied upon the watchers for their rebellion against
YHWH. What is not depicted in most biblical literature
however is the shock, horror, and shudder of death being
pronounced against the Rebel Angels. The reason they
were sentenced to death is because they had part in the
destruction of the earth in Genesis 1:2. The war in heaven
led to the foundations of the earth being out of course
and the earth becoming without form and void.

Cast out of the upper heavens, Psalms 82 continues, I

have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the
Most High. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of
the princes. As the leader of the insurrection, Lucifer is in
the Hebrew called Samael, the Angel of death. He was the
first created being to be appointed to die the death of a
man as alluded to in the previous verse. The same
concept is greatly elaborated upon in Isaiah 14.

[16] They that see thee shall narrowly look upon

thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that
made the earth to tremble, that did shake
kingdoms; [17] That made the world as a
wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that
opened not the house of his prisoners? [18] All
the kings of the nations, even all of them, lie in
glory, every one in his own house. [19] But thou
art cast out of thy grave like an abominable
branch, and as the raiment of those that are slain,
thrust through with a sword, that go down to the
stones of the pit; as a carcase trodden under feet.
[20] Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial,
because thou hast destroyed thy land, and slain thy
people: the seed of evildoers shall never be
renowned. [21] Prepare slaughter for his children
for the iniquity of their fathers; that they do not
rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the
world with cities. [22] For I will rise up against
them, saith the LORD of hosts, and cut off from
Babylon the name, and remnant, and son, and
nephew, saith the LORD. Isaiah 16-22

We see in the above passage that Lucifer will be brought

down to the grave meaning that he will be killed. The
reason he is not joined by his children the kings and
princes of the world in burial, is because it is prophesied
that he will be consumed by a fire which beginning
within totally consumes him until he exists no more. The
manner of his death prevents him from being honored or
revered in burial by those who celebrate him as god. The
reason that he is in Isaiah 14:19, cited as an abominable
branch, is because his children comprise the half of the
family tree of humanity that is evil, wicked. His branch
of humanity are the tares, his children called here the
seed of the evildoers. When one looks up the words for
abominable and branch in the Strongs concordance, the
Hebrew words used there are:

Abominable - tab, taw-ab'; a primitive root;

to loathe, i.e. (morally) detest:(make to be)
abhor(-red), (be, commit more, do) abominable(-
y), utterly.

Branch - ntser, nay'-tser; from H5341 in the

sense of greenness as a striking color; a shoot;
figuratively, a descendant:branch.

The description of him as an abominable branch is

directly related to his beguilement of Eve as a serpentine
enchanter. Eves eating of the fruit from the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil is as related in Isaiah 14
alluded to by Christ in Matthew 13:24-26.

[24] Another parable put he forth unto them, saying,

The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which
sowed good seed in his field: [25] But while men
slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the
wheat, and went his way. [26] But when the blade
was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared
the tares also. - Matthew 13:24-26

The fruit is metaphor for Eves impregnation with Cain

the firstborn son of the devil. He is the patriarch of the
seed of the evildoers. Mainstream Christians do not
understand that Samael, the angel of death, also called
Satan the adversary, fathered a people here on the earth
which are completely dissimilar to the sons of Adam.
Those interested in more information on this very
controversial topic, can look to my 4th book Lucifer -
Father of Cain and especially my 12th and latest book,
The Great Contest II: Enmity Between The Seed-lines,
for a complete breakdown of the particulars associated to
this revelation.

The variance between the wheat and the tares as the

children of promise and the children of perdition is
interwoven throughout Scripture. It is explained by
Yahushua specifically in Matthew 13 and Yahweh in
Isaiah 14. The cosmological structure of heaven, earth,
and hell as enclosed world system are linked in division
to the existence of these two seed-lines. Paradise has
been established as a home of rest for the righteous elect
and sheol a place of condemnation for the wicked. The
parable of the kingdom shows that the Angels are
surprised by the sudden appearance of the tares amongst
the wheat and wanting to root and gather them up asked
Christ for such permission and were told:

An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto

him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?
[29] But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the
tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. [30]
Let both grow together until the harvest: and in
the time of harvest I will say to the reapers,
Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them
in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat
into my barn. - Matthew 13:28-30

This means that just as Satan and the one third of the
angels which rebelled with him were given a reprieve of
7000 years, so are his children also spared from
immediate destruction for this duration of time. Isaiah
identifies them the tares as the seed of the evildoers.
As teaching their first appearance is connected to the
enmity began in Genesis 3:15, which following up the
war in heaven continued the battles waged between Satan
and Christ through the children of Cain and the children
of Adam. The contention of the seed of the serpent and
the seed of the woman was renewed post-flood between
Israel and Canaannite giants. Yahushuas decree to allow
both people groups to grow together until the time of the
end, is reason why the angst between these two seed lines
continues unabated even in this day and age.

It is also the reason why the Most High has preserved a

remnant of their seed, never completely annihilated them
as a people when He has periodically brought judgment
upon them throughout the ages. He has on numerous
occasions (the Katabole, destruction of Atlantis, Noahs
flood, annihilation of Canaan) decreed judgment against
the seed of the abominable branch, as reflected in Isaiah
14:21-22 and paraphrased below:

Prepare slaughter for his (Lucifers) children as
the seed of evildoers shall never be renowned but
will be punished for the iniquity of their fathers;
that they will not be allowed to rise up and fill the
face of the earth with cities, that He will in fact rise
up against them in cutting off the name, and
remnant of this abhorred people.

The polarization of the two ends of the enclosed world

represents the disparaging existence of these two peoples.
Jacobs vision of the ladder used by the Angels to ascend
and descend in passing through the various levels of
heaven and hell, demarcates the division of creation into
the domains of light and darkness, good and evil. The
ongoing Great Contest being conducted between the
forces of the Holy Trinity and demonic forces of Legion
for the souls of humanity is also directly related to the
differentiation between these two people groups. This
distinction is also why we as a mixed multitude are
subject to duplicity of this time space dimensionality. Our
eternal inheritance and whether we will be restored to our
former estate or annihilated as if we had never been is
also intertwined with this temporary dual nature.

The vortex in the void of the north points to both heaven

and hell. The ascending portion rises into the heavenly
temple and throne of God where new Jerusalem and
paradise currently reside. The descending portion
extending down into the domain of the evil one. The
upper heavens like the netherworld is subdivided by 7
regions. These regions are established based upon
whether one will be rewarded or punished for the
inclinations and behaviors which one performed during
the course of life especially if one did not accept Christ as
Savior Messiah. His blood covers in forgiveness the
sinful actions of those that later being born again go forth
to sin no more. It is in these regions that the wicked are
afflicted in varying degree of torture and the righteous
blessed in varying degrees of rest as described in legend
by the Apocalypse of Peter and Zephaniah, the Vision of
Paul, and other stories such as Dantes Inferno.
Surrounded by angels in grand procession, Yahweh
Elohim rules in the heavens above the vaulted dome of
the earth at the height of heights. The lower realms have
been temporarily given over to Satan and the hordes of
demons, which assist him in controlling the seven lower
regions of the netherworld called in the Hebrew sheol. It
is the word which we in English derive Hell.

There are many terms attributed to these varying levels as

I described in the first chapter on the design of creation.
The Hebrew or Greek terms genna, gheh'-en-nah;
meaning the valley of (the son of) Hinnom; ge-henna (or
Ge-Hinnom), a valley of Jerusalem, used (figuratively) as a
name for the place (or state) of everlasting punishment is
one definition applied to hell. Also referenced as
shwl, sheh-ole'; or shl; this word means (the pit or
grave) hades or the world of the dead (as if a subterranean
retreat), including its accessories and inmates:grave, hell,
pit. The Greek word, byssos, ab'-us-sos
(bottomless); from G1 (as a negative particle) and a
variation of G1037; depthless, i.e. (specially) (infernal)
"abyss": is also linked to the idea of a deep and bottomless
pit. Another Greek word tartar, tar-tar-o'-o;
from Trtaros (the deepest abyss of Hades); to
incarcerate in eternal torment:cast down as translated
hell in 2 Peter 2:4 is meant to imply in meaning the
deepest abyss of Hades. Believed to be the location for
where the fallen Angels and possibly some of their giant
children are being held. Like a maximum-security ward
of a prison, it is acknowledged in Dantes Inferno as the
place where the giants specifically are held in
containment in the very lowest levels of hell. Each of
these terms reference in concept a portion of the
netherworld reflecting individually upon the various
levels of it and yet each is also used collectively to
represent hell as an unified whole.

They are not towers in a circling wall,

But giants planted round the pit, that all
Show upwards from the navel." As the mist
Thins slowly, by the morning sunlight kissed
Till hidden forms show vaguely, and reshape
Their gradual outlines as the vapour leaves, The
obstructed air, the gloom, as near we drew,
Reformed my error with a closer view
More frightful. For the nether pit receives
Their legs and bellies, while the rest doth rise
Like Montereggione's towers, that crown
The wall's full circle. Upwards from the thighs One
monster faced me. Nature found escape
From such creation ere our time, and well
She chose her condemnation. Still Jove's frown
Against them thunders. If the monstrous whale Its
breed continue, or the elephant, They do not vainly
through their bulk rebel Against the rule of nature.
Wits are scant, And weight is harmless. When
they both unite What is there in mankind that
might prevail To make defence against them? -
Inferno Canto 31
This Materik is that Land of Dreams (Desired Land) which in
antiquity was populated by men and women of God, before they
visited todays known world. And while it was close to our world,
there were still chosen travellers who crossed between it and the
present day world. - Chronicle of Longinus

Chapter 14 The Thracian Chronicles

The next two stories that I would like to share in

connection to the northern gateway as portal for moving
back and forth between heaven, hell, and the earth, are
part of a legacy of work known as the Thracian
Chronicles. Those of you that are familiar with my work,
know that I am involved in supporting a project to bring
forth the work of Tsvetan Guidarski and his late brother
Dr. Stephen Guide as approved by the Bishops of the
Thracian Church.

One of the projects that we are endeavoring to complete

is translating and making available in the English for the
first time, the many stories which comprise the Thracian
Chronicles. These stories have only recently come to
light within the last decade as a result of the successful
decryption of the worlds most ancient post-diluvian
language the Thraco-Boharic script as decrypted by Dr.
Stephen Guide and Tsvetan Guidarski; as detailed in the
release of the predominantly Bulgarian three volume set,
The Thracian Script Decoded I, II, and III.

My friend, Alexander Kwasnik Beatus, a Swedish

linguist has for the last five or six years translated for me
some of the stories making up these very profound
ancient biblical accounts. I have shared the release of
these ancient texts on my Endeavor Freedom and Zen
Garcia YouTube channels. Those of you that are
interested, you can find audio portions of three of these
texts, the Book of Atam and Eua, the Chronicles of
Longinus, and recently a portion of the Book of Navi
under the playlist Thracian Chronicles.
The reason this information and these stories are so very
important is because 1) they prove the language and
culture of the Thracians as most ancient post Noahic
flood peoples. And being Christian that they historically
ruled over a wide empire which extended throughout
large tracts of the European and Western Asian
continents 1500 to 2000 years prior to the establishment
of the ancient Sumerians, Egyptians, and Greeks. 2)
Some of their oral traditions are said to date back to 5500
B.C. preceding the rise to prominence of all other pagan
cultures, civilizations, and peoples. As followers of a
triune Godhead, the Thracian peoples recognized in their
stories knowledge of the prophetic coming of ISUS, the
Son of God, and that He would born of a virgin, rectify
the fall of their ancestors as Savior Messiah.

Most importantly this newly discovered chronology

confirms that Christianity as relegated to the biblical
narrative was and is not based, dependent, nor contrived
from or linked in any way as plagiarism to the pagan
Sumerian mythologies which most contemporary
historians and archaeologists believe to be the oldest post
flood stories in the world. The clay cuneiform tablets are
currently believed to be the place from which all myth
originates and that the worship of Yahweh Elohim by the
Hebraic peoples is nothing more than a stem of Annunaki
worship. Most scientists, archaeologists, and researchers
of the extraterrestrial ancient alien phenomenon
sweeping the world today believe that the Annunaki
created humanity in our ancient past. I believe such
preposition to be tantamount to the strong delusion that
we are warned about within Scripture concerning the
coming of the antichrist as an alien God.
Anyways the reason I mention the decoding of the
Thracian script as the oldest written language in the
world is because I believe there is mention within the
Chronicles, allusion to the North as gateway and
possible cradle of habitation for the fallen ones and
modern humanity. Know that efforts are being put forth
to publish through Sacred Word Publishing that body of
work. If you would like to contribute to our efforts and
facilitate an acceleration of that process please donate to
the Thracian Church directly at the following link.

Please attach a note that your donation is to support the

linguistic efforts to translate the Thracian Chronicles.
Thank you in advance for doing so. Should you be
interested in slightly more detail on the individual texts of
the Thracian Chronicle collection, I list them in my 11th
book, The Great Contest: War In Heaven. I would like to
express my gratitude Todor, Tsvetan, and the Bishops of
the Thracian church for permission to share in quotation
some portions of the Thracian Book of Atam and Eua and
Chronicles of Longinus which I believe subjective to the
investigation of the north as place of origin for in this
case, the ancient lost land of Thule.

Look, I toured with the Roman army around the

whole world and all Materiks (continents,
mainlands) and conquered victoriously many
amazing and famous lands, but today I write to you
about another land which is most famous; namely the
famous land of that Materik of the Son of God which
will be soon revealed for the whole world, so the
worthy human sons and daughters may go in and go
out from it, and live there until they populate it once
and for all, like all the rest of the Materiks in the

This Materik is that Land of Dreams (Desired Land)

which in antiquity was populated by men and women
of God, before they visited todays known world.
And while it was close to our world, there were
still chosen travellers who crossed between it and
the present-day world. Then came the old Flood and
separated the worlds; the earthly waters detached the
Materiks from other Materiks like the islands are
detached; but the heavenly tables landed far away
from the First Materik, therefore they were totally
lost. Some wise men used to say that the First
Materik rose up to heaven, because humans were
guilty and had fallen for ever from the First Eden.

If this was the case or not, only God knows! But it is

written somewhere, that during many years in deep
antiquity and younger times, many travellers
came again across this Island (materik); nobody
knows how or why, but it happened during unknown
periods through seas, air, waters and lands; and wrote
down secret words which would be understood only
by the worthy and dedicated people. They told about
the lands of The Island (the materik) which they saw;
about the cities and wonders, and about other
great secrets that they experienced there. The
Chronicle of Longinus, Thracian Chronicles

In my study of the many language translations of the

various life accounts of Adam and Eve (the Greek
Apocalypse of Moses, the Latin Vitae Adae Et Evae, the
Slavonic Life of Adam and Eve, the Armenian Penitence
of Adam, the Georgian Book of Adam, the Arabic Kitab
Al Magalli, the Geez Cave of Treasures), I believe the
Thracian Book of Atam and Eua to be the oldest and
possible origin for all the others as it contains within it
the most extensive translation of this text anywhere
available. Also including two chapters, the ones that
begin and end the manuscript which as reference are
completely unique and dissimilar to any of the other
translations of Adam and Eve lives currently available
from any tradition worldwide. Significant this exclusive
demarcation denotates the Thracian account perhaps as
the possible genesis for the others which though related
do not contain within them these two uniquely peculiar

With regard to the Chronicles of Longinus, there is no

other parallel account available anywhere in the world
which similar to it. It is the story of the Thracian soldier
which piercing the side of Christ during His crucifixion,
had blood dribble into and miraculously heal his one
blind eye. After witnessing all the signs which occurred
in the heavens and the earth during Yahushuas
crucifixion, Longinus became a disciple of Christ. This
text documents his fortunate interactions and fellowships
with not only some of the other apostles, but also
following this life changing event his encounters with
Mary Magdala and the resurrected Lazarus. It is my
great privilege to share with you as reader some of the
portions of those texts which I believe pertinent to the
investigation at hand.

And nobody knew what was to be, only Him who
manifest it through His Word from beginning to end,
because He knew what He said, and everything that
He said would be made manifest in place and time.
Coming into being there, where something was said,
it would appear, manifest in Time and Place - the
Visible and Invisible within it, and outside of it.

Thus appeared, first the Heavenly Place, which is the

Place where God Nu-Tay dwells Himself, together
with RE-YA and IS-US. This is the Place for the
wished for love of the ONE, who is in the THREE.
This Place is most inaccessible to all but those
allowed entrance to it by the ONE in the THREE
(Trinity). They see His Face for eternity.

And under this Place there are other Heavenly

Places, accordingly to the order and grades devised
by Nu-Tay Himself, RE-YA and IS-US. There He
established the Earth, as a Garden Paradise flowing
with milk, honey and wine, and the Trees bearing the
Bread of Life - so that whoever eats from them will
not die, but will live eternally as God Himself lives

And from there descends the River of Life in four

directions to all living worlds, flowing with Living
Water, providing life to all, until the end of the
Universe. Humans were not allowed to know about
all these worlds, only those found worthy by the
sacrificial lamb from the day of the creation of the
world, whose name is ISUS, are allowed to learn
about these worlds one after another till they will
know them all as He Himself as God became known.
And they will live together with ISUS for eternity in
the Bosom of the Father and in the Womb of the
Holy Mother Spirit, RE-YA. And all these worlds
begin in Gods City, which is the City of Truth
*Jerus, and the City of Peace, namely *Salim.
Blessed are those who are worthy of Gods Lamb,
who will be allowed to pass through His gates,
because nothing unclean can pass through, nor a
mortal who commit sins. The Thracian Book of
Atam and Eua 1

In many accounts and commentaries on the creation of

paradise as the home of the righteous, it is said that the
Lord God had established the third heaven as the height
of heights and prepared the heavenly temple and His own
throne, prior to what we see being depicted in Genesis
between verse 1:1 and 1:2 as the recreation, reformation,
and reestablishment of the ruinous heap of the earth
following its consequential destruction after the war in
heaven and exile of the rebel angels to the destroyed

I believe that the creation and establishment of paradise

and the heavenly temple as the invisible home of God
and His elect in the upper heavens to be what is being
described here in the very first chapter of the Book of
Atam and Eua which is excluded from every other
translation worldwide. This particular chapter, in my
opinion, specifically alludes and ties to in teaching, the
flashback of Proverbs 1,3, and 8:22-31 where Solomon in
inspiration reflects upon the pre-existence of wisdom as
the Holy Spirit in connection with Yahushua Christ.
In the following short narrative, we have the Word of
God sharing with Adam and Eve the revelation that there
are portals and doors which unite heaven and earth as
shared with Jacob in vision. Reference to these portals
and doors I believe to be indicative of the seven windows
of the heavens which divide the regions below the
firmament whereupon dwell the seven wayward stars we
call planetary hosts of heaven which in the biblical
narrative include the sun and moon. They are the seven
gateways that Christ descended through in coming to the
earth to be conceived of the Virgin Mary as conveyed by
The Ascension of Isaiah.

I will take you to it to the Heavenly Kingdom -

because I will reveal the names of the doors
which lead to the Heavenly Kingdom. They will
obey you and will open for you, so you may return
to the Light from which you came from. And you
will learn about the *Mystery of the Doors
through which you will go in and go out from
My City.

And God said again to Atam: The whole sorrow-

stricken that came upon you through your sin,
caused by Satan, will not free you and will not
save you. But I will do it. When I come down
from Heaven and become carnal through your
seed, and when I will take on my shoulders the
powerlessness in which you are now and suffer,
and when I will be mortal during the time of your
future descendants, then the darkness from the
cave will come upon Me in the grave. - The
Thracian Book of Atam and Eua
The Tree As Gateway

They looked around but could not find the way out.
They were scared, and this was no laughing matter.
They could not understand why this was
happening; knowing that they entered the Tree and
that there was an entrance. Where was it now?
It became darker outside, and this was a new
experience for them. The outside had never
darkened before. And soon it was so dark inside,
that nothing could be seen. There was nobody to
help them but the Word of God, but they did not
dare to call Him for help, because what would they
tell Him: We came here to hide from You,
because we were naked and locked ourselves inside
the Tree, and now we are unable to come out?!

Oh, my dear children, Satan has cheated you

this serpent which is the enemy of the human race.
I cry for you, because you did not understand that
you will have to leave My Garden forever, and
there is no way back.

You now see things with other eyes and hear things
with other ears, and you feel with different parts of
the body. You lost the clothing of your great and
immortal being that you had here in My Garden,
where your nature was divine and upraised.

Then God the Lord said to Adam, "When you were

under subjection to Me, you had a bright nature
within you, and for that reason could you see
things far away. But after your transgression your
bright nature was withdrawn from you; and it was
not left to you to see things far away, but only near
at hand; after the ability of the flesh; for it is
brutish." - The Thracian Book of Atam and Eua 8

And now, you are in the dark and your eyes are not
used to earthen darkness. Nor your bodies used to
it. Your fascination and satisfaction of your new
world was short-lived.

Now, as you wished, you will not only learn about

the good and the pleasurable, but also about the
bad, pain and suffering, because the world outside
the Garden - the world to which you will go now -
is vicious and rough. An earth which will give you
weeds and thorns, and you will sweat, when you
must cultivate it in order to get food.

Love is stronger than the lion, and sweeter than

honey, but honey will be bitter in Euas womb,
because she will feel pain when she gives birth.
Oh, why would you need this when you still are
children?! Now you have to labour of your own
during your lifetime, before you were able to
learn about wisdom from Me in the Garden.
May the Serpent-Satan be damned for deceiving
you. It desired to bring you to this world, to which
the Serpent was exiled, so you could be its slaves.
Because it is evil a deceiver, killer, and beast
the father of Lies and Temptation. Then what are
we going to do? Cant You help us to get out of
here and return to the Garden? asked Atam.

My friend, you understand nothing. Yes, I
personally will take you out from the place where
you are, and that is immediately. But what is
immediately in the Garden, requires a time of
thousands of years on the earth, where you are
now. Because the entrance to the Tree is here,
where the Garden is *very close to you - but
being from your side, the distance is so huge
that you would not be able to pass it on your
feet. Neither can you see it. The time and the
distances are different on both sides of this Tree.
The Thracian Book of Atam and Eua 5

In these stories from the Book of Atam and Eua, the tree
of the knowledge of good and evil is portrayed as a portal
uniting paradise and earth. Eve not being admonished
directly by the Lord God to avoid the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil, Satan specifically targets are
in temptation to partake of its fruit and in this case
entering into the interior of the tree. Entering inside her
body is transformed into flesh whereby Satan is then able
to frolic with her. Following her interaction with him she
is unable to find escape from this tree, calling forth Adam
to join her in assistance. Hearing her voice he too enters
into its interior and then also with Eve partakes of its fruit
and in that manner comes to knowledge of good and evil.
Desperate being embroiled in their first experience of
darkness, its foreboding plummets them into horror,
heightening their concern for not being able to discover a
way out of their predicament. Having transgressed the
commandment to not partake of this fruit, the Word of
God in compassionate explanation reveals to them that
because of their conduct and choices, they can no longer
remain in paradise but removed are now stricken to an
earthly existence. Even in repentance they must for
lifetime be exiled from the upper realms but to not lose
hope that He would one day enter the flesh and born of
their ancestors redeem them again to their first estate.
Yet, in the meantime there would be no quick return from
such condemnation and they would be exiled to the same
place that the serpent and other Rebel Angels had already
been cast down death being pronounced upon them. The
tree of the knowledge of good and evil is uniquely
portrayed as a gateway in this story. Similar to Jacobs
Ladder which as bridge gaps the divide between paradise
and the fallen earth. The last paragraph of this story is
most eloquently indicative of this aspect.

I will conclude this arrangement by sharing in scriptural

presentation the connection of the north with salvation
and the second Advent of Christ. In light of all the other
material which I have brought forth in this book, it makes
sense that it is from the sides of the north where Polaris is
located that the comment that every eye shall bear
witness to the return of Christ in Matthew 24:27 and
Revelation 1:7 will occur in unfolding since this location
is the bulls-eye center of the flat Earth plane.

For promotion (salvation) cometh neither from the

east, nor from the west, nor from the south.
Psalms 75:6

[25] I have raised up one from the north, and he

shall come: from the rising of the sun shall he call
upon my name: and he shall come upon princes as
upon morter, and as the potter treadeth clay. [26]
Who hath declared from the beginning, that we
may know? and beforetime, that we may say, He is
righteous? yea, there is none that sheweth, yea,
there is none that declareth, yea, there is none that
heareth your words. Isaiah 41:25-26

I believe the opening of the heavens in rolling up as a

scroll to be similarly connected with the polar vortex and
the windows of heaven which also reside in the northern
regions. Not only will His second coming be associated
to this area but also the descent of the heavenly temple
New Jerusalem from the third heaven here to the earth.
Fulfilling the first of the Leviticus 23 fall feasts, I believe
this event will occur on chodesh in the month of Tishri.
Being associated to the Yom Teruah the feast of
trumpets, that this is the reason why the angel sounds the
trumpet and the kingdoms of this world are said to
become the kingdoms of our Lord. I expound upon the
timeline of how Yahushuas first and second coming
align with the Fathers holy days. This link in my
opinion also verifies the congruency of the old and new
Testaments in their foreshadowing of the coming of
Christ as prophetically revealed to the Israelites. I do a
very detailed expos on this scenario in my ninth book,
The Flat Earth As Key to Decrypt the Book of Enoch.

And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled

together; and every mountain and island were moved
out of their places. -Revelation 6:14

And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the

heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll: and all
their host shall fall down, as the leaf falleth off from
the vine, and as a falling fig from the fig tree. - Isaiah

These two verses from Isaiah and Revelation are

explained in greater detail within a little-known text
called the Apocalypse of Thomas which interestingly
describes what most end times apocalyptic texts associate
with the very last day as occurring over the course of a
week rather than a single great and terrible day of the
Lord. And that the specific events outlined in Revelation
and other places connected to the harvest gathering of the
elected wheat and corrupted tares are dispersed in
unfoldment over the span of 7 days of this last week.

Whatever the case may be, it seems very clear to me that

in my study of the harvest preservation of the righteous
and the condemnation of the wicked, this event is without
a doubt ascribed to begin with the sounding of the
seventh and last trumpet. For it is the overwhelming
blast of the rams horn which announces the day and hour
which no man knoweth. The blowing of the shofar is in
Scripture connected to the proclaimed arrival of chodesh
and in this case also tied to the arrival of Yom Teruah,
the feast of trumpets which is always determined by the
first sighting of the sliver of the waxing crescent moon.
This particular high holy day is the only feast day marked
by the beginning of chodesh.

The reason this occasion is called the day that no man

knoweth is because the conjunctive moon is invisible
prior to it being revealed as a narrow crescent. Chodesh
for those that do not know marks the beginning of the
lunar months on Gods calendar and sets the following
four seven-day sabbatical weeks and timing of Shabbat.
One can reference the Ancient Hebrew Enochian Lunar
Calendar that I created for greater detail on what I am
speaking about here. Likewise, should I get time I do
plan on putting a book together on the Enochian calendar
and the Levitical feast days.

These are the seven signs the ending of this world.

There shall be in all the earth famine and great
pestilences and much distress: then shall all men be
led captive among all nations and shall fall by the
edge of the sword. On the first day of the judgement
will be a great marvel (or, the beginning shall be). At
the third hour of the day shall be a great and mighty
voice in the firmament of the heaven, and a great
cloud of blood coming down out of the north, and
great thunderings and mighty lightnings shall follow
that cloud, and there shall be a rain of blood upon all
the earth. These are the signs of the first day (Monday
in the Anglo-Saxon, and so for the other days).

And on the second day there shall be a great voice in

the firmament of the heaven, and the earth shall be
moved out of its place: and the gates of heaven
shall be opened in the firmament of heaven toward
the east, and a great power shall be sent belched)
forth by the gates of heaven and shall cover all the
heaven even until evening (al. and there shall be fears
and tremblings in the world). These are the signs of
the second day. And on the third day, about the
second hour, shall be a voice in heaven, and the
abysses of the earth shall utter their voice from the
four corners of the world. The first heaven shall be
rolled up like a book and shall straightway vanish.
And because of the smoke and stench of the
brimstone of the abyss the days shall be darkened
unto the tenth hour. Then shall all men say: I think
that the end draweth near, that we shall perish. These
are the signs of the third day. Then shall they behold
me coming from above in the light of my Father with
the power and honour of the holy angels. Then at my
coming shall the fence of fire of paradise be done
away -because paradise is girt round about with
fire. And this shall be that perpetual fire that shall
consume the earth and all the elements of the
world. Then shall the spirits and souls of all men
come forth from paradise and shall come upon all the
earth: and every one of them shall go unto his own
body, where it is laid up, and every one of them shall
say: Here lieth my body. And when the great voice of
those spirits shall be heard, then shall there be a great
earthquake over all the world, and by the might
thereof the mountains shall be cloven from above and
the rocks from beneath. Then shall every spirit return
into his own vessel and the bodies of the saints which
have fallen asleep shall arise. Then shall their bodies
be changed into the image and likeness and the
honour of the holy angels, and into the power of the
image of mine holy Father. Then shall they be clothed
with the vesture of life eternal, out of the cloud of
light which hath never been seen in this world; for
that cloud cometh down out of the highest realm of
the heaven from the power of my Father. And that
cloud shall compass about with the beauty thereof all
the spirits that have believed in me. Then shall they
be clothed, and shall be borne by the hand of the holy
angels like as I have told you aforetime. Then also
shall they be lifted up into the air upon a cloud of
light, and shall go with me rejoicing unto heaven,
and then shall they continue in the light and
honour of my Father. Then shall there be unto them
great gladness with my Father and before the holy
angels These are the signs of the sixth day.

And on the seventh day at the eighth hour there shall

be voices in the four corners of the heaven. And all
the air shall be shaken, and filled with holy angels,
and they shall make war among them all the day long.
And in that day shall mine elect be sought out by
the holy angels from the destruction of the world.
Then shall all men see that the hour of their
destruction draweth near. These are the signs of the
seventh day. And when the seven days are passed by,
on the eighth day at the sixth hour there shall be a
sweet and tender voice in heaven from the east. Then
shall that angel be revealed which hath power over
the holy angels: and all the angels shall go forth with
him, sitting upon chariots of the clouds of mine holy
Father (so) rejoicing and running upon the air beneath
the heaven to deliver the elect that have believed in
me. And they shall rejoice that the destruction of this
world hath come. The words of the Saviour unto
Thomas are ended, concerning the end of this world. -
The Apocalypse of Thomas

Is not this scenario particularly interesting with regard to

the firmaments connection to the end times? Another
book that I would like to compile should the Lord God
and time allow, is to gather in collection a volume of
many varying extra-biblical apocalyptic texts which are
focused in elaboration on the end of days. I will try to
work on these two books after completing this one on
paradise and the third book of the Great Contest trilogy.
My hope is to compile and publish such a book on both
the calendar and the end of days within a year or so.
Returning to the theme of discussion, I will now share
other Scriptures which also link the sides of the North in
association to the mount of the congregation, the
heavenly temple, New Jerusalem, and other little-known
concepts which when re-examined hold obvious
connection to this region.

Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the

city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness.
Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth,
is Mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city
of the great King. - Psalms 48:1-2

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the

first heaven and the first earth were passed away;
and there was no more sea. And I John saw the
holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from
God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned
for her husband. Revelation 21:1-2

While we have been examining the connections of the

north with the upper heavens, heavenly temple, and
throne room of Yahweh Elohim there are many other
passages which also relate its connections to the opposite
end of the spectrum that being sheol, Tartarus, and the
great abyss. We will in this chapter examining how the
North relates in aspect to the seven regions of hell.
Well begin this study with the testimonies of both Job
and Enoch to gain further insight and better grasp of how
sheol ties into the design of creation being the lower half
of the spectrum where Satan, Legion, and other demonic
forces reside in occupation.

Dead things are formed from under the waters, and

the inhabitants thereof. 6 Hell is naked before
him, and destruction hath no covering. 7 He
stretcheth out the north over the empty place,
and hangeth the earth upon nothing. 8 He
bindeth up the waters in his thick clouds; and the
cloud is not rent under them. 9 He holdeth back the
face of his throne, and spreadeth his cloud upon it.
10 He hath compassed the waters with bounds,
until the day and night come to an end. 11 The
pillars of heaven tremble and are astonished at his
reproof. Job 26:5-11, KJV

5. Is it possible that the mighty who are decayed

will recover, when they are below the waters and
their camps? 6. Sheol is revealed before him, and
the grave and Abaddon have no cover. 7. He it is
who stretches the North upon the Void; he erects
the earth over the waters without anything to
support it. 8. Who binds up the rain in his clouds,
and the cloud is not rent under it. 9. He holds
tightly the thick darkness about his throne so that
the angels will not see him; he spreads the clouds
of his Glory over it like a curtain. 10. He decreed
that the firmament should dwell upon the surface
of the waters, as the boundary between light and
darkness. 11. The pillars of the heavens tremble
and are shaken by his wrath. Job 26:5-11,

This passage from Job correlates the north with the lower
bottom half of Jacobs ladder which leads downward into
sheol rather than upward into the throne-room of God.
As a gateway, the design of Jacobs ladder and its
centralization with the North makes perfect sense
according to what we now know of the design of creation
and the portals which lead both up into the heights of
heaven and down into what is scripturally called the great
abyss. It is here that the seven heavens and seven hells
are joined in union by the central plane of the northern
pole. This is why Job describes this region of hell as
having no covering, and being exposed, lies naked before
the highest God. I take this to mean that YHWH Elohim
can peer down from His central height above Polaris,
directly into the interior of sheol, not just because He is
all knowing but because there exists stretched out over
the north this wide opening which as a portion of the
earth is referenced by the prophets as the empty place
which leads into the hollow interior of the great abyss.
Thus, why this portion of the plane is described as the
bottomless and referenced as where the earth hangs upon

Being one of the passages which heliocentricists bring

forth as confirmation of the Copernican planetary model
for our so-called solar system, let me make it clear that
Job in this passage is not affirming the earth is one of
many planets suspended in the vacuum of space by the
suns supposed gravitational pull or that the earth is
somehow dangling, spinning about in space as it floats
around the sun in orbit. But rather Job in this passage, is
sharing glimpse of the Void which lies positioned at the
Northern Pole. Besides if Job were intending to describe
the earth in spatial suspension within the vacuum of
space, he never wouldve mentioned it established on
pillars as cited 17 chapters prior to this account in Job 9:6
and as to what it is fastened in Job 38.

Which shaketh the earth out of her place, and the

pillars thereof tremble. Job 9:6

1 Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind,

and said, 2 Who is this that darkeneth counsel by
words without knowledge? 3 Gird up now thy loins
like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer
thou me. 4 Where wast thou when I laid the
foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast
understanding. 5 Who hath laid the measures thereof,
if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon
it? 6 Whereupon are the foundations thereof
fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof;
7 When the morning stars sang together, and all the
sons of God shouted for joy? - Job 38:1:7

He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up

the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among
princes, and to make them inherit the throne of
glory: for the pillars of the earth are the Lord's, and
he hath set the world upon them. - 1 Samuel 2:8

And the channels of the sea appeared, the foundations
of the world were discovered, at the rebuking of
the Lord, at the blast of the breath of his nostrils. - 2
Samuel 22:16

Fear before him, all the earth: the world also shall be
stable, that it be not moved. - 1 Chronicles 16:30

Then the channels of waters were seen, and the

foundations of the world were discovered at thy
rebuke, O Lord, at the blast of the breath of thy
nostrils. - Psalm 18:15

The earth and all the inhabitants thereof are

dissolved: I bear up the pillars of it. Selah. - Psalm

The Lord reigneth, he is clothed with majesty;

the Lord is clothed with strength, wherewith he hath
girded himself: the world also is stablished, that it
cannot be moved. - Psalm 93:1

O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness: fear

before him, all the earth. 10 Say among the heathen
that the Lord reigneth: the world also shall be
established that it shall not be moved: he shall judge
the people righteously. 11 Let the heavens rejoice,
and let the earth be glad; let the sea roar, and the
fulness thereof. - Psalm 96:9

Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and

the heavens are the work of thy hands. - Psalm
Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should
not be removed for ever. 6 Thou coveredst it with the
deep as with a garment: the waters stood above the
mountains. 7 At thy rebuke they fled; at the voice of
thy thunder they hasted away. 8 They go up by the
mountains; they go down by the valleys unto the
place which thou hast founded for them. Thou hast
set a bound that they may not pass over; that they turn
not again to cover the earth. - Psalm 104:5

I went down to the bottoms of the mountains; the

earth with her bars was about me for ever: yet hast
thou brought up my life from corruption, O Lord my
God. - Jonah 2:6

My hope is that for those of you that are studying this

information, one can now understand the real context of
these passages as they pertain to the biblical geocentric
cosmology that the earth was established immobile rather
than being a twirling sphere which orbits around the sun.

The earth is instead the foundation for the solid structure

of the vaulted dome which sitting atop it contains the
celestial luminaries which maintain circuit below the roof
of His tabernacle. The earth rather than being a round
planetoid is the horizontal plane established as habitation
for the plants, creatures, and humans which dwell in
residence upon it. It was set upon the pillars which join
in union with some other inconceivable foundation.

Over these fountains also I perceived a place which had neither
the firmament of heaven above it, nor the solid ground
underneath it; neither was there water above it; nor anything on
wing; but the spot was desolate. - The Book of Enoch 18:13
Chapter 15 - The Abyssmal Chasm

Soon I will in later chapter share the eyewitness accounts

of some of the explorers historically attributed with
having successfully ventured to the polar north. Their
tales confirm the perspective of this teaching and verify
that there is indeed located at the center of the earths
circle a wide gaping hole which leads into the interior of
the hollow portion of the earth where the demonic realms
are carved out in cavern. Until then let us continue with
Enochs testimony of being taken to and shown the ends
of the earth by the angel Uriel. I will share this account as
interpreted in conveyance by the Richard Laurence and
R.H. Charles translations of this story contained in the
Book of Enoch.

1I then surveyed the receptacles of all the winds,

perceiving that they contributed to adorn the whole
creation, and to preserve the foundation of the
earth. 2I surveyed the stone which supports the
corners of the earth. 3I also beheld the four
winds, which bear up the earth, and the
firmament of heaven. 4And I beheld the winds
occupying the exalted sky. 5Arising in the midst
of heaven and of earth, and constituting the
pillars of heaven. 6I saw the winds which turn
the sky, which cause the orb of the sun and of
all the stars to set; and over the earth I saw the
winds which support the clouds. 7I saw the path of
the angels. 8I perceived at the extremity of the
earth the firmament of heaven above it. Then I
passed on towards the south; 9Where burnt, both
by day and night, six mountains formed of glorious
stones; three towards the east, and three towards
the south. 10Those which were towards the east
were of a variegated stone; one of which was of
margarite, and another of antimony. Those towards
the south were of a red stone. The middle one
reached to heaven like the throne of God; a
throne composed of alabaster, the top of which
was of sapphire. I saw, too, a blazing fire
hanging over all the mountains.

11And there I saw a place on the other side of an

extended territory, where waters were collected.
12I likewise beheld terrestrial fountains, deep in
the fiery columns of heaven. 13And in the columns
of heaven I beheld fires, which descended without
number, but neither on high, nor into the deep.
Over these fountains also I perceived a place
which had neither the firmament of heaven
above it, nor the solid ground underneath it;
neither was there water above it; nor anything
on wing; but the spot was desolate. And there I
beheld seven stars, like great blazing mountains,
and like spirits entreating me. Then the angel said,
This place, until the consummation of heaven and
earth, will be the prison of the stars, and the host of
heaven. The stars which roll over fire are those
which transgressed the commandment of God
before their time arrived; for they came not in their
proper season. Therefore was He offended with
them, and bound them, until the period of the
consummation of their crimes in the secret year.
The Book of Enoch 18:1-16, Translated from
Ethiopic by Richard Laurence, London, 1883.
I saw the treasuries of all the winds: I saw how He
had furnished with them the whole creation and the
firm foundations of the earth. 2. And I saw the
corner-stone of the earth: I saw the four winds
which bear [the earth and] the firmament of the
heaven. 3. And I saw how the winds stretch out
the vaults of heaven, and have their station
between heaven and earth: these are the pillars
of the heaven. 4. I saw the winds of heaven
which turn and bring the circumference of the
sun and all the stars to their setting. 5. I saw the
winds on the earth carrying the clouds: I saw the
paths of the angels. I saw at the end of the earth
the firmament of the heaven above. And I
proceeded and saw a place which burns day and
night, where there are seven mountains of
magnificent stones, three towards the east, and
three towards the south. 7. And as for those
towards the east, one was of coloured stone, and
one of pearl, and one of jacinth, and those towards
the south of red stone. 8. But the middle one
reached to heaven like the throne of God, of
alabaster, and the summit of the throne was of
sapphire. 9. And I saw a flaming fire. And
beyond these mountains 10. is a region the end
of the great earth: there the heavens were
completed. 11. And I saw a deep abyss, with
columns of heavenly fire, and among them I
saw columns of fire fall, which were beyond
measure alike towards the height and towards
the depth. 12. And beyond that abyss I saw a
place which had no firmament of the heaven
above, and no firmly founded earth beneath it:
there was no water upon it, and no birds, but it
was a waste and horrible place. 13. I saw there
seven stars like great burning mountains, and to
me, when I inquired regarding them, 14. The angel
said: 'This place is the end of heaven and earth:
this has become a prison for the stars and the
host of heaven. 15. And the stars which roll over
the fire are they which have transgressed the
commandment of the Lord in the beginning of their
rising, because they did not come forth at their
appointed times. 16. And He was wroth with
them, and bound them till the time when their guilt
should be consummated (even) for ten thousand
years.' The Book of Enoch 18:1-16, R.H.
Charles, 1917

When one takes into consideration these two parallel

accounts from both Job and Enochs description of this
particular region, I believe it can be established that such
testimony links to the northern polar region as it connects
in citation to Gerardus Mercators 1577 letter to John Dee
about Cnoyen Jacobus description of the northern polar
region as presented in the 14th century book, Inventio
Fortunata (fortunate journey) which shares within it,
multiple eyewitness accounts of the different explorers
which successfully navigated journey to the Northern
polar region and living to tell about it, were able to return
to civilization and relate their story to the courts of the
King of Norway and England. Investigating their
accounts modern researchers like myself, can now better
understand the strange phenomena attributed to this area
by the ancient prophets, making our study of these
accounts come to life in way never conceptualized prior.
Considering such association, thus why I believe this
passage, I saw, too, a blazing fire hanging over all the
mountains to perhaps be connected to the Aurora
Borealis and the mention of the fountains of waters being
collected there connected to the whirlpool said to swirl in
this area. And there I saw a place on the other side of an
extended territory, where waters were collected Over
these fountains also I perceived a place which had neither
the firmament of heaven above it, nor the solid ground
underneath it; neither was there water above it; nor
anything on wing; but the spot was desolate; that
perhaps these report from Enoch to be similarly linked to
what Job described as area where hell having no
covering, stands exposed, naked over the empty place.

Perhaps these depictions and the others I will share

below, are allusion to the gaping funnel which as giant
sucking whirlpool is the fountains of water where the
oceans are collected before being funneled into the
interior. And that this is the hole which Mercator cites as
surrounding the lodestone mountain located at the
northern pole which empties the waters of the world into
the abyss of sheol.

And I saw a deep abyss, with columns of heavenly

fire, and among them I saw columns of fire fall,
which were beyond measure alike towards the height
and towards the depth. 12. And beyond that abyss I
saw a place which had no firmament of the heaven
above, and no firmly founded earth beneath it: there
was no water upon it, and no birds, but it was a waste
and horrible place. - The Book of Enoch 18:11:12

The Northern Gateway as related to Jacobs vision of a
ladder which both rises into heaven and also descends
into hell is often disclosed as being situated over an
empty place or attributed in some manner with being a
Void. Enoch here in statement like others construes this
vortex as a place where neither the structure of the dome
rises above and neither is the firmly founded earth
allocated beneath it; matching precisely the statements
found in Job 26:6-7. I will share a couple of other sources
which seem to also confirm the layout of the landscape of
this region.

Of all this vast world only one-third is inhabited, the

other two-thirds being equally divided between water
and waste desert land. Beyond the inhabited parts to
the east is Paradise with its seven divisions, each
assigned to the pious of a certain degree. The ocean
is situated to the west, and it is dotted with islands
upon islands, inhabited by many different peoples.
Beyond it, in turn, are the boundless steppes full of
serpents and scorpions, and destitute of every sort of
vegetation, whether herbs or trees. To the north are
the supplies of hell-fire, of snow, hail, smoke, ice,
darkness, and windstorms, and in that vicinity
sojourn all sorts of devils, demons, and malign
spirits. Their dwelling-place is a great stretch of
land, it would take five hundred years to traverse
it. Beyond lies hell. In the east, the west, and the
south, heaven and earth touch each other, but the
north God left unfinished, that any man who
announced himself as a god might be set the task of
supplying the deficiency, and stand convicted as a
pretender. - The Legends of the Jews I
Isnt it interesting that this passage describes a
portion of land which is so vast that it would take 500
years to traverse across it and that beyond it lies hell.
It seems to me that the only way such assertion can
be true is if one were to enter into the interior of the
Earth through some passage and that it would be from
there that one can gain access to this huge nether
region where it is said that all sorts of devils,
demons, and malign spirits sojourn.

The other very intriguing aspect of this particular

quote is its assertion that heaven and earth come
together in union in the directions of the South, East,
and West. Applying this comment to the knowledge
that the vaulted dome rises in apex to join in union
above the northern pole, can this statement be
understood in any other manner than the premise that
I bring forth of the heavenly temple and throne room
of the Most High God being established above the
sides of the north. The reason the north is not
affirmed as being one of the directions where the
heaven and earth come together formation is because
the north is the place that all directions come together
in cathedral or vaulted dome as described by Amos in

The One who builds His upper chambers in the

heavens And has founded His vaulted dome over
the earth, He who calls for the waters of the sea
And pours them out on the face of the earth,
The Lord is His name. Amos 9:6, NASB

These biblical passages connect to another interesting

aspect of prophecy, mythology, and conspiracy that being
its affiliation to the hollow earth and the imprisonment of
supernatural beings which are slated to be released at the
end of days as part of the judgment and wrath of the Lord
God poured out on the wicked and those not written into
the books of life as depicted in many varying apocalyptic
texts. Many do not realize that the end game of the
Darwinian heliocentric deception has to do with
preparing the world for the rise of the anti-christ and as
we approach the end of days humanity will become
increasingly more aware of the supernatural forces which
are aligned against us. The Illuminati are preparing for
the reign of the anti-christ by pushing for the agenda of
the New World Order. The point of disclosure is to reveal
an alien counterfeit messiah to take over as leader the
global syndicate that they are working behind the
scenes to genetically forge for him in resurrecting
through cloning a giant fallen angelic supernatural army.
Scripture refers to this ethereal force as the locust army,
and associates their release with not only the liberation of
the angels detained in the river Euphrates and a place
called the Dudael but also links to some of these angels
detained specifically for release at the end of days. These
supernatural entities will be part of the locusts which in
Revelation are cited as being responsible for the
decimation of 2/3rds of the remaining humans alive on
the earth during the time that they are freed from the
abyss and the wrath of God levied against the wicked
excluded from the books of life.

Four winds were created in the world, viz., the winds

coming from the east, south, north, and west. From
the eastern corner the light of the world goeth forth;
from the south, the dews of blessing descend upon
the world; from the west emanate the stores of snow,
hail, cold and heat, and rains for the benefit of the
world; the north corner of the world He created,
but did not complete, for He said: Whoever declares
himself to be God, let him come and finish this
corner which I have left, and then shall all know that
he is a God. There the demons, earthquakes, evil
spirits, and Shiddim dwell, and from there they
come forth to the world, as it is said, 'Out of the
north evil shall break forth' (Jer. i. 14). -
Chronicles of Jerameel 7

One of the reasons that I wanted to share this passage
besides its obvious reference to the north as being created
in an incomplete manner in which was done so purposely
in foresight by the Lord God because He foresaw that
Lucifer would rebel and lead astray one third of the
angelic hierarchy. This I liken to being reason why this
area holds as vortex a region which is described as
uncovered, and exposed as it would be this opening
which would be utilized by Lucifer and Legion to enter
into those worlds and realms appointed to them for
temporary rule by Yahuah in contesting for the souls of
humanity. Lucifers goal of wanting to exalt himself
above the clouds and stars of God, in assuming His
throne and replacing Him as sovereign lord, is the aspect
of the north which is associated to the dwelling place of
demons, evil spirits, and the Shiddim (another class of
demonic entity).

The association of the north as dwelling place for

demonic entities is of particular interest to me especially
when applied in context with the hollow earth and the
passages which I will share in next chapter which also
connect to discussion of the north with the specific
reference from there they come forth to the world, as it is
said, Out of the north evil shall break forth.

[13] And the word of the LORD came unto me the

second time, saying, What seest thou? And I said, I
see a seething pot; and the face thereof is toward the
north. [14] Then the LORD said unto me, Out of the
north an evil shall break forth upon all the
inhabitants of the land. [15] For, lo, I will call all the
families of the kingdoms of the north, saith the
LORD; and they shall come, and they shall set every
one his throne at the entering of the gates of
Jerusalem, and against all the walls thereof round
about, and against all the cities of Judah. [16] And I
will utter my judgments against them touching all
their wickedness, who have forsaken me, and have
burned incense unto other gods, and worshipped the
works of their own hands. - Jeremiah 1:14

When Alexander saw their wickedness, he called God to his aid, and he
gathered together and brought them and their wives and children, and made
them go in, and shut them up within the confines of the North. This is the
gate of the world on the north, and there is no other entrance or exit from the
confines of the world from the east to the north. - The Book of the Bee

Chapter 16 - The Bottomless Pit

Are the supernatural armies spoken about in Joel 2 and

Revelation 9, currently imprisoned somewhere possibly
within the interior of the hollow earth near a northern
opening? And if so are they slated to be released near the
end of days to participate in the prophetic unfolding of
the tribulation of those days as is postulated by the
Biblical narrative? The destructive end of humanity by
supernatural forces such as fallen angels, giants, and
other demonic entities sounds more like the blockbuster
Hollywood script, World War Z or a Walking Dead
episode rather than the timeline for finishing the gospel
account. Those familiar with the end game as prophesied
by the last days events of scripture or end-time reality as
envisioned by the schemers of the New World Order that
the disparate agendas of the forces of both light and
darkness when understood converge in scenario to weave
a story that is indeed stranger than fiction. I have
expounded upon this scenario and timeline in great detail
in many of my other books, and thus will not elucidate
this plot here, other than to connect these events to the
design of creation and the connection of these
supernatural armies to the north. As a portal, entry into
the underworld concluding statement that from the north,
great evil shall break forth in coming upon the world.

For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not

since the beginning of the world to this time, no,
nor ever shall be. Matthew 24:21

Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm
in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the
land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for
it is nigh at hand; 2 A day of darkness and of
gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness,
as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great
people and a strong; there hath not been ever
the like, neither shall be any more after it, even
to the years of many generations. 3 A fire
devoureth before them; and behind them a
flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden
before them, and behind them a desolate
wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them.
4 The appearance of them is as the appearance of

horses; and as horsemen, so shall they run. 5 Like

the noise of chariots on the tops of mountains shall
they leap, like the noise of a flame of fire that
devoureth the stubble, as a strong people set in
battle array. 6 Before their face the people shall be
much pained: all faces shall gather blackness.
7 They shall run like mighty men; they shall
climb the wall like men of war; and they shall
march every one on his ways, and they shall not
break their ranks: 8 Neither shall one thrust
another; they shall walk every one in his path:
and when they fall upon the sword, they shall
not be wounded. 9 They shall run to and fro in the
city; they shall run upon the wall, they shall climb
up upon the houses; they shall enter in at the
windows like a thief. 10 The earth shall quake
before them; the heavens shall tremble: the sun and
the moon shall be dark, and the stars shall
withdraw their shining: 11 And the LORD shall
utter his voice before his army: for his camp is
very great: for he is strong that executeth his word:
for the day of the LORD is great and very terrible;
and who can abide it? Joel 2:1-11

9 And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star

fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him
was given the key of the bottomless pit. 2 And
he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a
smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great
furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by
reason of the smoke of the pit. 3 And there came
out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and
unto them was given power, as the scorpions of
the earth have power. 4 And it was commanded
them that they should not hurt the grass of the
earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but
only those men which have not the seal of God in
their foreheads. 5 And to them it was given that
they should not kill them, but that they should be
tormented five months: and their torment was as
the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.
6 And in those days shall men seek death, and shall
not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall
flee from them. 7 And the shapes of the locusts
were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and
on their heads were as it were crowns like gold,
and their faces were as the faces of men. 8 And
they had hair as the hair of women, and their
teeth were as the teeth of lions. 9 And they had
breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and
the sound of their wings was as the sound of
chariots of many horses running to battle. 10
And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there
were stings in their tails: and their power was to
hurt men five months. 11 And they had a king over
them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit,
whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but
in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. 12
One woe is past; and, behold, there come two woes
more hereafter.
13And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a
voice from the four horns of the golden altar
which is before God, 14 Saying to the sixth angel
which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels
which are bound in the great river
Euphrates. 15 And the four angels were
loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and
a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay
the third part of men. Revelation 9:1-15

Because the north has association with the sheols great

abyss or bottomless pit, its not shocking at all that it
would have connection to devils, demons, evil spirits,
fallen angels and giants. As described above, I believe
that when the fifth angel sounds that an angel represented
as a star, will descend to the earth with the key to the
bottomless pit, and opening it, will release an abundance
of supernatural beings that had until this time been held
back from intrusion and interaction with the people of
this world. That at the end of days, the restraining hand
of the Most High will no longer prevent their entrance
into this dimensional experience.
Whereas He had protected us from the consequences of a
shadowy elite performing Cern-like ritual as means to
invoke, summon, and conjure these dark entities into our
world, at some point He will step back and allow them
success in their black magic ritual, just like He did during
the days of the exodus when the Israelites were attacked
by the flying fiery serpents some worshipped. Likewise,
the four angels said to be bound near the river Euphrates
I believe will also be loosed along with the locust army to
aid them in their punishment of those that are alive
during this time.

[30] There be the princes of the north, all of

them, and all the Zidonians, which are gone
down with the slain; with their terror they are
ashamed of their might; and they lie uncircumcised
with them that be slain by the sword, and bear their
shame with them that go down to the pit. - Ezekiel

[22] Behold, the noise of the bruit is come, and a

great commotion out of the north country, to make
the cities of Judah desolate, and a den of dragons.
Jeremiah 10:22

Like the days of Noah where all was destroyed to restore

the balance of harmony in making all things new, much
of the world seduced by evil now serve other gods. Much
of the world denies its true Creator and having gone the
way of Cain, no longer understand the gospel truth. This
disconnection places us as collective on a precipice, a
tipping point, leading up to the destruction of Jerusalem
and the temple of God in the days of Jeremiah. The
watchmen and watch-women of Yahuah are sounding the
alarm and blowing the trumpets in warning to the people
- the barbarian hordes are amassed outside of the gates.
Yet the people are unwilling to believe that the Lord God
would remove His protective blessings from them even
though they call good evil and evil good. Even a child
can sense that something is not right with world and
things as they are now, are not as they are supposed to be.

People are fooling themselves if they think that somehow

our generation will be spared from incurring any kind of
retribution for having fallen away in the way that we
have. I do not for the life of me know what makes us
think that we deserve in any manner the blessings and
protection of the Most High, when we as a nation have
removed Him and prayer from our public institutions.
Abandoning discipline in the rearing of our children, this
generation has grown up believing that they are entitled
to all privilege and have no gratitude to God for every
day blessings.

Legalizing access to easily attainable abortion, our

country has normalized the wholesale slaughter of the
innocents. Transforming Health Care into a for profit
institution, hospitals have set priority on organizing the
sale and dispensation of human body parts. They
routinely lie to families about the welfare of their loved
ones in order to secure access to their organs. What most
people dont understand about being willing organ donors
is that the healthcare establishment places a higher value
on delving out their organs than in making money saving
ones life. They have unwittingly put themselves at great
risk and often do not receive quality emergency care.
Implementing Alice Baileys 10 point plan for bringing
on the New World Order, the elites through the media
have destroyed the family nucleus worldwide and
corrupted the institution of marriage in normalizing
acceptance of adultery, sodomitish and bi-sexual
behaviors, pedophilia, and in Canada recently the
legalization of beastiality. Hollywood and the film
industry have also successfully degraded the sanctity of
monogamous relationships and irrevocably corrupted
respect for women in packaging and exporting
pornography world-wide.

It seems obvious to me that somethings got to give and

being the fig tree generation, we are now living in the end
of days. At some point peace will end and suddenly upon
the world come immediate all-consuming destruction.
This recognition leads me to the last few quotations Id
like to share, in connecting the north as place for the end
of days release of Giants said to be imprisoned within the
interior of the hollow earth. Both destruction and
salvation come from the north as it is from this direction
which Christ will also return when every eye bears
witness to His second coming. But first as lead into the
story of the release of the Giants at the end of days:


SAW AGAINST BABYLON. 2 Lift up a standard
on the mountain of the plain, exalt the voice to them,
beckon with the hand, open the gates, ye rulers. 3 I
give command, and I bring them: giants are
coming to fulfil my wrath, rejoicing at the same
time and insulting. 4 A voice of many nations on the
mountains, even like to that of many nations; a voice
of kings and nations gathered together: the Lord of
hosts has given command to a war-like nation, 5 to
come from a land afar off, from the utmost
foundation of heaven; the Lord and his warriors
are coming to destroy all the world. 6 Howl ye, for
the day of the Lord is near, and destruction from God
shall arrive. - Brenton Septuagint Translation Isaiah



WHEN Alexander was king and had subdued

countries and cities, and had arrived in the East, he
saw on the confines of the East those men who are
of the children of Japhet. They were more wicked
and unclean than all (other) dwellers in the world;
filthy peoples of hideous appearance, who ate mice
and the creeping things of the earth and snakes and
scorpions. They never buried the bodies of their
dead, and they ate as dainties the children which
women aborted and the after-birth. People
ignorant of God, and unacquainted with the power
of reason, but who lived in this world without
understanding like ravening beasts. When
Alexander saw their wickedness, he called God to
his aid, and he gathered together and brought
them and their wives and children, and made
them go in, and shut them up within the
confines of the North. This is the gate of the
world on the north, and there is no other
entrance or exit from the confines of the world
from the east to the north.

And Alexander prayed to God with tears, and God
heard his prayer and commanded those two lofty
mountains which are called 'the children of the
north,' and they drew nigh to one another until
there remained between them about twelve cubits.
Then he built in front of them a strong building,
and be made for it a door of brass, and anointed it
within and without with oil of Thesnakts, so that if
they should bring iron (implements) near it to force
it open, they would be unable to move it; and if
they wished to melt it with fire, it would quench it;
and it feared neither the operations of devils nor of
sorcerers, and was not to be overcome (by them).
Now there were twenty-two kingdoms
imprisoned within the northern gate, and tbeir
names are these: Gg, Mgg, Nwl, Eshkenz3,
Denphr4, Pakty, Welty5, Humny,
Parzy, Dakly, Thaubely6, Darmety,
Kawkeby, Dog-men (Cynocephali), Emderth,
Garmd`, Cannibals7, Therky, lny, Psln,
Denky8, Saltry9. At the end of the world and at
the final consummation, when men are eating and
drinking and marrying wives, and women are
given to husbands; when they are planting
vineyards and building buildings, and there is
neither wicked man nor adversary, on account of
the assured tranquillity and certain peace;
suddenly the gates of the north shall be opened
and the hosts of the nations that are imprisoned
there shall go forth. The whole earth shall tremble
before them, and men shall flee and take refuge in
the mountains and in caves and in burial places and
in clefts of the earth; and they shall die of hunger;
and there will be none to bury them, by reason of
the multitude of afflictions which they will make
men suffer. They will eat the flesh of men and
drink the blood of animals; they will devour the
creeping things of the earth, and hunt for serpents
and scorpions and reptiles that shoot out venom,
and eat them. They will eat dead dogs and cats, and
the abortions of women with the after-birth; they
will give mothers the bodies of their children to
cook, and they will eat them before them without
shame. They will destroy the earth, and there will
be none able to stand before them. After one week
of that sore affliction, they will all be destroyed in
the plain of Joppa, for thither will all those
(people) be gathered together, with their wives and
their sons and their daughters; and by the
command of God one of the hosts of the angels
will descend and will destroy them in one moment.
The Book Of The Bee

For me these two passages are undeniably linked to the

Joel 2 end of days release of the supernatural armies
contained in the great abyss which I cite to be the vortex
of the north. To prove that the fallen angels, giants, and
locust army are released from the bottomless pit, I will
follow up with a quotation which bears witness that the
release of the giants from their imprisonment in the north
is tied in timing to the rise to power and reign of the
antichrist and New World Order. As revealed in this
quote, these events are also connected to the latter 42
months and three and half of the seven years of
tribulation referred to as the Great Tribulation. And
while the following passage is not exactly connected to
our discourse on the vortex of the north, I will share it
just to give readers insight on the connections between
the release of the locust army with the soon coming reign
of the anti-Christ.



When the Cross is raised up to heaven, straightway

shall every head and every ruler and all powers be
brought to nought, and God will withdraw His
providential care from the earth. The heavens
will be prevented from letting fall rain, and the
earth from producing germs and plants; and the
earth shall remain like iron through drought,
and the heavens like brass. Then will the son of
perdition appear, of the seed and of the tribe of
Dan; and he will shew deluding phantasms, and
lead astray the world, for the simple will see the
lepers cleansed, the blind with their eyes opened,
the paralytic walking, the devils cast out, the sun
when he looks upon it becoming black, the moon
when he commands it becoming changed, the trees
putting forth fruit from their branches, and the
earth making roots to grow. He will shew
deluding phantasms (of this kind), but he will
not be able to raise the dead. He will go into
Jerusalem and will sit upon a throne in the
temple saying, 'I am the Christ;' and he will be
borne aloft by legions of devils like a king and a
lawgiver, naming himself God, and saying, 'I
am the fulfilment of the types and the parables.'
He will put an end to prayers and offerings, as if at
his appearance prayers are to be abolished and men
will not need sacrifices and offerings along with
him. He becomes a man incarnate by a married
woman of the tribe of Dan. When this son of
destruction becomes a man, he will be made a
dwelling-place for devils, and all Satanic workings
will be perfected in him. There will be gathered
together with him all the devils and all the hosts of
the Indians; and before all the Indians and before
all men will the mad Jewish nation believe in him,
saying, 'This is the Christ, the expectation of the
world.' The time of the error of the Antichrist will
last two years and a half, but others say three years
and six months. And when every one is standing in
despair, then will Elijah (Elias) come from
Paradise, and convict the deceiver, and turn the
heart of the fathers to the children and the heart
of the children to the fathers; and he will
encourage and strengthen the hearts of the
believers. The Book of the Bee LIV

The four directional rivers connected to the central Whirlpool
surrounding this mountain, are described as the naval of the
Earth. Changing direction every 6 hours this flow is asserted
by them as the breath of God and causation for the tidal
rhythms which inhale and exhale the great seas.

Chapter 17 - The Ocean Basin, Charbrydis,
And Tidal Rhythm

In this chapter, I will elaborate upon the structure of the

ocean basin surrounding the continental landmasses
which rise above sea level and are encircled by the
Antarctica ice-wall as possible outer limit. I say possible
because recently someone rediscovered a January 11th,
1907 article from the Hawaiian Gazette which talks about
a 1000-year-old Buddhist map which was found in a
copper cylinder hidden in Japanese monastery by the
brother of a Dr. Kobayashi. This map depicts on it,
various unknown continents which surpassing the
limitations of the ice wall monitored by UN forces
projects in idea the possibility that there are more
inhabitable regions beyond what we as the public are
privy to explore.

Because of the Antarctic Treaty, whatever may exist
beyond the Antarctic limits, none of us can know for
sure. An international force protecting these limits
prohibits adventure into whatever lies beyond. A little
known about book called the History of the Rechabites
speaks about a place outside the reach of this dimension
where a group of Gods elect are preserved from the
hostility of this world. The Srimad Bhagavatam like the
Book of Enoch associates the nether regions with the
serpent race of people called the nagas or rakshasas
(maneaters) which contained in the interior of the earth
are prevented currently from entrance into our world.

(29) Beneath that world there is the world of

Mahtala which belongs to the descendants of
Kadr who have a reputation as a bunch of ever
angry, many hooded, cruel snake types, as there
are the notorious Kuhaka, Takshaka, Klya and
Sushena Most addicted to material happiness
they all live with the shortest temper. They have five,
seven, ten, a hundred or a thousand hoods, with on
their crests fixed the most valuable gems the
effulgence of which disperses the vast darkness of the
caves of Ptla.' - Chapter 24: The Nether Worlds

In order to set the premise for the shape of the world and
that the dry land is surrounded in circular ring by the
oceans, I thought we should begin with two passages
from the Scriptures which detail the establishment of the
earth as a circle and that it was inscribed upon a square.
Interestingly, Rob Skiba recently in a show on YSTV
spoke about the esoteric meaning of the Masonic square
and compass as it relates to the theme of this premise.
In it he said the square represents the four corners region
of the earth which the circular dry land was inscribed
onto the waters of the deep. I believe his assessment on
this topic absolutely correct and that the globalists are
hiding in plain sight their knowledge of the true nature
and shape of the earth as they do on the logo of the
United Nations flag. And so, let us examine the various
English translations of these two passages from Job and
Proverbs for insight on the foundation of the circle of the
earth for the firmament that was fitted to it and how this
ring encloses as limit the oceans basin.

Job 26:10

New International Version

He marks out the horizon on the face of the waters
for a boundary between light and darkness.

New Living Translation

He created the horizon when he separated the
waters; he set the boundary between day and night.

English Standard Version

He has inscribed a circle on the face of the waters
at the boundary between light and darkness.

New American Standard Bible

"He has inscribed a circle on the surface of the
waters At the boundary of light and darkness.

King James Bible

He hath compassed the waters with bounds, until
the day and night come to an end.
Holman Christian Standard Bible
He laid out the horizon on the surface of the waters
at the boundary between light and darkness.

International Standard Version

He has delimited a boundary over the surface of
the oceans as a limit between light and darkness.

Proverbs 8:27

New International Version

I was there when he set the heavens in place, when
he marked out the horizon on the face of the deep,

New Living Translation

I was there when he established the heavens, when
he drew the horizon on the oceans.

English Standard Version

When he established the heavens, I was there;
when he drew a circle on the face of the deep,

New American Standard Bible

"When He established the heavens, I was there,
When He inscribed a circle on the face of the deep,

King James Bible

When he prepared the heavens, I was there: when
he set a compass upon the face of the depth:

Holman Christian Standard Bible

I was there when He established the heavens, when
He laid out the horizon on the surface of the

International Standard Version

when he crafted the heavens, I was there when
he marked out a circle on the face of the deep,

These insights will help us to better understand the nature

what the ancient cosmological accounts referred to as
turtle Island. That the earth as it was initially formed
resembled the hump of a turtle shell. That it wasnt until
the division of the peoples during the time of Peleg that
the world was broken up into the many continents we see
allocated in modern maps. One can refer Edna Kentons
1928 publication of the Book of the Earths for more
information on this.

7. All the rivers and springs of water continually

flow into the water of the ocean which surrounds
the world like a ring but the ocean is not filled
and to the place is where the rivers continually
flow, they return there in order to flow from the
spouts of the deep. Ecclesiastes 1:7, Targum

Notice that in this verse the ocean is said to surround the

world like a ring and located somewhere within it is a
place where the rivers flow continually outward to fill the
ocean but that they also return toward a spout located
somewhere within its deep. It is, my opinion, that this
verse confirms in postulation the shape of the world as I
have been bringing forth throughout the chapters of this
book. And that some outer limit whether it is the
Antarctic ice wall or something beyond that as perimeter
contains the ocean waters.
There the waves are stayed, and can venture no further.
At the center of this basin a spout funnels in vortex
draining the waters of the ocean into the interior until
reversing course then vomits them outward in tidal flood.
It is this whirlpool which lying at the center of the
earthen plain is responsible for the cycle of high and low
tide as I will elaborate upon further within this chapter.

Also, the world resembles the ball of his eye: the

ocean that encircles the earth is like unto the
white of the eye, the dry land is the iris,
Jerusalem the pupil, and the Temple the image
mirrored in the pupil of the eye. - The Legends of
the Jews I

The basin of the boundless sea, gathered

together by His workmanship into it's
reservoirs, passeth not the barriers wherewith it
is surrounded; but even as He ordered it, so it
doeth. For He said, So far shalt thou come, and thy
waves shall be broken within thee. The ocean
which is impassable for men, and the worlds
beyond it, are directed by the same ordinances of
the Master. - 1 Clement 20:6-8

Definition of Basin - [bey-suh n]

1 a: an open usually circular vessel with sloping or
curving sides used typically for holding water for
washing a new washstand and basin
b chiefly British: a bowl used especially in cooking
2 a: a dock built in a harbor or a river that is
noticeably affected by the tide
b: an enclosed or partly enclosed water area
3 Geography a: a large or small depression in the
surface of the land or in the ocean floor
b: the entire tract of country drained by a river and its
c: a great depression in the surface of the lithosphere
occupied by an ocean
4 Geology: a broad area of the earth beneath which
the strata dip usually from the sides toward the center

The definition of the word basin as depicted by the

preceding passage links perfectly to the description of the
circle or compass of the earth as it was inscribed upon the
waters of the deep. Even the United Nations flag depicts
in truth orientation the oceans of the world encircled by
the continents which rise up from it. The laurel wreath
represents the perimeter of the Antarctic ice wall which
surrounds them in such orientation. This outer ring or
band which contains the oceans basin is similarly alluded
to multiple times all throughout the Bible. But because
most do not recognize the structure of the earth in such
manner they cannot interpret correctly the corresponding
language of how the plane of the earth is encompassed by
the edge or what the Bible calls the ends of the earth as
mentioned in the following passages.

[8] Or who shut up the sea with doors, when it

brake forth, as if it had issued out of the womb?
[9] When I made the cloud the garment thereof,
and thick darkness a swaddlingband for it, [10]
And brake up for it my decreed place, and set
bars and doors, [11] And said, Hitherto shalt
thou come, but no further: and here shall thy
proud waves be stayed? Job 38:8-11
[5] Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it
should not be removed for ever. [6] Thou coveredst
it with the deep as with a garment: the waters stood
above the mountains. [7] At thy rebuke they fled;
at the voice of thy thunder they hasted away. [8]
They go up by the mountains; they go down by the
valleys unto the place which thou hast founded for
them. [9] Thou hast set a bound that they may
not pass over; that they turn not again to cover
the earth. Psalms 104:5-9

The outer perimeter of the Antarctic ice wall if indeed it

is the exterior boundary of the earths circle, is where the
heavenly firmament spread out as curtain above, joins it
in merger with the earth. Which is why together the earth
and heavens seen from the side, form in shape a tent or
tabernacle; the earthen plain the floor and the heavens,
the walls and ceiling. Unified they represent the world as
a snow globe encasing and protection the habitation made
for humanity and the creatures later created to be settled
upon it. This symbolism is also why in Scripture the
earth is referenced as the Lord Gods footstool as
mentioned in these passages.

Thus saith the LORD, The heaven is my throne,

and the earth is my footstool: where is the house
that ye build unto me? and where is the place of
my rest? Isaiah 66:1

Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool:

what house will ye build me? saith the Lord: or
what is the place of my rest? Acts 7:49

Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by
Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King.
Matthew 5:35

In the next passage, the Lord God conveys to Enoch how

He established the foundation of the earth with a solid
canopy, placing in its middle the passage which leads
down into the bottomless abyss. The seas gathered and
spread abroad, were given their eternal limits binding
them together in yoke by the walls of the firmament.
Unified in conjunction with the vaulted dome, the oceans
are held fast by its impenetrable barrier.

1 And then I made firm the heavenly circle, and
(made) that the lower water which is under
heaven collect itself together, into one whole,
and that the chaos become dry, and it became
so. 2 Out of the waves I created rock hard and big,
and from the rock I piled up the dry, and the dry I
called earth, and the midst of the earth I called
abyss, that is to say the bottomless, I collected the
sea in one place and bound it together with a
yoke. 3 And I said to the sea: Behold I give you
(your) eternal limits, and you shalt not break
loose from your component parts. 4 Thus I
made fast the firmament. This day I called me
the first-created [Sunday]. Book of the Secrets of
Enoch 29:1-3

When the Holy One--blessed be He!--created the

world, it was a level expanse free from mountains;
but when Cain slew Abel his brother, whose blood
was trodden down on the earth, He cursed the
ground, and immediately hills and mountains
sprang into existence. Midrash Vayosha

When the Lord created his works from the

beginning, and, in making them, determined their
boundaries, 27 he arranged his works in an eternal
order, and their dominion for all generations.
Wisdom of Jesus Son of Sirach 16:26-27

The Tide Cycle

Before I exit discussion of this topic, I would like to

reflect upon the tidal rythmns and connect them to the
structure of the northern Polar Regions. The spout
mentioned by Solomon is connected to the Whirlpool
which is said to surround Rupes Nigra. Science tells us
that the tide cycles are influenced and controlled by the
gravitational attraction and synchronous movements of
the moon as it orbits around the earth.

Tides are the rise and fall of sea levels caused by the
combined effects of the gravitational forces exerted
by the Moon and the Sun and the rotation of the
Earth. The times and amplitude of tides at a locale
are influenced by the alignment of the Sun and
Moon, by the pattern of tides in the deep ocean, by
the amphidromic systems of the oceans, and the
shape of the coastline and near-shore bathymetry
(see Timing). Some shorelines experience a semi-
diurnal tide - two nearly equal high and low tides
each day. Other locations experience a diurnal tide -
only one high and low tide each day. A "mixed tide";
two uneven tides a day, or one high and one low, is
also possible. Wikipedia

In studying about the northern Polar Regions, I have been
lead to an alternative answer for why and how the tides
occur and will elaborate upon this phenomenon as I share
the stories of Homers legends of Odysseus, Apollonius
Rhodius of Jason and the Argonauts, and Virgils tale of
Aeneas. The issue of what creates, controls, and causes
the tidal cycle has remained a riddle in modern times
even for those well studied in the research of flat earth. I
believe the answer to this puzzle can be discovered in the
mythologies and ancient encounters of various explorers
with the sea monster Charybdis which when understood
I believe explains this phenomenon in more precision
than any scientific affirmation connected to the so-called
gravitational pull of the moon in influencing or
generating the low and high tides. Let me first explain
what Charbrydis was believed to be.

The sea monster Charybdis was believed to live

under a small rock on one side of a narrow
channel. Opposite her was Scylla, another sea
monster, that lived inside a much larger rock.
[Odyssey, Book XII] The sides of the strait were
within an arrow-shot of each other, and sailors
attempting to avoid one of them would come in
reach of the other. To be "between Scylla and
Charybdis" therefore means to be presented with
two opposite dangers, the task being to find a route
that avoids both. Thrice a day, Charybdis
swallowed a huge amount of water, before
belching it back out again, creating large
whirlpools capable of dragging a ship
underwater. In some variations of the story,

Charybdis was simply a large whirlpool instead
of a sea monster.

A later myth makes Charybdis the daughter

of Poseidon and Gaia and living as a loyal servant
to her father. She aided him in his feud with her
paternal uncle Zeus and, as such, helped him
engulf lands and islands in water. Zeus, angry for
the land she stole from him, cursed her into a
hideous bladder of a monster, with flippers for
arms and legs, and an uncontrollable thirst for the
sea. As such, she drank the water from the sea
thrice a day to quench it, which created
whirlpools. She lingered on a rock with Scylla
facing her directly on another rock, making a strait.

I will now explain what charbrydis actually is and how it

ties together in association with the spout mentioned by
Solomon and the place where the waters are collected in
Enoch. This premise also aligns with the experience and
stories related by ancient explorers Like Jacobus Cnoyen
and cartographers like Gerardus Mercator which I will
also explain in great detail. But first let us examine
closely the stories of Odysseus, the Argonauts, and also
Aeneas for further clues on the nature of the sea monster
which famously instilled such tremendous horror into the
hearts of even the most brave of the heroic explorers.

The Odyssey

Odysseus faced both Charybdis and Scylla while

rowing through a narrow channel. He ordered his
men to avoid Charybdis, thus forcing them to pass
near Scylla, which resulted in the deaths of six of
his men. Later, stranded on a raft, Odysseus was
swept back through the strait and passed near
Charybdis. His raft was sucked into her maw, but
he survived by clinging to a fig tree growing on a
rock over her lair. On the next outflow of water,
when his raft was expelled, Odysseus recovered it
and paddled away safely. Wikipedia


"[Kirke (Circe) advises Odysseus on the dangers

he will face on his voyage:] On the other side are a
pair of cliffs. One of them with its jagged peak
reaches up to the spreading sky, wreathed in
dark cloud that never parts. There is no clear
sky above this peak even in summer or harvest-
time, nor could any mortal man climb up it or
get a foothold on it, not if he had twenty hands
and feet; so smooth is the stone, as if it were
burnished all over. Half-way up the cliff is a
murky cave [the home of Skylla (Scylla)], facing
north-west to Erebos . . . You will see the other
cliff [opposite Skylla] lies lower, no more than an
arrow's flight away. On this there grows a great
leafy fig-tree; under it, awesome Kharybdis
(Charybdis) sucks the dark water down. Three
times a day she belches it forth, three times in
hideous fashion she swallows it down again.
Pray not to be caught there when she swallows
down; Poseidon himself could not save you from
destruction then. No keep closer to Skylla's cliff,
and row past that as quickly as may be. - Homer,
Odyssey 12. 84 ff (trans. Shewring) (Greek epic
C8th B.C.)

"So with much lamenting we [Odysseus and his

men] rowed on and into the strait; this side lay
Skylla (Scylla); that side, in hideous fashion,
fiendish Kharybdis (Charybdis) sucked the salt
water in. When she spewed it forth, she seethed
and swirled through all her depths like a
cauldron set on a great fire, and overhead the
spray fell down on the tops of the two rocks. But
when she sucked the sea-water in, one might
look right down through the swirling eddy while
the rock roared hideously around her and the
sea-floor came to view, dark and sandy. Ashy
terror seized on the crew. We had looked her way
with the fear of death upon us; and at that moment
Skylla snatched up form inside my ship the six of
my crew who were the strongest of arm and
sturdiest." - Homer, Odyssey 12. 231 ff
"[After Odysseus' ship had left the island of
Thrinakie (Thrinacia), Zeus sent a storm to wash it
into the maw of Kharybdis (Charybdis):] The
raging west wind abated, but the south instead
came at once to plague me [Odysseus], forcing me
to retrace my track towards pitiless Kharybdis. All
night I was carried backward thus; then at
sunrise I reached Skylla's rock and murderous
Kharybdis. Just then she swallowed the salt-
water; I threw myself up to the lofty fig-tree and
clung close against it like a bat, because there
was no firm foothold there, and no chance of
climbing either; the roots were far below, and
the big long branches hung out of reach
overhead, overshadowing Kharybdis. I held on
grimly till she should vomit out mast and keel
again. That time seemed long to my anxious
hopes, but about the hour when a judge in court
will hear no more claims from brisk young
plaintiffs--when he stands up and goes home to
dine--about that hour the timbers swam up
again from Kharybdis. I let myself drop, hands
and feet together, and fell with a crash into mid-
strait just by the timbers, then clambered on to
them and rowed with my hands. The father of
gods and men [Zeus] would not allow Skylla to spy
me, else I should never have escaped the precipice
of destruction." - Homer, Odyssey 12. 430 ff

Incredibly in this legendary story, Odysseus describes not

only the swallowing and spewing forth of the oceans
water by Charybdis, he also describes amazingly Rupes
Nigra, the barren peak which rising from the midst of this
swirling terror is said to be taller than any mountain and
so smooth no man can gain foothold upon it to strive
ascending its height:

One of them with its jagged peak reaches up to

the spreading sky, wreathed in dark cloud that
never parts. There is no clear sky above this peak
even in summer or harvest-time, nor could any
mortal man climb up it or get a foothold on it, not
if he had twenty hands and feet; so smooth is the
stone, as if it were burnished all over.

Overhanging Charbrudis churning menace and holding

on for dear life, Odysseus is able to peer deeply into the
bowels of the earth at the very heart of sheol while the
waters fall into the bottomless abyss, But when she
sucked the sea-water in, one might look right down
through the swirling eddy while the rock roared
hideously around her and the sea-floor came to view,
dark and sandy.

Knowing what we now know of the northern polar

regions, can it be denied that this mythical tale has hidden
within it confirming witness of not only the biblical
concept of the mount of the congregation but also Enoch
and Jobs description of the gaping maw which leads
down into seven levels of sheol? I believe not.

"After them [the Seirenes (Sirens)], Odysseus

came to a divided passage. On one course lay the
rocks called Planktai (Planctae), and on the other
were two great cliffs, in one of which was Skylla
On the other crag was Kharybdis (Charybdis), who
three times a day sucked in the water and spat it
out again. As it [his ship] fell apart, Odysseus hung
on to the mast, and drifted back to Kharybdis. As
Kharbydis sucked down the mast, he grabbed an
overhanging wild fig and waited, and when he saw
the mast bob up again, he jumped on it and was
borne through the sea to the island of Ogygia." -
Homer, Odyssey 23. 322


"[Hera commands the sea-goddess Thetis assist the

Argonauts in their passage between Skylla (Scylla)
and Kharybdis (Charybdis):] I brought them [the
Argonauts] safely through the Wandering Rocks,
where fiery blasts rage and roar and the rollers
break in foam on jagged reefs. But it still remains
for them to pass the great cliff of Skylla and the
gurgling whirlpool of Kharybdis . . . Do not let my
friends [the Argonauts] be so unwary as to fall into
Kharybdis, or at one gulp she will swallow them
all. Nor let them go too near the hateful den of
Ausonian Skylla, the wicked monster borne to
Phorkys by nigh-wandering Hekate (Hecate),
whom men call Kratais (Crataeis)--or she may
swoop down, take her pick and destroy them in her
terrible jaws. What you must do is so to guide the
ship that they escape disaster, if only by a hair's
breadth." - Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 4.
786 & 825 ff (trans. Rieu) (Greek epic C3rd B.C.)

"[Medea laments:] Would [that] . . . Scylla the

ravening submerged us [the Argonauts] in the deep
to be devoured by her dogs--fit were it for Scylla to
work woe to ingrate men! And she [Kharybdis
(Charybdis)] who spews forth so many times the
floods, and sucks them so many times back in
again--would she had brought us, too, beneath
the Trinacrian [Sicilian] wave!" - Ovid, Heroides
12. 123 ff (trans. Showerman) (Roman poetry C
1st B.C. to C 1st A.D.):

"The sea rushed violently in between them,

dividing Italy for Sicily, severing their coasts and
washing cities and fields on either side with a
narrow strait. Scylla guards the right shore,
insatiable Charybdis the left. Three times a day
the latter, down in the depths of a whirlpool
gulps whole tons of wave into her maw, then
spews them up again, flailing the heavens with
spray." - Virgil, Aeneid 3. 418 ff (trans. Day-
Lewis) (Roman epic C1st B.C.)

"[Aeneas recounts his voyage:] Then we made out

Trinacrian Aetna (Sicilian Etna) on the horizon,
and from afar we heard a thunder of waves
throbbing on rocks, and inshore noises broke
fitfully on our ears; the race was dancing with fury,
the shoal-water boiling with sand. Anchises cried:-
That must be the infamous Charybdis! Those are
the reefs, the terrible rocks that Helenus told of!
Row for your lives, my comrades! Pull together!
Pull! Yarely they all obeyed my father's
command. Palinurus turned away first to port, the
bows of his vessel creaking; then the whole
convoy, with oars and sails, clawed off to port. We
were tossed up high on an arching surge, then
down we went in the trough as the wave fell
away, down to the very Pit. Thrice roared aloud
the reefs and the caverns of rock beneath us,
thrice we beheld the sky through a spattering
flounce of spindrift. Time passed. The wind went
down with the sun. Utterly spent, not knowing
where we were, we crept to the shores of the
Cyclops." - Virgil, Aeneid 3. 555 ff

These three legendary stories involving encounter with

what was historically believed to be a sea monster, does it
not make better sense to associate this creatures existence
with the spout, eddy which as wide gaping hole both
swallows and spews forth the waters of the world in
perpetuating tidal rhythms? My research has led me to so
numerous citations of this particular anomaly, I would
wager that if actually exists.

I first shared my viewpoint on this topic when responding

to a comment somebody posted on an August 10th, 2016
video interview that I did with Rob Skiba on the release
of The Firmament: Vaulted Dome Of The Earth. The
video can be found under that title on both of my
YouTube channels, EndeavorFreedom and Zen Garcia.
Before sharing the discourse of that comment, I would
like to highlight in mention a few side notes posted on the
margins of Gerardus Mercators 1569 polar projection
map. This list of cryptic statements when scrutinized,
link perfectly into the accounts of Charbrydis given by
Odysseus, Jason, and Aeneas of what lies at the center of
the northern realms.

80N, 220E - The ocean breaking through by 19

passages between these isles forms four arms of
the sea by which, without cease, it is carried
northward there being absorbed into the bowels of
the Earth. The rock which is at the pole has a
circumference of about 33 leagues.

72N, 170E -From sure calculations it is here that
lies the magnetic pole and the very perfect magnet
which draws to itself all others, it being assumed
that the prime meridian be where I have placed it.
A monstrous gulf in the sea towards which from
all sides the billows of the sea coming from remote
parts converge and run together as though brought
there by a conduit, pouring into these mysterious
abysses of nature, they are as though devoured
thereby and, should it happen that a vessel pass
there, it is seized and drawn away with such
powerful violence of the waves that this hungry
force immediately swallows it up never to appear
again. Gerardus Mercator

Youtube Question, Comment, and Response

Mercator seems to only make mention of the indrawing

nature of this conduit. However, studying all of the
other ancient sources which I will be sharing throughout
this book in connection to this northern vortex, I believe
it apparent that the ocean waters are propelled powerfully
with both an inward and outward thrust, thereby
propagating the nature of the tides.

I must also mention that because the ancient stories make
mention of three daily reversals to high and low tide and
contemporarily there exists a daily pattern of tidal
reversal every six hours, that perhaps some time and
somehow in the ancient past, the alternating tidal cycle
had a quicker pace?

This conundrum leads me to the YouTube query asked of

me regarding this phenomena: If you can confirm the
exact reason, the Earth has two high tides per day you
will go a long way towards solving this puzzle.

I know this is going to sound crazy, however, in my

opinion, it is true. I mention this topic in a show that I
did on Paradise, the Throne of God, and the North Pole a
few months back (January 2016). In that show I
mentioned the Inventio Fortunata, a 14th-century book on
the journeys of various explorers believed successful in
their travels to the North Pole and back. In that text, it
mentions somewhere that the Whirlpool which surrounds
Rupes Nigra changes directional flow every 6 hours. For
one 6-hour period, it will suck in the ocean waters and
then 6 hours later expel them in flood back onto the earth.
This rhythm, in my opinion, creates the tides. This
inward, outward exhalation is representative of the
earths breath and indicator that Gaia is a living,
breathing, organically conscious being. I know this
sounds absolutely crazy but I believe this understanding
to be reflected in the Book of Enoch where the earth
appeals to the Most High for reprieve, when the fallen
angels and their giant progeny instigate and propogate
utter chaos. Calling for mercy, she lays accusation

against them for the slaughter and madness carried out by
them upon her bosom.

When they turned themselves against men, in order

to devour them; 14. And began to injure birds,
beasts, reptiles, and fishes, to eat their flesh one
after another, and to drink their blood. 15. Then
the earth reproved the unrighteous. - Book of
Enoch 7:13-15

I know my assertion that the earth is a living organism

may certainly sound ludicrous and antithetical to
common sense reasoning. Yet when we consider that
Christ being the light of the world is at the atomic level
the source of all things and everything manifest in Him.
Perhaps one of the inherent properties of light is
consciousness being a manifestation of source and
connecting link to the Creator. Perhaps consciousness
and conscious being are just an overt part of the outward
density of light as it slows in vibration to become sound,
frequency, vibration. Which would mean that all things
manifest by the Godhead contain within them the great
mystery that is life. The stars are in Scripture believed to
be celestial hosts and conscious entities, so why not the
earth? Just a thought.

The 14th century writings of the Inventio Fortunata by

Nicholas de Linna and The Itinerium of Jacobus Cnoyen
also reference the structure of the northern region
describing Rupes Nigra as a lodestone mountain with
such overwhelming magnetic draw that it pulled the
nails right out of explorers boats! The four directional
rivers connected to the central Whirlpool surrounding this
mountain, are described as the naval of the Earth.
Changing direction every 6 hours this flow is asserted by
them to be the breath of God and causation for the tidal
rhythms which inhale and exhale the cosmic breath of the
great seas.

Mercators 16th century map informs us that the waters

of the oceans are carried northward through these four
rivers to the Pole with such great force, no wind can
assist the ship in sailing against the current. Disappearing
into an enormous eddy beneath the polar mountain, the
ocean waters are said to be absorbed in dissipation into
the bowels of the earth.

Many others like Fridtjof Nansen have found mention of

this great northern whirlpool in other ancient sources
such as the Norse Eddas. In the Eddas it is called
Hvergelmer, the worlds well which pushing and
pulling water through its subterranean channels induces
the tidal action. Isidore of Seville (c.560-636), likewise
mentions it in the Gesta hammaburgensis ecclesiae
pontificum of Adam Bremensis (11th century), Mercator
sites its description from the Topographia hibernica of
Giraldus Cambrensis (1146-1220). The northern
whirlpool is also cited in the Historia norvegiae (c.1180),
the Speculum regale (c. 1250) of Einer Gunnarson, and
another particularly interesting quote from the Langobard
author Paulus Warnefridi (Diaconus c.720-790):

And not far from the shore which we before spoke

of, on the west, where the ocean extends without
bounds, is that very deep abyss of waters which
we commonly call the oceans navel. It is said
twice a day to suck the waves into itself, and to
spew them out again; as is proved to happen along
all these coasts, where the waves rush in and go
back again with fearful rapidity

By the whirlpool of which we have spoken it is

asserted that ships are often drawn in with such
rapidity that they seem to resemble the flight of
arrows through the air; and sometimes they are lost
in the gulf with a very frightful destruction. Often
just as they are about to go under, they are brought
back again by a sudden shock of the waves, and
they are sent out again thence with the same
rapidity with which they were drawn in.

In Gesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesiae Pontificum

the Archbishop Adalbert speaks about a team of
noble Frisians which setting sail in hopes to
explore the north polar region in 1035-1043.
Heading north beyond Greenland, of a sudden
they fell into that numbing oceans dark mist
which could hardly be penetrated with the eyes.
And behold, the current of the fluctuating ocean
whirled back to its mysterious fountainhead and
with most furious impetuosity drew the unhappy
sailors, who in their despair now thought only of
death, on to chaos; this they say is the abysmal
chasm that deep in which report has it that all
the back flow of the sea, which appears to
decrease, is absorbed and in turn revisited, as the
mounting fluctuation is usually described. As the
partners were imploring the mercy of God to
receive their souls, the backward thrust of the sea
carried away some of their ships, but its forward
ejection threw the rest far behind the others. Freed
thus by the timely help of God from the instant
peril they had had before their eyes, they seconded
the flood by rowing with all their might. - What
Causes Ocean Tides?

Grasping in totality the concept for the structure of our

enclosed world system, I believe one can then appreciate
how extremely lucky those explorers which escaped the
dangers of the earths central vortex were and how
fortunate we are to have their stories as surviving witness
to their adventures. Especially now that these regions
seem to be heavily guarded by forces attempting to
prohibit exploration of these areas. It is seemingly
forbidden for people to make trip to these areas as
measure to gain insight as to what actually lies at the
northern and supposed southern pole of the earth.

If the worlds elite wanted to confirm the earth as a globe

conclusively, all one would need to do is send two
expeditions to opposing sides of the earth's surface and
then proceeding outwards show them coming together in
crossing near the supposed southern pole, verifying to all
that the land as a globe truly does join together there.

[38] And I said, O Lord, thou spakest from the beginning of the creation,
even the first day, and saidst thus; Let heaven and earth be made; and thy
word was a perfect work. [39] And then was the spirit, and darkness and
silence were on every side; the sound of man's voice was not yet formed. [40]
Then commandedst thou a fair light to come forth of thy treasures, that thy
work might appear. [41] Upon the second day thou madest the spirit of the
firmament, and commandedst it to part asunder, and to make a division
betwixt the waters, that the one part might go up, and the other remain
beneath. [42] Upon the third day thou didst command that the waters should
be gathered in the seventh part of the earth: six pats hast thou dried up, and
kept them, to the intent that of these some being planted of God and tilled
might serve thee. [43] For as soon as thy word went forth the work was made.
[44] For immediately there was great and innumerable fruit, and many and
divers pleasures for the taste, and flowers of unchangeable colour, and
odours of wonderful smell: and this was done the third day. [45] Upon the
fourth day thou commandedst that the sun should shine, and the moon give
her light, and the stars should be in order: [46] And gavest them a charge to
do service unto man, that was to be made. 2 Esdras 6:38-46

Chapter 18 Eyewitness Accounts
of the Northern Polar Regions

Gerard Mercator, a world-renowned cartographer in a

1577 letter to John Dee, the occult advisor to Queen
Elizabeth I describes the successful voyages of a Jacobus
Cnoyen to these far-off regions. His account is cited in
the above article and repeated mostly intact below, minus
the Belgian script from which he derives his story. I will
follow up this narrative with the partial account of the
Inventio Fortunata, a 14th century manuscript which takes
its title from the meaning of "Fortunate, or fortune-
making, discovery." Considered a lost book, it is mentioned
in Mercators narrative to Dee and contains in description
eye witness account of the exploration of the North Pole,
including reference to a magnetic island (the Rupes Nigra)
surrounded by a giant whirlpool and four continents.

Gerardus Mercator 1577 Letter To John Dee

Jacobus Cnoyen of Herzogenbusch travelling the world

like Mandeville described what he saw with better
judgment. He wrote in the Belgic language. The ideas
about the Northern Regions which some time ago I
extracted from him follow word for word save where for
the sake of brevity or speed I have translated into Latin
when if not always his words I have retained his

In North Norway, which is called Dusky Norway, there

are three months of darkness during which there is no
sunlight but a perpetual twilight. This North Norway lies
over against the country called the Province of Darkness
(or Obscure Province); in Latin Provincia Tenebrosa.
Concerning it, however, there is nothing written in Marco
(Polo). And this Province of Darkness is [the most
western bound] of the Grand Chams land. And between
this Province and Dusky Norway there is only 12 miles
of sea.

From North Norway you cannot reach the Indrawing Sea,

which lies beyond Grocland. For it lies still further
northward, this North Norway stretches as far as the
mountain range which encompasses the North Pole, and
borders on this mountain range for about 17 miles by
land: the rest is all sea. And this is the same mountain
range which (comes close) within about 15 French miles
and then stands further off towards the East. And near
here, towards the north, those Little People live of whom
there is also mention in the Gestae Arthuri. And there
borders it besides a beautiful open land. And this land lies
between the Province of Darkness and the Province of
Bergi, But between each of these Provinces and these
lands lies an Indrawing Sea, And this Province (the open
land) has a mountain border of over 72 French miles by
land. These facts and more about the geography of the
North are to be found in the beginning of the Gestae
Arthuri etc.

The islands adjacent to the North Pole were formerly

called Ciliae (perhaps Thule), and now the
Septentrionales: among them is North Norway. And there
are many small rivers, some two, some one, some three
kennings" wide, more or less: and they are called
indrawing seas because the current always flows
northwards so strongly that no wind can make a ship sail
back against it. And here it is all ice from October to
March. And in these latitudes the mountains reach up to
the clouds, and are almost all rock bare of vegetation.
And it is almost always misty and dull weather, And it is
well known that beyond mentio-sned, and yet habitable /
and inhabited. Perhaps, I at that time was none, there
inhabitant:) and the North Cape of Norway doth iye in
71} # whereabouts, now, is good habitation /

* King Arthur his conquest of all the North Islands. J fort

heeren 4000 of King Arthurs subjects consumed with the
Indrawing seas.

** Ao. Di. 1364 .8. men, being of the generation of thern /

which went in King Arthur his tyme: / to these places
discovering. I

** fort. 25, i gradu. I mean in the 25 generation, at the I

least, after King Arthur / his tyme allowing longer Ages, than
now the general rate is: at between 25 & 30 years to a

Note the Colonies sent / by King Arthur into all the north
Islands / and by name into Grocland, which 3 yet suppose
to be / the same which is otherwise anciently called
Groenlamd and of that you had the word before out of the
boke De Priscis Anglorjum Legibus. / *Geants in Groclandt
/ about a thousand | yeres sins. } - 'es: } ... be su...
Report | ... Drowning: / and proper } to be declared /

* Arthur sendeth's people to inhabit ye / iles, wherof all=

|most half perished / ...ted. }

70 or 78 degrees of latitude there is no human habitation.

Moreover this 78th parallel goes in a circle round the
Arctic Pole, in the form of a high mountain range,
(Lacuna) ... part of the army of King Arthur which
conquered the Northern Islands and made them subject to
him. And we read that nearly 4000 persons entered the
indrawing seas who never returned. But in A.D. 1364
eight of these people came to the King's Court in
Norway. Among them were two priests, one of whom
had an astrofabe, who was descended in the 5th
generation from a Bruxellensis: One, I say: The eight
(were sprung from?) those who had penetrated the
Northern Regions in the first ships.

That great army of Arthur's had ain all the winter (of 530
A.D.) in the northern islands of Scotland. And on May 3
a part of it crossed over into Iceland. Then four ships of
the aforesaid land had come out of the North. And
warned Arthur of the indrawing seas, So that Arthur did
not proceed further, but peopled all the islands between
Scotland and Iceland, and also peopled Grocland. (So it
seems the Indrawing Sea only begins beyond Grocland).
In this Grocland he found people 23 feet tall, that is to
say of the feet with which land is measured.

When those four ships returned, there were sailors who

asserted that they knew where the magnetic lands (?)
were. - (Lacuna) [Arthur afterwards put on board a
fleet of 12 ships about 1800 men and about 400
women. They sailed northwards on May 3 in the year
following that in which the former ships had
departed. And of these 12 ships, five were driven on
the rocks in a storm, but the rest of them made their
way between the high rocks on June 38, which was 44
days after they had set out. (More precisely, perhaps,
some of them made their way.)

The priest who had the astrolabe related to the king of
Norway that in A.D. 1360 there had come to these
Northern Islands an English the triumphant raigne of
Edward three Franciscan} with some | men.

* ... the Northern ) Countryes, Inventio || Fortunatae or /

Fortunae, written for Edward the Third.

Minorite from Oxford, who was a good astronomer etc. Leaving

the rest of the party who had come to the Islands, he journeyed
further through the whole of the North etc., and put into writing
all the wonders of those islands, and gave the King of
England this book, which he called in Latin Inventio
Fortunatae, which book began at the last climate, that is to
say latitude 54, continuing to the Pole, -

This monk said that the mountain range goes round

the North like a wall, save that in nineteen places the
indrawing channels flow through it, whereof the
widest is not above 12 French miles across, the
narrowest of, mile. And through the narrowest no
ship would be able to go, because of the strong rush of
the water. The mountain range is surrounded by sea
except in North Norway, when the Norwegian
mountain range reaches it for a width of about 17
miles. And right under the North Star, opposite Norway,
there lies a fair level sand which is uninhabitated, where
many beautiful... (Lacuna), ... in the east there stretches
out an arm of land which is nearly all wooded. And
narrows continually, (the farther north?) the more, so that
it is not more than one mile wide where it meets the
mountain range. Otherwise no land touches the
circumference (of mountains) anywhere. But in many
places the sea is so narrow that one can see the far side.
And the mountain range covers a breadth of eight miles.
And in the whole circle (said the Minorite) there is no
habitation, except on the eastsidewhere in that
narrowland (isthmus) already mentioned there were 23
people not above 4feet tall . . . whereof 16 were women.
This Monk said that in two other places further inland he
found a great piece of ship's planking and other balks
which had been used in big ships besides many trunks of
trees which at some earlier date had been hewn down. So
that he could say with certainty that there had formerly
been habitation there but the people had now gone, And
that the country where they (the pygmeys I believe he
means) lived was more than 6 degrees broad (that is to
say 20 days' journey) and one could cover the distance on
foot, and it was 10 degrees long, that is 33 days journey.
Also there lay there (said he] an Indrawing Sea of 5
channels gathered together which came through the
mountain range out of the 19 channels mentioned.
And this Indrawing Sea is 12 French miles wide, and
measures across about 4 days journey,

* A day's journey is evidently reckoned as 18 French

miles, i.e. in terms of average land travel. degree of
longitude there! being but .40. of our myles. But a Degree
of I latitude in all places is of s. 60 of our British myies. But
it may be understood of a great Circle, as journeys by land I
are made and discoursed { coomly. * Notable Warning 1
of the making of the indrawing Seas: I which to pas and
/ which to shoe, as being dangerous, I Much Brasill
growing here.

A Whirle Poole I in the Midst, I about under the l North Pole.

} The Whirle Poole / 480 myles over, or wide, except sting the
diameter! of the great Rock / in the middes. A wonderfuli
(great and high / rock, right under the North Pole, and in the
midst of the foresayd Whirle Poole.

And at the west of the aforesaid country is another
Indrawing Sea into which 3 more channels go out of
the aforesaid 19. And that channel which they (the
ships I believe are meant) had entered also flowed
therein. And all these channels which turn tortuously
when they come out of the mountains drive ships
immediately ashore, But whatever channels flowed
straight into the innermost seas, into which the 19
channels gather, in these ships must of necessity be
carried current wise (i.e. inwards) and become lost.
Also, sad this Minorite, these innermost seas number
four: and the one which lies on the west side was quite
34 French miles broad. And on the other side of this
sea was the best and healthiest land in all the North.
Also he said that the sea which lay on the east side could
never be frozen because so many channels united othere.
And it was narrow besides, so that the current was very
strong, but that the one which ran on the west side used
to freeze almost every year: and remained frozen
sometimes for three months. And in that land he had seen
no signs of habitation. But in a country which lay to the
North opposite it, he had recognized planks of ships and
tre trunks, All these four countries re high open lands
(i.e. plateaus) except some mountains four fathom [sic]
high. There are many trees of Brazil wood. When this
Priest (with the astrolabe) . . .

(Lacuna) in the midst of the four countries is a Whirl-

pool ... into which there empty these four Indrawing
Seas which divide the North. And the water rushes
round and descends into the earth just as if one were
pouring it through a filter funnel. It is 4 degrees wide
on every side of the Pole, that is to say eight degrees
altogether. Except that right under the Pole there lies
a bare rock in the midst of the Sea. Its circumference
is almost 33 French miles, and it is all of magnetic
stone. And is as high as (the clouds?) so the Priest
said, who had received the astrolabe from this
Minorite in exchange for a Testament, And the Minorite
himself had heard that one can see all round it from the
Sea: and it is black and glistening. And nothing grows
thereon, forthere is not so much as a handful of soil of
it. That was the writing and words of the Minorite,
who has since journeyed to and fro five times for the
King of England on business. They are to be found in
a book called Inventio Fortunae, of which the Minorite
himself was author. The foresaid Priest said also to the
King of Norway that in the country where he dwelt not
six times a year did it rain: and even that was drizzle,
lasting not more than 6 or 7 hours.

*No great / showers of rain / in these regions!

**Fresh cool air always there, (Lacuna) the wind never blows
hard enough to drive a corn-mill.

Furthermore the air there is always cool. And the

other 7 that were with him testified that they had also
heard such things (as he related] said by their elders,
but had never seen them. This is word for word
everything that I copied out of this author (Cnoyen) years
ago, Farewell, most learned man, with my most
affectionate esteem.

1577 Gerardus Mercator

Secondary Account The Inventio Fortunata

The earliest allusions to the lnventio Fortunata of Lynn is

found upon the margin of a map by John Ruysch, which
appeared at Rome in the Ptolemy of 1508. On this map is
a legend somewhat to the following effect: " It is written
in the Book of the Fortunate Discovery that, under the
Arctic Pole, there is a high magnetic rock 33 German
miles in circumference. This is surrounded by the fluid
sugenum sea, that as a vase pours out water by four
mouths from below. Around are islands, of which two are
inhabited. Mountains vast and wide surround these
islands, 24 of which deny habitation to man." This would
seem to indicate that the book written by Nicholas of
Lynn was known to the mapmaker, while, also, it may
have been known at Rome. It is evident that the polar
region was drawn more or less in accordance with some
plan by Nicholas, which was combined with later
material. Around the magnetic rock, immedi-ately under
the pole, are four islands, " Aronphei," " Insvla deserta," "
Hyperborei Evropa " and " Insvle Deserta." Outside of
these islands are smaller and mountainous islands,
arranged in a semi-circle, while the peninsula of "
Pilapelanti," with its base resting ifpon Europe, pushes
out into this druidic arrangement of islands, bearing up
what is intended to represent a church, with the legend "
Sacte (Eastward of this peninsula is the " Provicia
obscura," and the " Marc Svgenvm." Westward of " Bergi
extrema " another peninsula enters the group of islands,
which is pierced by " planora de 13erga "at the extreme
west. The " Mare Svgenvm " also fills the west. South of
" Grvenlant " is " Terra Nova," or New Found-land. From
the " Mare Svgenvm " the water flows northward through
the four openings into the polar basin. The arrangement is
curious, yet not wholly without resemblance to what is
found in nature; for what is called the polar basin is fed
by several vast streams pouring into it from the warm
regions at the south. These streams also create counter
currents, which now southward, bearing enormous
quantities of the heaviest ice. Nicholas of Lynn doubt-
less understood something of this fact, but it would
appear from the use he made of Giraldus Cambrensis,
who wrote in 1187, that, unfor-tunately, he gave the
author of Topographia Hihernica the credit of being
better informed than himself. The monk of Lynn was
clearly indebted to Giraldus for the description of the
streams. In turn Giraldus refers to " the philosophers "
who describe them.*

A Section of the biap of Raysch, 1505.

*"Legere est I Libro de I% etione fortvnati, svb polo arctico evpe

esse excelsfi ex lapide magnets 33 miliarvm germanorvrn ambits,
bane coplectitvr mare evgenvm flvidvm instar oasis aqva deorsv
per foramina emetettis, circv isvle svt & eqvihvs incolvtvr dye
ambient avtem has insvlits continvi montes vasti latiq dictis. 24
qb negat hominvm habitatio " This is obscure and appears to
have suffered in the hands of the engraver. Our translation may
not prove very satisfactory.

This basin or whirlpool at the north, with the four

entering streams, appears to be a venerable institution.
Yet it may after all be founded upon what is observed to-
day, in connection with the Gulf Stream and the Kuro
Ciro, and may be connected with the observations of such
navigators as Pytheas, who went to the north. The
magnetic rock under the pole, on the map of Ruysch, or
rather, we may perhaps say, of Nicholas, deserves
attention, as it has been claimed that the monk bad
applied his mind to one of the most difficult of problems
and that the magnetic mountain stands for the solution
thereof. The attention of Humboldt does not appear to
have been drawn to Nicholas, but, in treating the history
of the magnet, the great investigator calls attention to the
fact that " on the remarkable chart of America appended
to the edition of the Geography of Ptolemy. published at
Rome in 1508, we find the magnetic pole marked as an
insular mountain north of Grventlant." In 1545, Martin
Cortez placed the magnetic pole further south, as did
Sanuto in 1588.* That Nicholas entertained fanciful
notions is not at all strange. Sanuto held that if men were
ever so fortunate as to 'reach the magnetic pole, they
would experience some miraculous effect. Columbus,
likewise, was full of curious fancies, holding for instance,
that, west of the Azores, ships sailed up hill towards the
unapproach-able Paradise.f It would have been a happy
thing if the false notions of Nicholas of Lynn had not
misled others. First, however, it must be indicated that
the magnetic mountain of Lynn was bor-rowed from the
early philosophers and geographers. Galen reports
magnetic rocks on the coasts of the Indian ocean, and St.
Ambrose echoes the idea; while the Arabic geographer
Edrisi, of the twelfth century, author of a Map of the
World, of the year 1154, reported a magnetic mountain at
the mouth of the Red sea, it being 12 miles long and
surrounded by islands, acting upon the iron in ships and
holding them fast* In Hayneths Ptolemy of 1508 is found
a similar account, the island being In the possesion of
anthropopbagi, or Manioles. It is surrounded by ten other
islands. The magnetic attraction was so powerful there
that it was necessary in building ships to use wooden
nai1s. In these accounts, as in the map of Ruysch, the
magnetic island stands in a circle of islands.

Edrisi's Map. A. D. 1154

et concurrent: qui in secreta aaturre penetralia se ibi
transfudentes, quasi in abys-snm vorantur. Si vero navem hoc
forte transire contigerit Uinta repitur et attrahitnr fluctnum
violentia at earn statim irrevocabiliter vie varaeitatis absorbeat.
Quatuor bajus modi oceani voragines, quatnor appositio mundi
partibus, philosophi deserib. ant. Undo et tam merinos &pros,
quam etiam relicos flatus cansaliter provenire non-nulli
conjectant."--Top. Hibernica, c.xiv. * Cosmos, IL, 659; Examen
Oritique. III., 60. + " Select Letters of Columbus," p. 133.

" Life of Columbus," by Goodrich, p. 48. Ed. New York, 1874.

The map of Ruysch alone is tie authority for connecting

Lynn's name with the magnetic mountain. The accounts
preserved by Mercator and Dr. Dee do not mention the
magnetic rock, the ships being driven by the currents or
indraughts. Nicholas understood something of polar
magnetism, and supposed that it was to be ex-plained by
the aid of a magnetic island like that of Ptolemy, and
accordingly created one. It was partially suggested as
hypothetical. Of the extent of his actual knowledge in
connection with polar mag-netism it is impossible to
speak. It will be necesaary, however, to notice the
blunder into which the map of Ruysch led Humboldt,
who, contrary to his usual custom, hastily accepted a
suggestion found in Biddle's Life of Cabot. Mr. Biddle, in
seeking to exalt his hero, dwells upon what Cabot ob-
served in connection with the variation of the compass,
and says that his earliest transatlantic voyage carried him
" to the very quar-ter where it is exhibited in a manner so
sudden and striking that modern navigators seem to
concur in placing there one of the mag-netic poles." As
respects the locality of the voyage in question, however,
there is much doubt, the so-called map of Cabot being no
authority on the subject.* Mr. Biddle nevertheless
continues : " There is a curious piece of evidence to show
how early the north-ern region discovered by Cabot was
associated with the alarm which this phenomenon [the
variation] must, in the first instance, have excited,"
adding: "On the great map of the world which accom-
panies the edition of Ptolemy published at Rome in 1508,
is the fol-lowing inscription," which he gives in Latin, but
which is Englished as follows : " Here the ship's compass
loses its property, and no ves-sel with iron on board is
able to get away."t On this, the author

*gignit illa traheret obg hoc sup trail) ea i sicco firmari assernt."
(Ruysch's Ptolemy of 1058, Lib. VII., c. ii.) On map xi., f. 165,
the islands are laid down, with a legend containing the idea
already expressed. See also Bergeron's " Voyages faits
principalement en Asie," Tome I., p. 25; and the Ptolemy of
Rnscelli, Venice, 1574, p. 328.

*See the author's article in the "Compte Rendu "of the

Americanistes, Brussels, 1880.

"A. Memoir of Sebastian Cabot," p. l'79, Ed. 1832. The Latin is

as follows: "Hie compassu8 naviv. no tenet nec naves que ferrum
tenent revertere valet." No vtich absurd statement could have
come from either of the Cabots.

says that " it is impossible to doubt that the reference is to

the well-known effect produced there on the compass.
Beneventus, who pre-pared the supplemental matter for
this edition of Ptolemy, professes to have a knowledge of
the discoveries made by Columbus, by the Portuguese,
and by the English." He also refers to Fournier, who says
that Cabot marked exactly in various places the dipping
of the needle.* Humboldt, in noticing this, says that
Biddle " observes with justice, that a remark inscribed on
the Mappemonde of Ptolemy" " appears founded on the
ideas of Cabot relative to the position and proximity of
the magnetic pole."1 Nevertheless, a more careful ex-
amination of the general subject, in connection with
Nicholas of Lynn, would have shown Humboldt that
there was no reference whatever in the legend to the
discoveries of Cabot, but that the reference was to the
teaching contained in the monk's Inventio Fortunati, itself
an echo of Ptolemy and the ancients. Biddle says that the
inscription appears " far beyond terra nova," while Hum-
boldt loosely says, "before or near (pres) New
Foundland." Bath are quite wrong, as the legend stands
north of Greenland and Ice-land, at the entrance of the
polar sea, evidently being placed there for the reason that
there was not sufficient room nearer the magnetic
mountain. Humboldt, by the aid of Mr. Biddle, simply
fell into a blunder, confusing a monastic hypothesis
with the supposed record of an actual observation by
Cabot. This error does not appear to have been noticed
hitherto. The arrangement of the land and water around
the pole on Ruysch's map is conventional, and it may be
questioned whether the great peninsula called " Grvenlant
" was a part of Lynn's plan. At all events, he had ample
opportunities of becoming acquainted with Greenland
when making his voyage to the north, as in 1379 the Ice-

"Memoir," &c., p. 179.

"M. Biddle, anteur du savant Memoir of Sebastian Cabot, qui a

paru en 1831, observe avec juatesse (chap. 26, p. 177-180)
qu'uue remarque inscrite dans la Mappe-monde de Ptolemee
ajoutee a Pedition romaine de 1508, remarque d'apres laquelle
prem de Terre Neuve et l'ile de Bacalaurus, la boussole ne
gouverne pas, nee naves gum fermi= tenentrevertere voient,'
parait fond& sur les idees de Cabot relatives a la position et A, la

proxi'mite du pole magnetique boreal."(" Examen Critique,"

landers were still well informed respecting that country.*

Indeed, there is good reason for supposing that the map
of Ruysch shows less knowledge of Greenland than
Nicholas possessed, as the monk was a contemporary of
the Zeni and Bardsen; for it was dur-ing the lifetime of
Lynn, 1340, that Ivar Bardsen went from Nor-way to
Greenland for the relief of the colonists there.t Next we
pass to the map of Orontius Fine, of the year 1331, which

shows the influence of Nicholas, as exerted by Ruysch;

for there is no evidence at hand proving that Fine had
seen the book called In-radio Fortunata. Fine's map
represents the circumpolar region complete, and retains
the four inner islands shown by Ruysch. The outer circle
of islands is broken, while "Grvenlant" appears as an
island widely separated from Asia. Iceland and the
Arcades appear in their proper relative positions ;
Baecalar," which included New Foundland and Labrador,
being a part of Asia, in accordance with the Columbian
idea. The next trace of Nicholas, the monk of Lynn, is
found in the work of Las Casas, written in 1552-61,
where he speaks of floating islands, and refers to those of
Northern Italy, mentioned by Pliny, and where he also
mentions the floating pummice-stone described by
" Islenzkir Annular," p. 330.

+ See "The Sailing Directions of Henry Hudson,' and Bardsen's

Commission in " Arctike landes Guide Geographie," p. 47.

Seneca. Passing from these cases, he mentions " certain

islands which swim on the water," saying " of this kind
must have been those which are called Saint Brandon, in
whose history, it is said, you may read of many islands
that were seen in the sea surrounding the islands of Cape
Verde and the Azores, which are always in a state of
conflagration, and which must be similar to those spoken
of above," adding, " of the same mention is made in the
book of In-v entio Fortunata."* Nicholas of Lynn also
appears upon the map of Mercator, 1569, whereon the
polar regions are delineated more or less in accordance
with the conceptions of the famous monastic voyager,
while the map shows that Mercator obtained his
information through Cnoyen.

*A esto decia Cristobal Colon, que podian Her aqnellas isles de

las que tracta Plinio, Lib. 2, c. 97, de su Natural Histories,' que
hacia la parte del Septemtrion, socaba la mar algunas arboledas
de la tierra, que tienen tan grandes rakes, que las Ileva como
balsas sobre el aqua que desde lejos parecen islas. Ayuda a esto
lo que dice Seneca en el lib. III. de Los Naturales,' que hay
nature de piedras tan esponjosas y livianas, qua bacen dellas en la
India unas como isles que van nadando por el ague, y desta
manera dehian de sex las que dieen Sant Brandan, en cup'
Idetoria diz que se lee que fueron vistas muchas islas por la mar
de las isles de (;abo Verde ti de Ins Azores, que siempre ardian y
debian de see como las que arrant se ban dicho: de lo min se
hace inencion en el libro llamado inventio fortunate." Historias
de las Indias, in " Documentos ineditos," Tom. LXII, p. 99. For
the passage of Seneca, see " CEuvres Completes," Tom. VIII., p.
230; for Pliny, Bohn's ed., p. 122.

Mercator says; " Touching the description of the northpartes, I

have taken the MIMIC out of the voyage of James Cnoyen, of
Hartzeuau Buske, which alleageth, * * among the rest, he learned
of a certaine priest, in the King of Norwayes court, in the yeere
1364. This priest was descended from them which King Arthur
had sent to inhabit those Islands, and he reported that in the yeere
1360 a certain English Frier, a Franciscan, and a Mathematician
of Oxford, came into those Islands, who leaving them, and
passing further by his Magical' Arte, described all those plows,'
that he save, and tooke the height of them with his Astrolabe,
according to the form" 'but I, Gerard Mercator, have set down in
my mappe, and as I have taken it MIL 41f the aforesaid Cnoyen.
Hee say (' that those foure Judraughts were drawne into an
Inward guile or whirlepoole, with so great a force, that the ships
which once mitered therein, could by no meanes he driven back
againe, and that there is never in part* No much winde blowing,
as might he sufficient to drive a corn mill." I I Ito " Principal
Nnvigations," by Hakluyt, 1., 122.)

The Oxford friar referred to by Cnoyen, was none other than

Nicholas of

Another reference to the subject is found in the Life of

the Admiral, heretofore generally attributed to Ferdinand
Columbus. The text runs as follows: "Juventius
Fortunatus relates that there is an account of two islands
towards the west, and a little southward than the island of
Cape Verde, which skim along upon the water." *Now,
if we are correct, the writer here alludes to the Inventio
Fortunata of Nicholas of Lynn, though the editor of the
Life of the Admiral, whoever he may have been, makes
the title of the book itself the name of the author. It is
indeed possible that such a person as " Juventus
Fortunatus "wrote on geographical subjects and hence
was quoted, but the probabilities are against this view. At
all events, no such work now exists in the Colombina
Library at Seville, where we should expect to find it, for
the reason that the library in question is none other than
the library of Ferdi-nand Columbus, the reputed author of
the Life of the Admiral. Nor does this library contain the
Inventio Fortunata of Nicholas; which constitutes another
argument, such as it is, to prove that Fer-dinand did not
write the book attributed to him, or at least that he did not
compose the work in its present form. The catalogue of
the Colombina has been searched diligently for some
indication of such work, but in vain. An inquiry has also
been made respecting the

*Lynn, concerning whose work something more will be known

when the fortunate antiquary draws out from its hiding-place the
book of Cnoyen, which Mercator says contained his voyage "
throughout all Asia, Africa and the North," a book which " was
lent me in time past, by a friend of mine at Antwerpe." He adds:
" After I had used it, I restored it againe; after many years I
required it again of my friend, but he had forgotten of whom he
bad borrowed it." (Principal Naviga-tions, "I., 445.)

* " Et Inventio Fortunato narra, sarsi nientione di due altre [sole,

volte all' occidente, & pin Australi, the le Isole de Capo verde; le
quali vauno sopra l'acqua nutando." (Historic del S. D. Fernando
Colombo," &c., 1571, c. viii.)

The writer is under very great obligations to Mr. Charles H. Eder,

United States Consular Agent at Seville, who, in February, 1879,
carefully searched the catalogue of the Colombina. Though some
of the books that once belonged to this valuable collection, which
formed the library of Ferdinand Columbus, are missing, the
Inventio Fortunata does not appear in the catalogue. Among the
entries are the following: Inventus, Presbiter, Atlas de memo,"
now lost ; "Fortunato fiol de Passamonte en Toseano "; "
Fortunato perisumns gliliQ monies pietatis," &c ; "Fortanatus,
Presbiter, Vita Sa Martini."

book of Knoyen, through which the author of the Life of

the Admiral might have learned the story of Nicholas.
This work is also wanting in the Colombina catalogue. It
is nevertheless clear that Columbus made a careful
examination of the arctic question. In the course of his
studies he might have seen the Inventio Fortuuata. That
he had examined the subject is evident from his Memoir
or Annotations upon the Five Zones, in which he sets
forth the theory found in the " Imago Mundi," holding
that the north was inhabitable, and proving it out of his
own experience in 1477.* In 1589, Blundeville expressed
an opinion derogatory to Lynn, holding that the voyage
attributed to him could never have been performed
without the aid of some " colde devil." We now pass to
the celebrated Dr. John Dee, a large number of whose
invaluable manuscripts were destroyed by a mob at
Mortlake in 1583, who evidently knew the manuscript of
Nicholas; and Irak-luyt, in 1599, gives an additional
testimony from the Astrologer. It runs as follows: " Ano
1360, (that is to wit, in the 34 yeere of the reigne of the
triumphant King Edward the third), a frier of Oxford,
being a good astronomer, went in companie with others
to the most Northern Islands of the world, and there
leaving his corn-

*The "Imago Mundi" was studied and annotated by Columbus.

The sixth " Inference" of Chapter VII. speaks of those who live
under the pole, and of their condition. The writer has found no
trace of the " Memoria " on the "Cinque Zone," mentioned by
Humboldt (Cosmos, 11., 611), who appears to speak loosely in

saying that " it has now become extremely rare." See also "
Examen Critique," II.,105; and V., 213.

The following is Blundeville's account: " Moreouer, the north

side of the promontorye Tabin bath 76 degrees of latitude, which
place, whatsoeuer Plinio said* thereof in his fourth booke of
Histories, yet I beleeve that no Roman CARIti ever there to
describe ye Promontory. Neither doe I beleeve that the Fryer of
Ox-ford, by virtue of his Art Magicke, euer came so nigh the
Pole to measure with his Astrolabe those cold parts together with
the fours floods, which Mercator & Bernar-dus do describe both
in the front, and also in the nether end of their maps, & nutcase
bee had some colde devil out of the middle Region of the sire to
be his guide, and therefore I take them in mime opinio to be meer
fables." (A Briefs Description of Vniversal Mappes and Carder,
and of their vse: and also the vse of Ptholerney bin Tables, by
Thomas Blundeville, London, 1589, 4to, p. c. 2.) The work of
Bernard an l'uteanns, of Bruges, 1579, does not appear to be
known. See Voyages of John Davis, p. lxxxviii., 1880.

pany together, he travailed alone, and purposely

described all the Northern Islands, with the indrawiiig
seas: and the record thereof; at his returne he delivered to
the King of England. The name of which book is Inventio
Fortunata (Miter fortunes) qui Tiber incipit a gradu 54
vfque ad polum. Which frier for sundry purposes after
that did five several times passe from England thither,
and home again."* As late as 1659, the story of Nicholas
of Lynn was echoed by geographers and cosmographers.
Heylin wrote about the great rock at the pole, and the four
indraughts or Euripi, which swallowed up ships, and
added the story of the pigmies, mentioned on Mer-cator's
map of 1542.f Among the maps which give more or less
exactly the ideas repre-. seated by Ruysch, that made in
1572 for Munster, copies of which are found in
Belleforest of 1575. Linschoten's map of 1595 faintly

shows the Euripi. The Ortelius of 1599 also shows them

*Ilakluyt, 1., 122. " Under the Aretick Pole is said to be a Black
Rock of wondrous height, about 3,3 leagues in compass; the
Land adjoyning being torn by the sea into four great Hands. For
the Ocean violently breaking thorow it, and disgorging itself by
19 Channels, maketh four Euripi, or fierce Whirlpools, by which
the waters are finally carried towards the North, and these
swallowed into the Bowels of the Earth. That Eurpius or
Whirlpool which is made by the &ythsc Ocean, hath five Inlets,
and by reason of his strait passage, and violent course, is never
frozen: the other on the back of Greenland, being 37 leagues
long, bath three inlets, and remaineth frozen three months yearly.
Between these two lieth an Island, on the North of Lappia and
Biarrnia, inhabited as they say by Pygmies, the tallest of them
not above four foot high. A certain Scholer of Oxford reporteth,
that these four Euripi are carried with such furious violence
towards some Gulf, in which they are finally swallowed up, that
no ship is able with never so strong a Gale to elm the Ourrent,
and yet there is never so strong a wind as to blow a windmill." ("
Cosmographie," B. IV., p. 191, Ed. 1659 ) On the next page,
Ileylin adds : " But Blundeville our Country man is of another
opinion (us indeed who is not ?) neither believing that Plinie or
any other of the Roman, Writers came hither to describe this
Promontory : or that the Oxford .Frier, without the assistance of
some cold Devil of the middle region of the Aire (and
consequently able to endure all weathers) could approach so near
as to measure these cold countries with his Astrolabe, or to take
the height of this Black Rock with his Jacob Staff."

The Mercator of Hondius, 1607, wants them; but the "

Fascicvlvs Geographicvs," of Matthew Quod, 1808,
shows the Euripi fully, as does the Hondifis of 1619, in
which there is an allusion to the " fab-ulous Knoyen," (Ce
fabuleux Cnoxe.) In 1625, Purchas copied the map of
Hondius, who repeats the then current account of Lynn
(III., 624). Further on (p. 853) he says that Mercator "
was abused by a map sent unto him, of foure Euripi
meeting about the North Pole." In all these accounts there
is, however, nothing to impugn the gen-eral statement
respecting the voyage of Nicholas into the far North. If
correctly reported, he may have fancied that he knew all
about the Pole and that he had solved the problem of the
magnet, by putting one of the old magnetic mountains in
the north. If he was deceived, it, may be said that he was
not the first navigator who indulged imagination at the
expense of truth. He is made to say that great tides drew
ships into a fatal gulf, but if this is used to prove that he
never saw the north, then the stories of the Norwegian
sailors respecting the Maelstrom, found until recently on
many maps, would indicate that later all they also never
saw the sea. In the early times, what havoc could not the
cosmographer have made of the statement of Davis, who
yaw the northern sea "falling down into the gulf with a
mighty over-fall"? What is needed is the narrative of
Nicholas, which he presented to Edward III. This may yet
be drawn forth from some musty and forgotten collection.

In closing we may pause to inquire how far north the

ancient navigators penetrated. The Icelandic colonists in
Greenland may have reached, a very high latitude during
the three hundred years that they visited there, but the
highest point indicated is that near Cape York, in 72 N.
Upon an unpublished Spanish globe in the National
Library at Paris, the date of about 1540, is an indication
which possibly may prove that some navigator had
pushed through Smith's sound and Robeson channel.
Many unrecorded expeditions were doubtless made into
the north, and this globe may contain the memorial of
some French, Spanish or Portuguese voyage not far from
the year 1500. In 1500 and in 1501, expeditions went
north under Contereal, who also went in 1502, never to
return. On the east coast of Greenland, so far as our
knowledge goes, exploration was not carried high up,
though Columbus, in going three hundred miles beyond
Iceland, must have sailed close to the northern border of
Greenland. If he had persevered, he would have struck
the New World in 1477. The early navigators appear to
have pushed northward to the pack ice, but there is no
indication of their having known either Jan Mayen, or
Franz Joseph's Land, though they may have seen both.
The map of the Zeno Brothers, the result of the voyage of
1380, stood unequalled down to 1558, no improvement in
the cartology of Greenland being made until the voyage
of John Davis, in 1585. The results of his observations in
Greenland were indicated by Molyneux on his globe of
1592 and on his map of 1600, which was engraved by
Wright, being projected on The plan attributed to
Mercator. The map of 1600 appears to be the one referred
to by Shakespeare in Twelfth Night, as " the new map
with the augmentation of the Indies." In 1511, the Lenox
Globe showed an open sea around the pole, and in 1529
the Verrazano Map left the sea still open, though in the
Antarctic region a great continent was beginning to
appear south of Cape Horn. Herein was the partial
representation of a classic myth. On Mercator's map of
1569, the Antarctic continent exults in astounding
proportions. Notwithstanding the great benefits conferred
upon geographical science by Mercator, the knowledge of
the globe in some respects was retarded in his hands,
owing to the weight of his reputation. The northern
region also was in time filled up, and ever since
geographers have been struggling to recover the original
conception of a polar sea. Shall we succeed? Of
speculation on this point we have had enough, and the
question remains to be decided by events. One thing,
however, has become clear, namely, that the prospect of
sailing to the pole by the way of Smith's Sound is far
from encouraging. Manifestly, beyond a certain point, the
route must be pursued by sledging. On the other hand, the
route by Behring Straits is still to be fully tested. The
Jeanette under Captain de Long, which last year passed
within the ice belt, sailing for Wrangell's Land, is yet to
be heard from. The establishment of the proposed colony
at Discovery Bay, in latitude 81 44' N., also awaits its
accomplishment. When this is done, as probably it will be
done in the summer of 1881, explorers will be prepared
to make fresh advances north of Smith's Sound, and thus
enter seriously upon the work of reaching the pole.
Captain Nares predicts that this can never be done, as, in
his judgment, the ice is too rough for rapid sledging,
while a powerful current is continually carrying the ice
southward. The opinion of so brave and skilful an officer
is not to be treated lightly; yet there is no proof that the
current always acts as it did when Captain Markham
made his great sledge journey to 83 20' N., the highest
point yet reached, nor that the ice is always in the same
rough condition that made his progress so slow. These
are points that remain to be decided by a permanent
colony. In that sledge journey, Captain Markham's Marty
was prostrated by scurvy, the scourge of the north,
though a disease which a proper supply of provisions wilt
obviate. Evidently, too, the season passed in the north by
the Nares expedition was one of unusual severity. As it
remained, Captain Markham reached a point, where the
water had shoaled to 70 fathoms, indicating approaching
land. They turned back when only 3994 miles from the
pole. It is not unreasonable to suppose that land actually
exists a short distance north of this point. If so, that land
may be gained and used as a base of operations for the
regions beyond. The question of mashing the pole is how
being resolved into one of equipment, while in this
department something is yet to be learned. The first thing
to be achieved is the establishment of the permanent
colony at Discovery Bay, after which must follow the use
of every appliance that science and ingenuity can devise.
In this respect, the Nares expedition was not altogether
perfect. Indeed, no temporary expedition can meet all the
conditions. Permanence in operation must characterise
any successful plan to reach the pole. The explorer must,
be made independent of ships; he must have adequate
moans f resisting the cold, and antiscorbutics that will
insure health. These things are certainly possible, and
when secured the arctic adventurer can bide his time and
await the favorable season; In meanwhile spending his
time in those general observations that will prove of such
incalculable scientific advantage. Haste will form no part
in that great campaign which must conduct the oil 'dorm.
to the pole. The work will require time, and the highest
courage and perseverance. The explorer will have no
assistance from natives beyond what he gains from those
who live south Discovery Bay.

-Gerard Hamdani

Chapter 19 Russian Scientist Finds Paradise
At The North Pole

The following 11/29/2006 interview with a Russian

professor also discusses the topography, landscape, and
mythology of the northern regions. Doctor of Philosophy
Valery Dyemin, a researcher of the Arctic region,
maintains that Hyperborea, a mythical land beyond the
north wind that the Greeks thought located beyond
Scythia, existed in reality. The legendary French scientist
Jean Sylvin Baiae attempted to prove the existence of
Hyperborea a few centuries ago.

Could you name any other scientists who also made a

lot of effort trying to shed some light on the mystery of

Yes, there were many of them. Not only the geographers

and historians worked on the problem, the linguists also
made several contributions. The rector of the University
of Boston William Warren published a book titled
Paradise Found at the North Pole in late 19th century. In
total, there were 11 editions of the book. Warren
analyzed a large number of spoken stories and legends
relating to paradise on Earth (Eden). According to him,
all the information contained therein stems from vague
recollections of some ancient perfect land that lay
somewhere in the Arctic region.

What exactly are we talking about? Which part of the

world should we look at?

I believe we should be looking for the traces of that
civilization in Eurasia and American arctic regions, in the
islands and archipelagos of the Arctic Oceans, at the
bottom of some seas, lakes and rivers. Its worthy of
notice that Russia has the largest number of locations and
artifacts that could bear relevance to Hyperborea. Some
of the above have already drawn attention of specialists;
others are yet to be discovered. Active exploration is
currently under way in the Kola Peninsula, in the Island
of Vaigach, in Karelia, Ural Mountains, West Siberia,
Khakasia, Yakutia, and a few other regions. There are
good prospects for conducting research in Franz Josef
Land, Taimyr, and Yamal.

The geographic term Hyperborean platform is technical

use. Scientists keep discussing the platforms dynamics
in order to find out the reasons why it sank to the bottom
of the ocean.

In other words, Hyperborea may have stretched over the

lands that eventually sank into the water?

One of the charts by Gerhardus Mercator, the 16th

century Flemish cartographer and geographer, shows a
huge continent lying in the vicinity of the North Pole.
The land is an archipelago composed of several islands
divided by deep rivers. A mountain sits in the center of
the land (according to legends, the ancestors of Indo-
Europeans lived near Mount Meru). The question is: How
did that land appear on the chart? There was no
information whatsoever regarding the Arctic regions
during the Middle Ages. We have some reasons to
believe that Mercator had used an ancient chart, the one
that is mentioned in his letter dated 1580. That chart
showed a continent located in the center of the Arctic
Ocean, which was pictured ice-free on the chart.
Mercators chart seems to be based on the ancient chart.

Secret decree by Catherine II

Assuming that the ancient cartographic information was

available for the chosen ones in days of old, has anybody
tried to search for Hyperborea in the Arctic region?

Some of our compatriots participated in the quest for

Hyperborea. The Russia Empress Catherine II got some
information of the ancient mythical land near the Arctic
Circle via the Free Masons. Catherine II organized two
expeditions with the help of Mikhail Lomonosov. She
signed a secret decree on May 4th, 1764. The official
documents indicated that the expedition headed by
Admiral Vasily Chichagov had been dispatched to
Spitsbergen to inspect the location for the renewal of
whaling and fishing out there. However, the endeavor is
referred to as an expedition bound for the North Pole in
the memoirs by Chichagovs son. The Master was
ordered to open an envelope with detailed instructions
only after his vessel had made for the open sea.
According to instructions, the vessel was to head into the
direction of the North Pool. Those instructions were
penned by Lomonosov, by the bye. Unfortunately, the
expedition couldnt break through the thick ice and had to
turn back.

Why was Catherine II so interested in finding

I believe that Catherine, not unlike a few other kings and
queens, was enchanted by the prospects of discovering
the elixir of eternal youth, which is said to have been
invented by the Hyperboreans. Pliny and Herodotus, as
well as Virgil and Cicero reported that people in the land
of Hyperborea lived to the age of one thousand and
enjoyed lives of complete happiness. We shouldnt forget
that the Empress was a woman.

Argumenty i Fakty

Translated by Guerman Grachev


If the woman had not separated from the man, she should not die with the man.
His separation became the beginning of death. - The Gospel of Philip

Chapter 20 - Paradise Our First
And Former Estate

In order to set the foundation for the following next few

chapters, I will revisit the story of Adam and Eve, their
fall from paradise, and banishment to the garden of Eden.
This story when truly comprehended will establish the
basis for where paradise actually is, where the garden of
Eden is located, and what are the differences between the
two. This study will also explain our former estate and
how Adam and Eves fall interrelates to each of us with
regard to the collective fall of humanity and reason we
are now housed in flesh form.

If the woman had not separated from the man, she

should not die with the man. His separation
became the beginning of death. Because of this,
Christ came to repair the separation, which was
from the beginning, and again unite the two,
and to give life to those who died as a result of
the separation, and unite them.

Adam came into being from two virgins, from the

Spirit and from the virgin earth. Christ therefore,
was born from a virgin to rectify the Fall which
occurred in the beginning.

There are two trees growing in Paradise. The one

bears animals, the other bears men. Adam ate from
the tree which bore animals. He became an animal
and he brought forth animals. The Gospel of

This teaching will also explain the essence of why
Yahushua had to come into the flesh Himself to redeem
humanity, clarifying what He was alluding to in
Revelation when He said, Remember from whence thou
art fallen. The fullness of this story can be ascertained in
a portion of Genesis excluded from the King James
rendition of Adam and Eves fall. It is extent within the
Aramaic Targum where the flaming cherubim are placed
by the Lord God outside of the gates of paradise, as a
measure to protect the holy place from humanity,
preventing them infiltration, reentrance into the garden
paradise until the end of days.

The passage I will quote from should be located right

after the punishments levied upon Adam, Eve, and the
serpent in Genesis 3:15-16. Preceding their embodiment
with a coat of skins in Genesis 3:21, which I take to
represent their transformation into human physicality.
Once Adam and Eve lose their bright natures, the Lord
God exiles them from paradise before they had a chance
to eat from the tree of life. This action on the part of
Yahweh Elohim was a merciful one to prevent them from
being forever locked into a fallen state.

Targum Story of the Fall of Adam and Eve

And Adam called the name of his wife Hava,

because she is the mother of all the children of
men. And the Lord God made to Adam and to his
wife vestures of honour from the skin of the
serpent, which he had cast from him, upon the skin
of their flesh, instead of that adornment which had
been cast away; and He clothed them.
And the Lord God said to the angels who
ministered before Him, Behold, Adam is sole on
the earth, as I am sole in the heavens above; and it
will be that they will arise from him who will
know to discern between good and evil. Had he
kept the commandments which I appointed to
him, he would have lived and subsisted as the
tree of life for ever. But now, because he hath not
kept that which I prescribed, it is decreed against
him that we keep him from the garden of Eden
(Paradise), before he reach forth his hand and
take of the tree of life: for, behold, if he eat
thereof, living he will live and subsist for ever.
And the Lord God removed him from the
garden of Eden; and he went and dwelt on Mount
Moriah, to cultivate the ground from which he had
been created. And He drave out the man from
thence where He had made to dwell the glory of
His Shekina at the first between the two
Kerubaia. Before He had created the world, He
created the law; He prepared the garden of Eden
for the righteous, that they might eat and
delight themselves with the fruit of the tree;
because they would have practised in their lives the
doctrine of the law in this world, and have
maintained the commandments: (but) he prepared
Gehinnam for the wicked, which is like the sharp,
consuming sword of two edges; in the midst of it
He hath prepared flakes of fire and burning coals
for the judgment of the wicked who rebelled in
their life against the doctrine of the law. To serve
the law is better than (to eat of) the fruit of the
tree of life, (the law) which the Word of the
Lord prepared, that man in keeping it might
continue, and walk in the paths of the way of life
in the world to come. [JERUSALEM. And the
Word of the Lord God said, Behold, Adam whom I
have created is sole in my world, as I am sole in
the heavens above. It is to be that a great people
are to arise from him; from him will arise a
people who will know how to discern between
good and evil. And now it is good that we keep
him from the garden of Eden before he stretch
forth his hand and take also of the fruit of the tree
of life, and eat, and live for ever... And He cast out
Adam, and made the glory of His Shekina to dwell
at the front of the east of the garden of Eden, above
the two Kerubaia. Two thousand years before He
had created the world, He created the law, and
prepared Gehinnam and the garden of Eden. He
prepared the garden of Eden for the righteous, that
they should eat, and delight themselves with the
fruit of the tree, because they had kept the
commandments of the law in this world. For the
wicked He prepared Gehinnam, which is like the
sharp, consuming sword with two edges. He
prepared in the depth of it flakes of fire and
burning coals for the wicked, for their punishment
for ever in the world to come, who have not kept
the commandment of the law in this world. For the
law is the tree of life; whoever keepeth it in this
life liveth and subsisteth as the tree of life. The law
is good to keep in this world, as the fruit of the tree
of life in the world that cometh.] IV. And Adam
knew Hava his wife, who had desired the Angel;
and she conceived, and bare Kain; and she said, I
have acquired a man, the Angel of the Lord. And
she added to bear from her husband Adam his
twin, even Habel. Genesis 3:22-24, Targum

Hidden within their dramatic recollection of being

banished from Paradise is the real reason why Yahushua
as a means to save humanity, had to be born of a virgin
and physically incarnate into flesh form. Comprehending
the necessity of his coming with the redeeming of
humanity when understood one would be able to grasp
then why the hope of eternal salvation can only come
through a relationship with Him as both the Son of God
and the way, truth, and the light. It is also for this reason
that no one can to come unto the Father unless they
accept and know the Son as Savior Messiah.

Christ came to the world to cleanse the genetic corruption

of humanitys bloodline polluted by both the hybrid
children of Cain and their daughters intermixing with the
sons of God. In the Dead Sea Scrolls Book of the Giants,
this corruption is cited as the miscegenation of
humankind and reason why the Lord God restored the
balance and harmony of nature with a worldwide deluge,
allowing Noah (pure in his generations) and family to
repopulate the world.

This knowledge is the one distinguishing factor which

sets apart as faith the religion which has come to be
known as Christianity. For the prophetic story of the first
and second coming of the Savior Messiah as means to
rectify the fall and redeem humanity is the core principle
of this faith. Those of us that accept Christ as King and
Lord believe that Yahushua preexisted with the Father
and Holy Spirit before the manifestation of all things and
creation of this world and that He is indeed the Son of
God; sent here on a mission to defeat the forces of
darkness. Legion recognized Him as the Son of God and
One who would judge them in finality at the end of days,
which is why they asked Him specifically, have You
come to torment us before the time.

Washed clean through His blood as the Passover Lamb,

His dying on the cross brought to all everywhere, an
opportunity for freedom through salvation, and return to
our first estate. Resurrected to the right hand of the
Father, He has defeated death and gone on to pave the
way for our eternal inheritance through Him. In heaven
now, He is abiding time preparing a place for the
righteous. When the times are fulfilled, He will come
again to separate the harvest, call the righteous wheat to a
preservation and the wicked tares to condemnation.

Understanding the reason for Christ coming into the

world in conjunction with the fall of Adam and Eve and
the war between the bloodlines, the larger picture of why
we are here becomes incredibly apparent. As well as why
scripture alludes to the necessity of our being born again,
and why at the end of days, the righteous are restored to
glorified body and redeemed as bright nature immortal
beings. I pray that all of us, myself and each one you
reading this discourse now, are found worthy to be
numbered among the elect and in a reception of this
honored destiny.

The reason why God, may His holy names be
sanctified! created Adam with His holy hand in His
form and image was that he should receive wisdom
and speech and animal motion, and for the
knowledge concerning things. When the glorious
and illustrious Angels saw one like Him in Adam,
they were affrighted. The wondrous glory upon his
face terrified them, his form appeared shining with
divine light greater than the light of the sun, and
his body was bright and brilliant like the well-
known stars in the crystal. When the figure of
Adam drew itself up, he leapt standing; he was in
the centre of the earth, he stretched out his right
hand and his left hand and put his feet in order
upon Golgotha, which is the place where was put
the wood (cross) of our Saviour Jesus the Christ.
He was dressed with a royal robe, he wore upon his
head a diadem of glory and praise and honour and
dignity, he was crowned with a royal crown, and
there he was made king and priest and prophet.
God set him upon a throne of honour, and gathered
to what was there all the animals and beasts and
birds and all that God had created, and made them
stand before Adam. They bent their heads and did
obeisance to him, and he called each of them by its
name. He made all the creatures obey him and they
responded to his command. The Angels and the
Powers heard the voice of God, may He be
glorified and exalted! saying to Adam, O Adam, I
have made thee king and priest and prophet and
ruler and chief and governor over all creatures that
are made. All creation shall obey thee and follow
thy voice. Under thy grasp they shall be. To thee
alone I have given this power; I have placed thee in
possession of all that I have created. When the
Angels heard this saying from the Lord they
redoubled honour and respect to Adam. When the
Devil saw the gift that was given to Adam from the
Lord, he envied him from that day and the
schismatic from God set his mind in cunning
towards him to seduce him by his boldness and his
curse; and when he denied the grace of the Lord
towards him, he became shameless and warlike.
God, may His names be sanctified! deprived the
Devil of the robe of praise and dignity and
called his name Devil, he is a rebel against God,
and Satan, because he opposes himself to the
ways of the Lord, and Iblis, because He took his
dignity from him. While Adam was listening to
the speech of his Lord to him, and standing upon
the place of Golgotha, all the creatures being
gathered together that they might hear the
conversation of God with him, lo! a cloud of light
carried him and went with him to Paradise and
the choirs of Angels sang before him, the
cherubim among them blessing and the
seraphim crying Holy! until Adam came into
Paradise. He entered it at the third hour on Friday,
and the Lord, to Him be praise! gave him the
commandment, and warned him against
disobedience to it. Then the Lord, to Him be
praise! threw upon Adam a form of sleep, and he
slept a sweet sleep in Paradise. And God took a rib
from his left side, and from it He created Eve.
When he awoke and saw Eve he rejoiced over her
and lived with her, and she was in the pleasant
garden of Paradise. God clothed them with glory
and splendour. They outvied one another in the
glory with which they were clothed, and the Lord
crowned them for marriage, the Angels
congratulated them, and there was joy there such as
never has been the like and never will be till the
day in which the people at the right hand shall hear
the glorious voice from the Lord. Adam and Eve
remained in Paradise for three hours. The site of
Paradise was high up in the air, its ground was
heavenly, raised above all mountains and hills,
that were thirty spans high, that is fifteen cubits,
according to the cubit of the Holy Ghost. This
Paradise stretches round from the east by a wall
from the hollow to the southern place of
darkness where the cursed Prince was thrown,
it is the place of sorrows. Eden is a fountain of
God lying eastwards, to a height of eight degrees
of the rising of the sun, and this is the mercy of
God on which the children of men put their trust,
that they shall have a Saviour from thence, because
God, may He be exalted and glorified! knew in His
foreknowledge what the Devil would do to Adam.
Adam lived in the treasury of His mercy, as David
the prophet said, Thou hast been a fortress to us,
O Lord, throughout all ages; cause us to live in Thy
mercy. The blessed David said also in his prayer
about the salvation of men, Remember, Lord (the
tree was the Cross which was planted in the
middle of the earth ), Thy grace which thou hast
wrought from all eternity; I mean by this the
mercy which God loved to extend to all men and to
our weak race. Eden is the Church of God, and
the Paradise in which is the altar of rest, and the
length of life which God has prepared for all the
saints. Because Adam was king, priest and
prophet, God caused him to enter Paradise that
he might minister in Eden, the Church of God
the holy Lord, as Moses the holy Prophet testifies
about this, saying, That thou shouldest minister
and declare by noble and glorious service, and
keep the commandment by which Adam and Eve
were brought into the Church of God. Then God
planted the tree of life in the middle of Paradise
and it was the form of the cross which was
stretched upon it, and it was the tree of life and
salvation. Satan remained in his envy to Adam and
Eve for the favour which the Lord shewed them,
and he contrived to enter into the serpent,
which was the most beautiful of the animals, and
its nature was above the nature of the camel. He
carried it till he went with it in the air to the
lower parts of Paradise.

The reason for Iblis the cursed hiding himself in

the serpent was his ugliness, for when he was
deprived of his honour he got into the acme of
ugliness, till none of the creatures could have borne
the sight of him uncovered, and if Eve had seen
him unveiled in the serpent, when she spoke to
him, she would have run away from him, and
neither cunning nor deceit would have availed him
with her; but he contrived to hide himself in the
serpent, the cunning creature, to teach the birds
with round tongues the speech of men in Greek and
such like. He would bring a broad mirror with
much light sending out rays; he would put it
between himself and a bird, and speak what he
wished that the bird should know, and when the
bird heard this speech, it would glance around and
look in the mirror, and see the form of a bird like
itself and rejoice at it, and not doubting that it was
a bird of its species that was speaking to it would
listen to it and attend to its language. And it would
comprehend it in a moment and talk to it. But the
cursed Devil, when he entered the serpent, came
towards Eve, when she was alone in Paradise
away from Adam, and called her by her name.
She turned to him, and looked at her likeness
behind a veil, and he talked to her, and she talked
to him, and he led her astray by his speech, for
womans nature is weak, and she trusts in every
word, and he lectured her about the forbidden
tree in obedience to her desire, and described to
her the goodness of its taste, and that when she
should eat of it she should become a god; and
she longed for what the cursed one made her
long for, and she would not hear from the Lord,
may His names be sanctified! what He had
commanded Adam about the tree.

She hastened eagerly towards it, and seized

some of its fruit in her mouth. Then she called
Adam, and he hastened to her, and she gave him
of the fruit, telling him that if he ate of it he
would become a god. He listened to her advice
because he should become a god as she said.
When he and she ate the deadly fruit they were
bereft of their glory, and their splendour was
taken from them, and they were stripped of the
light with which they had been clothed. When
they looked at themselves, they were naked of the
grace which they had worn, and their shame
was manifest to them; they made to themselves
aprons of fig-leaves, and covered themselves
therewith, and they were in great sadness for three
hours. They did not manage to continue in the
grace and the power with which the Lord had
endued them before their rebellion for three hours,
till it was taken from them and they were made to
slip and fall down at the time of sunset on that day,
and they received the sentence of God in
punishment. After the clothing of fig-leaves they
put on clothing of skins, and that is the skin of
which our bodies are made, being of the family
of man, and it is a clothing of pain. The entrance
of Adam into Paradise was at the third hour. He
and Eve passed through great power in three hours,
they were naked for three hours, and in the ninth
hour they went out from Paradise, unwillingly,
with much grief, great weeping, mourning and
sighing. They slept towards the East of it near the
altar. When they awoke from their sleep, God
spoke to Adam and comforted him, saying to him,
blessed be His names! O Adam! do not grieve,
for I will restore thee to thine inheritance, out of
which thy rebellion has brought thee. Know
that because of my love to thee I have cursed the
earth, and I will not have pity upon it, on
account of thy sin. I have cursed also the serpent
by whom thou hast been led astray, and I have
made its feet go within its belly. I have made dust
its food. I have not cursed thee. I have decreed
against Eve that she shall be at thy service. Know
certainly that when thou hast accomplished the
time that I have decreed for thee to dwell
outside, in the accursed land, for thy
transgression of my commandment, I will send
my dear Son; He will come down to the earth,
He will be clothed with a body from a Virgin of
thy race, named Mary. I will purify her and
choose her, and bring her into power generation
after generation until the time that the Son
comes down from Heaven. In that time shall be
the beginning of thy salvation and restoration to
thine inheritance. Command thy sons when thy
death approaches which I have decreed for thee
that when thou diest they keep thy body in myrrh
and cassia, and put it in the cave where thou art
dwelling to-day till the time of the exit of thy
children from the bosom of paradise and their
passage to the dusty land. When that time comes,
instruct the one of thy children who lives until then
to carry thy body with him and put it in the place
where I shall make him halt. This place where he
shall put thy body is the centre of the earth;
from it and in it salvation shall come to thee and
to all thy children. God disclosed to him all the
griefs and pains that should happen to him, and
commanded him to have patience about this.
When He put Adam and Eve out of Paradise,
He shut its gate, and put in charge a fiery Angel.
He caused Adam and Eve to dwell in the holy
mountain on which is the foundation of
Paradise, in the place known as Matarimn.
They lived there in a cave at the top of the hill,
hidden in it, and despairing of mercy, and they
were then pure virgins. Kitab Al Magalli

The reason I wanted to share this little-known story with

you as reader, is to highlight that Adam after he was
created, was placed into paradise and that it was in
paradise that Eve was separated in individuality from
him. Satan had to sneak into the garden after having
possessed the form of a birdlike feathered serpent as a
means to succeed in beguiling Eve and causing the
downfall of humanity. He had to disguise himself in
approaching Eve to appeal to her desire to be like the
Angels knowing both good and evil. Eves want to be a
goddess, tempted her initially to eat fruit from the tree of
knowledge. It was her eating of this fruit and sharing it
with Adam which lead to their losing their immortal
bright nature.

Consequentially, once transformed into flesh they were

then cast out of paradise, clothed in flesh, and exiled to
the lower earth where the Rebel Angels had already been
banished a long-time prior. It would be on the restored
earth and in flesh form that YHWH Elohims prophetic
utterances would be fulfilled, namely that Eve would as
the mother of all living give birth to both Cain and Abel
as the children of two separate blood lines that of the seed
of the woman and the seed of the serpent.

Likewise, Adam would have to work the soil to bring

forth sustenance to feed his growing family. Adam
inherited Qayin, Cain (meaning possession or acquired)
as a step-child. He was in truth, the firstborn hybrid son
of the devil which is also the reason why Cain inherited
his fathers isposition and murdered his half-brother,
Abel. Adams bloodline would be perpetuated through
Sheth (whose name means Compensation, Replacement,
Substitute). Born in Adams likeness and similitude, he
would replace Abel (meaning breath), and become the
progenitor of his genealogy. The birth of Cain and Abel
would begin the enmity between the seed of the serpent
and the seed of the woman as foreshadowed in Genesis

It is important that people understand, that Adam and Eve

were transformed into flesh, exiled to the earth, and that
it was here that they lost the ability to communicate with
the angels guarding paradise. It was post-exile that the
Lord God posted as depicted on the Ark of the Covenant,
the two fiery cherubim before the portal of paradise to
prevent them from return. They would not be allowed to
enter therein until redeemed by Christ, when dying on the
cross He descended into sheol to free them. Restored to
their former estate, they were dressed again in the
glorified bodies they had lost when cast out to this fallen
world. In the next chapter, we will look at the scriptural
differentiation between paradise and the garden of Eden
to see how it connects to the sides of the north.

- Gustav Dore

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith
unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to
eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the
paradise of God. - Revelation 2:7

Chapter 21 The Differentiation Between
Paradise And The Garden Of Eden

It is necessary to perceive how the fall of Adam and Eve

links to paradise as their first estate as well as how the
garden of Eden links to the north pole as cradle of
humanity and place where they were banished to once
cast out of the heavenly regions. The mythological
accounts of various places like Atlantis, Mu, Asgard,
Shambhala, Thule, and Hyperborea are also associated to
the sides of the north for it was there that the rebel
Angels also establish residence when cast down to this
dimensionality. This reason is why the Hebrew term for
the North alludes to a mystical location, a hidden or
secret place. Understanding these connections one can
then make sense of the underlying truth conjoining all of
these seemingly disjointed stories.

tsphwn, tsaw-fone'; or tsphn; from

H6845; properly, hidden, i.e. dark; used only of the
north as a quarter (gloomy and unknown):
north(-ern, side, -ward, wind).
north (of direction), northward

tsphan, tsaw-fan'; a primitive root; to hide (by

covering over); by implication, to hoard or reserve;
figuratively to deny; specifically (favorably) to
protect, (unfavorably) to lurk:esteem, hide(-den
one, self), lay up, lurk (be set) privily, (keep)
secret(-ly, place).

to hide, treasure, treasure or store up
to hide, treasure, treasure up
to lie hidden, lurk
(Niphal) to be hidden, be stored up
(Hiphil) to hide, hide from discovery

The feminine noun tsphwn (North) comes from the

verb form and primitive root of tsphan meaning
hidden, hoarded, reserved, protected, is steamed, laid up,
treasured, stored up, and or secret place. Does not such
connotation add to the mystery?

The mysticism surrounding the North was also written

about by William Fairfield Warren, a distinguished
Methodist minister, educator, and president of Boston
University when he in 1881 published a book called,
Paradise Found, The Cradle of the Human Race at the
North Pole. Warren cites well-over 580 different
sources from all cultures and beliefs systems in this 495-
page tome. Like myself he postulates that the garden of
Eden, the initial home of modern humanity and legendary
place of residence for the Rebel Angels during the
antediluvian Golden age had been previously established
in the far north. Believing in the Copernican model for
world, he does postulate this premise from a heliocentric
slant trying to accommodate the information through
such bias, but at least he is honest with these ancient
references citing them in their original Geocentric
context. We cannot fault him for such bias as there are so
few that know the truth when it comes to the question of
whether we live in a geocentric or heliocentric world.

Making this book an interesting read for those like myself
who have seen through the delusion of the indoctrination
which comes with supporting Copernican worldview.
For those curious about investigating the connections of
the north to these mystical places as I am disclosing here,
it is a must read. Another very interesting book about the
North is Arktos: The Polar Myth In Science, Symbolism,
And Nazi Survival by Joscelyn Godwin.

Many convolute the distinction between paradise and the

garden of Eden because some stories associate paradise
with the garden of Eden and vice versa. This overlap
makes it sometimes difficult to ascertain whether the
mention of the garden of Eden in certain passages
actually alludes to the third heaven or the earth as place
where Adam and Eve were exiled once cast out.

The key to determining such disparity can be deduced by

examining where the placement of the flaming cherubims
occurs in story. In the Genesis timeline as event it always
occurs after Adam and Eve are cast out of the third
heaven and banished to this world. And even though
some scriptures interchange the garden of Eden for
paradise, one can always conclude which location is
being spoken about by recognizing this variance in
connection to the mention of one or the other. Just
remember that the garden of Eden is where the fallen
Adam and Eve are placed after their transgression and it
would be here on the earth that they fulfill the Genesis 3
prophecies as foretold by the YHWH Elohim, namely
that of childbirth, work, toil, and finally death.

The messenger Paul knew this gate. He half
opened it in a mystery and said that he had been
seized by an angel and taken to the second and
third heaven, to paradise itself, where he saw
what he saw and heard ineffable words that a man
is not allowed to relate. - From Corpse to God

This passage like 2 Corinthians 12:2-4 references Pauls

journey beyond the atmosphere (first heaven) and outer
space (second heaven) to paradise (third heaven). Which
as I have been stating is located above the firmament as
part of the structure of the celestial kingdom, New
Jerusalem and incorporated into the heavenly temple
where the Most High God resides. Like Paul many of the
prophets and patriarchs taken before His very presence,
speak of seeing Him seated upon His throne and that this
throne is established upon a crystalline canopy. Moses
references as paved work of sapphire and John as a sea of
glass like unto crystal. The firmaments association with
the throne room is conveyed in Exodus 24:10, Ezekiel
1:26, Isaiah 40:22, Revelation 4:6 and 15:2, Enoch 14,
Zechariah 6 and so many other places within Scripture.
All of these passages, when comprehended in unity and
deciphered in profundity present in clarity a picture of the
design of creation lost to the world for over half a
millennium now.

It is the scope of this revelation that I am hoping to share

within the chapters of this and my previous books. I pray
the discernment I have been led by the highest God to
comprehend over the last three years becomes evidentiary
truth for you as well. My hope is that upon reading this
trilogy that you like myself know with a certainty that it
is from the sides of the north, the top of the vaulted
dome that from this strategic vantage point, the Lord God
looks down upon and watches over the full extent of the
earth spread in wide expanse before Him.

To assert the differences between paradise and the garden

of Eden, I will share a myriad of my most favorite
biblical texts and passages. One the apocryphal Vision of
Paul provides a remarkably crisp look at the layout of
paradise with surrounding rivers. It also incorporates
within it the city of God, New Jerusalem and conveys at
the opposite end of the spectrum an extraordinarily
detailed accounting of sheol as the place reserved for the
punishment of the wicked.

Like the Apocalypse of Peter, it shares judgment of why

some suffer, and what they did to deserve sentence and
punishment. I have read no other text which details in
elucidation an elaborate account of Paradise as contained
within one single story. The content of these passages
parallel in confirming witness the descriptions given by
Enoch, Isaiah, and Peter, who also privy to bearing
witness to paradise, describe voyage through the different
levels of heaven and just what they had seen located

And there were by the bank of the river, trees planted,

full of different fruits. And I looked towards the
rising of the sun, and I saw there trees of great size
full of fruits; and that land was more brilliant than
silver and gold; and there were vines growing on
those date-palms, and myriads of shoots, and
myriads of clusters on each branch. And I said to
the archangel: What is this, my lord? And he says to
me: This is the Acherusian lake, and within it the
city of God.

All are not permitted to enter into it, except

whosoever shall repent of his sins; and as soon as he
shall repent, and alter his life, he is delivered to
Michael, and they cast him into the Acherusian lake,
and then he brings him in the city of God, near the
righteous. And I wondered and blessed God at all that
I saw.

And the angel said to me: Follow me, that I may

bring thee into the city of God, and into its light.
And its light was greater than the light of the
world, and greater than gold, and walls encircled
it. And the length and the breadth of it were a
hundred stadia. And I saw twelve gates, exceedingly
ornamented, leading into the city; and four rivers
encircled it, flowing with milk, and honey, and oil,
and wine...

And I looked, and saw in the midst of the city an

altar, great and very lofty; and there was one
standing near the altar, whose face shone like the
sun, and he had in his hands a psaltery and a
harp, and he sung the Alleluia delightfully, and his
voice filled all the city

And after these things the angel says to me: Behold,

thou hast seen all the torments: come, follow me,
that I may lead thee away to paradise, and that
thou mayst change thy soul by the sight of the
righteous; for many desire to salute thee. And he
took me by an impulse of the Spirit, and brought
me into paradise.

And he says to me: This is paradise, where Adam

and Eve transgressed. And I saw there a beautiful
tree of great size, on which the Holy Spirit, rested;
and from the root of it there came forth all
manner of most sweet-smelling water, parting into
four channels. And I said to the angel: My lord,
what is this tree, that there comes forth from it a great
abundance of this water, and where does it go? And
he answered and said to me: Before the heaven and
the earth existed, He divided them into four kingdoms
and heads, of which the names are Phison, Gehon,
Tigris, Euphrates.

And having again taken hold of me by the hand, he

led me near the tree of the knowledge of good and
evil. And he says to me: This is the tree by means of
which death came into the world, and Adam took
of the fruit of it from his wife, and ate; and
thereafter they were cast out hence. And he showed
me another, the tree of life, and said to me: This the
cherubim and the flaming sword guard. The
Vision of Paul

The following verses are an account of paradise as

delineated in the Book of Enoch. In this testimony,
Enoch shares a comparatively similar allusion to what
Paul describes as the composition, structure, and layout
of the landscape reserved for the righteous:

1And those men took me thence, and led me up on to
the third heaven, and placed me there; and I looked
downwards, and saw the produce of these places,
such as has never been known for goodness. 2And I
saw all the sweet-flowering trees and beheld their
fruits, which were sweet-smelling, and all the foods
borne by them bubbling with fragrant exhalation.
3And in the midst of the trees that of life, in that
place whereon the Lord rests, when he goes up
into paradise; and this tree is of ineffable goodness
and fragrance, and adorned more than every
existing thing; and on all sides it is in form gold-
looking and vermilion and fire-like and covers all,
and it has produce from all fruits. 4Its root is in
the garden at the earths end. 5And paradise is
between corruptibility and incorruptibility.
6And two springs come out which send forth honey
and milk, and their springs send forth oil and wine,
and they separate into four parts, and go round
with quiet course, and go down into the
PARADISE OF EDEN, between corruptibility and
incorruptibility. 7And thence they go forth along
the earth, and have a revolution to their circle
even as other elements. (Oceanus) 8And here there
is no unfruitful tree, and every place is blessed. 9And
there are three hundred angels very bright, who keep
the garden, and with incessant sweet singing and
never-silent voices serve the Lord throughout all days
and hours. The Book of the Secrets of Enoch 8:1-9

These two passages provide explanation of paradise in
greater clarity than the summation of most other texts
together with regard to this topic. They clearly denote
that paradise is located between heaven (incorruptibility)
and the earth (corruptibility). This placement I believe
absolutely affirms that there is much distinction between
a heavenly paradise and an earthly Edenic garden.

Many texts attest that paradise is the place from which

Adam and Eve as bright natured immortal beings, dwelt
previous to their exile from heaven. One text, The First
Book of Adam and Eve describes in great elucidation
exactly what their transition was like in being forced
from their first estate. The shock and awe of finding
themselves residing in the same place that the Rebel
Angels were cast down to prior is explicitly conveyed
within it. This text is part of the Forgotten Books of
Eden and the series Lost Books of the Bible. It is a
collection of 17th, 18th-century English translations of
some of the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha and New
Testament Apocrypha published in 1926 by Rutherford
Hayes Platt.

Versions of the story of the life of Adam and Eve can be

found translated into many languages worldwide. The
rendition Ive decided to share in this chapter, captures in
conveyance the intense emotional subtleties of what they
went through during their initial days of adapting to the
challenges of life here upon the wilderness of the earth.
Their assumption of an animal nature is conveyed in
great detail within it, more so than most other accounts.

Even just studying this one story it becomes obvious that
there is indeed differentiation between paradise and the
garden of Eden. Cast out of the heavens, their exile from
paradise became the reason why the Father renewed
covenant with them in promise to send His Son to redeem
them. Yahushua would be born of Adams seed and
dying on the cross, descend into the pit; delivering they
and their ancestors everlasting life. His triumph would
forever defeat Satan and death. As Savior Messiah, He
would rectify the fall returning them to paradise. They
would finally partake of the fruit of the tree of life and in
full circle, return again to their former estate.

1 Thus spake the Lord and ordered us to be

cast out of paradise. 2 But your father Adam wept
before the angels opposite paradise and the angels
say to him: "What wouldst thou have us to do,
Adam?" 3 And your father saith to them, "Behold,
ye cast me out. I pray you, allow me to take
away fragrant herbs from paradise, so that I
may offer an offering to God after I have gone
out of paradise that he hear me." 4 And the
angels approached God and said: "JA'EL, Eternal
King, command, my Lord, that there be given to
Adam incense of sweet odour from paradise and
seeds for his food." 5 And God bade Adam go in
and take sweet spices and fragrant herbs from
paradise and seeds for his food. 6 And the angels
let him go and he took four kinds: crocus and nard
and calamus and cinnamon and the other seeds for
his food: and, after taking these, he went out of
paradise. 7 And we were on the earth. - The 1st
Book of Adam and Eve 29:1-7
Paradise as described by the fullness of scripture is
clearly not the same place as the earthly garden of Eden
where Adam and Eve were expelled but a righteous
abode that bears an abundance of fruit freely without
necessary toil. The elect reside there awaiting the future
remnant of those that like they, will prove themselves
worthy of salvation and the inheritance of eternal life.

Excluded from Paradise, Adam and Eve are forced to toil

for the sustenance they would need to feed their family.
Cursed the wilderness here is completely unyielding for
the children and line of Cain. Whereas the trees of
Paradise generate an overabundance of megafruit, some
bearing a different type and variety for each calendar
month of the year, the descendants of Adam and Eve
must toil in labor to yield sustenance. Not only are the
fruits of Paradise said to be grander in size they are more
odiferous in fragrance overpowering in appeal the
olfactory senses.

And the Lord showed me a very great country

outside of this world, exceeding bright with light,
and the air there lighted with the rays of the sun,
and the earth itself blooming with unfading flowers
and full of spices and plants, fair-flowering and
incorruptible and bearing blessed fruit. 16. And so
great was the perfume that it was borne thence
even unto us. 17. And the dwellers in that place
were clad in the raiment of shining angels and
their raiment was like unto their country; and
angels hovered about them there. 18. And the
glory of the dwellers there was equal, and with
one voice they sang praises alternately to the
Lord God, rejoicing in that place. 19. The Lord
saith to us: This is the place of your high-
priests, the righteous men. - Apocalypse of Peter

Then Justice created Paradise, being beautiful and

being outside the orbit of the moon and the orbit of
the sun in the Land of Wantonness, in the East in
the midst of the stones. And desire is in the midst
of the beautiful, appetizing trees. And the tree of
eternal life is as it appeared by God's will, to the
north of Paradise, so that it might make eternal the
souls of the pure, who shall come forth from the
modelled forms of poverty at the consummation of
the age. Now the color of the tree of life is like the
sun. And its branches are beautiful. Its leaves are
like those of the cypress. Its fruit is like a bunch of
grapes when it is white. Its height goes as far as
heaven. And next to it (is) the tree of knowledge
(gnosis), having the strength of God. Its glory is
like the moon when fully radiant. And its branches
are beautiful. Its leaves are like fig leaves. Its fruit
is like a good appetizing date. And this tree is to
the north of Paradise, so that it might arouse the
souls from the torpor of the demons, in order that
they might approach the tree of life and eat of its
fruit, and so condemn the authorities and their
angels. The effect of this tree is described in the
Sacred Book, to wit: "It is you who are the tree of
knowledge, which is in Paradise, from which the
first man ate and which opened his mind; and he
loved his female counterpart and condemned the
other, alien likenesses and loathed them." On the
Origin of the World
The righteous of humanity would be given chance to
return to their imperishable roots at the end of days. Evil
has been granted only a certain period to exist and once
that time has passed, Yahushua will return once more to
execute judgment upon the unsuspecting peoples of this
world. Those affirming themselves worthy in accepting
the grace of salvation while embodied in flesh form, will
in their glorified bodies be resurrected to the inheritance
eternal rest in paradise.

Condemned by the Most High, Lucifer and his minions

given a reprieve of only 7000 years, have the length of
this world age to tempt the hearts and minds of all those
born into flesh during this time. Those able to withstand a
temptation to sin and frolic in evil will with Yahushuas
return be allowed to join the rest of the saints in new
Jerusalem where they have been since being rescued from
the depths of sheol by the Son in first coming. Refer to
the Acts of Pilate in the Gospel of Nicodemus and the
Gospel of Bartholomew for a full accounting of the
descent of Christ into the nether regions.

When Satan was successful in seducing Eve and causing

the downfall of humanity, a plan was put into place to
organize the creation of a dualistic world where our
Angelic spirits were coupled with the flesh. This state of
being joined in unison the carnal flesh with the
imperishable spirit. Having lost their immortality,
humanity has since that point onward whether born of the
sons of Adam or Cain, incarnated into flesh upon the
lower physical earth where Satan and his demon angels
hold dominion.

From thenceforward, every soul incarnating into flesh
will be tried by Satan, but guided by the conscience of
our indwelling spirit until the consummation of the
second world age ends with the return of Christ. Until
then we are all under the authority of death. For it is the
earth that serves as proving ground for all of the pre-
existent spirits incarnating into the flesh who were
sentenced in Psalm 82 to die the death of man. Here
everybody would be given free will to choose serving
both Yahuah and good or Satan and evil.

There are only two choices and no one can serve two
masters. For those that are content to make no choice one
way or the other, remember the chastisement that
Yahshuah gave to the Laodicean church, who living in
comfort chose not to make a decision about faith and
salvation and as such will be spewed out and counted
among the wicked. Much of the industrialized world
especially here in America embody aspects of the
Loadiciean church.

So many are lax in complacency and indulgent in the

luxury of comfort, that it will take tribulation to force
people to make choice on whether they truly want to
serve the Father and the Son or Satan and the world. One
must also decide whether salvation is in anyway
important to ones life and being. And while it is my
belief that this one decision is really our whole purpose
for being here on this plane and at this time, I know that
many have not come to the same conclusion and that for
most the kingdom has little if any priority in their lives at
all. And whereas my whole focus in life is to fulfill my
role and mission here as servant unto the Most High God
and hopefully be counted worthy of being numbered
among the elect, most care nothing about salvation and
do not prioritize it.

Those that choose to perpetuate evil while in the world,

allowing self to be manipulated by the forces of darkness,
know that your time is almost up and that we will all very
soon receive our just rewards. And though the Father is
longsuffering unto us all, unfortunately so much of the
world have chosen to lead a life which will eventually
lead to an inevitable end which will lead them to languish
in hellfire and damnation until annihilated completely.
Our choices will determine whom among us will be
worthy of a return to paradise. I pray that we are all
worthy and yet I know that the elect are but a few.

Some teachers say that Paradise surrounds the

whole earth like a wall and a hedge beyond the
ocean. Others say that it was placed upon the
mount of Eden, higher than every other
mountain in the world by fifteen cubits. Others
say that it was placed between heaven and
earth, below the firmament and above this
earth, and that God placed it there as a
boundary for Adam between heaven and earth,
so that, if he kept His commands, He might lift
him up to heaven, but if he transgressed them,
He might cast him down to this earth. And as
the land of heaven is better and more excellent
than the land of Paradise, so was the land of
Paradise better and more glorious and more
excellent (than our earth); its trees were more
beautiful, its flowers more odoriferous, and its
atmosphere more pure than ours, through
superiority of species and not by nature. God
made Paradise large enough to be the dwelling-
place of Adam and of his posterity, provided
that they kept the divine commandments. Now
it is the dwelling-place of the souls of the
righteous, and its keepers are Enoch and
Elijah; Elijah the unwedded, and Enoch the
married man: that the unwedded may not exalt
themselves above the married, as if, forsooth,
Paradise were suitable for the unwedded only.
The souls of sinners are without Paradise, in a
deep place called Eden. After the resurrection,
the souls of the righteous and the sinners will
put on their bodies. The righteous will enter into
heaven, which will become the land of the
righteous; while the sinners will remain upon
earth. - The Book of the Bee, 15

State of the Dead before Judgment

75 I answered and said, If I have found favor in

your sight, O Lord, show this also to your servant:
whether after death, as soon as everyone of us
yields up the soul, we shall be kept in rest until
those times come when you will renew the
creation, or whether we shall be tormented at

76 He answered me and said, I will show you that

also, but do not include yourself with those who
have shown scorn, or number yourself among
those who are tormented. 77 For you have a
treasure of works stored up with the Most High,
but it will not be shown to you until the last
times. 78 Now concerning death, the teaching is:
When the decisive decree has gone out from the
Most High that a person shall die, as the spirit
leaves the body to return again to him who gave
it, first of all it adores the glory of the Most
High. 79 If it is one of those who have shown
scorn and have not kept the way of the Most
High, who have despised his law and hated
those who fear God 80 such spirits shall not
enter into habitations, but shall immediately
wander about in torments, always grieving and
sad, in seven ways. 81 The first way, because they
have scorned the law of the Most High. 82 The
second way, because they cannot now make a good
repentance so that they may live. 83 The third way,
they shall see the reward laid up for those who
have trusted the covenants of the Most
High. 84 The fourth way, they shall consider the
torment laid up for themselves in the last
days. 85 The fifth way, they shall see how the
habitations of the others are guarded by angels in
profound quiet. 86 The sixth way, they shall see
how some of them will cross over into
torments. 87 The seventh way, which is worse than
all the ways that have been mentioned, because
they shall utterly waste away in confusion and be
consumed with shame, and shall wither with fear at
seeing the glory of the Most High in whose
presence they sinned while they were alive, and in
whose presence they are to be judged in the last
88 Now this is the order of those who have kept
the ways of the Most High, when they shall be
separated from their mortal body. 89 During the
time that they lived in it, they laboriously served
the Most High, and withstood danger every hour so
that they might keep the law of the Lawgiver
perfectly. 90 Therefore this is the teaching
concerning them: 91 First of all, they shall see
with great joy the glory of him who receives
them, for they shall have rest in seven
orders. 92 The first order, because they have
striven with great effort to overcome the evil
thought that was formed with them, so that it might
not lead them astray from life into death.93 The
second order, because they see the perplexity in
which the souls of the ungodly wander and the
punishment that awaits them.94 The third order,
they see the witness that he who formed them bears
concerning them, that throughout their life they
kept the law with which they were
entrusted. 95 The fourth order, they understand
the rest that they now enjoy, being gathered into
their chambers and guarded by angels in
profound quiet, and the glory waiting for them
in the last days. 96 The fifth order, they rejoice
that they have now escaped what is corruptible
and shall inherit what is to come; and besides
they see the straits and toil from which they
have been delivered, and the spacious liberty
that they are to receive and enjoy in
immortality. 97 The sixth order, when it is shown
them how their face is to shine like the sun, and
how they are to be made like the light of the
stars, being incorruptible from then on. 98 The
seventh order, which is greater than all that have
been mentioned, because they shall rejoice with
boldness, and shall be confident without confusion,
and shall be glad without fear, for they press
forward to see the face of him whom they served
in life and from whom they are to receive their
reward when glorified. 99 This is the order of the
souls of the righteous, as henceforth is
announced; and the previously mentioned are the
ways of torment that those who would not give
heed shall suffer hereafter.

100 Then I answered and said, Will time therefore

be given to the souls, after they have been
separated from the bodies, to see what you have
described to me?

101 He said to me, They shall have freedom for

seven days, so that during these seven days they
may see the things of which you have been told,
and afterwards they shall be gathered in their

Notice how the souls of the righteous and the

wicked go on to paradise or perdition to be held
until the great white throne judgment. This
judgement is that which will levy final
determination on whether one will be apportioned
an eternal inheritance which grants one inclusion in
the immortal age to come or suffer annihilation to
be destroyed as if one had never been. This is the
second death.
No Intercession for the Ungodly

102 I answered and said, If I have found favor in

your sight, show further to me, your servant,
whether on the day of judgment the righteous will
be able to intercede for the ungodly or to entreat
the Most High for them103 fathers for sons or
sons for parents, brothers for brothers, relatives for
their kindred, or friends for those who are most

104 He answered me and said, Since you have

found favor in my sight, I will show you this also.
The day of judgment is decisive and displays to all
the seal of truth. Just as now a father does not send
his son, or a son his father, or a master his servant,
or a friend his dearest friend, to be ill or sleep or
eat or be healed in his place, 105 so no one shall
ever pray for another on that day, neither shall
anyone lay a burden on another; for then all
shall bear their own righteousness and

106 I answered and said, How then do we find

that first Abraham prayed for the people of Sodom,
and Moses for our ancestors who sinned in the
desert, 107 and Joshua after him for Israel in the
days of Achan, 108 and Samuel in the days of
Saul, and David for the plague, and Solomon for
those at the dedication,109 and Elijah for those
who received the rain, and for the one who was
dead, that he might live, 110 and Hezekiah for the
people in the days of Sennacherib, and many others
prayed for many? 111 So if now, when corruption
has increased and unrighteousness has multiplied,
the righteous have prayed for the ungodly, why
will it not be so then as well?

112 He answered me and said, This present world

is not the end; the full glory does not remain in
it; therefore those who were strong prayed for the
weak. 113 But the day of judgment will be the
end of this age and the beginning of the
immortal age to come, in which corruption has
passed away, 114 sinful indulgence has come to
an end, unbelief has been cut off, and
righteousness has increased and truth has
appeared. 115 Therefore no one will then be
able to have mercy on someone who has been
condemned in the judgment, or to
harm someone who is victorious.

Lamentation over the Fate of Most People

116 I answered and said, This is my first and last

comment: it would have been better if the earth had
not produced Adam, or else, when it had produced
him, had restrained him from sinning. 117 For
what good is it to all that they live in sorrow now
and expect punishment after death? 118 O Adam,
what have you done? For though it was you who
sinned, the fall was not yours alone, but ours also
who are your descendants. 119 For what good is it
to us, if an immortal time has been promised to us,
but we have done deeds that bring death? 120 And
what good is it that an everlasting hope has been
promised to us, but we have miserably
failed? 121 Or that safe and healthful habitations
have been reserved for us, but we have lived
wickedly? 122 Or that the glory of the Most High
will defend those who have led a pure life, but we
have walked in the most wicked ways? 123 Or that
a paradise shall be revealed, whose fruit remains
unspoiled and in which are abundance and healing,
but we shall not enter it 124 because we have lived
in perverse ways? 125 Or that the faces of those
who practiced self-control shall shine more than
the stars, but our faces shall be blacker than
darkness? 126 For while we lived and committed
iniquity we did not consider what we should suffer
after death.

127 He answered and said, This is the

significance of the contest that all who are born
on earth shall wage: 128 if they are defeated
they shall suffer what you have said, but if they
are victorious they shall receive what I have
said. 129 For this is the way of which Moses,
while he was alive, spoke to the people, saying,
Choose life for yourself, so that you may live!
130 But they did not believe him or the prophets
after him, or even myself who have spoken to
them. 131 Therefore there shall not be grief at
their destruction, so much as joy over those to
whom salvation is assured.

Ezra Appeals to Gods Mercy

132 I answered and said, I know, O Lord, that the

Most High is now called merciful, because he has
mercy on those who have not yet come into the
world; 133 and gracious, because he is gracious to
those who turn in repentance to his law; 134 and
patient, because he shows patience toward those
who have sinned, since they are his own
creatures; 135 and bountiful, because he would
rather give than take away; 136 and abundant in
compassion, because he makes his compassions
abound more and more to those now living and to
those who are gone and to those yet to come
137 for if he did not make them abound, the world
with those who inhabit it would not have life
138 and he is called the giver, because if he did not
give out of his goodness so that those who have
committed iniquities might be relieved of them, not
one ten-thousandth of humankind could have life;
139 and the judge, because if he did not pardon
those who were created by his word and blot out
the multitude of their sins, 140 there would
probably be left only very few of the innumerable
multitude. 2 Esdras 7:75-140

I will end this chapter with one final New Testament

story which an examination also adheres to the biblical
cosmology that I have brought forth throughout the
chapters of this book. That paradise is located above the
ball to dome in the third heaven and that sheol is located
in the interior of the Earth.

19There was a certain rich man, which was clothed
in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously
every day: 20And there was a certain beggar
named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of
sores, 21And desiring to be fed with the crumbs
which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the
dogs came and licked his sores. 22And it came to
pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the
angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also
died, and was buried; 23And in hell he lift up his
eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham
afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. 24And he
cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on
me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his
finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am
tormented in this flame. 25But Abraham said, Son,
remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy
good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but
now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.
26And beside all this, between us and you there
is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would
pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they
pass to us, that would come from thence. Luke

In this story, we are shown that the meek inherit paradise

and are comforted by the blessings of paradise so long as
they lived a righteous life. The rich man looks up from
his torments in hellfire unto Abrahams bosom and
seeing there Lazarus. He then begs Abraham to send
Lazarus to him to ease his suffering and quench his thirst.
Abraham reminds him that it is the life that the rich man
lived which brought to him condemnation and also that
there is this great gulf fixed between them separating the
home of the righteous from that of the wicked. And that
one cannot cross into the other. As I have shown paradise
resides above the vaulted dome with the heavenly temple
and throne room of the Most High God. Sheol is located
within the interior of the Earth and temporary ruled over
by Satan and Legion.

Among the tribes of earth in sooth I was born; and of the
conception of man and woman I have been conceived. This is my
name: Philip the Apostle. The Lord sent me to the tribes of the
heathen to preach to them. Nine times hath my tongue been cut
out of my head by the heathen, and nine times I continued to
preach again. Wherefore this is my name with the house-hold of
heaven, the Evernew Tongue.

Chapter 22 The Ever New Tongue

Re-examining the many ancient texts out there available

from all cultures of the world which comment on the
ancient cosmologies now lost to modern interpretation,
the Holy Spirit led me to an Irish New Testament
apocryphal text called The Ever New Tongue. It receives
its name from the apostle Philip, who in doing the
outreach of sharing, spreading the good news of the
gospel, is claimed in this text to have had his tongue cut
asunder from mouth nine different times to prevent him
from speaking his testimony to large gatherings of
people. It is cited in this story that following each of
these occurrences with the blessings of the Most High
God, it is said to have grown back time after time in
allowing him to continue his work on behalf of the

That reason is not however, why I decided to include it as

the concluding chapter of this book. What is most
intriguing, revealing, and pertinent to this manuscript, is
it includes in its dialogue just like Genesis, the
description of the creative process which established the
cosmology of the present-day Earth and Heavens. The
manner of its conveyance highlighting the premise that I
have brought forth in great deliberation throughout the
flat Earth and firmament trilogy. But because most
people have never heard or had chance to read this text in
its entirety as it is difficult to find an extent version even
published on the Internet, I decided to replicate it here in
full. In going through it I will then share commentary in
emphasizing the most critical aspects of it as it pertains to
the topic of the design of creation.
After discovering this text, I have been careful over the
last few months to not greatly speak about it until the
release of this book. The first time I read this account, I
felt like I did when I revisited the Book of Enochs
exposition on the courses of the heavenly luminaries. For
it is only in applying knowledge that the earth is a flat
circular plane covered over by the solid structure of the
firmament that one can then unlock the many verses that
can only be understood when applied to an interpretation
of the cosmology as I have interpreted through-out this
trilogy. And while so many Heliocentrists reference
Isaiah 40:22 as their biblical support that the earth is a
globe, when understood correctly this chapter and those
verses actually bring forth an idea that the level expanse
of the circle (two-dimensional) of the earth encapsulated
by a vaulted dome and that together the earth and the
heavens form the shape of a tent or Tabernacle is really
what Isaiah was alluding to as concluded in chapter 11-13
of The Flat Earth As Key To Decrypt The Book Of

It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and

the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that
stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and
spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in: - Isaiah

The conception of the geocentric cosmology as

referenced by Isaiah in the above quote will be greatly
elaborated upon in the description of the creative process
which led to the establishment of the earth and heavens
as shaped in tent or Tabernacle-like formulation.

The Ever New Tongue - Edited by Melita Cataldi

In Taking Bithnua is an Irish text probably

composed between the ninth and tenth centuries, the
age of full bloom of Hiberno-Christian culture. This
dating is possible on the basis of Linguistics and
comparative, but the oldest editorial staff there was
handed down only by a 15th-century code: the book
of Mac Carthaig Riabbhach, known as the Book of
Lismore, preserved today in the library of Chatsworth
in Derbyshire. He gives here a translation using the
appendix the Irish text according to the only existing
print edition edited by Whitley Stokes and published
in the periodical "Eri" in 1905. There are two other
later editors, respectively of the 12th and 15th
centuries, which were found in a number of codes,
since it long retained a wide reputation. It is plausible
that the anonymous author of this biblical Apocrypha
has had in mind and to some extent used a Filippo
Apocalypses Syriac-Egyptian origin, arrived in
Ireland through the Visigothic Spain around the 7th
century, then lost. It is also possible that an early
version of the text was composed in Latin. In the rich
body of Hiberno-apocrypha Christians, written both
in Latin and in Irish between the 7th and 12th
centuries, Taking Bithnua is perhaps the most
accomplished literary.

The New Language

1. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, etc., the
High-king of the world Who is mightier than any king, higher than
any Power, fiercer than any dragon, gentler than any child, brighter
than suns, holier than any saint, more vengeful than men, more
loving than any mother, the only Son of God the Father, hath
given to the many tribes of the world this account of the form
and creation of the universe. Since the shape that aught visible
in the universe possesses was unknown save only to God: since
for Adams race it was a head in a bag and being in a dark
house, never having known what shape was on the world, nor
Who created it, until this account came from heaven to open
every ones sense and intellect, so that the way of life and of
salvation might be ascertained and found by souls.

2. For everything was obscure to the eyes of Adams race, save

that they used to see the course of the stars, to wit, of the moon
and sun and the other stars, which used to go round every day
continually without resting. So they used to see the worlds
wells and rivers flowing without cessation always at every time.
So they used to see the sadness of the earth, and the trance and
sleep of the light and the fruits at the coming of winter. So they
used to see the resurrection of the world, with its warmth and light,
with its flowers and fruits, at the rearising of summer.

3. Still they knew not who wrought (that) until there came this
story of the creation of the world, with its shapes and services
as God had arranged them. Obscure, then, was all this until
this tale was set forth, until it was revealed by the Evernew
Tongue who spake from the roof of heaven above the assembly
of Mount Zion.

For the concourse of the east of the world was gathered together, to
wit, all that were from the mountains of Abian as far as the shores
of the Red Sea, and from the Dead Sea as far as the islands of
Sabarn. And this was the number of the congregation, three
thousand four hundred and eighty-five bishops, and fifty-four
thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine kings of the world.

4. Now that assembly lasted to the end of four months and a year,
to wit, summer, winter, spring, autumn, under nine hundred
awnings of white sheets, with golden diadems, on the summit of
Mount Zion. Five thousand nine hundred and fifty tower-torches
and precious stones were kindled for the illumination of the
concourse, so that no storm should at any time hinder it. Two
hundred and fifty bishops and five hundred priests, and three
thousand [other] ecciesiastics, and thrice fifty innocent children,
and five hundred high-kings with their army before them. At
midnight they would enter Jerusalem with musical voices, and at
every nocturn they would come together with melodies of the
gladness that is sung in the holy clouds, Gloria in ezcelsis Deo, etc.

Then the hosts of the concourse were going between two plains
before them, as this expedition and the hosts on Mount Zion turned
with the music of the gladness, with melodies of angels according
to the lawful ranks of the High- King.

6. Suddenly thereafter, when it was the end of Easter-eve,

somewhat was heard, the sound in the clouds like the noise of
thunder, or it resembled the crash of the fire of an oak. Meanwhile
there was a thunderous blast, and suddenly was seen the solar glow
like a radiant sun in the midst of the sound. That radiant solar glow
turned round and round, so that eyesight could not overtake it, for
it was seven times more radiant than the sun.

7. Suddenly after that somewhat was heard, when the eyes of the
host were expecting the sound; for they thought that it was a sign
of the Judgmentsomewhat was heard, the clear voice that spake
in the language of angels: Hc1i habia, etc., that is: Hear ye this
story, 0 sons of men! I have been sent by God to hold speech with

8. Suddenly thereafter swooning and fear fell upon the hosts. It was
not a frightening without cause, the resonance of the voice was . .
. like the shout of an army; save that at the same time it was clearer
and plainer than the voices of human beings. It sounds over the
multitude like the cry of a mighty wind, which yet was not greater
than the converse of friends among them in the ears of each other;
and it was sweeter than the melodies of the world.

9. The sages of the Hebrews answered and said: Let us know from
thee thy name and thy substance and thy appearance. Somewhat
was heard: the Evernew Tonguc spake with an angelic voice:
Nat/tire, etc., that is: Among the tribes of earth in sooth I was
born; and of the conception of man and woman I have been
conceived. This is my name: Philip the Apostle. The Lord sent
me to the tribes of the heathen to preach to them. Nine times
hath my tongue been cut out of my head by the heathen, and
nine times I continued to preach again. Wherefore this is my
name with the house-hold of heaven, the Evernew Tongue.

10. The sages of the Hebrews spake: Let us know from thee what
language thou speakest unto us.

I said: That there is the speech of angels, quoth he, and the
language which I speak to you is that of all the ranks of heaven. As
to beasts of the sea and reptiles and quadrupeds and birds and
snakes and demons, they know it, and this is the language which
all will speak at the Judgment.

11. This, then, is what has driven me to you: to explain to you

the wondrous tale, which the Holy Ghost declared through
Moses, son of Amram, of the creation of heaven and earth with
all that exists therein. For tis of the making of heaven and
earth that that tale tells: even so and of the formation of the
world, which has been effected by Christs Resurrection from the
dead on this eve of Easter. For every material and every element
and every nature which is seen in the world were all combined in
the Body in which Christ arose, that, in the body of every human

12. In the first place is the matter of wind and air. Hence came to
pass the afflation of breath in the bodies of men. Then there is the
matter of heat and boiling from fire. Tis this that makes the red
heat of blood in bodies. Then there is the matter of the sun and the
other stars of heaven, and tis this that makes colour and light in
the eyes of men. Then there is the matter of bitterness and saltness;
and tis that which makes the bitterness of tears, and the gall of the
liver, and abundance of wrath in the hearts of men. Then there is
the matter of the stones and of the clay of earth; and tis this that
makes the mingling of flesh and bone and limbs in human beings.
Then there is in it the matter of the flowers and beautiful hues of
earth; and tis this that makes the variegation and whiteness of the
faces and colour in cheeks.

13. All the world arose with Him, for the nature of all the
elements dwelt in the Body which Jesus assumed. For unless
the Lord had suffered on behalf of Adams race, and unless He
had arisen after death, the whole world, together with Adams
race, would be destroyed at the coming of Doom; and no
creature of sea or of land would be reborn, but the heavens, as
far as the third heaven, would blaze. Save only three heavens of
the high welkin, none would abide without burning. There
would be neither earth nor kindred, alive or dead, in the world,
only hell and heaven, had not the Lord come to ransom them.
All would have perished thus without renewal.

14. For this, says Philip, I have come unto you, that I may
declare to you these tidings; for obscure to you is the making of
the form of the world, as it hath been recounted of old.

Vell, then, say the sages of the Hebrews, relate to us some of

the innumerable wonders which have happened there; for it is dark
to us, unless it be diligently declared to us.

15. Somewhat was heard, the Evernew Tongue, which spake in the
language of angels, saying, La uide, etc., In the beginning God
created the heaven and the earth, and it saith:

Ambile bane, etc. Slow it were to recount through the Hebrew

all that is there uttered: that there was no ordering of the colours,
that there was no earth with its mountains and its tribes, nor
sea with its islands, nor hell with its torments, before He said
that these elements should exist: that there were no circuits of
the seven heavens, nor clouds to irrigate the earth, nor spark,
nor dispersal of storms: that there were no lands whereon they
would pour: that there was neither rain nor snow: that there
were neither lightnings, nor blast of wind, nor thunders; that
there was neither course of sun, nor vicissitude of moon, nor
variation of stars: that there were no marine monsters: that
there was no sea in which they would swim: that there were no
streams, nor herds, nor beasts, nor birds, nor dragons, nor

16. The sages of the Hebrews answered: "A query: what was there
at that time, since that nothing he has hitherto mentioned existed?"
The Evernew Tongue answered: "Every creature was with a
marvel, to wit, God without beginning, without end, without
sorrow, or age, or decay. There was no hour, nor time, nor
space that He existed not. He is not younger or older (now)
than at first. There was nothing that was hard for Him to do,
(but) He thought a thought, and to that thought there was no
beginning. He thought of somewhat nobler that His power
might be seen, and His dignity indescribable that was not in
any other things, although He Himself was it.

17. "Suddenly then, after the thought, He created Light. This was
the light He created, to wit, the circuit of the celestial vault with
nine ranks of angels. Seventy was their number of tribes, with the
six hundred and twenty-four sunny plains, with melodies and
beautiful colours such as are upon the seven shapes of the
celestial vault. So, in the same day, He made the circuit of the
shapes, to wit, the matter whereof the world was fashioned. For
of the shape of the world God first made the shape of a round

18. Then said the sages of the Hebrews: "Tell us now diligently
what arrangements are in the universe, for we are in ignorance and
darkness concerning every one of them." 19. The Evernew Tongue
answered: "Though ye see it not," quoth he, "'tis in roundness
everything created has been cast according to the shapes of the
world. For 'tis in circularity of roundness the heavens have
been made round about, and in circularity the seven seas have
been made, and in circularity the earth has been made. And in
circularity of roundness the stars traverse the round wheel of
the universe, and in roundness of form the souls are seen after
issuing from the bodies. And in roundness is seen the circuit of
the high celestial vault, and in roundness is seen the orbit of
sun and moon. Reasonable is all that, for circular without
beginning or end is the Lord, who bath ever been, who will
ever be, and who made all those (things). Therefore the world
has been embodied in a round shape."
20. Said the Hebrew populace: "A question: What was there in
the round multiform circuit, which was the material of the

21. The Evernew Tongue answered: "There was," it said, in the

orbital circuit the material of the universe, to wit, cold and heat,
light and darkness, heavy and weightless, wet and dry, high and
low, bitterness and mildness, strength and feeble-ness, roaring sea
and noise of thunder, odour of flowers, chant of angels, and pillars
of fire.

22. "All these, then," quoth he, " were in the round, multiform
cloud which was made of the material of the universe: and 'tis there
that the stuff of hell was produced; for Hell was not made at
once; not until the archangel transgressed (God's) will and
forsook the law of the King who had created him, together with
the innumerable crowd of the angels. Till then," quoth he,
"hell was not made; but its material was stored away in the
round, multiform mass out of which the universe was
separated, with all the kindreds which exist therein. And if the
angels who sinned had remained in the nature in which they
had been created, and in the angelic radiance, the material of
hell would have been turned into a beautiful, bright kingdom,
like unto the kingdom of the holy angels.

23. "This, then, is the work of the first day on which God began the
making of the world, although it hath been written, He that liveth
for ever created all things at the same time.'

24. "Artibilon alma," etc. "God also made the firmament between
the waters, and divided the waters which were above the firmament
from those that were below the firmament.

25. " Then," quoth he, "on the second day, God made the wall of
the seven heavens round about with the heavenly waters. For
the Lord knew when He created the world that man would
transgress the commandment which was declared to him.
Therefore, the veil of heaven has been set overagainst the faces
and eyes of men, so that they might not see the blessedness of
heaven and the throne of God."

26. The populace of the Hebrews asked: "Point out to us the hidden
natures and the mysteries of the seven heavens, and the five
zones that surround them."

27. The Evernew Tongue answered: "The seven heavens, in

sooth, around the world (as to) which ye ask (are): first, the
radiant, bright, cloudy heaven which is nearest to you, whereout
shines the moon and the scattering of stars. Over this two
gleaming, flamy heavens with . . . of angels in them and out-break
of winds. Over these is a cold, icy heaven, bluer than any beautiful
colour, and seven times colder than snow, out of which shines the
sun. Two other gleaming, flamy heavens on these, whereout shine
the fiery stars that put fruitfulness into clouds and sea.

28. "A high heaven, fiery, splendid, is above these. 'Tis the highest
of them all, on which the circuit of the welkin has been set. A
sunny and fiery heaven is that, wherein there arc labour at harmony
of melodies, and choirs of angels.

29. "Now in the zones of the seven heavens are hidden the twelve
shaking-beasts with the fiery heads above them in their heavenly
bodies: they blow twelve winds about the world. In the same
zones, too, sleep the dragons with breaths of fire, dragons,
tower-headed, with diseases on them in their flanks, who bring
forth the crash of the thunders and blow lightnings from pupils
of eyes. Thus traverse," he says, "the zones round the heaven and
the heaven hath seven circuits round about the earth.

30. "A frigid, icy zone, in the first place, by which seas go down
under the convexities of the heaven to the north.

"Another cold, icy zone which unites the beasts of the sea under
seas and under the sides of the earth to the south in the place where
the nine fiery pillars were put to the south of heaven supporting it."
A splendid zone ... the great flame of the world's assembly, which
nourishes many fruits of the earth, so that it rises around the world
on its breasts to the west. "Two beautiful mild zones which are the
arenas of the animals that give cold and heat, (and) which cast
abundance of diseases to the flanks of earth on every side.

31. "Aibne fisen," etc., that is, " On the third day God made
lakes and many seas, and many kinds of water, and many
forms of salt seas, and the circuit of the earth with its plains,
and its mountains, and its forests, and its precious stones, and
its many kinds of trees."

32. The sages of the Hebrews asked: "Tell us the many kindreds
and secrets of the sea."

33. The Evernew Tongue replied: "In sooth," he says "there are
three waters of sea around the world, to wit, first, a sea with seven
shapes under the flanks of the earth, against which Hell makes a
mighty noise; and against which it raises a cry round the
valley. An ocean green (and) luminous round about the earth on
every side, which brings forth flood and ebb, (and) which casts
up many fruits. Then there is the third water, to wit, a flamy sea.
Out of the heavens are let nine winds which arouse it from its
sleep. Four hundred and seventy melodies its waves sing after it
has been awakened. It makes a noise like thunder out of its wave-
voice. From the beginning of the world it never ceases from
flooding, and (yet) it was never full save on a Sunday. On Sunday
it falls asleep until the thunders of the winds are awakened by the
coming of God's Sunday from heaven, and by the harmony of the
angels above it.

34. "Besides that, there are many kinds of seas around the flanks of
earth on every side. A red sea, in the first place, with many
precious stones, with the brightness of blood, with gilded colours,
between the lands of Egypt and the lands of India. A sea bright,
sandful, with the hue of snow in the north, around the islands of
Sabarn. So great is the might of its flood that its waves disperse to
the lofty course of the clouds. A black, waveless sea, with the
colour of a stagbeetle, so that no ship that has reached it has
escaped from it, save only one boat by the lightness of its course
and the strength of its wind. And battalions of beasts (men) have
found there.

35. Then there is a sea that is set in the ocean south of the island of
Ebian. On the first of May its flood grows high, until in winter it
goes to ebb. For half the year it is in flood, for the other half always
ebbing. Its reptiles and its monsters wail at the time when it takes
to ebbing; and they fall into sadness and sleep. At the flood they
awake and rejoice; and the wells and rivers and streams of the
world increase. Through glens they go, and after a while they

36. " Now," saith he, "there are on earth two and seventy kinds of
many-shaped wells. In the first place, the well of Ebion, which
always turns to many colours at the time of every single day. From
sunrise to terce the hue of snow is on it. A green colour, with the
changeful hue of serpents, from terce to none. From morn to vesper
it is turned into the colour of blood. On any mouths that taste it
comes neither smiling nor laughter in life.

37. "The well of Assian in Lybia causes pregnancy to women (who

drink of it), though previously they are barren. The well of
Presens in the lands of Darath: it boils up against parricides and
idolaters and all kinds of evil-doers. All the mouths that taste it it
has impelled to anger and insanity. They speak not afterwards, so
that they perish in grief and sadness.

The well of Zion here in the lands of the Hebrews has not . . .
without increase. It flows full on Sunday always. It beams at night
like the blaze of a sun. More than one can tell and say is the
beautiful colour which it displays from one (canonical) hour to
another. Never entered the world the taste of oil or wine or honey
that is not found there. It resteth not from flood. Its outflow has not
been seen on any side. To whomsoever tasted it neither sadness nor
grief of mind has come; and he has not been given for death.

40. Then there is a river of water which . . . the island of torments,

and it rises against all the truthless who go round it; they do not
escape from it.
41. Four golden streams (are) in the glens of Mount Nabuan, with
the flavour of wine, with the red colour of blood, with the
bitterness of sea-salt, with sands of gold.

42. The stream Alien in the islands of Tebe: it always makes a

mighty noise like thunder on the night that the Saviour of the world
was born in the lands of the Hebrews, and as ye should hear to-
night in the night that Christ has risen from the dead. Three
hundred and sixty-five kinds of melodies, this is what resoundeth
there. Whoever has beheld it anear hath not spoken of it in any
night for long afterwards. Tis shown that it is from heaven it makes
a noise.

43. Then, quoth he, there are four kinds of precious stones in
the same stream with the sense and likeness of humans.

44. The stone Adamant in the lands of India, though it be taken in

winds and ice and snow, not the colder is it for this. Though fires
and embers be let fall upon it, there is no heat therein. Though it be
struck with axes and sledge-hammers, nothing breaks off it in
consequence. Save the Blood of the Lamb with at the Mass, there
is nothing at which it breaks. Every king who has taken it in his
right hand before going to battle has routed his foe.

45. The stone Hibien in the lands of Hab flames in the pitch-
darkness of night like a torch of fire. It spills every poison out of
the vessel into which it is put, if it find the poison there before it.
Every snake that approaches it, or goes across it, dies forthwith.

46. The stone of Istien in the lands of Libya is found in the brains
of dragons, to wit, after their death. It seethes the waters and the
great lakes into which it is put, so that they boil over the lands. It
shines against water, and in winter it resounds like thunder. On the
first of May it makes a noise like winds.

47. The stone of Fanes in the lands of Aurol out of the stream of
Dara. Twelve stars are seen in its side, and the orbit of the
moon, and the fiery circuit of the sun. It is always found in the
hearts of the dragons that pass across under the sea. Whoever
holds it in his hand, till he has put it from him, utters no falsehood.
Neither number nor multitude is capable of bringing it into a house
wherein there is a parricide or an idolater. At the hour of every
matins it sounds a sweet melody the like whereof is not under

48. The wise men of the Hebrews and the populace asked: We
pray thee to tell us the diverse kinds of trees which were planted by
God at the creation of the world.

49- The Evernew Tongue answered: Good right ye have to put

that question, for there are four of those trees into which soul and
reason are gone like the life of angels.

50. The tree Sames, in the first place, at the meeting of Jor and
Dan, produces three crops of fruit every year. A bright green crop
is its first crop, red is its middle crop, shining is the last. When the
first crop is ripe, then grows another out of its flowers. Every
demented person who has tasted that fruit becomes sane in his
mind. Since it was created, no leaf has fallen from it Every one
with a blemish or a disease who lays himself in its shade puts his
ailments from him.

51. The tree of Life in Adams Paradise: whatever mouths

have tasted its fruit have not afterwards gone to death;
wherefore because of that tree Adam and Eve were exiled from
Paradise; for if they had tasted the fruit of that tree, death
would not at any time have visited them, but they would have
been alive for ever. Twelve crops it produces every year, to wit,
a beautiful crop in every month. A journey of seven summer-
days the odour of Paradise extends, and its shade covers.

52. The tree Alab in the islands of Sab, its state is like unto the
form of man. The flower that it weareth quells every disease and
every poison. A journey of six summer-days the odour and the
scent of its flowers extend before they are reached. Precious stones
(arc) the kernels of its fruit. It quells anger and envy from every
heart over which its juice has passed.

53. The tree Nathaban, in the lands of the Hebrews here in the
south of Mount Zion, not far from you is it on the south of the
mountain on which ye are. Hitherto from the beginning of the
world no sons of men found it save on the one day when a tree was
sought for crucifying Christso that from its branches was
brought the shaft of the Cross by which the world has been saved.

54. Seven crops it yields and seven flowers it changes in every

year. To any man who has tasted its fruit neither disease nor
tribulation came: provided he eat it before death no . . . attended
him in his bed, but a head in sleep.' Never came on earth aught of
honey or oil or wine that would attain to resemblance of its savour.
The radiance of moon and sun and the shining of stars shines out of
its blossoms. From the beginning of the world its leaves and its
blossoms sing together two and seventy kinds of melodies at the
approach of the winds. Three hundred and sixty-five birds with the
lustre of snow, with all-golden wings, with shining eyes, wrhich
from its branches sing many melodies in many tongues. We know
that it is lawful language that they sing together; save that the ears
of men do not recognise it.

Said the sages of the Hebrews: O Lord, save that we dare not, it is
hard to believe much of what is announced to us.

Somewhat was heard: the Evernew Tongue: Abia fcble etc., that
is, A patient thing, quoth he, is the gracious heart of the King of
Heaven in that He doth not spill the earth for the deed of every
hour into the depths of torments, after all the blasphemy of Him,
and the insults and hostilities which everyones tongue lets forth
before Him.

Why see ye not, quoth he, that it was harder to believe in the
horned beast which the sea brought to the strand of Ceaphas on the
eve of Christs Nativity in the lands of the Hebrews? Streams of
wine flow from its lips before death. The hosts of the island, who
looked upon it, supposed that it was a mountain or a high island
that lighted on the strand. A stream burst out of the cheek as if out
of a vessel, and mead out of its lips. . . . Fifty and three hundred
white-faced horns out of its head in front. Six and fifty times as far
as the eye could reach was the length of the shape on the strand of
Ceaphas. There is room in each of those horns for the drink of a
hundred and fifty: they remain till to-day in your cities, quoth he.
It were no harder to believe this tale than to believe and accept
His commandments.

58. A bird of enormous size named Hiruath, is in the lands of

India. Such is the size of its form, that the shadow of its wings,
when it expands them, extends to a journey of three winter-days by
seas or lands. It speeds on the wing a-hunting for the monsters in
the sea. Mountains of sand and gravel are what warm the egg that it
deposits (therein) after laying. A galley with sails and oars is built
out of the half of that egg after breaking it. Seven thousand soldiers
with their weapons and their provisions is what it carries over sea.
And there is a great multitude of this host in this assembly here,
which came in the half of that egg over the Red Sea.

Do not, like a child in a dark house, show any unfaith to God

concerning the abundance of His miracles.

Suddenly then, afterwards, a warrior of the tribe of Judah rose up

out of the assembly in the east, to wit, the son of Habes, son of
Gomer, son of Sala, son of Judas Iscariot, who betrayed his Lord
the son of malediction from old times. He arose and said: A false
thing, quoth he, is the tree with the birds of golden wings, and
with the melodies, of which this person has told us. Meseems that
it never came to pass. A question: what would have hidden from
everyones eves the tree in the middle of the field ?

He turned withershins before the host of the assembly, southwards

in the southern part of Mount Zion; and forthwith he saw
somewhat, the fiery cloud. That cloud dissolved before his eyes;
and (then) he saw the tree with its beautiful fruits. Its blossoms
were shining like a sun. After this he heard the harmony, in the
many languages, of the all-golden radiant birds and of the
beautifully coloured leaves against the voices of the winds.

Suddenly then the sinful eyes endured not to look at the holy hues.
His eyes burst in his head. Again, then, goes to him the blast of a
fiery wind; and it went into his breast and into his face, so that they
became as black as a stag- beetle ; and it struck him half dead again
in the middle of the assembly; and he said: Eni jalia faste, etc.,
that is: " I am a rod twisted, faithless. And he said: Hard are the
torments that are before me and that await me. A thing of longing
is the fair plain I beheld, that no one ever saw before. Blasphemy
we have uttered: woe to him that has done it! Scarcely had he
spoken when he falls dead on the earth.

Thereat all the hosts of the assembly arise; and they did penance,
and this they were saying: O my holy Lord, for sake of Thy
mercy, and because of the fragility of the matter whereof we have
been made, let not wrathful reproach fall upon our unfaith! Wilful
crimes we have committed; but dark before our eyes was the
strange thing we knew not.

Somewhat was heard, the Evernew Tongue: Na itho etc. If all

your relatives, both sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, were
put to the sword, and then placed on cooking-hearths that you
might eat their esh, it were seven times easier to forgive that
(crime) than any blasphemy of God and unfaith as to His elements
and His miracles. For if there be any reviling of God and unfaith as
to His elements and the Trinity and the marvels that God has
wrought, there is neither in heaven nor on earth a turning of
repentance which heals anyone from it, but abiding ever and
endlessly in the depths of torments."

64. The sages of the Hebrews asked, saying: Tell us what Thou
hast begun."

Somewhat was heard: the Evernew Tongue: Alta fas," etc, that is,
God created, on the fourth day, the two and seventy kinds of the
wandering stars of heaven, with the ery circuit of the sun, which
warms the world, with the swiftness of wind, with the sense and
splendour of angels. Twelve plains under the anks of earth it
illumines in the . . . of every night that circuit against which the
ery sea laughs; and a circuit at which troops of angels meet and
rejoice after the brightness of night."

The sages of the Hebrews asked: Tell us of those twelve plains
that are under the anks of the earth and against which the sun
shines for light every night: since knowledge thereof is obscure to

66. Then the Evernew Tongue answered: This is [the way] the
sun goes in the eve of every night."

67. In the first place he illumines the transmarine stream with

tidings of the eastern waters.

68. Then he illumines the ocean of re at night and the seas of

sulphurous re around the red tribes.

69. Then he shines on the hosts of the children in the pleasant

elds, who send the cry towards heaven for dread of the beast that
kills many thousands of hosts under waves in the south.

70. Then he shines on the mountain with streams of re which

traverse the . . . plains, with the hosts of guardian (demons) in

71. Then shine the ribs of the great beast at which the four and
twenty champions arise . . . glen of the torments.

72. Thereafter he (the sun) shines over against the awful, many-
trooped fence which has closed round . . . of the hell-dwellers in
the north.

73. He shines in the dark glens with the sad streams over their

74. "So he illumines the ribs of the Beast that distributes the many
seas around the anks of the earth on every side, that sucks in the
many seas again till it leaves the shores dry on every side.

75. Then he illumines the ery mountain) which has been formed
of the re of Doom . . . every element.

76. Then he illumines the many beasts who, from the beginning of
the world, sleep the tearful sleep in the Glen of the Flowers.

77. Then he shines on the gloomy tearful plain with the dragons
that were set under the mist.

78. Then he illumines the ocks of the birds, which sing together
the many melodies in the Glens of the Flowers.

79. Thereafter he shines on the radiant plains with the wine-

owers that irradiate the Glen.

80. After this he shines against Adam's Paradise, till it rises up

from the east in the morning.

81. Now if the sun had a tongue to make them manifest there
would have been many tidings which he would relate on his

82. A question, say the folk of the Hebrews and the many
kindreds: the stars that thou hast shown to us previously, what
nature is in them? and the nature of all the stars is alike, as seems
to us.

83. Then the Evernew Tongue replied: Truly the nature of the
stars is not alike. In the first place the ten stars of Gabuen,
trembling takes them, and manes of re are put over their face to
foretell a plague or mortality on earth.

84. The other stars that surround the world from the hour of terce
to none. Then it falls into a trance until the same hour comes.

85. "Other stars, too, bring great heat or great cold or great
moisture on earth.

86. Other stars, then, they run to urge on the dragons that blow on
the world.

87. Other stars, then, they run to the end of fty years and (then)
seek a time for sleeping. When they fall asleep, they let... ery sea
in the glens of the tears. To the end of seven years they sleep, when
they awake at the shout of the holy angels and at the voices of the
dragons that dwell near the glen.

88. "Other stars run the six days and the six nights until the Sunday
comes. When the beginning of Sunday arrives, they commence
many melodies and fall asleep until Gods Sunday follows from
heaven. Then they wend upon the same course.

89. Alimea fantx," etc., that is, "On the fifth day God created two
and seventy kinds of ocks of birds, and two and seventy kinds of
beasts of the sea: each kind of them with its form and custom and
nature separately.

90. In the first place, the birds of the island Naboth. There shineth
not on the floor of earth a colour or splendour that they do not
radiate from their wings. They let their tears fall at cold and snow.
They rejoice at the heat and beauty of summer. They always
awake at midnight, and chant together string-sweet melodies.

91. The birds of Sabes, their wings shine at night-time like torches
of re. Whatever disease their wings when ying or their shadow
visits is left cured. In the season of winter and cold they fall into a
trance of deadness till they awake at Mayday. In their sleeps they
sing a gentle high song, like the thunder of wind.

92. The birds of Abuad in the islands between the east of Africa
and the sky. Never came on earth a beautiful colour that they do
not radiate out of their pinions. Never from the beginning of the
world has fallen a quill or a feather out of their wings, and never
has their complement or their number been increased. The odour
and fragrance of the owers and the taste of the seven wine-rivers
that traverse the bright plains, this is what satises them from the
beginning of the world. They rest not from chanting melodies, and
they were never weary till midnight came with the song of the
angels out of the cloud.
93. Then the three bird-ocks are dividedtwo birds and seventy
and seventy thousand in each bird-ock. At midnight the rst flock
upraise their cry; and they chorus praise to God in melody, and tell
of the marvels, mystic, innumerable, hidden which not even the
angels of heaven know.

94. Then the middle bird-ock arises with the threefold melody,
in admiration of the wonders which the Lord has wrought from the
beginning of the world till Doom.

95. Thereon, at the end of the night, comes the last bird- ock.
They describe with a song of sevenfold melody the noises that will
enter the world at the dread of Doom; and after this they relate the
septuagenary distribution of the punishments with those that shall
deserve them; and they tell of the two and seventy seats of the
beautiful houses in the heavens [which will be given) to all that
shall deserve them.

96. "Et divesir, alba," etc., that is, Adam's race, if they should hear
the music of those birds, would not be in gladness or gratitude if
they were severed from hearing it, but . . . and longing and grief till
they die in wailing.

97. E Zia," etc., that is, Let us make man in our own image and
likeness, and let him rule over the shes of the sea and the birds of
heaven, and the beasts of all the earth. Such is the versatility of the
might of the Lord that, after the trespass, there are four and twenty
forms in Adams race.

98. In the first place, the champions of the island Ebia. Six and
fty feet are laid in the length of each shape of them. They awake
not from their sleep, except for a sea-storm, or the shout of a battle
or an army, or the sound of melodies. When they arise out of their
sleep, their eyes shine like the radiance of stars. They . . . in the
seas wherein they are, so that the beasts and monsters of (these
seas) are cast ashore to satisfy them.

99. Fair, very amy tribes in the islands of Odab. Flames of re

come out of their months at the fury of anger. Their eyes shine like
torches of re at night; their hair and their bodies beam like snow
which is cast into great whiteness. Fish from many seas, without
cooking, without broiling, this is what feeds them.

100. The tribes of Ithier north of Mount Caucasus. Their mouths

(are) in their breasts: there are four eyes in their backs. Lust and
great heat (arc) in their bodies, so that (the womankind of) no other
nation has endured them.

101. Other radiant tribes in the lands of Asser. Nobler than every
kindred is the sight of their faces. So great is the harmony of their
utterances that the noise of their host is sweeter than (any)

102. The tribes of the south of India, with the smallness of their
shape. The longest of them only attain (to the length of)
I03. The women that are in the mountains of Armenia, greater are
their forms than (those of) any humans. They bring forth daughters
only. Harder than (those of) any men are their angers and their
valours in going to battle. At midnight they rise from their sleep:
out of their mouths they loose ashes of fire; their beards reach as
far as their navels. After their birth, gold that is brighter than every
blaze is always found in their right hands.

104. The tribes of [Ar]fones in the lands of Lybia. The pupils of

their eyes ame in anger like sparks of re. Not enough of men can
oome about one of them to overpower him by force. So great are
the loudness and sweetness of their voices that they are louder than
(any) voices and horns. At death they pour forth from their mouths
a stream of wine. In their sleep they sing a plaintive melody to
which nothing like has been found.

The Irish of this passage is obscure. The meaning of the verb

forberat (leg. farbmat P) being unknown. The Rennes us, has:
buaidhrit an mhuir re ailled a 5111 co (emit nu hlcdhmhih a tir
cucu lc nert I sl, 7 ithit sin iad mar bladh, they disturb the sea by
the glancing of their eyes, so that the monsters come ashore to
them through the strength of their eyes, and (then) they eat them as
105. Many shapes besides those have been set on Adam's race
after the Fall. For the first man that God made at the beginning He
created in His (own) form and likeness, and so would have been
the children born of Adam had he not transgressed."
106. The sages of the Hebrews asked, Tell us in order the number
of the kinships which God has put upon His creatures.

I07. That in sooth shall be reckoned for you," quoth he, to wit,
two and seventy kinships of beasts under seas: two and seventy
ocks of birds in the air: two and seventy kinships of beasts under
forest: two and seventy kinships of snakes that crawl on mould:
two and seventy kinships of fruits of the woods: two and seventy
kinships of the faces of stars that have been cast around under
heaven; two and seventy kinships of troops of angels in heaven;
two and seventy kinships of the anguishes of the torments in the
hells; two and seventy kinships of the melodies and bright abodes
in heaven; two and seventy kinships of the languages in the
tongues of men; two and seventy kinships of humans of Adam's
race. Insomuch that, according to the number of tribes, this is their
numberan hundred and fty-seven tribes throughout the world.
And under the world are many submarine tribes.

I08. Said the sages of the Hebrews: Tell us of the place of

connement in hell which God has designed for punishing the

109. The Evernew Tongue answered: Tis hard, indeed, quoth he,
to declare it. Even though I should commence from the beginning
of the world to announce it, I should not have related before Doom
all the trouble about which you ask as it (really) is. First, such is
the size of the glen and its depth, though the bird whose ight is
swiftest and strongest should set out, it could hardly reach its
bottom at the end of a thousand years.

'So in the Drum in clufimt Culvt, Celt. Zeits. iv. :35. The number
72 (= b x 12) occurs often in Middle-High-German literature, Lg.
Zwn und sibcuzig lriinige; mit zwein und sibenzig kielen,
Orendel, 402, 411. For these quotations I am indebted to Prof. W.
P. Ker. "CI. The Tidings of Dnanuday, Rev. Cell. iv. 236.
110. "Elestia libon," etc., "I know not," quoth he, " which of the
two is the more numerous, all the sands under seas, or all the kinds
of monsters for mangling the souls in hell.

I11. "So vast is the greatness of the despair in the pains that they
are unable to utter the name of God, for grief and hopelessness
through the immensity of the pains and through their multitude.'

112. "So vast is the greatness of the fire and the burning and the
heat that if all the waters of the world, both clouds and streams and
rivers and seas around the earth, were poured into the Glen of the
Pains they would not quench it, for it is the wrath of God that
seethes in the hells.

113. "So vast is the greatness of the exceeding cold that, if a breath
of cold like it were cast into the world by the hole of a pipe, all the
birds in the air, and the beasts under seas, and every living animal
it would find on earth would die.

114. "Such is the splendour of the fire that, if some of it were cast
by a pipe, all the waters found on the earth would ebb before it, and
the animals found there it would burn with the of the ground all
about them.

115. " Such is the extent of the darkness that, if some of it were
cast into the worldas much as the pupil of a man's eye, all the
birds in the air and the human beings and the beasts on the earth
would see neither splendour nor light for death.

116. "Such is the greatness of the stench in the lakes of the

torments, if one particle of it were placed on the breasts of the
world, all the beasts it would find in the world, both in sea and on
land and in air, would all perish.

117. "Such is the greatness of the hunger and the thirst there that, if
some of it were cast for a single hour into the world, all that it
would find therein, both beasts and men and birds, would perish at
the same hour from hunger and thirst.

118. "Such is the greatness of the fear which the souls suffer before
the torments that, if a particle of fear like it were to come into the
world, all the animals found in the seas and airs and earths would
be thrown into insanity and sense-lessness by terror, so that they
would die thereof.

1 According to the Duan in choicat Ceist, they are 72 in number.

119. "Such is the greatness of the grief and the sorrow and the
sadness, that if some of it were cast through a pipe into the world
there would be no warmth nor pleasure therein, nor faces of
friends, nor welcome, nor wine which would . . . them, so that
every heart which it would visit would die with grief and wailing.

120. "Though then I should undertake the labour, but even though I
should not cease declaring it, I should not declare (it) all before
Doomsday. A place wherein no voice was heard in ears, save woe
and fear and grief. A place wherein there was no pause for
consolation, nor appearance of joy on face. A place wherein there
has not been honour, nor respect, nor a friend's comforting, nor a
gentle word,' but abundance of sulphurous fire, and of stinking
winds, and plenty of fiery dark snow with bitter cold: chattering of
teeth: smothering of faces : stifling of breaths : abundance of fits of
coughing : affliction of hand-smitings : dropping down of tears :
sadness of groans : fearfulness of hearts : horror of forms :
ministration of torments, and their unmercifulness and their
shamelessness and their disgrace. There is burning on every side:
there is threatening on every side: on every side there is wailing
and screaming."

121. The sages of the Hebrews asked: "Tell us of the Day of

Judgment, and how the world will be destroyed, and at what time?"

122. The Evernew Tongue answered: "The Judgment about which

ye ask," quoth he, "it is unpleasant even to mention it. For even
angels of heaven are wont to have trembling and terror when it is
remembered and kept in mind. For matter of great trembling and
terror is the bursting of the three hundred and sixty-five ranges of

fiery mountains on earth before the face of the great King whose
might will destroy the world.

123. "The tottering and crashing of the five heavens at bowing

them to earth.

1. Love is everywhere but in hell, minne itt allenthalben wan se

helle, Titurel, 5i, cited by J. Grimm in his Deutsche Mythologic.

124. "The rising and roar of the seven fiery winds out of the poles
of heaven at the noise and approach of thunder and lightning on
every airt.

125. "The thundering of the falling of the three thousand three

hundred and seventy-five stars out of heaven.

126. "The moon turning into the colour of blood. The sun
destroying its light.

127. "Such will be the number of the host of heaven on that day
that no one, save God only, will have power that his eye should
comprise them or be able to count them.

128. "The laying low of the forests and the mountains by the fiery
tempest on every side.

129. "The crying of the beasts and of all the living creatures of the

130. "The hurling down of fire on every land.

131. "The screaming of the birds in the air at the streams of fire.

132. "The roaring of the monsters and the fish in the seas at the
ebbing of the oceans and before the heating of the fire.

133. "The coming of the nine ranks of heaven,' and the shout and
chorusing of the souls as they go to meet their bodies out of the

134. "The wailing and shout of the sinners complaining to the Lord
whom they have tormented; and for them it will be 'a cry to the
waste'; it will be ' repentance too late.'

135. "The shout of the dwellers in hell at casting forth the souls to
the assembly, that judgment be passed on everyone according to
his merit.

136. "The crashing together of the seven heavens at being thrown

down through blasts of fire.

137. "The shaking of the earth at being turned up and over.

138. "The wailing and shout of the devils and the souls of the
sinners, when hell is locked upon them to the end of Doom."

139. The sages of the Hebrews asked at what time, by day or by

night, the world was created, or will be destroyed, and the Lord
arose from the dead.

140. The Evernew Tongue answered: "At midnight," quoth he, "the
Lord arose, and the world was created; and at midnight was made
the circle that was the material of the world; and at midnight the
Enemy, even the Devil, was banished from heaven; and at
midnight was made the shape of man in paradise.

1 Sec infra, p. 162, note on 17.

141. "At midnight Cain committed the first parricide that was
committed in the world.

142. "At midnight sulphurous fire was cast on the five cities on
which the sea of fire is inflicted for ever.

143. "At midnight the Flood began to pour upon the world.

144. "At midnight the of the Lamb was celebrated at Ramesses

in Egypt.

145. "At midnight God's people went through the Red Sea, and
Pharaoh with his hosts was drowned.

146. "At midnight Babylon was overcome.

147. " At midnight the Saviour of the world was born at Bethlehem
of Judah; and at midnight He was crucified because of the sin of
Adam and his race: for great darkness of night came over the world
from terce to none.

148. "At midnight a troop of angels came over the islands of Sab,
and scattered mortality over the world.
149. "At midnight the Lord came to harry hell, arid loosed the
souls from the anguish and the misery wherein they had been, and
bound the Enemy and the Destroyer of the elements, and the
Robber and the Thief, and the Old Plunderer, even the Devil, in the
depths of hell.

150. At midnight the material of the world was formed; at midnight

it will be destroyed.

151. "As to the Lord who arose from the dead on this eve of Easter,
unspeakable is His power and His might, and His dignity, and His
deeds, and His services in His creatures from the beginning of the
world to the end of Doom. For all the beasts under seas, and birds
in the air, and cattle and [wild] animals and men on earth, and
angels in the heavens, and devils in hell, though they should
commence from the beginning of the world, they would, not,
before the Judgment, have declared one seventh of the works of

152. "Such is the fearfulness of His wrath, in the first place, that if
His mind were vexed and rose up against the household He has
made, the earth-dwellers would not endure that wrath. For if He
should shew His face with anger, the heavens would be cast on the
earth, and the seas around the world would ebb, (and) the earth
would perish so that nothing would remain thereon. The kingdom
of heaven and the angels would be cast into a trance so that they
would not appear in any place. Hell would increase, so that its
torments would be seven times greater than they are; for it is the
wrath of God that seethes in the hells.

153. "Of (all) things what were more marvellous than the Infant
sleeping between the Virgin's arms, while the elements, and even
the angels, trembled, and the heavens and earth with its inhabitants,
and the monsters in the seas, and the dwellers in hell, for dread of
His might and for exemption from being tormented.

154. "Such are the beauty and effulgence of His face that if all the
souls in hell were to look on the splendour of His countenance they
would not perceive trouble, nor pain, nor punishment in hell. Such
is the holiness of His form that no one who would look at His
countenance would be able to sin afterwards.

155. "Such are the effulgence and splendour and light of His face
that when the nine ranks of heaven shine forth, and every one of
those angels is seven times more radiant than the sun, and the souls
of the saints shine with the same likeness, and when the sun is
brighter seven times than now, the effulgence of the face of the
great King Who has made every element will angels and stars of
heaven, and the souls of the saints, even as the light of the sun and
his radiance surpass the other stars.

156. Such is the versatility of His power that, though all the
angels in heaven, and devils in hell, and men on earth and beasts
and whales under seas were to speak to God, and the language
which each of them spoke were different, it would be easy for God
in the same hour to answer each of those creatures in its own
several tongue and in its own nature.

157. Such is the beauty of the Lords form that, if it were

manifested, and if it were cast into the hells, they would be turned
into the radiances and into the lustre of heaven, like the celestial

158. Such then are the hue and effulgence of His face that were it
told to every impure soul to which God has given in reward of his
desire his death-step into the infernal abode, harder would it be
than any torment which the souls suffer, to wit, faring forth from
Gods countenance, and eternal separation from beholding His
face (harder than all the crosses and many torments of hell.

159. As the Lord is unspeakable, so His kingdom and His

blessedness are as unspeakable as He is. Sweetness of melodies;
welcome of faces; beauty of forms; splendour and flaminess of the
hosts; purity of thoughts; innocence of souls: a place in which was
heard no voice of anger, nor envy, nor grief, nor trouble.

160. Long-lived, then, are they who are called to that realm when
the Lord will say to them: Come, ye blessed ones of my Father,
possess the Kingdom that has been prepared for you since the
beginning of the world: where the light of the sun or the moon or
the stars is not seen; but the Lord will be the light, because He
Himself is the Fountain of Light: where will be health, and calm of
seas, and great peace and unconquerable charity: where life is
eternal: where old age will not appear: where delight will be
received: where feelings will be made clear: where there is a
paradise sweet and abundant: and splendour of angels, and
brightness of justice: and a royal palm, and golden rivers, and
melodious praise of angels, and meetings of all the saints; where
there is the heavenly Jerusalem, and neither grief nor sadness after
joy, but everlasting happiness: where good never has been, is, or
will be absent.

161. To man what will be more wondrous than that Kingdom

where neither poverty, nor nakedness, nor hunger, nor thirst will be
seen: where no eager desire or compulsion of raiment or food will
degrade, but he will be at the great ordained banquet for ever and
ever in the presence of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost;
where there are the three lights the best we read of, the light of the
King who bestows the Kingdom, the light of the saints on whom it
is bestowed: the light of the Kingdom that is bestowed there.

162. May we all attain to that Kingdom! may we deserve it! may
we dwell therein in saecula saeculorurn. Amen!

163. Said the Evernew Tongue to the tribes of the Hebrews: A
danger to you is the rivalry which ye have with God, and 0
wretched ones, ye will turn from your rivalry when ye are, body
and soul, pledged to Him in the stinking, fiery prisons of the
torments. For the perfect, all-golden very God has made all the
marvels and many various kindreds we have mentioned, both man
and birds and sea-monsters and animals, and has established the
seven heavens and the whole world, both air and earth, lire and
water. And tis He that banished Lucifer with his legions of
angels, owing to his arrogance and their pride, and tis He that
saved Adam with his children from hell; and mighty Christ has
saved the people of Moses from Egypt, and David from
Goliath, and Joseph from the prison. And tis He that saved all
the ghostly fathers and prophets and bishops and martyrs and
confessors and saintly women from torments at the hands of the
Pharisees and the Jews, with whom they were in captivity. 0
wretched ones, it said, it is impossible for me to reckon all the
marvels and many various kindreds in the world which the King of
the Angels has recounted.

164. The Evernew Tongue was holding long converse with the
tribes of the Hebrews during the day; and it seemed to them all that
during that time not a single hour of the day had come, because of
their delight in listening to it. For the sound of the sweetness of the
utterance was such that every speech that it made to them was
likened to the music of angels.

165. Thereafter the Evernew Tongue said to them: For your

instruction I have been sent by Christ. The tribes of the Hebrews
said: For having hearkened to you, we give glory to God. The
Evernew Tongue said: If (all) the tongues of the world were at it,
they could not cover the greatness of the Creators goodness; and,
0 wretched men, do not attempt to understand the powers of the
High King.

166. Thereafter the Evernew Tongue bade them farewell; and the
tribes of the Hebrews departed to their cities with exceeding
gladness and with great joy. And everything that had been said to

them was written down by them. And that instruction which the
Evernew Tongue gave was the beginning of the Faith. Finu.

Epilogue: I trust that this manuscript has been a great

blessing to you as it was me when I first encountered it.
Having now read it multiple times, I believe it to be most
relevant to not only the topic of the biblical geocentric
cosmology but also for its prophetic end of days
commentary on the second advent of Yahushua as linked
to the harvest of souls and determination of whether one
will be counted in number amongst the elect or that of the
children of perdition. This distinction, in my opinion, is
what predicates whether one will go forth to join in
company the wheat or the tares. Another trilogy which I
have been working on and will complete following the
publication of this book, I call the Great Contest. This
three-book set unifies in theme the first world age
spiritual election of humanity as it ties together with the
angelic rebellion, war in heaven, and concludes with the
second world age, physical incarnation of we as the sons
of God into fallen flesh form. The battle of light and
darkness, good and evil, and Yahweh Elohim with Satan
and legion is contained within the unified concept of this
theme as it plays out even now between the masses and
New World Order elites. I pray that the contents of the
flat Earth, firmament, and paradisiacal cosmological
trilogy help you to understand just how grand the
delusion of our indoctrination into the matrix really is and
how, why the children of the devil went to such lengths
to counterfeit the worldview, calendar, and holy days as
means to prepare the world for the coming of the
Antichrist. May Yahweh Elohim bless you in your

12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of
the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground,
which didst weaken the nations! 13 For thou hast said in
thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my
throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the
mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be
like the most High. 15 Yet thou shalt be brought down
to hell, to the sides of the pit. Isaiah 14:12-15

The seeker of lost paradise
may seem a fool to those
who have never sought the
other worlds.
- Jim Morrison


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